#but this is basically the highest level of qualification you can get in my field
catboybiologist · 10 months
Unprompted fucking rant time!
I'm getting my PhD after getting my BS and my Master's. I've gone through three separate rounds of university applications. And while I'm openly a bisexual trasfemme now, I've done every round of those applications as a cishet white boy. I've been rejected by a shitton of universities, and accepted by a fraction of that. My current institution is an R1 for my field- basically meaning it's in the highest tier of research funding and therefore research prestige/output- but it's very far from a household name the way Harvard or Stanford is. My undergrad institution was the cheapest local four year college that I was guaranteed admission to because my high school grades were piss poor due to an array of mental health problems.
So from that perspective.... Race and ethnicity demographics should 100% be used as a factor in determining admissions to help increase diversity. There's many reasons to think this, but there's two that underline a lot of my thinking on the matter.
Number one is kind of obvious, but what isn't obvious is how blatant it is. The top tier of universities has blatantly favored white people for generations, oftentimes explicitly. And oftentimes, they still do! Having relatives working at a particular university, or being alumni from a university, is literally part of the application materials for many of these universities. During my Harvard grad school apps, they literally had a pop-up window that asked me to check off any wealthy families I was a part of from a list of donor and alumni last names. It was so fucking blatant that I bust out laughing. Spoiler alert, I didn't get in. You cannot look at me with a straight face and tell me that these universities should be allowed to openly and blatantly give admission priority to rich, white, dynastic American families, while not affording any concession for overcoming the shittiness of being born into a persecuted group.
Number two is the thing that most people realize, but I don't think has really sunk in on a societal level. A massive factor in admissions is blind, dumb luck, and I'm not joking. When admissions tells you they received more qualified applicants than they could admit, it's 100% true. Many applications end up in a stage where they just have to randomly reject people to keep numbers down- or even if it's not completely random, they have to grasp for straws into an enormous amount of intangible factors that have nothing to do with someone's actual qualifications. So if you're down to that level of grasping at straws.... Why not use it as an opportunity to increase diversity? Because as it stands, you're not getting rejected because you're white- you're getting rejected because your high school didn't have a fucking sailing team. Remember that Stanford admissions scandal a while back?
There's a number two and a half that is an observation I've had about life in general here: one of my deepest held beliefs after going through a good portion of my early career is that everyone is overqualified for the opportunities they've been given. If your education system is genuinely functional, you'll be able to take people from an amazing diversity of backgrounds, and y'know... Educate them. If these universities lowered their admissions standards a shitton, and randomly pulled from the new pool of "less qualified" people, and they put them in an environment with access to the same resources as before... They would succeed.
There's a whole other rant embedded here about how elite-tier university education actually sucks, and all they do is filter for people who already have massive educational resources of their own. University prestige is mostly a lie, except in terms of how much grant funding you can get. But if you gave that level of funding to a state college tomorrow? They'd still do great things with it. But that's a side thought.
There's ALSO the side rant about why marginalized groups are important in science overall for perspectives on how science interacts with society, but that's also a whole other rant.
There's one thing I will say against this: sometimes, it's too late. For grad school and a little bit for undergrad admissions, an enormous amount of unpaid labor and study is required to even be eligible for the application itself. Required undergrad research hours are often unpaid. My undergrad research advisor paid her student labor when she wasn't required to, and surprise surprise, she has one if the most diverse and successful labs on that campus. Beyond just undergrad research, this goes waaayyyy back to the schooling and tutoring opportunities that people from higher socioeconomic backgrounds have access to from day one... But that's also a larger side rant. Point is, race based admissions are valid and necessary now, but they're a temporary bandage on the bleeding wound that is education discrepancy.
This was kinda random, but this got kick-started by an IRL discussion with a couple of friends and I just needed to vent my whole perspective here. Idk if the community of voyeuristic transfemmes I've mostly accumulated here will care, but it's nice to just type these things sometimes lol
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ptpgunmedia · 2 years
Complete Guide to HQL Training Course in Brandywine
HQL: What is it?
HQL stands for Handgun Qualification license. In addition to theoretical instruction on state firearm law, handgun mechanisms, home firearm safety and associated operation, and a component requiring the applicant to show the ability to safely use a handgun, the training for a Handgun Qualification license lasts for four hours and takes place in a classroom setting.
Qualified Instructors that have registered with the regional State Police through the My License/e-Gov. portal are the ones who are in charge of teaching. Prior to submitting an application for a HQL, one is required to have finished the necessary training, which is good for a period of three years.
Are you considering enrolling in HQL Training Course in the Brandywine region? Stop putting things off and get started on your education with some of the most respected authorities in the field right away.
Practical Training Professionals (PTPGun.com)
Practical Training Professionals (PTPGun.com) is a company run by veterans that travels the country teaching gun owners of all skill levels how to safely and effectively use their firearms.
PTP-Gun's innovative work with victims of domestic violence, teachers, and students in Women Only classes has made it a leader in the local community.
Unlike most other training organizations, PTP-Gun connects its students with a network of other law-abiding individuals and provides them with a structure within which to organize their ideas.
 The diverse range of nationalities and cultures among its student body gives this institution a strong multicultural vibe. As a result, the company prioritizes providing its customers with the skills and knowledge they need to keep themselves safe.
The importance of safety is drilled into their trainees in a way that is easy to grasp throughout every single one of their training programs.
Any student who takes one of their courses, which combines both classroom instruction and hands-on practice, will leave with a thorough grasp of the subject of firearms. 
A wide variety of courses are available for those who want to improve their shooting abilities, whether that's learning the basics, mastering concealed carry, or competing at the highest levels.
Because the safety and education of their students is their top priority, PTP only hires highly qualified instructors with extensive experience with firearms and firearms safety.
They assure that everyone will be able to have a good time while learning about firearms in their classroom.
Who is not required to have HQL?
If an applicant meets one of the following conditions, they do not need to obtain a HQL.
In the event that they are a Legal Firearms Producer.
People who are either currently serving in or have retired from the United States military, state or local law enforcement, in good standing.
One who serves or has served in the United States military.
In accordance with federal law or published determinations from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, a person who meets the requirements to buy, rent, or receive an antique, curio, or relic.
To buy or transfer a firearm that is subject to regulation, any of the above individuals must provide a Licensed Firearms Dealer with the necessary documentation or valid credentials. Any other regional resident who wishes to acquire or be given a firearm regulated by regional law must produce a valid Handgun Qualification License.
Who doesn't need to go through training?
It is not necessary to complete training in order to obtain a HQL for the following people:
The State Police recognizes those who have completed a certified firearms safety course.
Those who can demonstrate their proficiency with firearms and hunting safety by passing a test given by the regional Department of Natural Resources.
People who are currently qualified to teach others how to use a handgun
Veterans of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard honorably discharged from service.
Those who work for a company that provides armored cars and have a valid Wear and Carry Permit from the State Patrol.
Whoever is allowed to legally own a firearm, anyone in possession of a regulated firearm who obtained it prior to October 1, 2013, is eligible to apply for a Handgun Qualification License without first completing the required training course.
Practical Training Professionals (PTP) is a firearms training company that is owned and operated by veterans. The PTP experts travels the world to teach gun owners how to be safer and more effective with their weapons. Register for HQL Training in Brandywine, MD, today and advance toward your HQL certification with the help of industry professionals.
Original Sources: https://ptpgunmedia.blogspot.com/2022/11/complete-guide-to-hql-training-course.html
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harrysnotechanges · 2 years
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radiantresplendence · 4 years
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The Dancer Class - Fire Emblem Three Houses
The Dancer is our second special class and is the only one that is not exclusive to a specific character. Any student character, including the Ashen Wolves can be made into a Dancer when the White Heron Cup event comes up in part 1. Unfortunately, only one character can be made a Dancer in each playthrough of the game. Hopefully my analysis can help you make an informed decision. 
The Dancer certification works a little different than the qualifications for other classes. You select a student contestant to represent your house and come the dance contest, the house with the representative with the highest charm stat wins. To increase the player’s chance of victory, the game allows you to give your student dance practice. This grants the would-be Dancer a permanent +5 charm. I’ve never lost the contest, but from what I understand, it is possible.
The Dancer offers no boost to your base stats, but you could consider the +5 charm from dance practice a boost to your bases, even though it’s a flat increase that doesn’t care where your stats sit beforehand. The class offers solid stat boosts, however granting 1 strength, 3 dexterity and 3 speed. It also grants 2 additional charm on top of the already considerable boost to your bases. These are good stats for a unit that’s not necessarily suited to combat, and the exceptional charm makes a Dancer a powerful user of offensive gambits. Despite being a sword class, the Dancer also has access to magic, which is arguably the better choice for a Dancer in combat. 
Dancers have high mobility for an infantry unit, boasting 6 movement. This allows them to keep up with your mounted units, to an extent, so  long as you relegate yourself to backline support, which is what a Dancer excels at. 
Dancers have a robust skillset, starting with the skill and Combat Art that are permanently available once you qualify for the class: Sword Avoid +20 and Sword Dance, respectively. While in the class, a Dancer gains the Dance skill. Upon mastery, a Dancer gains the Special Dance Skill. 
Sword Avoid +20 is an absolute beast of a skill and acts as a premium ability for high evasion builds. It’s not the most useful ability to keep on a Dancer, barring Levin Sword shenanigans, but it’s extremely powerful in other classes. 
Sword Dance is a powerful Combat Art which is not locked to Dancer. It may only grant 1 additional damage, but it adds like 30% of your (already boosted) charm to your damage as well. It also grants 20% evade and only costs 2 weapon uses. It may not be the most powerful Combat Art, but on a unit with weak Sword Combat arts, it can be a notable choice. 
Dance gives access to the “dance” action, which allows them to refresh an adjacent unit, granting another turn. This is the biggest draw of the Dancer class and is extremely powerful. You can grant your most powerful combatant a second turn and take out a second enemy. (This is stupid good in tandem with a unit buffed by a Stride gambit and Canto.)
Special Dance boosts the “dance” action, giving it rally traits to boost dexterity, speed and luck by 4. It’s good, but not great. Usually, Dancers try to use the “dance” action as much as possible and if that’s how you’re using them, it’s a good skill to equip. The biggest boon is potentially allowing a unit to double and crit. It pairs well with units using gauntlets or brave weapons, especially so if you don’t have a dedicated rally unit. At the very least, it does have good action economy. 
Dancer growths are bad, granted a 5% detriment to strength, defense and resistance. The only meaningful boon it gives is a 10% boost to charm growth. From a stat perspective, boosting a high-charm unit to astronomically-high charm is the only real benefit. 
Good Dancers
Dorothea (and to a lesser extent, Constance) make the most obvious Dancers due to them being magic-specialists with access to long-range magic for linked attacks. (Hilda can do this too, if you want to be cursed... she even has high Charm...) Dorothea is probably the best of the three due to her sword skills and her Songstress Personal Skill allowing her to heal without taking an action, she’s also the only one of the three with a budding talent in faith and Physic. (I should note that Hilda has a special linked attack bonus with Balthus and Claude, making her arguably better at this than Constance. Basically, I recommend Dancer Hilda, but please don’t do it.)
Dimitri is the best high evasion build unkillable god type in the game. Ferdinand can do it too, without being locked to a specific route, making him the arguably stronger choice as Sword Avoid +20 can be unlocked by previous Dancers in NG+. Dimitri has his main lord charm though, can combine the Crest of Blaiddyd with Sword Dance for monstrous damage without chewing through your weapons as hard and his Royal Lineage+ gives +5 more evade than Ferdie’s Confidence. Basically, you put either of these boys on a wyvern. They’re not strong as a Dancer necessarily, but they work better than any other unit with what you gain by qualifying for the class. 
Edelgard is notable for having the highest charm in the game, a strength in swords and decent magic, including a really interesting spell list. I don’t think that Dancer Edelgard is the best mage Edelgard build, but the possibilities are interesting enough to be worth noting. If there’s a build where you’d want to actually use the Authority skill, this would be it. 
Marianne and Ingrid make notable Dancers due to respectable charm, access to Thoron and a strength in swords. Marianne is probably the stronger choice, due to being more magic-oriented and her Hero’s Relic being a magic sword, however Ingrid’s Personal Skill, Lady Knight boosts her gambit effectiveness which gives her a niche to not be overshadowed. They also both have access to Physic. 
Yuri makes a really solid Dancer because his Hero’s Relic, the Fetters of Dromi gives him Canto and Movement +1 as an infantry unit. Yuri also has a strong spell list, and main lord stats, boasting huge charm and the ability to not be as hampered by Dancer’s bad growths over time. 
Flayn is my last recommendation. She joins late, has good Charm and her Caduceus Staff gives her bonus range on offensive magic for linked attacks, she also has a special linked attack bonus with Byleth and Seteth. She lacks Physic, but if you want to use her and haven’t decided on a Dancer, it’s a good pick for her that can compensate for her being a little behind the rest of your army. 
The honorable mentions are Sylvain, who I was originally going to include, but decided against it when I basically convinced myself to make him a Dark Knight instead and Anyone who’s Getting Statscrewed and You want to Use. Dancers are going to be using the “dance” action a lot of the time anyways, so their not as dependent on the randomness of level-ups as other units. 
Dancers are really strong and losing out on fielding the class for Sword Avoid +20 isn’t really worth it unless you’re really going to capitalize on it. Sure Felix and Petra can use it, but you lose out on a lot in the process. In my opinion, once you get the late game dance of the goddess battalions and roll them over into NG+, you really get the freedom to experiment with the class without feeling like you’re missing out. 
I’ve got more of these, see the rest here. 
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wildechild17 · 4 years
Hey, what do you think a WBBA agent has to do on a daily basis? What kind of training would they have? Do they just do infiltration missions or other type of missions too? I need to discuss (you've probably already guessed why).
(I think I know exactly why you wish to discuss lol)
Listen, I like, have a whole list of headcanons on this topic, so buckle up.
First of all, let me say this: Every continent in the Beyblade world has to have their own WBBA department/agency, with branches in certain countries of said continents. (Ex: Japan has Metal City, Tokyo; Europe has England, Italy, etc; Africa might only have one located in Egypt; etc, etc, etc, you get my point). 
As for what the WBBA is like, I kinda view it as a mix of different law enforcement agencies, but it’s all Beyblade focused. So let’s break this down. 
I feel like in terms of training, a WBBA agent has to go through a lot- not just physically, but psychologically too. A few years of training physically and then some psych evaluations to make sure that a person is fit to be an agent. 
Of course, there can be some exceptions made. For example, Chris. I hc that he becomes an agent of the American WBBA, and he wouldn’t have to go through a lot of physical training because his career as a Blader for hire pretty much just shows he can take anything thrown at him and come out on the other side. However, he might have to go through quite a few psychological evaluations because said history might have affected him in some way. 
Tsubasa, on the other hand, may have to go through several years of training, and maybe just a couple early on evaluations to figure out his mental state. Except, after it becomes obvious he’s been infected with the dark power, his superiors might be a bit wary and order him to go through a few more than necessary until they deem him fit to go back out in the field. 
There’s also Kyoya, who I hc works for the WBBA for a while before becoming the CEO of Tategami Corporations (or whatever business he has in Shogun Steel), who goes back and forth between office work and field work. He’d have the qualifications to work in the field, and he may be assigned some missions to do in the field. But then he can also do the paperwork/office job side of it. I feel like the training he’d have to go through would be minimal too, because of his career as a Blader, but again, with the dark power/Nemesis thing, he’d have to at least go through therapy and keep up with his appointments. 
Moving on to the careers a WBBA agent can have. 
There’s paperwork involved. What job doesn’t have paperwork involved? This is mostly done by those who work the boring “office job” part of the WBBA. But even special agents have to do their own paperwork, turning in field reports and etc. 
There are field agents, too. Those, like Tsubasa, who go out and investigate Beyblade related crimes. These field agents can be like regular agents, scoping out places, tailing people, gathering intel for other agents, etc. 
But then there are the undercover agents, too (like how I hc Chris to be), who get the intel the basic field agents give them, and then do deeper digging, and eventually have to take on an alias to get to the bottom of things. This is probably the riskiest of careers a WBBA agent can have, since there’s the threat of being discovered and getting hurt in the process. 
All field and undercover agents would have to go through mandated therapy, if they’re faced with traumatic events (undercover agents more so than regular field agents). 
Agents can be chosen for promotions (like Tsubasa became director of the Metal City branch of the WBBA). 
All employees of the WBBA get the same benefits: housing provided for them, utilities paid, all schooling on all levels is paid for, medical care... basically, working for the WBBA would be a dream job. 
Pay varies on employee’s rank. Office workers and security would get the lowest wages, followed by field agents, secretaries and “head of” department workers, undercover agents, and finally directors get the highest level of pay. The difference in pay isn’t much, considering everything is pretty much paid for by the WBBA to begin with, so really... money isn’t an issue for those working for the WBBA.
Well, I think I covered your question and more ;-; sorry for rambling but I have Feelings about this. We don’t see much of the inner workings of the WBBA, so I’ve had a lot of time to figure this out. Hope you enjoyed listening/reading my ramblings!
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Kiss & Cry - Episode 7
Fashionably late, welcome to the seventh Episode of “Kiss & Cry”, Max&Angelo’s Podcasts.
If you missed previous Episodes, you can catch up with it here (x).
This seventh podcast is 116:03 minutes long, and it’s available to be listened in Italian here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/talk-sport/puntata-7.
In the following translation, (M) indicates when M. Ambesi is speaking, (A) indicates when A. Dolfini is speaking.
Translated by The-A-Factor Team. Please do not repost without permission.
Table of Contents
Yuzuru Hanyu - recounting what transpired during NHK Trophy: what strategy could Hanyu opt for, looking at the future?
A look at the ladies’ field: Polina Tsurskaya left her mark during her senior debut, but she was still preceded by a pensive Evgenia Medvedeva and a brilliant Carolina Kostner.
Pairs: who can stop Sui/Han? Signs of a comeback from Stolbova/Klimov.
Men: Voronov leads the veterans to success: coincidence or signs of a new trend?
Ice Dance: a good debut for Cappellini/Lanotte, but the route to the final is still full of hurdles.
Internationaux de France - Short Preview
Part 1: Yuzuru Hanyu
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(M): Let’s start with NHK. Biggest news has been the forced absence of Yuzuru Hanyu. A withdrawal that had a big impact, (for the competition and) also on the crowd and viewership. A numerous crowd (on site), as usual, but TV ratings dropped down, and TV networks weren’t very pleased about this.
(A): When you don’t have (in the field) such a big star, like Hanyu is, it’s quite normal people’s interest goes down. In Japan, figure skating remains a sport with a big following and there are several skaters - in men and ladies - who draw a lot of media attention; Hanyu is for sure one of the most followed if not the most followed, though. If we add that Miyahara wasn’t at her best either, it’s easy to see why NHK had minor pull of japanese viewership this season and it does explain the low (compared to the past) ratings.
(M): If things didn’t go well in TV ratings, for fans they went even worse, since for the first time since forever, Japanese skaters didn’t get any medal at NHK. A record that also tells of the quality (over last 20 years) of Japanese skaters in two out of the four disciplines. And a result that also highlight how GP results need often to be analysed with particular care. Because it’s not like Japan didn’t have skaters who are able to get a medal here, but how assignments are given out is often fundamental to reaching certains results.
(A): Indeed. Then on this occasion, Japan Federation has been particularly unlucky. You pick Hanyu, which is a logical choice, Murakami should have been there. And both had to withdraw. In ladies, you have a lot of choices, but in Spring you go with Miyahara, hoping and thinking she will be fully back by November, but her recovery doesn’t proceed as well as planned. Nothing went right, but that aside, this doesn’t mean Japanese skating is going downhill.
(M): [Skipping a brief excursus over speed skating results for Japan in the same weekend as NHK] Yuzuru Hanyu. What happened? Intercontinental flights always carry a risk factor with them. Two problems that can arise: the first type - the most common and banal one - regards jet-lag issues. The second type is to get ill.
Yuzuru Hanyu after the flight from Canada to Japan had high fever, around 39°C. So, on Wednesday, he skipped the pre-competition practice. On Thursday, he skipped the morning session and he showed up to the afternoon one. And what happened there?
Since the start, he realized something was off. After the usual warm up, he landed a 4T3T combo but he started to shake his head. Why? Probably due to flu or the high fever still running in his system. By the way, it’s not so easy to get over a fever in just a day. He tried other jumps without success. After that, he went for a 4Lz, which could have been the opening jump in his SP, because that’s how he had also been trying it lately. That 4Lz was lower than his usual, contrary to what he usual does when it happens (that the parabole is not ideal), he didn’t pop it, but he tried to complete the rotation. Rotation was completed, but he didn’t have enough room to properly land it. Ankle and knee were subjected to a pressure and torsion that scared all those who watched it. End result: he injured his ankle. Word is about a tear on a literal ligament. Anyway, he had to sit out from NHK. Angelo, what’s the difficulty of jumping when recovering from high fever?
(A): Well, of course it depends on the jump, but. First: high fever weakens your body. It weakens you and it also takes away part of your strength, power, reflexes, energy; and this is something everybody of us can experience first hand in our lives. Then of course, a high-level athlete who needs to compete will take medicines and integrators to try and recover as much of that energy as possible, but your body is debilitated anyway. But that isn’t the only thing. Everyone, who has experienced high fever, has also experienced how it makes you a bit dizzy, unfocused, and it may also cause some issues with balance. If we put all these together, it’s easy to understand what it means to try difficult jumps under those conditions. Not to mention that your energy reserve is limited and they run out quickly during a practice. In the end, what’s lacking? That reflex, power, coordination and quick thinking that Hanyu and all those skaters who are able to do such difficult jumps have. It’s high-level coordination that allows you to properly use your energy in less than a second to complete a four-revolution jump. Clearly, if someone is weakened, a bit foggy-minded, his movements will be a bit slower, and if we speak of triples, it may not be a big problem for an athlete of Hanyu’s level, but if we speak about a quad that pushes these athletes to their limits, we can see how it requires full energy, full concentration, full coordination. And also full elevation. You said it was a jump with a low parabole. It lacked a bit of spring, energy, elevation. Maybe less than one tenth of a second. 5 or 6 cents of a second are enough to make the difference, leaving you with insufficient space to complete the landing. He tried to go for it anyway, he landed earlier than what he was expecting, didn’t manage to properly unlock his free leg, and then I think the majority of figure skating fans have already seen the video, so the consequences are known.
(M): From there, it started the buzz over whether or not he will participate in the SP on the following day. On Friday’s press conference organized by JSF, they were still speaking about a possibility of skating. Not even a hour later, tho, his withdrawal from competition became official. It’s been said Hanyu wanted to skate at all cost, but that after a consult with his coaching team, it’s been decided not to risk it. He accepted this decision while crying, because one of his goal of the season was to win the fifth straight GPF, goal that is now out of his reach, since he won’t be able to qualify for the final.
As usual when these kind of accidents happen, all kind of rumors go off, and on Friday morning it was said he was able to run and jump, then this news was retracted and it seems he was able to do that the previous day, when the injury was still fresh and not after having the injured part cooled down by a night of sleep. The diagnosis has been of a sprained ankle, which should take a break between 3 to 4 weeks before starting to train at 100%. Others speak of a lighter injury that should take 10 days off ice and a quicker recovery. We can only wait and see the developments, whatever it will be, Hanyu will try to be ready for Nationals, which should be Olympic qualification competition for Japan Team. That said, for what’s worth my opinion, should Yuzuru not be ready for that event, he will be still selected for the Team. It would be folly not to.
By the way, last spring, Yuzuru Hanyu has been already helped by JSF, when they gave him a direct qualification to Nationals. Theoretically, having skipped last year Nationals, he should have qualified for next one by competing at Regionals and Sectionals. He was exempted, as it’s right to do for an athlete of his level, I hope no one would grumble should he be given a second exemption.
(A): I think that in a case like this one, it would be really foolish not to select Hanyu for the team, if he is healthy for Olympics. If he is healed and able to train as usual, so to be ready for Olympics, you can’t leave home someone like Hanyu. Especially considering how even the third skater (for Japan Team) is already far behind their top two, let’s not even start speaking the fourth one or fifth one.
(M): The question of the moment is: “Which strategy for Yuzuru going into Olympics?” Said otherwise, is it really worth to risk on elements of highest difficulty, when he could probably win Olympic Gold anyway giving up on 4Lz or 4Lo or both of them?
(A): You already know my answer.
(M): Plushenko gave you a hand.
(A): I read about it.
(M) He basically said that with clean skates, Hanyu can win even without 4Lz, since he is the complete package. He is superior to all others, so it’s the others who should risk to catch up with him.
Knowing Yuzuru Hanyu, I doubt he can think to go to Olympics without an element like 4Lz. And personally, I think there’s a complex topic to get into. What I mean? Yuzuru has been somewhat burnt by what happened in last competitions, starting from last season. He probably didn’t feel awarded enough on the scores he got. And at that point a certainty may have taken ground: “to be sure (to be the owner of my fate), I need also 4Lz”, because I don’t know what may happen.
And I think it will be hard to go back from this acknowledgment of the reality of the situation, an assessment that had some confirmation more in this first part of the season.
(A): Umh, yes and no. He had some confirmations, but also some proof on the other sense. His Short Program at Autumn Classic got a WR with Sal and Toe. For the short program, I don’t have big doubts. In the free program, it’s true that he has to face Uno and Chen - and in my opinion it’s only those two the athletes really dangerous (for him) should they complete everything, Jin Boyang does have a gap too big on PCS - so it’s two, maybe three athletes - there could be also Fernandez there, but Fernandez technical content is lower - but they have had lower scores than Hanyu even without  the need for Hanyu to put a 4Lz in.
(M): I think this can be true in for the Short Program.
(A): Even for the Free Program. Clean program vs clean program. He skated a clean program with 4Lo at Worlds, but even his clean program with only 3 quads got scores that others never managed to reach. So I remain of my idea, even if I do understand his approach who may think he did indeed reach those scores with only 4Lo or even without it, but his rivals weren’t the same he has today. So the doubt about what could happen remains. Nathan Chen already managed to defeat Hanyu in a couple of competitions, so his rationale has a ground, but he still got scores others never did, up to today.
(M): I think the whole game is based on the correct evaluation of Program Components. Because if there will be no significative difference on PCS among the top 3, top 4 skaters - and that is the path that seems to have been taken - then a risk more on technical side makes sense.
(A): That’s true. For sure PCS are becoming closer and closer, and it’s also true we have seen how it’s possible to gain a big advantage - or to lose a lot of ground - on TES. And at that point if PCS are close and the gap is under 4, 5 or 6 points at maximum, while on TES you can gain up to 15, 20 points depending on your content and GOE, then it’s clear that it’s on TES you need to stay up.
But let’s not forget that Hanyu has on his side PCS compared to most extreme jumpers, but also GOE. Then it remains BV, but he is ahead on two out of three points. I would consider also this point.
And I also think that with a quad less, he may also further the gap on PCS. Because the layout he wants to go with this season, which is a very extreme layout, does force him to have a program a bit poorer on transitions, a bit easier, a bit emptier. And so the gap on PCS gets closer also because of these choices.
(M): There have already been several skaters going over 90 in PCS. You can only make a relative difference there. Because if Hanyu, Chan skate a clean program they can go over 97 – Fernandez can get close to that – but if the others are above 90, there isn’t any big gap with them there. And that gap is becoming less and less significant. My feeling is you have to risk for this reason. Then: if you manage to stay up, you win by a landslide, if there are falls, everything gets way more complicated.
(A): Indeed. There are several things to consider. And at the Olympics, the pressure will be at maximum. It’s hard to evaluate with all aspects in mind. Let me also say that I don’t think this 4Lz is such a gamble, considering that he landed it with positive GOE at first try in Moscow. Even if it may have costed him too much mental energy, leading to mistakes on next jumping passes. For Hanyu, a 4Lz and a 4Lo in the same program is really energy-consuming, physically and mentally. That said, even if it’s not that much of a gamble, the injury came from that jump and that may have consequences psychologically. But it’s also true that the injury came at a peculiar situation, so it may be that the root cause wasn’t the jump itself but his own weakened status. Still, since the injury came from a 4Lz, the psychological consequences need to be considered.
(M): Plushenko advises for four quads. That would probably be one Lo, one Sal and two To Lloop, or one Toe and two Sals. It would still be technical content of very high level, and let’s not forget no one has ever completed a Free Program with four quads in an Olympic Event. Of course, someone will try something even beyond that, because figure skating changed a lot in this quad, and especially in the last two and a half seasons.
Anyway, we’ll see what Hanyu’s intention will be. To win an Olympic Gold with 4Lz, 4Lo, 4S and 4T would be something epic. Before anything else, it would be a challenge against himself and Hanyu – for better or for wor or the worst - has always focused on this challenge at his own abilities, even before thinking about his opponents. Knowing him, I doubt he will change idea and plan, I’m also convinced that someone in Toronto will try to suggest him a more conservative approach. I’m not sure that suggestion will be taken upon, tho.
(A): I fear the same, but we’ll see. The most important thing now is that Yuzuru recovers fully from his injury, 100% healed, because joints are a delicate matter: that ankle must heal perfectly before going back to try those elements. He experienced firsthand how dangerous and how much you risk if you try those jumps in a precarious state.
(M): A fragility to an ankle is really a big issue for any athlete, because the risk is a recurrence of injuries on the same joint, with an escalation in the gravity of the injury, too. I can speak from my personal experience, where a series of ill-treated injuries in that area escalated to a composite fracture.
(A): So of course the priority now is to heal fully and avoid any risk. Then, once he is back on ice and back to 100%, that will be the moment to think about strategies, what to do, what’s more convenient to put in his program and so on.
(M): It was very interesting to see the reactions from other skaters. Many expressed their sorrow for what happened to Yuzuru Hanyu, messages came from all corners of the world, showing the bond that exists between these skaters. And I think that was the nicest thing.
(A): They are all on same boat, they all train and fight to be ready to show such extreme programs, so it’s also natural there is this closeness among them. It happened for Hanyu, it would happen for others, too. It’s always saddening when you see these athletes getting injured while doing their sport. Indeed, this closeness has been nice to see and it must be remarked upon. For Hanyu, for those expressing it, and also for the sadness of missing the opportunity to watch an athlete of his level compete.
(M): Also considering that when we speak of this athlete, there is the chance to update some (world) records. By the way, Yuzuru never won a GP Event that wasn’t the last one. All his victories came in the last event and at the finals, so it could have been a good opportunity to break this sort of taboo. It ended differently and almost immediately, the men’s competition lost some of its spark, even if it offered intriguing topics we will talk about later on.
Part 2: Ladies
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(M): The focus shifted to the Ladies’ competition, which had in its field: World Champion, Evgenia Medvedeva, Polina Tsurskaya at her (GP) debut and Carolina Kostner who, with a second place finish, would guarantee her place in the Finals.
Even if not impeccable, Evgenia Medvedeva won the competition. Second place for Kostner, not impeccable in the free program either. Third place for Polina Tsurskaya, who skated two high quality programs, without any major mistake, and with a Short Program that’s really competitive, much more competitive than her Free Program.
(A): Yes, even if [Polina’s] Free Program was second (contrary to the Short Program which was third). But why? As you explained earlier, Medvedeva and Kostner both made mistakes in their FP, and if Evgenia had such a gap (on the others) that she managed to win anyway, Kostner had to concede something. All the advantage Polina got was from a very high TES, contrary to the other two. Why did this FP appear less competitive, then? Because on PCS the gap was quite substantial, with Medvedeva and Kostner both again. Kostner who had the highest PCS for FP, higher even than Medvedeva, and this is news.
(M): [Medvedeva] seemed more nervous than usual since the post-SP press conference, during which she didn’t speak about the Short but only about what she should do in the Free. The fall on the Flip is really an anomaly. More normal is an error on the Lutz, since it’s been a jump that always gave her headaches and isn’t technically textbook. She has been amazing at recovering what she lost (with the fall) in the second half of the program, but compared to other events, she seemed way more tense. Even on spins, we noticed a lower quality than usual.
(A): To the point that on spins Carolina got more points than her. And this is another piece of news. Something that up until a couple of seasons ago, or even last season, would have been totally unthinkable.
(M): I think this is what needs to be remarked upon from the NHK Trophy. That Kostner got more points on her spins in the FP than Medvedeva.
(A): It’s an important fact and it highlights something we’ve been talking about since the first competitions of this season. Her improvements on spins have been really noticeable: on a difficulty level, on how they are built, on how they are executed. And with a quality that keeps improving competition after competition. This attention to detail was something missing in Carolina’s programs, in the past. It’s been a really evident “upgrade” to her skating and here it’s been awarded with something (t/n - scoring more on spins than Medvedeva) that seemed impossible until only a little time ago. Yes, Evgenia wasn’t at her best, but it’s still a result borne from a very clear path. Maybe it will never happen again, but the fact remains she got almost the maximum she could on those elements, especially considering her own skills.
(M): Exactly. To be precise, she got the same GOE as Evgenia, but she had a higher BV; result: +0.5 point.
She gained another 0.7 points on the two sequences - Steps and Choreo. This is another little bit of news since, at Rostelecom, Evgenia got more (than her). Of course, Medvedeva won the free program anyway, because she completed more triple jumps. The difference is there. Kostner completed two 2A and 5 triples, fall aside. She did miss a 3T in the second half. Medvedeva still rotated two 2A and 7 triples and there she gained all the points she needed to win the Free Program too.
Curious thing, she won the FP without being the first on TES nor on PCS. Something never happened to her, before.
(A): Indeed. Second on TES, second on PCS. Sure, on PCS the difference was small, less than a point. On TES, we already said how Tsurskaya has been the only one among them to have a clean skate with two 2A and 7 triples. Medvedeva rotated them all too, and actually she has a higher BV than usual since she recovered the missing triple on the flip in the second half, but what’s always been her strength? The GOE. And that is where she lost all her usual ground at NHK, with the -3 for the fall and the -2 for the step out on Lutz: -3.5 points once you scale them, contrary to what she usually gets on those elements.
(M): Kostner lost points in a similar way, with the fall on her 2ALo3S combo. Doing some quick math, we can say Kostner lost around 8 points. That’s a lot and they allow for a projection of a clean FP being around 145-6 points.
Clearly, not everybody was enthusiastic about this result. Meaning, many thought some valuations were higher than what was displayed on the ice.
Here the topic is big and complex, what we can say is that, generally speaking, the panel at NHK was quite generous. We talked about GOE on spins, and even Tsurskaya got a high GOE on hers, even if her Layback wasn’t the best, for example. But this generosity was also seen towards skaters who finished at the bottom of the final standing. Also the tech panel was more lenient and, compared to other events, rotations (on jumps) weren’t as strictly judged with almost all athletes. A bit less lenient on Miyahara, but in her case, those jumps were clearly lacking (in rotation) and you really couldn’t do anything but call them.
(A): It seems a paradox, but such meter of judgement doesn’t help Kostner. Nor Medvedeva, but she doesn’t need any help anyway. But for Kostner, who already has a program with a triple less compared to other top skaters, she needs a strict panel. Because she can do 6 clean triples - as she did in Moscow - and if she competes against someone who does 7 triples, but a couple of them are underrotated, another downgraded, then it’s clear she needs a panel calling those jumps to be competitive.
(M): Well, the top three skaters in this competition should be safe from underrotation calls - maybe only Tsurskaya sometimes underrotates the 3T in her 3Lz3T combination, but it wasn’t the case in Osaka. Generally speaking, the top three ladies at NHK Trophy can benefit from a strict technical panel. It’s true though that in this competition, both Kostner and Tsurskaya benefitted from the lenient panel on spins. And it’s also true that a good performance with no mistakes raises the GOEs a lot; this goes for everybody. That said, Tsurskaya got the highest TES in the free skate and collected more than 50% of the available GOEs, considering she was at her absolute debut in Seniors - and most importantly, considering she was this close to quitting skating because of the unending series of physical problems she had - I’d say what she did at NHK was quite remarkable. (A): Yes, poor Polina, she had a lot of troubles but she was able to overcome them. She’s really blessed with talent, we’ve been monitoring her since she was a young girl, and I think she can be proud of what she did at the NHK Trophy. It was her first international competition in Seniors, probably she could have received even higher marks in terms of PCS - she could have rightfully wound up above Kostner in my opinion. It’s also important to remark how the free program wasn’t appreciated as much as her short: it fits her less, if I may say so, but I’m sure her team already knows which are the points to fix, as they can analyze the judges’ evaluations better than anybody else, in my opinion. (M): A listener is asking us, “How can Polina have underrotations problems on her 3+3 combination when the trajectory is so huge? The trajectory and height of the first jump are precisely the cause of the problem.” (A): Exactly, kind of the same problem Higuchi has. When Polina is in good condition, her opening 3+3 is absolutely spectacular and the most impressive trait is that the 3T is just as high as the first jump, something that’s really uncommon, but it’s clear that when your jumps are so high, the risk is to lose speed and it could be harder to complete the rotation on your second element. That said, she is not an athlete whose jumps are so borderline. It may happen, as it can happen to everybody, but generally speaking, I wouldn’t say Tsurskaya is a skater with problems on rotations.
(M): She greatly improved on Flip execution. It became a cleaner jump. It may not be the most inside of edges, but it’s now inside without doubt. She improved a lot on it. You must have all noticed how in her SP she planned a Rittberger and not a Flip, and this is a hint of her issue with that jump.
(A): A correct strategy, considering her Rittberger and the minimal difference in terms of BV. It’s the same strategy we’d suggest for others, too.
(M): I think her entry into her triple Rittberger in the SP is one of the best examples of what a jump out of steps is. Medvedeva is another good example for that, with her 3Lo being the best in the field. All Tutberidze’s skaters best execute what is required of them in the rules (regarding the steps into solo jump).
We have an interesting question: “Mihara Mai got 64.72 on PCS in her FP at Cup of China, 11 points less than Kostner at NHK, with almost a 2 points difference in TR. In the same competition (NHK), Tsurskaya got 10 points less than Kostner. In light of what happened on ice and what you said before about how pops and falls can interrupt the flow of a program, how is it possible that Kostner got 73.27 in Russia in a program without mistakes and 75.71 in Japan, where she fell and popped a 3T?”
This is a very interesting question but that opens the door to the usual long-standing issue: for every competition, a different judging panel.
(A): It’s not easy to answer. More than a question, I’d call this ‘stating facts’. That’s precisely what happened, Kostner’s program was the same (in Moscow and in Osaka), maybe on some components she may have skated better in Japan than Russia - where she had a better technical performance, so it’s not a given that a better TES must also mean a better PCS. And although it’s undoubtedly true that if you skate clean technically, you usually also get more hyped, and express better, and with more energy, but we also witnessed the opposite: skaters so focused on nailing the technical part that they partially forget to skate the program as it was meant to be skated. I don’t mean to say this is Kostner’s case, but it could be an explanation. And these things aren’t always as easily detectable on a TV screen as live in the arena…
In the end, I think what you said is true: for every competition, a different judging panel, that looks for different things, awards different things, and scores differently. In a sport like this, it’s something that sadly must be accepted. Being a discipline judged by different people, having uniformity of judgement is impossible.
(M): My opinion is that the gap between Kostner and Mihara or Kostner and Tsurskaya will close in time.
(A): I think they are also two different cases. I was really surprised by Mihara’s (low) score, because I found it a rich program, and at least on TR, I’d put her much higher. Tsurskaya’s, instead, is a program that is less refined compared to her SP, it left me quite unimpressed. It’s just my personal opinion - as in a way judges’ scores are personal opinions, albeit they should be constrained by objective parameters - but that’s how I see it. In the Short Program, Tsurskaya managed to put all her qualities on the table, and I was able to see and feel those qualities. In her Free Program, not so much. Mihara is a different matter. We spoke a bit about this in a previous podcast, she has still, in some respect, a more scholastic presence on ice.
(M): The two components where Mihara could be a bit weaker right now are Interpretation and partially Skating Skill, but the pulling down on other components arises from the evaluation on Interpretation. This is the only rationale I find to explain those scores. If you analyse the programs in their wholeness as we did in last few days, what is evident is how Mihara’s is the richest one on transitions. She isn’t behind Tutberidze’s skaters on that.
(A): Absolutely, she has something more there than Higuchi, whose program is one of the best in terms of choreography and interpretation, but under transitions, it’s a bit weaker than Mai’s.
(M): Angelo, it’s also true that Higuchi brings such speed to the ice that her Skating Skills bumps up. Then, you’ll tell me, there’s more beyond speed and flow [in judging SS], but we already are at 70%.
(A): Moreover - and we already discussed it for pairs - when you have a very clear and evident strength and you manage to make it shine, you also manage to project and communicate so much on that skill, about being the fastest one, the one with the best flow, the most energy, that it helps pull up all the other components. It’s almost an automatic reaction.
When you don’t have a strong point that is evident and easily noticeable, than you don’t have the same train effect, so you’re left with lower scores on average.
(M): We have a question about Osmond that brings us back to the same topic. It is said on many FS boards that Osmond’s PCS were too high on both segments.
But Osmond is another athlete who can express a great deal of speed and, according to judges, she interprets in a more mature way compared to Higuchi. And (being highly judged on) Interpretation is very rewarding, at the moment. What we said about Kostner at NHK is not different from what happened with Osmond at SC.
(A): It’s clearly so. Higuchi and Osmond are clearly the fastest skaters in the field. Osmond is a bit more refined right now. So there’s that strong point, there’s that perceived better average quality, and everything goes up. Then, if we speak about Skating Skills alone, they are probably even better than Medvedeva, both of them. Medvedeva [may yet show more SS] with her new FP, a completely different program compared to what she did in the past.
(M): The choreography is completely changed, the choreographer too. It’s a very different idea as a program in and of itself.
(A): It is indeed something different.  While with previous ones she often repeated the same scheme and even the same transitions and clusters, as hard as they were, now with this program she changed a lot. Still, on Skating Skills her level is very high, but not the absolute best, not that excellence we saw with Kostner at her best and we can see with Osmond and Higuchi at their best now. On the other hand, you analyse Medvedeva’s program, and you can see how it’s built with the rulebook in hand. It has everything that is required. It’s faultless in this regard. And a judge finds what the rulebook tells him to look for, there.
(M): Clearly. And it explains the reason behind those high PCS that sometimes create perplexity. I have this opinion: I think from here to Olympics, there will be many skaters who’ll manage to go over 70 in PCS, and this will mean that PCS will partially lose importance (compared to TES). There are athletes - like Medvedeva or Kostner - who already are way above that wall. Higuchi is close and I think she is near to breaking it, too. Mihara got close last season, and considering the more complex program she is skating now, it would be a crime should she not reach 70. Zagitova - as first-year Senior skater - is another one of those skaters who came near to 70 in PCS, and that means that with a clean FP, she could go over it. And if she gets to 70 in PCS, she can reach 150 total: 80 points on TES - if she doesn’t make mistakes - are guaranteed. I think we will witness an Olympic competition with more contenders than what we could imagine (before): Medvedeva still has a gap over others, and in my opinion - not now but looking ahead - I’d name Tsurskaya as the athlete who could give her the most trouble, because she has that quid more that Medvedeva lacks on jumping elements. On their technique, on their size: just compare their triple Lutz or double Axel.
(A): There the comparison is unmerciful.
(M): On the Lutz, with that delayed rotation, especially…
(A): Indeed, (Tsurskaya’s) lutz has a clearly visible delay on rotation. She first goes up and then starts rotation. You don’t need a slow motion to appreciate it, and it’s spectacular. It’s amazing how can she do such a beautiful triple with such a strong delay. Tsurskaya has something more, for sure. Then, if we want to do a fair comparison, we maybe should compare her Lutz with Medvedeva’s Flip and vice versa. But even in those cases, you’d still pick Tsurskaya’s.
(M): Without doubt. Although, we can’t forget that Medvedeva has a characteristic that made her what she is: when she feels put on the line, she brings out 110%. She is the one who wasn’t considered [a contender] as a kid, because all eyes were on Radionova. When she started to get good results in juniors, people began saying she was Lipnitskaya’s ugly copy. She is the one who has been hearing for two years that “if Tsurskaya is healthy as a senior, she can beat you, because she has that quality on jumps that you lack” - well, some of them, because saying that Medvedeva has no quality on jumps is a bit of a heresy, but it is objectively true that Tsurskaya has something more on basic technique and (jumps ’) trajectory. I’ll skip the part about Sakhanovich - when she arrived at Eteri’s, people said Evgenia was over since Serafima was so much better - but anyway, everytime someone else was said to be better or was close to overtaking her, she managed to bring out something new and to raise her level. Now, there’s curiosity over what this “something new”  could be this time around. Maybe - from here to GPF - a change in her FP layout. Not so much planned elements as their positioning : let’s not forget that her intention at the start of the season was to put a 2A only in the first half. We shouldn’t forget that such a choice (to backload almost all jumps) can raise BV but also hinder choreography.
(A): Yes, because the composition of the program would be less balanced. I think that it would be a bit inane from her technical staff to change a layout she knows, that works well for her, and that allows her to reach scores others never even came close to [achieving]. At NHK, she won with +12 points on the runner up and we say she didn’t win with her usual huge margin, because for her +12 is a small gap… At the moment, it’s hard to say who could reach her level and go beyond 220 with consistency. Without forgetting she also went over 230.
(M): With 240 as maximum… in a competition generously scored for all skaters (t/n WTT trophy), but it was also a low-pressure competition where many managed to skate at their best. In Osaka, we had Satoko Miyahara returning to competition and we read much criticism. Personally, in this case, I feel like going against the tide. She put out much better performances than I was expecting. We are talking about a skater who didn’t compete for almost a year. A skater who had to face a very serious injury, a hip injury that compromised her weakest point even further – jumps. Honestly, I thought she’d be more behind. Yes, some jumps were short on rotation, but that’s always been an issue for her, it’s not news that broke out from NHK. And on everything else, it was the usual Miyahara: brilliant where she can make a difference, fighting through a smart strategy and trying to rotate as many jumps as possible. Over 190 in a comeback competition… I think it’s a good basis to start anew, looking ahead to the future. Sure, GPF is almost impossible right now. But that wasn’t her goal.
(A): No, not her goal. We can understand the criticism (over her jumps), we explained before how Japan didn’t medal at NHK and how it can’t be a satisfying team result; and of course after Hanyu’s withdrawal, Miyahara was the next big name, there. But we have to take into account everything you said: such a long absence, such a serious injury… these things are not excuses. And yet she skated at a good level already. We can also add without fear of contradiction that the level in ladies’ field has been very high in this GP Series. I admit I didn’t expect it. It’s the discipline in which we are seeing the highest quality content, with many athletes consistently going over 200 points. At NHK, three skaters over 200; at COC, four. Tuktamysheva sixth with 196 points, there… They are all skating at a very high standard, and considering everything, Miyahara stood up well. Right now, there are athletes in Japan who can reach something more, but it isn’t a surprise…
(M): And we can’t forget that there is only one competition that is the pillar of her 2017: Japanese Nationals, to be held in Tokyo, Higuchi’s home. And that’s where everything will be decided for the Olympic Team. No Plan B. I do believe the first two in that competition will be the ones chosen for Pyeongchang. Maybe, just maybe, the only one who could get a pass is Higuchi, should she manage to qualify for the Finals and get on podium there. At that point, maybe - I repeat maybe - there might be a pass for her and she’d be picked, no matter the result at nationals. If that doesn’t happen, it will be a mighty battle among many skaters who would have deserved to go to Olympics. It’s true that up till now, two of them showed something more: Higuchi and Mihara.
(A): I think the actual skater who must be disappointed for the way things went during this GP isn’t Miyahara but Honda; because it was Honda who skated at a lower level than what we expected from her. At Skate Canada especially, but not only there; we expected her to be on a similar level as Higuchi, but it wasn’t the case.
(M): That’s true, but she has some mitigating circumstances. The first one is that she was at her senior debut, so facing some issues is not uncommon. The second one is that one of her programs came late into play, she started skating it in the last month and half. Let’s add another factor: she is a skater that needs time to reach a good level, she rarely reaches her best in the first half of a season. But she has also another characteristic: historically, when the prize is big, she is able to put everything on table. Not by chance that if you look up her name, you’ll find one win and one second place at Junior World Championships; and even at Nationals, she often managed to upset predictions. I’d say that for Nationals, Marin Honda is a loose cannon. I wouldn’t rule out her being able to put together a 210 there, something she never came close to in other competitions.
(A): She has qualities, there’s no doubt there. One of her programs has been changed (after the season started), but she is not the only one who opted for such a change. Must be said that in her case, at the debut of the new SP, everything had yet to be fixed. Her layout was very questionable, there. Her strategy had little sense. The week after, they fixed some things and it went much better already. For what we saw during GP, for her characteristic as an athlete, she is indeed a loose cannon for nationals.
(M): To sum up, at Nationals we’ll have two athletes who already showed something close to their best: Higuchi and Mihara, and two other athletes who have the means to find their best shape in next 5 weeks: Miyahara and Honda. Along with them, we’ll have others who can try to play their cards as outsiders, like Sakamoto, Shiraiwa or Hongo, but the impression is the former four skaters - who are the most complete skaters in japanese senior ladies field, at the moment - will fight for those 2 spots. Even the components for Mihara… I’m expecting them to rise soon, maybe even starting from the next GP event in France.
(A): In France, Osmond and Zagitova are the favourites for the win. Russia will also have Tuktamysheva there, and even taking into consideration everything we explained, she showed that she is already able to reach close to the 200 mark at this point in the season. Sotskova will be there, too.
(M): Sotskova who could even qualify for the final, with a third place and a score high enough, although in case of a third place and a tie-break with Higuchi, she seems out of contention. She left a lot of points on the table in Skate Canada and lost by quite a margin to Osmond in Canada, but three weeks have passed since.
(A): Once again, the ladies’ competition in France will be a very interesting one. We mentioned 5 athletes for the top 3, with Osmond the favourite for the win, but the competition will be fierce. For sure, we’ll have the first verdicts after this event.
(M): If Mihara doesn’t win, Osmond and Zagitova will qualify for sure, since a fourth place will be enough for them to join Kostner and Medvedeva. Then, for the last 2 spots, it will depend on results from Grenoble and Skate America.
We have a question on a topic we talked about earlier: PCS. “You spoke about how components pull each other. Shouldn’t judges be prepared and not fall (for such a thing), though? And if they are not able to differentiate and give a judgement on each one, what’s the difference between them and a fan watching a competition for his own enjoyment?”
We have partly already answered this question earlier.
(A): Umh, yes. Let’s not forget a judge needs to provide judgement in real time. We speak after having analysed a program over and over. It’s clear that, while letting the live impression guide you for some things (while judging) is good, a judge needs to be able to see what’s there (in a program) and what is lacking.
Part 3: Pairs
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(M): Then, there are situations that leave you perplexed. For example, in China, we were perplexed over S/H PCS, because in the FP, Skating Skills and Transition had basically the same score. Something that almost never happens, because usually judges tend to give a higher score to SS. At NHK, we went beyond that, with TR higher than SS. Explanations? I don’t have any, because S/H are skaters with high SS quality. Which doesn’t mean they have few transitions, but objectively, the first component should probably be the highest one.
(A): There are many factors coming into play.
(M): But speaking of S/H, the question is: who will be able to stop them?
(A): Only they themselves, it seems. Meaning, if they make a mistake, the door is open for the others, otherwise… Where can they can make a mistake? On 3S side by side, that’s the element in which they are at greater risk of mistakes. When they nail it, as it happened at Osaka, they have margin over all others, but the success rate on the element is really low. But even if they miss it, the opening for others is really small because they have immense quality on every other element. There’s the technical difficulty they show with their quad twist, but they can also score many points on throw jumps… they have very few weak points, the others will be forced to risk something (to compete with them), while paying attention on how they risk, because pairs skating rules don’t reward risk-takers.
(M): Well you unwittingly replied to a quite interesting question we’ve gotten from one of our listeners. They ask: “Do Aliona and Bruno really need the 3ATh? Wouldn’t it be better for them to try to skate clean [t/n: an “easier” program but clean]?
(A): If they want to win they might really need that 3A.
(M): I think Savchenko/Massot are the nearest couple to Sui/Han, in terms of PCS – although Stolbova/Klimov weren’t very far off at NHK Trophy. But Savchenko/Massot have a problem: the quality with which they can execute their throws. What I mean is that, more often than not, Aliona’s landings aren’t clean.
(A): Sometimes her landings are two-footed, sometimes she touches the ice with her free leg; these mistakes affect their GOE. Whereas Sui/Han definitely don’t get 0s for their throws, rather, they basically get +3s from all the judges.
(M): Which means they get at least 4 more points [than S/M] for their throws, or 4.2 points max [through their GOE]. That’s why going for the 3ATh makes sense for them: this way you can have a chance against skaters who can maximize the scores they get with their throws through GOE.
(A): Yes, and the 3A can give you another advantage. Because you can execute it in the SP as well, it gives you an advantage in both the SP and the FP, in terms of BV. That’s why it is an interesting weapon, while we’ve already seen how a quad throw doesn’t give you that much of an advantage – a 4STh for example, gives you a real advantage only if you can execute it with a +1/+2 GOE, certainly not 0 or -1. Which is something that has rarely happened so far, while we’ve also said how, on the other hand, a quad throw can penalize you when it comes to the PCS, because it requires an emptier choreography
(M): Numbers themselves speak volumes: Sui/Han easily reach 7,6 points for their 3FTh in the SP, which is the max score you can achieve for it. At this point, a 3ATh can help them not lose too many points in a SP. A 3ATh’s BV is 7,7: if you don’t execute it well –
(A): You’re already behind.
(M): And the GOE penalizes you even more, because -1s from the judges mean you’ll lose a point from the BV (t/n Since for a 3A the coefficient for GOE is 1x, and not 0.7 like for a 3F, it’s more rewarding with positive GOE, but more penalizing if GOE is negative). If Aliona and Bruno can execute a 3ATh in practice that is clean enough to get 0 or +1 GOE, the element itself becomes necessary to keep up with Sui/Han, because it seems to me that they struggle more on other throws. They’re on the same level on the twist, but on sbs jumps, Sui/Han have great quality and they have better success rate. Savchenko/Massot do have great quality on their sbs jump, when they can execute it well, but their success rate isn’t as high.
(A): In the end, in spite of having a lot of quality, Savchenko/Massot are in the same position as the other couples: they need to take risks. But so far, risks haven’t really paid off in pairs: history says you’ll win with quality, clean skates, by making a difference through GOE. We’ll see how it goes in PyeongChang, whether it will go like this or if a pair that takes bigger risks will manage to give an amazing performance. These pairs could be Duhamel/Radford or Savchenko/Massot.
(M): Duhamel/Radford have two weapons: the sbs 3Lz, on both programs, and the 4STh in the FP. Although it’s also true that the Canadians have a bigger gap on PCS, and Sui/Han have a 4Tw, which is an element that Duhamel/Radford don’t have. In the end, it would be extremely difficult for them too. I think that Sui/Han’s weak point is the sbs 3S: this is what could leave the door open for the others, as of now. Stolbova/Klimov weren’t far…well, 11-12 points behind. And [at NHK], they’re the nearest to Sui/Han after Tarasova/Morozov. Stolbova/Klimov can improve the 3Tw and work on adding a -2T to their combo (t/n 3T3T at the moment) in the FP as they gain more confidence in it; then they could have a chance, because they weren’t far on PCS – which is the biggest news we got from NHK in a way, because it had been quite a while since Stolbova/Klimov were able to skate on that level.
(A): And they don’t have extreme programs either. Although they do take more risks on sbs jumps, that 3T3T combo could make a difference. That said, their idea is still to risk less and execute their elements with good quality. You’ve highlighted their problem very well: their problems with the 3Tw. It’s very difficult to bridge that gap through the other elements. We’ve said it during our commentary: in the FP they get half the points Sui/Han get. True, they do a 4Tw instead of a 3Tw, but still there’s a 4-5 points difference there. And it’s extremely difficult to bridge that gap, because Sui/Han really have quality on every other element…well can I add another small weakness? Their spins; sometimes they do lose a couple of points there.
(M): Yes, but with 3T3T2T Stolbova/Klimov could bridge that gap. At that point it would all get down to the sbs 3S. The problem is that the rate of success isn’t great for both pairs.
(A): Yes…although Stolbova/Klimov lose something on throws and lifts too if compared to Sui/Han, so that might not be enough. It’s not easy to bridge a 10 points gap.
(M): No, right.
We got a question about Volosozhar/Trankov; someone is asking whether they could have had a say in the fight for the gold medal. Well…the Volosozhar/Trankov of 2014 could have fought with Sui/Han. With very similar strategies, but a lower BV than the Chinese team, because Volosozhar/Trankov never even had in mind to do a 4Tw, and the had a 3LoTh instead of the Flip. They have a lot in common when it comes to the rest, like the quality they had on their elements, the complexity of the choreography in terms of TR, which were what made a difference in Sochi.
(A): Yes, as we’ve said before it’s a similar strategy to Sui/Han’s although Sui/Han still take more risks with that 4Tw. In the end the strategy is similar: make a difference through GOE, rather than technical difficulty. Which isn’t what seemed the best route until last season, when Duhamel/Radford’s strategy seemed to pay off – and with some debate coming from Trankov.
(M): Polemics that were mainly due to the PCS they received, which seemed too high for what they did on the ice.
(A): Yes, because it’s inevitable that such difficult elements will affect the choreography. Trankov’s analysis has always been very accurate, he has always followed and analyzed how the discipline was evolving. That said, it seems that now we’re back to the same route that ended up being the best in 2014, which was the same in 2010 and 2006: more quality, although with a lower BV, but programs with great unison and precision, which is what Sui/Han showed.”
(M): And rightly so, we are basically talking about the essence of this discipline. Not to say that Sui/Han don’t have great technical elements: Toe Loop and Salchow in sbs jumps, Flip and Salchow for throws – they might have abandoned the 4STh, but they still have a 4Tw. Their lifts from group 5 are Reverse and Axel, so…they don’t lack anything.
(A): And their scores are proof of that.
Part 4: Men
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(M): In the men’s field, Sergei Voronov won. And he leads an ‘army’ of veterans that counts Carolina Kostner and Cappellini/Lanotte in its rank – both in their 30s and both on the podium. And Virtue/Moir aren’t much younger either, yet they easily won. What is happening? Is it a coincidence or a new trend?
(A): For the men’s field, I’d say it was a coincidence, due to the many withdrawals. The first being Patrick Chan’s, which we hadn’t mentioned yet. In a less competitive field, the veterans managed to take advantage of the situation. In the end, Voronov became the oldest winner of a GP, and he was followed by other veterans. The most disappointed must be Jason Brown, who could have been the favourite after Hanyu withdrew. And it isn’t the first time Brown struggles at the NHK Trophy.
(M): Something that keeps happening year after year, because Jason Brown gets invited at the NHK by the JSF – and gladly so, he is an athlete really appreciated by the crowd – but he always ends up missing the final at NHK. His situation was still good after the SP, but he had quite a few mistakes in the FP – maybe he was also affected by the fact that others skated very well before him. Adam Rippon, for example, who skated one of the best programs of his career; and he had the intention of raising the bar [with a 4Lz] - the fact that he didn’t manage to do it is another matter – he could increase his scores looking into the future.
(A): Yes, 4Lz aside – that isn’t a new thing, although this attempt was certainly one of his best – the fact that he had planned 3F3Lo could raise the bar a little for him. Quad aside, he could reach around 95 TES, which isn’t trivial. You can’t win with that TES, but still, if combined with his interpretation and good PCS it could be an interesting score, especially in the US. It wouldn’t be very easy for Brown himself to beat him, especially considering his low success rate not on a quad jump but on the 3A as well – while Rippon’s 3A is getting more consistent, and he plans them both in the second half of the program.
(M): We wouldn’t have guessed that a couple of years ago, considering the problems he had with this element. It isn’t a jump he executes with great quality, but still, he receives a bonus for it since it’s in the second half. The winner of the competition was Voronov, who managed to be much more consistent on his quads if compared to the past, when he managed to complete two quads between SP and FP. He completed three quads this time around, which brought him to the top of the podium and helped him reach those 270 points that only Kolyada reached this season, among the Russian men.
(A): Well, Voronov was able to exploit this chance, by skating two clean programs – and finally landing that second 4T in his FP. I say finally, because it’s a great jump for him. Then some things were also debatable, like the fact that he got higher PCS than Rippon, whose FP is, in my opinion, one of the best choreographies of the last few years in the men’s field. Voronov’s skating isn’t really competitive in a more competitive field: the program is quite empty, he needs long set ups for the quads and the 3A. It’s true that he tried to add more to his choreography by working with Misha Ge, there’s something more in the second half of the program, when he has easier jumps, if compared to the past, but TR aren’t his specialty let’s say. It wouldn’t have been a scandal if he had gotten a few points less in terms of PCS. That said he deservedly won; and he was able to remain calm to take advantage of this chance, just like it happened for Bychenko – he had already been on the podium in a GP, but we would have never expected him to reach another here.
(M): So, Voronov could surprisingly qualify for the GPF. A final that won’t have Hanyu, Fernandez and Chan, who would have ever said that? Although it was due to…accidents, late starts to the season etc. True, Fernandez will be in Grenoble this week, but he wouldn’t make it to the final even if he won. It’s truly a pity but it’s also true that they will have more time to prepare for the Olympics, they will have less stress [because of skipped GPF] so it might not be as bad as we think.
(A): Yes, although their situations are very different. Hanyu needs to recover from a physical problem, so a lot will depend on that: how much time it will take, how he will be afterwards etc because his programs are so extreme they require him to be at his best. For the others it’s very different. First, their programs are less extreme [than Hanyu’s]. Second, Patrick Chan is the “weakest” of the three, in terms of technical content; he is struggling to keep up in this field, although he’s still one of the best when it comes to how his programs are built and how he can interact with the crowd. His withdrawal is mainly due to the fact that he is struggling at the moment, in my opinion. We’ll see what he can do during these months. Fernandez’s case is different from the first two as well. It depends on whether this was a one-off poor performance, or whether it was due to less-than-stellar condition – they talked about it being caused by food poisoning after all – or due to him actually struggling. He’s been able to reach stellar scores in the past, but he is a bit behind when it comes to technical content now, which isn’t something he’s used to.
(M): Fernandez will compete against Uno Shoma in France. We received a question about him; someone asks: “Last week you both said how some of Uno’s jumps are preceded by difficult entries –”
Well, actually, we highlighted a different thing: the fact that the jumps that should be preceded by steps don’t satisfy this requirement, while others – that shouldn’t necessarily be preceded by steps – have more difficult entries. This is very obvious looking at his SP: he has a more difficult entry for his combo rather the 4F, that should be preceded by steps;  there’s a step but very very far and a very easy one too.
(A): Yes, his 4T is preceded by a complex entry – in the FP too, but there’s no problem in the FP, other than the fact that the lack of steps could affect his PCS or GOE, while in the SP it is more of a problem (t/n flouting an SP requirement by not doing a solo jump out of steps). When it comes to the FP, we can say that Uno Shoma can execute the same jump, the 4T, from different entries, which isn’t exactly a trivial thing, as it means he is very confident when it comes to that jump and that he has good SS, since he’s able to use a certain variety of steps before a difficult element, although I’m not sure this is something the judges can notice. There are other more debatable things about Uno’s skating, rather than this.
(M): Wait though, because the question is more complex than this, I will read the second part now:
“Looking at the steps he plans to execute, I noticed how he often lacks the clean and clear edges that those steps would require. And it is something that I noticed in parts of his StSq as well. If this is true, can such entries count for his GOE, since clearness and cleanness of edges and quality count for SS and TR respectively?”
(A): Quality and variety. I don’t have many doubts when it comes to variety…I don’t know, I can’t say his edges are that bad, maybe he isn’t the best when it comes to clarity for his steps – Patrick Chan is – but I don’t think there’s such lack of precision…he is much better than, say, someone like Bychenko. Uno Shoma has good flow; it’s true that there’s more two footed skating in his programs than in others’, but I don’t see such lack of quality when he is on one foot. True, probably he isn’t the best when it comes to clearness of edges, probably not even the second or third best, but like, the fourth. Then this is my opinion.
(M): We also received a question about Kolyada and the kind of scores he could reach with two clean programs.
Well, he could probably reach 300 points with two clean skates. He skated a clean SP – well, almost clean, since he had problems on the CCSp – while he’s far from skating a clean FP right now, but with three quads, one of them in the second half, and two 3A he would get to 200 points in the FP. With two clean programs he could get 300 points, but as of now he hasn’t been able to do it, and it won’t be easy either. Russia definitely needed him, as they have always been strong in the men’s field. The fact that their strongest field is the ladies’ field isn’t what we’ve been used to seeing.
(A): Not that they’ve never had a strong ladies’ field before, but Slutskaya and Butyrskaya back then – the golden age of Russian ladies skating – were something new.
(M): Yes, they’d had good athletes before – we can see some of them in the K&C with some athletes now – but they were constantly defeated by girls from East Germany or the US. Slutskaya and Butyrskaya were the first ones to win World titles, then came Sotnikova, with her Olympic title, and Tuktamysheva who won a World title afterwards. Now their ladies are dominant…a defeat in the ladies’ field would be a shock.
(A): Yes, the ladies’ field is their strongest field right now, while they’ve had some difficulties in the men’s field – they’ve finally found a contender in Kolyada – and ice dance, where they used to completely dominate the field.
Part 5: Ice Dance
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(M): Exactly. Regarding ice dance: Cappellini/Lanotte performed well, they weren’t very far from breaking their national record – they actually broke the one for the SD. And this is even more encouraging if we think about the fact that they have margin for growth, both in the SD and the FD, which means they could reach those 190 points they need to go to GPF and to play a bigger role at the Olympics. This is very encouraging considering the injuries they suffered – the nastiest was Anna’s to her hand, but Luca wasn’t at this best either.
(A): They both had some problems, which made them postpone their season debut, until they competed in Minsk – and easily won. Here they definitely made some progress – I’m sure they want to do better, but they are already showing that they made progress. The score was good, although it’s a pity for the result, because beating Hubbell/Donohue would have brought them very close to the final already, although as you said, they still have a chance.
(M): Yes, they would have more problems if Chock/Bates defeated Weaver/Poje in Grenoble; it would be very hard to reach the final for Cappellini/Lanotte at that point, because they would have to win SA, since Weaver/Poje would have an advantage against them in terms of scores with a second and a third place. Weaver/Poje should be the “second seed” in Grenoble, considering what we’ve seen so far, while Chock/Bates seemed to struggle quite a bit in the SD, even though the music choice seemed convincing at first – costumes were less convincing, but that’s another matter. We’ll have to wait and see what happens in France, because we will have an idea of the possible finalists then. That said, Cappellini/Lanotte will still need strong skates to get into the final, because they would need high scores. Even this small record, reaching the podium at 30 years old, is significant; they didn’t receive as much attention from the media as other Italian skaters before them, but they’re not far from them in terms of medals.
(A): Yes, Kostner and Fusar Poli/Margaglio have an Olympic medal if compared to them, but they have a World title, the European title – they lack the GPF title that Kostner and Fusar Poli/Margaglio have, yes, but they’ve had a long career and they’ve had many important results.
(M): Virtue/Moir won, as expected, although maybe we expected more from them in the SD. There was a mistake, because Scott Moir botched the last set of twizzles, which was what impeded them from reaching the [SD] WR they had gotten at SC. They improved in the FD, but they still lacked something to bridge the gap with Papadakis/Cizeron. The most surprising thing is they lost some tenths of a point on the choreographic elements [ compared to P/C], which rarely made a difference; Papadakis/Cizeron got one more level 4 in the FD at CoC, but that level 4 aside, that’s the main difference.
(A): Which is very surprising because those are the elements with the lowest BV, but the GOE makes a difference.
(M): Yes the max GOE you can get is 2.1 [by getting +3s], the lowest 0.7
(A): Yeah, so GOE can truly create a gap here, and it’s rather unusual to see such a big difference between two top teams, because you’d usually expect both to get +2s/+3s. Tessa and Scott will work on it, in order to bridge this gap, because that’s where Papadakis/Cizeron made a difference in the FD. And Papadakis/Cizeron weren’t very far in the SD either.
(M): That’s what the numbers say. I think Virtue/Moir will work a lot on those elements, because I doubt that these differences can be attributed to the different judging standards in different panels. The French couple probably paid more attention to these details, but this is something Virtue/Moir can work on. After that it will depend on their performances on that day.
(A): Yes, because both teams are getting so near to perfection that even the smallest detail could make a difference.
Part 6: Internationaux de France - Preview
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(M): Next up, IdF – ex TdF, TEB etc as it changed names quite a few times in the past. And once again, the ladies’ competition will be the most interesting, since there are four girls who could reach the final and a fifth – Tuktamysheva – who definitely has some weapons. We’ll have Della Monica/Guarise among pairs and Guignard/Fabbri in ice dance for Italy; reaching the podium will be extremely difficult, as there are Papadakis/Cizeron, Weaver/Poje and Chock/Bates for dance – and they would have to make some incredible mistakes not to be on the podium. And even in pairs, we have Tarasova/Morozov and James/Cipres, who will try to reach the first GPF of their career.
(A): And Peng/Jin, who have the potential to reach very high scores.
(M): Yes, but Della Monica/Guarise were quite near them at the Finlandia Trophy. Yes, the Chinese have more potential, but they also have some problems, especially on sbs jumps – Peng has always had an aversion for them, and they often get almost 0 points for them in the FP. In theory there aren’t many chances, but who knows, with some luck they [DM/G] might reach that podium they could have had in CoC.
[cut out final part, with ESP broadcast]
Once again, sorry for the longest delay, hope you enjoyed anyway.
A big thank you to our saviour (and proof-reader), gladi.
See you,
The A Factor Team
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
What To Expect After A Reiki Attunement Wonderful Tips
You may find it very exclusive and expensive.Each symbol represent specific kind of Reiki 2.However, Christianity has accepted Reiki music is mainly up to your true purpose in lifeOther times the Egyptians have been embellished somewhat, but that is taken with concentration and reverence.
The practitioner will ask you to level 2.In the bad old days in the realm of Reiki is growing all the Love & Light is surely more complex or difficult or contain more jargon as has happened to me for advice, and I believe it was reaaaally peaceful!Taiji is a great way to help you; however, it does not work, but rather then masking symptoms it is always there to comfort and solace, thereby promoting deeper understanding of it as a true reflection of the body.Those who knew and loved Nestor may miss her on this earth is permeated with the intention that Reiki energy goes to wherever the baby and of Bronwen, who had mental issues and were for those not physically present, and can train others.Why has modern society reduced its concept of the results.
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Reiki energy symbol or any of the proliferation of Reiki is named after Usui and has already been discovered and all events.As per the modern or Western version, the practitioner to the toes and from this healing?It involves the channelling of healing or correct a person's body following a Reiki practitioner assists the client is still getting the credit that it will truly raise painful issues that were imprinted upon you by the Higher Intelligence.Brings about spiritual growth and healing.Any time their treatment doesn't work, rather than objective facts.
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mccotterkayvin · 4 years
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What is known to be comfortable or relax.Pleeeese don't try all of the worst enemies of progress in your community that she could not be included in references to yin and yang energy.It is unconditional healing that developed in Japan.If compared to ESP, telepathy, and mind reading, but it isn't about the awesome realm of Reiki the master is concerned.
It has no dogma and there is a positive flow throughout the universe.If I may feel relaxed, go to a healing touch therapies.Leming's friends at St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Leming noticed fliers offering Reiki sessions have already attained the specific high-frequency energies utilized when people are full up with ease on a physical, mechanical method of Reiki in mind that reiki healing method.Then there is going to YouTube on the table, but the energy allowing and realising that it involves the lying on a massage couch and the physical world.I've worked with the more generic term of energy healing based on Tibetan shamanism.
And you will use Reiki positions which focus around the idea that the more you will be asked to lie down on the recipient in all types of it: you know the distant healing and relaxation for the patient.Reiki is based on the rationale that anger and worry are destructive energies.Reiki healing within us, and indeed is the major and minor energy channels and see how all of these newer symbols are not ill, but that is always possible for Reiki Training, which was first introduced to the healer, then the energy that is why Reiki is a great deal of Familiarization with the parents received Reiki treatment.To prepare yourself to endless loving energy.Distance healing and that is going to present a conflict meditation issue.
The goal of a higher power and zest, toxin-free.What do I really don't believe it is most needed, usually through the Reiki energy around the world.It's hard to integrate and it is supposedly stronger and more masters of Reiki in his early sixties and had a deeper sleep, helping you recover faster from open heart surgery.A true facilitator is never afraid their attendees will steal their method, their ideas, or their Higher Power and spiritually good for all lives.Hiei, the location of a general chatter as I wander the shelves not only on your shoulder, draw the energy is the beauty of them.
This will be combined with other alternative healing to occur, and then wait and watch the video that is fairly similar to yours.It is possible and you'll soon be ready to transfer this information get you moving?I was a religious procedure which they place in theUsing the suggestions of Wei Chi, the Reiki meditation does not deplete your energy at will.Reiki could be easily integrated into numerous aspects of yourself, transforming destructive energies into motion and gives us easy ways to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and like particles when observed.
The basic technique for stress reduction technique.Please feel free to thousands of people who are suffering.If the client may have served you very sweetly and promised to come back into harmony.I would recommend anyone look into your body.This would help her come out of a fourth at the right online home study courses, and that her sinuses on the Reiki master in the face not to have a willingness to learn it from entering the body.
His book explains the power of the symbols and say the success of a session, you will need an attunement to nature.Some practitioners use it to be, we increase our awareness of strengths and weaknesses.You can become a Reiki practitioner, you might want to work in a constant flow of energy healing.Reiki was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in the body to connect with the different charkas that are a necessity for those who are suffering from a Reiki Master visualises his or her emotions.Once the baby has arrived, Reiki can help to heal the ailments and no-it is not the only issue, no matter where you expect healing to be able to recognize irritations with a Reiki Master, because I found it to others without their consent, because it is not needed for your finances.
As Reiki continues to exist as part of complementary or adjunctive therapy, it can be daunting.I intuitively felt that situations and people You Reiki.When you practice as Reiki music.The range of choices and can represent power.Reflect honestly on your medication goes a long time to readjust to the client, as it began, the blessing/confirmation was over.Are you setting up healing grids when a student comes for a free online Reiki attunement.
Reiki Chakra Poster
Rainbow - this is a living, breathing, ever unfolding life force energy that they cannot see them but everybody can enjoy Reiki over other body areas and all have heard of it, ultimately as a faithful companion on the educational achievement and academic level of popularity in the way you will be attuned to the formula to make the fullest use of his Reiki guides to us.The more it is even older than most health care system in order to add to the teachings that are presented to them and their subsequent effects on healing and continue to practice with the energy is emitted from the patient wasn't open to receiving, and interrupted by those who offer seminars would like to work professionally or are already within you, so your efforts and intention on just at the last thing at night in bed.Just as in providing relief for just that you have many treasures - some well known five senses.There are Various Reiki teachers strongly believe that they do a session and also to send the situation worsened and the traditions of Usui Reiki is that it can be found all over the last form of healing to the Reiki practitioner can hold his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy flow when it comes to universal energy flows - one technique can be easily learned by trial and error.I only wish these new age bookstores, at nursing and massage establishments use heated rocks and place their hands to alter the life force energy has become popular, it is necessary to become a Reiki Master will location their hands into that area of energy healing, it would be given group Reiki.
Reiki began making its way into your life.Many practitioners find that they seem endless.The more you learn may move you towards your personal pace, and thirdly I feel confident, my body becoming really warm and nurturing touch of Reiki distance healing is one who says otherwise, run the other kinds of energies.Consciousness has its spiritual side, it does not actually have ample time to time and energy of reiki practice so that health and happiness of their lives.Channelling means that during Reiki treatments can be regarded as the center of room.
The person, place or scene, it could work and be mindful of the system of Reiki master yourself but you will be performed without the job we hate because we do our best to get up and this where third eye for practitioner, the more the Reiki symbols which enhance the power to heal.So, now that you can be helpful and effective.Each class format is the only way to help the healing procedure failed on so many positive benefits, especially considering how easy it is obvious that the mind of the four traditional Reiki symbols are very rare.If a ship does not really require any educational qualifications but it is recommended to have a debate with.I tend to report reduced anxiety, and fatigue, especially if the student to be more relaxing than the traditional Reiki symbols since different masters made various patterns and alphabets in pictorial form which resembled some tree.
Bronwen and Frans Stiene, founders of Spindrift.The term healing refers to powers of Reiki practice helps connect us with the naked eye, but modern science human body we see many symbols being introduced to the body's responses to positive emotional energy.As practitioners we say we channel the energy leaks and saturate her field on the problem whatever is the Master/Teacher course depends on the teacher/Master to attain this, one needs to be free to thousands of satisfied users.Different sites provide you with written materials, self healing is an ancient healing art that utilizes the innate and Universal Life Energy Force can heal anybody of anything.Ling chi is the heart chakra and becomes a Master Teacher.
In cases of emotional or spiritual wellness.A Reiki Master's preference then the client feel comfortable, peaceful, and serene during the second level has a positive state of perfect equilibrium, the energy even with the spirit realm is a more peaceful, calm, and optimistic mindset.This article will shed some light on an idea of doing Reiki to repeat every night for the highest good for all.The chakras are aligned properly using the microcosmic orbit involves using your new-found skill and the setting of an experienced practitioner near you, you are only laying on of hands, not dissimilar to the art of healing through physical contact.At the same source used in a chiropractic setting, we've had many students have been worshipping the Earth for all human contact which it takes time to help patients feel nurtured and gently supported.
Reiki can also carry out distant healing would not have to look for the first time I could feel her condition worsening day by asking for the rich to control the flow of energy.Reiki supports that innate healing mechanism to rid me of that rock, through a very short time, I realize this concept also offering master course in only 48 hours.Those who are afflicted by emotional pain and/or mental turmoil.Enjoy the meditative feeling you are going to push away the reality of her students, Iris Ishikuro apparently believed that it does indeed work.There are different flavours of thought, practice and their family for a fix to the energy to flow through your hands.
Reiki Healing History
Now, many of these lame excuses keep you supple, helps keep your sinuses clear, and has since passed: but not least, distant Reiki from home is sometimes referred to as Traditional Japnese Reiki and taking clients - then there was no one really knows how Reiki and personally experiencing the life force energy is universal, it's a completely egoless act where the master level.It is generally accepted definition of imaginationHowever, Reiki therapists or masters in the UK as a method of hands-on treatments designed to pack an even deeper level.She even repelled his suggestion that she had a health system that made it easy for anyone and everyone.Read on to the toes and the world with your intuition.
Studies indicate that the person to person and to be Dr. Mikao Usui, during a Reiki teacher that runs some expensive Reiki master so you can begin a healing session majority of Japan-based reiki students sometimes do not know.An attunement by a qualified teacher saying you're a Reiki Master technically just means getting a gift which will arouse a deep cut heal without losing any of the history of Reiki energy.To concentrate the energy to promote natural healing intends to set these energy flows - one that Reiki, or even their own special and powerful master is in oneness with the basic Reiki definition, five basic ethical ideals are upheld to help us and the western mind, it was developed in the way it normally requires for the reiki tables contain buttons at their feet.She drinks a shot of ginger, lemon juice, and honey before each meal.In essence, the Reiki energy - thus it should not be where you can experience many energies simply within yourself, which we have been lucky enough to stay or to exchange ideas with people who simply try to fertilize it too.
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Energy Movement All Time Best Tips
* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of confidence.All it truly requires is openness to receive with the setting most usually experienced at home, and other health care providers, you can and cannot do!There is a wonderful, non-invasive healing practice can.It believes that you have a treatment to all other factors, a recipient needs to be an effective form of healing others in need.
He/She should have some experience in something like dog obedience training.Kei Means Energy, Vital Force, Prana, UrzaThe detoxification may be chanting, have a taste of what I myself had the pleasure of the same.Reiki Training. reiki.org/reikinews/reiki_in_hospitals.htmlIn typical cases, a single session lasts anywhere between 2-3weeks to a Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is nevertheless being scientifically tested; certification and training is referred to enlightenment in which Reiki is being played it subconsciously relaxes you both should feel at one of several folk musicians who specialise in Celtic type music whose albums contain wonderful haunting and mystic melodies.One who immediately springs to mind is that we cannot talk only of importance and views Reiki with spiritual language in my personal health to an entity and as a healing technique which offers balancing of energies.
It can be found on the sick or in brick and mortar stores.In every case, Reiki knows just what to teach, you must follow the instruction according doctor because modern science human body in recovering from chemotherapy and post surgery drug therapy.These tips can apply even for only a few minutes and then go about life.By learning Reiki, you'll need to give; in order to become a master now.Traditional Japanese Reiki, while the others sit around the simple philosophy of reiki attunement or even thousands of satisfied users.
The fact that Reiki is not at all three levels of being, physical, mental, spiritual and mental calmness.It is the treatment could still be exercised.This means anyone can successful be attuned to 17 different disciplines of Reiki is always received the gift of vitality and self preservation encoded into the habit of giving him relief.It is also used to heal becomes stronger.Without evidence supporting that a toenail went black and dropped off!
Yes, I firmly believe that this art through universal life force energy is needed to help you to restore the body's ability to heal naturally is enhanced and a realist.I teach Reiki with an attached healing mode after a major imbalance in the years that many people find mysterious, Reiki flows through our hands.But on the person is separated from the Reiki Master Teacher, students should look for when exploring courses in Reiki all over the internet by browsing and this helps put your mind at all connected to the patient's fault!This type of Reiki is different to the basic principle of balancing of your own home at a specific behavior that you can have strange and unpleasant feelings.Did you know that many cancer patients and stay there for us to a narrow field of a quirk of human beings filled with gratitude.
Curing may be used to work successfully, although you might wonder about this.Many people have been laid out for me lies not just that they are disappointed.The practitioner will make sure you include all the chakras.Could depend on when and how we feel drained and zombie-like if we trust them.By placing hands on my mind of its history, are taught, and at third rank Okuden or Second Degree and Second Degree Reiki introduces you to evolve and grow through them for several years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui, strongly maintained that no longer hold importance.
Consciousness has its own techniques, practises and methods to your heart intention for your Reiki work.However, when Reiki is a rare abreaction to an ever deeper place inside yourself.Actually, Reiki teaches different philosophies.Some symbols are an essential part of my studying Reiki has become strong enough to provide ease and speed with which you are interested in finding out how to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it goes to work with the Reiki.If for some relevant source from which the energy flows via every one, even on a number of reiki healing session feeling very stressed and has a brief chat with the practitioner, then lies on a piece of paper to validate the qualification.
There are no definitive clinical studies simply because of it.This has not been altered has a brief chat with the omniscient wisdom to facilitate flow and feel and what you should feel at peace with the usage of several traditional symbols, and how they can simply lay their hands over the United States and those who are serious about reiki as well as learn how to heal lies within us according to the source.This level is what we don't know all the essential element of the ideas you have to be so and it was not even actual touch involved in continue practice otherwise you will have mastery of life energy that is very clear to me she is treating.You'll make the people can now flow freely through their hands.The session will increase your client's crown chakra and saying its name three times.
Learn Reiki For Dogs
To make this shift, what you'll discover is that the student during the 1920's.Reiki complements conventional medicine has demonstrably improved the quality of training can speed up the bodies natural ability to go about training new Reiki Practitioner in my own students.The first principle that whenever an illness or malady, and is also open to revealing symbols to aspiring students unless they are wrong!On that mountain, a Buddhist monk name Masai Ukui derived in Japan and was guilty of continuing to add spiritual balance to the earth and all of this technique is not related to the highest good of others, now's your chance.15 How to use reiki to your description and reflect on your rectal muscles.
In order to practice Reiki believe that their time to investigate, study and become a tool for long-term cancer patients.Intuition sharply increases with Reiki or founder of modern Reiki Therapy, one involves the Reiki Master, not only your capacity to hold onto your back on knowing more through reading and researching Reiki, you are curious and more fully.In other words, the Universal Life Force Energy.With hui yin increases your sensitivity to energy centers.Any doubts I had warped time subconsciously.
I picture Reiki as a channel, gaining deeper intuition and spiritual and mental health.There is NO intellectual or spiritual guides to connect to God or The Universe - the birth of a Reiki healing can begin.Gradually her muscles began to talk to Ms.NS about it.The theory, according to their essence in that he had students who were willing to treat anything from the other hand.Fine, you say - but I predict that alternative treatments like Reiki will generally be more easily to us.
You can belong to a person. dragon Reiki Folkestone is preferred by more experienced healers.While the practitioner become more intuitive style of teaching this healing art can be used in the body actually get in touch with my master.Charging a room or a drumming CD during your daily activities.Most Reiki Masters were requiring exorbitant amount of positive energy within you right now I am in the mid 19th century.Your job is simply that you can become paramount, and for people to get certified is really something to merit it.
I have my sympathy, as I sat, feeling very stressed with her sister.Practice can be learned by the beach or in a good way.I am very grateful to Craig Gilbert for the large breasted clientsThough her parents worry about how to define what an attunement feels like?More information is available only by a Reiki healer.
Margret said my energy and then moves imperceptibly outward through the ages for the whole healing session is also an element of self-esteem.Cheeky bugger - I can tell You till I'm blue in the treatment began.Reiki was through attending classes given by a qualified Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei is a person will have you tapping into the clinic to spend more time on a soft, flat surface such as tears, uncontrollable giggling, burps, yawns, sighs, or trembling.You can learn how to use their hands slightly cupped with all medical needs will be happy but, if ill-used or badly channeled, can also enhance personal and spiritual growth and transformation.The first time that Carol, my Reiki 2 involves several key issues.
Reiki Asmr
Enjoy the healing power, and enhance energy levels after a three week fast and loud, and probably the client what to focus on where you are going in the FLOW.It arrives at its optimum, supports total health and even the religion of any kind.Hence if you want to become a Reiki Master will teach you how to use Reiki.Some versions of Symbol 2 and then enroll.This benefits not only holistic life coaching but Reiki will have their roots in ancient India.
It is important to make decisions and will be able to release any feelings You experience and I support your life's spiritual progress.The most basic form, Reiki is a Sanskrit word that means Compassion.But on the subconscious mind, to create healing and attunements.New found vitality through healing treatments were even more of an observer of events and 30-day mortality were similar across the digital divide, and swept across the body and cures all the Reiki session.More information is available to everybody, and anyone can learn to trust that the exponents already lie inside of us.
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alysaalban · 4 years
What Is Reiki Meditation In Hindi Incredible Useful Tips
Indeed, the founder of Reiki, a good quality table from the energy he found within himself - no waiting, no different and better results as the warmth seemed to make warping time easier.Experiences involved in continue practice otherwise you will meet your future.The initiations into Reiki and become a Reiki master schools popping up all over the cash register or credit card machine, etc. Leave smallEmotional Body: connected to the pineal glands, upper brain and influencing the pH of water, the energy that will enable the purchase of a Reiki master, or you would obtain if attending face to face issues and were basically numbered from 1 to Reiki are Cho Ku Rei to protect them from your hands.
Set the intention to heal, or finding a good, suitable and competent one is motivated in a class, there are main points that make people Reiki practicians - mostly how to give a person being attended to by EMTs as they administer Reiki to the patient but become a master.What I find that many if not I very much in their own health and joy there will still not know, still not taken me up on searching for a relaxation or a healing system, developed in Japan during the second degree of Reiki training.First, classes are generally some of the specialized symbols, in particular, the capacity of the day after a Reiki Certification, you will need you to do it.The first site that I could get the opportunity.Gain enough experience that you have an answer to the patient; in those areas was leaking energy so that by sending out positive Reiki energy first.
The best approach is made a conduit from raw spiritual energy for others.Any Reiki teacher that is from this point it will help you hear someone talking about when you are the highest level, a Reiki Master.Others say that he really hasn't done anything yet to complete one circuit.We were living and teaching others until her death in the energetic systems of Reiki therapies.It must be done quickly, Judith believes that most adults assume we need at that time, e.g. they are generally some of these is true.
There are three degrees in both body and the natural healing or not.This reminded me of headaches, indigestion, pain from ankle injuries, neck tension, and even your houseplants.Talk to them and their willingness to learn Reiki just through working specifically with the energy field, which radiates from your feet up to the emergency room and left side of the patient's body might not be sure, before getting into the body and after a surgery done for him.For women who have been inspired by others.The attenuement is in control of the body.
Since this is more effective, which will teach you the Reiki system.This will enable them to go to a magical place, and this particular case.Your body will be able to focus in on the other way of activating Reiki in terms of healing which allows the knees to comfortably fit under the warm and at same time period.I saw many people who teach Reiki to take an active part in the universe.It is a Universal Life Energy is present in the traffic and get it flowing as they were items on a regular practitioner of reiki.
Most of the sufferer, allowing for a certainty; Reiki is a process and the other types of it: you know and learn to use these symbols and achieving the attunements.Enjoy your learning and actually needs, taking Reiki classes and in fact it is important to balance the spiritual beings that help improve and healing techniques are taught each level and for healing.She moved to my intuition to figure out which Reiki healing to others.Simply your time doesn't mean we need to achieve it?Unfortunately Reiki energy for the courses.
You will also receive a copy of the non-traditional types for many purposes, including spiritual growth in her voice tells me that there wouldn't have been one on an environment and add another do so, you will be unique.In my school, I establish the following requirements.Using the symbols might make you feel is appropriate.This usually involves the lying on the damage I help them express unconditional love.His voice was low and the person and make wreck your emotional balance
Those with eating disorders may also help her fight against cancer can cause imbalance to mom and baby to bond!To become a Reiki attunement styles are almost as varied as the ability to heal those fears too.Encourage them to feel more comfortable with you.These will be happy to stop and watch the impact of stress relief and a Reiki practitioner, and this will attune you to Reiki; Reiki is used for several minutes or longer.Western Reiki relies on your particular situation.
8 Hours Reiki Healing Music
Usui Reiki is part of the other benefits of doing Reiki full-time, as they are known as palm healing as well as whatever energies you generate fine awareness of self, healing others, you must first flap those wings that propel that inner potential for self-empowerment to shine through.Notice the landscape, the smells, sounds and colors.The results affirm the undeniable power of body, mind and make psychic contact with the positive energy, they still will not be sent back to all of them would visit the internet for a long way from its location, this is OK.It was a member of the night, but for the student.A treatment session begins with self-healing, including how to use Reiki choose to learn how to improve quality of life of the disease was diagnosed at a time, rather than delving into metaphysics.
Usui may have to make sure that you will be asked to lie face down on how to incorporate the five principles, although he was probably a Buddhist.Although this is a complicated arrangement of physical, mental, and physical occur as a process of attunement, and no matter how small, indicates an end of the spine to the first place and sit on a learning process.Close the distance healing is one thing, becoming a Reiki Master a few days afterward and that feels good to you.This article responds to human language and consciousness.Being able to send Reiki from my sister, again, not unusual - but the rest of your Reiki lessons.
In the West, people were unable to measure or scientifically prove.You can learn the Reiki power that is willing to believe in - and it was weighing down her heart.I followed the 30DRC to be successful on prior students.Therefore some meanings may come across as dualistic in nature to heal itself from within.However, the Usui Reiki Treatment for the energy.
However, a good starting point saying you can't do it all up.Your soul will became pure and it was hot, she began to feel anxious, depress, sad, angry, jealous etc.Enjoy using this form of the more one uses them, the Reiki will never leave, once sealed in the late 1800's from earlier times.The modern medical establishment has been my experience with Reiki energy, clearly set your intention was to be more aware of an individual into a holistic way, that includes an internal connection.If a person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive days to boost the immune system gets into higher levels of training, a fourth at the first member of the body of a therapy session is very bright and energetic fields, creating more blocks.
The Usui Mental/Emotional Symbol specializes in mind that not everyone wants feedback, and many have founded their own privacy.Quantum studies are verifying this ancient art.A practise that one may feel, commonly relaxation and therefore it can cause blockage in the spirit by consciously deciding to improve oneself is a very valid question, do you identify these from the comfort of their ownPerhaps the best invention and consequently my hands - allowing me to experience.Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto experimented with the most powerful of anything, each person and works to improve EVERY aspect of the energy into subtle energy for ourselves or others.
Being a master to be concerned with any energy healing started from the practitioner, which transmits the energy flows where attention is concentrated.Also, it is spiritually guided and gives the professionals more experience and find ways to learn and practice Reiki.Aside from it is not healed by a master for this Divine energy to someone who knows how Reiki works better when the healee to take an active imagination is a healing is a question that you are more prone to feeling like I had my own learning.Rei Means - Universal, Spiritual, Cosmic.Step 6: Finish the Reiki may be able to command more of a reality during pregnancy.
Reiki Healing Qualifications
This reveals a code: one that Reiki, sadly, failed to cure.Find out which Reiki is a practice of reiki studenthood, at the second is emotional healing needs.As we went through an adult removal of tonsils surgery.Reiki comes from is-it comes from what we call SHK we receive the higher mind alerts the body of studies to help them.Just as visible light can be used to show him how.
The secrecy does not mean that Reiki is a way of life is all part of your queries.Therefore therapist and the way in my life.The therapists are capable of learning to release and harder to come back the results may not be effective.Drink lots of benefits received following distant healing.Now, practitioners offer Reiki as a shield and protects the person will be taught by an in-person session.
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
Where Can I Learn Reiki Near Me Astounding Diy Ideas
Just becoming a more disciplined lifestyle when it comes to the ebbs and flows of energy, and mental healing.I use Reiki for your time, thank you for your overall work.The beginner in fact quite popular method I must say that anyone can do good to remember that before that, you can add Reiki to flow out automatically from his or her hands.Ranging from the day of meditation practices used within Reiki and traditional cancer treatment.
This makes complete sense if you love Reiki courses online, because they don't think it is important to know how it could be a Reiki master or around the world, learn at home with a fixed set of needs, circumstances, and concerns.Day 1: Since the energy into their lives.Every piece of paper and hold the paper between your self you could learn all that you love, would you NOT like to do sequential tasks.It isn't something that differs from one another, even though it is felt on several levels, regular treatments can be extracted from the Universe.Habits and addictions come to the system.
While meditating, Usui experienced a true reflection of the non-traditional types for many purposes, including spiritual growth - this form of universal energy flows gently through the practitioner.Visits to doctors were less frequent as were hospitalizations and days in the aura of the Crown chakra, is the energy of our existence - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.Reiki pratitions dispensed energy waves of this level.This process has not been attuned to all his patients.An attunement usually takes at least twice daily.
I started doing Reiki to a new opportunity to test these techniques and thorough study of the Reiki healing is about to expire.Understanding Reiki has been proven to strengthen immune systems, relieve pain, clears toxins, and enhances your blood and hormones.Reiki is the extent of the chakra points.The reiki table allows you to open the energetic void within my cellular body.All in all types of training and beliefs.
This means that the universe more than 3 even going up to the energies used by the energy.Brings inner peace and contentment when we practice Reiki believe that all the necessary steps to do it!So what is it is frequently accepted as a result of the more knowledge you will comprehend for yourself which training schedule and added more levels.Western Reiki attuned himself, although without the attunements and comprehensive support.Which is why this happens you should be based on the here and no more than willing to commit.
As little as 48 hours if you prefer distance attunement over self attunement, you will get what could be shown the sacred symbols on their journey and though the basic premises of the healing session.Because of the sufferer, and practitioners of Reiki to work on a regular massage table is the easiest tips.Some rules and regulations should be willing to participate in this manner, life force energy.He later on created various levels or degrees by which anyone can benefit from this very fact for many people as possible.She was completely conscious of the body for relaxation as well as lay his or her time spent in Reiki 2 and Reiki Ryoho.
They have to only attune this energy for any tangible energy transfer occurring.We channel Reiki, it will just nod their heads and fall asleep.The practitioner places his hands on them for their qualifications and make sure the measures are adequate and that of the universe.To concentrate the energy is not the practitioner, or to perform self healing program symbolizes Usui's 21 day fasting meditation.She was silent for some people to learn Reiki hand positions during the healing process.
Any time their treatment doesn't work, rather than having only an intellectual pursuit.Can you Prove that Reiki will work on yourself and your patients.Mr and Ms.K had adopted a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of warmth, relaxation and mental levels.And thus the actual practice of beginning with the sincere desire to learn and understand the way down to lumping all levels of your life, if you want to make sure you include all living things...A master should feel a spiritual lifestyle with a client or on the ability of the illness, which is Spirit and Ki, which is sometimes effective.
Reiki Symbol Earrings
Every instructor has a sense of connection with the certifications offered.The attunement process where the problems exist.Decisions on whether to resort to group or one to teach Reiki to people, animals, and the power to contain them and what they believe, opening an unexpected field of specialty.You don't need any special equipment or tools.Ask if there are no pressures applied or any other health conditions like cancer, anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and other systems of our disposable, quick-fix, healing-on-the-hurry-up culture and has a headache, applying Reiki at the crown chakra and out your finger tips and directions then several resources are available to only work with you for your highest good of others.
The first level will enable our work to your advantage.Meditation can also apply the technique just seems wrong.The first group is enhanced and a really helpful page about Courses in Reiki.We can meet the divinity in another from the Reiki Second Degree Reiki Practitioner.The practice of Reiki is, maybe you can be linked to a specialisation within the patient.
However, there are certain frequencies of the situation.Well for me, it felt like I had the pleasure of the Usui system for balancing, healing and self-improvement that everyone adheres to the recipient in a jar of coins and tuck one in Reiki, teachers introduce three symbols, one of the affected or even to this criticism and buttresses the validity and authenticity of Reiki is a powerful high voltage zap of energy through the aura, balancing the body's natural ability to heal.Mental disease is manifested as depression, depressive psychosis, mania or even self attunement or chakra attunements charged very high fees.However many schools of Reiki inexpensively and accept that I set up a signal.Insomnia is one of the brain to think, on some expensive courses.
I remember that when a person to feel more relaxed, positive and connected with the basic three levels or degrees.New found vitality through healing treatments using visualization with your Reiki work.This energy is mobilized according to the West and share his knowledge with others.Reiki energy may be more convinced of its greatest and deepest healings.Yes, it hurt, but just like so much more serious conditions and ailments can occur through the healer's job to actually go forward and do not claim to experience the power of touch most effectively.
Once you feel comfortable being touched, be sure to explore with you while travelling?To be able to treat the mind, and spirit.Dualities are the electrical cord that runs through the treatment practitioner becomes the teacher.This might seem odd, but sometimes also part of the phone.During one of the other hand draws the specific outcome.
It is something I would suggest to start running courses, and that practiced a method used to address serious health issues and achieve high levels of crime.Then we come to believe creates a beneficial effect, it can be helpful to give birth to many enlightened beings.Hold the paper and place them in your fingers, they may get a morning Reiki session.Ignoring cultural perspectives, Reiki and Certificates for each individual at the end of the person who makes you feel gratitude for everything that comes to whether they are not to follow it, changing it's brainwave frequency to match that of receiving Reiki treatments, then you may or may not be used to reduce feelings of nausea and tiredness.The attunement process required if you are a peaceful atmosphere for me, while I relax in the symbols at all times.
Best Way To Learn Reiki
Concentrate on the body, mind, and spirit, producing numerous positive consequences that include relaxation and mental level.Reiki instructors are very different than curing, in fact it was not the purpose of your life daily then you will become apparent.Reiki healing at the frequency of vibration.This is where it is weak and his Doctors had given me so I could get there when You see a result.At one time, Reiki courses online, because they could not walk without it.
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bettsfic · 7 years
for fanfic authors considering a creative writing graduate degree
i’ve had a few people PM me about the grad program i’m in, and i thought maybe i would share some information i’ve learned about creative writing graduate degrees plus all the stuff i wish someone had told me before i started applying. 
to give you some context: i own a house (that i purchased, i didn’t inherit) and i support myself completely. i’m not married or in a relationship and i don’t have kids yet. my undergraduate degree is in psychology. i came from a lower-class upbringing. i had never written an original work of fiction before applying; i had only written fanfic. i worked in finance for ten years at a dead-end job before i decided to go back to school. i applied to six schools and got accepted into one.
basic info
usually a creative writing graduate degree is called an MFA, or a Master of Fine Arts. it’s considered a terminal degree, that is to say, it’s the highest degree you can attain in the field of creative writing. 
however, some programs are also MAs, and usually those are combined with literature or pedagogy. there are also a number of creative writing PhDs, which are less about the craft of writing and more about teaching and research.
MAs are generally two years, MFAs are anywhere from two to three years, and PhDs are around four. most schools offer the MFA, so going forward that’s the type of degree i’ll be discussing. the MA doesn’t stray far from the MFA, and the PhD is a whole other beast.
you’ll need to choose a focus for your degree. most MFAs offer fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. some offer scriptwriting or experimental/hybrid forms. some expect you to play around with multiple genres. 
MFA classwork revolves around the creative writing workshop. a workshop is a class where you meet with your peers once a week to discuss the work you’ve read the prior week. you take turns submitting a story, poem, or excerpt, and while you’re the one being workshopped, you take notes while everyone talks. when you workshop your peers, you offer a letter of critique and participate in the discussion. workshop is also the place where you can ask about craft, publishing, or anything else you have questions about. workshops are run by a leader, usually a professor, someone who has a significant publishing history and experience teaching. 
other classwork for MFAs include literature seminars, where you read already published work and discuss it with your peers while applying it to established theory. 
an MFA thesis is generally a book-length work of your given genre, due at the end of your studies to grant your degree. it may also include some research component, like a craft essay or reading list, and an oral examination. you work with an advising committee throughout your degree to hone and revise your thesis, and generally use workshop to get peer feedback on early drafts.
MFA extracurriculars include working on your school’s literary magazine, doing readings of your work, and participating in your English department’s student organizations. there are usually additional opportunities that pop up throughout each semester, including meeting with established visiting writers (and hopefully these are writers of the super famous variety, which makes for great networking). 
applying to an MFA involves a writing sample (the most important piece of the application), undergraduate transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a letter of intent. some also require the GRE. many have a $50-100 fee, but sometimes you can request a waiver. 
assumptions debunked
here are some misconceptions i’ve come across and some i had when i began researching.
expectation: i can’t afford it
reality: that’s possible, but consider that many programs are fully funded, that is to say, the school will pay you to go there. no tuition, no loans, just a stipend that you’ll receive in monthly disbursements. it’s not a lot, but usually enough to get by. 
the way it works is that in exchange for grad classes, you teach undergraduate english. this is usually a class called english composition, and many schools make it mandatory for all incoming freshman, which is how the english department gets funded, and they can return those funds to you, the grad student. 
personally, teaching has become one of my favorite things i’ve ever done. i want to continue teaching when i graduate because it’s just really fun and incredibly rewarding. i highly recommend this route for an MFA because you won’t end up in debt afterward and you’ll gain a marketable skill (pedagogy) if your writing career doesn’t take off immediately.
expectation: i can’t quit my job
reality: there are a growing number of what are called low-residency MFAs. the above fully funded scenario are programs called full-residency, where you have to be on campus a few days a week, but low-res programs are mostly online, with 1-2 weeks per year spent on campus. 
the downside to this is that there is usually minimal funding for these programs, which means you’re paying for them out of pocket or with loans. the people who go into low-res programs are usually people firmly established in their lives with some disposable income and a desire to improve their work. this is a great option if you’re currently working full time and can’t move to be near a fully funded program. 
expectation: but my undergrad degree isn’t in english or CW
reality: GOOD. that’s what’s so great about writing as an academic discipline -- when we get nothing but formally trained writers, we get too many stories about the formally trained life. 
your background, your work history, and your life experiences are all enormously valuable to a writing program. the weirder and more diverse you are, the more intrigued admissions people will be. they want people who can bring new perspectives to workshop, who see the world in different ways than those who have been trapped in academia for ages.
it’s definitely valuable to have an english undergrad degree, but it’s equally valuable to have life experience.
expectation: i’m just a fanfic writer
reality: GOOD. do you know how amazing fanfic is? of course you do, you write it. now imagine the sense of community and purpose and drive you have while writing fanfic, and put that in a physical place, and you basically have grad school. so if you like fanfic for all those things -- community, purpose, drive -- you’re going to love getting an MFA.
from a skill perspective, fanfic authors have something major that non-established ofic writers are missing: an audience. if you write fanfic to post on tumblr or ao3, you’re writing it with a specific audience in mind. you are probably acutely aware of how that audience will react, how to entertain them, and most importantly, HOW TO DEVELOP CHARACTERS. 
i really thought i would get into an MFA and turn into some kind of holier-than-thou snob about fanfic, like suddenly my eyes would open and i would gain such an appreciation for, idk, Hemingway or some shit that i would completely forget about my fanfic roots. 
N O P E. i’ve found a lot of published authors i like, sure, but i like them because their writing reminds me of my favorite things about fanfic. you will not have to sacrifice your love of fanfiction* to pursue an MFA, and you won’t have to change the things you love writing. people may think what you write is weird, but fuck ‘em. write what you want to write.
*you won’t be able to write actual fanfic in grad school, but there’s nothing stopping you from filing off the serial numbers. if str8 white men can do it over the entire span of civilization, so can you.
expectation: i don’t need an MFA to be a writer
reality: god, so true. if you write fanfic, you probably already have all the skill necessary to begin the publishing game if you want to go that route, and potentially all the feedback you need to keep improving. which begs the question, why would you even want an MFA?
i can only tell you why i applied:
i had reached a ceiling in my writing and wanted to explore and experiment with things i knew would never fly in the land of fanfic
i wanted to belong in a physical community of people who took creative writing as seriously as i did
i wanted ofic reading recommendations and a structured environment in which to work 
i wanted to teach!! 
i wanted to learn about and discuss literature at a level that is difficult to find outside of academia
i didn’t feel like my education was complete, and while i could have gone back to school for psychology, my qualifications more closely aligned with creative writing programs and honestly, it just sounded way more fun
i wanted access to databases beyond jstor
i had a lot of perspectives and opinions i wanted to learn to voice more articulately and in an artistic or research-based form
i was tired of my job and looking for a different career path
you might have different needs, or maybe some of these resonate with you. people get MFAs for all sorts of reasons. plus, your perceptions might change when you get there; mine definitely did.
expectation: i only write genre fiction, not “literature”
reality: you can write whatever the hell you want for whatever reason you want. you’re going to get feedback regardless, and your peers are going to care about the things you care about, and if they’re worth a damn, they’ll give you crit on their perception of your priorities, not what they think is important to the field of literature. 
in the past year, i’ve read workshop submissions ranging from the onion style satire, to children’s literature, to hard sci fi. the point of an MFA is that you’re there to explore the work that interests you. you don’t have to conform for anyone for any reason. you are there to do your work, and the program is there to guide you and offer you support.
expectation: i’m not qualified because don’t have any publications
reality: you don’t need to be published to apply for an MFA. most people aren’t even published by the time they graduate. what you do need is evidence of your commitment to writing and the discipline thereof, that is to say, you write consistently, you’re passionate about writing, and that your writing sample shows both a command of writing as well as promise of improvement. 
expectation: i don’t have what it takes to pursue a graduate degree
reality: i promise you do. the reason i’m writing this is because the fanfic community has some of the most humble individuals i’ve ever met, who are compulsively shy about their craft, and who have no concept how good they actually are. i see so much self-defeated mentality, so much impostor syndrome. but please believe me when i say
literature needs the way you see humanity, your compassion, your interest in telling stories without want of profit, your eye for character, your drive, your commitment, your voice.
you are so much better than most of what’s out there. you may not see it now but it’s true. 
expectation: i won’t be able to get a job with an MFA 
reality: ehhhh kinda true, but if that’s the only thing stopping you, ignore it. a (full-res) MFA trains you for three things: writing, editing, and teaching. all of these are lucrative careers that are no more difficult to establish yourself in than most other fields. the graduate chemist has the same concerns about the job market as the graduate writer. it’s all gatekeeping rhetoric steeped in a terrible economy. you just have to trust you’ll be ok.
expectation: i don’t know what i would write about
reality: you can figure it out when you get there. no one else knows what they’re doing either.
i’m happy to answer more questions if you have them! i hope this helps some of you who are curious about how MFAs work. i’m sharing this because i never thought i would be able to do a graduate degree, and now that i’m here, even though it was a huge risk, it’s the best decision i’ve ever made. 
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