#but they are mostly engineers so I don't know if they will keep the feral acts for too long
yelow-heart · 7 months
Btw, I hope cc!BBH doesn't get let down by the bloodthirst claims of his character.
I know they care so much about each other and it's hard to roleplay this type of stuff, but as a Red Team main myself, I hope he keeps playing q!bbh like this. I hope he keeps antagonizing everyone, especially the reds. I hope he and the others pvpers unleash and doesn't let down. Because this ir truly so interesting to watch.
We've been waiting for q!bbh to unleash. Become the little devil that he is! I LOVE IT!
Truly, balance is important, even for players that mainly do this type of game. But I also believe the nerves and adrenaline clouded everyone in this first day. The next days, when everyone is a lot less nervous and stressed due to knowing what they're working with, are going to be top tier, especially with everyone managing the consequences of the first day.
So, to Badboyhalo and every other mcc type player: stand your ground. This is important for your characters. Become killing machines.
Don't feel so bad. The rpers will keep doing their stuff, the grinders will keep doing their stuff. Don't be shy. (Just remember to rp it's all hahah)
We the audience are eating it up! I love this. Please please please, keep hunting my team lol
P.s. just don't forget it's still lore relevant. They may have changed islands, but they're still part of qsmp. So do whatever is the best for your character arc.
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Since we've started sharing OC's... I've been starting to work on one a while ago but got distracted.
Anyways meet Feral, Feral who is now on permanent loan to 141 is a well rounded engineer knowing everything from cars to computers (and a bit of a hacker on accident). For years Feral worked out of the comfort of their custom built camper truck. Only being found by accident when 141 was doing a training mission in the area they happen to be staying. Great confusion ensued, with Feral placing cameras and mics around their campsite and playing horror movie screams and the boys deciding to go on a hunting mission. Ghost ends up getting the drop on them and Gaz and Soap having to hold back their two shepherd/husky dogs. (Named Coffee and Tea) Price interrogates them and hands them off to Laswell. For a while they get handed to different teams in lue of going to jail for trespassing on federal military land. But when a mission goes sour they end up captured and have to be rescued by 141. After that they refuse to work for anyone else but the 141. Moving themselves, the dogs, and their camper truck to England.
Feral is on the spectrum and can't pick what to wear most days so they ask the boys. You can always tell who helped Feral dress. Ghost picks mostly black, Gaz makes sure they are fashionable but comfortable, Price is more old fashioned, and Soap.... Soap picks horrible outfits and always makes sure they have tartan on. Since they don't go out in the field often they boys will bring soft and comfortable clothes back for them when they can.
One of the boys favorite things that Feral does is built them phones that can switch between 5 different SIM cards and is near impossible to track. Plus maintains their vehicles and helps Laswell with intel. Also keeps their names and faces off the Internet.
Their room on base is covered in wall to wall bookcases, plants, and a custom papasan couch that they use as a bed. Ghost loves their dogs and will steal them on occasion. The one time they had to do a group shower with the guys Soap freaked out because in his words 'yer tits are the size of watermelons!' (Feral always wears high compression sports bras and is chubby) Price beat him over the head for that. Gaz and them are close friends and spend time cooking together or just being calm together. They confuse Price but he enjoys having them around but, refuses to let them drive after a particular exfil that required them to drive them out of enemy territory on ice (it was fine but he got a little green after Feral used their ability to spin on the ice a few too many times). Feral and Soap have a prank war going on.
Feral is definitely in good company with the other OCs!! We love a smart gal with an independent streak. And I love the detail about the boys picking their outfits, that’s so unbelievably cute.
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fiveht · 10 months
i've literally never read wolfstar in my whole life but i DO love me some drarry and i ADORE you. i devoured Disarm You and i truly. In my spirit and in my bones, need to see baby siri in subspace. or something. remus in top!space? possessive? protective? literally feral thinking about keeping sirius under lock and key (and plug) forever?? i am losing my mind here. remus being 6'5???? who do i ask about creating art for this??? tiny ass siri and NBA point guard remus?? and topping all this off with daddy!kink? let's talk about this fic and all your other favorite pairings forever and ever. write me back. love you.
UUUGH their height difference is everything to me. (Sirius is 5'7" btw, don't  @ me)
Okay so, their Christmas is mostly about like, watching movies and taking baths and learning each others' bodies, just touching all the time and having cute, dirty, exciting new relationship type sex, falling into bed together whenever they want because they have like two weeks together and no one to interrupt them.
But, once Christmas is over, I absolutely want to write some stuff that's just straight up PWPs with these two, because honestly PWPs are my thing, like that's my whole fandom existence up until like 6 months ago. And they have so many things to explore together, and baby boy is obviously getting tied up and plugged up and spanked and whatever else the two of them can come up with. Because Remus is the definition of down bad for this boy, like he's going to spend the rest of his days gritting his teeth trying to resist the urge to to toss Sirius over his shoulder and drag him to his bedroom and bind him to the bed and keep him there forever, because he just wants to fucking touch him ALL THE TIME, and know where he is all the time, and keep him safe and sheltered and right where Remus can always reach him forever and ever amen.
But what he'll do is buy a little bluetooth controlled vibrating plug and have Sirius put it in while Remus is on campus teaching his night class, and every now and then he'll just unlock his phone on his desk and turn the plug on and know that halfway across the city, Sirius is wailing into a pillow, because even at a distance, daddy controls his pleasure.
And he's not gonna do that, because Remus is not actually crazy, he just has crazy thoughts, because Sirius is like a fucking dream come true, a lifetime of fantasies made flesh, and it's breaking something in Remus' brain. But he also wants Sirius to be his beautiful self, and thrive, and get his engineering degree, and take over the fucking world if he wants to. So Remus isn't actually going to act on the caveman desires.
And what he'll do is get Sirius a whole new wardrobe and all kinds of expensive bath bombs and hair care products, because while Remus isn't a jealous man, he sure is a possessive man, and the idea that Sirius is walking around in the clothes that Remus picked out, smelling like mango shampoo because Remus wanted him to smell like that, that kind of ownership makes him feel fucking FERAL.
And what he'll do is strap Sirius into these pretty cuffs that bind his delicate wrists to his pale little thighs and he'll sit him in his lap and bounce him up and down on his daddy's cock until he's sobbing and three orgasms deep and still begging for it because he's daddy's good boy.
And then he'll carry him to a nice hot bath, and wash his lovely hair, and take him to the kitchen and make him pancakes at 3 in the morning, because Remus is his daddy, and that means he takes care of him. And Remus is, above all else, a complete fucking simp for Sirius Black.
So uh, hi, and thank you 😊
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casa-supernova · 1 year
i don't think it's exactly a secret that i really don't like the rose/meta crisis ending.
firstly, we lose donna because of it. but mostly because of the implications. i also view the meta crisis in multiple ways. he's a clone but he isn't. he's not the true doctor but he is. it's complicated.
but let's get into it.
first of all, the reason that he even stays with rose in the first place is because the tenth doctor thinks he's a liability which is kind of dramatic but probably an incredible bit of foresight (he can see the turn of the universe right) and self awareness considering he goes all 'timelord victorious' later. two doctors in the same universe, one who's considerably more volatile than the other would definitely be a problem. i don't think davros reversed so quickly upon seeing him for no reason.
so as a solution, he needs to be with rose so she can keep him in check. because the takeway from her character is that she is a balm for the doctor, which reads less sweet, more patronising to her as an individual. i'm not surprised that story had her refer to him as a pet because that's literally what she's doing now. keeping him on a leash lest he go feral. why they didn't just give us a moment between the meta crisis doctor and rose doing something together to sow the seeds if they wanted the viewers to be sold on this, i don't know. now, i am not dismissing the idea that this ending was supposed to be divisive, but some of the vehement defending of it on here makes me raise an eyebrow.
anyway, my secondary point is the parallel world itself. the tardis dies upon getting there the first time, with the doctor comparing it to diesel in a petrol engine. he also states that after the time war, the worlds were closed off, but before that, travelling was possible but stressed that the tardis drew on energy from it's own universe which is why it didn't work in the parallell. now, we also know from rose's absence in that world, that there is probably a lot of people missing from it or people who never existed in the first place.
so. now i am left with everything the doctor would be leaving behind staying in pete's world. he would never see his own universe again. now, the prospect of exploring an unknown universe would be probably exciting but considering timelords do not exist there, it would be a pretty hostile place for him. maybe inventing his own way to travel would be fun for him. the whole 'grow a tardis' deleted scene was always dumb to me though, because despite how organic the ninth and tenth doctor's tardis looked like, it's still a machine. i don't think you can grow timelord technology. so that's out of the question. he would never see his old companions again. donna? martha? sarah jane? none of them? and, the biggest to me - his tardis? there is no way you can convince me the doctor would accept never seeing his beloved tardis again.
the doctor's reason for living is exploring the universe and travelling in his ship. so for him to give it up to stay with rose in pete's world doesn't seem romantic to me, it feels tragic. while rose may have wanted to settle down eventually, she knew he wouldn't. and he shouldn't have too. they both wanted different things so to make her get this ending that was forced upon him feels really unfair.
the metacrisis was born out of the engine of the dalek ship and donna's fear. and maybe 1 hour later he's exiled from everyone. to live this human life he's been intriguied by but never wanted. we find it in s3 he has a whole machine to make himself human. he. doesn't want. it. but now he hasn't got a choice. and for rose to jump on him right in front of the original doctor was just the cherry on top of a selfish cake which was even crazier considering that even rose was protesting that she didn't want this either.
none of it feels great. i'd much have preferred for rose to have gotten over it and live better for her experience in pete's world. the very idea of her growing colder and more selfish felt realistic though. but i don't think she should have been rewarded for it though.
i'm just not a fan.
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tinyangrynerd · 1 year
I'm wondering, do snorpy and floofty keep their intelligence? since cromdo keeps his stealing tendencies and triffany keeps her love of fossils. And this is assuming they become complete animals.(I'm sorry if this had already been answered or is obvious, I just saw this au and thought it was amazing.) regardless I love this au and your art <3
hmm, not really but they aren't completely mindless.
Snakmonsters keep some level of cognitive thinking and comprehension due to still having access to a grumpus brain. It allows them to do things such as basic problem solving or the ability to recognize others or objects. But that's about the extent of their limitations. They are still little more than feral animals. And the Fizzlebean siblings are no exception to that. Their knowledge in science and engineering doesn't provide them any benefit in their goals as snakmonsters, and is mostly tossed aside under the influence of the bugsnax. So despite their smarts, they don't really have any more complex thoughts than the others. Buuut, they do still have traits/habits of themselves that carry over.
Snorpy is one of the few, if only, to retain some knowledge on how to manipulate tools and things. He rarely finds use for this, but it's there if he does. He's also trickier to trap than the others, as he's the only one who can actually recognize traps when they're just out in the open. Being so familiar with them after building them himself, that familiarity is one of the things that carries over. Not that he'd be able to properly use then in any capacity. But he'd certainly know to avoid any set traps he sees.
Floofty is.. Well, Floofty is mostly just a recluse in this form. More so than any of the others (aside maybe Wambus). They stay holed up in the cave systems of the Frosted Peak, where they rarely venture out from. They may do parameter checks around the mountain from time to time, especially if they suspect another grumpus nearby, which they ARE very slow and methodical in their searches. Almost studying every detail of their environment, to the point where they can remember and tell changes to it. But otherwise they are not the most actively aggressive monster (towards other snax and snakmonsters, at least)... Unless you enter their caves. Then they become incredibly hostile.
//Also, thank you so much!!!!!~ ;3; 💙
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void-writing · 1 year
If you want to share, I'd love to hear more of your Rise TMNT and DCU crossover, please!
I am so so glad you asked : D
I've been trying so hard for so long to think of how the Rise boys misadventures would align with DCU, mostly because I was thinking about post-movie JL investigations into the Kraang Invasion. HOWEVER, I was rewatching the series with a friend semi-recently and we hit the "Battle Nexus: New York" episode and it abruptly hit me that Superman--who is in the state of New York (bc in my version of canon, Metropolis is in New York and Gotham's in New Jersey, as god intended)--would probably be high-key alarmed about the City That Never Sleeps going completely silent except for four teens and five adults, one of which being clearly the one behind it all (that one being Big Mama).
That line of thought honestly made me entertain the idea of Superman being like...the Turtles' weird uncle figure who checks in occasionally like "you good?" but I don't know all of where I'd want to take a story like that.
This honestly kind of spun around in my head for a while until I was hit with a lightning bolt of genius in the form of a very vivid daydream about Daily Planet Intern April O'Neil absolutely tearing into Lex Luthor because he had the sheer audacity to compare Superman to the Kraang in her presence, and a befuddled (and slightly flattered) Clark Kent holding her back from bodily attacking Lex like:
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The fic that I'm writing is going to be a mega long one-shot of April being an absolute menace to the supervillain population of Metropolis. She's basically going to be a mini-Lois Lane but like five times more feral because this girl won't so much as flinch at the nonsense Supes deals with on the regular.
On the hero side, April kind of Tim Drakes her way into becoming Superman's unofficial-official sidekick on account of how she just forcibly inserts herself into dangerous situations and refuses to leave.
Hilariously, April doesn't put together that Clark is Superman for a while because her threshold for what constitutes as weird is so messed up that anything that Clark does that might flag as suspicious doesn't even ping for April. Lois and Jimmy have a bet in the background over how long it will take for April to figure out Clark is Superman.
Some other highlights knocking around in my head include:
April babysitting Jon for Clark and Lois so they can go on a date night. April cements herself as the coolest babysitter ever in helping Jon defend the Kent House from an incursion viscous tiny alien critters that Jon brought home from space on accident. Both are trying their hardest to not use powers in front of the other with mixed success.
On a similar note, April cultivating a big-sister relationship with Conner because you cannot tell me that he wouldn't fit right in with her collection of genetically engineered super-soldier brothers born from unethical experiments by a man convinced doing this will save his people, using DNA stolen from a powerful warrior he has homoerotic tension with (from a certain perspective regarding Lex and Clark, lol). Like seriously, Conner's backstory fits the Rise boys' so well. I can't not make April adopt him as little brother #5. Maybe for the hell of it I'll turn Conner into a turtle mutant and have him dick around with the Hamato boys, mostly in making Splinter question if he's been miscounting how many sons he has this entire time. Ah. Fic for another day.
The triumphant return of April's crane license (with bonus forklift certification)
Clark being a living jungle gym for this 4'10" menace to his confusion and everyone else's delight.
The Hamato boys making a surprise visit to the Daily Planet as April works with Lois on an article (because she missed their weekly call and the boys immediately assumed the worst) and April trying desperately to keep her dum-dum little brothers out of Lois's sight as they scamper around the office like it's a playground.
April unknowingly endearing herself to Wonder Woman when she stops by in civilian form to meet up with Clark for JL business.
April getting herself in way over her head trying to do a bit of investigative journalism alone and the Supers coming to bail her out (as a reminder to everyone--including myself--that April is not invincible).
And, of course, the reference to the Batman vs. TMNT movie that I mentioned in the last ask I did on this where the boys break into the Bat Cave and Donnie calls April to gloat that he was right about Batman's secret identity and meanwhile Clark gets a call from Bruce about the four teenage mutant menaces running around his lair and how they're connected to a specific Daily Planet intern Clark knows.
It's just really funny to me to imagine Rise!April being unleashed on Metropolis because Ninpo or no, I don't think anyone there would be prepared to handle the powerhouse that is April O'Neil. The villains of Metropolis quickly come to know and fear her because she will more often than not charge them with the nearest blunt object and somehow--despite not having a meta gene (they have checked)--she hits like a freight train and can keep up decently well with Supers (writing this out now makes me realize that it would be plausible that a conspiracy theory starts floating around Metropolis' criminal underground that April O'Neil is secretly Kryptonian in some capacity, only for it to be swiftly disproved when she grand-slams a chunk of Kryptonite into the Atlantic. Somehow this makes her more terrifying).
But yeah, April is just having the time of her life at this internship, blissfully unaware of how many minds she's breaking just being herself.
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
💭❤️🎮🍝🎶🧶😗 (throws the same symbols back at u)
Munday Meme! | Always Open!
💭 — MBTI and/or enneagram, if known ENFJ-T! Aka Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging and Turbulent. The site says it's "The turbulent Protagonist" lololol. Almost identical to the Lance face, except that he's Thinking instead of Feeling ❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
I'm very organized, structured and thorough at work. Colleagues and friends also say that I'm very reliable and don't let people down. I also like to think that I'm fairly chill and friendly/open with just about anyone, though I admit that that can be a bit superficial. 🎮 — favorite video game(s)? Project Zomboid, The Last Of Us games, especially Part 2, Detroit Become Human, RDR2, Subnautica also fun and relaxing games such as ATS or Firewatch, recently played It Takes Two with a friend and also adored that game. I either love storydriven games or post apocalyptic sandbox games. I got almost 1k hours of Project Zomboid lmfao 🍝 — favorite food(s)? It's like each year I got a new favorite boring type of self-made soup as a favorite. Last year it was pumpkin soup, this year it's tomato soup, I LOOOVE all types of green salads and eat like 5 bowls of them a week, sweet potatoes are my latest hype, be that as chips, fries or god knows what else I can make out of them. Also cliché German who loves a great kebab 🎶 — favorite song at the moment? Worst is on its way by Korn, but actually the big remix with HEALTH and the like. I'm usually not really one for hip hop and so forth but this mashup's such a fucking baaaanger and I love how dark it sounds. Stuck on repeat ever since it came out and makes me go feral on the dancefloor at my local goth club haha. Can't believe I've been a Korn fan for over 20 years. 🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests? MOVIES, all the movies and tv shows and obv filmmaking, with it being my job. Also reading and listening to podcasts, watching a crapload of documentaries and information videos on youtube about stuff that interests me (morbidly enough that's engineering disasters both in architecture, with airplanes and ships, but also darker psychology stuff), I'm super interested in abandoned stuff and urban exploration, gaming's obv also a big one, and I like to keep informed on latest developments in consumer electronics and PC building, lovecraftian mythology is obv a big one lately, but also some economics/financial sector stuff or nature and 'how it's made' documentaries, just a whole variety of things I keep myself stuffed with on youtube and Spotify 😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself?
The neat part is that I'm a very independent sort of 'loner' person since I have no interest in romantic relationships or marriage whatsoever, so I mostly have time to myself if I'm not working or consciously hanging out with friends and I know how to use that me time well. Ever since I started on my weight loss journey last year I've come to really enjoy doing sporty things such as swimming countless laps each week at a pool, or religiously running 5k every week if the weather allows it, have even started going to a gym every once in a while, and in the summer doing lots of cycling and inline skating and paddling on the lake. Being active has just honestly become such fun for me. Also like I said before I do love a good read or audio book, I also love looking at my game concept art books or doing puzzles (I'll literally sit for hours and finish a 1k puzzle in one go), then obv writing stories and RPing, gaming, I also picked up French on Duolingo to refresh my old school lessons, so lemme tell you, my 'me time' schedule is always full. I also love to go to my local goth club and dance til I can't walk anymore every now and then. Though I do go to the movies/parties/brunches and what not with friends a lot to, I also like to do it on my own every now and then! I do recommend spending more time with yourself and not making your entire existence absolutely depended on the company of other people 24/7, it can be really insightful, relaxing and refreshing!
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solomon-tozer · 2 years
For the random ask thing: Do you have any headcanons/ideas for Tozer in a scifi AU? Star Trek, Star Wars, not picky (- if not it's totally fine) Cheers! 💝
I do now!!
Star Trek
redshirt, but doesn't die
security guy, but also friendly with some guys from engineering so helps out holding spanners and such, and is good at fixing things, learns a lot by osmosis
highly likeable, very tactile, good at reassuring people and cheering them up
sensible, level-headed - exactly the kind of guy you'd want around in a crisis
slight fascination with old style guns
loves going on adventures on the holodeck, his favourites are wild west shoot-ups
holodeck mishap??? no one ever finds out, he sorts that shit out before anyone realises anything has gone wrong
loves his R&R, especially as he has 'company'
would seriously die for his friends, but finds it's more effective to stay alive so he can still be around to protect them
Star Wars
from one of the outer rim planets
does NOT like the Empire
pretty good at speed racing, good at fixing things (mostly out of necessity), but his real talent is in fighting
scratch that, his real talent is getting along with people
likeable, people want to gravitate towards him and listen to him. growing up he was the ringleader of a gang of feral little kids that would strip your ship in the time it took for you to blow your nose
his mother died when he was 6, he had no other family but there was a woman who took him in and became like a second mother to him, and made sure he was clothed and got a portion of whatever food was available
he would always look out for others and share what he had, even if it meant he went without for the sake of someone else
things fell apart as he got older. he lost a lot of friends to sickness, violence, slavery, privation, and addiction. his home planet is not a place where many people grow old (his second mother died when he was 15)
managed to get off the planet as part of a not-entirely-honest cargo crew who were passing through, flew a few years with them before joining the Resistance
he's not a pilot at all, definitely more of a 'grunt', but he's outstanding at combat and highly liked, so he's promoted quickly. again, people gravitate towards him
he has these moments when in space where he looks out at all the stars and just... thinks it's so beautiful. but he also thinks about all the planets out there, all the people suffering the way he and his friends did, and he makes a promise to himself that he'll do everything he can to change things for everyone
doesn't really understand the meaning of 'settling down'. it's an abstract concept. as far as Sol is concerned, you keep going until you drop (it doesn't occur to him that he will live long enough to see the Resistance's goal achieved, he figures he'll die for the cause, and he's okay with that. what else could you want to do with your life?)
peacetime Sol would become a foster parent for any and every wayward kid around. he doesn't realise he's being fatherly. he thinks he's just some guy looking out for those in need the way anyone else ought to (and he's always been good at looking out for others). he teaches them how to look after themselves, makes sure they have shelter if they need it, food and clothes, helps them figure out where best to get a job
(Fighter Pilot Sol)
his combat skills are far better than his flying skills. he's still a pretty decent fighter pilot though (emphasis on 'fighter')
befriends droids
tries to speak binary with his astromech droid. his droid tells him no. don't... don't do that
(his astromech droid is snarky, but mostly because it knows Sol finds that funny, and the droid likes him)
bit of a poster boy for the Resistance, which sometimes he enjoys, but other times he just wants a quiet drink with his mates
does his best to look out for everyone
support guy rather than flashy leader, but they promote him anyway
knows he's just a small part of something much bigger, but is proud of what he does all the same
Okay I'll stop there XD This was such an amazing ask, thank you so much for sending it!! I'm going to be thinking a lot about this for the rest of the day now...
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trans-cuchulainn · 3 years
What are the major details that confused you about the Hound blurb? The major one that stood put to me was the "way of the farmer opposed to the sword" thing which felt very...un-Cú Chulainn. Also, if you don't mind expanding further, which details didn't you question/be confused by?
and also for anon:
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okay so it is like. 2am so there are not going to be any sources here but i can't sleep so here goes!! i will go through this blurb line by line and give youse my thoughts
In 50 BCE,
reasonable. this is roughly the right time period for when the ulster cycle is set. maybe marginally earlier than i'd place cú chulainn, but i'm talking a few years, nothing to get worked up about.
Morrigan, the goddess of war,
fine. normally i'm wary of pantheonising impulses with regard to irish characters (almost none of them can be identified as a god of anything in particular, it doesn't work like that) but tbh the morrigan is like, the most plausible exception to that, so whatever. normally her name has the definite article attached to it because it's kind of a species term as well but whatevs.
has become restless as a long-lasting peace settles over Ireland.
dubious. closest i can think of to peace being reference in any texts is togail bruidne da derga talking about conaire mor's reign being like, prosperous and peaceful and whatever, and even there you've got díberg (plundering/reaving) which is what eventually fucks him over and starts the otherworldly hell spiral situation. that's roughly the right period here but conaire's doom proves you don't have to do much to nudge peace into war, and connacht and ulster are at each other's throats for years before cú chulainn comes on the scene anyway
Deciding the time of peace must end, she chooses Setanta, the nephew of the king of the north, to become her ward.
hmm. i mean. like, this isn't the WEIRDEST choice they could have made. it's still completely made-up, don't get me wrong -- cú chulainn has a lot of different foster parents in different texts and they don't agree with each other but none of them ever mentions the morrígan. but like, they do have a connection of some sort, as evidenced by their conversations. and there's that one moment in the r1 boyhood deeds where little cú chulainn is out on the battlefield and hears her (not sure which name is used here) calling out to him and it like. motivates him to do some deeds or whatever, and i guess you could extrapolate that into some kind of teaching capacity.
so like. could be weirder. if you're gonna pick anyone, you could do worse. still seems weird to me! but not on its own a major issue, i could get past this and consider it a Fun But Unorthodox Creative Decision
(the fact that she tries to seduce him in the táin probably wouldn't get in the way of this considering sleeping with his teachers/foster-mothers is far from unheard of where cú chulainn is concerned)
After a young Setanta slays the demon-hound of Cullan, he becomes known as Cú Cullan—The Hound of Cullan.
weird spelling choices, they could have at least bothered to use the genitive properly. also the hound isn't a demon, it's a ferocious watchdog -- making it sound all Otherworldly and Hellish like this kinda confuses the issue of why he would need to take its place. he needs to take its place because the cattle and people still need protecting because it is a watchdog!! but whatevs, again, it's a brief summary so they can't exactly give us all the details and this is not actively objectionable
As Cú Cullan grows older, it is apparent that an extraordinary power lies within him … and a great darkness.
ugh boring. this makes it sound like he's going to be ~tortured~ and angsty about it. give me an unapologetic murder teen please. is the ríastrad dark? sure i guess, if you're going to be boring about it. it's more like, grotesque neon in my head
When he chooses the quiet life of a farmer over the sword,
this would fucking never happen on like five different levels. obviously like anyone who has ever read anything about cú chulainn can see that this is not in his nature. he is never going to choose a quiet life. this is the kid who tricked his way into taking arms before everyone thought he was ready. also juxtaposed with the "darkness" comment makes it sound like he would Angst his way into this quiet life which. again. have you seen this kid. he is an unapologetic murder teen
the only thing i can think of that might make him temporarily want to walk away is connla's death which... depends where you position that in the timeline really, he does seem a bit fucked up by it and maybe he'd want a holiday although i can see that lasting precisely 5 minutes before someone pissed him off enough for him to murder them. but if he's being raised by the morrígan i can't see him going to train with scáthach so then he'd never meet aífe and therefore connla would never be born so that wouldn't happen. so like. whatever.
but also like. he would not become a farmer. he just wouldn't! it doesn't work! the ireland of the stories is super hierarchical, right? and this blurb has already fucking told us that he's the king's nephew (canon) so we can tell that being a farmer is Not His Place. when we see upper class figures becoming menial labourers in texts, like in cath maige tuired, it's because Things Are Fucked, Shit's Gone Wrong. people don't just decide to change their entire social class on a whim lmfao
if cú chulainn really wanted to turn his back on being a warrior he could probably make recourse to certain other Suitable Professions ... his grandad's a druid so he might have a route into that, though his dad's not so that might fuck things up a bit bc it's one of those things that's usually inherited. he does give "wisdom" in at least one text though and we also know he can write (he carves riddles in ogham in the táin) and he composes verses on various occasions so idk, maybe something in a poetic direction, though again, usually requires two generations of inheritance to be a real poet and not just a lower-class bard. warrior's kinda the main thing he's got open to him tbh. but farming? i'm not a legal expert but as far as i'm aware based on what i have read, that would fuck shit up
more likely an upset cú chulainn would just go off in search of an adventure somewhere conveniently far away until he'd calmed down (alba, or the tyrrhenian sea, or -- if we're going to get early modern about it -- somewhere like india, which frequently gets thrown into the texts with absolutely no cultural context and it's always hilarious)
Morrigan, angry at the betrayal,
of the entire social order, yes,
instigates an invasion of his homeland
i mean. if they intend this to be the táin then.... táin bó regamna does kinda make the morrígan responsible for it? not in the sense of triggering the pillow talk argument that it's in the book of leinster -- it's her getting up to her usual cow-nicking behaviours for shits and giggles. [note to readers: it is probably for more than shits and giggles but did i mention it's 2am]
but all in all, not particularly out of character that she would be at least some way responsible for this so i can vibe with this. echtra nerai also supports the TBR explanation with her fucking around with otherworldly cows and pissing people off so, yeah, whatever. the morrígan engineered this. sure.
and Cú Cullan must challenge fate itself
this is probably a controversial stance but fate feels like a difficult concept to apply to medieval irish texts. like are people sometimes Doomed? yes. there are prophecies, there are gessi, there's all manner of otherworldly fuckery that can trip you up. is that the same thing as fate? no idea. considering cú chulainn comes out alive from the táin though and his doom prophecies don't catch up to him for like, at least another decade, maybe 16 years depending on who you listen to, hard to see how that would apply here
to keep the goddess at bay.
again like she IS causing fuckery in the táin but also it's like... one time. really not the main character. but she or maybe just some crows, hard to say, do get implicated in the death tale so maybe they're doing what people often do and conflating the two? even though there's like 10-16 years in between them?
anyway as you can see i don’t think it’s wholly terrible / i’m not completely thinkshaming it. like, having cú chulainn raised by the morrígan is unorthodox but it could be a fun and creative direction so i don't object to it. making cú chulainn get sad about murder and choose to be a farmer is just fucking laughable tho, and makes me doubt their characterisations in general. so that's offputting and would probably make me think twice about buying it, if that had ever been on the cards.*
and of course sure, their cú chulainn can be a Sad Boy Who Likes Sheep, but that means he's not the cú chulainn of medieval irish lit / irish myth, because that cú chulainn is a feral murder teen who keeps killing his friends and also is way too high social status to ever be a farmer, and whose only relationship to livestock is as the watchdog who kills anyone trying to harm them (which is an important role on a farm! but like. not the same thing as Being A Farmer. mostly because it involves more murder and is essentially just an extension of his role as a warrior. or rather the other way around. he promises to protect mag muirthemne as a watchdog and this like. gets extended into him becoming its sole defender)
this has been my analysis of this blurb i hope you enjoyed it
it's now 2.30am i should try and sleep now that i've exorcised a few thoughts from my head
*as i mentioned in the tags of my other post, i don't tend to read graphic novels due to disability stuff. they're much harder for me to understand and follow than prose, to the point where some are incomprehensible, so i don't really enjoy them. there are a few i've read, but they tend to be short ones, and i'm usually not reading them in order, just admiring the art separately from the text. so it's unlikely i would read a graphic novel of this size anyway.
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
I'm coming straight outta left field with this one, but hey, some of the best things in life come from spontaneity!
Er... Maybe.
Anyway, here's my Pokèmon AU!
Featuring the Female Protagonists I played as, their names, general differences from canon, and personal headcannons I came up with during my first playthrough of each game!
...and how they fit into the wider world! Maybe. Kinda.
I'm only doing the main series females in this post, with potential a potential sequal in the form of the side game females!
I do know that the main series male's will have their own post though! Mostly because I legitimately cannot control myself, and it's already halfway done!
So, without a further ado...
Arden Forrest!
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Childhood friend of Red Audra, and the maternal cousin of the one and only Blue Oak.
Chose Charmander as her starter, named the little guy Flare, and is extremely defensive of the nickname. She is/was ten! Sorry if her creativity wasn't up to par!
Ended up having to travel with Red because her mother absolutely refused to let her leave Pallet otherwise.
Simply stick with him out of convenience after Viridian Forest, mostly because at that point there really wasn't anything to gain in separating from him.
In this continuity she's the older sister of the Sun and Moon protagonists. More on that in Jericho's section.
At the end of her journey, her team consisted of Flare the Charizard, Lenz the Jolteon, King the Slowking, Knott the Vileplume, Skye the Pidgeot, and Blue the Raichu.
Raichu is a stuck up little shit, and pampered, the nickname was obvious. To her at least. Oddly enough, Blue the Raichu hates Blue the human.
The only reason Giovanni remembers her is because she straight up decked him across the jaw when he threatened to kill one of her Pokèmon.
Somehow ended up acquiring Silver as a travel companion for three weeks, Red was bemused. He was also incredibly confused when that feral eight year old showed back up three years later in the news.
Ended up hanging up her battling career shortly after she lost the championship to Lance, and handed over Flare to Red to battle on a more permanent basis.
She still trained the rest of her team, and still does, she just realized that despite her talent in the profession it just... Wasn't her calling. She wasn't as quite as in love with it as she was at the start of her journey.
Bounces around the world for a bit during the three or so years between the Blue/Red and the HeartGold/SoulSilver storylines, and after Lance wins the championship back from her. Trying to find herself.
She participates in the Galar league around the same time as Leon, Raihan, Sonia, and Nessa, mostly as a curiosity, and maybe as a way to try and reconnect with her battling roots, but jumps ship after Opal because fucking hell is their League a killer for self-confidence.
Her jersey number, for the record, was 069. She deeply regrets keeping the uniform years later.
She also finishes the Unova circuit, but doesn't challenge the Elite Four or the Champion, and she tries to do something in the Ferrum Region for a bit before packing up and returning home.
Perpetually pissed off that no one can remember her fucking name.
And no, it isn't about the Championship thing, she was fine with that, really, it's just that the moment she introduces herself ahead of Blue or Red people tend to either treat her like a commodity, or like she doesn't exist.
Made it through the Elite Four and beat Blue before Red.
So yes, she is the official record holder for the shortest Championship. Which, if you're wondering, is exactly thirteen hours, seven minutes, and thirty-three seconds.
She and Blue played Go-Fish for two hours while Red finished up with Bruno.
The ensuing eleven hour battle with Red both traumatized and bored Blue in equal measures.
Blue had the title for a week. Red bolted to Unova shortly after winning and declined the position, turning it back over to her. She proceeded to hold it for another six months before a match with Lance turned it back over.
Actually ends up as one of Professor Oak's lab assistants once she ends back up in Pallet, and... Eventually finds her calling in research.
She throws herself into her education with everything she has. And... Never really loses that passion and drive.
Has to be physically dragged to Passio during the Master's tournament/festival. Dragged. And no, that's not an exaggeration, Blue physically throws her over his shoulder, books their shared flight, and well, he basically kidnaps her.
If it makes you feel any better, he pretty much did the same thing with Red, only it was a private flight that was prearranged.
It makes her feel better, anyway.
She spends the entire tournament/festival in borrowed clothes.
She takes solace in mock-poker matches with Red, Grimsely, Lina, and, oddly enough, Cynthia and Steven Stone.
She does eventually end up becoming a professor in her own right, with a focus on Abilities and how they affect a Pokèmon's mental and physical growth, and also ends up with an engineering degree as well.
In her late thirties I see her taking over Professor Hasting's job for the Ranger association. Mostly because, in my head-cannon at least, Regional Professor status isn't all that it's cracked up to be, and at that point in her life the only reason she would even take over for Oak in any capacity is out of sentimental value for the Pallet Labs.
That, and it's a cushy job, plus she gets to see small children scramble around for over jumped flying tops. So really, it's a win-win.
Teases Jericho relentlessly over her relationship with Gladion.
Not that her romantic life is much better. Someone idly points out that Red is romantically pursuing her when they're nineteen and she proceeds to have a minor breakdown.
Or, you know, she just remains forever oblivious, and Red remains extremely passive in his pining.
Completely blind-sided by Blue's wedding, and honestly doesn't know what to think of his wife, but plays the role of doting aunt pretty well once they have their first kid.
Shows up in the White 2 storyline in a rental tournament, wrecks Rei's shit, comes back a day later during a Team Switch Tournament, and proceeds to destroy the battlefield.
Then, once Rei is the Unovian Champion, she comes for an actual vacation, and actively, and willingly, participates in the Cross-Region Tournament, makes it to the finals, wrecks Rei's shit again, and then destroys the Stadium when she goes up against Red in the semi-finals... Yeah, I'm not sure what storyline to put to the whole rage vent thing, but it's there. It exists. And Red pays for it.
I'm thinking Blue just gets in over his head a week or so before the tournament, and she quietly simmers all the while.
I think if I were to make a fic about her journey/life, I'd call it 'The Trials And Tribulations Of A Run Of The Mill Pokèmon Trainer'. Because... Ya know, against Blue and Red, she's actually a pretty average trainer.
Compared to Red, who'll have participated in over thirty league circuits in his lifetime, (and plowed straight through the champion in a pretty good chunk of them), Arden has only actively participated in maybe five, mantled a single Championship, and completed two other circuits, with the last three or so having her jump ship due to pressure, having to put it aside for prior commitments, or a simple lack of interest, (the incredibly vague Greece based region I have an idea for is incredibly interesting history wise, in universe, it's Gym and tournament circuit on the other hand... Lacks pretty much anything to make it even remotely interesting).
Red will be a living legend once all is said and done at the end of his career. While Arden has a single legal achievement to her name, the famed recognition of being one of three people to take down the Pokèmon equivalent to the Mafia, and a pretty average badge count for a career trainer.
Also, Lina loses to Red on Mount Silver. She knows, she was drafted as the referee because when she came to drop of Red's food for the week. She's pretty much payed off to say otherwise though.
And she doesn't know why.
She's convinced it's a conspiracy.
Fades into relative obscurity around the time of the Sun & Moon storyline, but her damn if her tiny fan club isn't dedicated.
Doesn't show up in Alola for the battle tree because Blue couldn't find her for three solid months.
No one knows what the fuck she was doing.
...she may or may not have been the Gates To Infinity protagonist.
There's a tiny aside to a Snivy named Leaf in article concerning Overgrow and how it affects the Snivy population at large though.
And that's Arden Forrest, a bit clunky, but hey, they're randomly ordered facts, not a character sheet. Next up is the Crystal heroine!
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Marie Smith!
Traveled through Johto about three or so years before Arden, Red, and Blue began running around Kanto.
Older than her sister, Lina, by seven years.
I actually don't have all that much on her because I got to the third Gym on Crystal before my brother destroyed the Device I was using to play the game on.
What I do know, from this information, though, is that she disappeared around said time.
No build up, no cries for help, nothing. Just up and gone. She just cut contact with her family, things happened, and she's absolutely infamous for nearly killing three thousand people. Somehow, she's officially recognized as someone who completed the Johto Circuit though.
She got recruited by Cypher.
Again. Shit happened.
Oak blames himself for an incident in the Kiro Region, (Egyptian Region), pertaining to her.
Lina's entire journey is an event and a half because of her.
If I were to make these little things into a fic series, she'd get... Like a seven chapter mini-fic told from seven different people's perspectives throughout her journey.
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Those people, in order, would be... Her mother, Whitney, Naoko of the Kimono Girls, Giovanni, Clair, and Oak.
With an extra chapter detailing her death during the Kalos invasion.
She shows back up in the Kalos storyline in this and traumatizes the ever loving fuck out of Serafina.
She chose a Chikorita. Who she loves dearly, even when she's pretty much gone off the deep end, and then some.
Lina Smith, local trouble maker, owner of a perpetually terrified Feraligator, and the best friend of the very weird Ethan Aurum, and the only person who seems to be on Silver's good side. Vaguely.
Oh so vaguely.
Youngest out of three children, her older brother, Gregory, is an incredibly average guy who's extremely confused as to what the fuck happens on her journey, and never NOT worried about her.
Parents died in a car accident some two years before the start of the storyline, is cared for by Gregory at this point in time
Don't ask why Greg is a thing. He just is.
Like Arden before her, Lina takes a very proactive approach to dealing with Silver during the Radio Tower Incident. Which involves decking him in the jaw.
Surprisingly, this is the part where there relationship improves.
Chooses a Totodile and names him Reyne, and is fiercely protective of him. The little guy could put a Sobble to shame... This also means Silver ends up with the incredibly overly energetic and affectionate Chikorita, all for my personal amusement, (said Chikorita is named Lyra, and no, he does not spoil her, shut your mouth Aurum!).
Her entire story isn't so much focused on her gym challenge or the reappearance of Team Rocket, as it is finding out what the fuck happened to her sister.
Ethan starts tagging along after Goldenrod, and starts to reveal he knows a lot more than he's willing to admit about the situation.
Gets caught up in a lot of nasty things, and nearly ends up dismantling an operation to kill Red, Lance, and Cynthia.
(Where are our favorite colored duo, and supporting tree, during all this you may ask? Why, still recovering from trauma of course! Like reasonable, sane, run-of-the-mill people. More specifically, Blue's officially taking over Viridian gym before the start of the Kanto gym circuit season, Red's fucking around in Hoenn for a good bit before coming to Mt. Silver just two months before Lina gets there, and Arden's in that vague Greece based region getting therapy.)
Her journey is just a really long incident report, and Looker has half a mind to slap her at the end of it.
A good portion of it is Ethan's fault though. Ethan, by the way, nails the looking right through you stare.
And a girl named Sarah Morgendy comes up a lot, although it turns out she's just a kid trying to protect her adopted brother from the shit shoe she got them involved in illegally.
The only two problems with that is she's about eleven and emotionally compromised.
Gets recruited by Interpol after everything is said in done.
Gets the code name Agent Lenz.
Demands therapy for herself, Ethan, and Silver. She gets it.
While she's training as an agent, Ethan and his mother move to Unova so that he can attend an Academy meant 'rising stars', and Silver becomes Elm's apprentice.
...somehow ends up married to Blue years down the line. They have two kids between them. Maria and Reginald
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