#but there’s something abt kevjean man.
dayurno · 2 months
do you think when jean taught kevin french the first thing he did was teach him all the swear words?
i could definitely see him teach all the slang from marseille and it's hilarious to me
OH THIS IS FUNNY they were teenage boys after all and jean was famously very rebellious when he came to evermore right? oh seriously the idea of this essentially this fourteen year old teaching kevin how to curse in french because he wants to stick it to riko and the master. i don’t even think he would Tell kevin he is cursing at all (or would he? i wonder if kevin has ever gone through his teenage rebellion phase or if the programming was too brutal for that) he would just lie and kevin would believe it. horrible boys. but then again one is forced to remember (and live through) the fact that kevjean were more than friends… they were boys together….
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dayurno · 4 months
sourdough starter kind of scares me but i do think jean moreau would have a jar of starter and care for it like a child in his 30s. he’s got bread to make and if anyone fucks with his six year old sourdough starter there’s going to be issues. no one else is allowed to even touch the jar. sometimes kevin moves it to get to something and jean is like What the fuck is wrong with you and kevin just puts up with it bc what’s he supposed to do? not let jean treat the starter like a member of the family?
DYING AT KEVIN GETTING OPPRESSED W SOURDOUGH STARTER its really true..... its really true....... because kevjean are two traumatized millennials i dont think they would ever actually have children (though it is very cute if they do in fics) (jean is not amalia's stepfather he's the father that stepped up) so i can see them having weird attachments to other kind of stuff. jean is like an old man chasing children off his porch w a shotgun abt this sourdough starter because its so fucking old and renee gave it to him and it makes the okayest bread ever and he refuses to let it go :) i think he uses it for only very important events like when something mildly bad happens to andrew. they had sourdough for like 3 weeks straight when andreil had a fight and andrew spent a weekend over to cool down
i also love the idea of jean being an obsessive cook. you can tell how hes feeling by what hes cooking. kevin knows somethings bothering him when their fridge is full of weird half finished recipes. when renee got married to some fucking guy from the peace corps kevin had to donate half of their food because jean was cooking more than they could ever possibly eat. very hard living with the 6'5 unmedicated version of elmo
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