#but this time the plot is ''actually this relationship might not be right for akk'' and like. NO WHY 😭
williamrikers · 1 year
my thoughts are very incoherent at this point but that conversation between akk and aye in part 4 had me crying. because that conversation DID NOT ACTUALLY RESOLVE THE ISSUE!!! aye didn't take akk's feelings seriously at all, and didn't even try to put his concerns to rest, when the concern is that aye doesn't love him the way akk needs to be loved?? HELLO?? the solution to that is not "you're so cute when you're angry" it's just not 😭 please please PLEASE let them have an actual conversation about this tomorrow, please let aye actually take akk's concerns seriously 😭🙏 this is just a minefield of poor communication tbh and i don't want akk to be unhappy 😭😭😭
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nthngtoseehere-blog · 9 months
Spoilers for episode 6 of The Sign ahead.
I love how this show is playing out. Things that stood out:
So Tharn HAS told Phaya about his visions? I would have liked to see that conversation.
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Oh no, is Tharn now telling people about Phaya's dreams? Or are they common knowledge among the friend group after Yai found out?
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Also, Tharn has a dead ex, ouch. Between that and his parents, no wonder he feels cursed.
The Khem/Thongthai back story killed me. Khem is such a dumbass, and the fact that Thongthai is apparently into that actually makes me like him more. Thongthai: angel in the streets, freak in the sheets ("freak" in this case meaning hot for a big sexy blockhead).
So probably Dao is not going to be a bad guy? Which yay because Dao & Nee would be SO CUTE together.
I love the sibling relationships in this show (Yai might not be Tharn's bio brother, but they're obviously brothers in all the ways that matter).
So are Phaya and Nee orphans too? They live with their grandmother, but their parents aren't mentioned at all. Dao too, actually - she only mentions an aunt.
Oh holy shit the past life vision that Phaya had!!! Aaaaaaagh I need MORE of that! MOAR. Seriously, I cannot wait to see more, it's so! Just! Gah! Want!
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Wi the art dealer is clearly dealing with some shit, professionally, and I'm going to put my vote in right now that it will tie into a case coming soon.
OH WOW there's a picture of Chalothorn in the old mythology history book??? Will Phaya and Tharn be in it too?? Wansarat??
Ok, I do NOT blame Tharn for punching Phaya. Phaya is acting unhinged, and Tharn doesn't know why. Yikes.
I LOVE Chalothorn using magic to lock Tharn in the car. And! OMG this:
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I'm SCREAMING! Dammit, I love me a creepy evil magical scene-chewing villain.
And now we're getting back to the Lt. Tam case, woo! Which ties into the previous murder-of-rapists case. And! POSSIBLY! Into Tharn's parents' case???
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I'm starting to feel like Inspector Akk has an agenda, and he's brought these guys in to further it. I'm getting "good cop frustrated by a corrupt system" vibes here.
Oh boy Tharn having more visions of crime things!
The show is half over, and so far it hasn't wasted any of its episodes. I feel like the pacing is perfect. Obviously it could go off the rails at any point, but there are so many things going on with the crime element, the reincarnation/mythology element, and the romance, that we've needed all six episodes to give the stories time to develop and weave together.
Even if it does fall apart, I gotta admit that I'm having so much fun watching this show that it's possible I might not care if it imploded.
I love all of these characters. I love that this show isn't just a romance, that the characters are adults with serious jobs, that their jobs are not only exciting but also a big part of their stories and characters. I love the scraps of the past lives we've gotten so far.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Our Skyy 2 x The Eclipse Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
I am unreasonably excited to see Akk, Ayan, and company again. I loved The Eclipse, and continually lament the shortened episode order on the back half. I wanted Golf to complete all of their ideas, so I’m hoping that this gets them a chance to finish. Still, First and Khaotung like working together and care a lot about each other, so I’m excited to see them get to play at boyfriends together for a fun outing.
This is week five and the intro song is not growing on me.
I know we’re all going to make a lot of Brokeback Mountain references, but the first meeting is giving Big Enough.
Of course it was another Akk dream sequence. They’re never letting us live that down.
Love that we are calling out the film directly. Akk is correct. The ending is too sad. If you think Brokeback Mountain is too sad, I urge you to see the director’s (Ang Lee) earlier work: The Wedding Banquet (1995).
Ayan is so cheesy in a way that really works for me. He’s one of my favorite BL boys because he’s grounded in the unfortunate real trauma of losing gay elders that were important to you. He responded to that by loving Akk loudly and directly. Even as he delineates what a place and a space are, he takes the chance to flirt with his boyfriend.
Okay, I don’t normally want to question production decisions, but camping equipment can be so heavy in bulk. Why are they eating on heavy ceramic plates and drinking out of glasses, but they’re sitting on camping chairs and using a foldable table? Also, why is this grill so close to their tent? It’s dangerous to leave food preparation so close to your sleeping area.
Ayan definitely knows about Akk’s birthday, and likely already has something planned. I think he’s teasing him to see if Akk will bring it up on his own because Akk consistently struggles with expressing what he actually wants.
Golf has so much to say in their work. This quick debate about how much, how often, and how hard to care about others feels like a deep meditation upon which we’ve not even scratched the surface.
Nobody told me we was frolicking!
It’s 2023 and we all verse now! I see what they did with that rider conversation.
Oh, I just got sad that this might be the last time we see Neo and Louis paired.
Pawin stays busy, let me tell you. He’s 3/3 right now with Our Skyy 2.
I love seeing work from filmmakers who love film. Golf going out of their way to highlight and bring attention to the Thai Film Archive warms my heart.
Fun fact: Khom Khongkiat, who we are familiar with for his work on KinnPorsche and The Promise and the role of Uncle Tong in Bad Buddy, was a screenwriter on Ong Bak.
Ong-Bak, but make it gay, was not on my bingo board for Our Skyy 2, but it probably should have been.
I see we’re still doing the Wat and Teacher Sani plot.
Everyone clearly had such a fun time making this fantasy sequences calling back to classic Thai film.
I know we’ve seen Mork’s actor before, and it’s bothering me that I can’t remember where.
Look at Wat starting shit. First, encouraging this split, and then making them sleep apart. I’m here for this drama.
Genuinely loved the cross-cutting between the pairs talking about their relationship problems. Not sure if the translation of Akk feeling like Ayan only focusing on himself is coming across clearly to me, but I am reading it such that Akk feels that Ayan is not sensitive to the way his actions and words impact others.
I’m okay with how often they’ve been taking off Neo’s shirt.
I like how unsubtle the political themes are, and how they’re being expressed textually through the couples’ current tension. It works for me because these issues do cause problems in people’s real relationships.
So glad this show got to do product placement this time.
I need Akk and Ayan to talk to each other properly. They’re both so stubborn and tend to dig in their heels.
I really like the way Neo and Louis kiss. Excited to see Neo in Only Friends.
The fake moons in BL always bother me.
First and Khaotung are so good at yearning at each other, but I am worried about Akk and Ayan long term. I don’t think Akk was wrong to talk about how he feels like he gets pushed around by Ayan.
I am so glad to be back with these boys. The Eclipse had some really clear ideas in it that are still present here, and I’m always happy to see Golf continue to work out their ideas in their fiction. Can’t believe I get to see them again tomorrow!
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
Micro BL Reviews +
So due to being ill, I've been spending a lot of time in bed watching dramas. And as always, I have thoughts.
So here, have some more micro (or not so micro) BL reviews, mostly for Thai shows that I missed last year (which is all of them, really).
Not Me (Thailand) - I quite enjoyed this. The romance stuff is secondary, but that was entirely fine by me as the main plot was interesting enough to hold my attention without it. In fact, and I know this is unpopular but…the chemistry wasn't really firing for me, romantically. I really liked Sean and White's relationship, but I never quite managed to buy into it. They have great chemistry but I didn't necessarily buy it as romantic. I think it's just me because the internet tells me that they are an extremely popular pair. And I had less than negative interest in Graffiti Cop and Hey, It's Akk From The Eclipse (it’s not, it’s Dan and Yok, sorry I'm an ass and also kind of a liar, because I didn't watch The Eclipse until after I finished Not Me and it took a trip to MDL for me to realize that Akk and Yok were played by the same person).
But I really want to jump around under a giant pride banner. Like,  badly.
This one was mostly tight, though, and tackled themes I didn't expect from a BL, and that's why I'm rating it 9/10. Fell apart for me a bit in the end, but otherwise very solid, although to be frank I don't see myself rewatching it.
The Eclipse (Thailand) - I love this one, and it's almost entirely chemistry based. The school stuff was interesting enough but what kept me watching was Akk and Aye, for the most part. And I adored Akk's struggle with his sexuality - I actually thought it was portrayed well, and I felt for him. Also I love a good coming out scene with supportive and lovely parents.
Honestly, Akk was my favorite. Dude was a hot mess wrapped in tears and panic and a prefect's arm band and I have to admit I was entirely there for it.  I do tend to have a thing for characters that seem like they're constantly on the verge of a panic attack (see: Uenoyama from the Given live action drama, my archetype for this).
Not the biggest fan of Thua in the end or the giant outing scene in front of the school (dear lord that's traumatizing and why do they keep going there??? STOP), but I did think that Kan and Thua were really adorable as a second couple right up until Thua went all *waves hand*…that.
LOVED the trio of protesters and loved that the drama never vilified them or tried to make them seem in the wrong. Not so fond of the Dika/Chadok thing, or how suddenly everyone was like "oh it's fine that you traumatized a kid and manipulated him into doing actual crimes and actively endangering other people's lives and essentially upheld a system that is detrimental to most of the student's mental health and also tried actively to run another student out of said school using the teachers and the kid you were traumatizing and manipulating because you hurt, too." And here's the thing. I feel for him. The backstory with Dika was tragic. But there's no real excuse for the things he did. I sympathize too much with Akk to be able to do a full 180 on the guy pushing him into destruction, even if everyone else did. Tragic backstory doesn't excuse mentally torturing more than one high schooler. Although the more I think about it the more I see that he is where Akk might have ended up, had things been a little different. Not a fun thought.
This one I originally rated 8/10 because of the above. I was annoyed by how pat the ending felt. But then the stupid thing caught in my head like a fish hook and I wound up watching it again and even though I still feel the end was weak and I am still irritated at Teach, the very fact that I couldn't stop thinking about it and basically had to watch it again made me bump it up to a 9/10 for enjoyment purposes. Because I did enjoy it, probably more than I did Not Me, although I think that Not Me was tighter and better written overall.
I'm also obsessed with the way Akk looks at Aye.  Yeah, this one got me and go me hard, so much so that I know that had I watched it last year with everyone else it would have wound up in my top 5. Sorry, Choco Milk Shake.
Secret Crush On You (Thailand) - Oh, this drama. I am honestly not sure how I got through the first few episodes, tbh, because I was cringing the entire time. Like full on trying to retract my head into my body like a turtle.
And to be honest, it didn't get much better for me. I appreciate that Toh is not the typical lead in a romance like this, but I just couldn't with the collecting. Nuea was pretty, too, but I didn't get much from him by way of personality. This is a drama where if you don't like Toh, I don't know how you can get through it. I liked him even if he made me cringe a lot (he kept a whole ass crab as a memento. An entire crab. I can't get over this), so I did finish. And I will say that the chemistry was good. The kisses at camp were hot, hot, hot. My goodness.
I also really hated that most of Jao's storyline was about how fat he was. I just don't enjoy that kind of thing and also, to me he looked like a normal sized dude shoved into clothes (mostly the school uniform) a size too small.
My favorite was Daisy, though. Love. And love how sweet Intouch was with her. I read somewhere that he uses the same pronouns (?) for her she uses for herself, and I love that. Thank you show for not making me hate the whole thing and not treating that character like a joke. I about cried my eyes out, though, when she tried to be more what she thought would be less embarrassing for Intouch (read: more masculine), and Som spoke my thoughts exactly.
I actually really liked the friend group in this one. Giving it a 6/10 based mostly on that group of friends, although as I said the chemistry is good, too.
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner (Korea) - I was enjoying it, but I didn't like the ending at all. Unfortunately an ending I'm not fond of can kill a show for me, and this one kinda did that. Also I badly want a Denis spin off because I still don't know what his deal was and by the end that was more interesting to me than the whole reincarnation thing (although I have to admit there's something to them being doomed to repeat the same pattern). 6/10
Currently Watching
Between Us (Thailand) - Full disclosure, I have never seen Until We Meet Again and probably never will because fated mates aren't really my thing and I don't like reincarnation plots. I did watch a video about the original couple though, does that count? So I have zero attachment to Win and Team outside of this series, although again, I did watch a vid with them in once. It was fine.
All that said, I absolutely love this. Reincarnation and fated mates might not be my thing, but the whole FWB gets serious and no one involved has any idea how to handle it thing definitely is. Between Win thinking that he can't hold onto what he loves and Team's survivor's guilt making him doubt he deserves life, let alone love, those two have enough baggage to fill a small plane, and I am here for it. Add to that the fact that their communication styles are entirely different and honestly, I'm entirely unsurprised the confusion and angst that we're mostly getting. This might be unpopular but I'd be fine if it were even angstier. I do love mess.
The side couples are fine. I can take or leave all of them but Waan and Tul, tbh, but I also think that a little cute is a good thing to break up the tears and the frustration (for people who aren't me who don't eat this sort of ridiculousness up*) of Win and Team. I don't really care about the dad stuff, and while I actually do want Team's trauma to be addressed I don't think we have enough time for it anymore. It makes me wonder if they're hoping to do some sort of continuation but even if they are they better not end this with the two of them apart or then I will be annoyed.
*I would like to say here that I do eat it up, but part of the reason that I am loving this so much is that to me (again, someone who never watched UWMA and binged the first nine episodes the day before the tenth aired) this makes so much sense for these characters as I know them.  You can say (and people have) that this amount of angst over something that could be taken care of in one conversation is too much, or is unrealistic, etc, but as a person who finds it very difficult to communicate actual feelings to people it actually feels pretty true, especially for two people who are what? 19/20 at most?  Most especially when you consider that neither of them have done this before, both of them were utterly blindsided by the fact that feelings were happening, and both of them have a ton of baggage. I get the complaints, but for me it works.
Also my goodness Boun is lanky, isn’t he. 
HIStory 5 (Taiwan) - I'm enjoying it well enough, the workplace romance a bit more than the time traveler, but honestly I just don't have a lot to say about it. For me it's fun, easy to watch, but I'm just not that invested. I keep waiting for the time traveler and his rich soon to be boyfriend to do something for me. I hope this most recent ep will kick things into gear there.
That said it does make me laugh, and honestly the workplace duo are the most adorable thing.
Love in the Air (Thailand) - for some reason Viki is being a dick and releasing this one week at a time when I'm fairly sure it's already been over for a while, and Dailymotion keeps freezing on me (or playing an ad and then refusing to start the vid), so I'm stuck waiting currently. This is a trash watch if there ever was a trash watch, I went into this knowing that and knowing that if I wanted to get through it I'd have to turn my brain mostly off and just enjoy the pretty and the high heat. Fortunately for me I am fairly good at turning my brain off when required. I also have the dubious fortune of having cut my teeth on far worse.  I genuinely like Sky and the dude who plays Prapai is gorgeous.
On Hold
Ameiro Paradox (Japan) - I keep trying to get into this one and it keeps not happening, so I've given up the ghost for now and will binge watch when all eps are out. I feel like I'm punishing it for not being Eternal Yesterday and that's just petty.
Bad Buddy (Thailand) - I don't know, I just couldn't get into this. The chemistry wasn't hitting for me and eventually I just decided to stop watching rather than try to force it. First kiss was good and I shipped the girls, though.
And well, since we're here and since nothing about this fits the definition of "micro"…
Looking Forward To
Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu (Japan, Jan 29 on Viki and Gaga) - yep, another one that will very probably end badly. I hope it'll give me good chemistry though since Japan likes to do that with the sad ones.
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 (Japan, Feb 7, no word on if it will be on Viki or Gaga but I'm assuming it'll be on one if not both) - I'm still very very much in the WHAT stage with this one. And part of me is terrified it's not going to be good (the first one is my favorite BL ever, fight me) and I can't quite squash that fear, but I think that's probably just the normal fear with sequels. The assumption is that they're splitting the 2nd novel into two parts, essentially, with season two being the very end of the first novel plus some side story stuff, as well as the beginning of the second, and the movie finishing the second novel up. Not sure about the accuracy here, though, this is just stuff I found out when I first heard about it and I'm not necessarily in the loop with this stuff.
Only Friends (Thailand, ??) - I love me a mess, and this looks like a big one. I think I'll probably wimp out though and wait to see how it all shakes out before watching because I feel like real time will frustrate me and I'm hoping if I go into it already knowing who is going to pair off I can prevent the inevitable "oh no I ship this thing that's not gonna happen more, boo"s.
Our Skyy 2 (Thailand, ??) - Mostly into this for the Akk & Aye part(s), if I'm perfectly honest. “Alexa, play The Heart Wants What it Wants”
Dangerous Romance (Thailand, ??) – Because Perth, basically. See above.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
The Eclipse Ep 10 Live Blogging
already on the 10th episode, my gosh
ooh, flashbacks to Mes again
dang, did the beginning song and credits get cut short?
is Wat also recording with his camera hmm
does Waree think the curse is real? tf
the “Stop the Suppalo curse” chanting is quite haunting
Thua saying today has changed him and what he used to believe has changed... hmm, does it mean he’s not the one who’s brining back the curse? (Actually, I think a spoiler I saw was that he outs Akk to the school - though I don’t know whether as queer or as the curse. so maybe thua’s not the notebook stealer, curse bringer but sus in a diff way)
Kan’s so sweet 
Thua literally feeding to Kan that he likes Bruce Wayne ~like that~ and also trying to gauge his reaction to him liking a guy
dang Chadok congratulating Akk for the burning fiasco...
the random black screen?
even if akk still can’t verbalize his feelings, his defenses are much lower and his actions aren’t as contrary 
weird ass kiss bruh ep 6 daydream kiss i want you back even on the same bed
nvm Akk’s “i’m a guy” is back but it’s much less intense than before esp because he’s chill w the kiss
kasldf Ayan annoying Akk into agreeing to date him, so true
this kiss is cuter/sweeter
smiley akk reminds me of First
Ayan gutay gutay (poking?) the fact that he missed him out of Akk
not the fucking wife debate lmfao i don’t mind the “wife” talk if it’s something both parties agree to and enjoy but not if it’s something one person doesn’t like. they seem to end it on a fun note though 
ahh not wat and kan mr interrupters (better that they interrupted than catch ayanakk though)
kan’s little eyebrow raise and smile like “hm okay” 
aaaakh, the meeting bruce wayne thing is making me nervous
...did thua not know kan was bruce wayne? is this another “Sean totally knows” in Not Me whole time mans was unaware
satisfying to hear Kan say “screw it” about the prefect title
:0 Kan’s sudden “i like you” 
kl;ajsdf Kan bracing himself for a rejection by admitting he meant to kiss Thua and then pretending he didn’t but Thua coming in with the “then yes”
cute little peck >.< cute hug and KanThua happy smiles
Waree goes for the public humiliation kill every time
i’d be crying throwing up fainting if i was getting yelled at by a teacher like that rip
dang, ayan stepping in but it’s making me nervous for him and also his callous, straight-forward, serious accusations
Ayan so worried about and terrified to lose Akk too
fuck okay Akk found out bout Dika finally
Ayan passing on Dika’s necklace to Akk
dang, the “I’m wondering if Chadok is the reason he died”
also that last scene ahh truly cannot imagine being akk where he gets publicly humiliated in front of the class by waree + gets yelled at by chadok + feels his current situation be unstable and his future uncertain (bc of the scholarship and award) and then to find out that the teacher you liked and was so hurt about abandoning you/the school that it manifested into anger actually passed away
Overall Thoughts:
Lots of progress in the KanThua relationship, both of them going to the protest, Bruce Wayne being revealed, confession and agreeing to date. 
AyanAkk also agreed to be boyfriends and also Ayan’s worried about Akk’s mental state right now since he’s going through a lot.
Got some plot stuff with the protests + Akk finding out about Dika. 
Nervous about there only being 2 episodes left and next episode is ep 11... scary
Fave Scene: 
Might be the first time it’s not Ayan/Akk related but I loved the KanThua beach confession scene + the cute little peck (that neo improvised)! Kan opening his arms wide for a hug! clinging onto thua's back!
though ayan/akk’s scene where ayan convince sakk to be boyfriends is cute too
Curse Culprit Suspects (Or the Notebook Thief):
This ep didn’t make Thua seem sinister to me and if I hadn't been side-eyeing him from last episode, i wouldn't have newly considered him a suspect. instead, when it showed his face while the effigy was burning + shaking afterward, to me it seemed like he was realizing just how big of a deal this war + the anxiety of being caught. similar to ep 6 akk i guess. I still think he might be the one doing the new curse stuff but it’s not like because of a sick satisfation like namo but more like “i’ll do this thing to stop the chaos” but also thua attended the protest so idk
Also interesting to see Chadok obeying the principal. 
Most viewers that I saw per part during the premiere
didn’t catch it this time
12 hours later
10-1: 540k
10-4: 455k
Avg: 510k
Views Tracking (just because I’m curious):
9 Weeks Later
Ep 1 - 1: 2.04M (+100k) || Avg Ep 1: 1.12M (? i did the math wrong last time)
8 Weeks Later
Ep 2 - 1: 1.28M (+50k) || Avg Ep 2: 1.06M (+60k)
7 Weeks Later
Ep 3 - 1: 1.24M (+40k) || Avg Ep 3: 1.03M (+45k)
6 Weeks Later
Ep 4 - 1: 1.39M (+50k) || Avg Ep 4: 1.10M (+50k)
5 Weeks Later
Ep 5 - 1: 1.23M (+50k) || Avg Ep 5: 1.03M (+45k)
4 Weeks Later
Ep 6 - 1: 1.16M (+60k) || Avg Ep 6: 1.19M (+90k)
3 Weeks Later
Ep 7 - 1: 1.26M (+80k) || Avg Ep 7: 1.11M (+70k)
2 Weeks Later
Ep 8 - 1: 1.31M (+130k) || Avg Ep 8: 1.02M (+100k)
1 Week Later
Ep 9 - 1: 1.14M || Avg Ep 8: 975k
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dribs-and-drabbles · 3 years
Enchanté ep 8
Wow, this one has divided people hasn't it? Well, in case you haven't figured it out, I'm well and truly on the side of "OH MY GOD IT WAS SO FU*KING PRECIOUS AND ADORABLE" and will be scrolling past all the negativity on my dash. You're welcome to your opinion, of course, but I did love this ep and still do love the series. (Is it perfect? No. But do I care? Also no.)
So on to the ep...I squealed so many times - in fact I probably continuously squealed for the entire time - and not only for the action but also the visual elements. If you've followed me for a while you'll know that I went feral over Bad Buddy's colour patterns and wardrobe choices. Now, Enchanté doesn't seem to be nearly as deliberate with its colour and wardrobe choices as Bad Buddy but I was delighted when some patterns set up in previous eps returned in this one. I'll come to those in a moment.
First, though, the beginning of this ep continued the muted, monotone feel from episode 7 with just a few blue-red-and-white and brown elements.
I loved this connecting shot with the soft red roof, the baby blue sky, and the white of the building and clouds.
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Out of Akk and Theo, it was only the latter who wore colour - and both times it was a dark blue sweater, the second time however with the red and white trim. Brown also featured with Theo and Saifa's bags...
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...as well as the guitar and Saifa's t-shirt in the bar. And again there's the red and blue behind him.
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I liked that Saifa had both blue and red in the stripes of his shirt - and already with the "I can help you" and the selfie, I suspected he was actually helping Theo and Akk get together...and the shirt reflects that. Best Boi Saifa!
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But the bar scene in general was the moment I squealed the most. Because following an episode and a half of muted colour, here we have so 👏🏼 much 👏🏼 colour 👏🏼. I've mentioned quite a few times since ep 3 that I've had my eye on purple being an important colour with Akk and Theo and I just LOVED that the staircase was bathed in a purple light - the staircase they took to the balcony/rooftop to confess. Ahhh! 👩🏽‍🍳💋 And I did say in my ep 7 review that I hoped purple would "come back when Akk and Theo finally sort their relationship out (i.e. KISS DAMMIT!)" and it did!
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And on the balcony, along with the greenery and yellow fairy lights, there's the blue of the sky and the red lamp on the left...oh and the off-white of the stone balcony railing.
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I have to pause to gush about the way this scene was filmed and the lights in the background. I loved that they framed the shot in order to have the vertical line of blue lights in between their faces...and the combination of red and blue (and, alright, some others) in the wider shot. It's just so beautiful and I completely understand why directors are choosing to film these kinds of scenes in these locations!
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But something about the reveal. I was so pleased that the hints I had picked up on in earlier episodes about both the identity of Enchanté and about how Saifa seemed different to the other three ambassadors turned out to be correct. Even if you don't like where the plot went I hope you can appreciate how it was seeded from early on. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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And now we have two episodes left...and no idea what might happen in them...which is...exciting?...but also a little scary. A similar thing happened with Bad Buddy - in that all the scenes in the trailers and previews had occurred in eps 1-10, so we didn't know what to expect...other than there was a big family conflict that still needed resolving. With Enchanté, there's no conflict, right? Not in the same way. Maybe something with Theo's dad, the university, and Theo's degree major...or maybe something more with the ambassadors...or even Akk's insecurities and Theo's...manipulations?...Im and Egg are back next week (yay! I missed them!) but I can't see there being conflict there...soooooooo no penultimate ep break-up? We can hope, right? 🙏🏽🙃 Na, na?!
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