#but then I realised that Annabeth would probably be pretty happy to drop the Chase for Jackson considering her relationship with her family
"Mr Jackson how did you get the funding for this impressive facility?"
"My wife is famous :)"
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Day 10: “How’s the weather down there, babe?”
Three things: 1, this is set in the Empires on the Horizon universe, however you do not need to read or be caught up with that fic to understand what’s going on here. 2, i got so excited writing this i forgot all about the prompt and then had to go back and figure it out. 3, this is so horrifically sweet please be aware you might need to go to the dentist for cavities after this. I lied there’s four things; if you want full vibes while reading this listen to “Winter” by Tori Amos (chosen by my darling child, @little-league-coach-mako​)
non-canon complaint, Empires on the Horizon AU
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Annabeth Chase had been wanting to go to the lake cabins for over a year but between her and her boyfriend’s busy schedules and the continuously unfolding happenings of their friends’ lives it seemed almost impossible. But finally, three weeks till the end of December her and Leo are packing up their car and grabbing snacks for the break to the cabins.
It will be a well deserved, much-needed rest.
“You ready, my love?”
She looks around their room, as meticulous and pristine as they made it each morning. The white sheets tucked tightly into the bed, and the maroon throw angled over one corner so that the two sides hanging over the bed were exact in length. Their blinds had been drawn shut, but winter sunlight still leaked through their large windows, causing the white-oak floors to soften into magnolia.
“I’m ready,” She turns around with a gentle smile on her face, hands reaching for him.
He pulls her in for a hug, surrounding her with the warmth that always seems to radiate from him, no matter the temperature. His curls tickle her cheeks and she can smell the cinnamon and wood that seemed to be his cologne.
“You okay?” There is concern lacing his voice like wax; it makes her choke on emotions she didn’t even know she was holding down.
“I love you.”
Leo pulls back, worry in those beautiful brown eyes, “I love you.” He strokes her back gently, “Do you want to stay home?”
“No!” She bursts, “Gods no. I’m just tired and i can’t wait to walk into our little bubble and never leave.”
He simply hugs her tighter and she feels every wonderful feeling soar between their bodies.
Soon enough they’re in the car and on their way, with nothing but open roads and bare trees in their vision. The road trip is short, three hours at most, and Annabeth is content to listen to her boyfriend’s soft jazz and stare out the window, bundled in blankets and pillows, and snacks. Leo keeps a hand on her thigh for most of the drive, a comfortable weight and a reassurance that he is here, that he isn’t leaving. By the time they get there it is raining hard, battering the roof of the car like drums. It soothes her soul. 
They rush into the cabin in a blur of bags and slicking mud, laughing as the onslaught drenches them. Their curls become coiled and springy, losing all the effort they had put in before leaving. But they’re inside and it is warm and the clouds opening above them are a comfort that carries their feet to safety.
“I love it here.” Annabeth sighs, looking around. There’s a small table in one corner, and a large fireplace running through the middle of the space, separating the dining room from the lounge. The couch looks inviting, stacked with copious pillows and the fluffiest blanket she has ever seen. The kitchen is... quaint. All the necessary appliances are there but it doesn’t make the area look any less like an 18th century cottage.
Her boyfriend steps out of the room, where he had gone to put their bags away, and wraps his arms around her waist as they take in their home for the week. It is dark outside but the moon is high, casting a white glow between the clouds that gives the whole world a haunted look. The lake is pitch black but she knows when they wake up tomorrow it will be a glistening blue, sparkling against the weak sunlight.
“Want to have a bath?” Leo nuzzles her neck, “Get warm?”
“Yes,” She breathes, “And then can we make hot chocolate and snuggle up by the fire?”
His laughter is bright and lovely as he spins her around so they’re chest to chest. “We can do whatever you want, my love.” 
“Let’s go then!’ She tugs on his hand, racing to the bathroom. “I’ve got a new book i want to start.”
“Of course you do,” He scrunches his nose teasingly, “You nerd.”
“Hey, i’m not the one pursuing yet another degree.’ She gives him a pointed look. “I mean i love studying but a PhD and a masters later?” Her face pulls with exasperation, “Even that’s too much for me.”
He scoffs, slapping her butt as she bends down to turn the tap on, “I have to study if i want a degree in architecture.”
“You know i wanted to be an architect when i was little.” She mutters distractedly, swirling her hand in the water as it heats up.
“You did?” She can hear the surprise in his voice. “What stopped you?”
She smirks over her shoulder, “All the cute girls liked engineers better.”
“Yes that certainly seemed to be the case.” His eyes spark with joy as laughter bubbles out of him. It fills all the cracks inside her, like gold.
She strips and lowers herself into the steaming water, while her boyfriend gets ready to join her. And then, with a content sigh he gets in behind her, supple fingers already reaching to massage the knots that seem to tie themselves at her shoulders. With a groan she leans into him, letting the magic of the moment wash over her. It’s not surprising then, when she falls asleep.
She is woken up by the loss of heat at her back. Grogginess clouding her mind, she cracks an eye open and sees Leo standing over her, a towel around his waist.
“Can you help me, my love?” He grips underneath her arms. “I need you to push up so we can get you out of the bath and I can dry you off. Can you do that?”
Sleep is pulling at the exhausted strings of her body and it is a fight to hear what he says. But something pierces the hazy veil and she nods, digging her heels into the porcelain tub.
In one swift motion she is pulled out and stumbling into a warm body. A towel, coarse with freshness, rubs across her body; she doesn’t register much of the situation, swaying on her feet as her boyfriend dries her legs. A chilly breeze wraps around her bare arms, and she feels goosebumps rise on her skin. Oh dear, what if Leo is also cold? She should check on him. She blinks, blinks again, and realises he’s on the floor, rubbing her calves in a gentle motion.
“How’s the weather down their babe?” She mumbles, looking at him, or the blurry image of him, before her.
“Warm, love,” He smirks up at her, “View is great too.”
“Of course it is,” Her murmur is all sleep-deprived and unintelligible. She feels him press a kiss to her knee. “I'm tired,”
“I know angel.” His voice is so soft. Like marshmallows and clouds and sweetness. “Here’s a t-shirt.” He holds one of her hands as he guides it through the correct holes, and then her head, and her other hand. She moans contentedly.
Through her fluttering eyelids she sees a little smirk pulling at his lovely, candlelit face. “It smells good.”
“The shirt?” He kneels before her and lifts a foot to put on her favourite pair of fluffy socks. “What does it smell like?”
There’s nothing but pretty darkness, and molten brown eyes as she collapses into his arms. “Smells like you.”
Lifting her up so her head is against his chest, and an arm is tucked underneath her knees, he whispers. “Let’s go to bed, my love.”
Moments later she is gently put down in what can only be described as paradise. She sinks into the duvets burying her nose in the fresh sheets which smell like forests and rose-petals. Leo crawls in next to her, and after a bit of maneuvering she slings her arm around his waist and finds the spot between his neck and shoulders where her head fits perfectly. 
He kisses her head of curls, “Goodnight angel.”
It is the last thing she remembers before she succumbs to her exhaustion.
Annabeth wakes up to sunshine on her skin, and her nose nuzzling her boyfriend’s back. The room is quiet, save for Leo’s steady breathing, and she takes the time to observe their slice of Elysium.
A small writing desk sits in the corner, a stack of yellowed papers and a fake quill on top of it. The bed is situated in the center of the space with dark wood canopies framing it. And the huge window that sits to their right looks out to the lake which, as she had suspected, is bright blue. There is a small boat house tucked in the reeds that border the water and she knows before the end of the week they’ll have used the canoes housed there, and probably dropped the oars in the water about six times before they get the hang of it.
In the other corner of the room is the entrance to their bathroom; as she looks to it she realises with a startle that she needs to pee. Very badly. Trying not to make too much of a disturbance she slides out and races to the bathroom. When she comes back Leo is awake, rubbing sleep out of his eyes and sitting up, against their mountain of pillows.
“Hello love,” She smiles, tucking herself into his side, ‘How did you sleep?”
“Like the dead.” He grins, all white teeth and mischief.
“Me too.” She traces her finger along the smooth plains of his stomach. “I really was tired.”
He giggles, “I know. You couldn’t even keep yourself upright while I tried to towel you dry.”
She pokes him, “At least i didn’t fall back into the tub.”
“I would have left you there.”
Her gasp of disbelief sets them both laughing and when she reaches up to brush a kiss to his lips, she swallows his happiness like it’s her favourite drug.
“Shall we make breakfast and go for a boat ride?”
“First one to lose the oar has to plan the holiday party this year?” She smirks, holding out her hand to sign the deal.
Her boyfriend takes her hand in his, and pulls her closer so they’re barely a breath apart. “You’re on Chase.”
And when they come back from the lake hours later, Annabeth is the one to plan the holiday party because her boyfriend, no her fiancé, had surprised her with a ring. That’s really an honourable reason to lose an oar. Or both. 
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