#but they'll make more sense than this I swear LMAO
isjasz · 3 months
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[Day 259]
Absolutely random ass doodles. guys idk it somehow turned from life series into expression practice into bdubs
(Fucked up big time on time management tdy so didn't have much time for ddd HELPME O7)
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Dany antis' "metas" about how Dany is totally naive about Westeros really shows they just haven't read the books, or at least not her chapters. They'll rant about how she expects the people to just bow down to her, when in reality that was how Viserys (and later Young Griff) thought due to Illyrio's words. Meanwhile Dany, "mistrusted Illyrio's sweet words as she mistrusted everything about Illyrio." (AGOT Daenerys I) Dany knows that it takes more than a name or even dragons to be worthy to rule. That's a major piece of what sets her apart from other rulers in ASOIAF.
Robert took the throne because he was the foremost head of the rebellion and had some Targaryen blood. Joffrey and Tommen rule(d) because of their perceived relation to Robert. Stannis laid his claim based on being Robert's brother. Renly laid his not only because of blood, but also popularity with the lords and sheer number of troops. Robb was crowned because he was his father's son.
Dany knows she how fickle allegiance owed to a name is, she knows how the lords turned on her family and saw the hospitality in Essos fade when she and Viserys had nothing. She also knows simply scaring them into following her with dragons and armies won't work, she scared the shit out of the masters in Astapor and Yunkai, yet as soon as she turned her back they went back to slaving. In Meereen, she had her armies and her titles, yet the Sons of the Harpy constantly defied her.
Dany knows the Westerosi people won't just bow to her when she arrives (though stories of her are causing quite a stir lmao), she knows she will have to fight for her throne and make alliances. She understands that she will have to prove herself to the people and lords, after all, why else would they follow her? Her Khalasar only followed her after she proved herself strong, the Unsullied followed her when she proved just (after she freed them), Barristan Selmy swore himself to her only after observing her for a long period, and the rest of the Dothraki will follow her only after she proves herself once again.
Every time Dany has lead, it's because she proved herself to be worthy following, not because she's a Targaryen or the Mother of Dragons. Why would she suddenly forget this when she gets to Westeros? Well bad writing is the answer in the show, which is why in the books, she won't just become entitled.
There's different character who already has that characteristic: Young Griff. He expects the lords of Westeros to follow him against the Lannisters and Baratheons without question and for Dany to swear herself and her dragons to him and even marry him simply because he is (supposedly) the son of Rhaegar. Young Griff is a subversion of the lost prince trope, he is not only a fake but also exhibits qualities reminiscent of Joffrey (according to Tyrion), so not exactly a great candidate for king. Yet Dany antis insist on putting the sense of entitlement on Dany while portraying "Aegon" as a true heir and worthy king that evil Dany will kill in her lust for power.
Dany antis will formulate arguments against her purely out of thin air and shitty writing. They will ignore any and all actions she has done when ruling and when talking about it, rather choosing to force their fanon ideas on her and give her true qualities to their favs instead.
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legendarceus · 6 months
can you tell me more about your pokemon horizons OC, Cadence? I really like their design and they're cool :]
their role on the airship is to keep track of where they're going and to make maps of the places the crew has been which specifc labels pertaining to the people on the ship rather than for worldwide understanding. they also double up as the bookkeeper ! i vaguely mentioned it in the other post about them but like. half of their wallspace is just bookshelves. and they also have one of those sliding ladders :) oh and they do have like a library system. you do have to check out books and return them once you're done. the books are for the whole ship after all. they're really strict on that policy and they emphasize it a lot when they meet new people who join the crew on the ship for an extended period of time which makes them seem kinda :/. doesnt help that they look tired due to limitde amounts of sleep (damn you perfectionist with making maps)
on the brightside they get a lot more approachable when they smile, which. doesnt happen much because like. visually they arent great at expressing stuff but it DOES happen, especially when theyre like mapping out constellations or talking about space and stuff. i realize i only drew them frowning or being neutral in the previous post WHOOPS,, i swear theyre not upset all the time. again just not great at facial expressions.
they're kinda indifferent to liko and roy once they join the team honestly. they don't MIND having them around but they'd prefer to be alone at first imo, at least until they manage to either 1. warm up (takes a while) or 2. infodump (which they can do fairly easily if given a proper oppurtunity to). they end up befriending the two by the second option after roy asks about the stars at one point or something lmao
speaking of that they kinda?? don't get social cues that well?? i mean kinda. it's mostly in like situations where there will be a massive fight with like people with malicious intent or something. they understand that those people want to attack them and stuff but they just. they don't get it. because of that they'll end up giving out lots of information (usually about really unimportant things) but it gets... its like. candence what are you doing. they're not our friends. and they know that but like ... wdym. they said something slightly incorrect about our current location i have to fix their mistake. they do not take things as threats until its too late and that will ultimately probably be their downfall
their pokemon. their ace is a milotic (the pokemon they fight alongside, the one whos usually out and hanging around, etc.) which they recieved as a feebas when they were young. only evolved recently. their other two pokemon, lunatone and solrock, are pokemon they've gotten to help around in their little space on the ship if that makes sense (like, organizing books and maps and whatnot) and they usually never leave their room :)
they're also like. 19. so theyre younger than the adults but older than the kids and theyre in the weird grey area which blehh. working through the issues that come with being fresh into adulthood or something. except i have no damn clue about that so just trust or something idk whoops
if you have like any specfifc questions i would love to answer them so!! i like talking about my ocs (too bad cadence is the only one i have posted rip)
heres some doodles !
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Show vs. Tell in The Darkest Hour
The thing about Lancelot's sacrifice in The Darkest Hour is that his motivations are all over the place. I welcome a debate over this, but I find it very difficult to see it as a sacrifice for Gwen, or even Arthur, even though that's clearly what the show was going for.
On the one hand, you have the influence of Arthurian legend, which ties Lancelot's story firmly to Arthur's and Guinevere's. We see this reflected in their close bonds in the show; more with Gwen, but Arthur also was shown to think highly of him in previous episodes (they didn't have many interactions in this two-parter, and none that weren't about Merlin).
We also have his spoken motives: he and other characters bring up his duty as a knight (his conversation with Merlin in Part One where Lancelot tries to convince him to go back to Camelot). Additionally, there's the promise he made to Gwen. So you've got both his affection for her and his sense of duty pushing him to protect Arthur (he says this himself during his conversation with Merlin in that cabin TDH2, that he'll go on with the quest that it's because of the vow he made). At the end of the episode, Gwen also says this (to Arthur, during the pyre scene.
In terms of composition and design, everything points to these being Lancelot's motivations.
And yet. None of this fits with his actual actions during the episodes.
We can overlook him talking almost exclusively with and/or about Merlin, because creating a relationship with the main character is a fast and easy way to endearing him to the audience, in addition to giving him more screen time, which would serve the same purpose.
But, if looking after Arthur's his first priority, how come he immediately tries to get his sworn protector to leave? Sure, Merlin's not a warrior, but it's not like combat skills are of any use against the Dorocha. Also, of the three episodes they'd met before this one, twice Merlin's proven to have privileged information about the threat they were facing. Even just as an extra hand to do chores, look for firewood so no one's ever alone could be useful. Lancelot ought to have known that having Merlin around could only make Arthur safer, yet he insisted that he should leave.
But, okay, let's say that, as a knight, he doesn't feel comfortable with anyone who doesn't know how to fight or who didn't swear an oath endangering themselves; especially if they're his friend, like Merlin is.
How does he justify leaving the quest to take Merlin to Camelot? Any other knight might have volunteered if he'd kept quiet for a bit longer and he could've advised them to go through the Valley. By being the one to take him, he's pretty much abandoning Arthur to his luck and breaking his promise to Gwen. Sure, all the knights are sworn to protect Arthur, but he and Merlin are the ones most devoted to him, for their own reasons. Or they should be. Instead of protecting him with his life, as he promised, Lancelot chooses to take Merlin back to Camelot, despite Merlin's own protests! You know, the guy who always seems to know more than anyone else what's going on and who wants above all else to protect Arthur? (Then again, Lancelot may not have heard said protests, being in such a hurry to ride off that he interrupted his goodbye to Arthur lmao. Sorry, that scene's kinda funny to me, like, Merlin begging Arthur to let him stay and Lancelot in the background, tapping his watch.)
So he rides off with Merlin, leaving Arthur to finish the quest alone, except that they run into the Vilia and they heal Merlin. What does he say to their statement that Arthur needs them both? No can do, I need to get Merlin to Camelot. It's okay, they'll heal him! As he sees for himself the next morning! This should make him change his mind about going to Camelot, right? Except no, it does not. Even after seeing him running around, spearfishing, after trying to smack him with a stick, when Merlin wants to get back to Arthur, Lancelot immediately shuts him down. Even once he agrees, it's only after Merlin makes it clear that he'll go with or without him.
(Then you have that convo in the cabin where he's like "I have to go because I promised Gwen that I'd protect Arthur" like babe you left him. 0/0 would not ask for a promise again.
The funniest thing is that having them go on their own also serves a literary purpose. It gives him and Merlin the opportunity to talk in privacy, giving the audience their due exposition, when around others they'd have to censor themselves to keep their secrets, Merlin's magic and Lancelot's love for Gwen.)
Then skip to the confrontation with the Cailleach. He already knew that Merlin was planning to sacrifice himself instead of Arthur. Arthur himself was unconscious. The only thing he had to do to protect him is stand there and look pretty. For all his penchant for self-sacrifice, we already knew he feared death, because he said himself that it was difficult to imagine knowingly giving his own life. But he still walked through the Veil.
Let's be clear. The person he saved by doing that was Merlin.
Not to say that there was no way of seeing that as protecting Arthur. He'd just been told by two magical sources (the Vilia and Kilgharrah) that Merlin had a huge destiny. It's likely that Merlin had told him the same thing before, as he was pretty loose with his declarations of how he was meant to protect Arthur. So, it's not impossible that he thought that the best way to protect Arthur, not just that once but in the future, was to save Merlin. You can definitely say that. Just like you can definitely get from Spain to India by sailing west without ever stopping on land. You will have to doge a whole ass continent that spans two hemispheres, though. And have fun in the Pole!
Anyway, this isn't meant to be a shipping manifesto. And while I love those two, and enjoy screaming about them to the void, it isn't even about them either. I most definitely don't mean to undermine Lancelot’s love for Gwen. I just wanted to point out this discrepancy between what the show says (Lancelot sacrificed himself for Gwen, Arthur and Camelot, in that order) and what it does (Lancelot sacrificed himself for Merlin).
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felixantares · 1 year
Interview Music Tag Game
RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren't any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!)
I love this so much!! Thank you @lunapwrites for the tag 💚
I just sort of put my all music playlist on shuffle so I'm sure this is going to be chaos.
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
"I'd rather be my own best friend than my worst enemy. I'm one day closer to being who I wanna be." - Would You Rather, Crusher-P
2. What kind of [Scorpio] are you?
"My stubbornness will put up a fight, but I don't deserve to win it. I'm left in the dark pondering my mistakes, in the light I swear I will deny it all." - Liar, The Arcadian Wild
3. You're visiting your favorite spot. What are you thinking about?
"I'm not alone 'cause I wanna be alone, it's just the way it went down. It didn't hurt as much at first, but I can't believe how much it's killing me now." - Alone Sometimes, The Mowgli's
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
"So you learned how to fight, how to starve, how to survive. When the others blocked your light you learned to see beyond the stars." Good in Red, The Midnights
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
"I broke so many bones" - Bad, Royal Deluxe (just some broken ankle humour thrown in because it was too perfect and I've been bedridden for a week and a half, gotta get my laughs somehow) but more seriously: "I don't care what they say about me" from the same song.
6. What would you say about your best friends?
"Please don't go, please don't go. I love you so, I love you so" - Breezeblocks, alt-J (do you know hard this one was to do??? with a song about loving someone so much you murder them???? I was trying to find the least insane sounding part of the song for this lmao)
7. Think back to when you had everything figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
"Don't wanna let everyone down." - Suffocate, Nathan Wagner
8. Describe your aesthetic now.
"'Do not enter' is written on the doorway. Why can't everyone just go away? Except you, you can stay. What do you think of my treehouse? It's where I sit and talk really loud. Usually, I'm all by myself." - Treehouse, Alex G and Emily Yacina
9. What's a lyric that they'll quote in your eulogy?
"Reach down your hand in your pocket, pull out some hope for me. It's been a long day, always ain't that right?" - Long Day, Matchbox 20
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
"We’ve talked all night. No care in the world no sense of time. The lights just came on, don’t want you gone." - Deep Blue Eyes, Citizen of the World
this was so fun but man some of those songs were hard to use hahaha
tagging @luxuriousmalfoy @girl-with-goats @venom0usbarbie and @gloivy
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smurphyse · 2 years
bunny and spencer have me on edgeeee i swear! i love them but they clearly have their differences to work out (and therapy couldn’t hurt either lmao) but i really would have loved to see her interact with the BAU… hopefully they cross paths later on? if not it’s fine i still love the story 💕
ahahah no offense but GOOD! ;) suffer from my angsty smut!
and lol yes they have a lot to work out! But it will take time and realizations first! I may write more of the BAU, probably later, but it is like a whole other set of characters I never actually expected to write for this story. This was just a oneshot that got more complex than I meant for it to. I know I have a future few scenes they'll be in, but the whole group at once is just a lot to have in and have them actually solidified in the story itself if that makes sense? It's also why I don't want to write a dog in it, since that'll have to be another character to remember to write about lol
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RIP my English as it now mostly consist of slangs n internet lingos
I went from reading n conversing in academic lingo half the time to full time meme talk.
Which a nice trade off mostly cause lmao academic journals? Academic people? Yeah all they do is form sentences around bombastic words n make em far longer and complicated than necessary.
Always figured tht that practice DEFEATS the main purpose of being in the field? Because if true main purpose of being in education n research ISNT to DISSEMINATE knowledge, then what the fck are yall doin? Flexing on the damn kids with grammar problems who are gonna have an even harder time with reading comprehension? Damn that's cold, bro.
I think tht if u truly KNOW something, then you should be able to explain in it the simplest form, using simpler words. Youd be able to each it in a way that'll make sense to a 5 year old even. That's the true mark of fully understanding something as you can code switch to colloquial terms with no problem because you understand it in many layers. You've connected the dots in a higher degree. You mastered it.
But nah, it is a shame tho tht most scholars can't be bothered to write and talk the way common folks do. It's beneath them to even speak normally. Laras bahasa tinggi sangat.
I be swearing off learning more of them terms like "rizz" n whatnot every time they come up w new ones, n lemme tell ya im beyond exhausted n getting too old for this sht but I do spend a considerable time w kids so I have to admit tht u do get massive brownie points for knowing how the newer generations USE LANGUAGE.
Most of the sht is stupid as hell, but if u know how to use it, it becomes a great way to connect with them kids. Which is actually fckin crucial because you gotta befriend them kids, yall. Cause if u don't, theres stupider shit out there they'll connect with and uhmm oh boii
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rayofsunas · 3 years
s/o is half-human, half-cat.
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A/n: back to requests for a bit and as of rn requests are closed! they'll be open again when I finish all of them, I currently have 20 to do. ALSO, sorry for this being really late to the anon who requested this, I've been procrastinating + busy. I also hope you don't mind that I did Childe's s/o male and added Scaramouche and Xiao (Fem and Gn respectively). I added a bit of everything so everyone can hopefully read it/feel included (if this doesn't make sense cause I'm dumb, check the pairings lol). I've never written anything like this so I'm so sorry if this makes zero sense ;-; anyways, have a great day everyone! <333
Summary: s/o is half-human, half-cat.
Parings: Childe/Male! Reader, Scaramouche/Fem! Reader, Xiao/Gn! Reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing, nsfw (18+, implied, mating/heat)
Word count: 1.1k
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mannnn, Childe has never seen a boy as attractive as you
omg, Childe thinks you're the cutest
like your soft kitty ears are just so cute
and he loves to tease you so he's going to pinch and pull at them a lot
if you're frustrating him and he isn't challenging you to fight (lmao he would) he's going to tug on your ears, because he knows it bothers you, especially if he's doing it roughly
your tail though is a different story
he's so fascinated with all of your cat-like features, but one thing he loves is your tail
it's not too fluffy, but it's fluffy enough that it's still adorable
you have a long tail too, and you wrap it around his
and like a male cat, you're going to mark EVERYTHING
you're still human, yes, but you still have cat-like features and habits
so sometimes, he finds that you'll come up to him and mark him
male cats pee to mark their territory, but you don't do that since you are still human (that's gross ngl), you'll just constantly rub against him, especially up near his neck
your scent is much stronger than a female cats, so it's much more pungent
and guess what? Childe doesn't mind it, he likes the smell. plus, it keeps other hybrids away (not that there's a lot, but you know)
he would mark you too, in his own way
he's not half cat, so he doesn't really leave a scent on you unless it's some type of fragrance he uses
all in all though,
and he has a lot of questions for you too, like how did this happen? are/were your parent's cats too?
tbh, you're going to get a lot of stares, lets be real
and people think you're a freak but he's always there to keep you safe if needed
"Leave my boyfriend alone, asshole, unless you'll face my wrath!" says it teasingly and it comes off sweetly innocent, his usual teasing tone, but he means it deep down
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he thinks you're very weird at first, like wth
why do you have cat ears and is that a tail at your rear end he sees?!?!
he's never seen a girl like you EVER and he's seen so many strange, questionable things
he's never met Diona before, so he just thinks you're odd, but hybrids like yourself these days are more common than he thinks
he also doesn't understand how this was even possible?!?!
like how tf does one even become half-cat, half-human?
nonetheless, he still finds you attractive, like wOw you're hot af
you're still a cat tho, so like I said before you have cat-like traits and such
for example marking your territory and mating
you like to mark him (he says he doesn't like it, but he's a fucking liar and we know this)
when you mark your territory, you lick his face/neck and he genuinely hates this ngl
it's the one thing he can't stand
even during intimate moments
he's like "don't lick me you brat."
but it's only natural, you need to do it
when it comes to mating that's an entirely different story
you're still human, so if you were to fall pregnant, you wouldn't carry a huge litter of kittens like if you were reproducing with a male cat hybrid
so, you would probably only have one baby at a time (the most being two; twins) but the second one is unlikely
you kind of miss the whole multiple children and big litter thing :(
Scaramouche's glad though, because he doesn't like children one bit
he's glad and doesn't hide it, big-mouthed bitch-
also, you go into heat during random seasons which kinda SUCKS for him
like, you wanna pounce him a lot when that happens whew chill
his favorite feature of yours is your ears, never admits it, he's a secret lover but he knows that you like them scratched
If you leave me alone while I do my work, I'll consider scratching your ears, hmm? How does that sound?
you're pestering him, he'll use the "I'll scratch/won't scratch your ears" card, and you will act accordingly
and you know what?
you're his weirdo, but if anyone else calls you that, he's taking it as an insult and disposing killing them immediately
no one gets to call you weird, except him
he's a bully but I love him
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pretty boy is confused on how you became to be a cat-human mix, but he doesn't mind as much as you'd think
if you're afraid he'd be indifferent towards you, trust me he's not
sure he thinks you're peculiar, but you're unique as well, more unique than any other human he's come across
and it doesn't change his love for you
plus, he thinks you're so cute :)
your ears are an added bonus that contributes to the cuteness
so fluffy, and soft and AAJDDBEHI
he blushes every time he lays his eyes on you, 'cause you're just that cute
he's going to refer to you as his "cute little neko" omg so cuteeee
he doesn't understand your biological nature, but he'll definitely try too
like if you mate, or are in heat, etc. he's trying his best to grasp those concepts
he's already touch starved so good luck (he's trying for the one-hundredth time!)
but if you explain everything to him, he'll get the idea(s) quickly
and he's not going to judge you at all. I feel like this goes against his characteristics because let's be real, he's a small judgy bb boy adepti and I feel like he already has assumptions about people/motives so yeah ANYWAYS
if you love your tail played with he'll often play with your tail lol, there's not much to say or deny about this
he will do it if asked, he'll do it without being asked, he just likes playing with your tail
he's not going to openly admit how cute he thinks you are or be so open about it that everyone knows how he feels about you, but you know and that's fine. that's all that matters to you
he will not tolerate people making fun of you, not at all
"what does their appearance have to do with you, small fry?"
like don't try to make fun of his s/o, he's not having none of it
he'll protect you to the ends of time ALWAYS
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3.15.21, rayofsunas
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kimnjss · 3 years
⤑ "soo make sure you're interacting bc y'all are choosing the ending - let me know what you think! x"
😭🤧 WHAT DO YOU MEAN? At this point it feels like half of everyone reading said to just let y/n be alone because sis is a mess. I swear, it feels like you're gonna pull an uno reverse card on us just because. I'm literally imagining you sitting down and typing everything like this: 😈😈😈 "they'll be so mad, this is great".
Ik I started off mad af at everyone, but at this point everyone in our trio is listening to the characters with some sense and are all actually improving (slowly) and bettering themselves. Logically by the end of this, watch everyone sit down like adults or something and talk about their feelings like Mr. Yoongi has been saying to old Chimmy.
Also, since I keep popping in when I'm supposed to be studying - I'm claiming an anonie emoji until I'm ballsy enough to be off of anon 🤡.
i planned a few endings for this fic so i'm paying a LOT of attention to what y'all are saying if you know what i mean ., soo lowkey i don't even know how this fic will end yet - isn't that exciting!? lmao
they're all slowly startng to get it together ., it took a while for jimin to realze that he was fucking up nd that he was going to do more than spend money to fix it ., so hopefully now that he knows that he can continue taking steps in the right direction nd jin ! it took him long enough to put together the fact that yn was feeling some type of way nd he said smth abt it... all of this would be so much easier tho if yn just spoke her mind instead of just letting things happen . she's starting to get the hang of it tho w that tiny talk she had w jin .
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the-kings-of-games · 3 years
20 Somewhat Important Questions for [Kizunashipping]
Who sleeps in the middle? Crow mostly. He likes being held, and Jack likes holding both him and Yūsei. Yūsei is happy with whatever as long as everyone's comfortable.
Who is the best cuddler? Jack, by force. He has a habit of pulling whoever's closest and laying them on top of him when he takes naps on the couch. He likes the extra weight, and tucks Crow or Yūsei under his chin and wraps his arms around them carefully.
Who gets hurt the most? Lmao, probably Crow if we're talking about small cuts and bruises. He's not really careful about himself when doing routine stuff, and they don't really hurt most of the time really. It's just a part of his day really. If we're talking about larger wounds and injureis, Jack if he's dealing with crime again (lol) or Yūsei in sacrificing himself for his friends (smh).
Who acts like the baby? Depends. Jack can be very childish with his high standard of luxury and spoils himself on the team's budget. Yūsei can be childish too by being petty if Jack and Crow get into another argument and manage to actually annoy him. Crow is the baby because he's the youngest out of all three of them and will act like it if it's just between the three of them. Usually, he does it to get something he wants like extra sweetness to his drink (usually rejected by Jack).
Who teases the others the most? Crow. He's a lot better at it and more happy to do with than the other two. That being said, Jack and Yūsei can tease him right back in their own way.
Who proposes? They don't get married, but when it comes to making big important decision, there's just an unspoken agreement to do it together. Move into Poppo Time and join the WRGP as a team. Live in the same house together when Jack and Crow are on breaks from Turbo dueling. Take responsibility over the kids any of them have together or separately. (Jack and Yūsei allot themselves as the other dads of all of Crow's kids.)
Who is the most protective? They all can be very protective, but Yūsei is the one to hold grudges if someone ever really hurt Jack and Crow (and his other friends). Crow is protective in a mostly physical manner as in pushing loved ones out of the way, or using his body as a shield. Jack's the most confrontation about and will the danger head on.
(My favorite canon moment of protect Kizuna is when Team 5D's meet Team Unicorn and Jack and Yūsei stand in front of Crow and tell Unicorn to back off. That was so sweet and adorable, I love them so much just for that.)
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Who is the closest to the child? (Whether it be a fur baby, scale baby, or human child.) They're all close to their kids in their own way! I gave them three kids: Sky (oldest), Loki (middle), and Haruka (youngest). I love them all very much.
Yūsei is the main parent for Sky and Haruka while Jack and Crow are gone on their tours. Martha, Akiza, and the twins are also there in the instances when he's not available due to work or something. He knows their habits and body languages very well, he pays attention to his kids. Loki doesn't live in City becuase he lives with his Roganorak parents, but Yūsei makes sure to video chat with him at least once a week and always sends gifts. Once Sky gets older, Yūsei will get into arguments with her over programming and stuff; it's one of their pastimes. Haruka will stay out, but he's also their level of nerd and will throw hands too.
Jack is the one who spoils the most. Kids say the darndest things, but this man will take them seriously. If Sky says she wants lava cake, Jack will say they're going to France. If Loki says he misses his otō-san, Jack will cry and promise to come and see him as soon as possible. Even when Haruka gets taller than him, Jack will carry him if Haruka asks. He's always making plans to spend time with his kids when he's home! They're his first priority.
Crow gets all the instinctual love because Hogans are hella close. He can sense trouble the moment any of his kids thinks about it, but he's also the most understanding about causing trouble. Yūsei worry because he doesn't want his kids to get hurt, and Jack would want it done under parental (his) supervision. Crow is, like, be careful, come home for dinner, call if you need help.
Jack and Crow visit whenever their tour is in Europe to spend time with him, they also do video calls and send gifts.
Who gives the best advice? Hmmmmmmmmm, Martha.
Who is like a therapist? They all have their ways of being the therapist? Mostly it's cuddling each other until whoever is having a bad day feels like talking. Sometimes, the cuddling is just enough. They don't talk things out as much as they recognize how the other is feeling and show physical affection as their way of comfort. If they want to talk, they'll talk.
Who sings B and C to sleep? Jack. Sometimes, he hums.
Is the relationship healthy? They try to do good by each other, and aren't afraid to call stuff out. They genuinely love each other and adore each other, but also have their own space. They're not completely dependent on each other, and are awfully close. They're queerplatonic!
Do A and B have a stronger bond with each other? Or do C and B or C and A have a stronger bond? Or are A, B, and C close together [equally]? Jack and Yūsei definitely have something that's only between the two of them, but that doesn't push Crow out. Jack sees Yūsei as his number one rivals, but he also sees Crow as a formable challenge and would not want to lose to Crow not just because he's the King but also because that's his best friend too.
Crow and Jack have the comfortability of arguing because they both want and need a push in their daily life. Yūsei and Crow love each other.
Who can be trusted to be left home alone? Yūsei.
Who cries the most? Jack, hands down.
Who is the softest? Jack has the softest touch, and Crow is the softest to touch. They're all soft in heart in their own way.
Who is the shortest? Crow. Two to three inches of his height is just hair, I swear.
Who is the tallest? Jack. Tol since childhood.
Who likes cuddles the most? Crow! He loves being sandwiched and pampered.
Last of all, who sings terribly in the shower? Crow is a terrible singer, but he loves to perform whether he looks good or not. Jack and Yūsei find it endearing and silly, and they can tell he's in a good mood when they hear him sing in the shower.
Original post!: https://never-close-our-eyes.tumblr.com/post/171983768644/20-somewhat-important-questions-for-ot3s-who
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Zelda & Zach
ihatemyguts: [Ready for a flimsy excuse to talk lmao] ihatemyguts: Question, would Lauren actually be 👍 or 👎 if I turn up to her stream? ihatemyguts: Couldn't tell inandout: ecstatic inandout: her 👚👕👖🧦 could come off inandout: it's hard to tell if she's joking ihatemyguts: I will 🏃 to 🧼 my 👀 ihatemyguts: and time my tip really well before that potential eventuality inandout: smart move inandout: people pleasing ihatemyguts: She was nice, funny ihatemyguts: no 💩 nosing but yeah, I'm not in a position to be picky inandout: she's good at the "older sister away at uni partying but still there for you" role ihatemyguts: do you have a real one? inandout: I've got a brother, he's older than her and less of a party animal ihatemyguts: Mine too ihatemyguts: he's not as old as her but first date @ 18 isn't far off the vibe inandout: Robbie would call that hella awkward inandout: but I don't think mine has had one yet at 21 inandout: unless it's with a 🤖 he created ihatemyguts: that would be as impressive as it is 😢 inandout: he only likes to flex academically impressive muscles inandout: and believes no girls are interested in that inandout: despite being at uni ihatemyguts: 💔 ihatemyguts: Bless inandout: Lauren would knock his head together with every dream girl of his he's surrounded by until it fell off inandout: I'm a pacifist though ihatemyguts: Brothers are stupid ihatemyguts: his 💭👸 might be the stereotype of a cheerleader that doesn't even exist ihatemyguts: just ⏳⌛️ inandout: wouldn't leave me shooketh to find out you're onto something inandout: he does watch Love Island ihatemyguts: 🧠 representation, man ihatemyguts: you do not always get the girl at the end and if you do, you'll have so little in common you should just put her back inandout: I had a mental image of him just forcing a girl back up onto these high shelves we have in our kitchen inandout: not today, honey ihatemyguts: 😂 ihatemyguts: if only people were shelvable ihatemyguts: keep 'em in storage 'til you're feeling 💯 inandout: + if I'm heroically expected to get her down, the stumbling block is that the 🍪🍬🍭 are kept up there ihatemyguts: she'll have to eat it all to save you right back inandout: a love story inandout: we need to pitch it to Netflix ihatemyguts: I have done so much research for this ihatemyguts: Robyn can write it ihatemyguts: Rich can DEMAND actually disabled actors, and Rosie can ask nicely inandout: you have to be the lead, then the viewers will be on edge of their seats when you eat the 🍪🍬🍭 ihatemyguts: Lauren might 👊 me for it inandout: the spotlight would give her a seizure ihatemyguts: Awh ihatemyguts: lucky teen dramas are so moodily lit ihatemyguts: think twilight not spring breakers inandout: so dark that everyone has to squint and give themselves a headache inandout: dizzying camera angles inandout: getting our own back one symptom at a time ihatemyguts: may have to 🔪🔪 someone to make 'em shit their pants ihatemyguts: but you can nominate your brother, that's cool inandout: let him come back as a 🤖 at the end ihatemyguts: how's his Arnie? inandout: hmmm inandout: borderline racist? inandout: but we're Jewish and he's Austrian, I don't think he'll come for us ihatemyguts: not gonna go zombie for that ihatemyguts: definitely free pass for life on all the racial jokes @ their expense inandout: the shortened life span will help make up for it too ihatemyguts: no 🤖 ending? ihatemyguts: 👎 inandout: abrupt fade to black inandout: hopefully ihatemyguts: Iconic ihatemyguts: see your vision inandout: much as lingering death rattle would be an epic punk band or album name ihatemyguts: 🤔 ihatemyguts: you're a frontman, right? inandout: self nominated ihatemyguts: I see it inandout: you're drums ihatemyguts: only if I get to be on a dramatic raised platform above you all at the back inandout: if you swear not to 🚿 us with 💩 ihatemyguts: it would bring the horror ihatemyguts: very Carrie ihatemyguts: but 🤞 inandout: very Slipknot ihatemyguts: I'm down for a mask situation inandout: I'm not 🥵 ihatemyguts: Valid ihatemyguts: but you're cute, people will wanna see you inandout: cute is 🐕🐩🐈 or 🐖🐑🐐🐄 inandout: we can't start an animal band unless you can talk to them and ask if they really want inandout: ...some kind of rockstar life ihatemyguts: True, Ozzy was NOT asking those 🦇 if they were about the fame inandout: and they became another casualty of inandout: sickening ihatemyguts: is that the deal ihatemyguts: my bowel has decided not to work so I get to speak to animals? ihatemyguts: 🤙 inandout: that's a 10 episode series pitch ihatemyguts: god knows there has to be a redeeming feature of a sick kid ihatemyguts: can't be an arsehole who's suffering, not relatable and not enjoyable -10/10 inandout: you can only be an arsehole if yours works inandout: hooray for me ihatemyguts: lucky ihatemyguts: don't wanna flex on you by sparking up, really inandout: can you drink? It's a no for me ihatemyguts: it's iffy ihatemyguts: like it's not great ihatemyguts: but if I don't get big sister at Uni levels, technically inandout: technically same, but who wouldn't wanna get to that level inandout: who's doing it for the taste? ihatemyguts: I personally LOVE the taste of rotting fruit inandout: I have no sense of smell and barely any of taste and even I know wine and beer are both bad inandout: maybe the first sip of spirits will change my life ihatemyguts: that's a dangerous game ihatemyguts: it's already supposedly scentless a lot of the time ihatemyguts: you'd get wasted real fast inandout: not a date then ihatemyguts: not for long ihatemyguts: 🏥 is a fave haunt obviously but not ideal, even for a 2nd date inandout: 3rd? ihatemyguts: s'one way to end up in bed ihatemyguts: sure inandout: kids at my school do keep asking me if I've ever hooked up in hospital inandout: that being my number 1 priority each time ihatemyguts: 🙄 ihatemyguts: like it's some cringy show mums would watch ihatemyguts: with the staff or with all the random hottie in their prime that are just roaming the corridors, yeah, alright inandout: + 🏥 = PICC  in case there weren't a high enough risk of getting caught or mild peril ihatemyguts: the thrill of it all ihatemyguts: worth being sick for all the steamy romance, honestly inandout: don't forget the nurses inandout: another fave topic of everyone in class ihatemyguts: yeah, the stress eating and shift work makes 'em 🔥🔥🔥 inandout: no 💐 allowed to keep the atmosphere romantic either ihatemyguts: 💔💔💔 ihatemyguts: sure your class is not concerned about the vibe inandout: well read inandout: they just wanna touch a boob inandout: which is a good song title ihatemyguts: with potential to make a b-side literally about 🍑 ihatemyguts: high🖐 inandout: hi-hat, drummer girl ihatemyguts: badumtss inandout: 🎤 drop ihatemyguts: 🙇👏 inandout: Lauren swears she'll keep her clothes on to play Breath of the Wild ihatemyguts: I'm honoured ihatemyguts: and not at all disappointed ihatemyguts: 😉 inandout: her wardrobe of onesies are incredible inandout: they'll cheer you back up inandout: 👽🤖🐛🐲🦕🦑 + more animals than you'd have time to chinwag with ihatemyguts: obviously, I need to see this to believe 🖖 inandout: like a 🦄 she has one of those too ihatemyguts: thanks for the inside scoop ihatemyguts: can pretend I'm fully psychic now ihatemyguts: get all those oddly specific requests out inandout: that'll spook her inandout: I'm for it ihatemyguts: 🔮🗣🐒 ihatemyguts: not trying too hard to compensate, AT ALL inandout: I hadn't seen the others before today inandout: that was cool ihatemyguts: For real? ihatemyguts: It seems like you all hang like all the time, from the outside creepin' in inandout: you heard the commander, we're not supposed to post pics or personal stuff ihatemyguts: still a weird rule ihatemyguts: like, I get it, online predators, poor defenseless baby disableds, not ideal ihatemyguts: if it was an IRL group, we wouldn't be going by quippy puns on our name badges inandout: [gives her his socials and Lauren is of course in his friends so she can add her too] inandout: I was gonna suggest a meet up but didn't wanna get shot down inandout: the point is, some of us can't get out and about inandout: hasn't passed me by ihatemyguts: that's true ihatemyguts: there has to be a way we can include everybody though, everybody that would possibly want to ihatemyguts: Christ, if we as a group can't think of accessibility solutions ihatemyguts: but my point is, drop you a 💬 if I have any 💡 inandout: @ Rich inandout: he'd figure it out ihatemyguts: right? ihatemyguts: not that I'm desperate for company but frankly ihatemyguts: no, it could be cool inandout: and she won't say, despite what I said about trading on her fame, but Lauren's anniversary is coming up inandout: she'll want company for that ihatemyguts: I don't know if I should know, and I know I'm not gonna ask her ihatemyguts: but it can't be a fun anniversary, anything we could do to make it less of a shit time ihatemyguts: why not inandout: you're in inandout: cool ihatemyguts: 👍 ihatemyguts: the social engagements I won't need to turn down for this ihatemyguts: busy 🐝 I ain't inandout: I wanna ask if you had loads of friends before inandout: it seems like you would ihatemyguts: Kinda ihatemyguts: and not everyone turned into total cunts either, not trying to be that tragic heroine ihatemyguts: awkward adjustment, mainly for me, I know but ihatemyguts: wish I had a cool illness, you know ihatemyguts: can't make 💩 work for me inandout: what's a cool one? ihatemyguts: there's no cool one to have, I know that, like, intelligently, I get it ihatemyguts: but at least if you've got a decent story or you aren't essentially shitting yourself to death as your quirky symptom, people are more into it ihatemyguts: it's stupid but inandout: something that makes you faint dramatically inandout: that'd be netflix worthy inandout: the harder the name is to pronounce, the better ihatemyguts: exactly, providing I do it gracefully and look pretty whilst doing it ihatemyguts: 'cos what's the point in this pain if I can't peddle it to the masses inandout: you could look pretty doing it ihatemyguts: oh yeah ihatemyguts: the glamour would be unreal 😂 inandout: 🍃 ihatemyguts: 📽 ihatemyguts: cinematic inandout: American Beauty and you're the plastic bag ihatemyguts: that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me ihatemyguts: okay, Katy Perry inandout: leave Robbie to do the 🐯 roar ihatemyguts: she's cute ihatemyguts: no offense to you but inandout: how many dates are you two going on? ihatemyguts: do her parents let her out of her house, legit ihatemyguts: 'cos that will change the answer a lot inandout: only for 🏥 inandout: but she'll wanna come to the meet up ihatemyguts: then, we'll have to go on loads of dates ihatemyguts: so I can convince them I'm very respectable and not at all contagious inandout: I know JRA sucks but they'd put her in a bubble if they could ihatemyguts: I get it but also ihatemyguts: stop ihatemyguts: actual case of how it's being dealt with making it worse, when I was in hospital, the first time ihatemyguts: there was this tiny kid, and his ma was like...just insane, which is understandable but, it weren't helping her or him inandout: she could outgrow it when she's 16, that'll shake them up ihatemyguts: serious? ihatemyguts: damn inandout: it happens inandout: that's the J inandout: for being a kid ihatemyguts: I had no idea ihatemyguts: like you stop growing and it stops fucking with you, basically? ihatemyguts: that's cool ihatemyguts: if it happens ihatemyguts: worst fucking false hope if it doesn't inandout: yep inandout: sweet or bittersweet 16 ihatemyguts: like 5 months, she said? inandout: I'm gonna go to the party inandout: you should come ihatemyguts: Yeah? ihatemyguts: you think she meant it ihatemyguts: you can tell me if it was just politeness 'cos she is inandout: loneliness inandout: but she likes us too ihatemyguts: how long have you been in the group? inandout: they gave me the info when I was 12 inandout: I didn't wanna use it then though inandout: last summer I decided to ihatemyguts: I feel you ihatemyguts: like, what should we have in common ihatemyguts: but that's actually like any friendship, you got sat next to them one day in class or they shared with you at break ihatemyguts: I was just being a dick about it inandout: there are those inandout: like fibro inandout: but the core group are cool ihatemyguts: Everyone was decent ihatemyguts: if you're a dick you just are, regardless of our shared experiences ihatemyguts: but that is more than I've got with some of my old friends, that's just facts, whether you wanna accept it or nah, you know inandout: yep, me and my 🤖 brother have nothing shared inandout: his DNA is fine ihatemyguts: how was that ihatemyguts: like, was he mad guilty and did you wanna stomp on his lungs a 🤏 bit inandout: some days inandout: but Lauren says I'm better looking than him so what else matters ihatemyguts: 😂 inandout: how's your brother doing with your 💩 life? ihatemyguts: He doesn't say a whole lot ihatemyguts: that was a thing pre 💩 life too so ihatemyguts: guess he gets to keep being mysterious and my illness feels the least invisible when I'm the only kid let out to the 🚽 multiple times a lesson ihatemyguts: 🤷 inandout: you could suggest home school inandout: Robbie's an expert, she'd do you a pro slideshow ihatemyguts: I already miss people inandout: okay, okay, we'll bring the first date forward inandout: I'll escort you to the party ihatemyguts: what's the dresscode? this is vital and I know she's already said inandout: 👑💎 ihatemyguts: Oh good, you'll look extra adorable ihatemyguts: it'll be the usual trial picking which tiara to wear but think I'll survive inandout: Maybe you can take her shopping for your first date ihatemyguts: 💡 idea I'll have to claim as my own inandout: 🙇 ihatemyguts: do any of you go to the same schools ihatemyguts: or are you meant to not know that, either inandout: I don't know where either R goes inandout: and I'd remember Lauren or Rich if they'd been at my school, I think ihatemyguts: I reckon ihatemyguts: shame ihatemyguts: not that I reckoned there'd be an underground network of secret disabled kids at mine but oh well inandout: there could be inandout: you didn't need to find out before ihatemyguts: True ihatemyguts: ⭐ not being the one though ihatemyguts: have to do some more subtle digging inandout: my school has some invisible and visibles besides me ihatemyguts: statistically, there's no chance I'm the only one inandout: most of the ones in our camp have mental health stuff though inandout: or dyslexia, ADHD etc ihatemyguts: hadn't even considered those kinds ihatemyguts: got a lot of studying to do ihatemyguts: that's how it feels ihatemyguts: I barely get what I've got, never mind the endless possibilities of how a human can be slightly fucked inandout: they tend to have their own forums anyway inandout: not that Rosie wouldn't welcome them with a sleepy hug ihatemyguts: ☺️ inandout: it's less 🏥💉🩸 I guess? inandout: sort of 💊 and 🗪 ihatemyguts: Definite crossovers but not fully the same deal ihatemyguts: I see my pharmacist so often we're on date ... ihatemyguts: dread to think inandout: people don't wanna feel like others don't understand them somewhere where they're going for solidarity inandout: or that they can't get a sentence in over all the rest that are being typed ihatemyguts: it is pretty nervewracking ihatemyguts: even if yours is decent inandout: I used to be a big lurker inandout: some days I still am inandout: Lauren will always fill up the gaps ihatemyguts: you need all types, I reckon inandout: same ihatemyguts: like families ihatemyguts: even the creepy uncle inandout: if I don't have one does that mean I'm destined to become him? ihatemyguts: only if your brother finds a cheerleader ihatemyguts: you're probably alright inandout: he could adopt Robbie and let her live cage free ihatemyguts: that was a bit creepy ihatemyguts: oh my god, it's started ihatemyguts: 👹 inandout: damn inandout: much to think about inandout: a life to reassess ihatemyguts: if you're actually going ihatemyguts: thanks ihatemyguts: for being cool inandout: you were cool first inandout: I didn't lead a revolution ihatemyguts: you had to be cool enough not to shoot it down inandout: I'm so cool I've fallen at the creepy uncle fashion hurdle inandout: can't get a 🧢 on without a haircut inandout: it's all about the 🧦 now ihatemyguts: you know how to paint a picture ihatemyguts: even though I can now stalk your socials in my own time inandout: easier to explain you than Lauren inandout: my friends at school were shook by her ihatemyguts: I can imagine ihatemyguts: she'd be happy with that though 😏 inandout: she was inandout: [posts a selfie with his best attempt at a creepy uncle aesthetic because I doubt I'm finding a gem like that from Finn] ihatemyguts: oh my god ihatemyguts: 👏 ihatemyguts: that would be fully #triggering, top marks inandout: ♟ your move inandout: wine mum or vodka aunt ihatemyguts: Oh, I have perfect wine mum clothes ihatemyguts: had very bad taste a few years back and the 👻 are hanging about ihatemyguts: hold on inandout: I can't make the baited breath comment twice in a day, that's too much inandout: and I know I did in group ihatemyguts: 💔 I'm not special enough inandout: come back tomorrow for new puns ihatemyguts: [selfie in Amma's weird little girl/suburban mom clothing 'cos was not a mood] ihatemyguts: are you sure? inandout: damn inandout: come back tomorrow for a new photo challenge ihatemyguts: alright ihatemyguts: you're on inandout: cool
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dokyeomini · 2 years
gymposting under the cut bc ik i'll ramble
i am not sure if a full body routine is for me bc today felt a lot more upper body focused. also i might just not have the stamina lmao. i don't feel like i can go heavy on enough exercises bc i will inevitably get fatigued after the first 2 unless i go lighter. even when i start with a lower body exercise and i go upper->lower->upper etc. my shoulders were quite fatigued ...
idk it feels like it lacks focus and i have to think more when im in the gym. also there's so many exercises that i should do in a full body routine as opposed to like 2 to 4 main exercises i have for lower/upper days. the main exercises i do every time and the additional ones i rotate (so a leg press movement (squats variation, leg press machine etc) and a hip hinge movement (deadlift or hip thrusts) are the main ones that i do every lower body day. and they are also very tiring which makes sense bc im using the biggest muscles in my body and squats and deadlifts are extra tiring... it's kind of hard to fit them into a full body routine if i wanna go heavier. that's just me tho.
tho there are some exercises from today's workout that i will put into my regular routine. inverted rows i am a fan of especially bc they'll help me work up to pull-ups eventually. also i think they put less stress on my lower back than a seated cable row (which is still a good exercise)
i swear i will get over this phase of like consuming a lot of fitness related content etc eventually but rn i feel like i need all the help i can get algkskhls. you really have to find good youtubers tho. even my faves contradict eachother (i think it's the science vs experience based content). but i am very happy there are free resources out there. i do like to focus on science based advice and ppl who are experts on good form (usually ppl who have years of experience and maybe had terrible form in the past and injuries bc of that.. it is good to learn from other ppl's mistakes).
i thought figuring out my own routine would be difficult but i just took some example routines and maybe switched out some exercises for alternatives i actually enjoy and work with my anatomy lol (i am too short for half the machines). i feel like im on the right track rn with my motivations and the way im going about it. im actually enjoying myself a lot. it's a nice hobby and ofc i feel like talking about it a lot alvkLhls i thought I'd get bored but nope not yet. sorry if im annoying <3
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Sick Kids Group Chat
sonmychest: 🤗 tigerbalm: 👋🧡 tigerbalm: it's been so long! 🙀 how are you?? sonmychest: I know! I suck sonmychest: don't want to be the youtuber spending ten minutes apologizing for not being here though sonmychest: I'm doing pretty good right now, how are you? 😚 tigerbalm: it's a bad day, not a bad life...is what I would caption if I was an instagram influencer or something 😸😸 brainpain: 🦸 speaking for me when I haven't streamed in days LOL sonmychest: 🤭🤭 sonmychest: at least we have reasons for being that #extra that aren't the vague notion of NEEDING a break from taking pictures of our ☕ brainpain: I do spend LOTS of time in a dark room but not for 📸 no flash photography PLEASE 😵 inandout: your feed just updated, Lo brainpain: 👮🚓🚨 sonmychest: stalking or hacking? sonmychest: either way I might need those expertise brainpain: I had a 🌈✨🧁 FIGHT ME, Zachary tigerbalm: it is pretty tbh inandout: friend request, but it's not as if I don't have zero hacking or stalking skills sonmychest: wait, what happened to the anonymity rules??? sonmychest: where's @gotspoons and what have you done with her?! inandout: you missed the overthrowing of a tyrant inandout: not really, but the rule book is gone gotspoons: going to pretend I was summoned by mention, not notification gotspoons: say how you really feel, Zach! 😔 inandout: I said not really, rowboat gotspoons: I have 👀 and 👂 everywhere so you better be nice 😏🤭 gotspoons: but no, hi again, @sonmychest! we missed you! gotspoons: it seemed the whole no names no real life details thing was more of a hindrance than a help to the whole goal of this group, so we came to the conclusion by majority, and the higher ups were all okay with it, providing everyone under a certain age got their parents to sign off and we all used the same common sense we use on other areas of the web gotspoons: so feel free to introduce yourself by real name if you would like, but it's not necessary if you would not 😊 gotspoons: reintroduce, I should say tigerbalm: we shared selfies & everyone was 😻😻😻 brainpain: learned what a sex god @tooexhaustedtolivevicariously aka Rich is sonmychest: 😱😱😱 sonmychest: can't believe I've missed so much sonmychest: need to get better at socialization, my mammy is right 😂 brainpain: an unrivalled love story brainpain: not that he's here to back me up on that inandout: Paris and Helen who? Romeo and Juliet who? Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII who? tigerbalm: wait, those are all 💔😿!! brainpain: he's being a brainpain: insert a swear word of your choice sonmychest: *stage whispers* it's not jealousy though, is it? sonmychest: clearly, fill me in on all the nuances whilst I frantically try to find a picture of myself that's even one 😻 brainpain: he's a 👶 you already know brainpain: but Rich will be leaving me for some uni girl 🤓 so he's not wrong about the doomed part sonmychest: face that launched a thousand ships is a really great insta bio though sonmychest: right, so we have Rich, Zach...who else? gotspoons: Rosie here 🤗 brainpain: Lauren tigerbalm: & me, Robyn inandout: the new girl who started the revolution is Zelda inandout: @ihatemyguts sonmychest: no way sonmychest: a fellow nerd, or at least child-of-a-nerd sonmychest: 'cos I'm Kara and I don't totally hate this photo [selfie] tigerbalm: 😻😻 tigerbalm: you look so like I imagined you, except I thought maybe you'd be 👼 tigerbalm: should we all send new pics? brainpain: [does because any excuse] brainpain: they'll be buried tigerbalm: [a selfie that's even shyer than the first one she sent] gotspoons: [the same photo as before] inandout: if I must [some ridiculous selfie] tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: This is a nice welcome back tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and I've only been to physio brainpain: NOT ready for another selfie drop from you, boy brainpain: I'll be on my fainting couch brainpain: also hi tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Perhaps I should save your 🦴s and my pride when poor Kara, hello again btw, has to pretend to swoon too brainpain: 🦸 has great taste brainpain: we all love a shy boy tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: My teachers undoubtedly wish I were shy, make their lives a lot easier tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: [a photo] here we are anyway, I hope you found a soft surface suitable for you, Lauren brainpain: ☁ tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Ah, so you're the 👼 brainpain: LMAO 😈 brainpain: but you're looking angelic sir sonmychest: how are you ALL so cute sonmychest: this keeps happening, omg tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👼 face hides a multitude of 😈 sins apparently inandout: but reading between the lines, who else is making you swoon/stalk/hack inandout: that's my question tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Well spotted, Zachary 🔎 sonmychest: 🙈 ugh, I'm so embarrassing sonmychest: but we can pretend it's all spilling out now because I played it SO cool in the actual conversation, right 😬😅 inandout: that's the official story, everyone'll confirm sonmychest: thanks, I need the backup so I can also pretend I have lots of friends and a normal social life gotspoons: we are your friends, Kara! gotspoons: though are normal is different from most tigerbalm: & you're coming to my birthday party & even though you have to stand on the other side of the room to Zach, it's still social tigerbalm: OH & we were talking about potentially meeting up!! All of us brainpain: keep it 6ft, children inandout: I'll be in the garden with my date, you can have the indoors with yours inandout: collectively, because we're all speed dating here now inandout: proud of you for picking someone outside this circle sonmychest: GAH so much exciting information today!!! sonmychest: 😁 sonmychest: obviously, I figured no one needed the drama of me falling for you, Zach sonmychest: 💀 not cute inandout: there's already a book and film about it, the chance has been thoroughly missed brainpain: Ignore him, Zelda's nothing but thrilled to find someone else in her age bracket brainpain: 👶👶 brainpain: hit us with your 💞 please sonmychest: well, I didn't just re-log into this chat today, I went on all my old forums because well, boredom, we can all relate, right? sonmychest: what I thought would be the least promising one was the sonmychest: not a dating site, I'm not 100 but you know the kind sonmychest: anyway, the CUTEST boy starts talking to me and he's also really funny and nice ??? tigerbalm: OMG! Did you swap selfies there too? sonmychest: not yet sonmychest: because he sounds so 😻😻 sonmychest: and he wants to talk to me again and he might not if we do tigerbalm: you're 😻😻😻 Kara brainpain: what she said brainpain: + if he's as funny, nice, all of that, as you said brainpain: I doubt he's a shallow jerk inandout: are you a good judge of character or not? inandout: what it comes down to sonmychest: oh, thank you guys! sonmychest: I don't know sonmychest: I think I am sonmychest: he didn't immediately come out with weird requests or weird 📸 of his own and that's a massive start on that site, I was honestly there to 🗑 my account but he changed my mind brainpain: I'll PM you the spooky stories my sister sends me about guys, it'll make you feel better brainpain: you'd know if he was one sonmychest: 🤭 do, can compare notes sonmychest: we honestly just talked about totally normal, nerdy things, it wasn't even a little sketch brainpain: ✉️ + 100000000s brainpain: hold up tigerbalm: that sounds 🧡 & so does this boy tigerbalm: awwhhh sonmychest: [sends the description he sent her slow your roll gal lol] sonmychest: assuming he isn't the archetypal internet weirdo from the 90s scare tactics tigerbalm: WOW inandout: tall, dark and handsome inandout: original sonmychest: okay, I know that covers a lot of bases sonmychest: but someone has to be brainpain: continuing to ignore you, Zach sonmychest: I get it though sonmychest: it's not like I even care what he looks like though, so even if the pics aren't exactly that description brainpain: not every man can be my Rich but doesn't make them 👹/🤡/👻/👽/👥 brainpain: trust your gut, it's not that body part that's failing you tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 👹 is a solid representation but the hair needs to be longer tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: at the risk of making myself or Zachary appear like overly protective boys, I think as long as you're as sensible as you surely are with this, then there's no harm in the back and forth tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: so if you were going to meet this person IRL, he could perhaps come to the group meet-up, that would be a good way to do it? brainpain: *🧝🏻 that's what needs to be said about your representation tigerbalm: Great idea, Rich! 😺 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: when the beard comes in I'll look more Gimli than Elrond but I'll take the compliment 👽 babe from outerspace brainpain: who's watching the LoTRs with me? gotspoons: count me out, I'm the worst film buddy ever 😴 ihatemyguts: how many naps could you have in 20hr28mins assuming we're watching everything extended release 'cos duh ihatemyguts: 🥳 go hard or go home 🥳 brainpain: that's you in ihatemyguts: of course ihatemyguts: long since stopped asking for a pause every time I gotta 💩 ihatemyguts: adept at catching up with the plot is a life skill I didn't expect to gain like this but 🙌 gotspoons: 😅 I could do the whole 20hr28mins and that not be a record for how many hours I've slept consecutively brainpain: I'll act it out for you, I can get the 🧝🏼🏹 costume together during the pauses brainpain: dressing up box runneth over sonmychest: 🙋 dibs Arwen sonmychest: my old Katniss cosplay can be repurposed with some bedsheets and a 👸 vibe to it brainpain: that makes Rich your daddy 👀 you, babe sonmychest: 😖😳 nooooooooooo brainpain: I'll be Galadriel if only so I can speak to my man telepathically 💕 brainpain: swerving off book for that love connection ihatemyguts: obviously eye of sauron ihatemyguts: jokes write themselves inandout: hair of a hobbit wig so likewise inandout: and you know, a jew, gonna be the one to handle the 💎 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: How hairy are your feet, a pickup line that doesn't get thrown about enough inandout: not sending you free feet pics inandout: PM for prices though tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Respect the hustle, Zachary tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: but I have clearly pledged myself and my allegiance to an e-girl already 🧝🏼🏹 brainpain: changed my Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim name to Galadriel for you, Richard, you've officially made me basic brainpain: will cite it in the divorce tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: as long as I can proudly produce said divorce to every mouthbreather that calls me a freak, I am okay with that tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: devastated, naturally 💔 but okay brainpain: hit me up for multiple re-marriages at your convenience, I like that for us tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: Make a solid livestream 👰💒🤵 gotspoons: I'll get officiated! tigerbalm: imagine if any of us actually did get together cos of this forum gotspoons: You never know, Robyn gotspoons: it would be so adorable 😊 tigerbalm: Kara is giving me hope that online dating doesn't have to be a minefield sonmychest: don't give up yet! sonmychest: you're so lovely, a total catch tigerbalm: there still isn't a blushing 😸 emoji & I NEED it ihatemyguts: a travesty ihatemyguts: who do we need to @ for that brainpain: @fibrofog brainpain: he was a BIG DEAL ihatemyguts: 😏 hoping he comes back and I can 👰💒🤵 him obvs brainpain: 🔺 between me/him/Rich was prime in my life ihatemyguts: glory dayz brainpain: if he doesn't show up to stop our first wedding ihatemyguts: Zach won't even properly date me until we're confirmed #foreveralone at 18 inandout: you don't call this properly dating? inandout: @Kara you've got yourself a hater before your romance has fully taken off ihatemyguts: oi, don't drag me in to your 🧂 behaviour ihatemyguts: I'm very nice, I swear inandout: that's just how I taste inandout: she knows brainpain: if I didn't know my CF facts I'd be calling for a ban brainpain: that sounds filthy sonmychest: first declaring Rich my daddy, now 👅 Zach 😲😲😲 sonmychest: I'm also quite nice but not that kind of nice, I 🤞 tigerbalm: I don't think I wanna know.... inandout: But I'll tell you inandout: when we sweat, we lose too much salt, one of our many flaws inandout: on a hot day, you could lick us and taste it, if we like you enough to let you sonmychest: maybe that can be enough of a selling point? sonmychest: if crush boy talks to me again and it invariably comes up inandout: he might get to see it crystallise on your skin, not 💎 or ✨ but hey sonmychest: such a sexy condition, when you leave out all the mucus inandout: ZZ top is feeling it, she wants to properly date me ihatemyguts: 🧂 is a flavour I can enjoy pretty unrestricted ihatemyguts: let me have some pleasure tigerbalm: do the normies flirt like this too? tigerbalm: Kara you'll have to tell us, when you go further undercover ihatemyguts: don't know how lucky you are to have that pickup line in your back pocket ihatemyguts: just add tequila and a lemon and you've got a good time sonmychest: I'll 100% report back, providing he doesn't go 👻 brainpain: you need a drink when a boy lovingly strokes your hair only to feel the dent in your 💀 sonmychest: but also, to work out if your amazing hair is real or nah brainpain: I have too many split ends to be asked if it's a wig sonmychest: I ✂ my own sonmychest: and not often enough 😅 brainpain: don't reach for the bleach cos Robbie sees you as a blonde, there's my sisterly/old lady advice sonmychest: oh God, with these brows? sonmychest: I can swear I won't do that, along with meet up with internet randos alone brainpain: I'd volunteer to come along but I don't do disappearing into the background brainpain: would wear a trenchcoat for the right 💸💸 gotspoons: Normies definitely TRY to use our disabilities as a way to flirt with us, with varying success gotspoons: the amount of time I spend in bed is nothing to be 😏 about, honestly gotspoons: even if I was also chiming in to confirm blondes do have more fun, when they've had all their vitamins, a perfect amount of sleep, the stars have aligned JUST right... 🤭 tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: as resident ♿ user, they most ask if IT 'works', which is a bizarre level of care for people who aren't concerned about how me getting into their establishment really 'works' tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: and, my dear, you are a terrible third wheel tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: 🔻 suits you better than obscurity 😎 brainpain: but I am a fun time with the TBI having increased the impulsiveness + removing the few inhibitions I did have 😉 brainpain: inappropriate sexual activity is a listed symptom 🤞 boys ihatemyguts: definitely a case of 'okay when I point it out to embolden myself, creepy if you do it' ihatemyguts: think some normies point out their flaws to be endearing but idk, is low-key a disability superpower guys, + 1 for us brainpain: like, what does that mean? Inappropriate for who? Answers on a ✉️ please ihatemyguts: could range from, science, you're being a prude to calling you a master criminal on the low brainpain: so many of my symptoms could describe anyone in their teens or early 20s brainpain: Rich, write a smart boy uni essay on it tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: depending on the bit that gets damaged, could be the same part that isn't yet fully developed in young people tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: checks out 🧠 brainpain: you're SO clever brainpain: you'll be fighting off more than one 🤓 girl tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: I'm not sure about that, on either count tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: though the chair is a useful battering ram when it needs to be brainpain: I'm into it tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: then you can hitch a ride, of course brainpain: reserved™ tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: the parking is unparalleled brainpain: not allowed to drive, you are my transport now, no pressure gotspoons: Me either, who can? gotspoons: need to work out the carpool situation brainpain: my housemate will, she owes me 10000s of favours inandout: + my parents tigerbalm: mine too but they're a lot to inflict upon anyone sonmychest: ^^hard same tigerbalm: maybe we get ourselves there unless someone can't? tigerbalm: & those people speak up sonmychest: That makes sense to me brainpain: ok, is there anyone who needs a lift? ihatemyguts: I'm good tooexhaustedtolivevicariously: likewise gotspoons: I'll make a permanent post where people can register interest in the meet-up, as well as need for a lift gotspoons: so anyone who can offer a lift, can respond there too, sound good guys? 😊 inandout: cool inandout: very un-tyrant like gotspoons: thank you, Zach 😏
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