#but then i got emet selched and i was like. oh. well tbh i kinda wanna tell them even tho i know the story wont let me
**Spoilers for FFXIV Endwalker**
As much as I enjoyed getting to see the world unsundered, I REALLY wish that the writing didn't go down the path of "time paradox" and "memory wiping." I think it would have had way more of an emotional impact if you went back in time, but can't interact with or change anything because no one can perceive you. And it would have made a good parallel to the Echo, too–you're powerless to change the past, you can only bear witness to it.
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greenmagic-oilspill · 5 years
Shb thoughts/review (major spoilers!) I wrote this as I was playing through weeks ago, left this in my drafts, and forgot all about it. Guess I’ll get to posting it now~~
I was totally making these notes as I went along so bear with the disjointedness of it.
-soooo much exposition in the beginning. It had this weird mix of feeling rushed but also really slow and clunky at first, as far as pacing goes.
-The reunion with Alphinaud was kind of underwhelming and felt rushed even though it’s been a year for him. Eulmore was appropriately creepy and I love the Red and Blue clown ladies. Definitely something Zorn and Thorn like up with them. Oddly enough, my Ronso is also a jester in Eulmore and that was decided way before this!
-Alisaie’s reunion was better as far as the emotional impact was concerned. And I really, really loved Ahm Araeng. Major Dalmasca desert vibes there. I think my Viera is gonna be someone who took up work here. That shit with Tesleen was crazy and I loved it. So dark and creepy - this really set the tone for the expansion. I did Alphinaud’s quest first, but I think Alisaie’s was meant to be done first instead.
-The first dungeon was neat, as was the trust system! I didn’t expect to bring Lyna and the Exarch along for the first dungeon as trusts, but I liked it. For some dumb reason I didn’t bring Alisaie the first time, and thus I missed the opportunity for her to react to the first two bosses in real time. The Lightwarden was awesome!
-Loved the scene when we brought night back for the first time.
-Also loved the scene with Gaius and Estinien! That was unexpected, and I’m glad we are still getting plot developments on the Source. But I really, really want the two of them to team up with Tataru and Krile. Pleaseeee. Edit: really disappointed that Tataru and Krile were left out. Sad we didn’t see Lyse or Hien this whole expansion either. Kinda bummed that Varis was killed, I was looking forward to Zenos being more interesting but he let me down hard.
-Il Mheg’s aesthetic is everything I’ve ever wanted! The scenery, the music, the characters and all the fae lore and the accents... I loved the Nu Mou village, giant mushrooms are my fave... and while the amaro were ... creative?... I wish we got something else, like salamanders or something, to keep with the theme. They were mentioned by some pixies in expressions or something though.
-Dohn Mheg was amazing and gorgeous. Prob one of my favorite dungeons in the whole game. And while I loved the Titania cutscene that happened during our Minfilia convo (she was so creepy!) the battle itself was kind of underwhelming? I was expecting it to be creepier. I was also expecting her to be a Primal. Are there any Primals on the First? (Edit: apparently not. And no dragons either. Guess it makes sense!)
-Oh, characters. Ranj’it was cool, I like how he’s some MNK/NIN hybrid. But I don’t get why he’s so powerful and terrifying when we’ve faced much worse than him (I had the same thoughts when we first met Zenos, so I guess I just need to separate game mechanics from story a bit). And we never really found out what Gukumatz is. I like Minifilia so far, but Thancred is being an asshole to her and I’m kind of over it. She’s a lil too passive about it but I guess she will develop, so we’ll see. As a side note, I love how she’s a Rogue who uses light magic like Banish III. Later edit: she developed, everything worked out, I love them both.
-I like everything with Ardbert so far (also he’s so dumb for using Arbert as an alias in the Source I love him). The role quest for tanks was neat and had some great lore! Though I won’t be able to do them all on one character, I know it... I’m so mad that’s a requirement, so unfriendly to altoholics like me. :/
-Rak’tika was a fun segment of the story! I loved all the Viis and their lore and the Ronkan Empire aesthetic. So good. Didn’t care much for the Night’s Blessed tbh, but Runar was sweet.
-Ahm Araeng was surprisingly one of my favorite areas. I LOVE the night theme, one of the best in the game. Kholusia, on the other hand, is just sad La Noscea and prob my least favorite zone of the expansion except for the dwarves. They redeemed it singlehandedly. Mt Gulg was a fun (if blinding) dungeon and Innocence was a fun fight and I love all the Christianity symbolism.
-At first, I thought the Tempest was really underwhelming for a final zone. Kinda had to suspend my disbelief about the whole Bismarck thing, that kinda came out of nowhere and was super convenient. But once they got to the Amaurot portion I changed my tune - everything about that was great. Loved the dungeon, loved the trial afterward. I’m reading about all these Emet-Selch interpretations and reactions and I’ve been getting some pretty good insights about him. He was a really well written villain, and I enjoyed the segments of the story where he was kinda just hanging around. Still got plenty of questions about the world before the Great Sundering, but I assume they’ll all get answers. Just loved all the complicated moral relativism stuff.
Story got wrapped up perfectly and I had no complaints whatsoever. Really excited to see where it’s gonna go from here.
-Misc: I did the trust system through every first run of all the dungeons. It worked out perfectly, I loved it. But... post game, they all get reset to level 71? And you have to grind in Holminster Switch until you can level them up to do other dungeons? What gives with that? I wonder what the reward of leveling them all up to 80 is... cause I don’t really see the point. EDIT: I found out what the reward is. Sounds kinda neat, but still not enough to warrant that intense grind for it.
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