#but then when i found one i was like mmmmmm dont feel like reading it now
jorrated · 6 months
ey jo haha have you ever heard of princess alucion
not like you like echidnas at all haha
its the one from the french comics ya? she seems neat but i havent actually read the comic!
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Blue bird anon: Hi, hon! I have this cute idea! Can I request Hawks x famous singer!reader? Hawks is hired to be bodyguard for the reader. He doesn't know that she has a songbird quirk, meaning she has a good singing voice and wings. Thank you~~
Hi blue bird anon ! Ofc you can. Enjoy love ! 💗
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The paper flipped open to the Job Listings page and a heavy groan could be heard. The man reading the page picked up his coffee sipping it slowly while he read, he needed some extra cash, something to keep him busy and occupied when crime was low. It did not really matter what it was really, anything would do. Hsi eyes scanned the paper from top to bottom a few times, some things were circled with red markers while others had a X through them. He was about to give up when he saw the very last Ad. Bodyguard needed.
He tipped his cup up drinking and reading the ad.
Fly High Records looking for one bodyguard with experience in protecting people. Must be willing to go on tour and protect our singer from paparazzi. Please call if interested.
The cup was set on the table and red wings started to flutter around. He sighed with a smile. This could work
That afternoon he was at the interview in the big fancy Fly High Records building sitting in the waiting room admiring one of his feathers. This job seemed easy enough he figured, and he would get to travel around for free? Sounds good to him. A man walked into the room seeing the Hero and nearly dropped his clipboard.
“Hi !! i'd like a job please!!” beamed the happy hero.
“But but but what about being a pro hero?” The man was obviously confused about this whole situation.
“Ah well, all the UA kids are graduated and taking over all my hard jobs , i'd be lying if i said i wasn't bored”
“Oh well, thats true huh? They are doing a wonderful job”
Hawks got up, stretching out his feathers with a shake. “I agree, but I'm bored and I want to do something, I'm not retiring yet.”
The man hired Hawks on the spot. Filling him in with everything he needed to know about the job and you. You had a wing quirk like him and you were a singer , very famous all around the world it seemed, they kept close eye on you apparently. ‘Never let her out of your sight, dont let her go off on her own’. It was a little weird, he never wanted to believe idols had controlled lives. He could start right away which he happily did.
“So just down the hall and up the stairs is her floor, she should be down recording by now, we leave tomorrow for the Tour , its a 10 month all around Japan.”
“Okay! Sounds fun” Hawks waved leaving the room to go up to where you were, he waved to all the shocked people he passed without a care in the world.
Hawks knocked lightly on your door to hear a ‘comeeee innn’ coming from the other side. Your room had a large bed, fuzzy carpet with pink feathers everywhere, sky high windows overlooking the city and records lined up on the walls. Hawks closed the door behind him going in taking in the room , someone with a quirk similar to his it looked like, but where were you ? Hawks walked around the room admiring all the knickknacks you had on your desks while he searched for you. Hm… were you really in here?
A pink feather brushed against his nose and he caught it with a smile. “How pretty, where's the rest of you hm?”
He turned to see a pile of blankets next to the bed and heard humming from it. Hawks went over kneeling down to move a blue pillow revealing you to him finally. You were cute and had pink hair that matched your feathers.
“Hello miss Y/n, or should i say Pink Dove? My name is Keigo , but you can call me Hawks, im your new bodyguard”
You stretched whimpering, sad to be woken up from your slumber in such a way. “ i thought it was lunch,, “ you hummed out , crawling out of your nest whistling to call your feathers to you while you sat on your knees stretching again.
“Hungry? And I didn't mess up your nest, did i?”
Your wings fluttered around before settling down behind you. “ no no, my nest is fine. I am hungry, i was hoping it was Kashi bringing me my lunch, oh and its nice to meet you Hawks, i admire your hero work.” you sat criss cross looking out the window, you seemed to be longing, upset.
Hawks could see this and held out his hand to you. “Want to go get lunch?” he asked you.
You chuckled at his question and his hand. “ so they did not tell you i cant leave the building huh? “
“Well they did but i thought he was kidding if im honest.” Hawks retracted his hand to sit with you, taking in a deep breath. “Thats gotta be rough…”
“It is. They should be by soon though.”
Hawks watched you stare outside, like a bird trapped in a cage , not allowed to leave. He scratched his head and leaned back on his hands. “Wanna leave anyway?” he asked.
You turned to him, you were holding one of his feathers running your fingers through it enjoying the feel. You would be safe, this was a pro hero after all. But you were not worried about that, management scared you, but.. Hawks was your bodyguard now.
“You'll protect me? From my manager when he finds out?”
“Dove ive gone up countless villains.” he got up extending his hand to you again. “Trust me, he does not scare me in the slightest.”
You took his hand getting up , your wings shaking with eagerness making a mess again.
Hawks circled this building alot on his patrols and found a way out for you , every building needed a fire escape, no matter how ugly it looked on the building. You took off with this man seeing the city for what it really was. Pretty, breathtaking, you loved it. It had been forever since you were allowed to free fly like this. Management ordered you to walk everywhere, save the flying for the show they told you, dont ruin the wings. All you wanted to do was fly high enough to touch a cloud every now and then. But you were always stuck on the ground in your cage
Hawks brought you to his favorite eatery around the back to avoid curious eyes. He ordered you a cheeseburger and fries with a shake. It had been a long while since you had fast food…
“Thank you , Hawks”
“Not a problem, we can eat at my favorite spot” he took your hand flying back up in the air to a nearby building landing on its roof.
“My favorite spot,” he sat on the edge with his legs hanging off the edge. “I can see everything from up here.”
You sat down next to him offering him some of your shake. “Thank you. This is amazing. Truly. I want to thank you”
“Not needed, helping you get outside is enough for me” he took a sip of your shake and you got pouty with him flying in front of him.
“Then just listen, then.” you told him flying back a bit.
It was beautiful, that voice, it was a songbird quirk. He smiled up at you setting the shake down to admire you. Two quirks huh? Interesting. It was music to his ears. Hawks felt a wave of passion rush over him from your voice. You could also produce pink notes that danced around your body it looked like.
You did not deserve to be caged up like this, you were not just a way to make money. Maybe he should retire as a pro hero and work full time getting you your life back.
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
You & Me - Part Four
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2360 words
Niall's POV
Olympia Theatre, Dublin 29th August 2017
Arriving at The Olympia Theatre had been crazy. Loads of fans all waiting outside for you, and it was still early. Making your way around the backstage area you caught up with everyone who would be working with you for the whole tour. You said Hi to Martin, Phil, James and Adam who were part of the sound team but you hadn't yet spotted the one person you were dying to see.
It had only been two days since you'd seen her. Two days since you'd spent the whole afternoon lying on her bed, kissing her, holding her, talking about anything and everything together. You'd text a few times, but you'd been busy catching up with family so hadn't spoken to her on the phone. You'd missed her smile, her voice, her smell, everything.
It had been almost four months since you realised you saw her as much more than a friend and work colleague and you'd managed fine with being apart. Now you'd crossed over that friendship line, you couldn't get enough of her. It had taken every ounce of control to hold back when you'd been kissing her. You definitely didn't want to rush into anything. You'd only felt like this once before and that had all ended badly. There was no way you were going to make that same mistake again, you didn't want to fall too far too soon and scare her away.
When you rounded the corner, down and to the right of the stage, you saw her. She had her back to you, headphones on, and her eyes on the paperwork in front of her. Callie loved her paperwork, she always had lists of everything she had checked before every gig. There was no way anything was going to go wrong with any of your guitars. It was one of the reasons you hired her, she was thorough, and picky about every little thing. Martin, the head of all the stage layout and equipment said she was quite feisty, professional, hard-working and kept them all in check.
You paused at the entrance of the little corner she was in, watching her hum what sounded like Take my Hand and tap her foot along with the music. She was wearing just simple dark jeans and black t-shirt, hair pulled up in one of those messy buns she always has.
Everyone was getting on with stuff, but you checked around you before you made your way to her, your hands landing on her waist. She jumped and turned her head to face you, slipping her head phones off as she did. 
 "Fucking hell Niall!" She whispered, a hand clutching her chest over her heart. 
 "Sorry." You whispered back, burying your face into her neck and wrapping your arms around her waist.
"Ni, someone might see."
You could hear the smile on her lips.
"Its only a quick cuddle."
 "We agreed you wouldn't distract me when I'm working."
 "Am I distracting you then?!" You mumbled as you kissed her neck, a massive smile on your lips to.
 "Mmmmmm you are." She sighed blissfully.
 "Just wanted a kiss and then I'll leave you to it."
 "Just one then." And she turned around giving you a quick kiss on the lips.
When she went to pull away you made a pathetic whine and she giggled.
You heard Martin call her name and you released her from your hold, moving a few steps back in time for him coming around the corner. If he hadn't have called out wondering where she could have been, he would be seen you with your hands all over her. Callie had been right, you had to keep your hands off each other when you were working.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt."
"Not interrupting anything important, just me telling Callie how nervous I am about tonight!" You smiled nervously.
"Well first night of solo tour mate with all your family here!" He replied, patting your back.
"That's not helping Mart, not at all!"
You were all laughing now.
"You'll be fine mate. Anyway just wanted to give you the final plan for today." He said, handing Callie a A4 piece of paper. Timings for stuff, meet and greet, soundcheck, breaks etc."
 "Ahh thanks Martin."
 "No worries, catch you both later."
 And with a quick wave he was off. You looked at her out the corner of your eye. "Ok, I'll keep my hands and my lips to myself when we are at work from now on."
 She nodded and smiled, before leaning in and whispering. "Maybe sneak a good luck kiss in later, but that's it!"
She turned around to place the schedule on her little desk she had set up and you took the opportunity to give her bum a quick smack before you darted away before she could react.
With sound check and meet and greet due soon, you made your way down the hall and to the food area to grab an early dinner. The room was full of people, your family being some of them. They looked up and smiled, cheering as you walked in. You felt yourself blush from embarrassment and even more so when your Mum came over and hugged you. You could see Callie smirking in the background.
You introduced your family to everyone in the room, all the crew as well as the band. When it came to meet Callie, you couldn't hide the smile from your face.
"Mum, this is Callie, my um ...... guitar tech." You said, suddenly feeling nervous about your Mum meeting her. Although you weren't sure what exactly you and Callie were, you'd not discussed it with anyone, so she was just a guitar tech to everyone around you. Were you dating? You'd not discussed it when you'd been at hers the other day. Far too busy kissing her, making up for lost time.
"Nice to finally meet you Callie, Niall has told me a lot about you." She said with a smile.
"Oh he has?!" Callie replied with a quirk of her brow. "Good things I hope?!"
"Said you're amazing at your job and at keeping everyone in line."
"Did he now?! Well I tell you, these lads need it." Callie smiled.
You felt the blush creep up your cheeks and you turned away from her gaze, only to be met with your Mums, a smirk upon her lips.
"Well Maura it was nice to meet you, but I have to go set up for soundcheck."
"Don't let me keep you sweetheart, I'm sure we will meet again soon."
"I'll see you in a bit Ni." 
"Yeah, about half hour to go I think." You replied, looking at your watch.
She nodded and gave you both a wave before leaving the room. You watched her walk away before turning to face your Mum again.
"So ....... Callie seems sweet." She said raising her eyebrows, a massive smile on her face.
"She is.......what's with the look?"
"How long have you been seeing one another?" She whispered, as she leaned closer.
"What?!" You whispered back.
"Oh come on Niall James, your face lit up when you saw her. You're telling me there's nothing going on?"
"Jesus Mum, how did you guess that?"
"Mothers intuition. Plus you both couldn't keep your eyes off one another. I take it we are still whispering because no one knows?"
You could see a couple of people looking over so you gestured to your Mum to walk out the room with you.
"No, they dont. Callie is worried she will look unprofessional. And to be honest Mum I'm not really sure what we are. We've not really discussed it."
"Too busy doing something else!" She smirked.
"Mum, Christ no nothing like that."
"Its perfectly natural Son!" She laughed. 
You shook your head at the awkwardness of the conversation, taking a second to look up and down the corridor.
"We've kissed that's all, I really like her and I don't want to mess it up. Is it that obvious that there's something going on between us? Because she really doesn't want anyone to know."
"Niall, you're my Son and I can read you like a book. The smitten look all over your face was obvious to me. It may come across different to other's, but I'm a mother and I know when my boys in love."
"That's a strong word there Mum!" You replied. "Not quite at that point."
"It won't be long. The connection between you both is strong."
"Mothers intuition?"
"Yes, Mother intuition."
Your Mothers words stayed on your mind as you sat and ate with your family and friends. Callie had popped back into the food area a couple of times and you'd instantly looked up, you could just sense it was her entering the room. This sudden realisation that you'd never been so aware of someone presence before shocked you. 
When you'd first met Callie you'd been instantly attracted to her. She was stunning, in a completely natural way. She hardly ever wore make up and because of her job she wore simple jeans and t-shirts with her battered white converse. She was the complete opposite to who you normally found yourself gravitating towards.
She completely owned the room, she was strong willed and although she was just hired to be a general guitar technician, you'd not let her help anyone else out but you. She made sure everyone in the crew took their breaks so they were not overworked, she bossed Martin around even though he was actually the boss.
It had frightened you that day when you'd hugged each other for the first time. Your skin had never touched before and something ignited in you that day, blaming it on the excitement of Slow Hands being number one for the racing heart and clammy palms you'd gotten.
You'd wasted months dating Saskia, who clearly was only with you for your name and the publicity. Towards the end, you couldn't even hold back the annoyance you got when she kept hinting about you two on social media or to the press. It just wasn't you. Callie was the opposite, she didn't want anyone to know. However keeping it from your inner circle and security team would be difficult as they knew you too well. Tara had already been asking questions and you knew Basil, could tell something was up. He's been working with you for years, even in your 1D days.
You were pacing around your dressing room when Tara came and told you that it was almost time for sound check and then meet and greet. You headed towards the stage, when you stopped in your tracks. Conor was leaning in to Callie, a smile on his face and you could hear her laughing. You had specifically told him she was off limits and yet here he was flirting with her.
You called out her name as you approached them.
"Can I have a quick word with you about something for tonight?" You asked her.
"Yeah of course love, nice chatting with you Conor but I have worked to do!" She smiled as she followed you down the corridor.
Once you were back inside your dressing room with the door closed, you turned to her.
"Need that good luck kiss now Ni?" She asked you, a smirk on her face.
"Yeah I do actually, but I should probably also warn you about Conor."
"Warn me?!" 
"Yeah, he asked me if you were single that first time you met at the pub."
"And what did you say?"
"Said that you were but you off limits." You admitted.
"Bit jealous are we?" She smirked.
"No!" You scoffed.
"Listen Ni, I'm not sure what we are and now isn't the time to discuss it since you're about to go to sound check, but know that I'm not interested in anyone but you."
A smiled appeared on your lips at her words, you reached out and your hands grazed her hips. Tugging her closer to you, her arms wrapped around your neck.
"I'm sorry." You whispered.
"Why are you sorry?"
"Because I told him to stay away from you, when I hadn't even told you how I felt about you."
"Doesn't matter. Now let's sort out this good luck kiss before they send out a search party for us."
The first show of the tour, had gone amazing. Standing up in front of everyone, singing songs that no-one knew had been scary. You'd had a wobble half way through, you'd set your guitar down to find Callie at your side handing you the one you needed for the next song. When she mouthed the words 'you're fucking amazing' you grinned and found a much needed energy boost.
Your family had headed home but yourself, the band and some of the others had headed into Dublin to a bar to celebrate. Callie had been packing up when you'd left and you hadn't wanted to leave her.
"Ni, go and celebrate with everyone."
"I want you to be there with me."
"I know, but I have work to do. I'll text you when I'm done, ok?" She'd smiled at your neediness.
You hadn't even been able to kiss her goodbye, as there were too many people around. The feeling of needing to be with her at that moment started to overwhelm you.
Standing in the bar, a beer in your hand, the last person you expected to see was Saskia and her friend.
"Oh Niall, you did so amazing tonight!" She said as she flung her arms around you.
"Thanks, hadn't realised you'd be at the show." You replied politely, hugging her back. She didn't release you though and carried on clinging onto you.
"I couldn't miss your first show!"
You were gently trying to pry her off you, not wanting to have her touch you anymore than necessary. Unbeknownst to you that a certain guitar tech had arrived at the bar and swiftly left.
Part Five
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Kinky cards
Pairing: Leo & Aria (mc)
Warning: This series is full of NSFW content, graphic sex, and lots of KINK! If you have asked to be tagged, you acknowledge that you are over the age of 18.
Rules: Each player must write a One shot according to the card they are assigned. Each player must include a character from The Royal Romance in their pairing/threesome/ foursome Etc... OC’s are allowed so long as they are paired with a TRR character. Once you are tagged you must complete the fic, chose a card and tag another player. 
The game will continue until each player as written their fic! Anyone can play, if you want tagged or to play please let @speedyoperarascalparty know!!! 
** This is a time jump 2 years from where my series For You is right now**
Aria walked into their bedroom with several bags in hand, after a long day of shopping with Annabelle. “Have fun with Belle today love?” He looked up from his laptop. “Oh yeah, spent way to much money, but it was a good day.” She leaned in placing a kiss on his lips. Leo shifted the computer from his lap, he pulled her down onto him, wrapping his arms around her. Aria giggled as she straddled him, Leo’s hands grabbed her ass and gave it a rough squeeze. His lips trailed down her jaw line to her neck. “Mmmm Leo, wait!” She sat up. Leo groaned in annoyance as she climbed off his lap and grabbed her purse. “Annabelle gave me something today.” She tossed the pack of cards at Leo.
 “Kinky challenge?” He examined the cards eyeing Aria. “Yeah, Belle said they really spiced up their Sex life.” She twirled her hair. “Hmm I can’t see Drake agreeing to half of these.” Leo chuckled as he sorted through the various challenges. “So, what do you think? Are you up to it?” She bit her lip.
“When have you ever known me to pass up on sex with my beautiful wife? Like right now, you know what that does to me.” He motioned to her lips. “Fair point, so are you game?” She questioned. Leo fanned the cards out and held them towards her to pick. She approached the deck selecting one of the cards.
“Always ready.
For 3 full days (of your partners choice) you can not refuse sex from your partner.” She read the card
A large grin formed on Leo’s face “oh no of all cards.” She covered her face. Leo pulled her hands back “oh yes love, anytime, anyplace, If I want it, you must comply. Are you up for the challenge?” He mischievously eyed his wife. She took a deep breath “yes, I’ll do it.”
“Well since it is night time, we will start tomorrow.” He picked her up slinging her legs to the side, he placed her on the bed. “Tonight, is a preview.” He said through kisses.
The next morning Aria awoke to the feeling of Leo’s lips pressed against her neck, his hand roamed her sides. “Mmm good morning.” She stretched. “Good morning love, today is day one and I want to start the day off right.” he kissed her throat and roamed his lips lower down her chest. His fingers found her center as they parted her folds and grazed her clit. She arched her body into his touch. Leo looked at her through lust blown eyes, as he rolled on top of her grabbing her thighs pulling her closer. He lined his hard cock up with her entrance and shoved himself into her, he pulled her legs up over his shoulders allowing himself deeper access as he pounded into her with delicious force. “Oh fuck. Yes oh my God Leo harder.” She screamed.
“As you wish Love.” He picked up the pace slamming into her with painfully pleasurable force. Leo felt her walls flutter around him. “That’s right love cum with me.” He grunted. “Yes, yes Leo fuck yes.” She screamed her juices crashed up against his thigh length. He thrust into her expelling his milky seed deep into her. He collapsed onto her, both trying to catch their breath. “Well that’s a damn good way to start the day. Good morning Mr Rhys.” She giggled. “Good morning Mrs Rhys."he kissed her ” you are right Love, that was just the start.“ He kissed her again rolling off the bed. 
The next few days flew by in a flash. Leo was definitely taking advantage of this challenge. As Aria adjusted the hem of her dress and fixed her lipstick she couldn’t help but smile. They had just got done having sex in the limo, but she thought back to the many other times over the past two days. The shower, twice. the movie theater, in the middle of a meeting with the other dukes and duchesses from Duchy’s across Cordonia. She remembered Olivia’s smirk when Aria had to abruptly announce her and Leo needed a moment because "they got a call from the nanny” and needed to check on the twins. Leo drug her into Liam’s office and took her right on the desk. In the kitchen in the middle of the night when she crept down for a drink. She made a mental note to give her employees a nice holiday bonus this year, as she thought back to the sounds of their moans echoing thought the estate. The lake underneath the stars when the decided to take a night time swim. 
The limo rolled to a stop in front of the Beaumont estate. “We are here love.” He excited the limo and extended his hand, she took his and they walk inside. The party was lovely. A nice dinner followed by the normal Beaumont shenanigans. She looked around at her friends celebrating Ellie and Maxwell’s engagement. Leo strides up with two glasses of champagne in his hands. “There is my smokin hot wife.” He hands her a flute and takes a seat next to her. “Thank you my sexy Husband.” She smiles at him. 
“I cant believe we have been married a year already. And the twins are 2.” Aria beamed. “Yes, it’s been a wonderful two years love. Do you remember our honeymoon?” He grinned as she felt his hand slide up her leg slipping under her dress. “Mmhmm, I think anyone in a 10 mile radius remembers. ” she giggled. His fingers toyed with her panties as two digits slipped between her folds as he rubbed circles on her clit. She jumped at the sensation. “Keep a straight face love. And dont cum.” He ordered. “Fff fuck.” She softly moaned. He continued his sensual assault on her sensitive nub until he could feel her legs shake. He leaned in towards her his voice low and husky “Are you ready for me to fuck you now love?” “Yes. Leo NOW.” She tried to stand but her legs were like Jello. Leo toss her over his shoulder Aria squealed, as he rushed through the halls of the Beaumont estate before he found a vacant room.
 He lowered her onto the floor quickly removing her dress. He yanked off her underwear and popped her bra off. He peppered kisses down her jaw, to her neck, his lips settled on her breast as he tweaked each of her nipples with his tongue. His touch was like fire burning her flesh with a searing pleasure. He lowered her onto the bed, he quickly discarded his clothes as he kissed up her leg from her ankle to her wanting wet center. His tongue darted between her folds as he flicked her clit with his tongue and pumped two fingers into her. Her body writhed from the pleasure. “Oh God, oh my God.” She moaned as she felt her climax coming to a head. She screamed his name as she finally gave into her orgasm. 
Leo grinned as he snaked up her body, his lips met hers in a searing kiss. He thrust his cock into her without warning. “mmmmmm” she breathed out as Leo stroked her dripping wet pussy. “Fuck baby, you’re so fucking wet. Oh God you feel amazing.” Leo moaned. He pulled out and flipped her over. “On fours love.” He ordered as he pulled her ass closer and thrust himself back into her. His strokes were short and hard as he slapped her ass watching it jiggle around his length. “Oh fuck Leo.” She screamed out as he pounded into her hitting her sweet spot with each stroke, “Leo fuck, oh my God, yes, yes yes.” Her walls contracted around him as her juices exploded around his cock. “Mmm Leo.” She breathed as she came down from her climax.
 “I’m not done with you yet Love, climb on top.” He pulled out of her and laid on the bed. She lowered herself down on his thick length and started to rotate her hips, she picked up the pace as Leo started to buck his hips into her harder. “Fuck Leo. Oh fuck.” Leo grabbed a hold of her her hips slamming her onto him harder, her hands found the top of the headboard as she braced herself for the wild ride. One of Leo’s hands slid down letting his finger trace circles on her clit. She felt the fire ignite inside as she screamed his name, her walls tightened as she flooded his cock with her sweet nectar. “Oh fuck baby, Jesus Christ, fuck Aria.” Leo pumped two more deep thrust coating her walls with his creamy white seed.
 Aria collapsed onto Leo, her breath ragged. Their bodies heaved together as they came off their lust filled high. They lay in the bed, Leo stroking her hair as he held her tight. “Maybe that challenge wasn’t a bad thing huh love?” Leo chuckled. “Not at all, I am glad we did it.” She giggled “but I think we should pass the cards along to another couple, and I know who I am giving them too.”
I am tagging @bobasheebaby - Your card is The short stick. Thak you partner to a swinger club or order an escort and watch him/her have sex with a stranger. you may join in if/when the partner allows it.
Players: @boneandfur @bobasheebaby @drakewalkerwhipped @fullbeaumonty @agent-bossypants @viktoriapetit @darley1101 @riseandshinelittleblossom @callmetippytumbles @jadedpixiescribbles @hellospunkiebrewster @tmarie82 @walkerismychoice @hopefulmoonobject @xxrainbowprincessxx @debramcg1106 @choicesbyjade @katurrade @silviasutton1989 @blackcatkita @blackwidow2721 @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @andy-loves-corgis
Tagging: @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @alicars @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @liamxs-world @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @llholloway @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao719 @3pawandme @blubutterflyy @liam-rhys @lodberg @brightpinkpeppercorn @mynameiskaylabella @barbaravalentino @thatspicegirlssong @zaffrenotes @coldcollectornight08
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briteboy · 6 years
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okay i’m gonna be real with you. i have...a LOT...of messages. going as far back as like...january? probably? i know...i’m so bad...don’t crucify me. i tried to get through all of them but there were a lot that i didn’t have a worthwhile reply for so i’m sorry if i didn’t answer something you sent :{
so here we have: a lot of nice things, a lot of santisms, reactions to the lou and cillian punchout, a few responses to my portfolio and other stuffs...i wanted to put astrology asks in at the end but it’s...a lot more than i thought it was and it’s 3 am so i’d rather die than answer all of those LMAO sorry. i’ll get to it next time
Anonymous said:
u can delete the snorting cum asks but it will still follow you for eternity
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okay so I saw the ask about snorting cum and it reminded me of a time that cum came out of my nose. It was gross but my boyfriend and I laughed it off. idk. I thought it would be a funny thing to share!! i'd understand if you didn't want this on your blog!! (maybe it makes you laugh!!)
wELL. WE’RE OFF TO A GOOD START HERE. i’m screaming at this...i hope nothing EVER comes out of my nose ever in life...i hate this but ur right it did make me laugh
(Winry anon again) Also, did you get her name from FMA Winry Rockbell because if so I love it
this is what bartsim calls me and i hate her for it
whats the truth bitch
I missed santirat's beautiful face there are literal tears rn
me too...i hate that i miss him so much it’s so freaking dumb...i haven’t cried to my own story in a while but i bet i’m gonna once santi’s comeback rolls around. i’m already bracing myself
nvm u can have the lovely rat back, that way my heart wouldn’t be hurting like it is now
honestly yeah that’s fair
Been silently following your blog and though I'm more of a "ghost"(? What does that even mean¿) follower, I can't help but express just how chocked I am to see Santi again OMG. Gutted Lou has had a flashback, she does not deserve this. :'(
hello casper the friendly ghost...i love having santi pop up with surprise flashbacks hehe...ur right though she DOES NOT NEED THIS in her life, but it will get better for her soon do not fret my ghoulish friend
I need more pics of Lou and Santi together I’m not satisfied, thankssss
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HEHEH i love it cause that’s literally how my friends and i act, it was fun to write in a scene :~} i’m glad you liked it :’}}
Yeah when I cut my hair short everyone assumed I liked girls I found it kind of odd, but I didn't care too much. It mostly just made me end up realizing all the shit lgbt people go through, one time a guy literally went up to me and my friend, my bff who no one really knew was a lesbian was terrified because he said "oh dont worry lesbians are hot, but gay guys are just disgusting" it ended up he was talking to me, i just rolled up a piece of paper as tight as I could and smacked him on the head
EWW first of all that guy can take his weird fetishization and homophobia elsewhere thanks...i’m glad you threw a paper ball at him LMAO. but yeah on one hand, coming from ignorant/straight people it’s like “uhhhh why would you assume that about me”, within the lgbt community it’s like...common ground...an inside joke...i guess? so it’s weird. the link between hair, clothes and sexuality is can definitely be harmful in certain circumstances
fiona is my spirit animal and i love her ok thanks for coming to my TED Talk
that was illuminating thank you
i re-read santis story and i s2g i've read it so many times idk, but like its so easy to read i dont mean like emotionally but it flows really well. and like its not too confusing i hate when people make overly convoluted stories in an excuse for being deep its some good shit good job my dude
AKJSDKGKSJD THAT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never expected anyone to read it oNCE let alone REPEATEDLY...that really makes me so happy though because it’s definitely something you have to go back and read to catch all the details. ahhhhh thank you so much, i never ever want my story to be too complicated so i’m glad you don’t think it is!!
im crying because your recent post reminds me so much of my relationship with my mom when i was younger... she was always out of a job and sometimes we had to resort to living with other family members, it was all really hard on her and especially with having a kid she had to take care of at the same time. even though these are fictional characters, it’s comforting to know that other people have gone through the same situations i have. i love fiona and lou so much, they’re my heart and soul <3
OMG ;_________; i’m crying i’m so glad it resonates with you...i had a lot of friends growing up who were in similar situations and i think i kinda based lou and fi’s relationship on that, so you’re definitely not alone <33 i’m so glad you love them i love u
basically what I’ve learned from these asks is that Gianni is a perfect god-like human and I want one
he is. one time an anon told me they were like santi but they wanted to be rooney and i was like “i’m both santi and rooney on different days and i want to be gianni.” now u know why
hi, i just wanted to pop in and say that i really, really love your blog and i admire your editing skills SO much, i think you are EXTREMELY talented and i don't think you get told that enough. i've been following you for awhile now and i am in love with ALL of your stories, characters and edits you've put out! you're really an inspiration to me and i hope someday my edits can turn out as good as yours!! i don't have reshade so it's harder for me, but i'm trying to learn!! ok have a good day :-)
OMFG ;-; I DO GET TOLD IT A LOT AND IT STILL SEEMS FAKE...you don’t have to go out of your way to compliment me ;___; but thank you so so so much i’m crying...it makes me so giddy that i might inspire someone like WHAT...i don’t even know what i’m doing half the time i edit so u will definitely be able to catch up to me one day even if you don’t have reshade, i know it. i edited without reshade for like 2 and a half years on this blog so you can do it i promise!! have a good day/night/life i love u
fuck my succ
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I'm in need of some giannti in my life
we all need some gianti in our lives
Hey! I just wanted to say that ur an amazing writer. You portray everything so well, it’s insane. I want to be a writer someday and I hope my writing is at least somewhat close to yours. Have an awesome day my dude💕
WOW I’M CRYING...i still have a lot of room to grow and so do you, i hope you are able to become the writer you want to be :’} and thank you so much for the wonderful compliment i’m emo have a great day as well
aver is my queen, confirmed.
avey is everyone’s queen confirmed
oksy but listen, look up the model Charlotte Ray Spencer
i did but i couldn’t find her?? all that came up was ray spencer obituaries in charlotte, SC LMFAO...charlotte spencer is an actress tho it seems, is that...who...? omfg
I had a ectopic pregnancy when I was seventeen but I feel like I got off lightly compared to Molly. Your story is so beautiful in so many ways, I think it’s incredible how much character development you’ve managed to pull off honestly I’m amazed. Thank you ❤️
omg ;_______; i don’t even know what to say to this, but it means so much to me i can’t even put it into words. thank you thank you thank you so much, and i’m so sorry you had to go through that as well. molly was an extreme case and i hope no one has to go through what she went through. i’m glad you’re okay now, and thank you so much for reaching out to me and reading my story at all ;-; <3333
just a heads up: the links button on your ccfinds blog goes to the femmefinds url still
oh yeah i know i’m gonna be real with you...i’m too lazy to fix it lmAO
Luv your stick n poke tats u posted!!! Could u do more? Maybe on diff places on the bod?? Ur so talented. Xx
omg that was FOREVER ago...maaaaaybe in the future...we shall see...but thank you <33
Can u do a family portrait for all ur characters like u did w Lou!!!
oooooh hehe i probably will in the future!!
Kill v maim is one of my favorite songs of all time omg it makes me wanna wear ripped jeans and a leather jacket and cover myself in glitter and smash some windows with a baseball bat MMMMMM
HELL yeah me too...i become a cyber punk alien vampire when i hear that song
maybe do a casting call posted here ? u have many followers and im sure a good chunk live in ur area and would be willing to model ^_^
omg SCARY...i probably could tho tbh that’s a good idea, thank you!
hi sunny, what program do you use to merge your cc and what do you use to detect and remove broken cc that just doesn't work in game anymore? thanks!
i actually haven’t merged on my new laptop yet but i used s4s for merging and there’s the mod conflict detector!!
My game hasn't been working since the first Cats and Dogs patch but I uninstalled and reinstalled and it finally works again 😭
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sunny!! would you recommend your computer to play ts4 on? has it good graphics, can handle the highest settings and so? i really need a new computer but i have no idea which one to go for
yes i would recommend it!! i have reshade, ultra settings and like 8 gb of cc.
thanks for answering my ask eee ur story is probably the best ive read on here and yeah. i love how everything connects and everyones just so real. you dont have to post this i just wanted to thank you for being my inspiration and making me smile, laugh, cry, and scream in the middle of the night with your characters.
I LOVE U...it still sounds so fake to me when people say i inspire them, i don’t even know how to respond to all this ;-; just thank you for sparing a glance my way and resonating with my creations. <3 we scream and cry 2gether
I listened to Separator by Radiohead on repeat whilst reading Santi’s story and now that song just reminds me of him and Lou. I’d totally suggest listening to it’s so good! As is your story :3 xxx
oh radiohead that’s good sh*t...i’m listening to it now and i feel the santou vibes...especially when santi’s feeling out of his mind and she’s the only one who can calm him...haha cool..anyways THANK YOU!!!!
how do you make poses for the roof? i'm not sure how i can know if the sims will clip into the roof or float
honestly i just...eyeball it...because all roofs are different and you can’t put them into blender so. i just winged it lmao...i just made a pose that looked like it could’ve been lou climbing out the window, only the rig was still ground level, and then i used alt + 9 to lift the teleporter onto the roof as best as i could. that’s why it probably wouldn’t be a very practical pose to release, because i have no way of making it easy to use 
Lou punched him and I knew it would happen. 😀👌 nice, nice I like Lou whopping ass.
hehe i’m glad you enjoyed it...who knew she had a freaking hook like that
ok a theory... santi went to look for molly's mother and yea
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omg tell me cillian sings every other freckle at some point
OMFG well...that song came out in 2013 and the current flashback year is 2008 so. i would personally murder cillian myself if he was still in lou’s life 5 years after this honestly
hey kitty girl! i was wondering if you could answer this teensy lil question i got. im writing a "story" anddd i was trying to figure out how to make some parts not cliche. like i hate reading about whatever and being like girll ive done seen this before so i just needs to know. kisses
i absolutely love how this is worded and the fact that u called me kitty, very cute. anyway...this is pretty broad, perhaps you could clarify what kinda cliches you want to steer clear from? a lot of the time when i know something is gonna be cliche and there’s no avoiding it, i just kinda own up to it and try to subtly point out how cliche it is and somehow that makes it work out better...like being self aware somehow adds another more realistic element to the story that makes it better? idk...anyway dm me if you need help!!
so.... lou can remember more of what happened? this is good! go 2 the police bitch! tell them!!!!!!!
she should!! but the only problem is she doesn’t have proof. so... 🤔
how do you write your stories in a way that everything is organized and you're certain and not confused with everything? i mean, do you have any way for writing that let you develop your stories with not so much difficults? i'm trying to write an story for months but i only have a few of the most important events on my mind, i don't know how to develop another important details, i always feel that everything is confuse or crap
hmmmmm well my mind is very ah convoluted so it’s a wonder any of this comes out even somewhat cohesive? but basically i have a very good memory and utilize google docs a lot hahaha. i’ve gone in depth about my writing process here!
whats a good way when it comes to starting a sims story? i mean like the first post? :/
ummmmmm maybe test the waters a bit and just make a post introducing your character(s) first? or dive right in and get sh*t started. it could go either way tbh
boyish by japanese breakfast is a santixlou bop
oh sh*t!!!!!! i love japanese breakfast!! and i love this thank you!
So is lou like into cillian in a way? Making him kinda be in her type
as of right now (in the flashbacks)? HELL fucking no. but you’re right, she did say those things in the future to santi. so 🤔
Everyone guessing shit stupidly annoys me haha. I'M UNOBSERVANT AND I DON'T WANNA GO BACK AND CHECK SHIT, LET ME LIVE. *Like* if you a ~dum~ reader who doesn't want every bit of foreshadowing called out. lol
i respect this honestly whenever i drop the hottest foreshadowing of 2018 i never expect my inbox to flood like it does but here we are and i am amazed
i’m screaming...i’m so sorry it’s my fault about your phone but like also i’m poor i can’t pay for that
i'm studying your latest posts because they're beautiful and my hatred for that long necked bitch is intensifying -- what makes me burn even more is that he's still wearing her necklace, can we say let the bitch burn?
burn babey burn
Why don't you use quick tags?
i’m dumb is why
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What if Fi's blue eyes are from... Cillian..?
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wHY did you have to make him cute and fucking cool though? I still hate him but it's harder.
I SCREAMED AT THIS SERIES OF QUESTIONS OISDFNGJKDSKJN yeah sorry he’s conventionally attractive but unsettlingly so and i feel uneasy when i look at him and plus the fact that he’s literally evil so .
im like, to 90% sure that cillian is in ace joker. so that song might have reminded lou of him...
this was sent right after that scene of lou hearing the song at pippin’s, so
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My conspiracy theory is that cillian is Lou's father. Speakimg of which are we gonna get to that soon, I'm dying of curiosity;.;
what do u resize ur photos to?
whatever 33% of 1920x1080 is i forget. i have a resizing + sharpening action so i just run that
im about to kill those kids if they keep fucking with my baby
me @ these ugly kids:
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Who are the best creators for mens clothing? I struggle so much to find good cc creators with men specifically!
badabing badaboom
I’m not sure if you’ve converted things before but do you know any good sims 3 cc to sims 4 tutorials? Or your followers?
errrrrr i have no idea i’m sorry :x
would you consider making like a photoshop psd file with all the layers in your editing process?
omg...heck no it would be so unhelpful OMFG mostly because my editing is just my own action + shading and highlighting unique to that pic
would you ever do an editing timlapse of your gameplay pics? 💖💖
ahhhhh maybe!! probably in the future!
OMFG THAT’S RAD...i’ve literally only seen it once tho i’m fake
I'M SHOOK. my friend kinda asked me out and I wanna say yes but my parents won't let me date. I'm 18! I need your advice! -signed 18 and alone anon
Can you pretty please link some photoshop tutorials you recommend? I really want to make my photos more cinematic and like your's without totally copying you or someone else. All I do right now is sharpen, color balance, and add some noise and then resize. I really need some more ways to get better looking photos such as yours.
ahhhhh the problem is i don’t know of any i’m sorry...lmao this is totally unhelpful :\ i have my own editing tutorial which is outdated but can probably help you out with the basics of lighting effects and shading n stuff?
Heyyy, I saw that you answered a question about making a ps action like your reshade, and I just wanted to say that I would love that! Unfortunately Mac users like me, can’t use reshade unless boot camping Windows onto our computers...☹️ and your reshade is just soooo pretty...
i don’t know if i’ll be able to replicate the reshade effect totally but i could release the action i’ve made for myself? it warms up screenshots but is totally adjustable to your liking for different color tones so in that way it’s kinda similar to the reshade. i’ll seeeeee what i can do...i know the woes of mac users all too well, my friend
i just wanna give lou a big ol cozy hug :o((( pls
pls hug her she needs it.
Do you post on tumblr from your phome or from your computer? Just curious.
mostly from my computer, sometimes i answer messages on my phone while i’m out and you can tell because autocorrect actually makes me use proper capitalization for once in my life
how many hours have you played the sims? for me i have 4,070 hours. haha help
OMFG i think mine is like...900 or something...i can’t tell if that’s too much or too little, but it’s definitely inaccurate
if i could only look at one person's tumblr from now on it would be yours. ur literally the queen of tumblr #shookaf and also i really hope i die before you ever say ur leaving tumblr cause when u do, i will legit die and bury my own grave. i really appreciate u and hope one day i can be on ur level but rn im at level 1.5 while ur up in the millions :D
I’M SCREAMING PLEASE I AM A PLEB.............i cry u flatter me too much ;-; i genuinely hope i never leave this place because it’s been so fun and it’s helped me evolve so much as an artist and a writer, plus i made some of my greatest friends on here. so i hope that day never comes!! but who knows life is wild. anyway i’m sure you’re actually like at level 578 and are just being modest. it’s okay you don’t have to be humble
i think its so cool that you and wanderlust and other simmers use multiple worlds to make your own town and stuff. idk why but thats just so cool to me and i would have never thought of it. love your blog and story <3
omg!!! well i couldn’t resist, i love a bunch of them and can’t limit myself to just one ya know. plus the more i thought about it, the more my gen 2 story kinda centers around these kids from this one town and the town itself is very relevant. so i felt like i had to make my own!! and i’m very excited to get started with that hehe
I just met a guy named Rodrigo Santiago and I sCREAMED HOLY SHIT
Update (tho idk of you got the first one): I just got a text from a classmate named Rodrigo Santiago. I'm sCREECHING
no freaking way. there’s no way i don’t believe...i want proof...
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dont worry about posting this or do idc but i just wanted to say you should write about whatever you want and not care about whether people think you condone it or not. if i (a gay male) were to write about lesbians its not like im saying YOU HAVE TO BE LESBIANS BLAH BLAH BLAH you know what i mean? or if im writing about a robbery doesnt mean im like condoning robbery so like idk you do you boo and keep it coming ;D ilysm btw
OMFG no yeah i get it, i mean i think now especially in this online environment, people are hyper aware of Problematique things and so they’re a little too quick to point fingers without looking deeper than the surface. and whatever it’s fine people are always gonna be like that because people are mostly inherently judgmental, especially when it comes to consuming media. artists/writers face stuff like this all the time because people refuse to look past the surface, hence why works have gotten misconstrued all the time. but yeah i really appreciate this sentiment, thank u i love u
hope this isnt a weird question but what is the image size that u used for your character page?? thnk u 💕
omg it’s 300x300
have u listened to visions of gideon by sufjan stevens i was listening to it while reading ur stories and it made me so :(
oh my boy sufjan aka gianni’s personality claim i love him...and this song is :{ but i love even if it’s from the nasty age gap peach fucking movie
If i was married to Jamie and he treatin’ our daughter like that… oh I swear HES GOT TO GO!
it’s 2 am i’m so tired answering all of these i forgot who jaime was for a sec i was like um why are we talking about GoT anyways good night
how does alpha hair work with reshade? it seems so good in your screenshots and i’ve seen that in others screenshots it looks bad? whats the secret?
well good morning haha jk i never went to sleep anyway here u go
hooow do you make adorable toddlers in ts4?? teach me, gimme some advice please :(((
chubby cheeks! big eyes! small faces! little but plump lips! a good skin! dats all
how did u get ur sim onto the fire escapes?
ze teleporter mod, that’s it
I snickered at the, THE RETURN OF SANTI. Like I imagine it written in red horror lettering and santi just busts down the door and says ho ho ho im back bench, Did U miss me?
honestly i own a calendar and if i knew a definite date u already fucking kNOW it would be up there
ahhh im sorry for asking but im wondering how you find voice claims?? i'm looking for some for my sims, but it's tough to find one that's *right*, you know?? and your voice claims are great!! thank you <3
OMG voice claims are HARD, i literally just like “collect” them over time...i have a list in my phone of voices i like/may use in the future lmao, but try to think of actors or musicians and search interviews/movie or tv scenes with them speaking!!
i don't even read your story but i still follow you because i love your personality, sim style and just your whole entire tumblr
u follow me for ME? UM...what are u doing here...i’m so sorry (i love u...)
do you have a different reshade preset for flashback screenshots and for the present ones?
i do not!! i just edit differently
what happened to the honeycomb?
OMFG it’s still there...but we legit haven’t seen it since girooni’s wedding so um...it’s gonna have to get a makeover. i’m gonna do it when girooni come back home so i can finally show rupi working there like...wow...she deserves to be seen
lou's dad is the biggest asshole and i am waiting for the day that bitch dies
us when he dies
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shit theory: caroline goes to find and confront cillian about what he did in teen lou timeline. care ends up forming a crush on cillian and goes back to meet him several more times, but cillian ends up liking lou more which makes caroline jealous. and that's why they don't speak currently, 'cause cillian ruined lou's life in more ways than one.
uM holy fuck that’s all i got to say
pls tell me that Caro killed the dude that choked Lou (or beat his ass)
god i hope so !
how many people do you follow? are you “strict” with who you follow?
i follow 264 people and yeah i’ve gotten a bit stricter with it just cause like...i only want to follow people whose content i truly care about/will actually notice on my dash
would you ever do a sim dump?
probably in the future, it seems like people want more male and female sims from me SO
ramona got some moves tf
the girl is out here bobbing to the chicken dance like nobody’s business
have u seen the end of the fucking world? if u did what are your #thots
UM......................i watched the first episode ‘cause i heard so much about it and um.............................it was so bad OMFG i hated it. way too edgy for me. completely missed the mark. not into it at all. hard pass
HOPEFULLY ezra will follow through with that and i don’t necessarily mean in a romantic way but like...as her new roommate MAYBE he will be a blessing we can HOPE
I'm not sure if you've been asked this or not, but your poses are so good and I was wondering if you have ever considered making a pose pack? Sorry if this came off as rude! I love your posts!
i will probably in the future!! but first i gotta figure out which ones i’d actually include
okay so this is random but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your sims stories. Everything is so perfect and I'm forever shook because I can't believe the "sets" you use are actually the game. Your sims are so fleshed out and you are a huge inspiration to me. Anyways sorry if this was weird but I'm like obsessed with ur blog. bYe
AJHSDHJFSD THANK YOU!!!!!!! yes somehow we work miracles into this game can u believe it...ahh but thank you so much, it means everything that i would inspire you in any way...like what...omg
Santi is actually standing outside present Lou’s apartment wondering where the fuck he went wrong
he’s been there for 6 months just on the street standing there please someone let him in .
there it is fellas. this message is sooooo old i’m so bad
Have you read/heard of The Lunar Chronicles
i have not!! but i’ll jot it down!
I was wondering if you’ve ever had any problems with skins? For me some on the palm side of the hand it’s noticeably darker than what the skin is supposed to be.. like the rest comes out find but the hands are darker.
hmm...that’s weird, i haven’t seen that. i think it probably depends on the skin? or maybe your sim detail settings?
santi my daddy, honeybodies my mommy, lou looking like a cutie when she saw dat tiny puppy. my name is rappin anon, and i just wanted to say, ur are my favorite simblr basically saving my day. rappin anon OUT
o...my god
i love u
i love u...
52 notes · View notes
franeridart · 7 years
Whats your opinion on the headcanon that bakugou is hard of hearing because of how loud his explosions are? If you dont mind my asking
I think I answered this q on this blog already? Maybe? But anyway, I don’t exactly mind it, but I can’t say I share the headcanon myself - for one, because I’m of the opinion that their bodies are built to withstand a safe use of their quirks (a bit like you can’t break a leg by simply walking, you know), so in general I’m not a fan of headcanons that include damages caused by simply doing what their bodies were born to do? 
But also because generally, even under the assumption that his body isn’t made to hold up with his explosions, isn’t it awfully convenient how only his ears take damage in these scenarios? What about his eyes? How come he can still see with no problems even with the continuous exposure to the explosions’ light? How about his hair? How come he can stand so close to fire without it ever being damaged by it? His palms have thicker skin and we know that thanks to his UA file, but what about the rest of his body? How come he can stand smack in the middle of an Howitzer Impact without getting even slightly burnt? When you say “only his ears aren’t made to withstand his explosions” what you’re telling me is that his whole body is tailord to deal with his quirk but his ears, and that just feels unrealistic to me - by which I mean, when this is the scenario we’re talking about, you can’t give the fault of the damage to Bakugou’s quirk. It’s a problem his body has, not a natural consequence of having that sort of quirk. And imho with those premises you sort of end up with a different kind of story, you’re supposed to write it differently - that’s what I think, at least
Anon said:Maybe the reason Baku raises his voice so often is because he can’t hear very well, which isn’t due to his explosions, rather, he was born with bad hearing to protect him from taking damage by them.. and then his other senses are sharper to even it out, and his body can even subconsciously notice air vibrations, resulting in really fast reflexes.
Ah, this is also another reason why I’m not a huge fan of the headcanon - don’t get me wrong! If you like it then go on, I’m not trying to stop anyone from enjoying ideas and possibilities!! But personally I like Bakugou not having any reason to be loud-mouthed and rude, that’s just his personality and how the environment he grew up in made him, and lately I’ve seen the hc used to justify his behaviour more than I like? Bakugou being an asshole is just who he is, and I love it! I love that his life made him like that and I love that he’s working hard to fix that flaw, giving him an external reason, something he has no control over, to justify his personality changes the core of his character too much, and that’s not something I’d ever want to do tbh
And it’s also cool to think that he was somewhat genetically engineered to be better in a fight to compensate for a lack of earing (though again, why only his ears and not his eyes or his sense of tact too), but that goes to cut on all the hard work he put in becoming as good as he is, right? If that’s what you like than who am I to stop you! But Bakugou’s hardworking nature is one of the things I love about him, I don’t really feel like taking away from him all the effort and work he put through the years in becoming as good as he is now
Anon said: Kiri’s grades suddenly getting sky high after Baku started kissing his cheek for every correct answer
Bakugou: “the fuck, no, we’re done, that’s how far we went in cla–”
Anon said: Kiri is seriously talented at dirt doodles
lmao it’s just stickmen hahaha
Anon said:aww your miri/tama collage is so precious! have you considered doing something like that for kiri/ kami as well? those boys are in desperate need of some love.. totally understand if not! have a wonderful rest of your day/night :3
Uh, well, it’s not like I “haven’t considered” doing it, but more than a collage it’s… just how I always draw? Only usually I cut the pics for each of them to be a different image so they’re easier to see, while yesterday I was too lazy to do that and left them all on the same canvas haha so I guess yeah next time I’ll feel like drawing krkm if you’d like I can leave the drawings all in one pic, that’s just less work for me after all lol
Anon said:Ahhhhhh~ I had had… Such a need for miritama after that chapter and I couldn’t find anything w the right feel or anything and ??? Then you just??? Bless you thank you they look wonderful and so so soft and happy and I’m just !!!
AHHHH!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I’m glad you liked them :O
Anon said:thank you good lord you’re gonna help me get out of the depressive spiral chapter 152 has put me into
BOI ANON DON’T I FEEL YOU it’s why I drew those to being with hahaha
THANK YOU!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
Anon said: I just recently became obsessed with MomoJirou because it’s an incredible ship and I can’t get enough and then you give us these adorable drawings of them? I cry
Anon said:fran….your girls…… they’re so good……..
Anon said:I love how you drew Momo 😍
AAAAHHHHHHHHH BOI THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I’m ??? so glad you guys liked them???? Momo is so hard to get a grasp on for me, it makes me happy to know I did her right!!!!
Anon said:What do you think about futakuchi? xox
He’s my fav in Dateko!!!! Also one of my two biggest #same in Haikyuu haha (the other’s Kuroo lol)
Anon said: I haven’t seen semi on your blog for a while? ;)
That’s 100% most probably because there hasn’t been any haikyuu on my blog for a while, I’d say :O
Anon said:You keep drawing… So many soft things I’m in love… momojirou is so sweet it cleared my skin (and !!! I know you said you have no idea how to draw her but she looks wonderful and I loved it!!) And pining Kiri his face at the end??? Saved me. And STUDY DATE I CAN’T FORGET tbh baku looked so good esp the way you drew him kiri I Understand. Anyways you’re a blessing and I hope you have a lovely day!!!
God anon….. you just go……….. and slay me like this……. how am I supposed to deal………………………. (ilu)
Anon said:Does the Octopus Team still exist? I was scrolling through Shouji tags and saw the art.
I’m not sure what this ask means :O like, are you asking me if I’ll ever draw them together again? Because tbh that one doodle sort of just… happened while I was doing something else……… oops….
Anon said:Is it just me or are you getting more and more notes a lot quicker? Bc congrats my friend
:O thanks!!! But to be fair I think more than on my art this is mostly on the Bakushima becoming a much more popular ship, lately! The anime will do that haha
Anon said: I literally check your blog multiple times every day to see if you’ve posted anything new, your art just makes me so happy??? Like it could literally be bakugou as an orange and kirishima as a strawberry and I would reblog it faster than lightning and stare at it for five mins. Your style is just so nice and it like…. flows well?? Is really clean??? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT MY DUDE but BASICALLY i love everything you do and thanks for blessing us with all the cute kiribakus and bokuroo :))
sob thank you ;O; so much ;O; holy shit ;O; ;O;
Anon said:So I’m new to the BNHA fandom and you’re probably the first artist I stumbled across but I am HOOKED. I love your bakushima A LOT and your headcanons are so perfect I get so hype when I see them on my dashboard *v* Do you ever think about what would happen if Bakugou’s family found out about his new relationship? Do you think they would love Kirishima? (Of course they would it’s impossible not to). I imagine that would be an interesting scenario!!
I’m 100% sure Mitsuki would be like “HOW THE FUCK did you manage to get such a nice kid to like you” but when we’re being honest Masaru is a super sweet man married with a firecracker too so does she have any right to talk? Nope, she does not 
And thank you so much for the compliments!!!! :O this fandom is super full of talented and nice people, I hope you’ll have a great time in it!
Anon said:Dude like mate honey love bunch bro man,,,,, YOUR FR*CKING ART!!!! SO H*CKING GOOD???? BAKUKIRI (cries because I love them so f*dging much) LOOK SO GOOD IN YOUR ART STYLE? SO PURE! WHOLESOME!!! I just went through your art tag for the last hour and I love everything. Kirishima is my FAVE I LOVE HIM!!!$ and the Baku squad mm mmmmmm good shiz right there. AND YUUJIIIIII AND BOKKUROOOOO AND THE VOLTRON AU!!!! Honestly we have such similar tastes ah. Anyway I’m running out of words love you fran xox
Anon said:Kirishima and bakugo furiously (not mad just intense) making out I know what your thinking but please give it a try
I mean the idea isn’t something I mind at all, but drawing this sort of things requires a specific mood for me which isn’t easy to come by and more often then not when I do draw that sorta stuff I don’t finish nor post it? So in general that’s not the type of things I’ll draw as a suggestion, sorry orz
Anon said: Whenever I see a new post from you but it’s reblogged I immediately go to your original post so I can read your tags. I love them so much!
Heck !!!!! I’m glad you enjoy my nonsense? hahaha
Anon said:*whispers* hey hey…. kiribaku hide and seek got any thoughts on that
Are you asking about one against the other or hiding together? …either way I can only see that ending in disaster and explosions ngl lol
Anon said:It came to my mind after reading your last comic that Baku usually dresses up pretty nice¿? Its canon that his family works for the fashion industry and his costume is SO EXTRA™, we never really see him in cringey or weird clothing (please correct me if I’m wrong (?)) but I still like the idea of him having lots of skull/punk tees and struggling to find normal stuff lol
Wouldn’t call them cringey or weird, but it is canon that every time we’ve seen him out of his costume/uniform in the manga he’s worn either plain black tees/tank tops or t-shirts with skulls on them :O that’s actually his canon style, I wasn’t taking a wild guess back there haha
Anon said:I miss your art on my feed on the days you don’t art. So I scroll through your old posts whenever that happens. (This is not a plea or pressure for you to do anything more often btw. You make so much amazing art and contribute so much to this fandom. I love going back and looking at all your art. We are not worthy!) I literally can’t think about Kiribaku and the Bakusquad without thinking of your art.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O; 
Anon said:Cons of Kirishima being the protagonist of MHA: He would constantly be hurting himself and making us as the audience suffer in the worst way. Pros: if the recent chapters are anything to go by, he would be /very very pretty/ by now due to how much he’s been beaten up
I still prefer him healthy and happy tho 。゚(*´□`)゚。 once in a hospital bed is enough for me //sob
Anon said:I can’t describe how happy these deathstar doodles made me?? Your art is top notch as always but you drawing one of my all time favorite ships when there’s so little content for them gave me strenght for the next 57 years, thank you sm!!! And have a good day!!
Anon said:Ahhh you have no idea how much of a blessing it is to see deathstar in your artttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!! I love you so muchhhhhh!!!
I’M!!! HAPPY!!! YOU GUYS LIKED THOSE!!!!! I never understood why there was so little content for them tbh, like??? Okay the anime didn’t reach any of The Good Stuff for them and most fans never read the manga, but the manga makes them such an obvious ship?? So good so right so healthy and supportive and beautiful b o y rereading that manga gave me a lot of feelings bless the two of them 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
Anon said:Oh my god, I was just looking through like all your art and I realized how much you’ve improved. Like oh my god you’re fantastic, all your art looks so great. I mean this as a compliment and that’s you’ve improved a lot and you’re so great. ❤️❤️
THANK YOU OH BOY (●´□`)♡ this means…………….so much…………. gahh
Anon said:i got so busy with college apps and entrance exams that I stopped watching the anime around the intern time and I stopped reading the manga around about the time sun eater faces off against those guys. man I have so much to catch up on but I still don’t have much time at all. all I know is Mirio is being an angel and I’m at peace with that.
Mirio………… is such a good boy……………….. he deserves so much more…………….. so much better………………….. o
189 notes · View notes
andyelson · 7 years
of all 4
CHAPTER 4: word count: 6577.
Joe woke up and noticed he had company  on the couch with him Addi was asleep, only wearing his sweats and her black sports bra, somewhere  between him falling asleep from the food coma, she came to sleep with him.  Joe noticed the clock read 11:30PM he yawned as he turned over from his side  which he had his hand over addi's waist to his back he put his arm back as he clanked  his mom's beach sand   that was luckily sealed tight, he muffled to himself " Shit."  As addi muffled  "Baby, snuggle me" as she reached, for his hand he grabbed hers as she brought herself, to him they layed in silence  As joe broke silence  " I can't just lay the way i am with you. I mean, your this close to me and i-i just"  he was hushed by  lips he was silenced by a kiss, that meant the world to him he felt warm, he felt fuzzy, he felt like he was in a bar, drunk off of  5 different drinks, he deepened the kiss, with a fighting tongue, fighting the urge to meet andi's. Tongues danced as hands found their ways  to their respectful places. "Mmmm are you taking these off Leati."  he smiled as his hands brushed against her ,   he slipped her black thong off and threw it on the ground,  he still didn't answer her as he slipped a finger inside her wasting no time  she felt his answer going in and out of her, as  she moaned his pace quickened as she felt new sensations coming throughout her body she couldn't help but reach for his hand, only to be brushed off  within seconds his entire mouth was covered over her  most intimate space  "ohhhhhhh please please drink all i have for you please don't stop, i have so much for you leati ohhhhh that tongue  Mmmmmm Leati Mmmm" He knew from what she was saying in between breaths, and moans, and slurred words  he knew what she wanted.  He however quickly stopped got up, walked over to the t.v turned on  the soundbar, fumbled with  the lighting his mom had  " this woman decorates too much  all these wires, all this junk, damn."   As Addi proped herself up watching Leati walk around,  she only had the covers over her, as she layed back, she licked her lips  and made sure leati would see her every move  she began bucking her hips, to her own fingers going in and out of her,  " Leati, just forget whatever the fuck you're doing and come back and do this to me Do what i'm doing to myself watch me Leati. watch my  fingers, dont you wish your dick was doing this to me. Leati i'm getting ready for you. Ba-Ba-Bab-Babyyyyy"  Leati's eyes widened as he flipped the camera on and a little red light came on,  he sat down on the couch,  and pulled andi ontop of him,  " Don't worry about that camera, just pretend it isn't there, but if i have to go back on the road i'm gonna want to watch you and i, So i can get off easier."  She shook her head, and began to give him a couple strokes as she spit on his cock, he brought his mouth to hers  " I wanna taste, what he's getting." She broke the kiss, shook her head and spit again on his cock and took her hand to make him  know who was boss.  She stopped mid stroke  she came back up to his neck and began kissing  licking she made it to his earlobe and whispered  "You know i' like taking charge of this, but i want to just watch you please yourself see what we can come up with." leati sighed as he arched his back, for more kisses   Like i just want to see what you sound like, what you look like while stroking yourself, when i'm not with you. You never know, Leati you may like watching yourself back. I know i do when i taped myself" . "Yeahhh. You wanna see  what a samoan does to himself"? She smiled and said I do.   As Leati instructed her,   to sit  by the pillows, she got under the blanket  as she  said  Alexa play, Deep  by blackstreet Alexa put on  the song requested, as Leati shot her a look he began licking his fingers, Addi was watching with excitement, just based on him licking his fingers. " Do you want play by play here or  you gon figure out what i'm doing"? She smiled and said " Just go for yourself, Leati do what you want, what do you think about when  your doing it? she asked he  replied with  Usually my girl, or how good i want to be burried in my girl  Leati's  breathing had quickly turned shallow, deep and hoars, from the way he was thinking of being inside of his girl  his eyes shot to Addi  her eyes were closed, on thinking of what just left  leati's lips of himself being burried inside her.
"Come on Samoan" Leati whispered  to himself, he began again licking his fingers for good measure,  You a little nervous Leati?  He shot up,  with a "No"  Why would Leati be nervous? the only time he thought of even cuming, was if they we're deep into having sex, or if he was trying to get it going quick, he had no intentions of  even just doing this himself for him usually it was just to get it going and then he would be deep inside her, but nothing just for himself in front of her at least.  As he began pumping his cock, his eyes shut,  and little grunts and moans escaped from his mouth, as  his hips began  right behind his moans he was lifting his own hips without even knowing  "Come on Samoan" came out of his mouth again as he began breathing harder  you could actually see his chest, moving up and down  he began making cry noises, followed by  Ohhh, oh Ohhh Mmmm where do you want this- wh- where  Addison shrugged as he opened his eyes,   I i Addi where ...  she never gave an answer where she wanted his cum,  this was for him not for her, she just sat with her blanket wrapped around her watching. he shot his first load, he shot his eyes closed as he moaned  Addy tell me where you want this fucking cum, come here just stand in front of me baby please  she unwraveled herself from the white blanket, and walked to him as she stood  in front of her samoan, she put her leg up leaning it against him he found her leg as he grabbed it, and shot his second load right on her stomach,  Ohhh your such a beautiful samoan mess, h-hol-hold on here's mo more.. ohhhh shit  as the camera was still rolling, he grabbed her and layed down next to her,  Now that you got what you wanted. I'm getting what i want  fucking finally It was nearly 1:30  in the morning not that it stopped them but in a way it would, his parents weren't home, his daughter wasn't back  either they were back when they were still sleeping or they we're still out shopping  he didn't care  he was an adult he knew what he was doing, and he liked it.   As leati, stopped he noticed  Andi laying back on the couch the pleasure  of what little it was, made her please herself, just when they both caught each other looking  with one push, Leati pushed her legs open  with no hesitation he plowed her entire slit giving no warning, she screamed out  LEATI OH JESUS CHRIST... he was fully on top of her both his hands on each side of the couch pillow holding his own weight his hand dropped to the floor but fell, with all hands down like he high fived the floor  as he found her throat, they both looked at each other as she nodded  he grabbed her throat,  as he pounded harder he slipped out, as she swallowed hard he pulled out, she groaned as much as her voice could allow due to Leati's hand over her throat, she began groaning more and more as he  let her throat breathe he pushed his finger inside her mouth, she began sucking, softly biting,   SUCK ME until i tell you to stop.  he said, as he began again going deeper she moaned against his finger which caused her to suck more as she  left his finger another one was inserted, as his ever growing cock was inside her so was that wet moist finger   Leati, ohhhhh leati, leati, thats it finger my wet pussy thats it oh that's it yes yes i'm going to cum, give me your cock put it back inside me. Leati  he let his finger go, as she was flipped over she was now facing  the red dot  that camera that innocent camera  that was filming all of this, she was already turned on by being filmed.
 Leati reached  for the lube that was on the table, threw some on his hand and massaged it over his hungry cock and with  again no warning he was back, fast at first right in her ass.   he pulled her hair  and told her to look at the camera for him  " You better tell that pretty camera, who fucks you this good. Who are you, tell the camera what you want, Tell me what you need this samoan dick to do, do you need me to stop...  she moaned No..  Do you want this dick to go fast or slow  She moaned  " Just fucking fuck me Leati god" He replied is that  what i asked of you? Your not telling that camera what i need to do little girl, since you can't follow directions we're doing it my fucking way, you're going to move when i tell you, you're going to respect this big dick inside your ass and when i'm done with you that pretty little slit of yours of mine is getting plowed until you can't take it  Understand me,   She moaned  Yess with a little hiss at the end,  As he began fucking her ass Leati wasted no time,  he thought before hand  he would go slow, to just play it nice but  the deeper he went the harder the thrust he threw out as she started to move he grabbed her breast and twisted her nipple until she let a  FUCK YOU LEATI. he groaned,  YOUR DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE  she was on all fours, letting this big samoan tear her ass a part  You gonna tell that camera how good this feels, little one?  Leati  this feels so fucking good, I can't breathe you took my breathe away I can't,  I can't take much more please....  Leati smiled into the camera and mouthed  " She loves it. She Loves acting".  not much was said afterwards  although she let out, a sore sound, complying soft  moan as Leati  pulled out she flipped over  reached over her head, for her vibrator Leati's eyes went to the camera and gave the camera the samoan  " hang loose sign"  he sat back and watched this little pink machine do his job.
2:50AM As he watched this vibrator vibrate her most sensitive area his head was cocked to the side as she began switching the speed variations he was watching like a child,  Just then the garage door opened Joe flipped the comforter over the both of them quicker than he jacked off.  Go ahead continue with this little friend, just you have to be fucking quiet.  we can't be loud. As she nodded she  turned the sound off, of the vibrator and continued  as  Leati found her lips they began kissing, first a couple sloppy-like drunk kisses, then more intimate kisses we're held  Shhh. I think daddy and Addi are asleep,  lets take her upstairs she can sleep in the spare room  Leati's mom said as his eyes widened under the covers,  he mouthed  " I  think she knows what's going on." Addi smiled, as he returned a  half smile of  hey  i'm an adult i know  what i'm doing I know what we're doing  we're adults i'm her adult son, having a good time with his girl.  Leati's mom came back downstairs, saw the camera, and thought to herself  ** Oh he brought out the home movies, probably bored the poor girl with 4500 videos of him and matt poor girl**  he mouthed  FUCK THAT CAMERA.  as Leati's parents went to bed they layed quiet as addi was still getting off, she whispered into his ear   baby i'm so close can i please can i please, he took the blanket off, as he scanned the room completley  he  nodded as she gave herself a few more minutes she couldn't bare the sensation much grabbed leati's hand,  squeezed it and within seconds she came   Ohhhh baby your dripping.  as he licked his lips, he went between her legs and cleaned her up, making her moan as she lifted her ass off of the couch a few times, he covered her mouth with his hand in case anyone heard. As they both laid in silence, joe turned over  and layed on his back,  Addison  got up looked at herself in the mirror and walked over to the camera stepped back a bit fluffed her hair out  gave the camera a wink and  the same sign leati gave   making her thumb and pinky into a 'Y' she signaled like he did  turned around, and gave him a show of her little butt  and  whispered into the camera   baby i hope when your on the road, at night lonely thinking of me you watch this, and get turned on. That was the point of this video, I'm proud of you always,  I can't also wait to watch this back with you during our lonely nights and we  can get off with each other, she panned the camera over to him as he was crashed his hair was so perfect, dark and layed out perfectly a few strands over his face but the rest  layed across his back, and shoulders she turned the camera to herself as she was naked she panned the camera across her face, and down her body as she panned it back to her face she said she loved him. and turned the camera off and  took the tape out and, put it in his  dufflebag she was at least smart to take the tape out sometimes,  people weren't as smart as her, And she didn't want Leati's family watching this tape ever.
9:45AM both we're sleeping on the couch. he was still on his back she was turned over facing his back occasionally rubbing it but not to wake him up.  a few deep breaths and a few moans  Leati started stirring As his daughter came bouncing down the stairs her face lit up,  ADDI ADDI Your still here. Hiii Addi. as she smiled and shushed her she didn't want her to wake her daddy,   "Shhhhhh daddys still sleeping. come here sweetie"  She reached out and gave Joelle a hug  as joelle  patted joe's head, she said  Hes a good sleeper, I think he will sleep all morning did you sleep here all night. Addi nodded, and said remember daddy is tired, how about i get up and get you some cereal and we can go back to your daddys and decorate our tree today.  Leati smiled in his sleep, the little shit was awake, but he just wouldn't open his eyes..  As addi bent down, she felt him grab her close   Leati .. are you awake. he smiled, opened one eye and said   i'll get up for some cereal ;)  she rolled her eyes, and said  Leati haven't you had enough. he shook his head no,  can i have some lucky  charms ;) she  denied him and said you're having some cream of wheat! he laughed and said  I  can have some more of that baby girl"  she  yelled back,  "LEATI ANOAI".  he laughed and said  he would have whatever she gave him. Joelle was sitting at the table laughing at   her dad,  he threw the blanket over his head, and grabbed  his shorts and slipped them on and got up and joined his girls for breakfast.
12 Noon.  Mom. thanks so much for everything. Thank you for giving me food coma, and taking JoJo out to the mall, yesterday Pops you too   I wish i could of went, but  you know me mom, when you have homecooking, i just eat and then i need my rest that couch did me right.   Patti laughed and said,  " Leati you bored her to death with those home movies of you and matt last night didn't you, Leati you can't bore your guests to sleep, those  movies are so silly, Leati smiled,  " Yeah mom, but you know theyre so good to watch sometimes, meant a lot mom that you had that one in there man that was so good to see. I'm gonna take one or two back with me, just to watch again you know with the holidays coming up i miss him mom, i do. As addi blushed red she excused herself and helped Joelle pack,  to much as her surprise she was already  half way done packing,   I can't wait to decorate  the tree, I wonder what blitzen is doing at the house, i bet hes having a party and he'll have me smiling i really like him i'm glad i got him Joelle said, as addi smiled and said she was happy they had him too.  " you girls ready to go, I have everything from grandma, and i'm just waiting for my girls"Leati said,   as they walked out of the room,  Joelle gave her grandma and grandpa a hug good bye as  Leati hugged his mom and dad they soon left.  As they drove home Joe saw something, in the sky everyyear in pensacola, the city firedepartment always has  a local farm bring reindeer that actually fly,  for the kids to watch every day until christmas. Joe popped the sunroof open,  Joelle look up in the sky, look look i think i see something flying" Joe said, as she looked up there were 4 reindeer   taking flight over the midnight sky.  As  Joelle smiled, she wondered, if it were santa's, but she was concerned with counting them,  daddy theres another reindeer, that's 5  he looked up, and counted with her,  as he counted 5, he was surprised, just as Joelle was,   as they reached  Leati's home  Jon and trinity  car was parked in the driveway as Leati popped his garage door opener he pulled in .    I Wonder what this fool is doing at my house, As Joelle got out of the car she went inside,  Jon was, getting his boxes that he stored  at Leati's house, " Sorry man i didn't mean to intrude, i just got the garage at the house cleaned out and i've got some extra space so i just wanted to bring, my stuff from your house to mine."  Joe nodded and began helping, small talk was made,   " I uh think we're decorating the tree finally, went over to my moms and got the tub of decorations, if you wanna come back, and help and maybe grill out, ya'll more than welcome."  Leati said. Jon nodded and said he might stop by,    It was so finally, nice to catch up with you girl. I know after the holidays i plan on coming back to the hospital i think Leati will be cleared by then and and i can finally start nursing again! It's just different, i didn't think I would become his personal guru I just diagnosed him, and thought it was that. But it was much more than that. The girls laughed as they sipped their beers  as leati  drug all the lights out, they we're a tangled mess as the girls looked over and laughed leati mocked their laugh and said,  Instead of laughing, heres a solution of a tip HELP ME he said as he shook the lights in frustration,   you know, i wanna know something, you know you buy these lights, they come all wrapped so beautifully, and what not, and then when you get them  out and you use them for what 3-5 years etc they all become a tangled six man challenge and you only got yourself fighting with 6 strings of lights.  The girls laughed at leati's frustration,  Uce, here i'll help, you grab one end i'll grab the otha. now pull  the lights  started to come untangled,  heres a strand,  Joelle please come here..   Leati called out,  YAH daddy what   Joelle  had  stirred up some sass for awhile to come, and Leati couldn't handle all of the sass all at once so he put her to work to help out.  Take these lights in the hallway and if they work i want you to put a strand, on the tree remember how i taught you last year  no throwing them on the tree you put them on branch by branch starting with the middle okay  Joelle nodded, and plugged in the lights,   7 bulbs work dad the rest are gone to sleep. Leati, muttered FUCK! under his breathe,   okay Joelle bring them in the kitchen, and throw them  out. try these.  Joelle repeated the process, 3 strands we're thrown out that only left 2 strands of white   these damn things better work or else we're gonna not have a lighted tree. he said,  THEY WORK DADDY THEY WORK.  as leati played out GLORIOUS! in his mind he   told Joelle to bring the strands to him and he would put them,  on the tree, as Jon helped with the colored sets they decided the colored sets would go outside, on the trees and around the door frame.  Hey JoJo you wanna bake chocolate chip or snickerdoodle for cookies  she shouted out as she was going to help her dad,  Addi asked Leati, what he wanted he snickered, and said  to surprise him she decided to get her phone, and played demi lovato's new album  hitchiker came on, and she put her earbuds in as she grabbed the roll of chocolate chip she began to bake and sing to herself "  As long as  your the driver, i am your hitchhiker"  Leati watched her dance around the kitchen the cookies we're being baked as she started the potatoes for dinner, they decided to grill out steaks and have some grilled potatoes  with a cesar salad. It was nearly 4:00 by now  As Leati,  marinated the steaks, he went outside, but he could see Andi dancing around the kitchen as body say started to play, she would seduce him by licking the spoon and motioning for him to see as he would catch glances careful not to lose his focus on the steaks,  as he grabbed the tongs to flip the steaks, he motioned  his hand going over her ass, as   she smiled to herself giving him a slight nod  she found her  tongue licking her lips, as she blushed she  called JoJo  out to help  set the table to make Leati behave. He came in  minutes later   steaks be done in 5 my girls. as JoJo set the table, by herself he was impressed how  mature his daughter was,  JoJo  i'm so proud of you  for setting the table, your getting so big. How about you set, out the sour cream, and steak sauce, and the salt and pepper for me.  As addi, smiled she couldn't help but think how lucky she was to have this, incredible man  who, she shares incredible wild sex that leaves her speechless, and breathless, and this man who has such a carefree wild soul, big heart of a young child  she didn't know how or what she did but she was, thankful she answered his phone call.  Yo Yo, i heard you we're having dinner uce  ya'll  got room for me  said Jon,  Leati laughed and said   yah uce make yourself a plate and join us, as they ate their dinner they enjoyed talking and catching up,  hey after we eat, and what not you wanna help me uce with the outside lights,  we gonna do colored, we need some color in our lives ya know As jon laughed he agreed, and said yah we can spruce your yard up. As they finished up, the boys went and got the santa and snowman,  that lit up,   the reindeer that his mom had  move,  up and down Joelle really liked them,  daddy don't forget the candy canes Joelle came running with  10 red candy canes as you plugged in  one set the other set, plugged in seperetley. It was getting dark out, as Addi called in   Joelle, the chocolate chip cookies, are done want to have one while its warm she darted inside faster than Leati ever seen, next we're going to make my favorite peppermint dreams.  she made a face  that caused  Addi to laugh   YUCK i don't like peppermint  she laughed, and said she knew but her and daddy liked them  JoJo made the yuck face, again and said  daddy is gross. she laughed and said sometimes he can be As the boys came in, they walked in to the conversation, Leati asked  What's so funny JoJo? JoJo  laughed, and said to her daddy that it was "girl code" that he couldn't know the secret but she did lend him a secret,   your getting your peppermint dreams... though  he smiled and said  AWESOME!  they spent the remander, of the evening baking cookies,  Jon and Leati  watched a little CFL, as the ducks and toronto jays we're playing   " man you know the ducks are gonna whip your jays tonight " Leati said, as he sat down  with a few chocolate chip cookies and a beer,  UCE you whilin.  the  ducks don't stand a chance, with how they've been playing the jays are on point tonight! Jon said as  the ducks we're  up 20-14, they intercepted a play and the rookie, Josh Sims, ran it for 42 yards for a touchdown.   Leati hollered and cheered like a 15 year old,  UCE I TOLD YOU. I TOLD YOU!   as Jon sat in sulk mode his jays came back to a 17-20 lead, as Leati became nervous,   NERVOUS bro? Nervous..  yeaaaaa uce is nervous.  Joe leaned forward  careful not to spill his beer,  COME ON BOYS STOP THEM! COME ON. COME ON. BALL LOOSE BALL LOOSE BALL OUT. our Ball. our ball.    as jon laughed  nah man, nah uce we recovered  we good.  the refs called,  it a lose ball,  ducks ball,  the 3rd quarter ended, as the ducks we're up  23 to 17 it was almost 9:30.   Hey Joelle, why don't we go upstairs, and a get a bath, you've had enough chocolate chip cookies, common you can come back down and help me put some, ornaments on the tree. as   addi and Joelle went upstairs  the boys watched the rest of the game.
10:15 PM   You can get, your pajamas on and get your teeth brushed and come on down i'll wait for you. and we can put some ornaments on the tree then it will have to be bed time okay. As joelle smiled and said okay she quickly ran to her room and got dressed as  Addi came downstairs, Leati was flipping through the channels as Jon and trinity had already left  Leati was just left alone,  coming to sit down next to her man, she began  Today was a good day, I think tomorrow i'll make snickerdoodle and sugar cookies, and a cheesey tuna caserole does that sound good babe?  as he nodded and, took a sip of his beer he sat his beer down on the coffee table that was decorated with a  red cloth with santa coasters and a cherry candle,   he leaned in as he began to softly kiss her lips he was hungry for her  the dinner that was prepared was good and all, but this kiss this moment was definitely what he wanted with the christmas lights in,  the background it made for the perfect romance. Just as he began to deepen the kiss inviting his tongue for a dance, * BAM* here came, Joelle  Whatcha doing  daddy.  he broke the kiss, and leaned back on the couch and licked his lips, and said  just waiting for you, I wanna watch ya decorate the tree, go ahead  be careful with this one  it's glass I'll pick the ornaments out and hand them to you, remember to space them out okay. as he looked over at addi's face who had a smile, and a little snicker  he mouthed  we' gon have to be more careful when we're in open land spaces with her but i still wanna finish  She smiled as she handed her a bert and ernie holding a christmas tree,  HEHE Bert and ernie   she began singing to herself the rubber duckie theme song as joe laughed, he said she used to love bert and ernie as a baby we would spend hours watching that.   JoJo here's papas ornament,  please be careful with this one okay she nodded  as she put it  above a few others,   As joelle put the rest of the ornaments on,  she stepped back, as Leati  had his arm around Addi as addi's head rested against his chest,    I  think santa will like this one.   they both smiled and agreed,  she gasped  DADDY ADDI. i did it all by myself. I put all the ornaments  all here all by myself as she went and ran out of the room, Leati called her  HEY JoJo where you going?  she yelled back, GETTING PAPER AND PEN to write  something to blitzen,  she came back with her crayons instead and a piece of white contstruction paper  she sat in front of Leati and Andi  she began to write :  Red Crayon :  " Dear, Blitzen, Hi it's me JoJo I hope you can tell santa i dekorated the tree. I did it all by myself. I just also winted to see wat kend of kookies, santa leiked i can bike him some for his triet. Its late so i am ging to sleep. I being riel good. I  am treying my best for my speeling. tell santa i am treying. -- see you soon love, JoJo"  JoJo got up as  leati had his eyes closed, she grabbed the blanket, that was near by and covered her dad and andi up, she left the note by them as she knew how to get herself to bed she climbed in her bed said her prayers, and soon drifted off to sleep.
1:00AM  Do you want to sleep here, or sleep upstairs? in our bed. I don't mind anywhere you wanna be. I Just need to know. As she  smiled,  and said she enjoyed what happened on the couch last night, he smiled back and whispered,  so you down for a round of pound number 2 aye? she bursted out of laughter  and shrugged her shoulders as she settled in the couch,  he smiled and said he was going to check on Jo and grab an extra pillow,  she nodded as she waited for him to leave to go upstairs she  quickly turned on the soundbar and played her demi lovato playlist, something about  this new album a few songs we're so sensual and perfect for love making she couldn't bear to not have them on her playlist. She began with concentrate, as she threw the comfortor over her head, as the  lyrics came "when ya done with me i can't even concentrate, I can't even concentrate, drag of a cigerette  sheets are all soakin wet, coldplay on the radio, you keep running through my head wanna do it again." he soon came downstairs, carrying the pillow, he noticed the song, and saw the movement from her covers  he came over to the couch and began singing back to her,  "Baby i'll do anything you want, lock me down like i'm your slave cause when your done with me i can't even concentrate. Baby i'll do anything you want, lock me down like i'm your slave." as she moaned he knew what she had grabbed, he slipped his shorts off, as the song Hitchhiker came on,  I 've been waiting  all night, looking for your headlights.. he began watching, under the covers this vibrator making her almost go over the edge, as he licked his lips he found himself touching himself,   he didn't realize his cock was already ready for this, because in a few pumps and strokes he was  nearly ready to  unleash his load, he grabbed the vibrator out of her hand as he threw  her hands back  he motioned himself in front of her slit , and mouthed  your real vibrator is here baby. she moaned at how hard and big he was, he had to of gotten bigger over night. she wasnt complaining that's for damn sure,  he was  home as he called it,   he wasted no, time  and gave no warning he plowed into her, making her moan loud, as the songs came on of concentrate he began his ritual pounding,first slow  then somewhere out of the blue he went hard and fast  " god fucking damn, make me concentrate on this good wet pussy, mmmm baby  we're going we're going,  ohhhh my ohhh ohhhh leati how do you do this to me so good, i'm practically begging for you every second, and then you just unleash all this new  on me and i i i mmmmm mmmmm  fuck me harder. that's it leati  as she reached out for her vibrator, she massaged it right between where, he would leave, as he lifted her hips the vibrator found her ass, as she lightly touched it with her ass, he  dipped back inside her as he felt the vibrator come against his cock it sent, waves of pleasure to him, and to her as he grabbed her hips, for more pleasure he  began thrusting slow at first but went faster and harder as he brought her to him he held her close as he was sitting up she was slammed  on his cock, the blanket was the only thing protecting them from a child appearing.  He massaged  addi's breasts with his thumb as she threw her head back, and forward riding his cock,   he grabbed her  thighs and waist as she, began  riding faster and faster grinding on his dick leati moved his head to the left and to the right side with his eyes wincing  as she began going faster and faster, the blanket gave way probably for the best becaue of the heat that was rising,   I hate to fucking do it, but by god i'm seriously going to cum quick.  as addi moaned and said   please don't please don't please.... please not yet.   Just then his eyes  went shut he shoved her off, she had her face in the pillow as he wasted no time, like he always did  her ass was up in the air, for the world to see, as he took one good look  he shoved himself and burried himself, inside her ass for a few here or there couple of pumps  its all it took because from the vibrator friend and his overworked cock they both came fast and quick as she  took the vibrator out, she threw  it on the floor, and began to wet her lips her fingers found her swollen slit matching the clit that leati just abused, he layed back and watched,  the rest of the show, he however watched the show and had his own show to produce he quickly jacked off matching her moans, and  sounds  they both came quickly .  I never had someone jack off as i was making myself cum. I enjoyed that  Leati finally i got to get off, while you got off, and we both watched each other. he sat with these eyes  that pierced hers he nodded  and brought his mouth to hers with a few sensual kisses they both got the comfortor, and covered each other up  Awh shit evidance, baby here put it in the drawer over here,  she won't go in this drawer.  Addi laughed, she definitely doesnt need to know what this is.  leati agreed,   my daughter won't ever even have a boyfriend. let alone a pink i'm not i'm not even  thinking that far. she's gonna bake cookies with you and live with me and not be allowed to look at  boys! as addi laughed and said okkk daddy. he smiled, and said  I don't know i just  want to protect my daughter, I don't want her knowing what all this is. not until i'm old as shit and she's with a good man.  She's gotta have a good man like her dad, and until  that ever happens she's not going to date!   Addi laughed as he held her in her arms,   Man i wish my dad was like you. He never was, he never was around i mean we would make plans as i was a child, and things and  he would always have an excuse of stupid shit, basically I had a good childhood I have a good dad, I just didn't have it 24/7. I owe all my things to my mom Leati I do, I put myself through med school working 3 jobs and going to school I worked damn hard, and all my dad did for my college graduation was   text me the morning of  " go get em' girl"-  seriously Leati that was what he said, he never came to graduation he never bought me anything my mom bought my jeep after  my first round of medical exams I bought it too but she helped with the rest, I did everything 99.9% for myself. I never knew what love was from a father, until i saw you. Leati smiled and kissed her lips,  I never knew any of that. I never knew the pain you had. But i can promise you, i'll never treat Joelle like that.  more importantly i'll never treat you like that. Never will i make you feel like that,  i swear times are going to get rough  being with me, comes with territory but i swear to you i promise to you i'll never betray you, i'll never make you doubt i'll never make you feel less than what you deserve because you deserve the world i can only hope your getting the world, by being with me baby. He began yawning,   "baby  lets get some rest, I don't know what we got planned for tomorrow but whatever you wanna do we can make it happen"  Addi smiled, and said I have my own things i would like to do, but i'll settle with another round, she said.  Leati rubbed his face  and turned over and snuggled into her neck.
Stay tuned, I think a small vacation just the two of them may be a small geasture, that she will allow. a possible pregnancy may  arise . stay tunned!
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hgfstreamchats · 7 years
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
Welcome to the 'highglossfinish' room.
Smokey: awoojit Highglossfinish: A Smokescreen. Highglossfinish: Is the screen showing up? Everything kosher? Smokey: Nothing here yet Smokey: woojit woojit be a werewolf for halloween please Smokey: there it is! I see a boat Knock Out: *Shed Knock Out: Perfect! Knock Out: No. Werewolves sheld. Smokey: but I need an excuse to call you awoojit Knock Out: Hmm...are there any dander-free werewolves ou there? Smokey: You could be the first! Smokey: Maybe hairless werewolves wouldn't have dandruff Knock Out: In that case, we'll see. Smokey: hey woojit I found a vidoe Smokey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtCQo5oDCIA Knock Out: Just for that, I'm not dressing up as a werewolf.
Smokey: wait no i'm sorry Smokey: :( woojit please i love youuuu I'll dress up as anything Knock Out: Your bargaining abilities are shaky. Smokey: I can steal megatron's eyebrows and wear 'em Smokey: I'll talk like the kids in these videos Knock Out: ...Alright, now I'm listening. Smokey: I'll cover Megatron's eyebrows in glitter Knock Out: Deal. Knock Out: Deal. Smokey: Nice. Smokey: .... Though it might have to be after halloween with all the stuff going on on cybertron Knock Out: Dear Unicron, that's almost better. jpeg: yo, what up? Knock Out: Hello there! Smokey: Thanksgiving sparkletron jpeg: thanks for setting this up! Smokey: HEY FILE TYPE HUMAN Smokey: oh no not tickling Smokey: "lameball" Knock Out: The language! jpeg: m'lad, jpeg: i need to remember that one Pheonix: hi! jpeg: heyo! Pheonix: Happy Halloween! Knock Out: Pheonix human! Happy Halloween! Smokey: is he gonna go offline Knock Out: Yes. Pheonix: Why Thank you! Hope the family is well Knock Out: Exceedingly well! Smokey: ...... Smokey: I'm not liking where this is going Pheonix: Good! Impact is such a sweetheart. Pheonix: Oh! I remember this episode Pheonix: I used to watch this show every week! Knock Out: I can see why! Knock Out: "Beaned." caffienatedconfetti: how are the canadian children Pheonix: stupid Pheonix: so so stupid Smokey: the clown hasa  phone? caffienatedconfetti: what did they do this tim Pheonix: stole evil clown nose caffienatedconfetti: ooooh the clown Pheonix: yep caffienatedconfetti: this is caffienatedconfetti: um Pheonix: finger bones Pheonix: yum caffienatedconfetti: finally some sense caffienatedconfetti: give the murderous clown back his nose Pheonix: i swear returning things to their proper owners is have the plot in these shows caffienatedconfetti: how caffienatedconfetti: how did an underage child get cigars Pheonix: how did he get cigars caffienatedconfetti: jinx Pheonix: lol Pheonix: XD Knock Out: Stole them from someone else. Knock Out: "It's the most fun in the ***!" Pheonix: man imagine that in your closet Thebes: Hello! I hear there is halloween here Knock Out: Bah. Human datanet, let me say ***! Knock Out: There is indeed! Pheonix: much spook caffienatedconfetti: very scare Pheonix: did me a fright Pheonix: :) Smokey: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pheonix: ooo Thebes: I wonder what they did with that clown-thing after they finished shooting Pheonix: try the dollhouse one caffienatedconfetti: probs burned it Pheonix: that one gave me nightmares as a kid caffienatedconfetti: like it deserved Pheonix: yes Knock Out: We'll watch the dollhouse one after this one. Pheonix: :o caffienatedconfetti: mmmmmm caffienatedconfetti: dollhouse Pheonix: yay caffienatedconfetti: i don't really get scared unless its a jumpscare Thebes: really? I love a good paranoia fit myself Thebes: just the thought that, of course no one would know if something really could happen or not, it wouldn't leave survivors Thebes: just mysterious circumstances Knock Out: Changes like "don't sexually harass the humans giving you your story trial." caffienatedconfetti: oh my god i know this one caffienatedconfetti: this one is scary Pheonix: yis Pheonix: its so good Pheonix: if impact is watching, she needs to look away caffienatedconfetti: pee yoo exactly Pheonix: bye Pheonix: :) Pheonix: too late caffienatedconfetti: lol whut Pheonix: god. i remember coveralls agooddistraction: are humans scared of science Pheonix: 90's fashion horrors agooddistraction: wow Knock Out: Well, science *is* rather creepy. agooddistraction: ?? caffienatedconfetti: "cauculate the volume of the school" Pheonix: why would their still be water? Knock Out: Did they leave the dead child in there too? Pheonix: possibly Pheonix: XD Pheonix: okay- she is reminding me of a female starscream Thebes: HE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE BURIED AT SEA. THIS JUST CUTS OUT THE MIDDLEMAN. agooddistraction: what caffienatedconfetti: spooky pool Knock Out: Janitor Gaseous likes to watch people swim. Pheonix: seriously female starscream in a fleshy body Pheonix: creeper caffienatedconfetti: it's dat boi Knock Out: Here he comes. agooddistraction: intense Pheonix: there was a ladder right next to them? Knock Out: Ew. agooddistraction: uhhh Knock Out: Is this a metaphor for something that's wrong? Thebes: This seems like a terrible idea Pheonix: wait so he can swim already? caffienatedconfetti: peice of *** caffienatedconfetti: whoops sorry Knock Out: Remember, children: all your fears are justified. agooddistraction: hahahaah what???? agooddistraction: what is it even like being human Pheonix: awww, her girlfriend is jealous agooddistraction: no dont look Knock Out: Life seems terrifying when you need to constantly breathe. Pheonix: it can be caffienatedconfetti: look man we didn't ask to breathe agooddistraction: yeah what's up with breathing agooddistraction: wtf Pheonix: but on the plus side we get to smell things Pheonix: like baking cookies Knock Out: So can we. Pheonix: flowers caffienatedconfetti: yeah but it feels nice when you fill your lungs Pheonix: true Knock Out: It also feels nice to go underwater and not die. Pheonix: why doesn't it tip the boat caffienatedconfetti: it just did Pheonix: lol agooddistraction: hey it's the guy Pheonix: called it Thebes: Man, this one made me so paranoid of water as a kid Knock Out: It's reading the chat. Pheonix: hi creeper guy caffienatedconfetti: we can go underwater just not for long Knock Out: Sweaty Charlie put his fingers in those drinks. Pheonix: dear god. Pheonix: the real horror Smokey: I poofed for a klik, what happened? Pheonix: trapped in high school for 60 years Smokey: WHEEWHEEE agooddistraction: hey Smokey: wheewhee hey hey hey Pheonix: hi smokey agooddistraction: how's it goin Smokey: Hey Pheonix! Pheonix: damn it, stop moving dead people Smokey: Wheewheee it's been weird on my cybertron it's been stinky what've you been up to agooddistraction: stinky? caffienatedconfetti: also we like breathing Smokey: stinky caffienatedconfetti: even though it's slowly setting us on fire from the inside out Smokey: cybertron smells terrible agooddistraction: just the usual. plants and building Smokey: you guys gotta stop breathing Knock Out: That'll make the pool less dangerous. agooddistraction: ahh what is it Smokey: the shape of the water Pheonix: hi dead guy caffienatedconfetti: OH MY GOD agooddistraction: eeeeahjudksa caffienatedconfetti: that didn't work Thebes: THIS IS MORE GRAPHIC THAN I REMEMBER Knock Out: Not Stinky Charlie! agooddistraction: what the frag caffienatedconfetti: its coming through the drain Pheonix: why the frag is that by the pool caffienatedconfetti: i have no idea agooddistraction: yolo human agooddistraction: primus this is intense Pheonix: well shes had a good run caffienatedconfetti: SWIM YUOU FOOL Jalaperilo: Hello! I am here for a bit! agooddistraction: goooo Pheonix: ladder right behind her Knock Out: Jalaperilo human! Just in time for this! Jalaperilo: what is it??? caffienatedconfetti: horror movie children are stupid agooddistraction: go go go go agooddistraction: how to kill a ghost caffienatedconfetti: uuguguuguhgh Knock Out: Sticky Charlie finally found peace. Pheonix: maybe he can leave teh school now caffienatedconfetti: TuT caffienatedconfetti: more fun things to do caffienatedconfetti: hhmmhmmmmmm Pheonix: wink wonk agooddistraction: wait what is that Pheonix: fire powder Knock Out: Good call. Jalaperilo: he just ate sand Knock Out: You don't want this boy within sniffing distance every night. Pheonix: makes it flare and sparkle Jalaperilo: dont make friends with kids that eat sand or grass or glue Pheonix: good rule Pheonix: aww, baby tucker caffienatedconfetti: ooooooh *** no i hate dolls ugh Thebes: No one thinks that about dolls. No one has ever thought that about dolls. Pheonix: until now Thebes: apparently Thebes: do not trust your parents, child, they are crafing an edifice of lies Knock Out: Why would you even ask someone that? Pheonix: you know? agooddistraction: do humans like ***? Pheonix: not usually caffienatedconfetti: naw caffienatedconfetti: makes me sick caffienatedconfetti: i  mean some people are into it but that's gross tbh caffienatedconfetti: oooooh *** no mi;'m out Jalaperilo: just wait till your older kid and youll experience true fear: that you are responsible for yourself caffienatedconfetti: yes dont tell the child about the important thing Jalaperilo: yeah lets whisper loudly 5 feet from the kid Smokey: they have discord in the dollhouse Jalaperilo: the house is in the little house Jalaperilo: like a tesseract caffienatedconfetti: or a turducken agooddistraction: nice smashing kid Jalaperilo: should have done what i did at 13 and just punch the back door window pane cause the door was locked Smokey: kid's gonna get stuck aren't they caffienatedconfetti: huh. minotaur maze strategy Pheonix: yup Jalaperilo: parents were not happy at the broken pane or my blood everywhere agooddistraction: ouch Smokey: if you eat the fake food, do you get stuck in there forever Jalaperilo: haha caffienatedconfetti: probs caffienatedconfetti: sttupid Jalaperilo: go to the attic of the dollhouse caffienatedconfetti: shiiiit Jalaperilo: called it Knock Out: Gah! Jalaperilo: *** Smokey: hhhhhh Smokey: woojit agooddistraction: *** Knock Out: Hmm? Pheonix: that part freaked me out so bad as a kid Smokey: scary agooddistraction: frag Jalaperilo: but if they leave like that, wont her hand be severed? Pheonix: but she wont be a doll Pheonix: doll or life without a hand caffienatedconfetti: LIFE YOU FOOL Pheonix: i mean UM got that cool hook Jalaperilo: what an awful dress Pheonix: fashion horror part 2 Jalaperilo: that the real horror Smokey: imagine having to live the rest of your life in that dress Smokey: also as a doll Knock Out: Ahhh! Pheonix: the horror caffienatedconfetti: ew Thebes: Hell. It leads to hell. It has always lead to hell. Smokey: oh primus i'd leave forever if that happened agooddistraction: gotta run. night Pheonix: night wheeljack Pheonix: very true Knock Out: Good night, Wheeljack. Pheonix: happy halloween Jalaperilo: night wheeljack! Knock Out: Ugh. Pheonix: oooh this is a good episode too! imsweetlyeclectic: So i finally got the chat to work~ caffienatedconfetti: m tirewd caffienatedconfetti: im  going to bed Pheonix: night imsweetlyeclectic: what did i miss? Knock Out: Goodnight, not-so-caffeinated-human. Pheonix: wj just left Pheonix: mostly heckling of 90s fashion Jalaperilo: bye coffinated caffee Knock Out: Fun fact: that's one of the humans from Firefly. imsweetlyeclectic: i have the fact i can't change my name on here... Pheonix: yes it is Jalaperilo: i watched 1 episode of firefly Jalaperilo: gotta admit, never saw the appeal Jalaperilo: i cant imagine why your parents would want you gone imsweetlyeclectic: and my internet is being wonky.... Jalaperilo: oyu lost your purple imsweetlyeclectic: what are the people doing on the screen? Pheonix: hiking? imsweetlyeclectic: i got the chat, and the sound, but no pictures... Jalaperilo: nothing interesting Jalaperilo: some girl is a dick to another girl and now she's lost in the woods Pheonix: and the woods are changing imsweetlyeclectic: oh, that could go so worng in so many ways... Pheonix: the watcher Pheonix: this episode is another one that scared me as a kid Pheonix: I always played in the woods Pheonix: oh look a horses head imsweetlyeclectic: and i lost sound TT-TT Pheonix: technically three something died imsweetlyeclectic: holy frag, the sudden scream out of nowhere scared the ever living daylights out of me. i might have to cut out of the stream.... it's being too glitchy. Pheonix: aww. happy halloween Knock Out: Is it glitching for anyone else? Pheonix: it was earlier Knock Out: Happy Halloween, eclectic human! Until the next time! Pheonix: but its fine now Jalaperilo: mines been fine Smokey: thats just mean Pheonix: aww they are so cute Pheonix: little white mice Knock Out: With their terrifying nibbling. Jalaperilo: its freaky when characters have your name lol Pheonix: wiat Pheonix: are you a sarah too? Pheonix: :o Pheonix: yay same name! Jalaperilo: slightly different. its pronounced that way but im a SAra Pheonix: close enough Pheonix: :D Jalaperilo: *sara high five* Pheonix: *high five!* Pheonix: look at that car Jalaperilo: to say these are spooky stories, they al have happy endings Knock Out: I'm looking, I'm looking! Knock Out: Some of them don't. Pheonix: ooh do you hace old man cochran? Pheonix: or pinball wizard Pheonix: those have less happy endings Knock Out: I have both! Jalaperilo: also, on an unrelated note, i watched thor:ragnarok earlier and i am in love with cate blanchett lol Pheonix: :o Pheonix: im seeing it this weekend Jalaperilo: i wont spoil it, but blanchett as hela is amazing and funny and terrifying and beautiful Pheonix: :) nice Pheonix: old school gameboy Jalaperilo: not what i was expecting Pheonix: he should have listened Pheonix: don't touch the pinball game Thebes: and now to see how everything is going to go wrong Jalaperilo: kids those days Jalaperilo: remeber the inball game on windows 95 Jalaperilo: space 3d? Pheonix: space cadet 3d Pheonix: good memories Jalaperilo: now its purble place Knock Out: On the plus side, he's got lots of quarters to eat. Pheonix: yum Jalaperilo: our money is slowly turning to plastic over here Jalaperilo: i feel like the old notes could have been eated thenightetc: So what'd I miss? thenightetc: Haunted pinball? Pheonix: kid was told not to touch pinball game Pheonix: he did Pheonix: now trapped in the mall thenightetc: Yikes, I guess now we see why Thebes: Yeah, the victims on this show do not make good choices Jalaperilo: oh wow. i think i had a hairband like that Pheonix: they do not thenightetc: A pinball witch? Knock Out: Whoever played the witch is clearly enjoying herself. Pheonix: yis Pheonix: oh yes Jalaperilo: but do any of them play a mean pin ball? Pheonix: the kid used to thenightetc: ...You sure you want to do that Thebes: KID WHY Pheonix: king of the mall thenightetc: Seems like the kind of thing that might get you, I don't know, trapped in the game forever Pheonix: awww game over Pheonix: restart! thenightetc: It's clearly too big for his head Pheonix: I think BD would approve of the smashing Pheonix: and possibly Impact would as well Knock Out: Breakdown would have kept the mace. Pheonix: He is smart like that Pheonix: but his hammer is better than the mace Jalaperilo: breakdown is smart cookies though Pheonix: he is Pheonix: so smart and awesome Pheonix: KO is a lucky mech thenightetc: Hahahahha Knock Out: And just to shake things up... Jalaperilo: ?? Jalaperilo: jabony? Jalaperilo: what is this? Thebes: Why do I remember these lyrics Pheonix: salute your shorts Knock Out: A must for a 90s horror night. Knock Out: Or so I've been told. Pheonix: just thinking the same Thebes: it IS very aggressively 90's Pheonix: mmmm licorice Jalaperilo: urgh. licquoris Pheonix: :) more for me thenightetc: Ewwww, don't hold it by the rubber part Pheonix: so gross thenightetc: wash your hands you filthy children thenightetc: ...Okay, that's also gross.  Putting toothpaste on the floor like that. thenightetc: Somebody's going to step in that. Thebes: the child in the headband speaks the most sense of all of them Pheonix: yes Jalaperilo: time for me to go to bed x x x Jalaperilo: night all! thenightetc: goodnight! Knock Out: Goodnight, jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo: good night knock out cybertronian! Pheonix: night! thenightetc: Uhhhhh thenightetc: ewwwwwww Pheonix: awww Pheonix: poor harry Knock Out: After this, I'm thinking one more to end the night on. Pheonix: kk Pheonix: :) thenightetc: Is this a Ruffles ad Pheonix: maybe Pheonix: suspicious thenightetc: Haha, barely even waited for them to leave Pheonix: jeez Pheonix: donkey lips Pheonix: XD thenightetc: All that screaming says otherwise thenightetc: Who does he think this guy is, he's clearly not a teenager Pheonix: thats the counselor thenightetc: ...So did they just leave the counselor strung up.....welp Pheonix: yep Knock Out: Doesn't that kill humans? thenightetc: Mmmmaybe? Pheonix: is should have Knock Out: Does anyone have any closing Are You Afraid of the Dark recommendations? Pheonix: you pick Pheonix: :) Thebes: You choose good things Pheonix: KO does Pheonix: he has excellent taste after all thenightetc: Is that Harry Potter Knock Out: Oh, you. Knock Out: The old human was Ratchet. Pheonix: haha Pheonix: so grump thenightetc: Ew Pheonix: so gross thenightetc: Ewwwww thenightetc: Does that same old lady come there every night? Knock Out: Apparently? Pheonix: appears so Knock Out: Wipe down everything he touches, kids. Pheonix: don't let him touch anything Thebes: tiny Hagrid is weirding me out thenightetc: So it's cursed, right, like the video in The Ring Pheonix: yep Knock Out: It's probably full of weevils. Have fun with that. thenightetc: Murders other movies thenightetc: by magic~ Pheonix: ohyes Pheonix: oh god it is ratchet thenightetc: ...Isn't that a real movie? Pheonix: nosferatu? Yep Knock Out: Apparently, they liked the disgusting little man's Nosferatu fanfiction. thenightetc: Maybe he just took an existing movie and cursed it? Pheonix: feed it movie people Pheonix: feed it thenightetc: I guess it's out of copyright Knock Out: Cursed it, fed it some people, spliced in nudes of himself. Pheonix: tasteful nudes of course Pheonix: this is a classy film after all Knock Out: There's a lot of "just friends" hand holding in these. Pheonix: yep thenightetc: dude thenightetc: don't try to get out of the deal with the demon wizard guy Knock Out: Oh, he's puffing up. Now you've done it. Pheonix: never a good sign thenightetc: whooooop Knock Out: His name is Count Orlok. Pheonix: nibble nibble Pheonix: dude needs a dentist thenightetc: needed a dentist like eighty years ago Knock Out: Those buck teeth wouldn't pierce a neck cleanly. thenightetc: Well, the wound did look pretty nasty Knock Out: True. Pheonix: true Knock Out: And many, many things to touch. Knock Out: With his sour little touching fingers. Pheonix: with his creepy fingers Pheonix: that are probably sticky Pheonix: great stream KO Knock Out: Why, thank you! Pheonix: thank you for hosting thenightetc: Yes!  Entertainingly cheesy :) Knock Out: Thank you all for coming! Pheonix: Say KO, have you seen Hocus Pocus? Knock Out: I have not. Pheonix: if you get the chance it is awesome! Knock Out: Will do! Pheonix: the little girl makes me think of Impact Pheonix: smol and sassy Pheonix: :) Pheonix: and loves animals Knock Out: Well, I'm sold. Pheonix: and it is delightfully campy Pheonix: XD Pheonix: with sly adult humor slipped in that went over kids heads Pheonix: *to clarify the modern little girl not the old timey little girl Knock Out: If it's got camp, I'm there. Pheonix: if you get the chance you should watch Knock Out: I'll be sure to! Pheonix: Happy Halloween! Pheonix: Hope you, BD and Impact have a ghoulishly good time! Knock Out: Good night, and happy Halloween! Don't let Dr. Vink put his fingers in your dreams! thenightetc: Happy Halloween!  And goodnight Pheonix: lol Pheonix: oh no Pheonix: Im off to watch 'arsenic and old lace' Pheonix: it is halloween tradition Knock Out: Always a classic. Pheonix: yes it is Pheonix: Have a good night Knock Out: You as well! Pheonix: I'm off to panama, to dig a new lock in the canal ;)
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avasilvugh · 7 years
how do the kiddos/Lena and kara react to the bad relationship Maia is in?
like..........not well.  like they react v well for her, in that they’re supportive and caring and do all the right stuff but it also tears them apart
not as in the family is torn apart, like they still are v much a family and v much a unit, but it rips kara and lena apart and it eats at finn and stella bc they all feel like they could have done more??  noticed before it got so bad, been more present
but basically maia is feeling v overlooked and forgotten abt, like classic middle child where she feels like stella’s the baby and finn’s the prodigal son and she’s just.......there??  like she feels like she’s the Angry One or whatever, not anything to be proud of.  but she’s not one to ever be forthright with her feelings??  like fuck that, she’s going to bottle that shit up so you never know the real reason for her getting upset.  so she’s feeling weird with her family, right??  and she’s in kind of a vulnerable place bc of it, always feeling like the black sheep, always feeling like a bit of a burden and high school is weird and everything is Weird, thats like the best way to put it.  maia’s in a state of flux, where she’s not the kiddo that anyone is expecting to go into the superhero business but she’s the one that desperately wants to (like stella will want to later, but rn??  its all maia) but no one acknowledges it bc she never says it
a lot of her problems are rooted in miscommunication tbh like she’ll just........not say anything but be like stewing over it for months ya feel?
so she’s feeling Weird and starts acting out a little, starts letting her grades drop and starts missing curfew and like that sort of puts a bit of a wedge between her and her family, bc her moms are like??  where is this coming from??  and her siblings are trying to talk to her but maia’s started looking at the world like it’s me vs everyone else so she shuts them out, refuses to talk to them abt anything important.  so there’s this distance btwn her and the rest of the family, this uncomfortable tension btwn her and her moms and it only feeds into this Weirdness more, leads maia to make more Bad decisions like cutting class to hang out more with these kids she met at the skate park over the summer and its rlly nice??  like she feels heard, feels validated and like her friends from school are nice, are rlly good, but they sort of are like??  it sucks you feel bad but your moms do love you??  talk to them abt this maybe??  and maia’s like lol no, just spends more time with the ppl that are validating her feelings, not asking her to analyze anything, just letting her be
and she has rlly intense chemistry with this one boy in the group??  like its immediate and maia’s dated a little bit but she’s p intense, scares ppl off p often but this boy isnt intimidated, seems to see right through her, seems to see that she’s angry bc she’s scared of a lot, that she’s not as hard and sharp as she acts
and he likes her and she likes him so they get together and maia feels so normal??  like for a hot second she just feels like a regular kid and its so addictive that feeling, she’s not willing to give it up.  and her bf is so sweet at first, texts her a couple times a day and calls her after school and brings her snacks when they meet up at the park
i’m putting this under the cut bc the subject matter can be v triggering, pls check the tags and pls pls pls dont read this if any of the warnings apply to you.  be safe, i love you
and then, bc it starts so calmly, so carefully, she doesnt rlly worry when it starts to change, when he starts telling her that she’s exhausting, that her negativity is killing him.  like??  she already thinks that abt herself, knows she’s intense and moody and angry more often than she’s not, knows she’s a lot to handle, already thinks she’s too Much.  so she changes a little, stops venting to him, starts bottling it up again.  then its him blaming her for arguments they have, so she tries hard to not start any.  then its demanding that she text him back immediately, even when he’s texting her hundreds of times in a day, so she starts keeping her phone on her at all times.  then its this, then its that and through it all, maia’s getting a little smaller, a little quieter, a little Less.  she’s trying to fit herself into the box he’s drawing around her and she’s not happy with it but she loves him, right??  and he loves her??  he’s the only one that rlly understands her, he’s the only one that rlly cares how she’s feeling, even if sometimes he’s too upset with his own stuff to listen to her, even if sometimes he makes fun of her in front of their friends even when she tells him it makes her uncomfortable
and she hides this all from her moms for a long time, makes up excuses for why she’s missing family dinners and movie nights, says she’s just stressed, just tired.  she avoids finn bc he’s always known her tells, avoids stella bc her little sister can literally see into ppl’s minds and she doesnt know why, but she doesnt want ppl to know abt her relationship.  she avoids lena bc lena’s got this knack for figuring out when her kids are keeping secrets, avoids kara bc kara believes so wholeheartedly in her that it makes her feel set on edge.  she keeps skipping school until it becomes a Problem, until the school calls her moms but they’re both in the middle of something, miss the call, so they call Emergency Contact #1 aka alex and alex is like ???  wtf like maia’s a bit of a hothead sometimes but she’s not reckless necessarily, especially when it comes to school, so she goes to campus, sees maia’s car and is like mmmmmm this is Wrong.  so when maia comes back at the end of the day, alex is sitting on the hood of her car and is like hey.  we’re going to talk.
and maia’s like.......rlly sensitive??  like somewhere deep down, she knows there’s something off about the situation, that’s why she’s so desperate to hide it, but she’s not like conscious of it, she just gets rlly defensive, gets rlly prickly, and she’s not great at hiding it when she’s displeased or upset but its so muted when alex confronts her and that, in of itself, is a giant fucking red flag bc maia should like??  be arguing, getting irritated like maia weirdly takes after alex in a lot of respects and alex Knows something’s wrong.  so she kind of drops it bc maia’s just giving her this look like she’s begging her not to press too hard
like obviously alex doesnt Drop It, she just backs off maia directly for a bit, goes over her head to kara and lena and they’re like SHIT this makes a lot of things make sense and its like, ok, we can handle this
maia reacts v badly when her moms sit her down to like.....gently ask what the fuck is happening.  like there’s a lot sort of just simmering below the surface, like her bf has been rlly difficult recently and she’s stressed abt that and she’s angry that alex found out, that alex told her moms, she’s angry that she’s getting called on it, that it feels like the only time she gets attention is when she’s fucked up, and it all comes to a head during this one moment.  like.  it’s the worst fight any of the kiddos have ever had with their moms.  like maia’s full out screaming at them and they’re just completely caught off guard bc there’s usually some lead up??  something that builds to a meltdown but nope, not this time, she goes zero to one hundred in a blink and stella and finn are just like hunkered down upstairs, staring at each other like HOLY SHIT maia never yells at moms like that
like its awful, terrible but it kind of makes things better for a while??  like maia screams it all out, her anger, her feeling of being left out, how hurt she feels sometimes, all the things that she’s never let her moms know and then its kind of like.  oh.  its over now.
and things get a little better after that??  maia takes the inevitable grounding with no argument, but that is like......Another Problem.  like maia without any fight??  with no indignant anger???  that’s a maia that none of them have ever encountered and it sets everyone on edge, how quiet maia is, how small she makes herself.  but there’s no like??  cause as far as anyone but maia can see.  so her moms are a bit more careful with her, her siblings are a little more gentle, kara and lena go out of their way to arrange things to do with maia on her own, to make sure she feels seen and included but by this point, her boyfriend’s been filling her head with really toxic shit, feeding into her venting and solidifying the idea that she’s less than her siblings in someway, so even their best efforts are shrugged off.  maia has a million excuses prepped and ready for why she can’t make it to the planetarium with lena, why she has to miss stella’s soccer game, why she turns kara down when she offers to go flying, just the two of them.  she’s become a great liar, really, was always a little clumsy with out and out lies when she was a child but now she’s almost as good as stella
speaking of stella.  she sees him first.  in maia’s mind, when she finally shows up to family game night and finn shouts a little bc they’re playing monopoly and maggie just bought the property he wanted and maia doesnt so much flinch as she does freeze for one, nearly imperceptible moment and stella sees this face, this boy in maia’s mind but he’s smiling??  and she brushes it off at the moment, but it nags at her for a while until she’s asked maia to help braid her hair for her seventh grade dance and they’re up in maia’s room, out of lena’s hearing and kara’s out on a supergirl mission so stella sort of asks are you dating anyone?  and there’s that freeze again, that moment and stella feels the dilemma as maia navigates it, as she decides if she should lie when stella will definitely be able to tell, and then finally maia says kind of quietly yeah, i am and then stella’s asking for details, when’d they meet, does he go to school with maia, when is she going to introduce him to the family and maia just shuts her down.  switches subjects in a manner that is v final and stella’s not going to push, she’s never been one to push
but now maia’s thinking about it and there’s no way stella’s going to be able to keep this a secret from their moms for very long, so she bites the bullet, tells them in a v blunt way
quite literally walks into the kitchen one morning and is like hey.  im dating someone and then just runs out the room before anyone can say anything else
so obviously kara and lena are like ???  ok!!  we wanna meet them!!  invite them over for dinner!!  and maia’s like SHIT i didnt think this through but she cant tell them no straight out without them being like why, whats going on, so she says she’ll invite him and so she mentions it to her bf the next time she sees him and he’s like Upset and Hurt that she wants to burst their little bubble, but he “loves her enough to meet her family” (said with a sigh and a glare that has maia shrinking, apologizing)
so he comes round for dinner and stella’s the one that gets to the door before maia, that pulls it open to meet her sister’s mystery man and she immediately gets a bad vibe from him.  like straight off the bat, she looks him up and down and is like No but then maia’s pushing her to the side and pulling him into the house and stella’s just sort of standing there like This is Wrong, I Dont Like This, just trails them after a moment, follows them into the kitchen where everyone’s doing the whole meet n greet thing, the Boyfriend is presenting the flowers he brought and keeping one hand around maia’s waist and he’s shaking hands with finn and smiling all wide and bright and smug, as if he’s already won something and all stella can hear from maia is please like him please like him please like him which wouldn’t be super weird???  but there’s this intense desperation behind it that sets stella on edge
so when she gets the chance, when finn’s chatting with maia and her bf, stella pulls her moms into the kitchen and tells them what she feels, that something is Wrong.  and like???  she doesnt have the words for it bc she’s thirteen and hasn’t ever really been exposed to anything like this, but she knows this guy is a bad dude and she says as much and kara and lena are like shit okay our empath/mind reader of a daughter is getting Bad Vibes, we should keep an eye on him, so they do the entire night and its like.  there arent any red flags or anything, isnt any bad behavior, but maia is too tense and this dude is too smooth and they’ve both???  been through this???  can see the subtle signs??  can see the way maia freezes a little when this boy puts his arm around her, the way she keeps watching him out of the corner of her eye, how she’ll switch subjects if there’s even the slightest change in his expression like.........maia’s never been a jumpy person, has always been sure footed and confident since she was very little, and kara’s got kill bill sirens going in her head and lena’s got this sick feeling in her stomach, stella’s sitting next to maia and refusing to move, glaring at her boyfriend whenever he’s looking a different direction and finn, godbless him, is looking from his moms to stella to maia sitting so stiffly on the couch, looking entirely uncomfortable in her home, in her own space and he catches stella’s eye, raises one eyebrow and then all he gets in like the in-mind version of all caps is stella just yelling BAD VIBE over and over again
so the night is tense to say the least and stella insists on maia sitting next to her at dinner, leaving her boyfriend sandwiched between finn and lena who both have like.........impressive death glares and maia’s getting more and more agitated, like pushing for the meal to wrap up quickly and it finally does, after her moms grilling this guy to get like a better grasp on the type of awful he is and maia’s like saying she’ll walk him out and kara and lena are both like we’ll come with you and maia’s like No but her bf just squeezes her shoulder and is like nah, it’s fine with this smarmy smile and stella’s still glaring but now finn’s glaring too
so he leaves finally and he reels maia in for a kiss that she v obviously is uncomfortable with so kara like straightens to her full height, crosses her arms and tells him she’s sure he needs to be home and he must sense somethings changed bc then he like just stops putting on a smile for kara and lena, turns fully to maia and tells her to call him tonight and maia sort of nods quickly, seems intent on just getting him to leave, get out of her mother’s view
as soon as he drives away, maia’s like speed walking to the house and trying to run up the stairs, to her phone, but kara kind of catches her hand and is like hey.  we need to talk about something.  and maia’s like ??  can it wait, i need to text him and stella’s like um he just left, which is when lena shoos the other kiddos out of the house, handing finn some cash and telling him to take stella to get ice cream.  so then its just them and maia and maia’s fidgety, wont keep eye contact for very long and kara mentions that, mentions how maia’s changed over the last few months and lena’s saying that they’re worried for her, about her, worried that maybe this boy isn’t healthy for her and maia’s like what do you guys know, he loves me and then lena's explaining darling i've been there, i know what you're feeling, but this isn't love and you deserve better and kara’s thinking about that one time maia came home with a bruise (thanks to the supplement, she can bruise) and she said she got it in gym but now kara’s wondering and they’re being v gentle, asking if she’s happy, asking if he’s kind to her and maia so desperately knows they’re right on some level but that’s buried v deep down and she doesnt want to have to drag it to the surface so she just........flips out
like screams and cries and leaves, storms out and flies away before the conversation can get too far, just yells  that she cant believe theyre trying to ruin the one good thing in her life trying to take away the one person that actually give a shit about her
and she flies to meet up with bf at his place and is telling him about their fight and he's like yeah your moms are fucked up, we're in love obviously, they just dont want to see you happy, they like your brother and sister more like all this really toxic shit that he's been feeding her for months, slowly poisoning her against her family and friends
but now she's got this seed of doubt at the back of her head like wait my mothers were really great when i was a kid, did they really change?
is this love or was i just happy for attention?
my moms always tell us that no matter what we do, as long as we're happy and safe they'll support it and they've never proven that wrong right?
so she's having a crisis and he's like pushing to have sex (it's not their first time, and it's not the first time he's had to convince her) and maia's like wait no i need a minute let me riddle this thing out
and he's getting like majorly pouty and upset like right, pick them over me, leave me just like everyone else and maia's staring at him like what the fuck and so she says as much, says that her moms do love her and he’s like ??  really maia?  and it goes from there, turns into an argument and he’s saying some really awful things to her 
and he’s in the middle of telling her that she’s nothing, that she should be grateful he’s wasting his energy and time trying to fix her when kara breaks the door and says flatly whoops and lena marches in and essentially tells this guy to fuck off (actually she quite literally tells him to fuck off, how dare you speak to my daughter like that) as she wraps an arm around maia and guides her out and maia’s sort of shellshocked??  like shit.  shit holy shit 
she just like.  breaks down in the car.  like the moment lena’s pulled the door closed behind them, maia’s just falling apart in a way that lena’s never seen her, like shaking and rocking and full body sobs and kara’s still inside the boys house, having a Talk but then she hears maia’s crying and is just like.  you’re garbage, we’re going to ruin your life before she leaves 
maia cries most of the night.  like suddenly everything bad that’s been happening is at the forefront of her mind but her self esteem is so shattered, she’s just blaming herself.  she has like??  three panic attacks and her moms stay with her through it all, keeping her tucked between them, petting her hair and telling her that none of this is her fault, that they’re sorry for not seeing what was happening.  when finn and stella come back, they follow the sound of sobbing up to their moms room, drop everything to join the cuddle pile that’s happening.  stella tucks herself right next to maia, takes her hands and as much of her pain as she can, tries to give her as much peace as she can.  and finn’s never been so close to violence in his life, feels an itch in his fists that is entirely unfamiliar, finds himself struggling to be in the same room with maia bc she’s his little sister???  he’s supposed to keep her safe, you know??  
it’s a hard night.  it is.  maia cant sleep, just keeps crying, keeps sobbing out that he’s good, he is, it’s her fault, so no one sleeps that night, they all stay up and try and find something, anything to make it better for her
and thankfully it’s just nearly break, so kara calls their schools, says there’s been a family emergency and the kids wont be in for the last couple days of term, calls works and says much the same for her, and lena calls in to request all meetings be postponed until further notice, to take a leave of absence.  stella won’t leave maia’s side even when the bags under stella’s eyes get too deep, when it becomes clear this is taking too much of a toll on her to keep acting as a sponge for maia’s turmoil, for her pain.  maia’s her big sister and they fight a lot but she knows all the shit maia’s done for her, loves her sister enough to bear some of the burden.  
lena finds the number for her old therapist, the one she saw when she finally realized her first relationship had been emotionally abusive.  they’ve retired, but they recommend someone for maia.  kara v quietly lets alex and maggie know whats going on, grabs alex’s hand when she breaks and god, alex feels so guilty, feels like she should have known, seen it, done more.  they dont tell anyone else, decide to leave it up to maia if she wants to give out specifics to anyone else in the family, but they do tell the rest of the superfriends that maia’s going through something right now
and through these awful first weeks, maia’s ex keeps calling her, texting her and she always reaches for the phone, so finally finn takes it when she’s napping, goes to the deo and asks winn to reroute incoming calls from this number to go through his phone first.  he starts picking up the calls, switches off with stella to threaten the guy, tell him in no uncertain terms that he’s never coming near their sister again
and maia’s??  not handling well.  she’s doing as well as can be expected, i guess, but there are some days where she’s okay-ish and can be logical and removed enough to acknowledge that there were unhealthy dynamics (she wont call it abuse, refuses the term for now), but most days she cycles between sobbing and saying she loves him, misses him, wondering if he’s okay without her and other times she’s angry and tells everyone that its their fault he’s ignoring her now
the therapy helps??  it helps a lot actually, not only with this but with her anger issues and other stuff too.  it also helps repair her relationship with her moms, who are honestly so so steadfast in their support like kara or lena always pick her up after therapy bc she’s always a little raw afterwards, shouldnt rlly be alone, and one time its kara and maia walks out, gets into the car and says rlly abruptly that her therapist thinks she should do group sessions with her moms separately and kara doesnt even hesitate, she’s just like yes okay what day what time, i’ll text lena to let her know her session
it takes like a Long time for maia to feel even a tenth like her old self.  like a Loooooong time.  but she eventually does and that’s mostly due to how good her moms and siblings are in the aftermath.  like kara and lena both have been where she’s been so they know what to say, how to say, what not to do and they’re so careful to walk this delicate tightrope where they make it clear that this guy was bad for maia but also acknowledging that she was in love with him, that she was v invested in this relationship
and when they go back to school, there’s some rumors bc its high school, but finn sort of fills in maia’s friends a little and they step the fuck up, circle around her and protect her as fiercely as she’s always protected them and finn runs interference whenever it looks like someone might give her shit for the way her ex has mysteriously been stripped of his scholarship to his school, or how his sat cheating scheme was somehow uncovered (*finger guns* uncle winn to the rescue)
stella’s room shares a wall with maia’s; their beds line up with the other bc when they were younger, they used to tap morse code to one another.  maia, even as she grew older, never bothered to move it, so stella’s in close proximity to maia every night, close enough that any strong emotion maia feels is enough to wake her up, so whenever maia’s having a crying jag and cant get out of bed to get kara or lena, its stella that comes to her, crawls up beside her v carefully and presses all the softness, all the warmth and peace she carries inside her to maia, tries to give her as much of a break as she can manage, just enough for maia to sleep
it fucks them all up for a rlly long time.  like.  a Rlly long time.  maia has to work through everything she’s been through, has to slowly relearn herself, build up her belief in herself and trust in others.  her family has to process the guilt they carry, the grief for all the pain maia’s gone through.  its hard, but they love each other and they come through it together, bruised but intact, still whole, still a family
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s3venpounds · 7 years
102 questions? damn thats gonna be tough my guy but aight
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
i do. at least, i trust in them enough to not take the phrase lightly.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
considering im 22 thats not that huge of a gap, considering some people have like a 10 year difference. so yeah i guess
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
pretty recently actually, went to a birthday party of an acquaintance and i didn’t really enjoy myself til i went to sing karaoke but my drunk friend was being hella annoying at the same time
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
i do that on the daily so yeah
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
i mean probably, humans can’t do ANYTHING without having both a positive and negative influence
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
yeah Spire- Reverie( feat FAWNA) that song was sent by said friend that i got reminded of =]
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?
red plaid boyfriend style shirt, pepperoni pizza print socks, superman boxers and some athletic shorts with my highschools logo and colors 
8. How often do you listen to music?
whenever im not talking to someone, playing games, or in a serious atmosphere
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
sweats after wearing sweats style pants for so long its hard to go back to my skinny jeans
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2013?
considering its 2017 and literally nothing happened in 2013 but my graduation then no
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
both? i think im one of those things you call an ambivert.
12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’? 
yeah and he was way too timid about it man like ‘s just a kiss
13. What about ‘R’?
nope all my friends with an r name arent close enough for me to try that shit
14. Can you drive a stick shift?
nope would love to learn though
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
yep. mostly so i know where to tweak my personality so i can improve as a person i guess but yeah i tend to get paranoid
16. Are you going out of town soon?
not to my knowledge no, but it wouldnt be the first time my parents pull out “surprise” plane tickets to go somewhere i didn’t want to and on such short notice
17. When was the last time you cried?
mmmmmm can’t remember, so its not in the past 6 months or so
18. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
yeah, went downhill afterwards
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?
blue or purple if possible thatd be dope
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
no not really
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
how hungry i am and the lack of food
22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
considering im not gay or at least not confirmed yet, no. 
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?
dunno, not even sure where we stand
24. What are you sitting on right now?
a folded up blanket and an old office chair
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
its not everyday but when i say i love them they say it back so thats nice
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
yep, multiple times. but yknow oh well right? i would rather something be left where it is than go through an extra excruciating chapter of hurt just because i fell in love with someone i barely knew
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
nope infact the last time i got sick was 2 years ago i believe
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from?
blue notes, it was on sale and it WAS really soft not its just eh soft
30. Does anyone hate you?
HAHAHHAA yeah. one of my friends confirmed it too still do i think
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
why would i hide them.. these questions were clearly made for someone under 18 and i apologize for reblogging without reading them
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
33. Do you want your tongue pierced?
nah sounds like too much maitenence
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
my first year. erase my existence. nah im kidding i would probs delete last year or the year before that anywhere in that time frame
35. Did you have a dream last night?
nope sadly =[
36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
the day before yesterday we were both v sleepy after movie night
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
nope. marriage is an annoying thing and until i find someone worth all that struggle not gonna happen. but ive got a good feeling about this one
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
considering they said i love you yeah i would hope so
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
that same person also said this a few days ago so yeah i think so
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
yeah found some old classic songs and got my body groovin that night
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?
43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
no… and now i feel a little sad
44. What’s the best part about school?
when all ur friends did something amazing yesterday and they talk about it with u all excited and shit
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
yep , some are really cringe worthy 
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
nope i just texted notes were too hard to pass without getting caught
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
yeah a lot to the point im almost there
48. Were you single over the last summer?
49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
yeah a little
50. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
chores, usual adult things, maybe cooking
51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
nah i dont hate him, maybe not on the best terms with em but yeah
52. Are you nice to everyone?
nope there are some people that just rub me the wrong way
53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
yeah 100%
54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
are you serious? 6 months? thats so short, how the hell anyone falters at that point? i expect people to start cheating ATLEAST at the 1 year mark 
55. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
not very to be honest. i wear my heart on my sleeve as a friend says.
56. Do you think you like someone?
yeah i think i do
57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?
58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
boys are fun for mindless fun but girls are more for sentimental stuff. both are equally nice to be around
59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?
yeah tequila is a bitch
60. Do you hate anyone?
yep! same person who hates me!
61. How’s your heart?
like spiritually or like physically. havent gotten a medical check up so dunno, and spiritually? its being taken care of so thats nice
62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
yep! and i refuse to talk about it =]
63. Have you ever cried over a guy?
nope never
64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
person who hates me HEH maybe even my best friend but in an endearing way like “ this fucking bitch decided to snort fucking fundip hes my friend but god damn hes a fucking dumbass”
65. Are your toenails painted pink?
nope i wouldnt mind painting em tho
66. Will your next kiss be a mistake?
probably i make a lot of them
67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?
they better not. youre a shitty person for pushing someone to that point. 
68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
yeah, sometimes on purpose sometimes on accident, sometimes cuz i wanted to
69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
70. How do you look right now?
like shite mate i havent showered yet
71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
yeah Justin HEH
72. Can you commit to one person?
i damn hope so otherwise life is gonna be hella lonely
73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
74. Have you ever felt replaced?
yep. multiple times too
75. Did you wake up cranky?
nope woke up horny. thats what happens with morning wood
76. Are you a jealous person?
yeah, the more amazing someone is the more jealous i get
77. Are relationships ever worth it?
i wanna say yes so yall dont shy away from them but like real talk its fucking aggravating, a lot of work, and tiring sometimes. anyone who says otherwise is glossing over shit or hasn’t seen the whole spectrum yet
78. Anyone you’re giving up on?
yeah about 98% done too
79. Currently wanting to see anyone?
80. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
the same tiring shit as everyday pinky try and take over the world
81. Last person you cried in front of?
82. Is there someone you will never forget?
83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?
considering they stayed up with me while i was hitting an emotional low yeah i would think so
84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
cuddling, probably freaking out that we’re physically right in front of each other
85. Are you over your past?
nah, i like my past as shitty, cringy and heartbreaking as it is i love it
86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
yeah isnt that how relationships happen….?
87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
yeah justin
88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
yeah i’d accept it, then close the door.
89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
yeah cuz its fucking cold outside my dood, here lemme get some tea or some shit youre probs freezing
90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
honestly yeah i once had this really spotty conversation with a girl literally everyone in the school hated at the time. then i realized wow, im just horny and have no substantial feelings for this person and if i do go through with this i will regret it
91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?
i dont know i dont like to think very far
92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael?
yeah he grew out his hair like that annoying french kid in the will smith movie hitchcock that kept calling him  le petite asshole
93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew?
94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?
95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March?
nope HAH
96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
considering the last person was my brother fuck no. hes ugly as all hell
97. Who do you have texts from?
uhh, my brother, my best friend, my brother in law, my phone company, and a close friend
98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? i would cheer em on while i get fetch the crown royal hidden in the back of the pantry
99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
yeah not that much different from anyone else really
100. Who’s in your profile picture with you? 
no one unless you mean the person who took the photo then my cousin
101. Ever kissed under fireworks?
no, and i dont plan to now. i hate them.
102. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
overall this shit has gotten my mood a little low so if yall excuse me im gonna mentally drown in music
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