#but then Yata stepping foot on the blimp and all he can think about is Fushimi
ridiasfangirlings · 6 years
Aren’t Yata and Fushimi disappointed with the man on the airship? How do they think of him now? They used to be curious and how do you think Yata will react when he finally got on it if it wasn’t he was worried about rescuing Fushimi?
I am just imagining Fushimi and Yata after they meet Shiro andrealize that he was the man on the airship that they tried so hard toreach and it’s like ’…this guy is an idiot.’ Fushimi would probablybe disappointed that Shiro’s just another King who makes everyoneelse take care of his messes, like he wasn’t all that impressed withthe Silver King the first time Fushimi heard about him and the actualperson in front of him isn’t making things any better (I’m imaginingat some point after Fushimi joined Scepter 4 he and Munakata had adiscussion about the airship that constantly flies above the city andthe person who lives on it, Fushimi’s long given up on any romanticnotions attached to that blimp but hearing that it’s yet another Kingrunning from his responsibilities just made him click his tongue andthink it’s just as well that he never got on that blimp to beginwith). Yata would mostly be disappointed that Shiro’s not moreimpressive, even if he knew that the Silver King was the guy on thatairship he probably had this mental of image of the First King beingsomeone scary and intimidating and everything, and instead it’s justthis flighty guy who Yata would have beaten up if the black doghadn’t stopped him.
Technically Yata doesn’t really get to go on the airship (since theHimmelreich is destroyed in S1, the one in ROK is the rebuilt versionso we don’t technically know how exact they were replica-wise) butit’s close enough for him. I could see him having a bit of a momentwhen he first steps onboard actually, like all of Homra is filinginto the ship and Yata finds himself stopping in the doorway, staringaround and for a moment he remembers being a kid on a bike withFushimi and Aya and how Yata had pedaled so hard that day to try andcatch up. He finds himself smiling a little bitterly and murmuring ‘Icaught it, Saruhiko’ and of course it’s a bittersweet experiencebecause here he finally got onto the ship and it turned out thatmissing the airship that time made everything change and noweverything is coming to a head and here Yata’s actually stepping footonto the blimp. Maybe part of him realizes it too, that if they’dcaught it maybe something would have changed and maybe nothing wouldhave and it doesn’t really matter now, the past that he and Fushimimade was enough for him and all Yata cares about now is getting offthis ship and saving Saruhiko, taking control of his fate and makingthe change with his own two hands.
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