#now i can go back to sleeping on my warm laptop
reallyghostlypost · 9 months
[Fic] First meeting
Yay, finally managed to be productive! Wanted to write about a potential Julian and Thad first meeting, but I managed to combine it with another idea I had about how Thad's scarecrows evolved and I kinds lost focus😅@studentinpursuitofclouds feel free to correct me on how I wrote Julian if something doesn't fit with his personality.
Also, have no idea how this flows from paragraph to paragraph since I can't read it without randomly tearing up due to the cold. Hopefully it's good enough.
Julian was struggling to walk through the thick forest. If he knew it would take him this long to explore this part of the woods he would have postponed his expedition for another day. But it was almost sunset now, he'll see what's behind this patch of trees before turning back towards his farm. At least I found plenty of forage. After a few more minutes of struggling and shallow scratches he managed to get past the thick trees. Before him was a clearing with a small cabin and three scarecrows guarding a few patches of crops.
Julian hesitated at first, he didn't wanted to bother anyone, but curiosity won eventually. He started walking towards the cabin slowly, feeling the need to remain careful about his surroundings without knowing why. After a few steps he noticed a silhouette behind the porch. The other person was turned, his back to Julian, looking like he was carving something into a log. Julian approached carefully and the other man turned his head slightly before refocusing on his task. "I told you already Willow, you can't eat the cat. Now go back to your field."
It was then when Julian noticed a slight movement under the porch. A small orange cat poked it's head out to look at him with scared eyes. Julian hesitated before clearing his throat. "Um… I'm not Willow…"
The other man turned his head fully towards him with a surprised expression on his face. He focused on Julian's face before studying him from head to toes. Julian wasn't sure how to react to that. "Oh, I wasn't expecting anyone to travel this far into the woods. I'm Thad."
"Julian, pleased to meet you. Sorry for trespassing?"
"No problem, anyone who gets this far out into the wilderness will travel through this place eventually." Thad turned his back slightly looking over the trees. "You're aware how late it is though, right? We're way past the magic barrier, monsters will start swarming the area soon. Are you sure you should be this far into the woods?"
"It's ok, I have a sword with me." Although he decided to not mentioned he just learned how to use one and barley fought any monsters with it. Julian wasn't sure if he should try to apologize again, wasn't sure if that was a snide comment directed at him for being here or just a random observation.
But before he could decide Thad turned towards him again, his eyes colder and more guarded. "Are you part of the Adventurer Guild?"
Then Thad looked over him again, slowly and calculating. His smile was sharper now, but his eyes weren't smiling. "Uh yes, I just joined a few days ago." Julian wasn't sure what to say about the whole thing.
Thad's eyes then focused on his face, looking him in the eyes cold and analysing, before relaxing slightly. "A few days ago you say? Wasn't aware there was any competent fighter in this town, now I can tell Marlon to fuck off when he tries to get me to join. You don't have much experience with other adventurers, right? They're all assholes."
Julian immediately remembered the older cloaked man who rudely told him to leave as soon as he stepped foot in the guild. He smiled a little awkwardly. "Some of them are rude, yes, but-"
Suddenly Thad's eyes snapped up to focus on something behind Julian and he started screaming. "No, Willow! You can't eat him either!"
Julian jumped before turning fast, hand on the hilt of his sword. He wasn't even sure what he was expecting, a dog maybe? But there was nothing behind him. The wind was slightly moving the small leaves barely poking out of the hoed patches of soil while the scarecrows were slightly moving with the breeze. Wait, was that scarecrow's head turned towards this direction before? Julian could have sworn it was staring at the entrance of this place. He looked at Thad who had an unreadable expression on his face.
"Wh-who you were talking to?" Julian tried to scan the field behind him again and realized he was being watched, and that he has been stalked by something as soon as he stepped into the clearing.
"My scarecrows, I'm still trying to get them to behave."
Julian looked again at the still scarecrows and turned back to Thad, but before he could ask what that meant Thad offered him a cloth bundle that looked quite heavy. Where did that came from? "You said you're part of the guild, right? Could I ask you for a favour? Marlon wanted me to make these for him but I… would rather avoid walking all the way to the mountains. Or talking with him for that matter" That cold smile was back now. "Would you mind delivering these from me next time you visit him? No rush, he isn't expecting them at a certain date."
"Sure, I will have to talk with him soon anyway". Julian accepted the wrapped bundle of cloth, still feeling slightly tense, and stashed it into his backpack.
"Great, thank you! I'll pay you back if Marlon doesn't do it, not sure how those adventuring commissions work."
Julian looked at the setting sun before apologizing, still feeling eyes on his back. "I should go, it's getting late."
"Of course, do you want me to guide you back?" Thad looked unsure, like he didn't know how to handle sudden visitors.
"No no, please don't bother. I know the way I came though."
"Alright then, have a good evening." Thad turned back to his log, and Julian now noticed it was looking like a sculptured rabbit.
"Good night!" Then Julian started walking back towards the exit. Suddenly, half way there he felt the hairs on his neck stand up. He tuned his head slightly towards his right and he noticed that the closest scarecrow was crouched on it's stick, ready to jump at him over the small fence protecting the crops. Julian's hand went back to his sword, ready to fight his way out if needed. He could swear he just heard distant whispers.
"Willow, no! What the fuck did I just told you?!" He heard footsteps approaching and noticed Thad rushing towards him while pointing straight at the scarecrow. "Get back on your perch, what did I told you about attacking visitors?!"
The scarecrow focused fully on Thad and prepared to jump at him. Julian pulled his sword out of it's sheath and stepped closer. What is even going on? There definitely whispers around him and he realized the other scarecrows were now looking at them too. Thad didn't moved at all, he was staring straight at 'Willow' while pointing at it. "Perch, Willow. Now!"
The scarecrow made another small movement to jump, before stopping still. It hesitated a little but then started to step back down from the top of it's perch. The whispers died down to murmurs Julian could barely hear, and the other scarecrows were looking at the ground again. A huge tension felt like it was lifted and the air got lighter… like the whole area had been waiting for something to happen.
Julian wanted to ask, but felt like it's better to not get involved in… whatever was going on, especially since the sun had fully set at this point. Something was telling him to not be here once darkness falls.
Just as he was about to exit the clearing he looked back. Thad was loudly scolding the scarecrow who was back in it's original position, looking just as inanimate as the moment he stepped foot here.
Julian, still sleepy, looked over the list of things he had to do today. Give a bundle of yams to Marnie, find some coal for Clint, fish a bream later for the Junimos and deliver the weird package he got from Thad to Marlon. And if he still had time, chop down some trees for that barn upgrade. Maybe he should focus on the wood first, winter was approaching fast and his animals would be happier in a more insulated building.
He grabbed his still warm cup of coffee and walked out of the house. A chicken immediately ran up to him and clucked enthusiastically at him until he picked it up and started to gently scratch it's neck. The chicken settled into his arms and fluffed up it's feathers happily, enjoying the pets and Julian's warmth. He looked towards his mailbox and noticed a small purple satchel placed under it with a letter attached. He decided to place his cup of coffee on the windowsill as to not disturb the now sleepy chicken and picked up the purple cloth bag. After a little struggle he managed to open the letter.
"Sorry about my scarecrow last evening. Something went wrong when I made it and Rasmodius is still annoying me about it. Anyway, as a payment for that and for delivering that package for me here's a thing you might find useful. It's fairy dust, I can't use it but I heard you're trying to get the old farm running again so you might find something to use it on. Just try to use in winter, when there are less fairies around, alright? I don't think they were very happy when I took this from them and I'm not sure if they can feel if you use the dust or not. Anyway, thanks again for the help."
Maybe he should speak with Magnus about that, Julian thought. Or at least Marlon since he'll visit the guild later in the evening. He looked at the now sleeping chicken and regretfully put it back on the ground, trying to ignore the indignant sounds. The day needs to start at some point and he'd like to finish his coffee while it's still warm.
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
angsty fight between miguel and wife!reader
and then they make up yayayayay
Give Me Reasons We Should Be Complete
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✿ฺ Paring ➳❥ Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader
✿ฺ Summary ➳❥ Miguel has been pushing you away for some time now. After a talk with a friend, you and Miguel try to sort things out.
✿ฺ (A/n) ➳❥ Inspired by “DANCING IN THE DARK” by Joji. Writing this made me think back on past crushes/lovers. But thank you for your request! I am also holding back on writing smut because it keeps getting labeled and it takes me longer to write.
✿ฺ Word Count ➳❥ 1.4k
✿ฺ Content Warnings ➳❥ Female reader, angst-to-fluff, swearing, Miguel is kinda a dick head, mentions of sleep deprivation…
Want more Miguel content? Check out my MASTERLIST!
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You stood in his cold and dark office. The best source of light was his laptop but his huge frame blocked most of the light. You managed around the crumbled paper and thrown desk objects with a plate in hand.
“Miguel?” You peer over his shoulder, “I made you dinner.”
He nods.
“You know you haven’t eaten since yesterday.”
He nods again.
“And you know that you’ve been here for a long time. I think it’s best for you to-”
“Take a break?” Miguel interrupts you, “I don’t have time for that.”
“Miguel, I’m sure whatever it is, it can wait a few minutes. All I’m asking is for you to eat something.” You try to set the plate down.
“I thought I made it clear that I do not want to be bothered. You’re distracting me. Leave.”
He didn’t mean it like that… He didn’t mean it like that. He didn’t mean it like that. He didn’t mean it like that…
“But Mig-”
“I said go.” He growls, his eyes turning its blood red from anger, “You’re becoming a nuisance.”
He didn’t mean it like that.
“Okay.” You tried not to let the crack in your voice show. You didn’t even bother to leave the plate behind because you knew it was going to be wasted.
“And don’t bother me again.” You heard him say as you left his office.
You took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down before you burst into tears. But your hands shook, nearly dropping the plate.
You choked down your sobs and let your tears fall, the plate was left in the fridge, and you pushed yourself to your bedroom. It was basically yours now since Miguel was sleeping in his office.
The sheets no longer lingered on his cologne and any sign of his presence was gone, other than his clothing and a few photos. The room has become a mess of discarded clothing, old plates and cups, and candy wrappers.
How long has it been since Miguel showed affection? Or even looked at you?
This was normal behavior for Miguel, right? You should know, you’re married to him. You’re his wife. But he experienced loss, unlike you. You didn’t want to judge him for how he deals with his emotions, he’s emotionally distant. You knew that from the start.
And because of this, you felt like he deserved more than what you could give him. It’s what kept you going through the many times Miguel tore your heart, how it squeezed in pain at his actions and words. How you look the other way and ignore his hurtful words.
You couldn’t sleep. You left the still cold bed and dressed in something warm and headed up to the roof.
You sat on the edge, looking at Nueva York. How beautiful it looked during the night, which is one of the reasons why you liked sitting up here.
“Sitting all by yourself?” You tense up only to relax when you know that voice, “At this time? All alone?” Peter B. lands next to you, his daughter in his arms.
“I would ask my husband to join me but he’s too busy.” You respond truthfully.
“Again? He’s been at this all week.” He sits next to you.
“Yeah.” You huff.
“And… how are you holding up?”
“I’m fine.”
“Really? Because it doesn’t look like it.” He offers Mayday who reaches out to you.
You take her and set her down on your lap, “I just don’t know what to do, everything I do seems to bother Miguel. Checking up on him, bringing him food. It feels like he’s doing this on purpose.”
“Miguel’s always been difficult and from the time I spent with him… He’s different, not like the rest of us. He’s accepted his fate as Spider-Man and believes he’s destined for bad things 24/7. But good things do come along, like you. I think… I think he’s trying to come to terms that he can get it because he deserves it.”
Mayday coos, pulling at your hair, “And I think Miguel is scared. He puts on his tough act because he has to, yet he’s afraid to admit he’s scared. Normally, people would’ve given up on him. Why haven’t you?
“Till death do us part. I don’t want to lose him. I don’t give up on him because when you love someone, you love them every single day as who they are.”
“Talk about romantic.”
“Oh please.” You look down at Mayday, “Plus I think-”
“There you are.” You jump and this time, you remain tense, “I was looking for you.”
“Now you’re looking for me?” You respond, refusing to turn your head.
“It’s late, (Y/n). It’s dangerous.”
“I’m here, she’s alright.” Mayday jumps into her father’s arms.
“I’ve already had enough of you. Please, (Y/n).”
“It’s fine.” You tell him, following Miguel inside.
You head to the bedroom, “Where are you going?”
“I’m tired and I do not want to be bothered. That includes you too, Miguel.”
“Excuse me?” He follows you into the bedroom.
“You heard me.”
“Please, (Y/n), talk to me.” Miguel begs.
“I’m sorry, did you just say talk? Like I have been trying to do for the past week?”
“You know what? No, no. You do not get to try to get me to talk after all of this. I have been trying, I have been all in. All I asked of you was to look after yourself.”
“I know.”
“You know? You KNOW?” You scoff rather loudly, “Did you know that Lyla has even talked to me about your behavior? I’m worried about you Miguel. All the damn time, even more when I see you not eating and staying up all night. All I ask is one minute, one bite of the damn food.”
“I’m… I’m so sorry.”
“Is sorry all you have to say? Not even a half assed excuse?” You see Miguel trying to form a sentence but nothing leaves his left and his head hangs low, “I need to be alone.”
You walk past him but he grabs your arm, “Please don’t leave.” He says, “Please don’t walk out that door.”
“I’m sleeping on the couch, you could have the bed.” You look up at him.
“I love you, (Y/n). I know I don’t say it as much but I fucking love you. He’s right, you know. I am scared. Scared of everything. Because at first, I didn’t think I could have that, have you. You let me hurt you and that is unforgivable.”
He’s crying. Looking right at you, letting himself be bare right in front of you. His grip on your arm loosens and his hands come up to your face, cupping your cheeks. You could hear his staggered breathing, trying to keep himself composed.
“But I wasn’t lying when I said I love you, I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted a family, and I wasn’t lying when I said that you make me believe in love.”
“I’m always here for you, Miguel. You don’t have to go through things alone, but when you want to, I’m here.” You take one of his hands into yours, pulling it away from your face but keeping a tight hold on it.
“It’s not that easy. I hurt you, I understand why you don’t want to.”
“I love you, Miguel. We’ll work on this. I promise you.” After a moment, Miguel practically tackles you, nearly falling to the ground. The hug is tight and warm, and you could feel your shirt become wet with Miguel’s tears.
“You’re okay, right?” His voice cracks as he speaks through his sobs, “Please tell me you’re okay.”
“I promise you, I am okay.” You whisper.
“I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”
“You can start by getting some rest. But you’ve got a lot of apologies O’Hara.”
You don’t know how long you and Miguel stayed like this, nor did you care. All you cared about was Miguel and he felt complete at last.
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© 2023 Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform with permission.
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jilixthinker · 7 months
slowly to me
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=͟͟͞♡ virgin!felix × noona!fem reader
=͟͟͞♡ bestfriends/roommates to lovers
word count: 7.4K
content warning: explicit sexual content, sub!felix, soft dom!noona reader, felix is a virgin, corruption kink if you squint, mutual masturbation, clit play, fingering, cock play, dirty talk, unprotected sex (as usual), creampie, they are clueless idiots in love.
a/c: i wanted to write this for the longest time and now i am kinda nervous sharing it because it feels more personal (?) and intimate than usual. hope you will enjoy it ♡
=͟͟͞♡ please, consider reblogging if you like my works!
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[00:17 AM] fefe 🧚‍♀️
noona 💙
are you awake?
please tell me you are
I can't find my keys 😪
i know it's late
don't hate me
You blink your eyes open a few times. The sound of your phone buzzing on your nightstand is insistent over the chattering noise coming from your laptop. You must have fallen asleep more than 30 minutes ago, considering that you are not familiar with the episode of the anime you are currently watching. Your fingers brush against the cover of your phone and you finally grab it with a sleepy grunt. When you unlock it, not without typing the wrong code twice, you notice that your chat with Felix is already open, a few notifications popping on the screen.
[00:18 AM] fefe 🧚‍♀️
noona 😪😪
[00:18 AM] you
where are you now
[00:18 AM] fefe 🧚‍♀️
outside 😪
noona, my savior
my only light in the darkness 💙
You force yourself to sit on the bed as you yawn. When you read the last text, you chuckle despite of how sleepy you feel. It's a little bit late to be coming back home, even for Felix, but you don't mind. Felix usually stays awake till dawn, always prone to chat and watch tv series together whenever you cannot sleep. You help each other in your own ways, yours being the responsible counterpart in your household.
You find your slippers with your feet and you finally stand up, heading outside of your room and to the corridor. It's pretty warm already this time of year, and you don't even bother putting on something over your light pajamas. It's just Felix anyway, he did see you at your worst so many times that you cannot even remember.
When you open the door, Felix is fighting with the zipper of his denim jacket. He is dressed casually, almost as if he didn't put any effort on what he was going to wear. A pink hoodie is picking out from his black slacks, and his hair is styled in a messy bun, a few locks escaping from the hair tie and covering his eyes.
"Noona, I owe you." he huffs, offering you a toothy smile as soon as you let him in.
"Don't mention it. I don't even have plans for tomorrow morning, I can just sleep in." you yawn in response, plopping on the couch and closing your eyes again.
Felix hums and throws his jacket on the nearest chair of your shared living room before letting himself fall next to you, face immediately finding its favorite place into the crook of your neck.
"How was your date?" you ask him, circling his shoulders with your arm and letting him scooch closer to you.
You feel his cold nose nuzzling against your collarbones and you chuckle, bringing your hand to the top of his head and starting to untie the loose bun. Felix puffs and you can hear his lips curving into a small pout.
"As always." he mumbles. "He was cute. Funny. He paid for my order."
You nod, and your fingers find their way up to his scalp, scratching it lightly and pulling a soft grunt out of his lips. "But..." you add, waiting for the inevitable epilogue.
"But..." he shifts from his position to lay down with his face on your lap. "- I felt nothing. He was very handsome, and smart. He was nice. I could tell he would make a great boyfriend. But I just looked at him and... I couldn't see myself kissing him, or touching him. It felt like looking at a nice painting, you know? I don’t know what is wrong with me."
"Nothing is wrong with you, Lix." you murmur in the dark. Your thumb moves from his soft locks and start circling the plump skin of his cheek. Felix huffs again and rubs his nose against your lower stomach. He does it often, and it makes him look like a small kitten looking for some comfort. Your heart always sinks at that.
"I am serious." you continue. "Feelings cannot be controlled. It's not your fault if you didn't feel attracted to him. Maybe he just wasn't the one."
Felix looks at you from his position, his big pleading eyes are a little tired.
"And who will be the one, noona? I am 23 and I didn't find a single person yet. I didn't even... you know." Felix lets out a sarcastic chuckle. "Can you tell how hard is it to reach this age without experimenting with anyone? I feel left out."
"Does it bother you so much? Being a virgin?" you ask him. Felix and you are used to talk a lot about everything without any sort of embarassment, but he only mentioned the topic of his inexperience a few times in your many years of friendship.
You didn't believe him at first. Felix was... Felix. The most precious human being on earth, smart and kind, generous and funny, witty and reliable. Your bestfriend, your proclaimed soulmate, and the prettiest person you've ever seen. Him being a virgin sounded like a joke to you. He confessed it when he was 18 at the time, and he was a little tipsy after a few bottles of beers you two had shared after moving into your new apartment. You could tell it was an uncomfortable topic for him, and you never asked him again. You just told him that he was young, and that the situation would change quickly in the following months.
But years passed, five to be exact. And Felix didn't have sex with anyone. He finished college, started working and met people, he started dating even, but as soon as the people he was seeing asked him for something more, he shut everything down and disappeared from their lives.
"It does bother me, yes." he answers quietly. "Because I am not afraid of intimacy itself. I just... don't feel the right attraction. I want to, but I can't. All these pretty boys I met, and the furthest I've gone is kissing. I don't know what to do, noona."
Felix shudders and you pull him closer to you. His voice is almost a whisper and his breathing is getting a little heavy. Your fingers go back to stroke through his hair gently, as you try to calm him down.
"Have you considered dating girls?" you ask him. "You told me you felt more comfortable with them."
Felix's arms circle your waist as he hugs you tight. He looks at you intently with a shy smile. He looks so tiny all curled up like this.
"I do love girls. More than boys actually. I thought about that a lot." He murmurs as he pulls you so close that your stomach is pressed completely against his cheek. "But I feel shy around them. I cannot help but thinking that I would mess everything up. With boys... it would be easier. I know how a male body works. But I have no clue on how to, uh —"
You chuckle at his words and you lean forward to pinch at his nose, amused by his reaction. "How to touch them?" you smile at him.
Felix laughs and lets out a breathless sigh. He pulls away slightly, though keeping his eyes locked on you. You can see a light blush appearing on the apples of his cheeks.
"Uhm, yes. That." His voice is still playful, but you can hear the nervousness in his breath as well. "You know I have never kissed a girl before. Just boys. Uh–, I know nothing, noona." he exhales.
You scrunch your nose and you let yourself relax against the sofa behind you. Felix's arms are still linked tightly around your waist. "There is nothing to be ashamed of, Lix," you breathe out. "Human nature will do its thing. When you'll find yourself in that situation, your body will know what to do."
"I'm not so sure." he murmurs, starting to rub his nose against your hipbone, sniffing at the fabric like he always does when he is feeling a little overwhelmed.
Your hand finds its way toward the back of his neck and you apply a slight pressure on the skin there. Felix lets out a shaky breath.
"You will see. With the right person, you won't feel uncomfortable at all. It's normal to don't know stuff, you know. We've all been there. And each body, each person, is different. You can figure things out along the way, by asking and learning." You try to reassure him. "It's not a performance. You should just focus on feeling good and let the other person feel good too. I promise it's not so complicated as you think."
Felix hums quietly and a mellow silence falls around you. The room is still dark, it should be around 1 a.m. now, but a beam of moonlight shines through the window, reflecting small glimpses of silver upon Felix's hair.
Felix feels small and soft on your lap. He is still hugging you, and you know him enough to sense that he is restraining himself somehow. You can feel the distress in the way his tiny hands are fisting the cotton of your pajamas around your waist.
"Lixie, sweetheart..." you murmur, voice little higher than a sigh. Felix holds tighter on you, as if he is scared of you running away. As if you could.
The fact is that you love Felix. You always did, in a way. You cannot tell exactly when you fell in love with him, but it happened sometime between your last year of highschool and your freshman year of college. You remember Felix grabbing your hand when you graduated in summer, sweat under your dress from being exposed to the hot sun, waiting for your speech. You remember him intertwining your fingers and smiling at you with devoted eyes when he helped you moving in your new dormitory. You remember him wetting your shoulder with warm tears because you were going to be separated from each other for the first time. And, oh. At a certain point you just knew.
You never talked about that, of course. You didn't think you needed to. Things between you were perfect already, and you were happy you've managed to slip neatly into your routine. Felix needs you in a way nobody else can comprehend. And you need him too, in a slight different way. And it's okay, you've always been good at managing your own feelings.
"Noona..." he answers timidly.
"What are you thinking about? I can hear the sound of your brain working no stop." you shrug, looking at him. The moonlight looks the ideal light to admire him, you find yourself admitting.
Felix looks over at you, his lips upturned with a reluctant smile. "It's just... I don't think I will ever find this person." he sighs softly.
"Why so? I cannot imagine anyone who wouldn't want to be with you. You are perfect." you say, eyes jumping down to Felix's delicate frame. His button nose covered in freckles scrunches a bit over the line of his plump lips. They look moist. They must be soft.
From his gaze, you can see that your words are the last thing Felix was expecting to hear from you. "Because–" he stutters while the pressure of his hands on you becomes almost too much, "–there is already... ugh, nevermind."
The silence that follows his semi-confession is heavy on you. You freeze at the admission, and you can tell from his eyes that he didn't mean to let that slip. That's it – you think – there is someone. Someone who Felix cares about, maybe that he even loves, and that is keeping him from living his life freely. Someone who apparently doesn’t reciprocate his feelings, given that Felix is trying to see other people and complaining about them with you.
Fuck, that hurts. You could have seen it coming, but it still hurts.
You open your mouth to formulate any sort of coherent words of encouragement that you can master, but Felix decides to move from his position at the same time you shift on the sofa to look at him. The impact of your bodies gives gravity a push, and you both go down with a loud humph, landing on the couch with your limbs all entangled. Felix groans as his back collides with the leather, and you open your eyes to check up on him, only to stop as soon as you realize how close you are to each other.
His lean and warm body is all pressed up against the cushions, and suddenly any trace of stoicism has fled the situation. You don't even remember what you were going to say, to be honest. All you are conscious of is Felix's body and the way his eyes are looking at you, making you flush with an unknown tenderness. You take a deep breath and the realization that you can feel his parted thighs caging your hips and his arms pawing at your shirt hits you hard. And maybe it's the late hour, maybe it's because you've spent the last hour talking your hearts out – and the last years repressing your feelings –, or maybe it's because Felix looks so vulnerable like this.
Whatever it is, instead of laughing everything off and move from this awkward position, you keep looking at him as some strands of hair fall onto his forehead and his breathing gets a little quicker. You find yourself thinking that maybe this is the most beautiful Felix has ever looked.
"Noona." he murmurs, and you can feel how the air shifts around you. His make-up is a little bit smudged around his eyes, you notice, and you lift your hand to rub at the corner of his eyelid with your finger. Felix trembles lightly as you touch him, and desire tugs at you, pushing you towards a path that you know is not wise.
"Noona–" he breathes out again, this time not much louder than a whisper. "I want to try something."
"Felix," you say unsteadily as Felix's hand grabs at your pajamas a little more firmly. "This isn't a good idea."
"Why so?" he asks, voice all tiny, shifting closer to you anyway. Everytime you try to look away from his lips it's like your eyes have been glued in place. "You said that with the right person it wouldn't feel uncomfortable. I– you.. I don't feel uncomfortable with you."
You sigh at his words. You are sure there is almost a thousand reasons why you shouldn't be doing this. First of all, Felix doesn’t love you. Not the way you do, at least. And he is hurting now, he is sad. He is not in the conditions of taking such a decision. But you can hardly manage a coherent thought right now, with him being this close to you.
He doesn't like you back, you cannot do this.
"Felix, I am honored that you trust me this much. I really am." you manage, but your voice sounds faint. "But this is not the right thing to do now. You don't want it to happen this way."
At that, Felix pauses and looks at you. He bites his lip, as if he was looking for the right words, and his eyes looks different, almost watery. "Don't you..." he stutters, "am I not good enough?"
You blink in confusion and a thick layer of guilt fills your stomach to the brim. You hate seeing Felix in distress, you cannot stand the way his timid smile leaves his face. You would give him the moon if that would make him happy.
"Oh no, Felix, sweetheart," you confess, bringing your hand to cup his cheek. The freckled skin feels soft and warm under your fingers. "this is not what I meant. I just– fuck," you swear in protest. "I just don't think I am the right choice. You deserve the right person for this."
Felix’s gaze fractures and he suddenly lets out the tiniest sigh, a pleading look framing his delicate traits. He turns his face to the left, leaning on your touch and he rubs his nose on the palm of your hand.
"Noona, you are not the right person. You are my person." He shyly admits, voice muffled on your skin. "But I can understand if you don't want this. If you don't want me the way I do. I am sorry for bringing this out, I should have kept that for myself."
You freeze, guilt becoming dread and pooling on your stomach. Oblivious to any of this, Felix gives you a small, sad smile and continues, "I tried to ignore it, believe me, I did. I kept myself from feeling this much because I knew it wasn't the same for you. But I can't help it, noona. I started seeing other people in the hope that it would eventually fade away. But it didn't. And now I am making a fool out of myself." Felix looks over at you and his smile is not the one you are used to see on his face. "Sorry for ruining everything," he sighs, "I just love you."
Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.
You feel a fist of air being pushed out of your lungs like a truck. Felix's eyes are big and sweet, and a single tear escapes from his lashes to roll down the apple of his cheek. You fucked up. You fucked up so bad. You misunderstood everything. Guilt nestles in your chest like a stone, scraping at your heart.
"Felix," you say, your voice sounding foreign and groggy, "Felix. You love me? You love me?"
Felix's eyes jump down to your lips just for a second, and then back at you. He sniffs as he brings his free hand to his face, rubbing the tear away. "I do." he admits. "I really do."
The truth in his tone has you let out an inaudible gasp. Then, in the span of a second, just the time of a blink, everything changes.
"Say it again." You whisper as your eyes lock into Felix's. And then Felix opens his mouth, just barely, and his muttered words stay still on the tip of his tongue.
"Say it." You repeat as your thumb shifts, stroking slowly along his jaw and down to his chin. "Wanna hear it again."
Felix blinks, and he looks like he can't come up with something to say at all. "Noona, what are you, uh–" he gasps when your fingers catch his bottom lip, pinching it a little to enjoy its softness.
"Lix, sweetheart..." you whisper, letting your face fall slowly down to his neck. The insides of your tighs press against the outside of Felix's as to trap him there. "You want me, uh? You love me?" you tease him, your hand coming up to steady him by the chin, keeping him still while your mouth finally founds the tender skin of his neck and you place a single peck under his earlobe. "I wanna hear you saying it."
A weak whimper makes itself known at the bottom of Felix's throat when you angle your head to the side and leave a humid trail of kisses all along the column of his neck. "Noona, I... why are you – ah – why are you doing t-this?" he mutters with a sigh.
You grin against his skin at the sound of his affected voice, and you nose at his chin blowing another tiny peck there. "Just say it." You repeat.
Felix's eyes are semiclosed now, but his pupils are wide and dark, and your grip on his jaw tightens a bit. Just another wet kiss on his Adam's apple is sufficient to convince him to give you what you're asking for. "I want you." He grumbles as his legs start to tremble under your weight. "I love you." He breathes.
And that's it. Felix doesn’t have the time to even realize what is going on before you are pressing down with purpose, your lips firm against his and your hands buried in his hair as he lets out a tiny sob. His mouth is cherry red and sweet, and your lips slid against it, applying just the right amount of pressure to have him melting against the couch. The kiss feels almost electric, and the low groan Felix exhales bubbles up into the back of your throat.
Felix is soft, and his body becomes malleable and pliant beneath your touch as soon as he clings onto you with fervent hands, a little desperate to keep hold of how good he is feeling. He moans beautifully every time your lips detach from his to catch some breath, and his fingers find your face too, curling against your cheeks and keeping you close to him.
As soon as your tongue licks languidly at his bottom lip, his mouth opens up to let the warm muscle slip into his mouth with a low grunt. You can feel that Felix is not experienced in the way he is unable to do anything but tremble with pleasure in the bracket of your arms as your lips glide against his, slick and wet. He lets out another whimper when your tongue licks at the roof of his mouth and your head feels dizzy and heavy with desire.
You cannot remember the last time you felt this good and this right, to be honest. Felix’s confession is still lingering in your brain as your hips press against his in a swift movement, coaxing a soft moan out of the boy under you. You smile in the kiss, feeling as if everything in the universe is finally in its designed place and, at the same time, all condensed in the way the two of you are wrapped up in each other so tightly that you can’t keep track of where one of you starts and ends.
Reluctanly, you force yourself to separate from Felix's tender mouth just a few millimiters. "Lix, baby," you whisper lovingly on his lips. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do this."
"Y-you wanted this?" he pants, parting his legs more and allowing you to slot your body inbetween of them. His breath is sticky and hot and you feel yourself getting restless on top of him.
"Sweetheart. You have no idea how much I love you. How much I want you." You confess.
"But... but you've never–" he stutters under your gaze. "Oh God, don't tell me we've been this stupid!"
You chuckle and nod slowly. "Apparently, yes, we have been." You smile, and your chest is so full of fondness and love that it's hard to breathe. "And we wasted a lot of time. But at least we're here now."
Felix nods timidly and you lean in again, this time just kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin under his chin. You move closer to Felix's ear and then back towards his jaw. He starts to breathe harder, hands clutching the shirt of your pajamas, and his thumb brushes against the hardened nub of your nipple, making you hiss quietly.
Felix moans when you start licking at his lips again.
"Good?" you ask, smiling against his skin.
Felix nods. "Yeah. Y-you can keep going."
You comply, because you could never deny anything to him. You softly suck his upper lip between your teeth and let it go with a loud pop. Then you move to his neck again, and you bite him carefully a few times until Felix starts to squirm beneath you. The thought that you are the first person, the first woman, doing this to him has heat rushing to your face and you wonders if Felix wants to do more, or if he wants to keep things over the clothes. You are okay waiting. You've waited for years.
"Can I… can I ask you something?" he stutters when your hands find his hips and you start caressing them in tiny circles.
"Of course, Lix. You can ask me anything." you reassure him, rising your head from the crook of his neck and looking at him fondly.
"You know what we were talking about before," he breathes shyly, eyes big and teary. "I wasn't able to do anything with all the people I dated because... they were not you," he admits. "and – uh, I don't know how to say this. It's embarassing."
Felix sighs as he tries to hide his face behind his hands, but you stop him by grabbing his wrists.
"Do you want to try? Now?" you ask calmly, ignoring the burning lava that is flooding into your veins at the thought of having Felix like that, just for you.
Felix nods again, all soft and timid. "I wanna try. With you." He mutters as his hips buck involuntarily against yours for the first time. And that's when you notice that Felix is hard under you, cock stirring to life when you grind down into him as a response to his movement. "B-but I don't know anything, noona. You have to show me."
You hover your face over Felix's for a moment, searching something into his eyes before diving in again for a kiss. Felix hums languidly against you and you pull his tongue into your mouth, sucking on it before letting it go slowly, teeth dragging. Felix groans deep in his chest and you can feel the vibrations go straight to your pussy. Then the realization that you are finally doing it hits you.
You. And Felix.
I need to stay focused, you think when you start feeling your head becoming too clouded with desire. Felix feels so tender and warm against you, and it's difficult to concentrate when your arousal begins to pool in your panties, just a few layers of fabric separating your core from Felix's poor neglected cock. The kisses get sloppier but Felix doesn’t seem to mind, and you quickly find a rhythm between the movements of your lips and the gentle rocking of your body against his.
"What do you want to do, sweetheart? You can tell me." You hum as your mouth latches again onto the spot between Felix's neck and shoulder, sucking and then soothing the skin with your tongue.
"Ah, fuck…" Felix curses when your hand finally trails down his chest and lightly grazes his cock from over his pants. He feels sensitive and overwhelmed in the best way possible, and he feels like he is losing his mind already. "W-want to touch you, noona, please. Please, I've been wanting to touch you forever."
A tiny moan escapes from your parted lips at Felix's confession and you are pretty sure that your panties are now ruined for good. You can feel the hot stickiness gluing them to your entrance.
"Okay, baby." You sigh, shifting your weight in order to lift your hips a little from Felix's body. "You can touch me. I'll show you how. Is that what you want?"
Felix pants and his fists close again on your shirt as if he's trying to steady himself. "Y-yes please. Show me." He answers, and he looks completely blissed out, hair as a messy crown around his beautiful face.
"Okay." You concede, gathering all of your weight on your right arm to pull down both your pajamas shorts and underwear with just one quick motion, air finally hitting pungently the heath of your pussy.
Felix gulps and you see his Adam's apple bobbing deliciously as he stares at the way a sticky string of slick is connecting your entrance to the cotton of your panties. You feel your core pulsing at the sight and you let the garnments fall on the ground, climbing back to Felix's body and straddling his lap.
Felix looks up to you, but his eyes keep flicking back between your face and the mound of your pussy, and you try to thrust gently against the hard fabric of his jeans, just over his hardened erection. When you rock your hips tentatively on his bulge, your clit gets caught on the cold metal of his belt, making you hiss. Your pussy throbs, releasing a gush of arousal over where Felix's cockhead should be.
"Lixie, baby." You breathe out. "Noona needs your hand for this."
Felix cheeks are as red as cherries and he hiccups at your request, nodding twice and pliantly offering you his right hand. He places it just near your thigh, not daring to get any closer to your heath without any given permission.
You smile softly at him and you wrap your thumb and index around his wrist, bringing his palm to the front of your pussy and letting it brush against the hood of your clit for just a second. "I guess you watched porn before, uh, baby?" you ask him grinding gently on his hand. "I think you know a bit about female anatomy already."
Felix sighs and a wanton moan rises from his throat when he feels your engorged clit bumping against his skin. "Y-yes, I have." He blushes.
You laugh breathily at his shyness and you let his hand slide past your front to eventually press on your labia, guiding his slim fingers to spread the wetness gushing from your hole.
"Usually I prefer to be stimulated here," you say, nudging the pad of his thumb against your sensitive bud. "In little circles." and you move your hand in tandem with him, circling your clit and trembling a little from his insecure touch. Another spurt of arousal drips from your pussy and coaxes Felix's fingers, making him moan.
"But now I want it inside." Your voice is sickengly sweet, and Felix looks like he is one step away from hyperventilating. His teeth dig on his bottom lip and he sighs in pleasure.
"Please," he whines. "Please, let me."
You roll your hips so that the tips of his fingers catch your entrance, and suddenly you sink down in just one motion. His middle and ring finger meet you halfway, and he watches your face in adoration as the two digits push into you. You let out a small whimper when his palm finds your mound again, and you finally sit on him fully.
"Ah – noona. G-god." He keens as he feels his fingers being wrapped up with your warmth.
You lift up from him, desperate for some friction, your hand still grabbing his wrist to guide him and help him. "Baby, fuck, finally." You grunt as your hips swing forward and back to create a sort of rhythm. "Wanted you like this for the longest time, you have no idea."
Felix mewls as he hears the squelching sound of his hand against your throbbing cunt. The schlick schlick is filthy and loud, and his head starts spinning. "Noona, you are so soft, so warm. Fuck, why are you so wet?" He cries, eyes big and round and locked at the way your pussy is engulfing a part of himself.
The drag of his fingers makes your head floaty and you grind further down onto his knuckles, the stretch making you want more and more.
"That's how it's supposed to be with a woman, sweetheart. We are programmed to take." You chuckle breathily as you slowly but steadily fuck yourself onto Felix's fingers. "But you are too, right? My sweet boy. You are just taking what I am giving to you, isn't it?"
Felix moans and his pads involuntarily curl upwards, brushing against your gummy spot as his head falls back, deep groans tumbling out of his parted lips. "Ah – too wet noona, too wet. I wanna, w-wanna..."
"What? What do you want, baby? Tell me, I wanna hear." You sound rightfully out of breath while you fuck mercilessly Felix's digits and you flood his hand with your juices. You shift forward to kiss him on the mouth and his palm finds your clit again, sending jolts of pleasure through your spine.
"Wanna... w-wanna be with you. Please, noona, I've waited. I need – oh, God – I need you fully. I l-love you so much, I always wanted it to be with you." He sighs against your mouth before you can slot your lips together and lace your tongue on his, sucking the wet muscle slowly until Felix is reduced as a squirming mess under you.
"Oh my sweet boy, my angel," you praise him as you try to slow down your movements. If you keep going with this pace you will cum too soon, and you want to finish together with Felix for your first time.
Felix follows your mouth and with his free hand he timidly brushes your left breast, staring at the way it bounces with every thrust of your hips on his hand. It looks mesmerized by the way your body moves and gets wet over him, preparing itself to welcome him inside even if he doesn't properly know what to do.
With a low grunt, you force yourself to stop your thrusts and you peck Felix on his tumid, soft lips. His hand falls uselessly on his hip while you balance your body on his waist to finally get rid of your last piece of clothing, throwing the filmsy shirt of your pajamas away.
Felix looks at your naked body as he if he was admiring a painting and, despite of your confidence, you find yourself blushing a little under his devoted gaze. You dreamt about this moment so much, pondering that it would never come, and now it feels almost surreal to have Felix all for you as you always wanted.
"I love you, Felix." You whisper lovingly, a tear stuck on the corner of your eye. "I love you so much."
And Felix beams. His eyes, watery with pleasure, lit up and bring a smile to his beautiful face, the face that you wished you could caress and claim as yours for so many years. "I am yours, noona. Please, make me yours." He murmurs softly.
You kiss him again, and it's hungrier this time, even more than the kisses you already shared. And then the kissing melts into licking, and then into biting, until Felix's hand finds your waist and then falls to cup your ass.
"I need you out of these clothes in 10 seconds." You mutter with a breathy sound, and Felix is fervent to obey, quickly getting rid of his pants and underwear and throwing his pink hoodie away, far from you.
When you crawl back into his lap, Felix is sitting on the couch. You find your place on his legs, straddling him until you are face to face and you can hear the sweet sound of his erratic breathing against your ear.
"I want to do it like this." You breathe out, gently nipping at his lips and then placing a small kiss at the corner of his mouth. "Wanna see you."
Felix sighs and his aching cock, now finally free from the constriction of his pants, throbs against your lower belly, spurting a gush of precum which dribbles into your navel. "I can't believe this is really happening." He hiccups, pleasure making his head feel dizzy.
You smile fondly. "Me neither." And you bring your hand down, resting your hot palm over his shaft and giving pressure until you are dragging the skin of his cock up and down. Felix melts with a breathy mewl.
Felix has a perfect cock, you think, and then you say it out loud. "You have a perfect cock, baby."
Felix gasps and he throws his head back, hitting the cushion of the couch. You can see that his face is flushed with arousal and embarassment, and that makes you feel lightheaded.
"So perfect," you continue, playing with your fingers and bringing your thumb to the engorged tip, smearing the thick droplets of precum all along his aching muscle until you graze his balls. "Perfect size, perfect girth, perfect color. You know how pretty your cock is, baby? Not too long, but chubby. I love it."
"Noona," Felix sighs painfully, thighs parting under your weight to give you more space. He looks fucked up, and you barely touched him.
"I want to play with it forever," you say, picking up your pace and jerking him fully. "And I will do it. I will touch this sweet cock all day long, making it cum so many times, making it feel so so so good."
"Please, please, please." Felix keens and throbs again on your hand, now hard as a rock and trying to stay as still as he can.
"It looks so tasty, too. Wanna slurp it in one bite." You whisper as you swirl your index on the slit of his cockhead and Felix lets out the sweetest groan you could imagine. It's so easy to pleasure him, and he responds to you so well.
"But not now," you reassure him. "Now I need you inside of me. Need you as deep as you can. Need you to be mine."
Felix forces his eyes open and his hands grip into the underside of your thighs, bringing you closer to him. You cross your arms behind his neck, slotting your lips together once again because you just can't get enough of Felix's breathy moans as you bring him to the edge with you.
"Noona, I don't, ah– I don't have a condom." He urges to tell you when you circle your hips against him and his tip catches the entrance of your pussy.
"We don't need a condom. I am on the pill, and I am clean." You pull away to mouth at Felix's neck, and you suck at the column until you are gliding your mouth over his Adam's apple. "And you are too, obviously. Don't worry about that, sweetheart. I need to feel you all hard and raw inside of me."
You kiss Felix again, breaths coming out in restless wisps, hips frantic. "Can you take it?" you ask against his lips, your right hand gripping Felix's wet cock. Felix nods, gulping loudly. With your arm reached behind you and your head dipped forward, you slap the tip against your cunt, eyes never leaving his face.
Felix swallows, and you can feel his heart racing as you nudge his cockhead against your heath, pussy clenching and unclenching for pleasure. You look at him in the eyes for one last time, and then you sink.
When Felix's tip breeches, you whimper at the stretch with you head lolled to the side. You push your hips down, taking Felix's chubby cock slowly until you’re seated on it. And, with his cock fully inside, Felix groans and tears finally spill from his eyes, wetting his cheeks and rolling down to his chin.
"Ah– oh, God, please! P-ple eh e-ease." He cries as he grips your hips so tight that he is gonna leave marks.
"Easy, baby. Easy." You pant, eyes rolling on your skull at the way the head of his cock presses perfectly on your spongy spot. Felix's tongue lolls out from his mouth, and you take the tip between your lips, suckling lightly on it before lifting your hips up and then slamming back again.
"It's too tight, too tight, too w-wet," Felix sobs, a dribble of saliva forming a tiny bubble at the top of his upper lip. You lower your head to look at the way you are taking Felix to the brim, his swollen balls resting on the curve of your ass, and you let out a lewd sound at the view.
But it's not enough, because this is Felix's first time, and you just know from the way he is trembling that he is not gonna last long, the poor angel he is. You played with him a bit too long considering his inexperience, and now you can feel him twitching inside of you, bringing you close as well with just a few pumps.
"I know, baby, I know. You feel so fucking good too. You fill me so well, look." And you take one of the hands that are gripping your hips, making it slide against your pussy to let him feel the point were you two are connected.
Felix grasps the base of his cock with his wrist and he tries to push it even deeper inside of your wet heath with a loud groan. "It's so, s-so good." He repeats mindlessly.
You gather all of your strength, gripping into Felix's shoulders in front of you and letting you knees carry your weight as you finally begin to ride his cock. You raise your ass up just to feel the tip catch at your rim only to force back down, fast and hard.
"Noona, ah– noona!" Felix grunts out, "F-fuck, I can't, I c-can't!"
At a particularly deep thrust, Felix cries out again, a slew of filthy words and many slurred versions of your name coming out of his red, juicy lips.
"Baby, Felix, baby." You moan, letting yourself fall against his chest and beginning to move your hips in circles. You feel his cock hitting deliciously at your cervix and your clit rubbing on Felix's hip bone.
"I lo-oh-ove you." Unable to help it, Felix begins to thrust up quickly, grinding his cock inside of you and smashing his warm cheek against your shoulder, as you involuntarily squeeze your walls around his shaft.
You are trying to make this last a little bit more, but a tight coil of pleasure starts to form in your lower belly, and Felix's heavy and raspy whines tell you that he is in your same conditions. "Feels so good, sweetheart. So thick and hot, you are making me cum, ah– so quick." You blabber, head feeling floaty. "Are you close too? Tell me you are close. Wanna come with you."
Felix hiccups and his thrusts become messy and erratic, cock leaking inside of you as you clench around him. "Close, close, s-so close." He picks you up by your thighs to throw you onto his cock as if you were weightless. "Can I, ah a-ahhh, w-where can I–?" he sobs out with every thrust.
"Inside, Lix, my love. Cum inside," you praise him. "So good to me. So good." And you whine as Felix fucks desperately into you, a thick layer of sweat on his freckled skin.
Two more pushes are what it takes to have your pussy clenching hard and tight around Felix, and as your clit rubs one last time against his pubic bone, your eyes roll backwards and you cum with a filthy long moan, flooding Felix's cock with your juices.
As the orgasm hits you, you smash your lips against Felix's and suffocate your whines on his mouth. As soon as Felix feels you pulsing around his drooly cock, you see him going cross-eyed. Then, he pushes almost violently into your heath and comes with one final, deep smash of his cock, filling you up.
Voice hoarse with pleasure and a little out of breath, Felix moans softly, face finding its comforting place in the crook of your neck. "I love you." he whispers.
You both stay silent for a couple of minutes, and you loll your head to the side to huff warm breaths that tickle Felix's temples.
"How do you feel?" You asks, bringing your fingers to slowly pet Felix's damp hair. You tongue feels heavy inside your mouth, and your legs muscles sting. But you are happy.
"I feel like I waited for this moment for my entire life." Felix's words are slow and shy, despite of what just happened between the two of you. You can feel him chuckling against your shoulder. "I still have to process what is going on."
"We have time." You murmur, kissing his forehead and hugging him lovingly, keeping him safe in your arms. "Now we have all the time in the world."
Felix smiles. The room is not dark anymore.
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©️ jilixthinker, 2024. please do not copy, translate, or republish my works anywhere.
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cultven · 1 month
can i get a Deadpool x reader x wolverine where reader is making them watch asmr with them at bedtime :3
ASMR Cuddles
Deadpool X Reader X Wolverine
Content: Some cursing, Wade being a yapper as always, Grumpy Logan, Fluff, Cuddles, Slime!!, Small Blind Al content
Word Count: 827
Warnings: None
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a/n: This request was just too funny not to write, just thinking about these two men and their different reactions. Wrote this super fast on a whim so hopefully it's ok! Short and sweet :)
“Hurry!” You whined, getting all cozy. This has become a daily routine with the three of you, you get comfy in bed while the other two men stall sleeping. Little did other people know, Wade and Logan were huge insomniacs. Perhaps it came with the profession of being a superhero, you didn’t know, but you were determined to help soothe their minds into sleep. The first tactic that came to your mind? Asmr. 
You had the perfect setup. Bunches of pillows to support your heads and backs into a half-sitting position, mountains of blankets to keep you all warm and comfortable, and finally your laptop at full charge ready to go. Now all you needed was your eccentric and grumpy boys. “Wade hurry up!” You groaned as Logan stepped into the room, finally in his sleeping clothes. 
“Hold on baby girl, I’m doing my skincare routine!” Wade yelled from the other side of the apartment. 
“Why? It’s obviously not doing anything for you.” Logan retorted with a smile as you playfully hit his arm. He just grinned wider at your scolding as you heard one more knock on the walls. 
“Keep it down, fuckers! Some people in this place like to sleep!” Blind Al shouted from her room, which was only a few thin walls away. 
“Sorry, Al!” You apologized, sending Logan a look to shut it. He only rolled his eyes as he crawled into bed next to you, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders. As he got himself comfortable, Wade burst through the door with a smile, two shirts in hand. 
“Ok, be honest. Which shirt is more ASMR-y? Pink with rainbows,” He held up a hot pink t-shirt to his chest. “Or, yellow with the X-men logo?” Wade’s arm lifted the other shirt, which was just some old X-men merch he stole from Colossus not too long ago. 
“Asshole it doesn’t matter, let's go.” Logan groaned, blankly looking at the two options. 
“I like the pink Wade.” You said with a smile, watching him put the shirt on and patting the seat next to you. Finally, the three of you get comfortable, Wade on your left and Logan on the right. With the way you three were situated, it almost felt like a puzzle. 
“So, what do you want us to watch exactly?” Logan questions, eyeing the videos you’re scrolling past. 
“It’s videos that make funny noises! They’re supposed to relax you and help you sleep. It even makes some people tingle.” You respond, smiling a bit at the man before resuming your search for the perfect video. 
“What kind of tingles exactly?” Wade smirked at your side. Before he could wait for an answer he hastily pointed at a video on your laptop. “Oh! Let’s do that one! Slime.” Sure enough, that was the video you put on. Within the first two minutes, Wade was completely enthralled, commenting on every little thing. 
“What kind of slime is that?”
“Fluffy, dear.”
“How does it sound so delicious?”
“Where can I find the things to buy this?”
While Wade was now distracted on Amazon buying the various ingredients for slime, Logan was not so impressed. You could tell the only reason he was currently staying in bed was for the free cuddles. The slime clearly was not of his taste. 
“Logan, do you want to try a different video?” You offered, determined to make the man sleepy through ASMR at any cost. Slime probably wasn’t the best fit for sleep time, not only because of Logan’s disinterest but it only seemed to rile up Wade more as he was currently talking your ear off about all the things he bought for his upcoming slime creations. 
“Eh, no offense bub, but I don’t think any of these videos are gonna do it for me.” You felt bad, you needed to find something that would soothe Logan, and you knew just the genre. 
“How about some general tapping ASMR?” You hastily typed the words into YouTube, much to Wade’s dismay. You found the perfect video, turning up the volume ever so slightly and allowing the ASMR to do its thing. Five minutes into the video you felt sleepy yourself, before realizing that the last few minutes have been in complete silence, which was strange when you lived with Wade Wilson. Turning to both your sides you see Wade completely asleep and Logan fighting for his consciousness. 
“This one good, bub’?” You whisper to Logan, teasing him slightly. 
With your words knocking him out of his trance, all Logan could think to say was, “Shut up.” Before returning to the video, his arm still wrapped around you. Within ten minutes the three of you were out cold, a mess of limbs all sewn together with soft tapping in the background. For the first time in years, Wade and Logan were able to get a good night's sleep and all it required was some cuddles and ASMR. 
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nadvs · 2 months
I'm really sorry to request this for sleeping with the enemy but I'm a sucker for angsty fics.
But what about their first fight as a couple? Maybe they're fighting over a stupid thing and they are both petty and don't want the other person to be right?
(or they have makeup sex and everything turns out fine lol)
OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH. DON’T BE SORRY. angst will always be my fav 🙂‍↕️ (the length of this blurb is proof)
they got into arguments as friends but as a couple, they get way more emotional. they’re both confrontational and stubborn and have commitment issues that come out in different ways so it gets ugly 🫣
based on this fic
they’ve been official for almost a month now. as friends, their arguments were silly and usually short-lived, but this fight is nothing like those.
it was a saturday night at a house party on rafe’s college campus. they split off at one point in the night and when she went searching for him, she found him in the backyard, standing with a group of guys she hadn’t seen before.
the smell of weed hit her instantly. panic set in. if he gets caught doing drugs, his future is shot. one random drug test and he’ll be kicked off the team.
she approached him, resting her hand on his bicep, and said to him quietly but sternly, “what are you doing?”
rafe was drunk but caught the sharpness of her tone, looking down at her with a scowl.
“what’s with the attitude?” he muttered.
“are you serious? you can’t smoke. don’t be stupid about this.”
one of his friends overheard, letting out a dramatic hoot as he held a lit joint to his lips, clearly taunting rafe for being scolded.
“just go back inside,” rafe snapped.
his buddies jeered, chuckles scattering over the group.
“what?” she said.
he wriggled out of her grip, looking away from her. she huffed in disbelief before storming off, anger rushing through her.
it’s tuesday afternoon and they still haven’t spoken. all over a ten-second conversation. it’s how their arguments would always go as friends. both of them get mad, fast, then don’t talk for a few days.
but this is different. it hurts way more.
rafe went looking for her at the party later on and realized she left. he was her ride there so he called her a few times, worried about how she was getting back.
when she didn’t answer, he texted her: at least tell me you got home. she replied: home.
now, she’s sitting at a cafe on her campus, working on a paper. she opens their text conversation a few times a day, hoping maybe she just missed a notification from him. but all she sees is their last bitter exchange.
and even though she’s pissed beyond belief that he disrespected her, she’s following his home game today. she watches every game she can.
it’s been a close one for three quarters now. she has the stream playing, taking up half of her laptop screen. when the fourth quarter starts, she watches rafe continue to dominate the court.
but her stomach drops when she sees him fall after a collision with another player. because he doesn’t get up.
she makes the stream fullscreen, watching with wide eyes. he limps off the court. he doesn’t come back out for the rest of the game. her heart is twisted in a knot.
even though she’s angry and hurt that he hasn’t looked past his pride and called or texted, she already knows that she’s going to go over to his place later to check up on him.
it’s almost sunset when rafe parks his car, her campus blanketed in a warm orange glow. the past few days have been hell. now his ankle is throbbing in pain. and he still hasn’t talked to his girl.
he hates this. the way he’s always the first to make contact after an argument. it makes him feel like he has no backbone. he should stay mad at her. she assumed the worst. embarrassed him. she should be running after him.
he’s parked in front of her dorm building. he pulls out his phone and stares at his call history for a moment before tapping her name.
it rings a couple times. then he hears her voice.
“come downstairs,” he says sternly. “i’m in front of your building.”
she pauses before she answers.
“i’m not home. i’m at your house,” she tells him. “i just got here. liam told me you went out. you should be resting.”
rafe rakes his hand through his hair. even though their tones are terse, his stomach flips knowing that she probably still watched his game today. that she came over to see him after his injury. she sounds worried.
“stay there,” he says.
she hangs up, looking at liam from her spot on the house’s front step.
“i’ll just wait in his room,” she says. rafe’s teammate nods and steps aside so she can come in. after she asked him if rafe was home, her next question was what happened.
apparently, he sprained his ankle. she’s glad it’s not as bad as she imagined.
as she climbs up the stairs, liam calls her name.
“not my business,” he says when she turns to look at him, “but please figure this shit out. he’s been extra bitchy lately.”
she chuckles despite herself.
“did he tell you what happened?” she asks.
“no. he just keeps sulking. a bunch of us tried to get him to talk about it, but we got told to fuck off,” liam says with an indifferent shrug.
“i’ve never seen him like this, so i hope you guys fix whatever’s wrong. i know he can be…” he doesn’t find the right word. “but i can tell he really likes you. for what it’s worth.”
“thanks,” she says.
when rafe enters his room and sees her sitting in his desk chair, his body goes warm with a mixture of anger and longing. he missed her. looking at her. hearing her voice.
“you went to my dorm?” she asks.
he shuts the door behind him, leaving his keys and phone on his nightstand before sitting on his bed.
“yeah,” he says flatly. “to talk.”
he almost says something about how of course he’s the one who reached out first to try to mend things, but she must’ve come over with that same intention. or maybe not. maybe she came over to break up with him.
her eyes dart down to his ankle, her face crumpling with sadness.
“liam told me it’s a sprain. how bad is it?” she asks.
“bad,” rafe says, mostly so she’ll feel bad for him. when he sees her frown, he realizes it worked, and then he feels rotten for trying to manipulate her.
she has that effect on him. she makes him want to be a better person. he doesn’t want to be manipulative or cruel or angry. not with her.
“it’ll heal in a few days,” he adds to ease her worry. “i’m good. it’s nothing.”
“okay,” she says, clearly relieved. “i brought some ibuprofen in case you don’t have any.”
“why?” he says, still on edge.
“i’m still gonna worry about you. no matter how much you hurt me.”
she looks down as she rifles through her bag, pulling out the pill bottle and tossing it on his mattress.
“i hurt you?” he mutters, his tone sharp. “you think this is on me?”
“are you for real?” she matches his intensity immediately, her voice going louder. “you basically told me to get lost in front of your friends. they laughed at me.”
“you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” he scoffs with a pissed off, disbelieving smile. what she did was way worse.
“do you have any idea how humilating that was?” she snaps. rafe stares at her with a tight jaw. “i was worried. they do random drug tests all the time. what if they found it in your system? and you fucked up your future just because you wanted to get high at a random party?”
“you think i need you to do that for me?” he shouts. “think back. did you see me smoking? did i look high?”
“you were standing in a circle of guys who were passing a joint around,” she says. “it’s not crazy of me to assume.”
he shakes his head and scoffs.
“rafe,” she says evenly. “you disappeared. you looked like you were on something. i got freaked out.”
“and then called me stupid.”
“i didn’t call you stupid,” she counters. but she knows her argument is flimsy. her impulsive words were harsh. telling him don’t be stupid was basically calling him stupid.
“oh, my god,” he mutters angrily. he stands up, hands on his hips as he paces over to the door and back to the bed, trying to cool down, even on his sore ankle. “imagine i came up to you like that in front of your friends. you’d lose your shit way worse than i did.”
“please sit down,” she says. “you need to keep your weight off your foot.”
he doesn’t listen.
“i didn’t find you to fight with you that night,” she continues. she takes a deep breath, anger rushing through her veins. “i was just worried. and then you were mean to me, saying something about my attitude-”
“yeah, because you came over with a stick up your ass,” he says. “it was so embarrassing that you talked to me like that in front of people.”
“what, because i’m a girl?” she scoffs.
“because you’re my girl,” he snaps.
she stills, staring at him as he stands in the middle of his room. a few moments of tense silence sink between them.
“i had a few drinks,” he says. “that was all. i know about the drug tests. i’m not an idiot. i’ve been playing since freshman year. i was hanging out with some guys i know from one of my classes. they were smoking. i wasn’t. that was it.”
she lets his words wash over her.
“please sit down,” she finally says again, tears pricking her eyes. “please. i don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
she sniffles. he gives in and sits back down, elbows on his knees as he sits hunched over.
rafe swallows the lump in his throat, his gaze on the floor. he’s not used to someone caring about him this much. he’s always only had himself. even when he’s yelling at her, she’s pleading for him to rest.
he hates the feeling of being told what to do. but when it comes from her, it’s because she gives a shit. and that makes it feel almost okay.
“i’m sorry,” she says, her tone wobbly. “i shouldn’t have used that word. i shouldn’t have embarrassed you. i don’t think you’re stupid. i just hated the thought of you losing everything you’ve worked so hard for.”
she sighs shakily.
“but when you talked to me like that…” she says. “it made me feel so… small. they were laughing at me and you weren’t on my side. it reminded me of how those idiots started treating me after we started seeing each other.”
rafe’s lips twist tightly. so many of the guys on the team she cheers for and even some of the girls on her squad started alienating her, treating her like she was a traitor just for hanging out with rafe.
he knows how much that messed with her head. then the person she went through all that for embarrassed her in front of some guys who don’t even matter.
finally, his gaze meets hers. her stomach sinks once she sees that his eyes are glossy. she’s never seen him cry. he’s this affected? she thought he was just mad at her for being a bitch to him in front of his buddies.
“you told me before,” he mutters, “that you expect every relationship to crash and burn. you expect the worst from every guy you date.”
she blinks back tears. she did tell him that, word for word, back when they were just friends. it was a moment of drunken vulnerability when she was talking about how every man she’d ever been with just let her down. she didn’t think he’d remember it. that he’d apply it to himself.
“it was like you made your mind up,” he says. “you were already sure i was hiding something from you, already fucking something up.”
her forehead crinkles. she didn’t think that he’d see it like that.
“listen, i…” rafe exhales slowly. his anger has almost completely dissolved now that she actually apologized. now that she said it, he feels like he doesn’t deserve the sorry. she was just looking out for him. “i’m sorry, too. i was an asshole.”
she bites her lip. he doesn’t say more. she waits. and waits. and waits. but that’s his entire apology.
“okay,” she finally says, unsure of how to resolve this. she’s still carrying the weight of pain he caused her. he doesn’t seem to get how badly he hurt her.
“okay what?” he asks. his mind is racing. “okay like, this is over? you’re done?”
“no,” she says, her brows furrowing.
rafe looks miserable, sorrow etched into his features, and even though she’s still hurting, still mad at him, she seals the distance between them, moving to settle on the bed across from him.
“you know how shitty these past few days have been?” he says. “hoping you’ll text me but at the same time, hoping you won’t because what if the message says you want to go back to being friends? or just never want to see me again at all?”
the ache in her heart doubles.
“it didn’t cross my mind once to break up with you,” she says.
“really?” rafe meets her eyes again. he looks genuinely shocked by her words. she had no idea he was so afraid of being left. so sure that she’d give up on him so quickly.
“of course,” she whispers.
the tension in rafe’s chest slowly loosens from her reassurance. he comes closer, his guard crumbling. her hand is on his knee. he puts his hand over hers.
“this has been rough on me, too,” she says, sniffling. “i kept waiting for you to call. i hated that you brushed me off like that. and now it’s like you don’t even get how much you hurt me.”
this is a punch to his gut. but he deserves it.
“i was pissed. i wasn’t thinking straight,” he says. “and i… i called that night, remember? like five times. you only texted me that you were home and you never called back.”
her breath shakes again. he didn’t do enough. he can see that now.
“i should’ve kept calling,” he says. “i’m sorry, baby. i am. you were just looking out for me. i fucked up.”
his words make her anger lose its sharpness.
“so did i. i don’t expect the worst from you,” she mumbles. “i know how hard you work. i know you’re serious about basketball. i just… panicked.”
rafe needs to kiss her, to have the tangible evidence that she still wants him as bad as he wants her.
he leans forward, giving her the softest kiss he’s ever given her. he doesn’t have it in him to pull back. not when he’s missed her so bad that it hurts.
he gently presses his palm against the back of her neck, guiding her to nuzzle into him. he kisses the top of her head as she rests her cheek on his shoulder.
“i miss you so goddamn much,” he admits. “you have no idea how much i think about you.”
he feels her nod against him.
“me, too.”
“i’m sorry, okay?” rafe says.
“me, too,” she echoes.
they stay like that, curled into each other, hearts starting to beat in unison again.
as she breathes rafe’s scent, a warmth that she’s committed to memory now, she realizes they’re carrying more baggage than she would’ve expected.
maybe she does assume he’ll lie to her and disappoint her. it must be a knee-jerk reaction after so many failed relationships.
and he clearly has a fear of being left. he looked like he didn’t even believe her when she told him she wasn’t considering breaking up with him. maybe he never let anyone in before because he was sure they’d eventually bail on him.
but she knew they were both stubborn. both explosive. both their own version of damaged. it took three days and a long, tense argument to get here, touching again.
beneath the ache they share, she has hope. they came to each other to resolve this. this was their first fight as a couple and they made it out to the other end.
it might be hard sometimes. but as she feels his arms encircle her, heavy and warm and comforting, she knows it’s worth it. he’s worth it.
she lets out another shaky breath and he kisses the top of her head again. he can’t lose her. he won’t survive it if he does.
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Stray Kids Reaction || You're Friends And Calls You By A Pet Name
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - September 2023
"Baby, can you pass me my laptop, please." As soon as the words registered in your brain you slowly turned to face your best friend who was now turning bright red in the face. Never in the six years of being friends with Chan had he ever given you a pet name like that, he'd given you nicknames but nothing that held any romantic significance to them.
"Baby?" You arched a brow at him, pulling his laptop into your chest and smirking at him and he knew by that one look he was never going to live this moment down.
"It just came out," He groans reaching his hands out to take his laptop but you tut at him and move away from his reach,
"I'm not saying I didn't like it," You admitted, making him blush even more as he watched you closely, whimpering a little when you finally handed him his laptop and smirked at him. You enjoyed seeing your friend so flustered over something as little as a nickname,
"It's okay sugar tits, you can call me whatever you want." You told him before winking and going back to what you were doing on your own laptop.
Minho was doing his best to ignore the constant teasing that he was receiving from each of the members but it seemed as though they were relentless. It had been over a week now since Minho had called you that stupid pet name and he was never going to hear the end of it,
"Kitten," Chan cooed in Minho's ear making you giggle a little at them, Minho was turning red in the face and you could tell it was angering him more than he wanted to admit.
"That's enough guys, It's not like you've never said anything embarrassing," You told them as you looked at Minho with a small smile, he gave you a sympathetic smile back and looked down at his phone.
"I've never called my best friend, "kitten" though," Seungmin teased, making you shoot a glare in his direction to which the young boy whimpered a little.
"Minho made a mistake, we all do...Now let's stop teasing him before he kills us in his sleep," You told them before smirking at Minho who cuddled closer to your side, leaning up so he could whisper into your ear,
"Thank you, kitten." He smirked against your skin as he felt the goosebumps on your body, ever since he'd called you that last week the two of you had been secretly dating...testing out the waters for what could be between you.
As soon as the pet name left Changbin's lips he instantly regretted it, It was something he'd been calling you in his head but he never wanted to say it out loud. 
"Baby?" You questioned, turning to look at him as he did everything to void your gaze. The last thing he wanted to do right now was screw up the friendship the two of you had created over the years, so he had a little crush on you he was sure it would disappear sooner or later.
"I don't know where it came from." He stuttered a little as you made your way over to him and sat beside him on the sofa, taking his chin in your hands and making him look at you.
"Say it again," You whispered as he scanned your face for any sign that this was something that made you uncomfortable but there was nothing, except for a look of excitement in your eyes.
"Baby..." He whispers back, your whole body shudders a little as you feel your cheeks begin to warm up.
"I like it." You admitted shyly, Changbin's heart was about to go into overdrive as he stared at you,
"You do?" He questioned, too excited for this to be seen as a nickname from a friend and you nodded at him, giggling a little.
"I do...Call me it again," You begged before he continued to call you by the nickname, bringing you closer to his body each time he called you by the pet name.
Hyunjin had known you for what felt like forever now, the two of you were best friends always had been and always will be and there was nothing more to it than that. This was why it was so surprising to the both of you when he turned around and called you "honey bun", It led the two of you just to stare at one another in complete silence.
"I've never heard you call someone that," You laughed at him, his cheeks beginning to turn bright red.
"It's from this stupid movie I was watching," He groans, running his hands over his face just waiting for the world to swallow him whole while you continued to giggle,
"Aw, love bug it's okayyyyy," You teased by calling him a pet name back only to have a pillow launched in your direction causing you to scream out.
"Don't get aggressive with me because you want to call me a nickname love bug," You smirked before another pillow hit you square in the face.
"Oh, it's on!" You screamed before throwing it back at him resulting in a huge pillow fight in the middle of your living room.
"Darling, can you hand me-" Jisung stopped mid-sentence as soon as he realised his mistake and it was like his whole world stopped still. You were staring at him with your mouth hanging open, your best friend's face turning the same colour as the tomato you were eating as he began to stutter a little.
"Jisung," You tried to plead as he continued to stutter and stumble over an apology to you, refusing to look at you and instead kept his gaze on the table below him.
"I didn't mean to, it just sort of flew out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop it and I don't want you to get weird about it but I realise by saying that I'm making it weird and I don't know how to make myself stop talking because now I'm ranting and-" He stopped when you held his face in your hands, looking him in the eyes as he finally took in a breath since he' said that whole thing in one breath,
"Jisung...Breathe, everything is fine." You told him as he looked at you with a saddened expression,
"I don't want it to make things weird." He admitted to you as you nodded, 
"It's not going to...Just take some deep breaths," You told him as you did some breathing techniques with him trying to get him to calm down little by little.
You'd had a crush on your best friend for who knows how long but you'd done everything within your power to hide it. The last thing you needed was to fuck up a friendship that meant the world to you, you never wanted to lose Felix.
"Hey, babe, can you get me my hoddie from the bedroom?" Felix asked as you stood up to go to the bathroom. It might have been a small pet name but you were suddenly giggling and looking at him, your legs getting a little jelly-like as you tried to walk.
"S-Sure," You stuttered out, your whole body flamed at the thought of him calling you any kind of pet name and you continued to giggle as you made your way to his room in search of his hoodie.
"Someone's happy," Felix chuckled suddenly in the same room as you again, you clutched his hoodie to your chest and turned to look at him,
"You liked it when I called you babe?" He quizzes stepping closer to you, he'd had a feeling you liked him more than a friend and now he was positive thanks to your reaction. You nodded at him shyly and he smirked at you,
"Good, let's go back and finish the movie baby and we can talk about this after," He winks before kissing your cheek and taking his hoodie leaving you as a bigger giggling mess than before.
Once the pet name had been spoken you and Seungmin stared at one another. You were best friends, had been for almost eight years now and the two of you were close...closer than close. Sometimes you acted like a couple going out a lot, cuddling, falling asleep curled up in one another's arms so there was no wonder as to why a pet name suddenly came out of the woodwork.
"What did you say?" You questioned slowly trying to make sure you'd heard him correctly and he blushed a little, swallowing the lump that was in his throat.
"Could you pass me the remote, baby?" He looked you in the eyes as you smirked a little, leaning closer to him as your breath caught on his lips. Your eyes slowly fluttered shut as did Seungmins as he moved closer to you and closed the gap between your lips, kissing you suddenly. As soon as you touched it was like a jolt of electricity was making its way through your body as you shifted to be closer to Seungmin.
"I had bets on them secretly dating!" Jeongin screamed as he walked into the room to find the two of you making out on the sofa, causing you to groan and hide your head in Seungmin's neck.
Nicknames weren't something you and Jeongin had ever given to one another, not even silly little nicknames and yet here you both were staring at one another as all of the members stared back at you.
"Love? Have you ever heard him call anyone that before?!" Felix asked as they stared at you, your eyes were still heavily locked on Jeongin as he blushed.
"I don't think I've ever called Yn anything but their name," Chan admitted as you waved your hand at them, silently telling them to shut up about it. It was clearly making Jeongin uncomfortable as his cheeks began to flame and he looked around nervously.
"Forget it happened, it was an accident." You told Jeongin who was quick to meet you gaze and shake his head rapidly,
"No?" You quizzed, your heart racing at the thought of him finally wanting more out of your friendship than just a friend. You'd been crushing on him for months but but were too scared to ever say anything.
"No," He whined before grabbing you and kissing you deeply, your eyes widened in surprise before relaxing and shutting as you gave into the kiss your arms wrapping around the back of his neck and bringing him closer to you.
tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy @aerastus @laylasbunbunny @critssq @lenfilms @btsiguess-kpop @meowmeowisdaname @imafivestarkpopstan @lost-leopard-beanie @djeniryuu @backintomykpopphaseagain @choisoorin
3K notes · View notes
orikiys · 1 year
✿ ✿ 〞arguements with skz
✰ pairings :  ot8!skz x gn!reader
✰ genre : angst
✰ warnings :  heavy angst, mentions of toxic behavior in some, misunderstandings, failing to communicate
✰ word count :   2.7k + words
part 2
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౨₊ৎ chan
"why are you so angry about all this?"
“you’re seriously asking me that?” his brows raised in disbelief as he spoke.
this what you two had been dealing with lately. unnecessary fights and constant bickering over anything. even today, a weekend, which chan called his ‘golden day’ , you two were yelling across the room.
“yes i am. and i’ll keep asking till you stop acting petty,” you looked him dead in the eye now. your faces were edging closer and closer to his, a defiant glare sparkling in your eyes. chan glared back, but he looked away as quickly, not being able to look at you when you two were fighting. he was used to the warm and admiring gazes, but not these sharp and angry stares. it made his stomach churn with the thought, what if you both got tired of fighting one day?
“if you’re not going to open your mouth no one will be sleeping tonight,” your voice snaps him back to reality, he silently stares at the floor with his head hung low.
“you know i hate him, don't you? i’ve told this story to you like a thousand times already and yet you still talked to him! do you think that’s fair?” he raised his voice and immediately regretted it. but there was no taking it back now. words can only be taken back in laptops or phones, not in real life.
“i just talked to him for barely even two minutes, chan! you’re being ridiculous at this point. do you think this is fair?” you cock your eyebrow at him, not hesitating to raise your voice as well since he walked down that path first.
“it doesn’t matter how long you talked, the point is you talked even after knowing our rough past. it’s almost like you don’t care about me or my feelings anymore! you’ve changed. you’ve become. . . selfish,” ouch. that had to hurt. and chan noticed the way your eyes instantly dulled. he licked his lower lip anxiously and watched as your frown deepened.
there were no further words uttered from your side which made him realise just how far he went, “babe. . . i- sorry,” the words were stuck in his throat and he could practically feel the tears building in his eyes as you took a shaky breath. he took a step closer and raised his hand to touch your face, but you avoided that and walked away.
maybe it was selfish indeed. or maybe not, he wished to not answer that as he sat on the couch and dragged a hand across his face filled with guilt. and as he stared at the hallway where you walked out, he could only hope to turn back the time and undo his mistake. but for now, he needed to wait. or fight for you.
౨₊ৎ minho
minho let out a frustrated groan when he felt the couch dip beside him. he threw a mere glance, before opening his laptop and typing something. it was unusual of him to act this frustrated and even when you tried to talk to him he glared in your way.
“i understand you’re having a bad day but it doesn’t mean that you can act however you want,” you muttered and scooted away from him before crossing your arms over your chest.
“then simply don’t understand,” he muttered nonchalantly and leaned closer to the laptop screen as he typed. this infuriated you even more.
“can you at least pretend to care? i’m not a statue sitting beside you!” his gaze shifted to you and he pressed his lips into a straight line.
“of course i will! should i even leave my job and tell my boss that my partner wanted to argue with me while i work?” sarcasm dropped all over his tone and it made you nauseous. you couldn’t believe your ears thay minho, lee minho was acting this way. he rolled his eyes and muttered a ‘thought so’ , upon seeing you go quiet and diverted his gaze back to the laptop in front of him.
“why do you have to make everything so difficult? why can’t you just talk like normal people do?” your gaze hardened and he could feel it. rolling his eyes, he switched his gaze back to you and saw you, a new you. your jaw was clenched harshly it was almost as if you were a ticking time bomb, just finding the right time and you could explode.
but minho was no less. the last thing he wanted was to submit his work after his deadline. and time was ticking as always. it doesn’t wait for him.
“the world doesn’t revolve around you! you need to know that. i have submissions to make and i can’t afford to lose my job when i’m this close to getting promoted,” with a final look he picked up his laptop and marched into your shared room. you poked your inner cheek with a tongue and wiped a lone tear that dripped on your cheek. this was going to be one hell of a night. and what hurt you even more is that he didn't even try.
౨₊ৎ changbin
changbin just unlocked the door to your shared apartment and quietly took off his shoes before slipping in the flip-flops. his heart dropped out it’s chest when he saw the date and time. it was two minutes past three. and he wasn’t surprised when the lights flicked on and there you stood, with an exhausted expression and wearing formals.
“shit. . . babe i’m so sorry-“
“you’re sorry?” your scoff definitely took him back. he stared at you nervously and felt his palms get clammy.
“if you’re sorry then you wouldn’t have forgotten our second anniversary! if you’re sorry then you wouldn’t have forgotten our booking! and if you’re really sorry then you would’ve at least called!” you yelled loudly and he could feel himself grow annoyed even though he was at fault.
“babe, i’ve had a tiring day and a bad headache. could you please not shout?” his soft tone took you by surprise but there was disappointment all over your face as he simply began to walk away.
“that’s it then? you’re just walking away like that? like a coward running away from his problems?” your throat felt dry when his head turned and his eyes met yours. his brows were furrowed in anger and he took a step towards you.
“me? a coward? if working my ass off means i’m a coward then maybe i am one. but i’m not running away from my problems. i’m simply solving them at the right times,” he muttered and gave you a tight smile.
“right time, huh? then why can’t you appear at the right times during our dates?” you replied, weakly. you were tired too. tired of his excuses, his empty promises, his apologies. they felt like nothing anymore. he had let you down too many times.
he opened his mouth to say something but closed it back again realising it could worsen the situation. with a soft sigh, he pressed his lips to your head and muttered a sorry before walking away.
maybe, the right time required you both to sit down and talk calmly.
“baby,” you hummed in response, making him continue, “i have a tour coming up so i’ll be gone for two months.”
the words slipped his mouth so easily as if he almost didn’t care. he came back home a week ago. out of which, he spent more than half of his time occupied at the company.
“you just came back!” the exasperation was visible in your tone and hyunjin bit his lip, feeling guilty. he cupped your face and said, “i’ll call you everyday, i promise.”
with a glare you shrugged his hands off and sat straighter to get your point clear, “if i wanted a boyfriend who can only call me why didn’t i just go for long distance?”
hyunjin’s expression changed. he ran a hand through his hair harshly, “i thought you knew what you were getting to when you started dating me.”
“yes i did! i still do. but that doesn’t change the fact that you have the upper hand in your life. which means you should be able to make some time for me?” it felt pathetic, to beg for his time. to sit there at home waiting for him. always. like the desperate being you were. and you began to even pity yourself.
“how long do i have to wait for you hyun? just how long?” and as the tears finally slipped through, hyunjin pulled you in a tight hug. he let you hit him. he let you curse him. and in the end he didn’t let you walk and slip away. but maybe, trying harder would be better. the thing that stung the most was time. time that he didn't have for you. time that he promised he would give, but never did. maybe it was time to take some right decisions for both of you.
౨₊ৎ han
you had been trying to get your boyfriend to talk to you for about 15 minutes now. it was a chore. it was exhausting. but you knew something was wrong and you weren't going to let him suffer alone.
“what’s your problem?” he snapped. annoyance written bold on his forehead as he stared at you, waiting for an answer.
“you’re too unusually quiet today,” you muttered under your breath but he managed to hear it.
it was one of those days where the two of you didn’t hold back.
“oh so now you decide whether i talk or not?” you sighed noticing him still look annoyed.
“don’t put words in my mouth jisung,” your eyes warned him, and he snapped himself out of it before covering his face with his hands.
“can you just go away for now?” he whispered and looked at you. he looked so . . . tired.
“is that a request or a warning?” your joke had no smiles, neither out of you nor him. he expectantly looked at you making you bitterly nod to yourself.
“always has to be me,” and even though it reached his ears he gave no expression, seemingly feel his head throb with thinking too much. he slammed his hands on the desk it made him feel better, maybe not much. but it did not fill the gap in his chest. and it hurt him to reach this point.
౨₊ৎ felix
“lix, i don’t think i can do this anymore,” you muttered and looked away knowing that one look at his face would have you running back in his arms. you had become that weak for him. that weak that you couldn’t resist him or his lies.
“what do you mean baby?” he looked so confused that you almost felt guilty, but then you remembered that he was just being innocent. as if he didn’t lie to you a hundred times. as if he didn’t cause you pain and misery almost everyday.
“i’m tired of you, lix. i’m also tired of us. how long are you going to make me suffer?” your tone caught him by surprise. he stared at you baffled, trying to find words to make you stop speaking like that anymore but he chose to remain quiet when he saw that look of sadness take up on your expression.
“i know we fight a lot babe but i swear i love you,” he held your hands in his hands and pressed a tender kiss while looking at you.
there it was. those words he uttered again, just like always. he would hurt you and then later on he would sweet talk you. and you had grown extremely tired of it.
shrugging his hands off you took a step back, “that’s it felix! if you try to manipulate me once more i’m breaking up with you!”
his brows furrowed in confusion. he didn’t know what you were playing at, but he wasn’t going to back off after being told those words.
“manipulate? i’m simply trying to remain calm! but looks like all my efforts are going in vain,” hurt spread all across his face as he said it. maybe you overthinking it, or maybe not. but one thing was clear, you both hurt each other in ways you didn’t know.
“you always do this! make promises you can’t keep and then talk me out of it,” and even though you stood firm with your decision, you weren’t a fool to not notice the way his shoulders slumped down, and his mouth turn downwards forming a frown.
“what more do i have to do to make you believe that i a sincere about this, about us?” he let out an exasperated sigh after pointing between the two of you.
“just be honest and love me,” and as you uttered those words, your eyes met his and you could see the way it reflected deep sorrow and perhaps guilt? you couldn’t name it.
with a dejected nod, he grabbed his wallet, bag and phone before rushing out of the house.
“i’ll be staying over at chan’s,” he muttered giving you one final look, as if telling you to stop him. but you didn’t, you just nodded and looked away.
he felt all his hopes shatter down upon that one thing, all the things he dreamt of for future could be seen crumbling down and all he could do was let out a shaky breath with his hand trembling all the while as he drove away.
౨₊ৎ seungmin
“where were you?” he practically shouted, startling you.
“i told you i was out with some friends,” you replied, trying to be the calm one.
“some friends? or a special friend?” his tone felt poisonous. it felt unfamiliar on his tongue to speak in this way but he tried not to look too fazed.
“what is that supposed to mean?” you replied pointedly, totally forgetting about remaining calm and stared at him.
“you know exactly what i mean,” his voice lowered down for a second and so did the anger in his gaze, but he held contact wanting you to know it was serious.
“i’ve called you like a million times and i was worried sick because you didn’t tell me where you went!”
“i can take care of myself, seungmin.”
“sure you can, but i don’t trust the other men,” he sighed and his eyes finally softened.
“good night,” he mumbled and walked away, leaving you standing all alone. things were getting better for worse? or for better?
౨₊ৎ jeongin
“stop shouting,’’ he said. It almost made you scoff when he was the one who started it.
“babe it wasn’t funny you know that?’’ you muttered, dejected but he just looked away not having any words to speak.
“i understand they are your friends but you can’t just go and tell them about my problems like that!’’ jeongin let out a deep sigh and looked at you.
“i thought maybe they could help in a way. they’re like my family.’’
“still. you could’ve at least asked me before telling them, you’re basically feeding off every bit of my secrets and i’m even scared to tell you anything now,’’ now that sounded ridiculous to him. you could trust him, and he wanted you to know that.
“you’re clearly overreacting. i just told them why you were feeling off,’’ he ran a hand through his hair growing frustrated that you both didn’t understand each other.
“you gave them the entire speech jeongin. don’t you dare lie to my face!’’ that was the high point. the two of you looked at each other with an abnormally furious gaze. and it made you realise just how long would it take for this to end?
“i’m not lying! Why don’t you understand me? i was just trying to make you feel better!’’
“if you wanted to make me feel better then you could’ve talked to me! and not them!’’
a minute of silence was all that was heard before you took your cue to speak, “am i dating you or am i dating them?’’ the tears came as quickly as they fell. you had grabbed your coat and bag, heading for the door. you didn't think anything else could hurt you. but you were wrong.
what hurt the most was that he didn't stop you.
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phebbsl · 3 months
Warm You Up
I was writing another fic but this popped into my head, oops.
Just a small thing on the different ways that cockwarming SDV Sebastian would go, according to my brain. Not super smutty but it is nsfw, it's more fluffy imo.
Not proofread, lmk if there's typos.
Sebastian x GN!Reader
content: fluff, nsfw, cockwarming
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Cockwarming was not something Sebastian saw himself doing. Not that he was opposed to it, but he never really had a partner to suggest the concept to. It seemed like it would be more frustrating than anything anyways. 
But it’s become something of a routine for the two of you these days. It wasn’t really something either of you had planned on either, it just happened. 
He hasn’t officially moved in, but he might as well have, with the amount of time he spends at the farm. He walks over, taking his daily smoke break on the trail to your place instead of by the lake or the train station. If you aren’t home yet, he takes the time to pet your farm animals or sit on the bench outside, admiring the hard work you’ve put into the land. And when you do arrive, the two of you make dinner, passing little questions about each other’s day. The two of you eat over bed trays perched on each lap so you can watch something on your old laptop on your bed, quiet hums and speculations interjecting shows or movies. It’s not exciting, nor is it boring. It’s just...peaceful. Domestic. Something he hasn’t really experienced at home in, maybe ever? Perhaps that’s why he finds himself at your place so often. He’s never been the one for daring, passionate relationships anyways, not that this lacks passion. It’s a just nice warmth that cradles the need he has inside him, and he feels so understood by you, something else that’s severely lacking in his life. 
And when you’re both craving some intimacy beyond a good cuddle, but too tired after craning over a keyboard or from whacking down trees/pulling weeds/monster hunting and whatever else you do, you’re so impressive, he thinks, he’ll pull down his pants so you can slide onto his cock. 
The first time was an accident, he’d pulled an all nighter, and almost didn’t even come over. But he missed you more than anything, and craved your touch, only to fall embarrassingly asleep when you got on top of him. He was mortified, barely looking you in the face when he woke up the next morning and realized what happened, but you just shrugged and said it was okay. You teased him about it after too, of course.
But it happened to be the best sleep he’s gotten in ages, and when he asked to try it again, you just obliged and now it’s just a part of your relationship. 
You fall asleep to kisses and hands roaming your body, curled up around each other in a way that satiates the loneliness he feels in himself. And then in the mornings, when it’s too early, the sun barely up, you coax him out of bed by riding him until he spills inside you with breathy whines. Pleased smiles are shared over breakfast and a kiss on the forehead before he goes back home.
Other times, when it’s raining in the mornings, and he’s already in his head, he wakes you with hard, desperate thrusts, drawing orgasms and moans from you until the dark thoughts go away. Luckily, you take the rainy days easier, allowing the two of you to stay in bed longer. He takes care of you then, apologizing for the way he treated you, not that you ever mind, and it almost always leads to another round. It's sweeter, tender. You whisper reassurances then, cupping his face and he kisses your brow. 
It starts happening outside of the farmhouse too now. On particularly boring days, you’ll visit him as he’s working, and while you take his job seriously, it’s become a habit to slide into his lap, a sly look on your face as you work on loosening his jeans before sinking down on him. You love the way he groans, head falling back and eyes rolling into his skull as he splits you open. His hands always fly up from his keys, gripping your waist until he remembers he has a job to do. And you stay there, peacefully drowsy until it’s finished, and then he bends you over the bed or couch. You stay the night, not leaving his room, sneaking out in the early morning after one too many knowing looks and comments from Robin afterwards. 
Sometimes, it’s when he’s playing games. Curled up in his lap again, back against his chest so he can rest his head on your shoulder to look at the screen. He twitches inside of you whenever the game gets intense, hips fucking into you as if it’s by reflex. It only makes him play worse, because then he’ll get lost in the feeling of your warmth around him. He passes the mouse for you to take over so he can focus on thrusting into your sweet spots, a hand on your hip to keep you stable and the other on your jaw, turning your face to kiss him  before urging you to focus on the game. 
Occasionally, you get impatient faster than he does, unexpectedly moving or adjusting on his lap throughout the game, making him moan straight into the mic. You give him an innocent look while he glares at you, making excuses to the other players. It repeats until you start moving your hips, bouncing up and down until he breaks. He doesn’t even try to win the game, just pushes away the keyboard and mouse so he can take you right on the desk. The fact that all his teammates could catch on turns him, and you, on more than it should. He rams into you, crooning dirty words, teasing hands never helping you finish until you’re crying and begging him for it. He always cums with the loudest, drawn out sounds, hips still moving until he’s too overstimulated to continue. He pulls you back into his lap with a chuckle and another kiss, ready to move to the bed for a cuddle until—
“Goddamnit Seb! You forgot to mute again!” 
He’s gonna have to apologize to Sam tomorrow. 
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Lmk what you guys think/which way is your fav hehe
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ynbabe · 3 months
Cute situations w/ f1 drivers- ep2. part 2
Asking the drivers if they 'wanna nap?'
PT-1 w/Charles, Carlos, Lando, Oscar, George, Lewis, Lance & Fernando
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You had just gotten off the phone with your mother, so obviously tears were stinging your eyes and the urge to punch a wall was getting stronger by the minute. Unfortunately, you weren't the only one dealing with less-than-loving parents.
"But that's not fair, no one's perfect, I've won five out of eight races," He yelled into the phone to a louder voice responding from the other end. Max looked defeated, with red under his eyes and hair sticking up where he dragged his hands through it.
"No, I didn't fucking let them win, it's their job too," he stood right by the door, slamming it behind him, "Whatever, bye," he cut the call, standing still for a few seconds, glaring at his phone, knowing him debating between throwing it at a wall or stomping on it.
"Wanna nap?" You asked him, setting your phone on the coffee table and letting yourself fall face first on to the hotel bed. Max followed suit, one arm over your waist.
“Damn, can you imagine if we swapped places as kids?” You thought out loud as sleep neared making Max scoff.
He turned to you and in a dead serious tone replied, “Y/n/n, you’d be a serial killer and I’d probably be in jail, now let me sleep, you’re warm,” The man’s response was screech worthy, making you want to smack him but for once, he was right, you were very warm and cuddly and so was he, a fight could wait, sleep was now.
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“LOGAN!” You screamed, knocking on his hotel room door, hoping the man would hurry to answer.
You couldn’t believe the man had launched an entire app without even giving you a hint! You were so proud of him and you couldn’t wait to celebrate. You waited to see his smiling face, knowing you were going to shower him with praises and way too many hugs but when he opened the door, his demeanour was nothing like you had expected.
“Dude didn’t you just launch an app? Why the no good sad face?” You asked as you walked in past him.
He sighed as he sat on his bed, working away at his laptop and a hundred pages spread out. You couldn’t help but frown.
“Logan, Logan,” you called out, ultimately pulling the boys head to face yours, “what the fuck mate, you should be happy right now, what’s wrong?” You asked, disturbed that your happy go lucky, it is what it is friend was so sullen.
“The cars fucked, I have no future, my team fucking hates me, my best and only friend literally never talks to me and I feel like a fucking failure,” he went of on you, slamming his laptop shut making you flinch.
You stared unimpressed at his little charade to keep you away, unfortunately you had grown up with the man and knew his tantrums and breakdowns, “First of all, your only friend? What am I chopped liver? Secondly, James Vowles can fuck off for all I care, you deserve so much better then that ratchet ass team, thirdly you just launch your own app, need I go on?” You presented embodying your inner George Russell as you picked Logan’s laptop and papers off his bed.
“But still-” his face was still down and he continued to doubt himself.
“Look,” you say next to him, holding his hand in yours, “it’s been a tough few years, not gonna lie, but you’re going to pull through cause you are one of the most talented people I know,” you squeezed his hand, “also you can’t give up because you promised you’d get rich and pay for everything.” You shrugged and pulled him to lay on the bed.
He huffed, smacking a pillow on your face, “so that’s why you’re friends with me? Not my dazzling personality? How could you? This is a betrayal, I’m betrayed,” he joked, finally getting back to his normal self, but you were still worried about him.
You turned to the man enveloping him in your arms, the man immediately returning the favour immediately. You let yourself fall into a comfortable sleep, telling yourself to do this more often.
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“Hey, are you busy?” Daniel had said softly as he entered your room immediately raising red flags in your mind, never once hand the man been so quiet. You quickly put away your stuff on the night stand patting the spot on the bed next to you to let him sit.
“Yeah, is everything okay? You look tired, Danny,” you asked to nothing but silence from the man. A few seconds passed and you could see how wet his eyes were.
“I’m so tired y/n/n,” he spoke in a hoarse whisper, scaring you, what did he mean by that? “I’m just, I can’t, I’m doing everything I can and it isn’t enough, I- I,” he tried speaking but he couldn’t without choking.
You tired not to cry with him, the only man you’d always known to be laughing and happy even in the worst of circumstances, keeping everyone’s spirits up was sitting here in front of you, so hopeless.
You didn’t think twice before pulling him in a hug, cradling him as you both sank into a laying position. “You’re tired, mate, let’s take a nap, it’ll be okay Danny, I promise, it’s going to be fine,” you whispered into his hair making him nod.
You felt him drift off as the tears slowed down and you couldn’t help passing out in the warmth either knowing when you wake up you’d find a way to make the man himself again.
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“Can I please marry you?” You begged for what seemed the tenth time that day much to Yuki’s irritation.
“I am never cooking for you ever again,” he complained falling onto the sofa next to you, watching the sitcom tv rather than paying attention to you.
“Please, you know you loved the tiramisu I made,” you boasted, opening up a button on your shirt to allow you to breath. The amount of food you and Yuki had consumed for individuals of your sizes were seriously guiness worthy.
He whined knowing you had won that argument, “fine but I want the recipe as a wedding gift,” he joked making the both of you laugh.
“Dude I’m ready to go into a food coma for the next ten fucking years,” you confessed, making the man nod in agreement.
“I’ve eaten enough for the next damn week.”
“We should nap,” you spoke out loud, turning to the man next to you, “wanna nap?”
“Yup,” he immediately answered to which you both pounced on either ends of the sofa, shifting into comfortable positions, making sure neither was kicking the other, his legs on the coffee table pulled close to the sofa and yours curled up closed to you.
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“Fuck me,” you groaned as another one of your projects fell through. You threw your phone on the table in front of you, sighing as you did.
“Do mind if I do,” joked an irritating grating voice from behind you, from your bed, you had honestly forgotten your friend had been there after another pissy fight with his sweetheart teammate.
“Keep talking Gasly, I’ll call Ocon over make it a threesome,” you laughed as you joined him, pushing him to one side to make space.
The man looked honestly disgusted, “I can’t believe you’d stoop low enough to even joke about that, standards babe, standards,” he scoffed looking at you judgementally to which you rolled your eyes.
“Damn I guess we won’t be making love, sad, I was actually going to agree for once, I’ll just ask Estie then” you fake sighed, feigning disappointment, much to the other man’s horror.
“Shut up, Y/n,” he knocked your shoulder with his after he saw your grin, fighting a yawn as you pushed him back.
“Do you wanna nap?” You asked, equally tired and dejected about your failed project, he nodded and pulled the both of you into a more comfortable position, turning in to face you, burying his face in your neck and you let your hand play with his silky blonde locks, falling into a comfortable sleep.
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“BITCH, YOU WILL NOT BELIVE THE SHIT I’VE JUST SEEN-” you yelled as you ran into Esteban’s driver room, seeing him lying on the makeshift bed.
You immediately jumped in next to him, waking him up in a startle, “MERDE! Y/n?” He yelled in fear and then confusion, looking around as if a swat team had burst in, “what is wrong with you?” He screeched as he pulled his hands over his face in exhaustion, “you’re a worse gossip than Pierre,” he grunted lying back down.
You animatedly threw yourself down next to him, using his arm as a pillow. “I abhor that accusation, actually,” you grumbled but gave in nonetheless, “okay so look at this photo and tell me what you see,” you showed his your phone, a photo you’d gotten out of a greedy paparazzi’s hand as a media control agent in Mercedes.
The man next to you suddenly seemed much more awake, “Is that Nico fucking Rosberg?” He whisper- yelled into your ears, snatching the phone out your hands.
“Yup,” you grinned popping the p, “bought that shit for eleven thousand dollars,” he whistled, “that was taken at 4 am at Lewis’s hotel,” you whispered, turning your body to face his.
“Oh my god,” he laughed, “I thought these were rumours?” He asked gleefully.
“Nope, this isn’t even the first time I’ve had to do damage control,” you sighed, trying to get your phone back but it was pulled away by the taller man.
“You mean there’s gossip you haven’t told me? Your best friend, whose room you’re currently hiding in? Interrupting my nap time?”
“You, Estie, are such a drama queen,” you teased him, pulling your phone out of his hand. “And we can definitely nap, I spent all night trying to convince that asshole to drop the story,” you kept you phone in your pocket as Esteban made himself comfortable, both of you letting yourselves rest after the tiring day you had.
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“How are you not broke?” The man yelled in astonishment as he saw at the amount of bags in the Prada assistants hands, choosing to ignore his own in another’s, he was allowed to spend he technically was a millionaire, even without his family and sponsors.
You looked at him with raised brows as you opened the doors your apartment building, you and Zhou both owning the penthouses, yours above his.
You let the men drop the bags off on your floor, keeping Zhou waiting, making him annoyed to your amusement. When the men finally left you simply answered, “Samsung shares.”
Zhou groaned “Spoilt child,” and headed into the guest suite as you headed into your room, “look whose talking I have my own assistant at the mall,” you called out behind you. That had been funny, the man followed Zhou to every shop, holding the bags you both collected till you needed another.
You both walked out and showed each other the clothes and accessories you had bought, occasionally swapping one or two. As the day progressed into late evening you called for food, tired from the little fashion show you had.
“I need a nap,” you groaned, folding your feet as you sat on the dinning table chair.
“My legs are killing me,” Zhou agreed, not only had he had a terrible work out in the morning but you both had covered way more than 10,000 steps in that mall.
“Want to nap?” You offered, knowing very well he could just go a floor below to his own home.
“Sure, turn on screen mirroring on your tv, I’ll show you the drivers chat,” he said heading into your room and you ran behind him with glee.
The gossip was the best part of being friends with Zhou, that and the really warm cuddles he gave, “oh my god, Charles and Max again?” You laughed and leaned on his shoulders as he relayed all the details to you, his voice slowly softening as you both drifted into a peaceful sleep.
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donatellawritings · 5 months
I jus wanna shut my baby brain off and let big bad daddy rafey take care of me :(
oh this is sooo muñeca & sugar daddy!rafe coded …
ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐
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you were entirely too emotional and high-strung — but who could blame you? with your skyrocketing hormones and mere hours that stood between your sweet papi rafe going back home to kildare, while you remained in culebra was becoming way too much for you to handle. and rafe couldn’t find it in himself to reprimand you, you’d been doing so well when it came to putting your big girl panties on and fighting back the impending waterworks that welled at your waterline, whenever it came time for rafe to go back home — you practiced!
but, unfortunately you’d lost every ounce of your resolve when your doe eyes fell on the two suitcases that sat at the edge of rafe’s bed.
sat in the middle of the plush firmness of the california king bed, your small body hiccuping with incessant cries, you curled your knees into your chest, “on-one — more — day,” you squeaked out, your jumbled words cut into choppy huffs of air as rafe pursed his lips into a tight line.
stood firmly beside the bed with his hands planted on his waist, rafe pinched the bridge of his nose with a knowing sigh, “c’mon, kid — y’been through this many times already, yeah?” met with a sharp cry from you, rafe is quick to switch into complete father-figure mode, letting out a piercing whistle, “hey! cut it out, y’gonna knock y’self out, cryin’ like that,” he scolds, his voice firm as you raise your puffy-tear stained face from your knees with a sniffle.
“quédate conmigo, please papi,” you squeak out, stretching both of your arms out in a reach towards rafe, your bottom lip all wobbly.
taking a seat at the edge of the bed, rafe opens an arm, beckoning you into his lap with a flick of his two signet-ringed fingers as you immediately and obediently crawl into his lap with a whimper, “a’ight, no more cryin’ — don’t need y’passin out on me before i go, hm?” rafe soothes, bringing his hand seamlessly clasp around the back of your neck.
nodding the side of your cherub cheek against rafe’s collarbone, you let out a breath of relief, “when d-do you come back,” you question softly, your doe eyes all sore and heavy from your earlier sobs as you quickly knuckle away the wetness at the tip of your nose.
“no … do not start that, you hear me?” rafe scolds, his free hand lightly tapping the side of your soft thigh, earning a frustrated mewl from you. squeezing your neck, rafe urges a verbal answer from you.
much to rafe’s very dismay, his corrective tone only set you off even further — you didn’t want your papi to be mad at you before he left. so, your bambi eyes were quick to well with warm tears, a warning sniffle itching at your nose as you shook your head, before heaving into rafe’s neck.
“fuck — okay, princess. hey, need y’to look at your papi now, yeah? can y’look at me — can’t look at me if y’cryin, pretty girl,” rafe coos, gently pulling your leg to straddle his hips as he pushes your face up to meet his, with a slight nudge of his shoulder. met with red and glassy eyes and flushed cheeks, rafe brings both of his hands to cradle each side of your face.
“a’ight, need y’to a good girl while m’gone, okay? y’gonna be a good girl for daddy?” rafe questions, slightly mushing your cheeks together as you huff out a wobbly breath, before licking over your swollen lips.
softly nodding in rafe’s grasp, you sniffle, “yes.”
allowing a satisfied smirk to play on his lips, rafe pulls your face down, leaning forehead against his, “good. now, i need y’to go to sleep, kid. i won’t be here when you wake up, but —”
fat tears are quick to brim your lower lash line as you whine in rafe’s grasp, “no—”
shushing you with a corrective tut, rafe pecks your lips in a silencing kiss, “shh … i always come back for you, don’t i? always call you, send you pretty presents — got you that laptop s’you can see me when y’get sad, yeah?”
with an appreciative nod, your lips brush against rafe — your papi always kept his promises, “g-going to mi-miss you,” you shudder, your voice all cracked and uneven as you stare directly into rafe’s bright baby blues, silently wishing you’d be able to make him stay just one more night.
“i know, kid,” rafe sighs, gently easing the both of you to fall back on the bed, one arm secured around your waist as he slides a free hand to the back of your head, lightly scratching at your scalp, “promise, m’gonna come back and take good care of you, yeah? s’my job to make sure m’little girl is happy,” he coos, leaving you to nod against his neck as you slowly, but surely begin to doze off.
whispering sweet nothing into your sleepy ear, rafe remains awake, until he’s one hundred percent sure that your asleep, your parted lips blowing warm air against his neck. once your breathing calmed into a steady rhythm, rafe was careful about maneuvering your drowsy body, carefully removing the small hand that rested on his face and placing it on his chest.
it was never easy for rafe to leave his girl in an island that was so far from him. he liked being in control and in the know of all moving parts in your day to day, so leaving you to fend for yourself — despite being waited in hand and foot by the hired help of the villa — rafe fought the urge to fly you to kildare altogether. you were still so wet behind the ears, so fragile and sentimental, such a transition would be way too much for your little heart to handle.
placing the pillow that sat under his head to rest in the tight hold of your arms, rafe reaches for the powder pink iphone that sits on the nightstand, placing it beside the pillow, ready for your use, the moment you woke up.
you just hoped that your papi rafe would be proud that you were awake the entire time and didn’t cry … because you practiced!
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planet-dusk · 1 year
i sent this skz x 9th member!reader to another creator but forgot who it was so i’m sending it here too i guess. enjoy
i féel like the boys would def be little pervs towards their girl member. like “cuddling” her in the car on the way to places, having her sit in their lap during lives and stuff, constantly watching her boobs in tank tops during practice, etc something tells me chan or minho would be the biggest pervs out of the older boys but they know how to be subtle with it. meanwhile jisung and maybe jeongin are the the young ones who go absolutely crazy over anything. like her boobs could be out a little bc her tops are flimsy so they grab a handful and are lowkey fondling her but using the excuse that it’s helping keep her boobs in her bra or something. she’d def be very clueless but not entirely. like she knows that bc she’s a girl and they’re all guys, they have urges too. walking around the house in short and tight clothes, asking sexual questions, singing and dancing to sexy songs, etc they’d probably have a corruption kink too because of her “innocent but not really” aura. she’s innocent in the way that she’s just clueless when anyone so much as hits on her, likes her, try’s to make a move, etc
idk this was a while ago so maybe it’s just ramblings from my brain.
🏷️ perversion, noncon somno for jisung's part, corruption, fingering, oral (f + m), masturbation, unprotected sex, mc is called baby, kitten, doll, pretty, toy, slut
as the oldest and the leader of the group chan should know better. but you're so cute when you wake up early and your eyes are still puffy with sleep. he can't help but let his gaze linger on your bare legs, picturing his face between your thighs. sometimes when you join him on channie's room he'll run his teasing fingers over your clothed slit, enjoying the way you squirm and hide your hot face in your hands, pretending you're camera shy.
"keep still, baby. you know how much the fans love it when you look all cute and flustered."
minho is always helpful, offering you private dance lessons to hone your skills. he can be strict with the other members but he's noticed how embarrassed you get when he praises you. "you're doing so well, kitten," he whispers into your ear while he adjusts your position. you avert your eyes and try to focus on the way your body moves. he's smirking at you through the mirror, his hands skimming your ass more than necessary. when you're all warmed up and sweaty he bends you over and grinds his hard cock against your clothed pussy. "let's stretch some more."
"i know you can do it," changbin encourages when your voice cracks again. he turns off his laptop and enters the recording booth. "hey, don't cry," he wipes your tears away with his thumbs and you sniffle. you're fucking up your lines. badly.
"do you trust me?" he asks and you nod, letting him spread your legs. with a puzzled face you watch him crouch down and nuzzle the inside of your thigh. "you just need to relax, baby... you're straining too much when you get anxious. let me help you."
hyunjin is your roommate. he's a calm and quiet guy so you don't mind having him around. but on some nights you wake up to muffled gasps and groans coming from his side of the room. if you didn't know any better you'd have sworn some of his moans sound like your name. afraid to let him know you're awake you stay quiet and stare at the ceiling. your own hand slips into your pyjama pants to rub quick circles on your swollen clit, desperate to cum in time with him.
"ssh, it's me," jisung shushes you with a hand clasped over your mouth. you blink at him groggily, feeling two of his fingers slipping in and out of your wet hole with ease. he must've been playing with you for a while. "hyunjin's taking a shower and told me to wake you up." he snuggles against your back and you gasp into his palm when he replaces his fingers with his thick cock. "be a good doll for me now, pretty. we don't have much time before he comes back."
felix is the first to turn your relationship with them into something more than strictly collegial. "we're not colleagues, or friends, or family," he tugs you onto his lap and purrs into your ear, "we're something more." his fingers reach into your shorts and press against your clothed slit, making your head spin. "feel how soaked these panties are for me, doll? you know i'm telling the truth. what we've got is something special."
seungmin is your vocal training partner. when you stay late in the studio to practice he stays with you. his unconventional training methods are your little secret; he'd told you the others can't know a thing because they would get jealous, so you do as told. seungmin makes you feel special. you know he'd do everything for his favorite member.
"sluts like you need to have their throats trained," he groans and thrusts his cock deeper. "how else are you ever going to hit those notes?"
jeongin can never keep his hands off you when you're getting dressed for your stages. he gropes at your tits and tugs on your clothes. "these skirts keep getting shorter," he shakes his head and frowns. "everyone in the audience will be able to see your safety shorts. but you know you belong to us, don't you?" he grins and you squeal when his fingers slip between your thighs and locate your clit with ease. the barest hint of pressure against the fabric has you panting, proving his point. "no matter how many people cheer for you, you're our toy."
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lebbys-world · 5 months
Sleepy Cuddles
Todoroki x gn!reader; no warnings! just fluff and some cuddles with our favorite boy :)
notes: my friend suggested i start writing some fics, so here we are! feel free to leave any requests or questions in my ask box !!
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Your eyes drooped in exhaustion, the physical exertion from the day's training seemingly hitting you all at once.
You had managed throughout your classes just fine, only feeling the usual post-workout soreness, and assumed you’d be feeling the same come evening.
Having made plans for a usual weeks-end dorm date, you were hoping the fatigue would at least spare you that.
And, your wish being granted, here you were: laying down on your dorm room bed, cuddled up next to your boyfriend, a recently released show playing on the laptop in front of you two.
Unfortunately, in your drained state, you made the slightly unwise decision to stay closely snuggled up to the half-and-half quirk user’s left side.
Barely fifteen minutes into your show, you were quickly beginning to face the consequences of this choice; the slight natural heat of his quirk swiftly lulling you into much needed sleep. 
At the same time, Todoroki’s attention began to wane from the show, his gaze constantly drifting down to meet your closed eyes.
He smiled and carefully adjusted his position to allow for you to now lay comfortably against his chest, rather than against the blade of his shoulder.
As much as he found intrigue in the shows you two watched, what he truly adored were the stark comments you’d make towards the show, always followed by a dramatic look that would fade into a laugh.
More than anything, these were the sorts of moments that he insisted started to mend the wounds that reside deep in his heart.
And right now, watching you sleep so peacefully, as if there was nothing wrong in the world - he believed this was one of those moments, too.
As the credits of the show began to roll, he felt your weight shift beneath him, a sleepy groan following as your eyes regained bits of consciousness.
“...Sho..?” You looked up at your boyfriend, a sudden wave of realization and guilt rushing over you.
“..Oh goodness, I didn't realize how burnt out I was. I’m so sorry I fell asleep, we can keep watching-”
He cuts you off by pulling you closer into his embrace, his actions quelling your worries in an instant.
“Go back to sleep. You can’t keep pushing yourself so much and then refuse to rest.”
You huff, flopping back into a comfortable position in the warm bed. Half asleep already, you weren’t going to be the one refusing such a generous offer. 
Returning his embrace, you both closed your eyes, a small smile meeting your lips.
“Thank you.” You mumbled, as you return to the comforting hold of sleep, safe and sound in the hold of your lover.
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all fictional works are for entertainment purposes only. all rights to characters, media, references, and other third party materials belong to their respective owners. do not repurpose, modify, copy, or repost my work to other sites without permission. © @lebbys-world 2024.
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bunnyscrypt · 8 days
“a devouring hunger, a complete, violent passion, like a storm.”
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pairing. college au - jason todd x reader
based loosely off the scene from may (2002). disclaimer: this story is based in a separate universe to my upcoming self indulgent college au!jason todd universe.
♱ synopsis: . jason todd is a transfer student. he's tall, he’s big, and he has gorgeous hands. he hangs with the football crowd despite not playing the sport himself, you keep your distance however. he’s infatuated with you though. you find him…. intriguing. 

♱ cw: reader is very gothic and black girl coded but no descriptors (anyone can read), fluff, college!au, smut ♡
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you were the one that told jason it was best that you stayed away from each other. you just didn’t trust him, not with the crowd he hung around, but he seemed sweet and sincere - sad eyes that bore in to yours as you turned him down. almost feeling bad until the eyes of his friends watching made you walk up away leaving him looking dejected. oh well.

you’d still sneak glances at him every now and then. admiring the outline of his profile, the hook of his nose. the flex of his arms at the slightest movements. oh and his hands - the thought of them sending your brain in to a tizzy. you’d wonder how they’d feel against your skin.
jason was upfront with his fixation on you. long glances, not caring if he got caught. asking around about you, ignoring all the warnings from his friends about how weird you are. taking any chance to talk to and be near you.

it’s what put him on your radar and made you suspicious, but you will admit he is handsome and he was always so sweet with you. 

better to be safe than sorry though. 

the library smells like cinnamon, wood, marijuana, and hand sanitizer

you sat in a love seat, reading as you listened to the sound of pages turning and pens writing, eyes occasionally darting towards the sleeping boy sitting at the table across the isle. head on his arm as his hand hangs in the air. you try to focus on your book, but again you glance back up at jason’s hand.
it just looks so inviting.
chewing on your bottom lip, contemplating.
your body shakes as you slowly get up, dropping your book on the seat. moving towards him with anxious breath. eyes wide, like a predator hunting its prey.
kneeling besides him, your eyes dart over his large frame, stopping at his hand as you observe it in fascination. your own itching to hold his. one more look at his face- he breathes slowly, soft snores leaving his lips.
inching your head closer to his hand, you lift his fingers with your cheek. oh his skin is so soft. his stillness, gives you the courage to keep going. unaware of the audience that watches you.
eyes fluttering shut as you press your cheek further into his palm- feelings of peace and comfort filling you. his hand cups your cheek. a perfect fit. letting out a sigh of content, you feel his fingers twitch.
your eyes dart open, he starts to lift his head and you back away. standing up quick, not daring to move any further. jason rubs his eyes with a sniff before seeing you in front of him like a frightened deer.
before he can say anything! you swiftly walk away, almost tripping in the process while jason watches with confused and concerned eyes, following as you leave.
“i told you she was a freak, man.” his friend appears by his side, shoving his phone into his face to show him the footage of your actions.
his head darts back to where you once stood, thumb subconsciously rubbing his now warm palm.
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night falls and you're laying in bed — ignoring the movie playing on your laptop as you think about jasons hand. your fingers grazing where his was.
reminiscing on his past interactions with you. the lingering looks and soft touches. kind smiles and rambling words even if you never said anything back and when you did it was in a blunt and flat tone. he just enjoyed your presence.
you come to the realization that you liked it. you liked him. you liked holding his attention and you desire him carnally.
a knock on the door pulls you out of your thoughts — thinking its just your roommate who forgot her key.
jason greets you at the door, donning a band muscle tee that makes his arms look good.
“what are you doing here?”
“can we talk?”
sitting on the edge of your bed side by side— the silence is comfortable. to you that is. jason doesn't know where to start, his brain going a mile a minute trying to figure out where to start but to his surprise you beat him to it.
“you think im weird.”
it wasn't a question and he glances at you to see you're already looking at him. his gaze is a soft one as he looks in to your intense yet curious one.
“no, i know you're weird.” a small smile graces his lips. your eyes flicking down to his hands.
his elbow bumps yours, “but hey, so what i like weird.”
you meet his gaze again, his going from your eyes to your lips.
“i really want to kiss you.” his voice dropped into a whipser.
“is that all you want to do?” your question makes his eyebrows raise, mouth opening a bit.
grabbing his hand, you place kisses along his thumb to his wrist as you place it on your cheek, eyes never leaving his.
thats how jason wound up on his back, staring into your eyes as you rolled your hips. grunts and moans leaving his plump lips.
jason todd was a loud lover.
sloppily sucking on his fingers while he used his free hand to knead and grip at your tits and hip.
"so good. you feel so good around me - im gonna make you all mine." jasons brows furrow, watching the spit trail down your chin and his wrist.
he shudders as you gyrate your hips faster, “r-right after i take you on a real date.”
he moans loudly, bucking his hips up into you. your clit grinding against his happy trail. breathless moans escape past your lips.
"'m yours, jay.” you whimper, your sticky walls throbbing around him.
"oh my god" he groans. reaching behind your neck to pull you down against him to fuck you harder. hips slamming into you with desperation.
you pant like a puppy, biting into his shoulder hard enough to make him hiss. the bed knocking against the headboard as he pummeled against your g-spot.
he keeps the pace as you cum with a load groan- body trembling on top of his as he pulls out to jerk against your ass.
catching your breath, you pick your head up to stare at his face — eyes closed with droplets of sweat on his forehead, licking his lip as he regains his composure. he's so pretty.
you trace your finger over nose to his lips making him open his eyes. “hi gorgeous," a smile tugs at his lips.
"you okay?" his fingers tenderly graze your cheek.
"mhm" you pause as you take in his gestures. the softness in his eyes. "can we go on our real date tomorrow?”
he smirks, letting out a low chuckle. "yeah, that's perfect for me”
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binniesbobastay · 2 years
𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
'late night'
Mingi x fem!reader
You try to maintain innocence when your boyfriend, Mingi, asks you to spend the night with him for the first time... but soon you can't help but lose control
A/n: Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this, just wanted to let you all know that I might not be posting as much when school starts back up but I will try my best! Requests are open and highly encouraged right now! Don't forget to reblog/give feedback on this if you liked it! Hope everyone is well and happy new year! :)
Genre: Smut (18+, minors DNI), fluff
Warnings: Smut, mature content (minors DNI) pet names, handjob, fingering, squirting, protected sex, rough sex, slight degradation (not rlly), mature language
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You sighed as the silence of the dorm helped you relax. There was just something so calming about the place when everyone else had gone to bed, leaving you and Mingi alone to enjoy each other's company. That's exactly what you two were doing on this late Friday night as your boyfriend of a few months was fiddling with his phone on the couch across from you, waiting for you to finish the rest of the week's work on your laptop.
You can't help but crack a smile to yourself as you hear him let out a soft sigh of his own, impatience laced within it.
"So... how much longer do you have?" He finally asks. You do all you can to suppress a giggle as you shut your laptop, making him raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"I've been done for a while now, I just wanted to see how long you could go before asking." You snicker, proudly.
"Hey!" He cries out, jumping up from his spot and charging toward you. You quickly push your laptop to the side in order to save it from his oncoming attack.
"Mingi, no!" You laugh as he towers over you, fingers digging into your sides to tickle you.
"Sorry, but this is payback!" Suddenly, he picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder. You continue to giggle with what little air you have left in your lungs.
"Ha!" He shouts in triumph before tossing you down onto the couch he sat on before. He quickly scoots in beside you, trapping you within his broad embrace. You try to move in order to get yourself comfortable, but his hold only tightens around you.
"Mingi! Let me move!" You protest.
"No can do, doll." He says before planting a smooch on your forehead. But soon enough, he helps shift you around so that you're lying on top of him, head resting on his chest with a warm blanket over the two of you.
"What about now, is this better?" He asks, mischievously. You roll your eyes before perching yourself up to hover over his face.
"Yes," You respond, pressing your lips to his. "Thank you, Mings." He smiles at the nickname, cheeks forming a slightly pink tint as you lay your head back down on his chest.
Mingi briefly lets go of you to reach for the remote on the coffee table before putting on the show that the two of you have been watching. But between the sound of his heartbeat in your ear and his warmness surrounding you on this cold night, you're already being lulled to sleep.
"Want me to get some snacks or anything to drink, love?" He asks as the opening credits begin.
"Mm-mm," You hum, nuzzling your head further into him. "Don't go anywhere, please..." He chuckles, pulling up the blanket some more.
"So now you want me to stay?" He teases. You scoff in response, cocking your head up to peck his jawline before settling back into him again.
Just like that, you're out like a light and the next thing you know Mingi is gently shoving your shoulder to wake you.
"Babe? Hello? You still with me?" You fight the weight of your eyelids as you see the episode has already ended.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I fell asleep." You apologize, rubbing at your tired eyes.
"It's okay, baby." Mingi snickers, peppering kisses across your face to help you wake up. You giggle in response, moving off of him. You're about to get up off the couch to start packing your things so you can take a late cab home.
"Hey," Mingi suddenly says, prompting you to turn back around to face him. His eyes meet yours, holding words he hasn't yet spoken within them.
"What's up?" You ask him, concerned. He shifts around awkwardly, biting his lip before continuing.
"Do you want to... stay the night this time?" He asks, "I would just hate to make you go home so late... and with the weather like this, I mean everything's practically frozen over out there."
"Oh..." You say, not because you don't want to but because you had never spent a night with each other before. You'd shared many late nights at the dorm and so has he at your place, but the guest always ends up going home, even if it was at some ungodly hour.
"Would it be okay? I mean with the other boys here and everything..."
"Oh, yeah!" Mingi answers your question of concern. "Don't worry, they won't mind!"
For some reason, you're still not so sure. You love Mingi. He's the person that makes you feel safe and loved above everyone else. So why does this proposal make you so nervous? Maybe it's just because it's a first.
"Are you sure?" You ask, faintly. He smirks, shaking his head as he moves to be closer to you.
"Of course, I would love you to stay the night with me. I'm the one suggesting it!" He kisses your temple.
"It's completely up to you, my love." He insists before wrapping his arm around you, messaging his thumb into your shoulder. His words of assurance make you smile and lean into his touch.
"Okay, then it's fine with me!" You exclaim.
He makes sure the tv and lights are off as you gather all your things from the living room before following his lead down the hallway into his bedroom. He retrieves a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants of his for you to borrow before disappearing into his connected bathroom to give you some privacy. Even with him not in the room, you still can't help but blush as you change out of your clothes and into his. While you wait for him to come out, you make yourself comfortable under his blankets as you climb into his bed.
You begin to feel giddy when you take a breath and your senses flood with the smell of his cologne on the sheets. That's when the bathroom door opens, and you do a double take at the sight before you. Mingi's tall frame peaks out through the doorway. The only thing adorning his chest is a simple silver chain, which you recognize as your gift to him for your three-month anniversary. All that's left on display is his toned form, with gray sweats hanging loosely around his hips.
You're almost ashamed that the look of it all makes gulp as you begin to feel dizzy. And you're even more ashamed when you find yourself subconsciously pressing your thighs together. You pull the blanket up some more in hopes to hide your actions better, eyes never leaving him as he pulls his hair band back and shakes out his messy locks, slightly damp from having washed his face.
You try to muster up at least a little bit of composure as he looks over at you, smiling before climbing into his bed next to you.
"Are you comfortable enough?" He asks.
"Oh, yeah! This is perfect." You comment, trying to keep yourself together. Still, you can't stop your eyes from roaming his body, which Mingi finally picks up on. He smirks, resting a hand on your thigh over the blanket.
"Uh huh, anything else you see that you like?" Your cheeks flush and you playfully smack his shoulder.
"Shut up..." You grumble, burrowing yourself further into the covers. He chuckles, wrapping an arm around you to pull you into his chest. You grow even more flustered as you finally make contact with his smooth, warm skin.
"Sorry I'm not dressed more modestly, I don't meant to be so impolite with a lady over and everything," He winks at you. "But I can't sleep with much on."
You decide to test the waters, letting your hand splay out across his chest beside your head.
"When did I ever complain?" You ask, sheepishly. You tense up as he lets out a deep laugh at your response.
"Well, if it makes you feel better... I'm all yours to look at and touch as much as you want." His words, though intended to be lighthearted, send a chill down your spine. You let yourself relax and sink further into his bare chest as his arms wrap tightly around you once more, one rubbing soothing circles into your back while the other strokes your hair.
He puts on some dimer lighting before hitting play on a slow playlist.
"Goodnight, doll." He says, before kissing your forehead.
"Night..." You mumble. Mellowness overtakes every inch of your body... minus the growing heat in your core. It's what guides your eyes down to wander across his abs... traveling lower to his hips as you start to picture what they might look like rolling into yours. The image makes you squirm.
"You okay, love?" You hear Mingi's voice call in the faint darkness.
"Mingi..." You whimper, moving to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer to you. You press your lips against his a couple of times, with each kiss lingering more and more. He hums before pulling one of your legs over to the other side of him so that you're sitting in his lap, kisses becoming more passionate. You let your hands tangle in his hair as your lips continue to dance with his. He moans softly into you when your tongue slips into his mouth, and you start to grind against him.
"Mmm, slow down, baby." He mumbles into a kiss. Worry overtakes you as you pull away from him.
"I'm... I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?" You ask, eyes widening.
"Shh, no baby. You're okay." He sits up more, leaving a soft peck on your lips to reassure you.
"I just want to make sure this is what you really want..." He asks, becoming a little flustered himself.
"I just don't want you to think this is the only reason I asked you to stay the night."
You smile at his concern. The two of you had yet to be intimate but you've talked about it before. Mingi told you he was most comfortable with letting you decide when the time was right because he didn't want you to feel like he was ever pressuring you into it. Although you hadn't pictured your first time with him being as spontaneous as this was, it still felt like the right moment. Everything just feels so perfect... being with him in his warm bed. You feel so close to him, yet you crave more.
"I know, Mingi. Don't worry, this is what I want..." You whisper, cupping his face in your hands. "I want you so bad right now."
He nods before letting you lean back in to kiss him again. His hands find their way to your hips, urging you to move against him. You both groan at the friction it makes, sending sparks of electricity between you. His hands start to travel lower, but before they reach their destination...
"Can I touch you here?" He asks, almost breathlessly. You smile as your heart swells at how careful he is being with you.
"Yes, Mings. You can touch me anywhere you'd like." He grabs a handful of your ass in his big palms, guiding your movements. Your hands begin to travel south as well, sweeping over his chest and down to his stomach. You snake one hand down in between your bodies, cupping him through his pants.
"Fuck, baby..." He sighs against your lips before moving his own down to your neck.
"Mmm, Mingi..." You call out as the warmth of his breath against your skin makes you grow even more sensitive. You pull his sweats down enough for his hard cock to spring out. The sight of it makes you bite down on your lip as you wrap your fingers around it. He moans, tossing his head back as you start to stroke him. You take the opportunity to leave a few little kisses on the underside of his jaw.
"You're so big, Mingi." You mumble as your kisses trail down his neck and onto his shoulder. You can't help but practically shudder at the feeling of him throbbing in your hand. The sight of his tip becoming redder and leaking more precum with every pump makes you even wetter. Mingi guides your chin up to face him, eyes meeting his already fucked out ones.
"You're so beautiful... touching me like this." You lean into his touch when he moves his hand to cup your cheek.
"And you're absolutely breathtaking, you know that?" You say, leaning in to kiss him once more. You watch his brow furrow as you pick up the pace, stroking him faster.
"Okay, doll..." He coos, grabbing your wrist to stop you. You pout, longing to finish him off. He smiles at your expression, placing a kiss upon your frown.
"I'm sorry, baby. I just don't want to cum yet," He says, giving you another kiss as he slides his pants back up. "I'd much rather do that while I'm inside you..."
He takes advantage of your state of shock at his words, gently grabbing your hips to turn you around.
"Your turn, doll." He spreads his legs so you can sit down in between them, your back pressed snuggly against his chest. You move to lift his sweatshirt up off of you, but he stops you again.
"No, keep it on," He gently commands. "You're gonna look so pretty in it when I make you cum..."
"Mingi!" Every time he speaks in his low voice it makes you squirm even more. He chuckles, running his hands soothingly up and down your sides.
"Be good for me, doll." He tells you, as he helps you out the sweats he gave you. You shiver as the chilly air in the room comes in contact with your skin, but Mingi quickly comes to your rescue, big, warm hands rubbing up your thighs, gently prying them apart. Your chest swells with anticipation as his fingers come closer to where you want them. You jump when he moves his head, so his lips are right by your ear and his hand rubs over your clothed cunt.
"Mmm, so wet. You soaked your pretty little panties, sweet girl." He comments, making you wriggle against his chest. He slowly slides your underwear down your legs, and you eagerly kick them to the side. You can hear the hitch in his breath when he finally sees your wet pussy waiting for him. You cry out into the dim night when you finally feel one of his slim fingers run up your folds, catching your clit.
"Ah, Mingi!" You whimper, letting your head fall back onto him. He wraps his other arm around your waist to secure you against him. He spends a few minutes exploring you, paying attention to what exactly gets you to whine for him, before he resorts to rubbing slow circles into your clit.
"Does that feel good, doll?" He asks, lips littering kisses behind your ear as he continues his ministrations.
"So good, Mingi. God..." You run your hand up his bicep of the arm wrapped around you. He goes back to spreading your wetness around, groaning at the sound it makes.
"Can I put my fingers inside, baby?" He asks. You buck into him, too needy to form speech.
"Use your words, doll..." He demands, a slightly stern tone in his voice.
"Yes, Mings. Please, I want it so bad." You plead, desperation being your only motivation to fulfill his request. With that, he's slipping a long finger past your entrance.
"Fuck!" You hiss. He fills you up all the way, the length of his digit fits like a glove inside of you. He takes the time to experiment more, curling his finger as he slides it in and out of you. All while your grip is tightening around his arm.
"M-more, please." You beg, looking up at him with doe eyes. He smiles, pressing his lips to your head as he grants you your wish. You moan his name when he slips another finger in, constantly prodding at the sweet spot within you. You start to feel the familiar knot form within the pit of your stomach.
"Mingi... I'm close." You warn. He nods before he starts to suck on your neck, bringing his hand wrapped around you to rub at your clit again.
"Yes, just like that!" You whine, hands moving to grip the sheets beside you.
"So beautiful, doll," Mingi coos. "You're doing so good for me." With a few more thrusts of his fingers and swipes to your clit, you come undone for him. You lean all of your weight back against him as pleasure completely washes over you. Mingi takes his fingers out of you, bringing them to his lips to clean them off as he continues to rub your clit to help you ride out your high.
As your orgasm finishes, he helps you move to lie back down. You feel his lips travel across every corner of your body, lifting you out of the daze he previously put you in.
"Mmm, I was right. You do look pretty when you cum in this." He teases, playing with the hem of his own sweatshirt on you. You giggle, pulling him down by his chain for a kiss. You moan when you taste yourself on him.
"Doing okay, baby doll?" He asks, a hand comes up to brush hair from your face as he supports his weight on the other.
"I'm amazing, Mings... you're amazing." You say, planting a peck on the tip of his nose. He scrunches up his face as he finally starts to lift his hoodie off of you.
"Only the best for you." He states as you sit up so he can finish taking it off of you. You can't help but blush under his dark gaze as he finally sees your fully bare form for the first time.
"So damn gorgeous..." He whispers, lips latching back onto your skin. You sigh, enjoying the warmth of his kiss. You arch your back when he suddenly attaches his mouth around one of your nipples.
"Mingi..." You whimper when his hand comes up to play with the other. You comb your fingers through his hair as he revels in the sweet taste of your skin. It all makes the neediness return to your core. You reach out toward the hem of his pants, tugging at them as a sign. He pulls away from your chest to look up at you.
"Are you ready, love?" He asks. You nod, frantically.
"Words..." He practically growls as his thumb comes up to swipe at your bottom lip.
"Please, Mingi..." You whine. "I need you to fuck me now." You watch him close his eyes, sighing as if your plead for him was a breath of fresh air. He climbs off the bed for a moment to reach into his drawer. He pulls out a condom, making sure to lock eyes with you as he tears it open with his teeth. He rolls his sweats all the way off this time, quickly sliding the condom down his length.
You spread your legs for him as he crawls back onto the bed, making him smirk. He takes his cock and runs it up and down your folds a few times, causing you both to hiss.
"Let me know if it's too much, doll." He requests with one last kiss to your lips. With that, he pushes into you.
"God, you feel so good, so tight, baby..." Mingi calls out in awe. You reach down to rub your clit to help ease the delicious stretch he gives you. He continues his kisses down your neck in order to further sooth you.
"Mingi... you can move now." You encourage him. He shivers as he pulls back out of you, the feeling of your wet walls protesting his leaving almost too much to bare. He pushes back into you, setting a steady pace. Your head falls back, completely lost in the way he fills you, leaves you empty, then fills you again. His head falls into the crook of your neck as he processes the same feeling. You rake your nails softly down his back as his cock finds your sweet spot, making your breath hitch.
"I can't believe you're mine... God, you're beautiful..." You kiss his shoulder as he rambles on sweet nothings in your ear. He's fucking you so good,,. but your mind begins to wander off to darker thoughts and desires.
"Mingi... do you want to be a little more rough with me?" He doesn't still, but he slows a bit as he reflects on what you had just asked of him.
"Do you want that?" He asks. You nod but then remember he likes words.
"Yes, Mingi... give it to me. I want everything you have in you." Your words ring clear as you look directly into his eyes. You try your best to hide the chill you get as lust fully takes over his dark orbs. He quickens his pace, leaning down to kiss you more harshly this time. You groan as he rails into you, taking your bottom lip in between his teeth. Suddenly, he pulls out of you all together.
"Turn around, doll." You don't think twice before getting on your hands and knees for him. He lets out a deep growl at the sight of your ass sticking up in the air for him. You yelp in delight as his large hand lands a hard slap on it. He quickly enters you again, gripping your hips as he returns to his harsher pace.
"Such a good girl, letting me fuck you like this. God, I love this ass..." He rants, spanking you again. Your eyes roll back as he pounds into your sweet spot over and over again, head planting into the sheets.
"Fuck, Mingi! Right there!" You shout as a more intense feeling builds up in your core. Suddenly, his hand wraps around your face to cover your mouth. It's unexpected, but it turns you on, even more, when you hear your own muffled moans. That and the sound of his skin slapping against yours sends you teetering over the edge, and you spray your release this time all over the bed.
"Oh fuck! Baby doll that's so hot..." Mingi groans, leaning down to plant hot kisses across your spine. You feel the vibration of his voice against your body as he moans at his release. He cums into the condom inside of you, making sure you're settled down on the bed before pulling out of you. He collapses down beside you after discarding the condom and you roll on your side to face him. He smiles at you, pulling you into a sweet kiss, contrasting with his previous rough nature.
"So that's what you're into?" He asks, teasingly. You blush, tucking your face into the crook of his neck.
"Maybe a little... but every single thing about this night was amazing." You tell him.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, angel." He says, kissing you. "Cause we'll be doing it a lot more often from now on."
You both move to lay back under to covers and he pulls you back into his chest. You spend the rest of the restless night talking about anything under the sky.
"Oh... by the way, I'm just curious," You begin. "Why did you cover my mouth at the last second?"
"Oh well, it had finally occurred to me... that we are in fact in a dorm with other people sleeping in it." He admitted. Your eyes widen in horror as the realization hits you as well.
"Breakfast might not be the most fun... but I think it was worth it." Mingi teases one final time before kissing your forehead.
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Gonna Take Care Of You
Bang Chan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Very suggestive and sexual wording.
A/N: This has been sitting in my documents for a couple years. Oops. Also not revised or edited.
Not my gif credit to owner.
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You let a small whimper leave your lips as Chan gave your neck a soft bite, his warm hands sneak underneath your t-shirt. “Chan we don’t have enough time for this, you guys start the show in 15 minutes. We can continue this later, I should’ve been seated with yours and Felix’s family already.” You said softly. “Mm. They can wait just need to feel you, need to touch my good luck charm before the show for extra luck.” He hummed pulling away from your neck to brush his nose against yours before pressing his pink plump lips to yours. You had to admit it was incredibly sexy when he was needy for you, but in this situation you worried about the start of the show and the fact you were supposed to be in your seat by now. “Baby, as much as I’d like you to fuck me until I can’t walk, you’ll have to wait.” You said softly ghosting your lips over his. “But trust me it’ll be worth the wait. Now get you sexy ass on that stage.” You giggle before giving a teasing tap onto his butt. The action causing him to let out a soft chuckle before grabbing your chin between his thumb and index finger. “Fine, but when we get back to the hotel you better be ready for a long night.” He smirked. His expression softened leaning in to kiss you one more time before giving you a soft smile. “You really are my good luck charm. I love you little mouse.” You smiled at the silly nickname he had given not to long after you started working with him. “I love you too. I’ll see you after the show.”
As usual you loved watching the concerts the boys put on, but being able to watch it with some of their family in Sydney made it even better. Chris’ family embraced you soon after you were introduced to them. Same went for Felix’s family becoming close to both of their sisters. Though because of the flight restrictions and not enough free time it had been years since you’ve seen them, except for Hannah, so when Chris had some rare time off he had invited you to go with him to spend time with his family. Unfortunately you didn’t have any free time when it came to your own work schedule to go with him, plus you both couldn’t risk seen together in public especially without the other members. Even though you had been in a relationship with him for almost 5 years, JYP wanted to keep it secret and so did you and Chris; not wanting to make the relationship public because the both of you valued privacy.
After the concert, you were escorted to the hotel in a separate car arriving 10 minutes before the boys even left the venue. You knew that once Chan came back to the hotel he’d want to wash up, so you leaned down grabbing him some clean comfy clothes before doing the same thing for yourself and setting them on the bed. This was one of the things you liked to do when you both are home and especially when you came to stay with him on tour, you liked making sure he was properly taken care of. After setting out the clean clothes you then proceeded to the bathroom to take off your makeup and put your hair up before changing into some sleep shorts and a big t-shirt. Grabbing your laptop you walked over to the bed and climbed up so your back was against the headboard, you had left for the venue before you could finish up the bit of work you had left to do.
You had been so focused that you didn’t hear Chan walk into the room until you felt a hand on your ankle causing you to jump. “Sorry baby, didn’t mean to scare you.” He said as he laid on his side facing you, as his hand that was still on your ankle rubbed up and down your leg. You hummed closing your laptop setting it on the night stand, leaning forward to run your fingers through his hair. “I got your clothes and toiletries set up for you on the bathroom counter, I’ll order us some food as well. I’m sure you’re hungry.” You said softly giving him a small smile. He smiled at you lovingly softly grabbing your hand and placed a soft kiss to the back of it. “God how did I get so lucky.” He said softly. Chris’ lips soon turned into a seductive smile. “You know, I am hungry but I think I’m hungry for something a bit sweeter; definitely my favorite meal and the best part is only I get to enjoy this delicacy.” His soft plump lips start to slowly kiss up your leg closest to him brown eyes glued to your face, he loved pulling reactions from you especially when he would touch and kiss anywhere that wasn’t your lips. “You take such good care of me, now it’s my turn.” You blushed looking away from his heated gaze, your could feel your panties dampen and your vaginal walls flutter around nothing just aching to be filled. “Baby girl look at me.” Chris said voice deep with lust. You bit your lip looking at him but you continued to struggle to keep your eyes on him.
God he loved that after 5 years he could still make you flustered with just one look, touch or word. “Is my princess being shy?” He smirked already knowing the answer he stood up before taking off his shirt and gripped your ankles pulling you to the end off the bed kneeling between your legs and nuzzled his nose against your clothed core, the action causing you to let out a tiny whimper as you sat up on your forearms to watch him. “Damn you smell heavenly. Gonna take such good care of you baby, just like you take good care of me.” He placed kisses on each of your thighs before looking up at you for permission, his beautiful brown eyes were now darkened with lust and a hint of pure love. You bit your lip before giving a small nod, before you knew it he pressed a kiss to your center that was still covered before sliding your shorts and panties down in one swift yet gentle tug. “You ready baby girl? Because this is just the beginning of a long night.” You let a whimper in excitement and anticipation, the sound caused the already sexually charged man to smirk. This man was going to be the death of you.
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anemptypuddingcup · 6 months
Your distraction.
Luffy x Female Reader.
Smut short.
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Contains: Reader nearly burning herself out. Reader overworking herself and not wanting to stop. Luffy distracting Reader from her college work. Luffy forcing Reader to take a break. Luffy being playful. Pussy eating. Repeating position changing. Indecisive yet sloppy Luffy. There’s probably slight overstimulation in this. Another destressing Luffy fic bc I genuinely need to get my stress out one way or another.
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“Oi? Baby?”
Luffy trails down the hallway and sees a slight beam of light peering from out of your room. Out of slight curiosity, he walks over to your room and peeks in without much of a single second thought.
He slowly peeks his head around the doorframe, his eyes peeking in and peering at you while you sat there in your bed and typed away at your laptop. Your body was obscured deep in his larger hoodie and joggers, comfortable clothes that he’s desperately been looking for the past few days. Your eyes were growing dark with bags and heavy with sleep, a tired groan leaving past your lips as your body begged for you to just take a little break away from typing just for a little bit.
Luffy could tell that you wanted to stop working, but your stubborn yet smart mind couldn’t stop. There was too much work to be done at hand and none of it was gonna get done from you just sitting on your ass and not doing shit all day. Piles of work was all on your single laptop and all of it prevented you from taking even so much as a single break from it.
You didn’t want your attention to break and you didn’t want any distractions in your way. This included your concerned boyfriend Luffy, who just wanted you to take a minute to breathe to yourself and get off your laptop just for a smidge. He stared for a few more seconds before pulling his body from behind the wall. His feet slowly trailing his body past the doorway and into your room, allowing him to stand before you while you didn’t break eye contact or halt any of your movements.
“Dumplin’? Are ya alright…? Ya haven’ left ya bed in a good while…is that work really that important?” He asked you, hopping onto your bed which causes your body and your laptop to bounce alongside a few other things on your bed. You didn’t answer him and instead continued working, wanting to speak to him but not wanting to lose focus on your current essay that you were working on.
Luffy peeks his head down at your bright laptop screen, watching as words appeared on screen while you typed on the keys. He looks back up at you and huffs out before crawling behind you, his stronger arms wrapping around your body and beneath your breasts while he kept his legs spread out on either side of you. You huff out softly and finally stopped typing, making Luffy perk up as he watched you slowly turn around to him.
“Can you let go of me love? I’m trying to finish this assignment, It’s due tomorrow.” You asked, your eyes and tone of voice oozing with drowsiness as you looked up at him. “Uh uh.” Luffy responded playfully, shaking his head while a small smile crept across his face. Your brows furl in response and you try to pull away and break out of his tight grasp.
“Come- Come on Luffy! I can’t work like this!” You said, your voice straining as you struggled to pry yourself from his warm yet overpowering hold on you. “Then don’ work! Simple an’ easy!” He chuckles, his hand groping at one of your breasts which causes you to yelp out and blush deeply in response. “Luffy! Goddammit! Let go of me!” You demanded, your voice now raising and you began to grow irritated from Luffy’s stubborn behavior.
He lets go of you and you finally pull yourself from his arms, causing you to fall onto your bed face first. You lift your head and reach your arms out to your laptop but Luffy grips your hips tightly before pulling you away from the brightening device. “Luffy? Luffy! AH!-“ You yelp out as he yanks your body back to him, pulling you towards him while he gives you a mischievous smirk.
You clawed and gripped at your blankets, trying to pull yourself away from him but failing to do so. “I said you need a break! So m’gonna give ya one!” He said, his fingers now gripping and pulling at your joggers and making them slide off of your hips easily. “No! I need to finish this! Let me finish it! Please Luffy!” You begged, a bit of desperation in your voice as you dig your nails deep into the fabric of the quilt.
Luffy doesn’t answer you and holds your hips tight while stretching his arm around your body to constrict and hold you in place. You groan out and squirmed around in his tightening grasp, a yell leaving your throat as you thrashed around angrily. “Quit actin’ like that, that work ain’ that goddamn important!” He huffs out angrily, grunting a bit as he pulls you closer to his frame.
You fall limp and loose in defeat with an angry pout on your face as Luffy pulled you to him, your body sliding across the bed as you stared down at him with scornful eyes. Luffy sticks his tongue out and unwraps his arm from your body, allowing him to pull your hips up to his face and admire the view of your ass in your panties.
He finally gets both your joggers and panties off of your hips and he quickly shoves his face into your pussy, a moan leaving you as you felt him immediately slurping and lapping at your slit. You mewl out shakily before shuddering against your bed, your back arching at the sudden pleasure while you buried your face within your arms. You gripped the sleeves of your hoodie tightly and hum out sweetly.
“Ahhh~ Hah fuck~” You moan out so angelically as you felt Luffy spread your cunt open even more before he slid his tongue past your entrance. You gasp out sharply as his tongue kisses your g-spot, pleasuring you while you lied there and squirmed a bit against him. He hums out as his hand reaches up and squeezes at one of your cheeks, massaging the doughy flesh of your ass as he indulges in your taste.
“Ahh~ Luffyyy~ Baby please~” You moan out his name, yearning for him to stop pleasuring you so you could get back to working on something you didn’t even want to do. Your brows furl and your body trembles while you gripped at the sleeves of your hoodie tighter, your eyes rolling up as your body grew more needy for him and his touch. As much as you wanted him to stop, your body wanted him to keep going for you.
This is what your body wanted, this is what your body’s been needing after working so hard for so long without and sort of relief to your stress. Your mind slowly began to disassociate itself and grown cloudy, nothing but the thought of Luffy pleasing you had filled your mind.
A slap to your ass causes you to flinch and gasp out before you finally felt his slurping at your pussy stop and cease. You sigh out shakily and begin to sit up but Luffy’s large hand pushes you back down onto your tummy and onto the bed, making you groan out sharply. “Luffy? L-Luffy?…” You turn over onto your side and look up at Luffy, his eyes staring down at you while he began pulling down his shorts and briefs.
“Ya stay right where ya are, m’gonna fuck that stress right outta ya~” He breathes to you, his hand pulling his hardened cock out for you to see. You shuddered in response and watched patiently as his tip began dripping pre out onto your thigh, the warm and lewd fluid making your body heat up with excitement and slight nervousness. A shaky breath leaves you as Luffy flips you back over onto your stomach and presses his body up against your back, setting his weight onto your body and leaving your body to grow hot and sticky beneath him and within his oversized hoodie.
You feel his cock press up against your lower back and you immediately tense up, resting your head into your pillow while you waited nervously and impatiently for his next move. You feel him slide his sticky head against your slit, lubing it up with his pre and leftover saliva before he’d finally shove himself inside of your pussy. You gasp out sharply and mewl out as you felt his cock immediately kiss your cervix, his large hands slide underneath the hoodie and feel against the soft and smooth skin of your tummy before sliding up to chest.
His fingers pinches at your nipples and you whimper out to Luffy in ecstasy, your face beginning to scrunch up in pleasure whilst he began moving his hips against your ass. The bed begins to rock in rhythm with his thrusts into your cunt, his cock sliding in and out of your pussy and massaging your velvety walls whilst he played with your breasts.
He couldn’t help but to smile at the sound of your moans hitting his ears, he missed pleasuring you and helping you feel better…the nostalgic sound of your pretty moans made him even more confident and hellbent to knock that stress right out of you.
“Luffy~ Oh L-Luffy~” You moan out his name so adorably, your voice all cute and desperate for him as your body yearned for him to give you more of that satisfaction and pleasure. His cock smooches your g-spot so easily yet so wonderfully, your pussy squeezing around him uncontrollably as it begged for his cock to continue feeding you that delicious euphoria of pleasure.
If anything, you felt yourself starting to grow feral on his length, needing him to help remove that anger and frustration you’ve been holding inside for so long.
Luffy rolls over off of your body and pulls you onto your side, his hand holding your inner thigh and pulling your leg open while watched his dick go in and out of your pussy so easily like a hot knife melting butter. Your arm held your pillow beneath your head and your hand was hovering up against your mouth, obscuring your sweet moans while they grew so much louder than before. Your eyes were fluttering and your face was giving off a look of ascension to heaven, a heavenly feeling that your body hasn’t felt but been wanting for such a long time.
Luffy enjoyed staring at your slutty face, it made him happy that you were enjoying this little break he decided to give to you. Without him you would probably be still working on that little laptop of yours burning yourself out.
Your moans began to grow into gasps and your toes began to curl as Luffy began to thrust into you a little deeper. He buries his face into your neck while his other hand continued playing with on of your breasts, multitasking on your pretty body while you whined out and squirmed a bit.
Luffy presses smooches to your neck and trail his tongue along your salty skin, making you moan out while shudder against him before you turned your head to face him. You open your mouth and stick your tongue out to him, begging him nonverbally to kiss you whilst he played with your body. He smiles and presses his lips against yours before he spills a groan into your lips, softly sliding his tongue down your throat while drool began to spill past your lips and down your chin.
He kisses you for a good while whilst his hand fondles at your breast, groping the soft mound of flesh while you mewl out into his lips. He pulls his lips away from yours, huffing out while a sticky string of saliva disconnects from both of your lips. You both breathe out heavily and you moan out shakily to him as he thrusts harder into your cunt.
Your pussy was soaking and sticky with slick, it was even more sticky now due to his touching and kissing against your skin. You were already creaming slightly around his length, a ring of your essence circling at the base of his cock. Just looking at how messy you were made Luffy hiss out, fuck if you weren’t beautiful he didn’t know what else was.
“Ya wanted my dick didn’ ya? My baby gal jus’ wanted dick deep in ‘er pussy yeah?~” Luffy asked, his voice in a teasing tone as he stared down at you with a seductive yet mischievous little grin.
“Y-Yeahh~ F-Fuck~”
“C’mon~ Say it like ya mean it~”
“Y-Yeah! Yeah I wanted your dick Luffy!~ I-I wanted you to fuck my pussy s-so badlyyy~ I-I just didn’t wanna say so b-because I-I was working so hard and d-didn’t wanna stop!~” You admitted, your eyes rolling up as your mind began to grow high off the pleasure of Luffy’s cock filling you up. You began drooling a little bit and your moans had grew so light and airy, it was hard to hide the fact that you wanted him to give you more.
Luffy chuckles at your confession and pulls you over onto his hips, lifting your body up and pulling you onto his frame whilst shoving his cock so deep inside of you. You exhale sharply and moaned as your eyes shuts tightly, his cock kissing you deep and now giving you a little tummy bulge in your lower abdomen. His hands grips your hips and begins moving your ass up and down on his cock, watching as your arched your back and sucked his cock deep inside of your hungry pussy.
You bent over and groan out shakily at the sudden change of position, your brows furling and your moans growing loud as you felt tears brewing in your eyes. It was starting to get so hot and sticking within your hoodie, your hands clawing at the sleeves while you bit your lip.
“Ohhhh Luffy~ Please keep fucking me~ Fuck it feels so fucking good~” You whined, your hands reaching up and playing with your own breasts as your hips finally began to move on their own. “Fuck yourself on that dick baby, take m’fuckin’ dick in jus like that~” He groans out, his brows furling as he watched you take his cock in your pussy. You lift your hips up and down, taking his dick deep while moans unconsciously left your lips. You could feel your pussy growing more needy and it was hard to hold in much of that feral feeling at this point.
The mattress began to creak and rock a bit as you arched your back a bit more, your hands digging into the sleeves of his hoodie while you felt one of his hands trailing down to your clitoris. He rubs sloppy circles against your sensitive pearl and he groans out heavily as his cock began twitching within your walls. “Fuck m’close~ M’so close dumplin’~ Ya gonna let me cum and fill ya pussy up? Hmm are ya?~” He moans so needily, his nails now scratching against your hips while he begins to pound up into your pussy.
You mewl out and nodded your head quickly, biting your lip while his nail left good and pretty scars on your hip. “Yes! Yes Luffy please cum in my pussy! I need it s’badly!~” You begged to him with emphasis deep in your voice, wanting to feel that feeling of his hot and sticky seed filling up your womb.
Indecisive with his position, Luffy sits up and pushes your face down into the mattress, your eyes widening as his cock practically nudged hard against your cervix. You gripped the quilt tightly and cried out in pleasure, the sticky and lewd sounds of Luffy fucking your sloppy pussy made you even more hot and aroused than you already were.
“Fuck! Luffy!~ You’re gonna make me cum!~” You groan out shakily, your pussy tightening around his length while he held on tight to your hips to help hold you still. Luffy bends over against your body, his chest touching up against your back while he huffs out into your ear. “Cum then baby~ M’not gonna stop ya~ Cum on my dick~” He growls into your ear, his tone and breath hitting against your ear making you whimper and shudder against his body.
You bury your face into your arms once again and hum shakily before slowly shutting your eyes. Your body focused on the pleasure his cock provided and you could finally feel your lower tummy growing hot and tightening up as if it wanted to finally release. Your hips and back began to grow sore but you gasped out just as your body began to tremble again.
A slightly pained whimper leaves your lips as you slowly lie down onto your side without realizing it, with Luffy lifting up your leg and holding it up in the air while he continues to fuck your pussy. You were struggling to cum for Luffy, you didn’t know whether it was the stress or something else yet you struggled to finally release on his length and be free of that stress.
“L-Luffy- I-I can’t!- I can’t-“ Little hiccups left your throat as you struggled to tell him what was wrong and he quirks a brow whilst a heavy groan left his lips. He moves down and give you another kiss, thrusting deep into your pussy which help with the orgasm with his cock kissing against your g-spot deeply.
You began breathing heavily and you finally began moaning shakily which finally indicated the arrival of your orgasm. Faster breaths left you as your chest rose and sunk faster than usual, your body hyperventilating as it was ready and wanting for the sweet release of stress. You wrap your arms around Luffy’s neck and keep him close, your kiss still sloppy and deep as your orgasm started tipping over the edge “Mmgh!~ Mmh!~” Your back arches unconsciously and you squirms beneath him, your hands gripping his shirt so tightly while you finally felt yourself ready to release.
Luffy’s huffs out against you, his eyes half-lidded as his brows furrowed from the pleasure of your pussy choking his cock. Wrapping your legs tight around his hips, a gasp leaves your lips as you threw your head back and broke the kiss between both you and him. Your eyes roll up once again as your body and mind hits pure and deep ecstasy and euphoria.
“I’m cumming! I-I’m g-gonna fucking- Fuck!~” You didn’t have enough time to finish your sentence as you squirt out into Luffy’s cock, your sticky cum coating his lower abdomen while you released so much out of your pussy. Your moans and gasps were loud as you came, your body squirting so much while Luffy watched in slight awe. His lips presses sticky smooches to your neck, licking against your salty skin and indulging in your taste while you were experiencing a rather hard orgasm.
Luffy hums out and licks his lips, enjoying the view of your slutty body giving out on him and losing its energy. “Fuckkk, ya were so fuckin’ pent up~ All that stress filling up ya pussy…” Luffy cooed, pressing continuous smooches to your skin while you lied there still and breathed heavily.
“Mmmgh~ Luffyyy~” You mewl out his name so sweetly and wrap your arms around him tightly, pulling him in for another kiss while still dealing with your orgasm. Luffy gives you another sloppily kiss and chuckles, staring into your eyes while he admires your cute little fucked out face. “See? I told ya you needed a little break. Ya didn’ wanna listen t’me though~” Luffy giggles, teasing you for your stubbornness before you’d whimper out in response.
“Well…I…I wanna go again.” You say softly, not wanting to admit that you enjoyed the break and wanted to go again. Luffy quirks a brow and listening in close to you. “Hah? Whatcha say baby? I couldn’ hear ya.” He asked playfully, pressing a hand to his ear and moving in closer to you. You pouted and turned away and he chuckles before giving you another kiss.
“We can go again baby~ We can go as long as ya wanna~” He whispers to you, pressing a smooch to your neck which makes you gasp out sweetly. You turn over and reach your arms out to him, your face still pouting to him cutely while you waited for him to fall into your embrace. He smiled and slowly wraps his arms around you before falling into your arms, humming out before he’d press his lips against yours again.
“It’s okay baby, I’m gonna help ya feel better~”
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