#but they wound up talking to each other and then the topic of ventress came up
katierosefun · 3 years
anon ask for the prompts: what was the first fanfic you've written, for any fandom, ever? not one you've published, but the one that sits at the bottom of your google drive, riddled with spelling mistakes and sentences like, "I love you. I really really reaaaaaaally do." "You you uuu do?" "umm Yeah of course!" that you're to proud to get rid of.
anon, i appreciate the specificity of this question because i’m just going to cackle at this, and i feel like everyone’s going to laugh a little at this too-- 
but okay, okay, okay, so you wanna know? you really wanna know? my first fanfic doesn’t sit at the bottom of my google drive, but my first fanfic is in a white binder back home full of printer paper written in my scribbly eight-year old handwriting. and, surprise! my first fanfic ever was about tcw. (......literally thirteen years later, nothing has changed, funny how that works--) 
no like, for real, it was tcw, and it was so bad. it was so bad, but i’m very proud of it, because it’s basically a wildly self-indulgent self-insert where i’m best friends with ahsoka tano and for some reason two padawans are allowed, so yeah, your girl was a cool co-padawan with ahsoka and getting into bonkers shenanigans. at one point, obi-wan and anakin are stuck in a wall? someone kills gunray before the events of rots. anakin and padme get found out like a gazillon times. obi-wan collapses a lot. (HA nothing has changed)
anonymously ask me something you’ve always wanted to know
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