#also I contemplated putting “Mr Jackson-Chase”
"Mr Jackson how did you get the funding for this impressive facility?"
"My wife is famous :)"
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bodytoflame-ao3 · 5 years
the world keeps turning – part 5
aka the ‘oh my god they were roommates’ fem!percy fic prompted from @percyyoulittleshit and turned into a disaster by me
subtitle: the thrilling conclusion of my week-long mental breakdown
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
AO3 Link
five // july
“Thanks, by the way. I needed this.” Annabeth says, gathering the playing cards back into a stack and dropping them into the case, which she tosses into the drawer of her bedside table.
“Anything for the birthday girl.”
“You remembered.”
“Yeah, I uh... I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to get you anything.” Birthdays were never a big affair for Annabeth, so she's not offended. She'd actually almost forgotten today was her birthday.
She vaguely gestures to the scene around them, “This is enough.” She really means it. She would take a quiet day with Percy over the chaos Camp could be any day.
“Are you sure everything’s okay?” It wasn’t like Annabeth to skip out on archery, let alone be the one to suggest it. Percy had managed to convince her to play hooky with her once or twice, but it had never been out of Annabeth’s own volition. She wasn't the type.
Annabeth weighs her options. It's irrational, she knows, but the fear of losing Percy is too much to bear; she made a promise to herself that she would never be left behind again. The other half of her  wants to tell Percy how her smile makes her stomach turn and her heart beat out of her chest; how she wants to kiss her until she forgets her own name. “Do you remember when... in the Labyrinth. Mount St. Helens.” She treads carefully, not wanting to be too direct.
Percy’s internal monologue runs about a million words a minute: She can’t be talking about that, can she? “I— uh.” she stutters.
Annabeth takes another steady, deep breath. She needs to know, and that means she's about to either have the best or worst birthday ever. “Right before I left. I—”
Despite her misgivings, Percy thought about that moment a lot. More than she should, really. “You kissed me.” She lets the words hang in the air for a second, “Why did you do that?”
It’s something she’s struggled with since it happened. She initially had no clue why Annabeth did it, because she thought she was straight, so she justified it as some heat-of-the-moment instinct that she'd never really understand, but ever since she told Percy otherwise... she wondered — hoped — that maybe, she liked her too. No matter how unrealistic that was; Percy hadn’t exactly been subtle with her attraction to her. If Annabeth felt the same way, she would’ve said something by now, right? Unfortunately for Percy, Annabeth's mind worked a lot different than hers did.
“Well,” she looks down into her lap, “I didn’t know, and that’s what I’ve been thinking about. For a while.”
Percy doesn’t respond, letting the silence hang in the air for a moment before Annabeth breaks it: “Thinking about... what that meant for me.” She hates this tension. The idea of just... leaving crosses her mind briefly. She could just run out of the cabin. Act like it never happened. She pushes the thought away (1. because she's stronger than that, and 2. she doesn't ever want to leave anyone feeling like she's felt half her life), quickly blurting out, “Did you think about it? About me?”
“Annabeth I...” Is she asking what Percy thinks she's asking? She’s too stunned to answer, and she considers pinching herself to make sure it's real. She’s thought and over-thought that kiss more times than she can count. “I mean, I have thought about... us.”
“Us?” Annabeth inquires, pushing the topic (she hopes not too far). As desperate as she is to talk about this — them — with Percy, she can't bring herself to be the one to say it. If she does, then it's her fault if something goes wrong.
After a moment of contemplation, Percy seemingly changes direction: “Annabeth, I scare myself sometimes. Some of the things that I can do? They scare me. Someday I’m going to hurt someone, and I don’t want that to be you.” For Percy, the thought of this actually being real is terrifying. It was one thing to daydream and pine over Annabeth, to imagine how soft her skin would feel against hers; what kissing her would be like; how she might lace her fingers into Percy's; wondering if holding her in her arms would be like home. The real thing? It makes her sick to her stomach, because that means she has to face the reality of herself — the things that eat away at her confidence and tell her she's dangerous; the things she's starting to believe. Annabeth thinks about what Sally said to her at the end of the school year, and it’s never been as evident as it is now. Percy's state is delicate, and she can't risk upsetting her right now, so she lets her talk. “When I was up on Olympus... when they wanted to make me a god,” she starts, “I thought about it. I really did.” She feels horrible saying it out loud. “Because I wondered if everyone would be better off without me putting them in danger all the time.”
“Percy.” It’s not like Annabeth didn’t know this was how Percy felt. She could see it in her eyes at times, just how tired she was. It was different hearing it from directly from her, and it sunk deep into the pit of her stomach.
If it was possible to hear pain, Percy was sure that’s what it would sound like. She doubles back, fighting off tears, “But I couldn’t do that to—“ She breathes deeply, trying to regain composure. Without thinking, Annabeth takes her hand, tracing small circles around her knuckles with her thumb. It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here.
“And at the River Styx,” Percy pivots again, “Nico said I had to focus on something that kept me tethered to the mortal world.” She tries to continue, tries to tell Annabeth that she’s the one person she can’t leave behind, but her voice is paralyzed. Percy practically prays that Annabeth saves her from this embarrassment and takes the reins of the conversation. She doesn't, mostly because she has no clue what to say; doesn't know how to process the fact that she's Percy's anchor — but also because she’s holding Percy’s hand and wow, she could just kiss her right now.
“You know, you’re not making this easy for me,” Percy forces a laugh through her now-scratchy voice.
Annabeth smiles, some of her confidence returning, though her stomach continues doing flips. She tilts her head towards Percy, “Did you think I would ever make things easy for you?” Her voice, soft and light, flows through Percy’s ears like a song she knows every single word to.
It’s then that her eyes meet Percy’s for the first time in a few minutes, their avoidance becoming clear. The smile falls from Annabeth’s face; letting go of her hand, she tentatively reaches out to sweep Percy’s hair behind her ear, lingering on her chin as she traces down her freckled face. Percy desperately wants to — despite Annabeth’s insistence she not mess with it — run her fingers through her hair and close the gap between them but she’s frozen in place with the new, intimate way her fingers are trailing along her jaw. She studies Annabeth's parted lips and curious gaze; she's looking at Percy like she would one of her architecture books: wonder, and infinite thought.
And she is — thinking, that is, but the only thing she seems to be able to think about is kissing Percy. Screw it. Her lips meet Percy’s, slowly, but only briefly, before she pulls away, not sure if it's okay. She soon realizes it is, and mentally scolds herself for not doing this sooner, when Percy kisses her again, like it’s all she’s ever wanted (it is); like she could kiss her forever and never stop (she could). Percy threads her fingers through her curls, and for once, she doesn't mind.
Her lips are soft, and salty like the sea; Annabeth almost laughs, because she feels like she should’ve expected that from the daughter of Poseidon. Percy, hesitating for only a moment, takes a hold of Annabeth’s waist and easily pulls her into her lap. For once, Annabeth isn't irked with their size difference, because they fit perfectly together. She drapes her arms over Percy’s shoulders without breaking away. Annabeth kisses her, softly, not quite sure of herself or what to do, only confident in the fact that she doesn’t want it to end anytime soon. Her mind races; because gods, she’s kissing Percy Jackson — and Percy Jackson is kissing her. With that thought, her body betrays her; and she mentally berates the smile involuntarily spreading across her face.
“What?” Percy laughs, leaning back to get a clearer picture of her. She's never been more beautiful, she thinks, than she looks right now.
Annabeth, at the sight of Percy's disheveled bangs and flushed face, feels a blush rising to her cheeks. Instead of answering her question, she takes her thumb to wipe off her tinted lip balm, now smeared on the side of Percy’s mouth. “Sorry.”
“Do I look like I’m complaining?” To be perfectly clear, she's absolutely not; if a little bit of lip gloss is the price she has to pay for kissing Annabeth, so be it.
“I don’t think so.”
“So can I kiss you again?” 
Annabeth nods. Percy’s eyes, all crystalline seafoam, look into hers, and she swears she can see the entire ocean in them. 
“Jackson! Chase! You two better be in here, ‘cause I did not just haul ass halfway across camp to—” Clarisse’s booming voice comes from around the corner into Cabin 6. Annabeth tries to pull herself off of Percy’s lap; she's only half-successful, bumping her head on the bunk bed and falling back into her pillow, because her legs are entwined with Percy's. Judging by the smirk now plastered on Clarisse’s face, it’s clear she managed a pretty good picture of what was going on. “About time,” she mutters, crossing her arms and turning on her heels to leave the cabin. “If you're not at dueling, I’m telling Mr. D! One hour!”
“Did that really just...” Annabeth untangles herself from Percy, and buries her head in her palms.
“That happened.”
Clarisse will never let them live this down, that much is evident, but Percy figures she better get used to it, because she knows they're going to be one of those couples. Mostly because Percy never wants to stop kissing her — and she doesn't think Annabeth has any objections to that, because she responds to the silence by practically flinging herself into her arms (and Percy feels so lucky for it).
“Why didn't you tell me?” Annabeth asks as soon as their collective laughter dies down, even though she knows the answer.
“We’ve been through so much together, and you’re one of the most important people in my life... I couldn’t mess that up.”
“Seaweed Brain, you’re never getting rid of me.” Maybe falling, Annabeth thinks, is okay, as long as she can get back up at the end.
She kisses Percy again. Because she can.
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cporiginalgarbage · 5 years
Running through the forest, Eleanor breathes heavily trying to shake the creature following her. Tightening her grip on the small knives in her hands, she tries to recall where she got them.
“Eleanor, come here please!” she hears her mother call from the kitchen. Opening her door, the young five-year old girl runs down the hall to her mother, holding onto a small box.
“Ma, that tall man came back! He-”
“What have I told you Ellie?” her mother inturrupts with a sigh.
“There is no ‘tall man’ watching you. Go put that away and get your shoes on, you’re going to be late for your first day of school.”
Shaking the memory from her mind, Eleanor doubles her efforts, tripping over roots and stones.
‘I know the exit is around here somewhere... if I can find it, I can escape.’ she thinks to herself, sharply turning to the left finally seeing evidence of foot traffic.
“There is nothing wrong with you, Eleanor. I’m not taking you to some shrink!” her mother yells once again, her face turning a deep shade of red.
Releasing a sigh Ellie nods, carrying her bag back to her room. Sitting at her desk she opens the blinds looking across the street. She doesn’t see the creature, but the white static starting to fill her mind alerts her to its presence.
“You could get rid of her, you know... you still have the gift I gave you.”
Nawing at her lip, Eleanor slowly opens the left drawer of her desk, opening a (poorly) hidden secret bottom. Pulling out the two knives slowly she looks back out the window, managing to catch a glimpse of the creature.
“My people have been keeping an eye on you and have reported your aim and overall skill with them have greatly improved. Is this true?”
Ellie nods slowly towards the creature across the street, instinctually opening both knives quickly to prove herself.
She remembers getting them a few months back, when she turned fourteen. It had been a long day at her own party, keeping her thoughts to herself and her mouth closed.
She was ready to fall asleep when she had noticed the small box on her desk. It had been wrapped in simple brown paper with a length of twine, creating a small bow. Her first thought was that whoever sent her this was horrible at wrapping gifts. The second thing that crossed her mind is that the box wasn’t labeled.
Against her better judgment, Ellie delicately pulled on the twine, watching it fall before slowly tearing into the paper. Inside was a small black box with a single slip of paper on top. The paper had that thing’s symbol: a circle with an ‘x’ going through it. Setting the slip aside Ellie carefully opened the box, two stainless steel butterfly knives sitting delicately inside.
Letting out a small squeak Ellie finds herself staring up at the night sky, blinking slowly. Collecting herself she stands back up with a groan, feeling some blood trickle down her side.
Solemnly Eleanor looks up at the night sky before taking a deep breath and contuining to run. Maybe if she wasn’t being chased she would have stopped to enjoy the clear night sky. Maybe if she were paying better attention to her surroundings, she would have know she was being herded deeper into the woods and away from both hope and civilization.
She knew she shouldn’t have followed that strange man into the forest. Who in their right mind would follow a masked man carrying a bloody pipe willingly? Eleanor doesn’t know what compelled her to follow this man. Maybe it was that strange symbol playing beek-a-boo under the collar of his shirt. Or maybe it was the hope some of her questions would finally be answered. Or perhaps it was because she didn’t have a reason to keep on living in a world that thought she belonged in a nut-house.
No matter the reason, Eleanor followed the stranger to a clearing deep in the woods, watching nervously as said man slightly lifted his mask, lighting a cigarette.
“Don’t talk, just listen.” the man said, relaxing his stance but keeping his guard raised.
“My master says you are to start your training early. Myself and another associate will be training you. Why you’re being trained isn’t for us to tell you. That creature you’ve been seeing your life is the one who wants you. He is very much real, and is very dangerous to those who oppose him.
Either him, myself, or my partner are always watching you. You can’t escape us. We are under strict orders not to harm you outside of training. Training will take place after school on Fridays. Every other weekend you will join us for a more intense, specialized training.”
Glancing at the strange man, Ellie shakes her head slowly, unwilling to agree to the man’s orders.
Looking around quickly, Eleanor freezes in her place, looking at the clearing she was bordering. This wasn’t where she was supposed to be. She should have been out of the forest by now, not deeper.
Glaring at her surroundings she slowly walks into the center of the clearing, an odd feeling washing over her. She knew this place somehow, memories of the area just out of her reach.
‘How does this keep happening?’ Eleanor things to herself, scrubbing her skin down roughly. At least twice a month for the past half a year there were blanks. Long periods of time just... gone. As if the time didn’t exist. The time always stoped on Fridays after the end of day bell, and didn’t return until the Monday morning alarm meant to wake her.
When she did finally wake up on Mondays, it was with the sick, sticky feeling of being covered in old dried blood. Where the blood came from, she never knew. She had to assume at least some of the blood was her own though, she always found new cuts and bruises covering her body while she showered.
Glancing around the clearing, Eleanor sees two men slowly make their way into the open space in front of her.
‘Masky and Hoodie’ her brain offers her, although where she got those names she can’t recall.
Masky seemed the most familiar, that yellow jacket flashing through her mind. From glances across the street to seeing him sitting on her desk watching her fail to sleep, that mask was one that would haunt her nightmares forever.
Hoodie on the other hand, was a mystery. She remembers seeing that stitched mask before, although she doesn’t remember when or how. All she knows is that her brain is telling her to be extremely careful.
Looking around the room, Eleanor flinches as all of the students sitting around her all turn around to stare at her, some of their heads turning at unnatural angles. Glancing at them, she jumps out of her seat quickly. Everyone had blood pouring out of their eyes and mouth. Blinking, she looks around the room slowly observing all the normal, human faces of her fellow classmates.
“Eleanor, is there something you wish to share with the class?” her history teacher, Mr. Jackson asked condensendingly.
Shaking her head, Eleanor sat back down quickly, choosing to watch the world pass by outside. It was very common for her to hallucinate, but it was also rare they were that horrifying; not to mention while she was at school.
Staring out the window she looked around for one of the things that were always watching her. 
‘Today seems as if it is going to be a rough day.’ she sighs, noticing three beings instead of the usual one watching her from the tree line.
Looking away from the window Eleanor tries her best to focus on her classes, somehow only inturrupting two other classes during the rest of the day despite the horrid visions she sees throughout the day.
Covering her ears reflexively, Eleanor doesn’t need to turn around to know that the creature, ‘Slenderman’ her mind once again offers, is standing behind her.
“Eleanor Turner,” she hears from in front of her, the voice deeper than that of the average humans.
“Today is the day you decide your fate. You may either join us and work for our Master, obeying his every word and order to the best of your ability, or we will kill you where you stand.”
“Come here, child.” that staticy voice says quietly, whispering in the deep crevices of her mind.
Blinking groggily, Eleanor walks quietly to her back door, sneaking out to greet the creature hidden in the shadows of her yard. Eleanor learned fairly quickly to listen to the strange being when he spoke to her. The last time she hadn’t, she wound up waking up in the intensive care unit with a full recollection of what that creature had done to her; not like anybody would have beleived her if she had claimed recollection of the accident.
“Good job child, you are learning quickly.” The creature purrs, patting the top of her head like you would to a pet or well behaved toddler.
“This Friday, you will not go to your classes. One of my proxies will be collecting you in the morning. You will follow their orders as if they were my own; because the are my own. Do you understand, child?”
Eleanor nods slowly, keeping her eyes cast down unwilling to meet his gaze.
“Good. I trust you will not disappoint. You know what will happen if you don’t.”
Breathing deeply Eleanor flicks her wrists letting her two knives flip open, effortlessly avoiding the blades as they were revealed; unwilling to go down without a fight.
“Do you beleve you can beat us?” Hoodie laughs, looking over at Masky.
“If you can beat him, you will join us. Or, you will die. Does that sound fair?” he asked, looking at the creature behind her. 
He must have agreed, if the hop in the masked man’s step as he twirled the metal pipe in his hand was any indication.
“I didn’t think you would be here, let alone waiting.” the masked man chuckles, looking over her form.
Eleanor was dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans with a thin purple t-shirt, pacing around her dorm as she contemplated her life.
“Although you’re probably going to get cold. I’d put something else on.” he says shaking his head.
“It gets rather cold at night.”
Rolling her eyes at the man, Eleanor reached into her closet, wrapping a thick shawl around her shoulders, tossing on a beanie for good measure.
Nodding in approval the masked man makes a motion to have her follow him, walking off the campus heading towards the woods.
“So, you’re going in for an English major, correct? Your records say you’re set to graduate early.”
Nodding Ellie agrees with him, not bothering to wonder how this man, who she learned just the other week is called Masky, knows this information.
“This is going to be your first test. Think of it as... midterms. Our master is excited to have you join our family... although I am curious. Why have you never tried to escape him? To escape us?” he asks slowly, stopping to turn and look at her.
Sighing, Ellie pulls a small notebook and pen out of her pocked just for ocassions like this.
Masky watches her curiously as she starts writing, tearing out the sheet and handing it to him.
“I tried twice. Once I fell off the grid, managed to stay hidden for nearly a month. Other time was a suicide attempt. He saved me, then punished me.” Tim mutters under his breath looking back at Eleanor, sorrow filling his eyes hidden behind his mask.
“You tried to off yourself?”
Nodding, Eleanor stretched her neck, showing him a long, dark scar obviously caused by a blade running across the tender flesh.
“Shit man, I’m sorry. I know what you’re going through, and how horrible his punishments can be.” Tim finds himself saying continuing their trek deeper into the woods, turning down a hidden path.
“You have your first mission this weekend. Unlike with training, which is always erased from your memory, you will remember this mission when you return to college on Monday.”
Jumping back startled, Eleanor barely dodged the swing of Masky’s pipe berfore jumping back, trying to keep her distance.
This wasn’t the time to remember how she got here. She was here to fight for her life.
Widening her stance Eleanor crouched down as Masky rushes her once again, stabbing the outside of his thigh; quickly pulling her knife away unwilling to lose her defences.
Eleanor stops scrubbing her hands, looking at herself in the cracked mirror. After completing her first real mission, Masky and Hoodie had taken her to their current base of operations; a run down cabin not far from the edge of the woods.
She had killed that man. She felt his life leave his body, and she had enjoyed it. Turning quickly, Eleanor released the contents of her stomach into the chipped toilet, coughing roughly. She hated that she enjoyed that almost as much as she hated the thought that she didn’t hesitate to end that poor man’s life.
Wiping off her mouth she silently makes her way down the short hall, stopping at the corner hearing the two men talking.
“I didn’t think she would actually kill him.”
“Me neither. She always holds back during training, I thought the same would happen here.”
“She seemed to enjoy it, but her humanity is in the way. We will have to tell Master she isn’t quite ready.”
“I know.” one of them sighs.
“Hey, do you know why she doesn’t talk? Apparently even Slender has only heard her voice twice.”
“Who cares? She follows orders and has more potential than that kid he returned with the other week. Sucks she isn’t to join us until she’s twenty-one.”
Looking up, Eleanor holds her arm, trying to stop the bleeding. Across the clearing stands Masky, carefully bulling the blade out of his hand; wrapping cloth around the hole.
Not long after another, shorter man wearing orange tinted goggles and some odd mouth cover entered the clearing, standing beside Hoodie.
“-evenly matched.” one of them says looking on as if this were a normal occurance. For them, it probably was.
It was her twentieth birthday. Soon she wouldn’t be here anymore. In only three-hundred sixty-five days she would undergo her final test. If she were going to be completely honest, Eleanor was looking forward to the day. In her short twenty years in human society, all she had experienced was greed and hatred from those around her.
But while she was with the others, Masky and Hoodie, she felt relaxed. Almost enough to talk to them. Those two knew of the evil in the world.
Looking around, Eleanor looks down at the boxes in front of her. She knows the three boxes are from the others, her mother never bothering to remember her birthday. Even when she did, Eleanor was lucky to get a text.
Opening the smaller of the boxes first, Eleanor pulls out a pair of glasses with pink tinted circular lenses. The next box was very straight forward, a simple knife sharpener sitting inside its confines.
The last box was bigger than the others. Opening the box slowly, Eleanor lifts the mask out of the packaging. The mask was similar to Masky’s in which the eyes were wide and had a material that would hide her real eyes and feelings from others. But that’s where the similarities ended. Instead of the feminine lips, her mask featured a bold ’x’ where her lips would be resting on the other side.
Under the mask sat a small note that she gently picked up, reading it slowly.
‘Happy Birthday. One more year and you shall join our family, Hush.’
The letter was signed with the thing’s signature symbol; Masky, Hoodie, and ‘Toby’ signed underneath.
Hush... Eleanor had to chuckle at that. If that was the alias she had been given, someone had an odd sense of humor. Although she did have to agree that ‘Hush’ was a fitting name.
“Enough.” They hear, everyone’s head turning to the tall creature as it appeared in the center of the clearing.
“Eleanor Turner. You have proved yourself. No human has ever lasted as long as you have against my proxy. Are you going to join me, or die where you stand?” he asked, giving her a final ultimatum.
‘Join you. I’ve seen evil in this world, and you are not it.’ Eleanor signs after putting her remaining knife away, looking up at him.
The creature seems to be pleased with her answer, the static inside her head quieting significantly.
“You will forget everything from your past. You will only remember your first name, date of birth, and agreeing to my conditions. Now child, will you join me, following any and all orders to the best of your ability until the day you die or are no longer of use for me?”
Reaching up Eleanor takes his hand, shaking it.
“I would enjoy nothing more than to purge the world under your name, sir.” she speaks, sealing her fate with a grin.
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oops, i (fake) love you, ch.10
That’s the only word Percy can come up with when he remembers the supposed double date he has with Piper and Jason. Shit, because he screwed up the whole thing. And chances are, he blew up the only chance of convincing everybody with his and Annabeth’s relationship.
And that’s another thing: Annabeth.
Everything had been running smoothly up until he snapped at her because apparently, he’s still very bitter about what happened four years ago. And she wasn’t even talking about that! He basically put her on the spotlight and gave no chance of hearing her side. Now, she had stormed out and is undoubtedly shouting curses at him.
God. He’s really a douche.
Moments after she slapped him and ran away, his mind cleared of anger and he immediately felt shame like a cold water had been dumped on his head. He can’t look at his friends for he feared that he’ll break down and feel sorrier for himself.
“Oh no, you guys didn’t just break up because of us, did you?” Piper asks, a definite horror on her voice.
If he’s still mad, he’ll most likely snap at her; but at this point, he’s just tired and ashamed that he lost control of himself. He’s angry and bitter at Annabeth yes, but she didn’t deserve to be humiliated in front of his friends. Besides, there’s a proper place and time to acknowledge and talk about everything in between.
“I don’t know,” he answered, unsure.
“You don’t think you should follow her?” Jason asked.
“It’s best to leave Annabeth when she’s mad.”
At this, Piper seemed to shrink more in her place. Her eyes screamed guilt. “Percy, I’m so sorry. If I knew how this would turn out, I never would’ve forced you guys to come here.”
He waved her off. “It’s fine. I’m sorry but I also have to go.”
Even though it’s already been two days since that incident (Saturday and Sunday, where he spent most of his time mulling over the events leading to the disaster). His gloomy mood apparently haven’t escaped his mom’s worried eyes.
“Are you okay, Percy? Something you want to talk about?” Sally, his mom, asked.
“I’m fine,” he said through muffled voice. He’s lying face down on the couch, his face covered by a pillow. Sally raised her eyebrows at him.
“Fine, it’s just...uh, girl troubles.”
“Girl troubles? I never knew you had a girlfriend.”
Shoot. He forgot that he hadn’t told his mom about Annabeth yet. To be fair, he never really wanted to add his mom to this dating lie.
“It’s, um, it’s just recent,” he answered evasively.
Sally looked at him, skeptically, but eventually resumed to sorting out the groceries. “What’s her name then?”
He sunk further into the couch, pretending like he hadn’t heard the question.
“Uh. It’s...Annabeth.”
Sally froze midway, and turned to look at him with wide eyes. “Annabeth? Do you mean Annabeth Chase?”
“The same person as our old neighbor and your best friend Annabeth?”
“Yes mom. It’s the same Annabeth we both know.”
Sally looked contemplative for a moment, but then she shrugged carelessly and smiled. “Huh. Can’t say I didn’t see that coming.”
“Really? You aren’t mad?” Percy asked.
“Why would I be? I’m just glad you guys got together. It’s really bound to happen at some point,” Sally said. “Anyway, I think you’d both overcome whatever this challenge is just fine; you’d just have to give each other a time to think.”
“I don’t think she’d even want to talk to me.”
His mom sent a curious look at him. “What did you even do?”
“It’s just—I’ve said something that made her mad. And then she stormed off.” He left the part where she actually slapped him; he really didn’t want his mom prodding further if she knew that.
“I’m sure a few days off can cool down that anger. And then apologize.”
“Okay, I’ll do that. Thanks mom.”
On Monday, he’s more composed than last time, but Annabeth still hasn’t glanced his way yet. He stared at her for the whole Mythology class, but it’s either she didn’t feel his gaze or she’s just purposely avoiding him.
His brain thinks that it’s the latter.
During lunch, his friends are more somber; and they didn’t ask questions on why his eyes keep darting towards the cafeteria doors. Though Piper did ask quietly, “Have you talked to her yet?”
He shakes his head. “Probably tomorrow.”
Piper nods and squeezes his arm. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get past this.”
Some part of him thinks that, ‘hey, it seems Piper is now on the ride on believing them’, and the other part of him wonders whether he should continue with this thing. After all, Annabeth doesn’t look like she wants to be around him anymore. And really, who was he to expect that after all of these, Rachel will suddenly take an interest on him. He should just save himself the trouble and tell the truth to his friends.
But no. Because for one, he isn’t a quitter, and a minor disagreement won’t deter him from seeing this plan to its end. Second, because he sort of told his mom about it. And third, because if this was the chance for him to clear things out with Annabeth, then he will gladly do it. It feels nice not to constantly hate someone, and knowing that he could possibly be friends with her again is already a reward on its own.
Now, he just needs to convince Annabeth that this will be worth it.
For once, Annabeth isn’t feeling mad at Percy. She was initially mad, yes, but as she thought about it, her feelings gravitated towards disappointment more than anything. Disappointment because they were so close to convincing Piper and Jason, but ended up ruining the whole thing. Disappointment because instead of talking it out like real rational adults (okay, teenagers), they acted out immaturely and ended up hurting each other.
As much as she wants to blame him, she’d also helped stir the tension between them. If she’d just been more levelheaded, they could’ve avoided the entire problem from happening. But that’s already past them, and now she didn’t know how to move forward.
Is the fake dating thing still on? Or is that fight constitutes their fake break up?
She gets her answer the next morning while she’s preparing for school. She’s prepared herself for an awkward breakfast (as it always is whenever her dad actually manages to tear himself from his work) after she finished dressing up. She’s currently sat across the twins, munching silently on her toast and orange juice, all the while pretending that she’s actually part of the family breakfast, and not just the awkward first child from the first wife.
The doorbell rings, and weirdly enough, Fredrick actually stands up and checks the door. Annabeth pays no attention to it; after all, it’s probably just some neighbor complaining about the trash or something.
She’s startled, however, when her dad actually turns to look at her. He looks awkward and partly curious as he gazes at her. “Annabeth?” he calls.
“There’s a boy looking for you.”
“A boy?” she asks. Her stepmother, for once, actually chances a glance at her. Then her eyes quickly flit back to the twins.
“If I’m not mistaken, I think it’s Percy Jackson,” Fredrick says. “Should I send him away?”
Percy? What is he doing here?
“Uh, no.” She stands up and puts her plate on the sink. “I’ll go talk to him.”
Her dad is still lingering at the doorway once she spots Percy standing awkwardly outside. Fredrick looks at both them, and he flickers his fingers between Percy and Annabeth. “Are you two...um, dating?”
There’s a moment of silence where neither them know what to say, until Percy lets out a squeaky ‘yes’.
“Oh. Good.” Fredrick raises his glasses along his nose. “I’m glad it’s you. You’re a good man, Percy.”
“Uh, thanks Mr. Chase.”
Fredrick looks uncomfortable for a moment, like he’d rather be in any place other than this. He clears his throat. “Also, um, don’t rush into things. Be safe.”
Her cheeks redden and she bets Percy’s face is flaming too. She gestures outside. “Right, Dad. Um, we’re just going to talk over there.”
“Okay. Sure.” Then, he turns back and heads inside.
“That was...awkward,” Percy mutters quietly.
“Good thing he didn’t follow it up with a long talk about the birds and the bees.”
“That would be mortifying.”
She hides back a smile. She turns to Percy questioningly. “So, what brings you here?”
The boy starts fidgeting under her gaze, and he nervously runs a hand through his hair. “So, listen. I know we hadn’t left things in a good place, and I want to let you know that I’m really sorry for everything I said back there. It was really out of the line and was just plain rude. I shouldn’t have pressured you talk about it in front of my friends; we really could’ve talked about it some other time. Also, I’m sorry for snapping at you. You didn’t deserve it.”
There’s a brief moment where she doesn’t respond, and she knows Percy waits with bated breath until she nods and shrugs casually. He sighs in relief.
Annabeth takes in a deep breath and fiddles with her fingers. “Okay. Apology accepted. I-I also want to apologize for slapping you at the diner. It wasn’t my intention to hurt you, and it just happened so sudden that I hadn’t had enough time to, well, think about my action. I guess I just got, y’know, fired up with everything.”
“And I’m really sorry for that. I honestly don’t know why I said everything that I said.”
She chooses to ignore that. Annabeth knows why, and she knows he knows too. But they’re still treading on new waters after building a bridge of temporary truce, so that topic will have to be addressed some time later. Preferably when they are already knee-deep into this mess.
Percy holds up his pinky to her with a smile. “Truce?”
“Truce,” she repeats, as her pinky hooks into his and tugs. “So we’re still doing it?” she asks.
“I hope. Although I understand if you don’t want to, knowing everything that I’d dragged you into. But I really hope you’ll give me second chance. I swear I’ll be reading and doing all the notes you’ll be giving me. I’d even advance study!”
“You never advance study,” she comments lightly.
“But now I’ll try. I’ll be the best fake boyfriend understudy.” Then he pulls that wide look with a matching pout that vaguely resembles a cute baby seal. One that she knows haven’t lost a favor in his way.
“You know that’s cheating right?”
“Anything to win you over.”
She shrugs nonchalantly, but there’s a smile pulling at her lips. “Okay then. Let’s date.”
“Really? That’s it?”
“You want me to make it harder?”
“No. I just—I never expected it to be this easy, especially after, y’know, the diner fiasco. But this is great,” Percy says as he smiles at her. “More than great, actually.”
Annabeth nods. “Yeah, well, I can’t deny that I was mad at you at first. But that just transformed into disappointment since we both acted like a child instead of handling it like an adult.”
She waves her hand dismissively and turns to him. “Anyways, enough of that. Is this the only reason you came to see me this morning? At my house no less?”
For the second time this morning, Percy blushes. “Uh, I was thinking that maybe we can walk to school together?”
There’s no word to describe the look in her face other than incredulous. “Why?”
If possible, his cheeks redden even further. It’s a weird shade, especially with his tan skin. “It’s just that, I’ve frequently seen couples do this, and I wanted to show you that I’ll really bring my A-game here.”
“That’s really nice, but walking can take up 45 minutes.”
“Oh. I...forgot to factor that,” he says slowly. “So, no to walking then?”
She shakes her head.
“Let’s just take my car.”
“Good idea.”
The ride towards Goode took only about 15 minutes, which left them a couple of minutes of free time before the first period.
Interestingly though, the car ride was far from what she expected. While she readied herself for a tense silence, especially after what happened at the diner, she’s surprised that it’s been filled with small talks that did not feel awkward at all. Maybe, it’s because of their temporary truce; that they had promised to sort out through their mess when the right time comes. Maybe, it’s the acknowledgment that even though they had a rough patch, they’re still willing to move past that and work with each other.
Whatever may that be, she’s glad for it.
A/N: So, this was pretty okay-ish chapter. I really have no intention to drag out the fight, I just need Percy to realize a few things.
Sorry for taking a bit long to finish this chapter. To be honest, I was three-fourths done when my creative juices left me, so I couldn’t wrap up this chapter. Also, I’ve binge watch an anime and read A Court of Mist and Fury, which took up a lot of my time.
Anyways, enough of that and see you next chapter! Don’t forget to favorite, follow, and review!
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blackjacktheboss · 7 years
an au (inspired by this post) in which Annabeth is a mob boss and Percy is her ocean photographer boyfriend. Shout out to Hannah for being the best beta ever and for headcanoning this au with me pretty much non stop for the last few days. 
The fluorescent lights of the interrogation room flicker, giving it a strange glow that makes Percy’s eyes hurt. His fingers tap the beat of some pop song that had played on the radio earlier today onto the metal table that sits in front of him. The table is cool to the touch despite the warm, stale air that hangs in the room, and the accompanying metal chair is starting to make his butt numb despite it only having been here ten minutes.
Shuffling sounds begin emanating from the door in the corner of the room across from Percy, and soon it creaks open. First to step through is a tall blonde man with piercing blue eyes. His athletic build fills up the doorway as he pauses briefly to appraise Percy. Percy appraises him right back, noticing a scar on the corner of the detective’s lip and half of a tattoo that peaks out from under the cuff of his sleeve.
As soon as the detective steps into the room, another enters behind him. Her posture is impeccable and she walks with her head held high like she’s a warrior entering battle. That can’t be good, Percy thinks afterwards. She has on a royal purple blouse that pops against her brown skin, and her black hair is pulled into a braid that cascades over her shoulder.
“Hello, Mr. Jackson,” starts the blonde detective. “I’m Detective Grace and this is my partner Detective Arellano. Thanks so much for agreeing to come down to the station today to talk to us today.”
Percy smiles with a calm confidence, “Of course. Always happy to do my civic duty.”
Detective Grace pulls out one of the metal chairs opposite Percy and twists it around, sitting down and leaving over the back of hit as he sets down a file in front of him. Detective Arellano sits to her partner’s right, relaxed in her chair. Her hands are folded and resting on the table, while her eyes are like black marble, completely shutting Percy out from being able to get a read on her.
Percy shifts in his seat, having reached maximum discomfort, and folds his arms across his chest. “So, what’s this all about?”
Detective Grace carefully slides the file towards Percy while making direct eye contact. “This is in regards to your connection to Annabeth Chase.”
Percy reaches to flip the file open and scans the first page. It appears to be a profile on Annabeth, with a list of possible aliases, crimes she’s suspected of, and a surveillance photo of her leaving what looks like a warehouse.
“There is an ongoing investigation into the activities of Ms. Chase. Were you aware of that, Mr. Jackson?” Detective Grace inquires.
“You know, Detective Grace,” Percy says, leaning forward a bit and lowering his voice, “If I were a jealous man, I might accuse you two of being obsessed with my girlfriend.”
Detective Arellano stands, the shift of her chair sending a screech through the air, as she walks around the table to lean against it so she is still facing Percy.
“I assure you this isn’t a joke, Mr. Jackson,” Detective Arellano chides.  
“Please, call me Percy. And I’m sure it isn’t. I doubt the city’s finest would call me down to the station for questioning if they didn’t have anything concrete to ask me about. So, shoot.” He gives a half smile, fully aware of what an asshole he’s being.
“Okay, Percy,” she says, with a hint of annoyance. “The fact is this: the woman that you’re dating is violent and dangerous, and we’re concerned about what happens to you when she decides she’s done with you. Let us help you before that happens.”  
Percy places his right hand over his heart, “Wow detectives, I’m really touched by how much you care. Ignoring the bit where you assume she would be the one to dump me, of course. But I promise you, I’m fine. Thanks for the concern though, it really does mean a lot.”
“What is it you think she does, Mr. Jackson?” Detective Grace asks pointedly.
“She runs a very successful import and export business, everyone knows that. And I said you can call me Percy.”
Detective Arellano reaches to her left and picks up the file that Percy had left open on the table. She flips through it, “Annabeth Chase kills people, Percy. She has mob connections that run deep, and we’re the ones trying to make it right. How long do you really think it’ll take her to set her sights on you?”
Percy sits quietly, contemplating if he should change his approach to the conversation. Maybe being his usual smartass self isn’t the move in this given situation. But, really, who is he kidding? “So you’re saying my girlfriend is, what? A mob boss? And you think I’m next? I hate to tell you how to do your jobs, detectives, but look at me. I am way too adorable for anyone to kill.”
“Mr. Jackson,” Detective Grace sneers, “Whether you want to realize it or not, the fact is that your girlfriend is responsible for countless deaths and a number of other crimes. What we’re asking for here is some cooperation from someone that everyone says is a good guy.”
“So you’ve been asking about me? You two really know how to make a guy feel special.”
“We do our research,” Detective Arellano interjects.
Detective Grace grabs the file from his partner and flips to a new page. “Perseus Jackson, also known as Percy, age twenty-seven. You’ve been a professional ocean photographer since you were twenty. Raised by your mother, no siblings. Attended art school for a year before dropping out due to financial reasons. Your record is clean except for a few parking tickets here and there. And for the last eight months you have been in the company of one of the most notorious criminals on the Eastern seaboard.”
Percy does his best to keep his face relaxed, “I’m not hearing a question, Detective Grace.”
The detective’s eyes narrow, “Here’s a question for you: how does such a normal guy end up dating a crime lord?”
A laugh escapes Percy before he can stop it. “That’s cute, detective. I actually have a question too: if she’s a crime lord like you say, then why isn’t she in prison already?”
“We both know things are often more complicated than that,” Detective Arellano retorts.
Percy senses a shift in the mood of the room. The detectives exchange a quick glance, silently coming to the conclusion that Percy will not be the ally they had hoped he would be. To them, Percy senses, he has aligned himself with the wrong side. And that means he’s now the enemy as well.
“Tell me, Mr. Jackson,” Detective Grace taunts, “What’s it like to have a girlfriend who makes more money than you ever will? Gotta be frustrating, right? I mean here you are, suffering for your art, and she’s got more money than she knows what to do with.”
Percy looks down as he pulls back the sleeve of his jacket. “Do you like my watch, Detective Grace? It’s a Rolex Deepsea watch, it’s worth about ten thousand dollars. Normally I’m not a high-end brands guy but I can dive almost 13,000 feet with this on, so it really does come in handy. Wanna guess who it was a gift from?” He asks, throwing an impossibly smug smile at the detective. “What can I say? I’m spoiled.”
“Percy, if you don’t help us now, there’s no way either of you make it out of this alive,” Detective Arellano appeals. “I can tell you care about her, so you have to do what’s best for her. I know it may seem like a betrayal, but trust me, this is better than us having to come in guns blazing.”
Percy doesn’t flinch, “I’m sorry detectives, but I don’t think I’ll be much help to you. I’m just an ocean photographer who is dating a business woman. No more, no less. Now if that’s all...”
Detective Grace and Percy lock eyes for several moments, one man an immovable object and the other an unstoppable force.
“Annabeth Chase may be a highly intelligent criminal,” Detective Grace stresses, “But she’s a criminal all the same. It’s our job to make sure people like her get put away, and now is when you get to decide if you’re going to let her take you down with her.”
Finally Percy stands, stretching up towards the water stained ceiling before straightening and smiling at the detectives. “I’m afraid I have a shoot later today that I have to prepare for, detectives, so I’ll have to be going. I hope you find whatever it is that you’re looking for though.”
Detective Arellano stands as well, leaving only a foot of space between her and Percy. “We always do.”
Percy smiles and nods without a word, walking around the detective to exit the room. He opens the door, its loud creak filling the small space once again. “I know you guys are probably going for an aesthetic in here, but you should really get some WD-40 for this thing.”
Both detectives turn towards him, looking less than pleased, which he finds endlessly entertaining.
“We’ll be seeing you soon, Mr. Jackson,” Detective Grace calls.
“I look forward to it!” Percy affirms, offering a wave over his shoulder as he walks out of the room.
Percy exits the police station into the sunlight of a beautiful day, whistling the same pop tune that has been stuck in his head since early this morning. A black SUV waits down the block for him, a tall man in an all black suit exiting the passenger side to open the back door for Percy as he approaches the vehicle. Nodding a thank you to the man twice his size, Percy hops into the back seat, his eyes landing on a pair of long, tan legs, one crossed over the other. His eyes follow them up to a pencil skirt, then a grey blouse, and finally the most beautiful blonde princess curls Percy has ever laid eyes on.
“You know, you’re nothing but trouble Annabeth Chase,” he teases.
She flashes him a blinding smile and Percy realizes the detective was right about one thing: he has a choice. And looking at her now, he realizes that he will always choose Annabeth’s side.
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thesassybooskter · 7 years
HIGHLAND CONQUEST by Alyson McLayne: Spotlight & Giveaway
Laird Lachlan MacKay never planned on leading his clan, but when his older brother was murdered, he was left with no choice. His vow to avenge his brother has led him to the MacPherson clan—and their bewitching healer, Amber.
Amber MacPherson is desperate. Dressed as a boy to escape her clan’s treacherous leader, she runs right into Lachlan—who orders her detained. At first she causes him nothing but frustration, especially when she blackmails him into helping her clan. But when she’s threatened by the same man who murdered his brother, Lachlan will do whatever it takes to keep her safe—and by his side.
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  The love story between Amber and Lachlan is one of my favorites. Amber is the MacPherson healer who’s had to pretend to be a witch in order to stay safe from her depraved laird while she heals her people. Lachlan’s the laird of his own clan who attacks the MacPhersons in order to bring their laird to justice for killing Lachlan’s brother. When the MacPherson laird escapes, Amber blackmails Lachlan into sticking around and helping her people. She’s outspoken and strong-willed and doesn’t hold anything back in her dealings with her new laird. Lachlan doesn’t hold back, either, and the two of them begin a tumultuous relationship that dances around their physical and mental attraction and drives both of them just a wee bit batty.
  February also brings us Valentine’s Day, a favorite holiday of many romance readers! So I decided to celebrate the release of HIGHLAND CONQUEST on February 6th, and Valentine’s Day eight days later, by revealing my top 6 favorite romance couples of all time!
  Anne & Gilbert
When I was ten-years-old, my mom gave me the first three Anne of Green Gables books by Lucy Maude Montgomery. I got hooked on Anne’s adventures and all the different characters in Avonlea, including her nemesis, Gilbert Blythe. When they first meet, Gilbert pulls Anne’s braid and teases her about her red hair, calling her “carrots”. She responds by smashing her slate over his head. Thus the relationship between Anne and Gilbert is born, and a rivalry and enmity develops between them that takes years for them to overcome. Along the way Anne refuses Gilbert’s declaration of love and almost becomes engaged to another man. But finally she realizes she loves Gilbert too, and wishes with all her heart that he’ll say the words again. Which he does, bringing me my first ever Happily Ever After—warm fuzzies and a heartfelt sigh included.
  Arwen & Aragorn
Just saying those names leaves me sighing and feeling a little teary and mushy inside (in a good way!). Theirs is a romance for the ages, portrayed beautifully by Liv Tyler and Viggo Mortensen in Peter Jackson’s filmed adaptation of JRR Tolkien’s Lord Of The Rings. Arwen, daughter of Lord Elrond of Rivendell, is an immortal elf who falls in love with the mortal Aragorn, heir of Isildur and rightful claimant to the thrones of Arnor and Gondor. In order to be together, Arwen has to give up her immortality and know that she will only die after Aragorn has died. Aragorn tries to dissuade her from being with him, but Arwen will not be swayed, saying: “I would rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.” Sigh…
  Mac & Barrons
If I had to pick a book boyfriend it would be Barrons from Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series. He. Makes. Me. Shiver—in a good way. He is the epitome of Alpha—strong, dominant, smart, whose only saving grace is that Mac is his everything…even if she doesn’t yet know it. There is no greater bad boy in my opinion. You just know that his reserve and icy control shields a raging inferno beneath. When Mac & Barrons finally get together at the end of book four (and yes, I do know they were together when she was Priya, but that doesn’t count), it’s like he unleashes himself on her. He devours her and she devours him right back. And what makes their love story even twistier, adding more layers to their relationship through the first four books,  is discovering in a later book (Burned, I think) that Jericho Barrons and MacKayla Lane have done the wild deed once before—all night long—and Barrons used magic to erase Mac’s memory of it. Bad. Boy. And here’s the other thing I love… they still call each other Barrons and Miss Lane, same as they always did, unless they’re having sex or in near-death situations. Then it’s Jericho and Mac.
  Elizabeth & Mr. Darcy
How can I write a list about my favorite couples and not include Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy? Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is one of the first classic novels that I read and I kept the book in my backpack for many months reading it over and over, when I was at university. Mr. Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth about halfway through the story is a shock because he’s been nothing but aloof and haughty toward her and her family—in fact, the proposal is filled with condescension about Elizabeth’s lack of social position and wealth compared to his, and he claims it’s an obstacle his love has had to overcome. The scene where Elizabeth rejects him is a favorite of mine—especially the rain-soaked version between Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. What I love about this scene, is that Mr. Darcy is undone by her. He takes her opinion of him to heart, even though some of her accusations against him are unfounded. She opens his eyes to his lack of kindness and grace and it changes him for the better—makes him into a man that Elizabeth could love.
  Han & Leia
I contemplated putting Han Solo and Princess Leia at the top of the list. My brother took me to see Star Wars when it first came out, so technically they were the first couple I met—but at seven, I was too young to truly appreciate the sigh-worthiness of Han and Leia. This is a romance that builds…and builds…and builds amidst verbal sparring and sarcastic jabs until finally near the end of The Empire Strikes Back they kiss—just before Han is yanked away from Leia and frozen alive in carbonite.  Irrepressible bad boy that he is, when Leia says a heartfelt, “I love you,” as they’re securing Han for freezing, Han looks back at her and simply says, “I know.” Gets me every time.
  Claire and Jamie
Seeing as I write Highlander romance (and love Highlander romance—big shout out to some of my favorites: Julie Garwood, Monica McCarty, and Karen Marie Moning!) it would be impossible for me NOT to include Claire and Jamie Fraser from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. She’s created this unforgettable, iconic romance between Jamie and Claire all wrapped up in some of the most interesting and tumultuous times in Scottish history. I’m going to choose to focus on book three, Voyager, for one big reason: the REUNION. Le sigh. You begin the book, knowing that Claire and Jamie will reunite after so many years apart, and then you have to wait…and wait. Or was I the only one who didn’t jump ahead? Finally, Claire walks into Jamie’s shop, and they kiss, but we still have to wait as Jamie grabs the drunken Mr. Willoughby from the pub, gets chased, and takes Claire back to a whore house, before…the moment. It starts with an awkward kiss and nose bump before Jamie takes control and says to Claire, “Give me your mouth, Sassenach.” Excuse me while I melt.
  Do you like my list? Did I miss any of your favorites? Please let me know if you agree or disagree with my top 6 favorite romance couples!
    a Rafflecopter giveaway
  About Alyson McLayne
Alyson McLayne is a mom of twins and an award-winning writer of contemporary, historical and paranormal romance. She’s also a dog lover and cat servant with a serious stash of dark chocolate. After getting her degree in theater at the University of Alberta, she promptly moved to the west coast where she worked in film for several years and met her prop master husband. Please drop by for a visit at www.alysonmclayne.com and look her up on Facebook (www.facebook.com/AlysonMcLayne) or Twitter (@AlysonMcLayne).
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HIGHLAND CONQUEST by Alyson McLayne: Spotlight & Giveaway was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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oops, i (fake) love you, ch. 06
vi. Percy
She's so annoying, Percy thinks as he picks up the paper containing the first lesson. Then, he looks at the other papers scattered on his bed. But so thorough.
In all honesty, Percy still thinks that maybe he's dreaming, because there's no way that Annabeth is now helping him, even if this is somehow coated in sarcastic remarks and ridiculous demands (like giving him homework). When he went to ask for her help in mythology class that day, his mind was running a thousand miles a minute to actually comprehend what he's doing. Once lunch rolled out did he just realize that he really tried to ask for her help. Which was probably the most embarrassing thing he has ever done.
Asking Annabeth Chase for help? Pshhh.
Then the events just followed, and next thing he knew, he was signing up for a fake dating agreement with the enemy. THE Enemy.
For a second, he contemplates not doing any of the steps written on the lesson plan. After all, Annabeth might be sabotaging his plan of dating Rachel, and instead of making him better, she might be making him worse. But then, he figures that she's not that evil to do such a thing, even if she's a little short-tempered and rude.
So he picks up the first lesson and tries to soak up as much as he can.
The next day, when Percy goes to school, he's a little afraid to admit that he's more self-conscious than usual.
He's not wearing his glasses, and the dark green shirt Annabeth suggested he wear clings to his skin more than he likes to. He doesn't really know how wearing this will make him look more appealing to the eyes, because, to be honest, he feels a little stupid.
But when he accidentally bumps to a girl from his English class in the hallway, he changes his mind.
"Hey, watch where you're going!" A voice screeches.
"I'm sorry. I really didn't see you—"
"Percy Jackson?" The girl asks suddenly as she peers at him. "From Mr. Blofis' class?"
"Uh, yeah." Percy reaches up and rubs the back of his neck since he could not push back his glasses.
Her eyes gaze at him from head to toe, then she grins. "Would you look at that? You clean up nicely, after all."
Did he just—did he just get complimented?
"Um, thanks," he says, his cheeks a little flushed.
Out of nowhere, he feels a pinch on his side, and she winks at him. "If you ever need help in English, you know who to ask."
He can only muster a nod, then she's already waving goodbye.
Woah. That was out of the ordinary. For all his stay in Goode, he never really got a wink from anyone (except maybe for Leo, whose eyes are always twitching, anyway).
But that? That is something new to him.
Grover sidles up to him, talking about the latest campaign his club is going to host, as Percy picks up the rest of his books from his locker. Grover hasn't seen him yet.
"Y'know, I really like this fun run drive we're hosting. I mean, I know I couldn't run because duh, crutches, but the importance of this program is—woah."
"Hello, G-man," Percy greets.
Grover squints his eyes at him. "Am I talking to the right Percy Jackson?"
"Of course. Who did you think I was?"
"Are you sure you're not an imposter or something? Y'know, cos my best friend has glasses and has this really bad style of clothing."
"I didn't think it was that bad."
"Uh, sure it was."
Nico, Percy's cousin, who happens to pass by the hallway, takes a look at him and smirks. "Hey, you actually look human today, Perce."
"Says the zombie," he retorts.
"Fuck off," Nico says, then walks away.
"I'll never understand your weird cousin dynamics," Grover comments, as he shakes his head at them. "So, is this part of your new grooming tactics or...?"
Percy tucks his hands to his jeans and shrugs. "Well, I just decided to change a few styles, and ditch my glasses. Nothing major."
"For what reason?"
"I mean, I just wanted a change from a typical Percy combination. This being a new school year and all."
"Are you sure it's not just to impress Rachel?"
"Uh, umm..," He fumbles for the next words, not sure how to phrase the fact that it is indeed for Rachel, but without revealing his fake dating ploy with Annabeth. "...actually, I've—I've moved on from her."
Grover is so surprised he loses his grip on his crutches for a second. With wide and unbelieving eyes, he stares at Percy. Then, he pokes him on the chest. "No shit man. You aren't Percy."
"You're crazy. I am Percy."
The bell rings, and any retort Grover has is lost among the noise in the hallways. Percy calls in a goodbye to his friend and rushes to his first subject. When he arrives, Annabeth is already sitting and she pays him no attention as he sits on his chair.
Huh. Looks like they're gonna be that couple. Anyway, that works for him, since he doesn't have to explain much to his friends.
However, right after the class ends, instead of directly going outside the classroom, she lingers by his desk. This is no surprise for the students who are still inside the classroom since it is normal to see them arguing after class. But what sends their jaw dropping to the ground is when Annabeth gives him a bashful smile (bashful! He didn't know she was capable of faking that!) and mutters, "I'll see you later at lunch."
To be fair, Percy is quite surprised himself, and much more are the classmates who have witnessed the interaction. Thankfully, no one dared to ask him questions, but he can see the wary and amused faces of their classmates. He gives them an awkward smile which almost turns into a grimace when he sees Annabeth's smirking face by the door.
Ugh. The nerve of that girl.
When the lunch bell rings, he almost forgets Annabeth's little stint after mythology class. A number of his classmates have noticed his new appearance, and their positive comments have uplifted his mood for the first half of the day.
"Hey, you look extra dashing today, Percy," Piper says as she takes in his appearance. She smirks when she notices the flush on his cheeks. "Got a hot date?"
Jason, who apparently, overheard the comment says, "Psh. Percy with a hot date? Never."
Piper pinches Jason on the arm. Weirdly enough, the blonde's cheeks turn red. "Don't be mean to him. All my friends are capable of a hot date."
"Say it louder, Pipes!" Leo exclaims.
Just then, Percy's object of affections arrives in a mass of red curls. Rachel looks good today, just as she does always. She beams at everyone when she arrives at their table. "What are you guys talking about?"
"We're talking about how Percy looks dashing today, and whether he is capable of a hot date," Piper says.
Rachel's gaze focuses on Percy, and she smiles at him. "Yeah. I noticed that too."
He's so absorbed with her blinding smile that he fails to recognize the new voice that joins in the conversation, up until he feels a hand squeezing on his shoulder.
"Hey, I told you I'd see you during lunch," Annabeth says to him, and without waiting for a response, leans closer to press a kiss on his cheek.
Woah. Just what.
Seriously, a kiss? On his cheek?
The action makes him stiffen in surprise because really, he did not see that coming. However, this does not escape Annabeth's eyes as she gives his shoulder a tighter squeeze as a warning. But it seems that the Fates are on his side today since his friends are apparently too stunned to take notice of his reaction.
Really, a warning would have been nice next time.
Piper recovers quicker than the rest and stares at Annabeth like she expects her to suddenly wage war on their table. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"
Annabeth looks at him and smiles a little tightly. "I'm guessing you haven't told them yet?"
"Haven't told us what?" Grover asks once he swallows his enchilada.
Underneath the table, Annabeth pinches his thighs, and glances at him as if saying, 'you tell them.' He swallows down his nerves and avoids Rachel's eyes.
"Uh, surprise! Annabeth's kind of...um, my girlfriend now."
As if to prove the point, Annabeth interlaces her fingers with his, but he still stiffens with the alien feeling. This time, Rachel catches the reaction with her eyes.
"Girlfriend," Leo repeats, and he gestures to the two of them. "So, um, the two of you are dating now?"
"Yes. Believe or not," Annabeth answers with a tight smile.
"Um, cool." Leo mutters under his breath, 'I believe it not.' Jason shoots him a look. "Congrats Percy and Annabeth. I'm glad that you've, uh...put the past behind you."
"Righttt," Piper agrees way too enthusiastic. "When did this happen?"
Percy answers "yesterday" at the same time Annabeth says "last week." At this, she sends him a knowing look while proceeding to create an excuse. "So, we actually got together last week, but knowing our past, we were hesitant to take a step forward. So we waited for a while then decided to make it official yesterday."
Percy nods his agreement.
"Oh, that's...great."
The rest of the lunch is filled with a weird and tense silence. That's the only way he can describe it. Once the lunchtime ends, Annabeth bids him goodbye with a little smile and an awkward wave to his friends.
"Did that just literally happen?" Jason asks once she's out of earshot. He stares at Percy. "Seriously, you two are dating now?"
"Is it so hard to believe that we do?"
"Um, duh. Did you forget the fact that you were fighting like cats and dogs three days ago?"
"Well, bantering is our form of flirting. And besides, the more you hate, the more you love, right?" Percy shrugs with a smile. His friends just stare at him blankly.
"That's the most messed up thing you've said. Anyways, I'm going. Bye Perce," Grover comments, and hobbles out from the cafeteria. The rest of his friends also file out, muttering goodbyes and half-hearted congratulations. Except for Rachel, who remains seated from where she arrived an hour ago.
"Percy, can we talk?" Rachel asks, then peers at the area around her. The cafeteria is almost empty, but there are still some people lingering on the sides. "Preferably somewhere private."
There's a weight on his stomach, and his nerves suddenly feel on edge. "Okay," he croaks out, then follows her out of the cafeteria. She leads him to an empty classroom in a hallway that's not frequented by people.
Rachel closes the door and crosses her arms in front of her chest. There's a determined look in her eyes and a little anger that Percy really doesn't want to face.
"What are we doing here?" he asks.
"I need you to be honest with me, Percy," she says, then fixes him a stare. "Is Annabeth setting you up for this? Is she manipulating you to act as her boyfriend?"
Percy's mind reels. What? He takes a moment to shake his head because he did not really expect that question. But this moment of hesitation seems to spur Rachel on.
"I mean, she may not look like it, but she can be very manipulative. And I don't want you to be at the end of her games. She can harm you."
"Okay, wait. No," Percy says. This is all going the wrong way. "Annabeth is not using me, nor is she manipulating me. We agreed to go out because we liked each other, even if it may not look like it. No one's using the other, okay?"
"But why do you freeze when she touches you? Like she's repulsive to you?"
Percy internally flinches because that wasn't intentional at all. It's an after effect of what happened to him on the past, and even though he is getting better, the muscle memory still remains. He's not ready to tell Rachel any of it, so he makes a statement that is not entirely a lie.
"To be fair, I'm still getting used to the physical touches couples do when they're together. And Annabeth's my first girlfriend, so it may take some time for me to adjust."
Rachel nods hesitantly like she still doesn't fully believe what he's saying but is willing to let it go. "Okay, fine. But are you really sure? You know you can always ask me to trip her on track practice or something if she does hurt you in one way or another."
"Right. I'll be sure to keep that in mind," he says with a smile. "Thanks for worrying about me, anyway."
"Of course. You're my friend."
This time the smile Rachel sends him feels like a knife to the heart.
"That could've gone way worse," Percy amends as he watches Annabeth pace up and down to his room. She had ambushed him yet again right after he got out of his last class, so he had to make up an excuse for his friends that he couldn't join them.
"It was the worst!" Annabeth exclaims. "They looked at me like I literally kicked a puppy when you introduced me as your girlfriend."
"Well, you were rude to me a lot of times so..." he stops talking once he sees the deadly glare she's giving him. "They were probably just caught off-guard. I mean, we just fought like we couldn't be around each other three days ago."
"Plus, we almost messed up with our inconsistent answers!" She falls back to his bed with a groan. "God! I can't believe I forgot to create a backstory."
"Good thing they're too stunned to question us properly then." Percy scrunches his eyebrows as he remembers their reactions. "But I don't think that they really bought this dating thing."
"Yeah. It was evident on their faces," she agrees. He nods.
"By the way, why are you always flinching whenever I touch you? It doesn't look good if we want to convince them that we're really dating," Annabeth asks. She stares at him, but he avoids her eyes.
"I'm—I'm not really used to physical touches," he lies. He can feel Annabeth's eyes on him, probably thinking whether to call out his BS or not, because back when they still got each other's backs, they used to touch all the time. Hugs, friendly punches, anything really.
"You never minded before."
That's different, he wants to say. He doesn't really know whether to tell her or not that she'd been right about Gabe all along. No, he decides, because she doesn't deserve to know after she left him unguarded in the dark.
This time, he looks at her in the eyes. "Yeah, but you were never a stranger then."
She sucks in a breath and sits up facing away from him. "Stranger, huh?"
"You did say that we can't be friends."
"You're right." She turns to him. "But that doesn't mean we can't be acquaintances."
He raises an eyebrow at her. She does the same.
Annabeth shrugs and asks, "So, tell me something new about yourself."
"So we can be acquaintances and no longer strangers to each other," she answers. He contemplates this for a moment.
"I like dolphins," he says, after a while.
"That wasn't new."
"I got a scraped knee after tripping on the bushes in fourth grade."
"I know that already."
"What? How?"
"That's because I was the one who pushed you."
"I knew that wasn't an accident."
She smirks. "Come on. Tell me something new."
"You probably knew everything about me already."
"Lie. I've only known you for half of your life, and that still leaves the other half."
"Fine. I tried eating olive pizza, and I've got to admit that it wasn't as bad as I've expected."
"Really? I knew you would like it. Nobody hates olive pizza," Annabeth says with a grin.
He rolls his eyes. "I never said I like it. I just said that it wasn't that bad."
"Sounds the same to me. Anyway," she clears her throat. "As for me, I once switched a girl's shampoo for glue because she was being rude to all of us. In short, her hair became a sticky mess."
"Savage," Percy comments. "I didn't know you had it in you."
She shrugs. "Well, she was being mean. Somebody ought to give her a lesson."
"Through a sticky hair?"
"Through a sticky hair." Annabeth reaches her hand out to him. "Now that we know one thing new about the other, we're no longer strangers. I suppose this will make you less nervous?"
He shrugs. "Maybe."
She intertwines her fingers with his own. Her hand, although tanned, still looks pale in comparison to his bronze ones. This time, when she squeezes, he doesn't flinch.
"You have small hands," he comments.
Annabeth chuckles. "I don't. Yours are just long." She looks at their hands, where his fingers almost engulf her own. "To be fair, I never really expected you to grow taller than me."
"Ye girl of little faith."
"I have a lot of faith."
"Really, huh?"
"Just not in you."
"You're mean," Percy says, and let goes of her hand to pinch her.
She glares at him for a moment but slides her fingers back with his. He startles but it's barely noticeable. Yet she has known anyway.
Her gray eyes meet his. "I want you to hold my hand until you get used to the feeling, okay?"
Looking at their intertwined hands and their first civil conversation in a while, he smiles.
He can get used to this alright.
A/N: Hello! I had some fun writing this chapter because it's generally light and fluffy. (I LOVE writing fluff). Also, this is a 'little' longer than my usual chapter length so I hoped you appreciated that.
And I'd just like to greet everyone "Happy Holidays!" Hope you all are doing great, and please don't forget to leave a comment or anything really. I always look forward to feedback from you guys.
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