#but they literally wouldn’t care or believe me so 💀 yeah that’s the point I usually end on
tiredf-o-u-r · 11 months
Thinking about when I got kicked out of the drawing club in high school bc they didn’t like me even tho I stood and smiled for five hours at a time for every open house on their behalf AND they didn’t let me go on the field trip bc I missed so much school, so being singled out and punished for something that was happening to me that was out of my control and I wasn’t aware of (dissociated) definitely helped my self worth and attachment to my friends and the adults choosing to do all that to a fatherless trans dyke who was experiencing horrors beyond what anyone could have guessed . Mmm probably the students fault ammirite
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lightlycareless · 7 months
I’m not super far into your main story(I think I’m in the early 20s in chapters) but I keep up with spoilers and I read a paragraph or two of new chapters since Naoya isn’t in the parts I’m reading at and I’m desperate for even a little taste of him lol but on to my main point: Since I’m only getting snippets here and there so I’m sorry if you’ve covered this already but since Y/N is close to Mai and Maki, does Naoya’s relationship change with them as well? Canonically, he was horrible to them so I’m curious to how their relationship is in your story.
Hhaha I'm sorry for the lack of Naoya in certain chapters—I tend to isolate him when I need aspects of the story to move forward... or prepare everything for a certain happening hehe. But I promise, he's going to be more present in the future :> ❤️
Now onto your ask... this a good question I've asked myself once or twice in the past actually, and you've now presented me the perfect opportunity to dive a bit more into it!
I believe Naoya wouldn’t really interact much with Mai and Maki because of the age gap.
The only reason he did so in the manga (at least in my perspective lol) is because they represented two of the most controversial matters for the Zen’in estate: daughters of the main branch, and without a cursed technique (or weak on their terms).
Thus, for someone like Naoya, who always seemed to have a bone to pick with literally everybody, how could he not mock them?
But of course, once you came along and everything else happened… he’d find himself rarely interacting with them.
It’s kind of what Gege once said of the type of relationship Ranta had with them:
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Probably when they’re much older they would interact a bit more with Naoya, but it’s mostly to make fun him or so lol. You’re actually the reason they don’t go that crazy on him, solely tolerating him for your sake. And any serious matter is directly dealt with you instead (I gotta say, their mom doesn't like it when they talk to you or Naoya, but she's long stopped trying to correct them—you know, traditional matters of the Zen'in.)
Also, let’s not forget they’re essentially on the “I wouldn’t trust my kid with them” list because of the previous reasons so....
Now, if you want to get into the intricate details:
They think Naoya is straight up weird. As in, a nerd, goofy, makes questionable choices and still acts like a clown. They would make fun of his anime preferences and how intense he can get when discussing it, and his dyed hair, which in their eyes looks really, really bad—like, weren’t any other styles to chose from?
So yeah, we can see that if things had turned completely different, with them being a bit more confident, Mai and Maki would actually have the upper hand when mocking him lol (specially Maki!!!). He just has a lot of things to be picked on 💀 you’re amongst the few (if not the only) person that truly likes him.
And there you have it, what I think their relationship would be like further down the road.
It’s slightly based on my own experiences, like, I had younger cousins (older too) and sure we got along well and whatnot, but I interacted much more with those my age. And it wasn’t until the younger ones were like teenagers/adults that we got along much better. Those older than me didn’t change much lol so it really depends on the person.
I hope this was enough to answer your question :> but as always, if you want me to be a bit more specific, or you have a scenario in mind, just let me know and I’ll do my best to answer ❤️
Thank you for sending in this ask! Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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selfcarecap · 1 year
would like to know more about your opinions about punk 57 :))
Hii Yesss, okay so I’m just gonna say eeeverything (but warning it’s not positive lmao) it’ll probably be a lot so I’ll put a readmore lol (also spoilers)
Okay idk where to start. So this is obviously fully my own fault but I misread the blurb (several times💀) and thought this was a wlw story and was a tiny bit disappointed when I realised it wasn’t lol but at the same time I was still really excited to read it bc I’d only heard good things and either way I thought the pen pal thing was super interesting and could be cute
Right from the start I didn’t like Misha like aren’t the male MCs supposed to be likeable and loveable in a romance book? Lmao. I guess he wasn’t bad but even before the thing with his sister happened I didn’t like him.
Then we met Ryen and I didn’t like her either. I mean most people wouldn’t like her at the beginning obviously but she’d been so horrible that by the time we found out why she’s the way she is, I didn’t care anymore 😭 also I think 18 is old enough to know better and not act like that.
Omg and generally age wise? There’s no reason for these people to be 18 and in high school. It’s like Euphoria in that way lmao. They should have been in college. I didn’t know whether to expect YA or New Adult and I still don’t know what it was because it’s clearly not YA because of all the sex but then why are they in high school? I didn’t really enjoy the smut bc it was weird knowing they’re barely legal. I’m not much older than them or anything but most people I knew when I was 18 (and actually it hasn’t changed much in the two years) were not having that type of sex lol (sure some people do and good for them lol but just make them older lol. This is a book adults are supposed to read so?). It was so so cringe to me when they were having sex on the library floor and in the car with their whole class right next to them omg.
And also about the sex, so I genuinely don’t mind the word slut during sex lol BUT NOT WHEN IT COMES OUT OF NOWHERE? If you haven’t talked about what you like during sex yet and the guy suddenly calls you a slut? 🚩🚩🚩 I mean Misha was generally a red flag tho, he was so aggressive and weird and I get he was heartbroken because of his sister but I just didn’t get him. and he was suddenly a criminal as well like idk he was such a ‘bad boy’ but like for no reason and he wasn’t even cool. He was just an annoying man (boy) who was very unlikeable and I didn’t see any character development? And yeah just very mean and aggressive towards Ryen. They definitely had sexual tension (although it kind of came out of nowhere too) but I never got why she would like him, especially before she knew who he really was. I get their history but I still didn’t believe that they actually liked each other romantically.
And for Ryen idk😭 I usually support women’s rights AND wrongs and sometimes I love a messy female protagonist but I just couldn’t like her, she was just a bully and so was Misha. And yeah she kiinda redeemed herself at the end but yeah by that point I just didn’t care. Also why did she have to be pregnant in the epilogue? It’s so random when authors put that in an epilogue it literally ruined the story even more lol. And like I said I would not believe that they’re still together after 5 years because they didn’t seem to actually like each other. I’d believe that they liked each other while they were still writing letters but irl I didn’t see a connection except a sexual one, especially because Ryen didn’t even know who he was for ages.
And just generally they were extremely immature all the time. And yeah they’re 18 but then it’s weird to see them fucking the whole time when they’re acting like (violent lwhejs) 14 year olds.
Okay now an important point. I would feel very differently about this if it was like a dark romance or not even romance at all lol. But as far as I can tell it’s apparently a romance book. But it just isn’t lol. There were hardly any romantic moments in it. It was a badly written dark high school erotica at best and if it was marketed as that genre, I still wouldn’t have liked it a lot but I would be a lot less disappointed lol and yeah I think selling it as a romance book is just not appropriate and telling anyone that that’s a healthy romantic relationship is just not right lol. (I mean I guess in the book it was never claimed that it’s a healthy relationship lol like of course the characters are toxic but they never stopped being toxic? Like there was a bit of character development in Ryen but Misha was nothing but an asshole to her and everyone else (except that guy Manny? I think that was his name lol. Only character I liked😭😭)
Omg also I just remembered the amount of times Ryen was in Misha’s lap and they were lowkey making out in the lunch hall😭😭😭 why would an adult write that lol. Also literally every single scene in the school was so so unrealistic and cringe lol. And if people really act that way in school, why has no adult done anything about it??? Lmao
It also definitely did not pass the bechdel test loool. I understand women can be mean and I’m not saying Ryen should be friends with Layla or whatever her name was but I would have loved to see at least one nice woman or healthy female friendship. Or reconnecting with her sister. I know there was one sentence about how her sister doesn’t hate her anymore or something but come on 😭 give us something 😭. I’m concerned for Ryen because Misha’s not good for her and she doesn’t even have a female friend to be honest with her about it. Yeah there was Delilah but that’s not what I mean obviously. With the whole fitting in theme etc I think it would have been so important for us to see Ryen connect with another woman or at least not be a pick me (she wasn’t a pick me generally I guess but in that regard she was). (Female) friendships can be even more important than a “romantic” relationship so just because she has her toxic unlikeable misogynistic bully boyfriend she inexplicably likes now, doesn’t mean she’s gonna be happy forever.
I really wanted to like this book and I’m genuinely happy for the people who do but I just can’t see the appeal shsksj
BUT at the same time I did read all of it (although I was tempted to dnf at many points😭) within two days which is fast for me so it couldn’t have been all bad lol.
What do you think? 👀 lmk!! (Whether you agree or disagree with me lol I’d just love to hear what other people think!!!! <3)
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obxsummer · 3 years
Careful for Me // JJ Maybank
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jj maybank x reader
warnings: season 2 episode 5 spoilers, cursing, angst
summary below cut to avoid spoiling
a/n: i added a spin to this because i can't write a piece without angst apparently whoops
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
request: "I like being wanted." "You should NOT like be wanted by the police!" with JJ 💀💀 this would be great during the part where he steals the ambulance and the others go to get him and y/n’s smacking him in the backseat
JJ had done a lot of stupid shit in his life. Everyone knew that. It’s what he was known for around Kildare. Having him as a boyfriend always kept you on your toes, that was for certain. You were used to him breaking things, blowing things up, causing chaos, and literally nothing surprises you from him anymore. While JJ could piss you off sometimes, you loved the adrenaline rush that came from being with him. He brought you so much happiness and laughter every second you spent together.
You, Kie, and Pope were hanging at the Chateau, celebrating Pope’s recovery of the key to the Island Room. You were on a buzz of excitement. You couldn’t believe there was a chance you guys could figure out this puzzle and possibly recover a treasure.
“I say we have a celebratory toast!” Pope said as he walked towards the fridge. You nodded in agreement and grabbed your phone as Kie turned the lights back on. You had tried so hard to stay positive, especially with John B in prison, but you worried JJ wouldn’t be able to handle the idea of his best friend being somewhere he didn’t deserve.
Your boyfriend’s name was on your phone screen, multiple messages attached to it. Your heart sank at three letters.
“Shit!” You shouted as you were on your feet in a second. “Kie, I need you to drive, now! JJ’s in trouble.”
“Okay, okay. Pope, let’s go!” Your best friend ran in chaotic circles to grab her keys and sprint out the door. You clambered in the back seat, letting Pope take co-pilot. “What happened?” She asked as she floored it out of the Chateau driveway.
You couldn’t get your fingers to stop shaking enough to send a text to JJ in response. Your adrenaline was pumping and you feared you wouldn’t be able to bay off a panic attack until you got to your boyfriend. “You know how JJ faked appendicitis that one time?”
“During the math test, yeah,” Pope answered.
“Well, he told John B to try it and JJ was going to borrow his cousin’s ambulance and-”
“Y/N, breathe,” Kie directed as she turned a corner. You had started talking way too fast out of anxiousness and it was nearly impossible to understand what you were saying.
You took a deep breath and pulled the hood up on JJ’s hoodie that was on your body. “JJ’s in the back of an ambulance with someone who isn’t John B and the cops know he’s not a real paramedic. He’s at 23rd and Main. We have to stop them so he can buy time to get out.”
Kie and Pope were silent for a moment before they spoke up at the same time, “What?!”
You pressed JJ’s sleeve against your face and tried to calm down with the scent of his clothes. You sniffled, wiping away the sudden tears. “We have to get to him, you guys. I can’t lose JJ and John B in the same week.”
You had taken John B’s imprisonment really hard. The two of you had been thick as thieves as kids, and you had been there to mourn Big John every second John B needed you. He was like your big brother, always stepping in when you needed him and looking out for you. You were silently crumbling and losing both of your boys would definitely be the last straw in your cracking walls.
“We’ll find him, Y/N,” Kie’s voice was quiet amongst the anxious tension in the car. You nodded even though she couldn’t see you in the darkness of the car. Pulling your knees to your chest, you tucked your body between the seat and the car door as you tried to calm your racing nerves.
“There they are!” Pope pointed to where a large group of flashing lights was racing around the corner. “Kie!”
“I see them, I see them!” She said as she pushed the pedal down further, willing the car to speed up. Right when she hit the intersection, she slammed on the breaks, launching you forward in your seats as the ambulance stopped short from hitting you. “Sorry!” Kiara called unapologetically as she rolled the window down. “I’m so sorry!”
“Move! Get your car out of the road!” The officer in the ambulance shouted as he waved urgently. Your eyes glanced over to see a figure in white take off from behind the bumper of the ambulance. You sat up straighter once you pieced together that JJ was actually getting away.
“Sorry, she just got her license,” Pope lied as the officer continued to yell at you guys. Kie gave a short wave before moving through the intersection and into the adjacent neighborhood where JJ had taken off running. She drove slower as you waited for JJ to come through the clearing. You rolled down the window in hopes of seeing the yards better. Once JJ’s form broke through the tree line, you let out a sigh of relief. You pushed the car door open before sliding across the seat to the other side so JJ could scramble in.
“Go, go, go!” He shouted as he slammed the door shut behind him. Once Kie was a comfortable distance away from where she had left the ambulance, JJ let out a groan and sank into the seat at an uncomfortable angle.
“I’m seriously not even gonna ask,” Kie commented as she continued to drive.
JJ raised his hands innocently. “Look, I busted the wrong guy out of jail, sue me.”
“Why are you always doing such stupid shit?” Pope asked as he turned to look at the boy next to you.
“I like being wanted,” JJ responded simply with a shrug.
You looked at your boyfriend like he grew another eye. “You should not be wanted by the cops!” You reached over and smacked his arm lightly. “God, JJ do you understand how worried I was?” You continued to hit him again and again as you let out your stress and worry in a kind, loving manner.
“I’m gonna end up in jail anyway so, so why does it matter?” JJ asked as he ignored you and leaned his head back against the headrest. He hadn’t had the best night, but now he was even more disappointed in himself that John B was still in prison and there was nothing he could do.
You shared a glance with Kiara in the rearview mirror. Turning towards JJ, your hand hovered from where you went to smack his knee but instead, you placed it down gently on his warm skin. “J, you okay?” He nodded silently, taking your hand in his. The ride was relatively quiet all the way back to the Chateau.
JJ broke away as soon as the car stopped to go in and shower. Pope followed in after him, mumbling something about being too tired for this kinda shit. Kie hung back, her hand resting on your shoulder. “Are you gonna be okay?”
You nodded and rubbed your face with your hands before pulling JJ's hoodie sleeves down further. “I'm just… worried, about JJ, about John B. It’s just…” You let out a deep breath before looking back at her. “I’ll be fine, promise.”
Realizing you didn’t want to talk much, she gave you a smile and nodded before going inside. You glanced at the door in case anyone decided to make a sudden appearance but once you realized you were in the clear, you made your way towards the hammock and plopped down. Looking out over the water, you could hear the crickets having a field day in the surrounding trees.
A stray tear or two dripped down your cheek as the stress from the day set in. You were the worrier of the Pogues, that was for certain. You always looked out for everyone else, hence the reason you took such a kick when John B was arrested. It was your job to look out for your friends, to make sure everyone was okay. You felt like you constantly had to have eyes on JJ, and as much as you loved him, you needed to know he would be okay if you weren’t around one day.
“Sweetheart?” You glanced over your shoulder to see JJ standing on the steps of the Chateau. He was out of the ridiculous paramedic uniform and instead in a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt. You turned around and quickly wiped the tears from your eyes, refusing to let him know you were upset.
Leaves crunched under JJ’s shoes as he approached you. He walked around the side of the hammock to sit next to you. “Look at me, please.” His hand gently touched your cheek, forcing you to look over at him. You quickly dropped your gaze so you didn’t make eye contact with him. “Baby, I’m sorry,” He mumbled. “I wasn’t thinking right, I just wanted to get John B back because he doesn’t deserve to be there. It’s not his fault.”
“I know, J, I want him back too. But I can’t lose you in the process.” You looked up at him, letting him see the tears in your eyes for the first time that night. You could see the guilt in his eyes weigh heavier as he looked away. “JJ, John B is in jail… and I know it’s not right, and I’m not happy about it either. I’m really struggling with the thought of what he’s going through, but I need to know that you can handle yourself if I’m not there. You can’t be going around stealing ambulances and trying to break him out of prison because if you get caught then…” You trailed off as you shook your head slightly. “You have to be careful, if not for yourself, then be careful for me, because I can’t lose you both, okay? I can’t lose you.”
JJ wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest as you sobbed. He felt awful. Sometimes he gets too far ahead of himself and it all gets projected on you. He knew he was reckless, and out of control at moments, but JJ always, always thought of you in the highest form. He loved you, you were his everything, and sometimes, he just needed a check on how grateful he was of you. “I’m so sorry, baby,” He whispered as he pressed a kiss on your temple. “I didn’t think far enough ahead, I just want him home safe, with us. Here.”
You nodded in agreement. “Me too, J. But we can’t risk ourselves and what we know to get him out. We have to trust the process, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah okay.” He hummed quietly, his fingers playing with the cuff of your sleeve. Sometimes, JJ reminded himself, someone needed to take care of you. You worked so hard to make sure everyone else was okay that you rarely took a second to make sure you were okay yourself, and it was his responsibility to watch you. He forgot that, he knew now, seeing you so upset over the events of the week. You needed him as much as he needed you.
You looked up at him, fingers dancing along his jawline. You gently kissed his cheek before moving to his nose and forehead then ending with a long kiss on his lips. “Just so you know, I’ll always want you. Every bit of you. So, let’s not be wanted by the police, okay?”
JJ laughed, the smile on his face making you grin. “Yeah, yeah. I can do that.”
The two of you ended your night under the stars, with you wrapped in JJ’s arms and him endlessly in love with you.
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hoondrip · 3 years
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paring: enhypen x reader
genre: crack, fluff
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Lee heeseung:
doesn’t really believe it at first
“you know you don’t have to lie to get my attention babe”
cries once he sees your fangs
never thought his cute little s/o could be a blood sucking mosquito
just stares into space after he’s done crying
lowkey is scared of you but cuddles with you anyway
after he’s done with his little breakdown he goes back to normal
well atleast that’s what you think
side-eyes you sometimes though
Jake sim:
lowkey is scared of you pt.2
mans is obsessed with you though
treats you the exact same
“I wouldn’t ever leave you baby, whether you’re a vampire or a worm (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃”
does a ton of research on your species
would want you to turn him so you could both live together forever
you don’t want to do it but he keeps reassuring you that everything will be fine
he’s literally looking at you like this 🥺 HOW COULD YOU NOT GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTS
soooo you end up doing it and he’s having the time of his life
flexing his fangs and running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off
you start regretting your life decisions right then
Jay park:
mans just doesn’t care
or atleast acts like he doesn’t
treats you the same way he did before
asks you a lot of questions about your capabilities
“thats hot”
is a little weirded out though
buys you a lifetime supply of blood bags
you’re confused on where they came from
but you don’t complain
knows you’d never hurt him
park sunghoon:
already knew tbh 💀
is a vampire himself
now you’re hella confused because....what???
“Oh I thought you already knew LOL”
is completely laid back and chill while you’re sitting there trying to get your brain to function
“when did you become one?”
“a magician never tells his secrets darling 😏”
asks you how you haven’t noticed the signs before
you both just shrug it off from there
would bite you out of nowhere to get your attention
superior vampire couple 😼
kim sunoo:
does not believe it
you show him proof but he still doesn’t believe it
at some point you actually start to convince him
doesn’t want to accept it
thinks you’re too soft and cute to be a vampire
kinda like heeseung
“nope nope nope my baby is not and cannot be a vampire”
accepts it eventually
looks at you with disgust when you drink out of a blood bag
“y/n if you’re going to be a vampire then atleast look cute while doing it”
“how the hell do I look cute while drinking out of a blood bag sunoo? 💀”
“hmph I don’t know, drink out of it with a straw or something 🙄”
yang jungwon:
“wait really?”
kinda fascinated
“can I see your fangs?”
Is in complete and utter awe once you show him
after you answer all of his questions nothing really changes
accepts it easily
still teases tf outta you though
“hey, wonnie can you hand me that book off the shelf”
“and what if I dont?? you gonna “suCk mY bLooDs?!!?)?”
“vAmPirEs dOnt SouNd liKe thAt diMwiT”
nishimura riki
“yeah okay💀”
another one who doesn’t believe it
is laughing his ass off
thinks you’re bluffing with him until you turn into a bat
ends up passing out
now you’re just like el oh el what the fuck 💀
wakes up 20 minutes later giggling
“what are you laughing at”
“jeez y/n i just had the weirdest dream”
“oh really? tell me about it ni-ki”
“you told me you were a vampire and then turned into a bat, I was scared to be honest”
your turn to giggle
you contemplate on turning back into a bat to mess with him but decide against it
so you just end up never telling him
A/n: not proofread, this was fun to write tbh I might do more stuff like this 😩
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seokjinsonlyone · 2 years
OK i’m adding on to your discussion post queen! Im OT7 and I am DEF a hoe when regarding BTS so i had to think a LOT about this. I feel like I would have a love SQUARE with Hobi, Jimin & Jungkook!
1. Seokjin & I would have too much of sibling type of banter and even though he’s fine and I’d hit ;) in real time it wouldn’t go past platonic relations (which i’m fine with)
2. Yoongi (MY BABY) in all honestly he’s my best friend’s bias soo maybe thats why I can’t see it any other way than platonic lmfaooo but in all seriousness I think we’d be great friends
3. Namjoon 😫 this ones hard to admit but I’D CRUSH SO HARD ON HIM but ion think he’s see me anymore than platonic like he’d friendzone my ass so hard
4. Taehyung and I would have a yoongi and seokjin dynamic mixed! Like again i’m OT7 and if any of em were down its a wrap 😚 but i feel me and tae would be the best of friends
NOW MY DELUSIONS START HERE: Hobi and I would have tension LIKE DEADASS WE PROBABLY THE MOST COMPATIBLE (based on zodiac & MBTI yes i looked don’t judge 😜). Like we’d make a great couple but JIMIN AND I WOULD BE FLIRTY AF LIKE HIM AND I WOULD DEF HAVE MORE NON PLATONIC VIBE GOIN ON! And when it comes to me and Jk I feel like our personalities definitely match and we would compliment each other a lot!!! Like we’d definitely fall for each other (in my delusions he falls first 👏🏽) . But yeah this my response in all honestly i just started ranting out loud so idk if i even responded correctly but babes i need you to do your own list like how i did with each member and if the vibes would be platonic or romantic 🙏🏽 anyways imm done LMFAOO
i LOVED this like YES girl dive head first into the crazy love knowing i’m not alone bc i DEFINITELY be checking our MBTI compatibility nd things of that nature watching content for research thinking daydreaming writing like wheeewww so if u want me to get more into it SAY LESSSSS
also let’s go into this knowing that any member could get it any day i always say beggars can’t be choosers and i’m literally on my knees saying pick me 🧎‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙋‍♀️ for these men so that’s that
namjoon: LOWKEY YOU GAVE ME ANXIETY BC I AINT EVEN THINK ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF GETTING FRIENDZONED BY HIM LIKE HES SO SWEET AND KIND AND OBLIVIOUS YOU’LL LITERALLY BE IN LOVE WITH HIM AND THEN HE’LL TELL SOMEONE YOU LIKE HIS SISTER LIKE THAT IS HUMILIATING but! in my experience i get along quite well with ENFPs so i have hope like i FOR SURE would be romantic with him but now i’m second guessing if he would like me back 💀
seokjin: 😭😭😭😭😭 i’m literally in love with him but we would be platonic bc we the same person like we both can’t be chaotic unserious emotionally stunted homebodies like it just wouldn’t work in all actuality
yoongi: idk WHY it’s different with yoongi bc it’s almost the same position as seokjin but it’s like the slightly different approach to life he has makes me think there would be romantic vibes with him like that whole “i believe in the power of negative emotions” thing he got going on kinda sexy idk if either of us would ever GO for it but we’d be on the same page at one point at least
hobi: <33333 romantic 100% genuinely feel like i would end up with him like i’m black and he rocking wit us so i’m rocking wit him he i could bring him to the cookout nd wouldn’t have to tell him a thing he’d just fit in so well and then like he’s just got this hint of sadness in him you can see nd i’m not even an emotional person but i would take such good care of him and he’d do the same like we would have such a deep connection
jimin: now this is almost the same situation as hobi and according to MBTI he’s like my most ideal match and i see it sooo much like he’s evil and a little mean but also so sweet and kind and he’s been wrecking me so bad lately but i think the problem is we both dom leaning 💀 like someone got to give up control nd idk who would so maybe platonic but like there’d be mad tension there
tae: platonic 😔✊ but only bc he seem needy and i don’t know if i could take care of him like he deserve we’d be great friends tho bc he’s weird nd i’m weird and we could listen to music together yes
jk: he is so hot there’s no way i wouldn’t have a crush on him and tbh i’m mad cool so i think there’s a possibility that he Could get one on me but i know it wouldn’t be on his mind 😭 heavy on the friends tho like my brother in adhd we’d act up whenever we got together group chat would be craaaazy
i took so long to answer this bc my brain was just going and going and i didn’t even say all i wanted to say bc i need more time to think but this my answer for now it is so long i’m sorry but you asked for it 😭💀
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