#but think before you jump into someone's askbox and go after them for disagreeing with you.
prodigal-explorer · 8 months
why the fuck
this has never happened to me so much before in my life before i joined the omori fandom- why are so many people up my ass in my askbox, telling me that i shouldn't think this, i shouldn't do that, i'm wrong about this, blah blah blah.
what the fuck are y'all's problems???
why can't you just let people consume and analyze media the way they want to?
just because my opinion is different from yours doesn't mean it's wrong. just because my characterization is different from yours doesn't mean it's mischaracterization.
and like-
i'm literally not even explicitly wrong tho LOLLL most of the stuff i write comes from facts FROM THE GAME and my own morals, values, and experiences. do i phrase things harshly? yeah, for sure. do i phrase things in a way that gets me many many death threats? absolutely. but am i wholeheartedly confident in my understanding of the game because i DID play it, no matter what y'all entitled bitches like to say? 100%.
the whole point of video games like omori is that it's OPEN TO INTERPRETATION. there are so many loose ends and unanswered questions that the players can answer in a variety of ways. just because my answers to these questions are different from yours doesn't mean they're wrong.
i want to like this fandom so badly but i just CANT because so many of you guys are so annoying and pushy and bossy and RUDE.
i've never been harassed/bothered/threatened SO MUCH before in my LIFE. god, let me fucking breathe! jesus christ.
i'm not gonna tag the people who inspired this post cuz you know who you are. some of y'all even DELETED THE ASKS like bruh i still SEE them LMAO. you really think you're slick?
omori fans need to GET OFF each other's ASSES. like seriously get a life.
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utilitycaster · 3 years
To me the relationship between Ted and Opal is the most important and consitent plot point in EXU. On the other hand everything with the Plateau and the Nameless Ones feels like it builds up something for C3. I think that Matt gave plot points about the state of the world (crater, sigil) and Aabria used it as a jumping off point and created the city as her contribution. So as long as things like the memory loss and the crown are dealt with, I feel pretty good about the story of EXU.
So I deleted another ask that was similarly purely speculative and I just want to say that like...I have open DMs/replies and obviously reblogs, and if you want to actually discuss your opinions that is always a better place; the askbox is for questions and suggestions and, well, things that explicitly invite my input, which I'm going to give anyway but it feels like this could have been a reply. Because I wholly disagree with much of this:
The crater is certainly a pre-existing concept because Thordak's presence in Emon happened, but including the sigil seems very odd given that he is a player in the world and it appearing was a surprise plot point in the second episode; I think the general worldbuilding was "Thordak's crater is here and there's weird magic possibly tied to the fire plane should you wish to use that" (emphasis speculative, and mine).
I am probably least interested in Opal and Ted, or at least, I was, but more so now that at least that pulls in whatever the fuck is happening with Syngorn. I think you might be correct that this will be treated as the main plot in terms of resolution; but the reason I think this is that Opal being central came up in the interviews and because of how the last episode ended. If you don't think the plot is the main plot until episode 7 and external press...that's not good.
I like Opal and Ted's relationship! I think it's fun for the character, in the same way I don't necessarily really think we'll get all the details of who Dorian really is - and that is truly tangential to the plot, despite any curiosity we as an audience may have. But compared to the fact that they open the entire story with memory loss at the crater, being approached by someone high-up in the Nameless Ones, a vestige of divergence, and sigil mysteriously appearing? The fact that the details of Ted no longer being in Byroden appear at the halfway point of the series and the Ted and Syngorn plot is primarily in stingers?
Again, at this point, yeah, that might end being the main plot...but just thinking about this, after episode 1 it seemed the main plot would be "okay we're missing a week and a person, we're in deep with the Nameless Ones, and we have a vestige of such profound power that it makes two people ill." After episode 2 it seemed the main plot was "well we can escape those problems and maybe find out more about this sigil that's possibly tied to the crater/memory loss by talking to Gilmore." After episodes 3 and even 4 it seemed it was "okay, we go to these ruins, come back, resolve the rest." But we keep getting balls thrown in the air - further mysteries about Ted, the people from Syngorn, Niirdal-Poc still existing, the journey to the Iron Authority instead of returning home - and none of it has been resolved, and again, I'm enjoying myself, but that is because everything other than the plot is great so I'm treating this like those big-budget artistic sci fi movies where you're like "the aesthetic and worldbuilding and acting and dialogue is all incredible and the plot falls apart if you breathe on it a little too heavily."
I was talking to someone about this recently who made the point that the party seems to have missed a lot of checks early on that might have introduced the Ted and Myr'atta plot back in Emon and honestly? forcing one of those checks or giving it for free would have made a world of difference; I think the party would have made far different choices that in turn would have significantly tightened up the plot. And you don't need to do that, in a long-running campaign, but you really, really do in an 8-episode series.
I do want to speak to people talking about this setting things up for C3 because that was in the anon ask I deleted: I'm not saying it doesn't, necessarily, but I think there is a big difference between "C3 may, understandably, deal with some of the consequences of things that happen in EXU. much as it will deal with consequences of C1 and C2, because it's the same world" and "EXU is explicitly leaving threads for C3".
The former I absolutely agree with; that's how shared worldbuilding works and it was the case with C1 for C2. The latter is, I think, a wildly unfair expectation to place Aabria and a terrible marketing choice for the series and bodes ill for future seasons of EXU.
EXU was very much put forth as having appeal for people who, understandably, don't have the time or inclination to watch a 100+ episode series. I have already seen reviews criticizing it for relying on past information; while I don't agree with this completely, given the difficulties with the plot this does, for example, feel like it may ring true for people who have no emotional connection to Gilmore. A tighter, more Emon-focused plot that happened to include Gilmore to the same extent (or even greater) would probably not have the same criticism, but as is, I think viewers unfamiliar with C1 may legitimately be saying "why did we spend time on this."
EXU can have threads that can be picked up with in C3 - it does not need to, for example, resolve every detail of the Nameless Ones, only the status of this party with regards to Poska - but to say "and to know what happens about the major event, in Emon, which is tied to Thordak, ie, how the series was marketed, which was introduced to the audience long before Myr'atta, you need to watch C3" is something I'd consider a serious misstep. The story in EXU should be somewhat self-contained, with the consequences of that self-contained story fueling the plot; it should not be a collection of plot points for a later day. That's not just going to alienate potential viewers of future seasons who don't intend to watch full CR campaigns; it's kind of a shitty thing to do to your guest DM, to say "oh throw to me, you can DM in my world but you need to set up for my show even if it makes your plot seem more unfocused". EXU can and should be thought of as its own show in the same world, not a mere appendage to the flagship.
I'm still withholding final judgement until it can, you know, be final. I think there's a still a chance I am very pleasantly surprised! As mentioned I and much of the fandom had doubts about the campaign 2 finale to the point that some people were writing, as I referred to it at the time, vivisections and calling them post-mortems. I disliked it then and I disliked it now and I will reserve judgement on EXU's plot structure on the whole until after the finale; I am just saying that while it may end up standing quite well as a complete story in the end, the pacing has felt increasingly off to me since the midway point and if this is just setup for C3 I think that makes it worse, not better.
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mirrordata-archive · 7 years
A few last words about the whole yesterday shitstorm. This is long, but please, read until the end. This is quite serious, and I refuse to let it go so lightly.
First of all, I still believe that the situation could've been resolved peacefully way before it escalated this far. Like, maybe you thought that Dany (bluespock) was wrong for telling ladyvean and guljerry to "literally die" in response to them engaging in sexual roleplay under her post, which she did not consent to. Fine, even though I and other people who have witnessed how many times Dany had to deal with all kinds of gross, thoughtless and completely uncalled for comments on her posts, would strongly disagree. Because at some point you just lose all patience saved for dealing with stupid people, and that's understandable. And if you support the point that people shouldn't be offended by strangers saying weird shit on their personal posts on the internet... well, you know. If you wouldn't just randomly come up and say this to a complete stranger in real life, don't say it online. Do manners and common sense just stop existing the moment you log onto Tumblr?
And even if she was wrong about saying this, there was a much more diplomatic way to go about this. Like, none of you ever thought of apologizing first? No, you still think that jumping onto someone's post and roleplaying a mass murderer with a boner was an okay move. If one of you had even an ounce of empathy or just used your brain for a second, you would've come forward and apologised, and then you could've said Dany's words made you uncomfortable, too. But you completely refused to consider the feelings of the OP of the post you derailed, and decided to express your discomfort in the classiest, the tumblr-est way possible: by vaguing and namedropping.
You proceeded to call us, your opponents, children and "tumblr tots" while acting like infants yourselves, especially considering all of you are in the 25-30 (?) age range, and the oldest of the people you picked fights with were 21. I'm 16 myself and you are the same age as most my high school teachers. To imagine any of them or any people their age getting into petty arguments and acting like they were oh so hurt and offended by an 11-grader jokingly saying "I will kill people who fetishize genocidal dictators" on the internet — it's hilarious, to say the best. 
None of you were ever in any real danger. We weren't standing at your doorstep with battle axes and Bajoran phasers. Acting like being told to pee your pants is suicide baiting doesn't make you look very mature.
(Sidenote, it was really funny to watch ladyvean tell fluorescentbrains not to get into argument with them and simultaneously enjoy the support and help of everyone and their dog on her side. But, you know, hypocrisy probably isn't a new word for someone who thinks saying "Dukat is bad" once is enough a justification to go and continue roleplaying his dick.)
But that was all still when the whole situation could be described as petty fandom drama.
And then the whole nazi thing happened.
Like, even if it wasn't anyone from the scalie squad (including admitted nazi apologist mostlyhydratrash and their husband, the Token POC) who did this, that was when I lost the last bit of respect and consideration for anything any of you had to say. Your actions motivated someone to go and create entire blogs full of nazi imagery specifically to harass me, a Jewish minor.And none of you had even attempted to apologise.
No, you continued acting in your dumbass fashion and told me I made these blogs myself, as if it's really worth it, to go and give myself a panic attack just to frame you as the bad guys. Your arguments were already looking pathetic enough. 
But that's still unbelievable to me, that you had the fucking nerve to say I was the one harassing YOU on a post where I literally answered one of the disgusting asks I received.
I didn't even answer all of them. Just one. Just to show the mere scale of what's happening. I was too shook and panicked to answer anything that came after it, or even to screenshot it — I just blocked the rest of it as soon as I read it, and closed my askbox. Still, the first blog, which is now deactivated, enjoyed a solid 15 minutes of reblogging every post I made in the past day and shouting and calling me a nazi in between. 
Like, if you think this is excusable in any way, and me saying I want this disgusting freak to die is somehow a worse offence... wow. You are a nazi apologist, no more, no less.
And the funniest shit is that when one of my friends made a callout and mentioned that we have the nazi blog's IP address (we thought it was perilsperil, since they were the only person involved who was still online at the time it happened), whoever made it immediately came forward and apologised...
For inconveniencing perilsperil.
On anon.
Just further showing what a pathetic coward they really are. So you're brave enough to google and save nazi imagery, to arrange a whole blog harassing a 16-year-old, but not enough to show your fucking face after that? Your side was preaching the whole time about how words have consequences uwu, but apparently that doesn't apply when you are the one talking.
And how convenient must it be for all of you that I have no one to address my quite justified rage to, now you can claim that I'm harassing all of you! But, y'know... if the shoe fits...
Anyways. Dear Mature Adults! In the past couple of days you all have made a huge step in your Mature Adult Lives and now you can add another bullet point to your lists of Mature Adult Achievements, right next to boring shit like buying a house, finding a stable job and getting married to the only person in the world that can stand you. You very maturely harassed and encouraged harassment of a Jewish teenager, one of many people involved in a petty fandom debate, to the point that they decided to abandon their blog for the sake of their safety. Congratulations!
And I wish at least one of you would read all of this and at least feel bad for yourself, but I'm fairly sure that even if this post reaches one of you, you will probably skim it with a smirk on your face and still somehow blame me for what happened. Well. I wish I didn't care, but I kind of do, because I was hurt by your mindlessness.
And that's just the tea on that.
Reblogs are really appreciated, and if you can, please @ the people this is addressed to. I'm probably going to empty my blocklist just so they can see it.
This is the last post I’m making on this account.   
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