#but then i realized this is mostly coherent and i couldnt write anything better in this state
reallyghostlypost · 9 months
[Fic] First meeting
Yay, finally managed to be productive! Wanted to write about a potential Julian and Thad first meeting, but I managed to combine it with another idea I had about how Thad's scarecrows evolved and I kinds lost focus😅@studentinpursuitofclouds feel free to correct me on how I wrote Julian if something doesn't fit with his personality.
Also, have no idea how this flows from paragraph to paragraph since I can't read it without randomly tearing up due to the cold. Hopefully it's good enough.
Julian was struggling to walk through the thick forest. If he knew it would take him this long to explore this part of the woods he would have postponed his expedition for another day. But it was almost sunset now, he'll see what's behind this patch of trees before turning back towards his farm. At least I found plenty of forage. After a few more minutes of struggling and shallow scratches he managed to get past the thick trees. Before him was a clearing with a small cabin and three scarecrows guarding a few patches of crops.
Julian hesitated at first, he didn't wanted to bother anyone, but curiosity won eventually. He started walking towards the cabin slowly, feeling the need to remain careful about his surroundings without knowing why. After a few steps he noticed a silhouette behind the porch. The other person was turned, his back to Julian, looking like he was carving something into a log. Julian approached carefully and the other man turned his head slightly before refocusing on his task. "I told you already Willow, you can't eat the cat. Now go back to your field."
It was then when Julian noticed a slight movement under the porch. A small orange cat poked it's head out to look at him with scared eyes. Julian hesitated before clearing his throat. "Um… I'm not Willow…"
The other man turned his head fully towards him with a surprised expression on his face. He focused on Julian's face before studying him from head to toes. Julian wasn't sure how to react to that. "Oh, I wasn't expecting anyone to travel this far into the woods. I'm Thad."
"Julian, pleased to meet you. Sorry for trespassing?"
"No problem, anyone who gets this far out into the wilderness will travel through this place eventually." Thad turned his back slightly looking over the trees. "You're aware how late it is though, right? We're way past the magic barrier, monsters will start swarming the area soon. Are you sure you should be this far into the woods?"
"It's ok, I have a sword with me." Although he decided to not mentioned he just learned how to use one and barley fought any monsters with it. Julian wasn't sure if he should try to apologize again, wasn't sure if that was a snide comment directed at him for being here or just a random observation.
But before he could decide Thad turned towards him again, his eyes colder and more guarded. "Are you part of the Adventurer Guild?"
Then Thad looked over him again, slowly and calculating. His smile was sharper now, but his eyes weren't smiling. "Uh yes, I just joined a few days ago." Julian wasn't sure what to say about the whole thing.
Thad's eyes then focused on his face, looking him in the eyes cold and analysing, before relaxing slightly. "A few days ago you say? Wasn't aware there was any competent fighter in this town, now I can tell Marlon to fuck off when he tries to get me to join. You don't have much experience with other adventurers, right? They're all assholes."
Julian immediately remembered the older cloaked man who rudely told him to leave as soon as he stepped foot in the guild. He smiled a little awkwardly. "Some of them are rude, yes, but-"
Suddenly Thad's eyes snapped up to focus on something behind Julian and he started screaming. "No, Willow! You can't eat him either!"
Julian jumped before turning fast, hand on the hilt of his sword. He wasn't even sure what he was expecting, a dog maybe? But there was nothing behind him. The wind was slightly moving the small leaves barely poking out of the hoed patches of soil while the scarecrows were slightly moving with the breeze. Wait, was that scarecrow's head turned towards this direction before? Julian could have sworn it was staring at the entrance of this place. He looked at Thad who had an unreadable expression on his face.
"Wh-who you were talking to?" Julian tried to scan the field behind him again and realized he was being watched, and that he has been stalked by something as soon as he stepped into the clearing.
"My scarecrows, I'm still trying to get them to behave."
Julian looked again at the still scarecrows and turned back to Thad, but before he could ask what that meant Thad offered him a cloth bundle that looked quite heavy. Where did that came from? "You said you're part of the guild, right? Could I ask you for a favour? Marlon wanted me to make these for him but I… would rather avoid walking all the way to the mountains. Or talking with him for that matter" That cold smile was back now. "Would you mind delivering these from me next time you visit him? No rush, he isn't expecting them at a certain date."
"Sure, I will have to talk with him soon anyway". Julian accepted the wrapped bundle of cloth, still feeling slightly tense, and stashed it into his backpack.
"Great, thank you! I'll pay you back if Marlon doesn't do it, not sure how those adventuring commissions work."
Julian looked at the setting sun before apologizing, still feeling eyes on his back. "I should go, it's getting late."
"Of course, do you want me to guide you back?" Thad looked unsure, like he didn't know how to handle sudden visitors.
"No no, please don't bother. I know the way I came though."
"Alright then, have a good evening." Thad turned back to his log, and Julian now noticed it was looking like a sculptured rabbit.
"Good night!" Then Julian started walking back towards the exit. Suddenly, half way there he felt the hairs on his neck stand up. He tuned his head slightly towards his right and he noticed that the closest scarecrow was crouched on it's stick, ready to jump at him over the small fence protecting the crops. Julian's hand went back to his sword, ready to fight his way out if needed. He could swear he just heard distant whispers.
"Willow, no! What the fuck did I just told you?!" He heard footsteps approaching and noticed Thad rushing towards him while pointing straight at the scarecrow. "Get back on your perch, what did I told you about attacking visitors?!"
The scarecrow focused fully on Thad and prepared to jump at him. Julian pulled his sword out of it's sheath and stepped closer. What is even going on? There definitely whispers around him and he realized the other scarecrows were now looking at them too. Thad didn't moved at all, he was staring straight at 'Willow' while pointing at it. "Perch, Willow. Now!"
The scarecrow made another small movement to jump, before stopping still. It hesitated a little but then started to step back down from the top of it's perch. The whispers died down to murmurs Julian could barely hear, and the other scarecrows were looking at the ground again. A huge tension felt like it was lifted and the air got lighter… like the whole area had been waiting for something to happen.
Julian wanted to ask, but felt like it's better to not get involved in… whatever was going on, especially since the sun had fully set at this point. Something was telling him to not be here once darkness falls.
Just as he was about to exit the clearing he looked back. Thad was loudly scolding the scarecrow who was back in it's original position, looking just as inanimate as the moment he stepped foot here.
Julian, still sleepy, looked over the list of things he had to do today. Give a bundle of yams to Marnie, find some coal for Clint, fish a bream later for the Junimos and deliver the weird package he got from Thad to Marlon. And if he still had time, chop down some trees for that barn upgrade. Maybe he should focus on the wood first, winter was approaching fast and his animals would be happier in a more insulated building.
He grabbed his still warm cup of coffee and walked out of the house. A chicken immediately ran up to him and clucked enthusiastically at him until he picked it up and started to gently scratch it's neck. The chicken settled into his arms and fluffed up it's feathers happily, enjoying the pets and Julian's warmth. He looked towards his mailbox and noticed a small purple satchel placed under it with a letter attached. He decided to place his cup of coffee on the windowsill as to not disturb the now sleepy chicken and picked up the purple cloth bag. After a little struggle he managed to open the letter.
"Sorry about my scarecrow last evening. Something went wrong when I made it and Rasmodius is still annoying me about it. Anyway, as a payment for that and for delivering that package for me here's a thing you might find useful. It's fairy dust, I can't use it but I heard you're trying to get the old farm running again so you might find something to use it on. Just try to use in winter, when there are less fairies around, alright? I don't think they were very happy when I took this from them and I'm not sure if they can feel if you use the dust or not. Anyway, thanks again for the help."
Maybe he should speak with Magnus about that, Julian thought. Or at least Marlon since he'll visit the guild later in the evening. He looked at the now sleeping chicken and regretfully put it back on the ground, trying to ignore the indignant sounds. The day needs to start at some point and he'd like to finish his coffee while it's still warm.
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accursedblessing · 3 years
COB, what a timecapsule.
For me, this was a wonderful amazing magical Punk Rock collective social experiment in 2014.
that Started in (&ranged from)
san francisco, all the way to the edge of north washington.
(almost to canada, but no) Featuring two collective music projects that helped each other play.
Hamartia & Sounjaneer.
butttt really it was for Hamartia
~ Mx. Williams birth child, via their network and amazing musician skills.
Which I had absolutely no idea or concept of, back then.
I simply had my lil project, a dream, 100% belief fuel, and a Magical Not-so-hippie
Pirate Van, called *The Vanguarden*
how Beautiful is that??
it is Magnificant.
COB diy;
was an affinity, and Is an Idea still today, 
that fucking happened, **We** Existed!!
  It was an ineffable, unfathomable rollercoaster for all involved, i yam sure.
although, i can only speak for myself now,
as I've lost touch with most of everyone involved.
(and others, who i cant possibly name, had lost contact with me)
happened back before I could speak, 
    before i had access to my own brain,
before I realized... well what I know now.
thanks school!
let alone~ my absolute terrible stage presence and no nothing songwriting balogna...whatever.
**get to the point** **uh which, and where do i begin** whatever!
This happened Back~when i was truly a "Lost boi".
At the time, I truly felt saved by this Journey.
I am not lost, Anymore.
& I was not Alone.
As loners, Misfits, punks, crusty kids, you name it. we were Us, Ourselves, As-is.
& We preffered that.
   We held on tight as hell, to our common Thread and it was anything but "Dreamy" or "Ideal".
Yet, it was Us.
We trailblazed in Togetherness, and improvised each moment.
broke as shit too, couldnt even afford gas or food , So we asked for help.
Our Purpose was The Music, and The Collective. Working in ~some kind of harmony.
Honestly, we did what we could to survive and keep playing shows.
Smoking cigs and chugging coffee.
Ouch paying for that still...
All Age shows were still a thing. & That was our goal to continue.
All ages and sober events !!
Which I am an even firmer believer in today.
Alas, what does sober mean to you?
To me;
It is Willingness, Being Alert, Agile, Lazy when need be, completely useless other moments.. Response-Able-ish,
In The Flow. & above all else,
Coherent. Driven. Alive.
Its all too iron that most " Venues "
hosted Us at bars~ at times,
Truly I give thanks to all imvolved
and a big fat thanks
to the tenacity of Mx. Williams and their vision of Hamartia.
(I personally didnt have any god damn clue) what was happening and for some forsaken reason, call it a curse.. I like the sound of that! ummm...
i just didn't care~ for the first time.
it was the only thing that felt Real, in a world full of smoke and mirrors.
**again, i cant emphasize this enough:
these are just my solo thoughts and feelings, in a myriad of shared experiences... over the course of thirty *ish*
shows~ over the course of a month and a half, across mostly the PNW.
**welpdy dooda**
I Do Indeed, still remember the Conquest of babylon Slam poem that wrote me, in 2012, that sparked a movement... i never could have never predicted.
This one poem kept me going, and everyone engaged. but yeah Im not me Without you!
The truth is;
because i could never have done it
On my own .
So, whatever, longest story everr... shortenedish..
because i am writing a full novel about this one tour.... ahem before i die. wink wink.
Ya, so we cried, laughed, got Fucking pissed and hurt at each other. **again, my feelings** still... back then and has not since.
I want this to be a Love Letter of a final Post.
Saying above all Thank You!! You the participant, You the Friend, You the Dreamer, and You the Hopeful. You the unknown, you the Lost.
I love you, I carry you in my heart.
For~  a better World.
So, Again,
thank you to all who participated.
Due to the Pandemic and a very real head injury I am still recovering from, that occured in Feburary of 2021.
It is Now~
time for real closure, on this time capsule and these precious memories.
Especially, while we all continue to celebrate and mourn the lives of those loved ones who have ascended beyond this earthly realm...
since Covid has Plagued Us all.
We are Strong, We Exist. We will Never Give In to The Madness that is Corporate Enslavement.
We Represent an Idea Of Freedom.
That is Never Lost.
Come What May &
May We Meet Again.
Sending All
Love & Light
To all those still figuring,
still deciding,
and all who don't get the chance out there, to keep Surviving,
to find their purpose paths.
& Those who Are,
I hope, pray, and Wish to the Cosmos & Beyond.
That You Reading this,
and all those who cant,
That Your wildest Fucking dreams come true.
With love,
Always & All Ways
Sir Lady Alex.
aka Alex Forester
aka Alexandra Stevenson *ewww legal names*
p.s this was the most wild and heart breaking tour of my life. no regrets!
it was for the music and in the name of Love.
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