#naz rambles
sweetrupturedlight · 1 year
Now watching Vikings: Valhalla and no Canute in sight…
I mean-
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catboygretzky · 3 months
editing a natecale fic i started writing two years ago to reflect this year's roster and i have to change so much like girl there is NO one left 😭
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sneezeplease · 9 months
Sorry for not like uploading any writing, but….
How would y’all feel about en/ stars?
I’m obsessed with Nazu//na so I would literally love to write him doing something snz related
I could also do Chi//aki possibly or Ka//oru because they fascinate me
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wardenapproaches · 2 years
♪ (also hi cayden beloved 💕)
ghosts- dirty vegas
All I ever wanted is a place out by the sun To watch the world go by and take each day as it comes All I ever wanted was a chance to catch my breath To see the world go by and lay my ghosts to rest
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
Alright time to ramble about Marcus and Tybalt!
So, prior to meeting Tybalt Leftpaw, Marcus Furyclash was very much the most charr-est charr you could get. He and his warbandmate Maverick were two peas in a pod, proud, cocky and competitive with a side of violent.
Then Marcus joins the Whispers, because he's not getting physically stronger than his rival Nastazya. He wants to get quicker, more agile.
The first mission with Tybalt at first was a bore to him, going around just talking to people for info. As a blood he's beaten people for info before. But then the next part, distracting the pirates with a drinking contest? This actually got him way closer to Tybalt just from that, especially getting to fight their way out from the pirates afterwards. He just started connecting to Tybalt way more after that.
From there things just soared, he was making fast friends with Tybs, and enjoyed getting his Whispers training from him.
And then eventually they go to aid the skritt, finding Nastazya and Forgal have done the same. During this, it's when Marcus finds out about Tybalt's bad history with explosions and his right arm. But by now, he's fast friends with him, he's basically just like a warbandmate to him now. And built-in prejudice he has against a gladium is replaced by this new care for Tybalt, the spark that shifts his viewpoints.
And then came Claw Island, Marcus was there with Nastazya and Chip. All three of their mentors fell in a last stand, Tybalt, Forgal and Sieran.
Marcus took this the hardest, demanding that Tybalt should get away, he'll fight to the end. But Leftpaw was adamant, and Furyclash was dragged away roaring by Nastazya because they couldn't waste any more time.
He'd never lost any of his warbandmates before, this was the first time he really felt loss. He was struggling far more than Chip or Nastazya, to the point that Naz even tried to console him. He just brushed her off, and she got Trahearne to accompany Marcus when returning to the preceptors. Ultimately, Naz's leadership on Claw Island is what convinced Trahearne to choose her as Commander.
After saving the people in Lion's Arch from undead attacks, Marcus got his strength back again. This is what Tybalt wanted him to keep on doing, this is what he needs to keep doing.
And then comes Marcus being sent to assist with a mortar crew against Risen as the new Pact makes its way towards Orr. And the horrific trick that made him command they open fire on a group of Pact soldiers mesmerised to look like the Risen.
Marcus' heart was torn apart right there, especially after his newfound drive to be saving people thanks to Tybalt's impact. The prideful, violent charr Marcus once was has firmly been abandoned. He makes amends, he finds out the truth, then dedicates himself fully to never abandoning another person again. If they can be saved, he will save them. (This is also what later leads to Marcus quickly chasing after Rytlock into the Mists, he's not gonna let another Tybalt happen.)
The new Marcus is here to stay, a changed man. And after Zhaitan is taken down, the smitten-with-Naz charr approaches to ask to accompany her. Partly to be with her, partly to give back to Tyria, to make the world better in Tybalt's place.
Many years later, during the events of Cantha, Marcus loses his right hand protecting his daughter.
His new paw prosthesis brings thoughts back to his head. --- Excerpt from my Commander Nastazya stories ---
Marcus and Nastazya both respond with grateful farewells, now going to take their leave of the mansion, time to let those inventors get on with their current tasks. Once outside and back in the Daigo Ward, Marcus eagerly looks about his new jade tech paw, gesturing and moving it around as he gets used to it.
"Enjoying yourself?" Ragewelder comments jovially, it's fun seeing him so entranced by it.
"It's pretty great, I tell you. Just think how many charr could have a better life with something like this, or even like how Taimi has those supports on her legs." Furyclash flinches for a moment, his gaze lowers. "Hm… Think how much better a life Tybalt could've had with one of these."
"…Marc." Nastazya sighs softly, holding a paw on his bare shoulder. "It's been over nine years and you still think of him, he really changed you, didn't he?"
"Yeah, he did. If he could see us now, having beaten back all of the elder dragons…" The tiger-striped charr looks to his paws, his regular left and his mechanical right, a soft chuckle escapes him. "Y'know, now I'm a Leftpaw like Tybalt was, huh?"
"You are, aren't you? Didn't think of that until now…" A bittersweet expression on Ragewelder's face as she speaks softly. "Not planning to change your name are you?"
"No, no. I'll always be Furyclash, that's who I am." He smiles to his mate, his left paw moving up to hold over hers. "My chance to be here, with you. If Tybalt hadn't done what he did, we wouldn't have this. I'm thankful, despite how much I wish he would still be here to share drinks with."
"Then after out sightseeing, how about we do just that? A good drink for all those we've lost, who got us this far." Nastazya suggests, perhaps some helpful closure after all this.
"I'd like that." Marcus gently nuzzles his snout up beside his mate's, getting the same in return.
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toughtink · 9 months
genshin time! i did 2 of the main quest lines plus the whole 4.0 archon quest so far!! still need to do the main melusines quest line, but i’m gonna put my rambly and spoilery thoughts here:
i’ve found the trials/case-cracking equal parts exciting and frustrating. i keep jumping too many steps ahead to the conclusion while the story insists on forcing a misdirection as part of how the plot’s meant to play out. regardless, i can’t wait to break my trash bf out of jail in 4.1.
i love how we’ve had these themes set up at the end of the 3.0 quests, and especially in that last area of sumeru + the nymph’s dream artifact set dropping all that lore about the naz-whatever institute.
speaking of, in ann’s quest the friends she had were petit chou, al, jak, kate, and mori. the folks mentioned in rene’s investigation notes and in other lore around fontaine are rene, ann, alain (guillotin), jakob, and…various others?? i’m workin from memory rn. they mention a director and vice director along with a mr. karl who, in the virgil quest, is described as the adopted father of those children.
al➡️alain and jak➡️jakob are easy, but what about kate, mori, and petit chou? also, the nymph’s dream set lore kind of implies that the “hero” becomes a villain or a dragon in the story, which i remember someone online thinking that was speaking metaphorically about rene who seems obsessed with the energy issues that the institute is studying which would make rene narcissus in ann’s quest. 🤔
unrelated to any of that, the designs or animals particularly birds in fontaine are so cute!! i’d absolutely make a pokemon team out of them.
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naz-ozdemir · 10 months
for: @amyinnile​ location: allied beaches
Naz might have been still new to the whole siren thing, and group itself, but she was trying her best to get to know the pod members of the Le Sirene’s Children. After speaking with one woman, talking about the small changes she had noticed and about the tides, Naz felt even more overwhelmed by everything. She had never cared about the stars or how effects the moon had on the ocean but now it felt pivotal for her to know it and understand. It was a strange thing, she felt compelled to go into the water but she also feared it still. 
In the back of her mind, there was still moments where she hesitated, thinking that something lurking under the water would pull her under and she’d never claw her way back to the surface. Lost in her own thoughts for a moment, Naz shook her head. She put a smile onto her face, trying to do what she always did which was ignore how she felt. Taking a few more steps, she paused before another woman, one she hadn’t met. “Oh excuse me,” she said. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m sort of new, I guess. I’m Naz,” she said, trying to stop herself from rambling on.
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milosstag · 11 months
Okay haiii!! My name’s Milo/Ricky, any is fine with me, but most people call me Milo!!
I’m an artist, guitarist, and kinda of a writer..
Im also Trans (He/they/vamp) and MLM (men loving men)
I saw mcr live!! And gonna see INK live soon!!
I’m obsessed with Music (mainly emo/metal/rock, but any genre is okay) and horror/thriller movies!!^—^
Things/People i LOVEE!!♥︎
•My Chemical Romance, The Used, Ice Nine Kills, Pierce the Veil, L.S Dunes, Flyleaf,ATEEZ, HAWK,Paramore, Evanescence, Waterparks,FOB,Misfits, The Smiths, The Cure, Gerard Way, Frank Iero (any of his music/side bands), Ray Toro, etc i can go on and on..
•Comic Books. LOVE THEM!! I love Watchmen,TUA,Hellboy, many more..
• Squids, Scorpions, Bats, Ferrets, Cats, and Dogs ^—^
• Coffee, tea, water, and orange juice…
• Vampires (yes i love twilight saga aswell its silly)
•Criminal Minds, Hannibal, DC, and MCU
•The history about Joan of Arc, ive been obsessed with her since i was in elementary <3
•Horror/Gore/Thriller movies like Hostel, Terrifier, and The Evil Dead!!
Things i DISLIKE!!:
• The Basic DNI criteria
•Waycest,Wincest, ANY INCEST SHIPS GET OUT!!
•MSI/Brendon Urie/BOTDF supporters
• SHtwt, EDtwt ik it’s tumblr but anything related to SH or ED is something I can’t handle personally.
•Wasp/Bees i hate the noise they make and anything that looks like them im scared
•Needles, they look cool from afar but im terrified of em…
•Neopronoun haters
• Any Naz*s. That’s especially for some of the early 2000’s emo/scene people who think its funny to make jokes like that. Not rad at all
Okok that’s rlly it :3
Jdjdjsj socialz are:
Insta: Milosstag
Tiktok: milosstag
Twitter: Dead_st1tches_
Okay baiii :3
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clairelcmartin · 1 year
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Testing Times I’ve experienced some weird tests at King’s College Hospital but today’s was very strange. Last time I was in the Ruskin Wing, 21 years ago, I was legs akimbo giving birth with lots of trainees traipsing past, having a good butcher’s and declaring, “Dilating nicely.”  Today, I was in Neurophysiology, electrodes attached to my head and eyes, staring at a black and white chessboard focused on a single red square, holding breath and not allowed to blink while lights flashed.  There is a fair old set-up for such torturous exercises and while Naz was sticking gold probes in my eyes (I kid you not) Lydia was taking down the medical history.  When confronted with such questions, we Hong Kong adoptees usually ask, “Do you want the long version or the short one?”  Followers of my ramblings know that I have been whinging about my eyes recently: glaucoma, cataracts, the whole ageing nine yards.  It creeps up, it is ignored, I put up with odd socks and clashing colours choices to challenge even Vivienne Westwood, until the one that takes the proverbial biscuit.  Wait for it: I hailed an ambulance thinking it was a bus.  Lydia choked on her coffee. “Did it stop?” “Thankfully not.” “Wonder what the driver thought…” “That there was a bus behind?”  Please God. Allegedly our eyes did not develop properly in the orphanages.  Long Lost Family, Series 10, Episode 4: the long version…   #writing #book #booklover #creativewriting #RamblingOn #MindNinja #ChinWag #Cl-airBrush #memories #memoir #100daysofwriting #kingscollegehospital #neurophysiology https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpf4qMsL5Sx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fluffy-critter · 2 years
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
gw2 oc ramble time, Nastazya on brain
Nastazya Ragewelder is officially in her 40s now, and she gets really sensitive about it too. Never ever mention the word 'old' to her or you will not be leaving the conversation unscathed.
She keeps such good care of her fur to keep a more youthful lustre to it, and to be fair it works very well as most wouldn't expect her to be middle aged.
She has yet to find any greying hairs or strands of faded fur, but she still dreads the day she does...
Bonus writing excerpt stuff;
Marcus hid that he lost his right paw, and this is directly after Nastazya finds out and makes a call to get him a prosthesis.
--- Nastazya puts the device back in her pack, then looks straight to her mate with her arms crossed, an eyebrow raises.
"…I have never seen more of an 'I told you so' face on you before, Naz." Marcus responds rather weakly, a meek shrug of his shoulders. "Thank you, though. Guess this 'old man' isn't going into retirement just yet."
Ragewelder's eye squints, she's older than her mate by two years. "…Are you insinuating that I am old?"
Furyclash freezes up, raising a paw with a nervous grin on his face. "No! No, no, it was ironic! I don't think of myself or you as old!"
Nastazya simply huffs in response, a small tilt of her head. "You're on thin ice." ---
And a later one, where Marcus calls friends and such to let em know he and Naz are having a third cub.
--- Rytlock answers again, a bit of a curious tone in his voice. "Another cub, huh… I know the Commander's starting to get on in the years so I'm surprised she-"
"NO." Furyclash quickly tries to interrupt the tribune, his gaze shifting to his mate. He gulps nervously.
Nastazya huffs and stands up, stomping towards Marcus and snatching the communicator out of his paw. "…Is Crecia there at all?"
"Uhh-" Brimstone mutters, the device goes quiet…
Another voice, the Blood Imperator's… "Yes, I am here. Congratulations by the way, what did you need?"
"Thank you, please punch Rytlock for me." Ragewelder says, a hint of maliciousness in her voice. "Hard."
"Wait- Cre don't you-" The tribune's voice is cut off with the sound of a thud, and a pained growl.
"Much appreciated. And thanks everyone else, I'll get back to my smithing now." With that, Nastazya hands the communicator back to her mate, returning to working on the cuirass.
Marcus meekly watches her, before whispering back into the device. "…Sorry, Rytlock."
"Errgh… Need to remember age is a touchy subject with her… I'd best get back to work." ---
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sweetrupturedlight · 2 years
The way Canute’s eyes follow Emma whenever she’s around him.
Fire. Pure fire.
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cottonsocks · 3 years
i want montero to be translated into simlish
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night-rhea · 2 years
İ feel like i can set the world on fire when i get compliment on my angst and plottwist
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queerdisagreeable · 3 years
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{ID - digital drawing of Naz Boketto, a young woman with pale skin, lilac hair pulled back into a bun, and bright blue eyes. She wears a simple green vest and grey leggings with two yellow diamonds on the side, as well as grey ballet shoes. She has one hand on her hip, and the other up, as if she's examining her nails. Doodles around her add notes in different colours; "Hidden knife" written in black, pointing to her bun; "Better than you" in red, "Hotter thank you" in hot pink, yellow sparkles surround her head. The background is a dusty dark purple, with a fractured spotlight triangle in a lighter purple that frames Naz. End ID}
salem’s dance partner in crime <3
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kon-konk · 3 years
I drew my fallen angel pair and it's great, I love it, I can't draw feathered wings for shit.
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