#but they're also about 17 mends in the future from now so I have time
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These two visible mends are a bit different from the others, in that I did them (well, 99% of them) on stream! We spent a good volume of time working on that triforce, which was made out of a woven picot stitch, using some dyed-yellow sashiko thread. Near the end of the stream, however, we noticed that the corner of the other pocket also needed some repair, and added a few black stitches to make a little void patch.
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After the stream, I decided the little guy needed eyes, so I threw two silver french knots on the top of the affair. Personally, it reminds me of the grue, from Zork, just two eyes flashing in the dark, but I've gotten several people mentioning the soot sprites, which, admittedly? I can see!
https://youtu.be/gLOhWEJrpeo?si=fjAfOlNdICsHMM4X want to hang out while I work on this? Like I said, I did it on stream, here's the VOD!
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meirimerens · 1 year
Do you have more khotkin/notkhan lore... I'm intrigued...
Sorry for late reply was aseep. Sure 👍 warning I don't think about their relationship that much (they just ball + are in cringefail teenage crushes we've all been there [cavernous voice]) to think of as much little details as I do the grown-ups but I have a vague timeline in my head I can elaborate on for you so here
14-15 years of age (current time as of the game)
Embarrassing like back and forth, both disliking (or pretending to dislike to save face) the other while wanting to mend the bond. Pride coming in the way/wanting the other to apologize because doing so would be an admission of fault or guilt and can't have that... 💯 "He's a decent enough guy [said in the voice of a guy who'd love to sit next to him and do the "inconspicuous arm around the shoulder while yawning" move]". "I'm not holding your hand [in the House of Death] because I want to dude I do it because you're shaking you're so scared bro. I'm doing this for you. Stop being a pussy and I'll let your hand go [doesn't do that even as the other has calmed down]." "Also who walks around in shorts and rolled sleeves in the middle of the night [voice of a guy who would lend his coat but is too prideful to try + that'd be like admitting """defeat""" and he wants to retain some sort of power]"<- happens here. Everyone around is just kinda
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here especially Capella who Knows they kiss in the future but she can't guess when so she just kinda has to like. Wait and sit.
15-16 years of age (post-plague)
Attempt at a resolution. With the Polyhedron gone they just kinda have to like. Hang out together again so everyone kinda makes it so they come face to face. They're exhausted from the plague + meds combination so they don't have it in them to catfight with the other anymore. "Napping huddled together with his big leather coat as a blanket over the both of you" event happens here. [They might blame it on the plague + meds exhaustion but everyone knows.....] Ragingly blushing as they sit next to each other / pretend they didn't in fact nap huddled together etc. People around them are like "aw they're reconciliating 🫶 love wins" and they're like WHAT WINS???? and the people are like "platonic love... friendship... friendship is magic... calm down boss... [knows]"
Cringe fail kiss like two weird fish happens 6 months after that and then they don't talk about it again. Everyone is just like Smile and nod yall Smile and nod. Sticky owes Capella money/items because they had a bet on when and of course she wins & some dogheads & Dualsouls owe stuff among themselves too. They refuse to make it like "official"/weird vibes in general. But everyone knows. Everyone has known.
16-17 years of age
Attempt at a resolution 2/continuation. Go to the Broken Heart once on a date that's relatively uncringe for two people who used to tell each other to kill themselves. I think Khan reintegrated the Kain household by then. He invites Notkin over once and Victor is just like Smile and nod yall. (Victor learned to stop having a problem with his son being gay. He now has a problem with him having bad taste.) Still refuse to make it official.
17-18 years of age.
At this point I think both Capella and Khan go to college to get more knowledge. (Khan strikes me as a linguistics or maybe economic sciences guy) again weird floaty evasive relationship behavior. Notkin comes to Khans dorm like twice and they go out in the town as like #buddies as like #pals [Khan pays for their food and drinks even if at this point I think Notkin makes some kind of money in Town. I'd love for him to be a vet but I think he's too #sensitive to deal with animal pain and death. In my mind's when I imagine a modern AU he's doing a car mechanic internship. Nothing to do with that timeline just wanted to share.]
18 years of age and onwards
Finally 👍 they are normal about it. I don't think they have a big announcement like We Are Together but they admit it to each other at least. Have from there on a shockingly normal relationship. For people who used to tell the other to kill themselves. Love wins. Etc
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moongothic · 8 months
So I'm going to table at a convention on Saturday and I spent anywhere between 20-40 minutes wracking my brain, trying to figure out what the hell I want to wear without really getting anywhere. My options are A) The same outfit I've worn before (short-sleeved hoodie with a yellow long-sleeved shirt under and black pants) which is fine but how many times am I going to wear this outfit to conventions in a row B) A Nice Outfit I'd Actually Love to Wear because where else am I going to wear these clothes (black pants, a frilly white button-up shirt and a black vest). Problem is that it might look a bit Too Formal instead of fun and goth-y and while I could fix that by simply not buttoning it all the way, I would be escorted out of the convention for being too scandalous) C) A comfy, casual outfit (My Best Hoodie (a red+black Back to the Future one) and my ancient red-black striped goth pants) which would be nice and comfy but I'm worried it might be a bit too casual and make me look like, IDK sloppy/lazy (esp since the hoodie is long as fuck so it looks ovesized on me) (There were other outfit options but I don't like them as much as these three)
I figured, I have like 17 hours before I need to go to bed, I have time to think about it
And in the meantime, I could fix up my pants from the C outfit. I got them I think when I was in either elementary or middle school, so they are anywhere from 13-16 years old. I haven't worn them since high school but I never got rid of them because I do love them to pieces (also I stopped growing after 5th grade so they still fit perfect), they just need some fixing up
One of the two back pockets had massive freaking holes on it, so I figured I could just seamrip the old pocket off (and an ugly, fake leather skull patch while I'm at it)- ideally I could cut up some black cotton fabric and replace the pocket but I'm not entirely sure I have the energy to do that (also the hoodie I'd wear with these pants is so long it'd cover my whole butt anyways)
And then
I noticed a rip forming on the buttseam of the pants
It's not fully ripped yet, but the fabric has thinned (it's like all the fibre going in one direction has completely deteriorated so there's only fibre going in the other direction), it is on it's last fucking legs
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This is absolutely devastating, like I said, I love these pants, but also, do you have any idea how hard it'd be for me to find a fucking replacement for these
Flared pants are the trendy thing right now, and high waisted pants have been the main option for years. Do you have any idea how fucking hard it'd be for me to find pants with thin red-black stripes that're skinny and low-waisted
I've fucking tried, the only options I've found have been hideous, dark, muddy reds, often in wide stripes, or the pants only have the stripes on one leg of the pants while the other is a solid black (which is a good look, but not what I'm looking for), and they're always either flared or high waisted
I would not be able to find a replacement for these precious pants
So I'm doing what any sensible person would do
I'm going to figure out how to fucking mend pants, pretty much the day before the convention where I want to wear them
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enamouredfae · 3 years
♡ Pick a Card ♡
What you need to know in order to be ready for the love you so longingly seek!
This reading is looking at anything you might need to heal or grow into in order to enter future relationships as your higher self. I am not looking at your future, but simply trying to guide you towards your highest good in the field of love. Many of us have internalized certain perceptions of love that we must unlearn, or have lived through difficult moments which have closed us off or made experiencing love more difficult. If you are in a toxic relationship/situation, please do not take any messages that might seem to tell you to stay in it. With this reading, I will hopefully open you up to some introspection and hopefully growth. You may very well be attracted to multiple piles and that is ok! Read all that attract you and take what resonates. Each pile has three pieces of advice, so mixing and matching is invited!
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This reading is for entertainment purposes only.
This is a timeless reading for the collective, therefore it is likely that some messages will not resonate with you. Please only take the messages that do! The messages that do not, are meant for somebody else. Remember that the future is never set in stone and that you possess free will! Love you! ♡
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Pile 1
Charm: Knot
1. Yang
Yang tells me that you need to learn to become more proactive in love. You cannot wait around. You must act! You need to manifest your desires into the material world by doing. It's perfectly fine to do the first move, no matter what society deems "acceptable", it is even invited with this card.
23. Peace
Radical acceptance is necessary for inner peace and in this case for a higher love. You must first love yourself fully, light and shadow self, before loving someone else in the way that you both deserve! And you deserve radical acceptance, we are all flawed and intricate people! As long as we are willing to change and grow and put in the work, past mistakes can be atoned for.
38. To be fair
This card tells me that you need to learn to be more balanced in relationships. Are you giving more than the other parties? Are you giving less? We must be fair to both others and ourselves. When someone in the relationship gives more, they may feel underappreciated which can become unmotivating, but they can also overwhelm the other person. You must learn balance.
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Pile 2
Charm: Cactus
7. To the sea (reversed)
"When fishermen cannot go to sea, they stay at home and repair their nets." This is a quote from the guidebook that I had to rewrite here because it encapsulates the advice perfectly. You probably long for love like fishermen long for the sea. This card is telling me that the problem isn't coming from you, but the external world. An idea that just popped up in my head is a queer teen living in a homophobic area or with homophobic parents, so it is likely that this could be your situation. If it is, I love you, please take care of yourself, love and better days will come, don't worry! But you must wait a while longer until the external world matches your vibration, perhaps you'll have to move, wait until you're safe to go out to the sea. Until then, go with the flow.
50. No place like home (reversed)
This card seems to work perfectly with the previous one, it reminds us that what is familiar isn't always the best, because it keeps us from growing. If you want change, you can't keep going to the same things/people that haven't worked before, it's counterintuitive. It is natural to go back to what's familiar, but try something new. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Choose unfamiliar.
34. A leg up (reversed)
You are carrying the burden of your world all alone. You probably don't feel safe sharing what you feel, or are very uncomfortable with vulnerability. To be honest with you, right before writing this part of the reading, I started tearing up, you are holding in so much hurt... You need to voice your struggles, being vulnerable is proof of immense strength, believe me! I know it's hard! Start little by little with someone you really trust!
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Pile 3
Charm: Star
35. Loyal Heart
Ok if one pile is ready for the beginning of a relationship it's this one. It is the perfect time for you to create loyal commitments. It is possible that you are already in a committed relationship, but at the very least you are surrounded by loyal, devoted people. Don't forget to be devoted and loyal in return!
4. Higher Power (reversed)
This card is inviting you to trust in whatever divine power you believe in, trust that the universe is divinely guiding you and protecting you. I feel like if a certain religion or spiritual path attracts or fascinates you, you should start looking into it, careful with being disrespectful or appropriating it, especially with closed practices, please do your research! But connecting to Source would be beneficial to you in the long run!
25. Round and Round
You are stuck in a cycle that you must break. Do not worry, you shouldn't feel bad, it's all part of the learning process. Remember: you've been through this before, think back on how that made you feel the previous times, are you sure you want to go through that again? Breaking this cycle is a form of self-care, and you need to care for yourself! You are subconsciously punishing yourself by staying in this cycle, try thinking about the root of why you're doing so! It could help you in breaking it!
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Pile 4
Charm: "Love"
8. The tribe
You may want to find your tribe, or you have recently found it. You might feel like you finally belong, or are longing for that feeling. Whenever I get this card, I think of the astrology/witchcraft/tarot community here! It may be the same for you! You are welcome here, and hopefully, you feel like you belong! Contributing to any community that you are passionate about, whether online or in real life, will bring you great joy and satisfaction. Your tribe awaits and needs you! It's possible that that's where you'll find love as well!
6. Not for you (reversed)
Let them go. Whoever you first thought of, it's time to stop obsessing over them. "Don't chase after what flees you." I'm sure you realize this is not serving you, but how do you stop? This card is suggesting radical acceptance and surrender, that this is a sign that someone or something much better is waiting for you. I suggest reminding yourself that they aren't perfect and that you have just come to idealize them.
52. Mending (reversed)
You are very likely going through a grieving period right now. There is so much hurt and disappointment. "Heartbreak is a strange healer of souls." It may feel awful now, but trust that when you look back one day, you will see that the hurt you're feeling now, transformed you in a powerful way. This card is inviting you to accept the heartbreak and push through it, situations like this open us up to seeing the world in a new way, to growing. Better days are coming!
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Pile 5
Charm: Angel
28. Building blocks (reversed)
Are you acting according to your belief system? Are you following the advice you give others? You must look carefully at your core foundation. It seems to me that you have done a lot of inner growth, but are still stuck in your old ways. Your outer self isn't matching your inner self. Start doing what you preach!
47. Go the distance
I feel like you're someone that wants love right now! For it to come fast and smoothly, like a sprint. You must learn to see love more realistically, as a long-distance race of endurance. You may be the type to immediately run at the sight of a problem. You must learn to be dedicated and work in love, it won't always be the idealized version you keep reading about or watching. Love demands work!
32. Here and Now (reversed)
You live in the past, don't you? So much regret and nostalgia... Or perhaps you live in the future? Daydreams and ambition. There is a need to learn to live in the here and now, you cannot change the past, and the future is infinite. They're both elusive, and unreliable; now is tangible, real, and full of immediate possibilities.
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Pile 6
Charm: Mars Symbol
22. Blessed
This beautiful card talks about an unexpected and "unearned" wonderful event, that seems like divine intervention, a gift from the universe. The advice I take from this card is to practice gratitude because you seem to be blessed in the love department. Perhaps you already know who "the one" is for you. If you don't, trust that the universe has someone wonderful for you!
31. Why?
Ask yourself why you feel as you do about/in love? It is time for some introspection. You need to think and identify unhealthy patterns in your love life. Why do you act as you do in a relationship? Identify what in your past has caused this behavior. It won't solve the problem right away, but it's a good first step. Understanding the problem will be validating.
27. Exchanging gifts (reversed)
"Be careful what you pray for because you might just get it." You need to be ready for the energy exchange that will happen if this happens. This card talks about an imbalance between giving and receiving. You must learn that if you receive a lot, you must return a lot, love needs to be balanced. If you give more, you aren't actually in control, the other party could be consciously or unconsciously taking advantage of your generosity!
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Pile 7
Charm: Eternally Open Heart Locket
17. The Fates
You must learn to accept that there are things and people you simply cannot control and change. You cannot blame yourself for things beyond your control, nor can you blame others for things they cannot control. Just be wise enough to tell the difference between things one can control and things one cannot!! If you have a tendency to mold people into your ideal, making them lose their essence, you must learn to accept people for who they are. It is not your job to change them: the desire to change must come from them, for them.
15. Message in a bottle
Try asking for specific signs from the universe, or start becoming more aware of them. Synchronicities are all around you, they're the way that the universe confirms that you're on the right path! Listen carefully to those you communicate with, they could be delivering a cledon to you. This card itself is a good sign, a favorable answer to the question occupying your mind.
9. Treasure Island
You might've already, but if you haven't, MANIFEST YOUR LOVE!! You will be greatly rewarded when you embrace the law of attraction and your intuition. Depending on your belief in how manifestation works, try being mindful of free will! If you believe that love spells on specific people are influencing their free will, then it is immoral to manifest a specific person. If you don't believe that that is how manifestation works, do as you will, just be in line with your beliefs! This card is also a great sign, you're on the right path, and have good fortune on your side. Very lucky pile!!
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Pile 8
Charm: Boot
2. Yin (reversed)
You must learn to receive, only being the giver isn't good for you. You deserve to receive! Be open to embodying yin and yang equally. "You stop the flow of abundance when you constantly insist upon being the giver." Be the listener, the one that learns, the one that is being led.
33. Chaos and Conflict
You may be afraid of chaos and conflict, but you must remember that they can rid you of what's no longer serving you. Conflict also implies two sides, remember that yours isn't the only one, and conflict can lead to mutual understanding. Learn to put up boundaries, but also to respect those of others. When you finally see the potential of healing that conflict can cause, you'll be ready for mature communication in relationships.
20. Imagine
Remember that you can create what you imagine! Your imagination is powerful in manifesting your desires, but it can't do everything for you! Manifestation is work, when an opportunity arises, act! This card can also be a sign that the person you're manifesting will be entering your life soon. When they appear, don't just wait, and daydream! The imagination part of manifesting is done, now it's time to act.
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Pile 9
Charm: Knife
21. Clean it up
It's time to let go and declutter your mind. Think about what is no longer serving you, about the things that only overwhelm you, and make you overthink, they aren't good for you. It might also help you to declutter in general, your house, your closet, your phone, your feed, etc. Make room for the new and the better.
48. Poised (reversed)
Think carefully, are you really ready for love right now? Because this card is telling me that you aren't. It's ok to be a "late bloomer", and it's important to be ready for love, as to not hurt the one you love, and yourself. Being single isn't a sign of "failure", it gives you the time and space to focus on yourself, on your growth, on your healing, on exploring and understanding yourself. Being single can seem like a curse, but it's a blessing, it's what you need right now.
16. All that glitters
Are you being yourself in love? Are they? Don't succumb to the power of superficiality. Either let go of the mask or look beyond theirs! "Imagine that all the glitter is gone. Would you still desire the object or person?" If one falls for the glitter, what will happen on the day they forgets to glue it on?
Thank you for reading! Love you all.♡
You can buy me a coffee if you feel called to do so! This is never necessary, but always appreciated! ♡
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