#but then this would be EXTRA EXTRA gd long sooo )
nimueriesa · 7 years
If you smoosh various source materials together, you get a pretty sympathetic ( and yet simultaneously tiresome ) character in Pelleas. He doesn’t come from some great house, he’s not noble or rich. You’re also led to believe that he’s on the slower side, he’s not quick-witted the way some other knights are, he’s not charming or elegant like all the greats of his time. He stutters and stammers, which is one of the things that kind of puts Ettarde off of him. I’m also laying down the idea that he probably doesn’t know how to read or write either ; he’s never had any formal education because he’s never had any option but to be a serf or fight his way into being a knight. 
What he does have is incredible strength and resilience. I mean, this guy fights off ten knights a day for god knows how long, trying to catch Ettarde’s attention. ( Mind you, once he’d proven he could beat them, he allowed them to tie him in MANY, MANY embarrassing ways to his horse to be brought to Ettarde, just so he could see her. ) He ALSO initially met her at a tournament where he came out first place among FIVE HUNDRED participants. You could argue that he leans heavily on his strength bc it’s the greatest weapon he has in his arsenal. Even the other knights don’t take him seriously.
Obviously he’s a determined sort, and there’s the argument to be made that he does have a one-track mind because he really isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, BUT there’s evidence to suggest that he’s one to hold a grudge. Referred to as The Gentle Knight, he can’t bring himself to kill Gawain and Ettarde when he finds them sleeping together but he also doesn’t forgive them either. Every time he crosses paths with Gawain afterwords he wants to fight him and when Ettarde ( by way of Nimue’s magic ) finally falls in love with Pelleas, he’s just like: Nope, too late. I hate you.
Even though finding them together in bed made him tell his servants that he was going to lay in his own bed until he died and they could take his heart, half it up, and give it to Ettarde on a silver tray. Sooo, he’s also dramatic af.
It really does pretty much boil down to him being a big sad puppy, and her feeling bad for him.
First of all Nim knows better than anyone else what it’s like to feel helpless and unwanted, before Avalon and Merlin she was basically right there in the same bit of mud. She was made fun of because she was ‘foolish’ but the idea of wanting to better herself was so gd preposterous that she was actually punished for it. ( Not to mention one of the variations of legend where Nimue gets kidnapped right in front of king and court and all they can do is fucking laugh about it...so there’s really no love lost between her Camelot’s finest despite her begrudgingly helping Arthur out post-Merlin. ) And I think she’d enjoy trying to teach him some of the things he doesn’t know, honestly. 
LOYALTY is also another big factor, I think it’s safe to say. Obviously he’s a great guardian and he’s diligent af, which are traits that Nim would cultivate for her own purposes but also already admires and respects in other people. So, basically it sets them both up to have someone on their side. ( BC let’s not fool ourselves and say that loneliness doesn’t have a major part to play in this. )  But post-marriage to Nim, Pelleas becomes a member of the Round Table and supposedly achieves the Sangreal, so make no mistake that there’s some teamwork going on there. 
Like, maybe he was/is a joke to the other knights but he’s the one that’s married to the Lady of the Lake. And that marriage simultaneously provides her with some small level of safety from other knights that would have otherwise tried to chase after her / pester her / whatever for glory and conquest. ( Also in some situations I’m ngl and say that I don’t see Nim tying herself to Pelleas through a ceremony that she doesn’t even really believe in just to keep herself from taking up with a less safe choice in potential partners bc AGAIN she’s also loyal af and that’s a pretty good psychological deterrent. ) 
And then there’s the whole thing about her ‘keeping’ him from most fights. Which easily translates to Pelleas seeming like a kept man ( which he kind of is lmao ) , but I would also set down the idea that things aren’t what they seem on that front either? Nim definitely keeps his hot headed ass from fighting with Gawain and she has a LOT of reasons to keep him from fighting Lancelot and from joining in the final battle, but as for the rest --- I think it’s just that the need to fight to prove himself isn’t as strong as it once was. Why uselessly spend that energy now that he doesn’t have to? And he doesn’t have to show off to Nimue or prove himself to her either because she already believes in him/knows what he’s capable of.
tl;dr --- he’s safe, they’re both lonely, maybe she doesn’t love him but they are good together and they are good for each other, which maybe means more than fireworks.
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Ugh. I’m still super mad this dumb beeyotch who made me stick up for my dad the other day. 9_9;; XD
He was kinda already doing me a favor bc I had to turn in my old car to the junk heap but the closest one was the next town over, so without a ride I’d be walking back across the freeway... No thanks. Anyways so we get there and the dude had us wait out in the damn sun, and these two chicks pull up in a car with crazy damage in the back, and then on top of that they parked in the red zone even though they only woulda had to pull up a few extra feet to not be in the red.
So my dad, who is old enough to have mostly grey/white hair on to around his bald spot and only had a bit of his original blonde in the back, and had hearing aids in BOTH ears that day. So no matter what way he faced this chick she shoulda seen ‘old man with hearing aids’, so then my dad, just trying to be helpful, doesn’t want her to get towed, goes “Hey, yer still parked on the red there!” And she just outright glared at him and damn near hisses, “YEAH? SO?”
SO my dad is HOH and he doesn’t quite get it, maybe didn’t hear right, he repeats, still in that ‘I’m just trying to be a helpful old chuckefuck!’ tone of voice, “Yer still parked a bit on the red there!” AND EVEN NASTIER THAN BEFORE SHE’S JUST LIKE “YEAH, AND, SO, WHAT ABOUT IT??”
They were smart enough to shut up n not argue after that, didn’t talk to us much after that, although the guy had us waiting a rly long time in the damn hot sun so finally my dad tried again to make a lil small talk and just asked if she hit a pole or smth bc that’s how the damage looked on her car. She just really tensely replied, “No, tree...” And I gave a little ‘I’m not feeling the least bit awkward thank you~’ laugh and just said, “Well that explains that shape huh~”
Then we finally got into the place and the guy working there just happened to be the absolute most SOFTEST SPOKEN LAD EVER like wtf that’s probably why it took so long bc the last lady who left was an old lady and she could probably barely hear him, I had to ask the dude to almost yell at my dad so he could hear him even with both aids, like dude why you whispering gd everything bro...?
But yeah hopefully that clued the chick in, dude’s an old HOH guy, why you being a jerk, not every dude thinks yer hot shit hon... 9_9 (lmao like she wasn’t that ugly but she was kinda goth and besides being faithful to my mom my dad would never be into goths XD;;)
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sweetrupturedlight · 7 years
This week on Reign:
There’s time for archery lessons in France and I’m perplexed. It’s the final season Reign writers, there are two episodes left, events to cover, battles that never actually happen to plan, romances to kill, magic spells to cast - ALL THE THINGS and this is what we spend our time on? FML
On the plus side, the cracks start to show and PSA: VAMPIRE CHARLES is back. He’s reverted to his default “batshit crey” setting after Catherine performed some voodoo that inadvertently made him access his terminator mode and slaughter English emissaries. LMFAO. This show. Like, he’s just decapitating peeps and his own advisers are like, “Let us know when its over, yo!”
Luc Narcisse is a gift. A GIFT! How he sprung from Narcisse’s loins is still one of the wonders of the world, but let’s assume this debate ends with NURTURE not NATURE. Anyhoo, Luc is clearly in love with Claude and trying his best to win her over. Claude however, is trying to keep the boundaries in place - despite the fact that Cath calls her on it with the simple: You find your husband hot as well. Go make babies already. Always trust Catherine to say what needs to be said.
AND GUESS WHAT YA’LL? SHE LISTENS! Claude spies hubby shirtless and jumps his bones. Now this I approve of.
Except, that pesky Narcisse problem persists. Narcisse Senior that is, passes on a note to Junior telling him that Claude has been secretly trying to get investigators to find Leith and tell him that once she has given Luc an heir, she’s hightailing it outta France, leaving her kid and her hawt!hubby behind to get some Leith Loving. Like seriously, Claude would dump her kid on Luc and go find her lover? Eye roll.
But I digress, instead of stewing on it, Luc confronts Claude AND ALL MY TEARS. Its a long story, but basically she wants to be like... a loyal person whose word means something. Admirable Claude bb, but Leith is long gone and NEWS FLASH: I suspect you already love your husband. And after that mid afternoon bonding time, who thinks she preggers next week? A GIRL CAN WISH OK
In the week’s most heartbreaking scene, Luc realises that he can’t make Claude love him. So he vows that he will help her remain true to Leith my ensuring that their marriage is in name only. I’ll say by that devastation on your face Claude, you want more Narcisse, not less. I like where this sl is going. Claude’s going to have to choose and go after him if she wants to fight for their marriage. #bless
Across the pond, the most ridiculous sl is afoot. Lizzy and Gideon want some R&R. So she becomes a peasant girl and they spend some time frolicking on a beach. Firstly, that cottage is BASIC af. Like, how would the queen of England be all, YES! OUR OWN LOVE NEST when it looks... well, like a bloody hut. Ridik. Anyway, they’re caught, Lizzy can’t kill the servant who saw them together, she trusts her to be quiet, EXCEPT OF COURSE SHE IS A SPY. These rookie mistakes after 4 seasons.
In Scotland, Darnley is now aligning himself with John Knox. In a move that makes very little sense as to the HOW, he basically stole all the treasury’s money and leaves Scotland broke at a time when Mary needs to help people in need (earthquake, devastation, you get the drift). 
So Mary lets him back, throws him a party while plotting to steal back the cash. Amateurish if you ask me, but none the less. 
By her side is Lord Bothwell (whose attractiveness I have to say, expands exponentially each time I see his face or hear his gd voice, or watch those dimples play peekaboo!!!) Bothwell spends most of the 40 mins oscillating between confessing his affections for Mary and being extra af. Both settings I admit to loving dearly. These two know each other about what? a month or two? And he is sooo in love. Its Reign guys, lets go with it
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ebonix · 4 years
Livin my best life!! lol Why these niggas think they matter as much as they think they do?!! I’m just tryna have fun and vibe with folx. Lol this nigga got me paying for an EXTRA therapy session this week. Lol 😂 I gotta hear what she has@to say about my hot mess of a life! 🤣 lmfaooo I been telling these fools I’m from the Eastside!!! My nigga’s friend had the nerve to call me “prissy” last night. Nigga, I’m hood af! I’m just NOT a hoodrat! So... there is no switch up with me!! I know what I like and I’m not ashamed of liking quality! I smell gd, look gd and wear the best I can afford. Why would you get a chance to be with me knowing I’m a quality woman and fux with u and try to throw in some commentary about a woman like me should be with a dr or lawyer?!! Gawd... lol He be fuckin up his chances of having a relationship with me when I am ready. Lol He is soooo freaking handsome!! Takes horrible pictures but his face is soooooo gorgeously masculine! Yo... I’m living out my best hood fantasy rn. If only he was more mature. Lol I would be smitten beyond comprehension. Sooo.. it’s probably best he is who he is. Cuz I’m not tryna be in a relationship!! Lol and Yh... imma see how long this situation even lasts. Lol I can’t even look at this man without wanting to cheese. He is gorgeous!!! Like historical diety gorgeous! Like why do I wanna be with you?!! Nigga, you fiiine fine! Lol naw... but I fux wit yo vibe when you’re not with your friends! Motherfreaking attentive and affectionate af with pinches of hood. AND this negro is smart smart! *swoon swoon* Shit... my ex called me yesterday when I was with him AND annoyed the hell out of ME interrupting my time with my new dude! Ayeee the chains are broken!! I’m free, single and not a single fuck given about this ex and his shit!! Click clack! I got a whole new life in the works. Man or no man. I am freeeeeeeeeeee! I’m ready to manifest some amazing memories!! Wooooo! Life is goooooood when ya not tryna get into a relationship and just living life!! I feel free from the stress of the bs energy niggas be putting off. Like... I don’t want a relationship. Why you tryna stress me?! Lol Nigga... get it together!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEpii1JtnfYL3Jen1mhOeWjllAVNQug8sxKw80/?igshid=158s08c384768
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