#visual patterns in enchante
lucalicatteart · 1 year
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-- Poorly Constructed Enchanted Tool --
A small tool carved from a fruit tree seed. Energy to power the enchantment has seemingly run-out long ago, and the method of recharging is unknown - but, based on the appearance, it's very likely that this was once used for detecting magic. Usually, looking through the glass center would highlight areas of higher magical energy concentration present in the viewer's environment, even if they were otherwise obscured to the naked eye. While this form of enchantment itself is highly advanced, the craftsmanship of the item is far less neat or complex than what might be typically seen in similar devices. It may have been made as part of training/practice, or as a hasty replacement for a previous tool that had broken.
#written from the perspective of some fantasy traveler who checks all of the local thrift-stores and lost & found places for every#town they visit - looking for interesting items and documenting them or something#In reality - just another one of my goofy little avocado pit carvings lol. Still working on inlaying little stones in them and stuff#I don't really have the tools to make super intricate stuff but doing little plain swirly patterns is still fine enough lol.#WORKING ON NEW POLL ADVENTURE also I know I know it's been months.. I have been Busy and struck by the evils of summer#But like I mentioned in the previous one I do want to at LEAST finish the quest with the egg lol#ANYWAY.#Things like this would plausibly exist in Nanyevimi (my fantasy world) but wouldn't be very common as - like mentioned- this would be an#extremely advanced enchantment. REALLY advanced mages could sense magic around them (to varying degrees of pinpoint accuracy of location#) without even having to use any external device. But for a majority of people there's really no way to know someone is using magic near#you unless you either see visual proof or if it's strong enough to feel effects from it (since magic is kind of like radiation in that the#higher energy/more of it youre exposed to the more it damages you/can make you sick/etc.) and even then most people would just be like#'hmm why do I feel so nauseous and bad out of nowhere?' likely wouldn't directly think to link it to magic. Thus the only really reliable w#way isto just hone your senses over like 500 years as you become an expert mage - OR use enchantments like these. But a 'sense magic' encha#ntment is not as common as a just 'magic is not allowed here' enchantment. If you wanted to prevent magic from being usedin a space#it's easier to just put up a broad barrier enchantment around that space than to have some sort of Magic Sensor to pick out if it's being#done and then handle each individual case of it . etc. etc. These sort of things can have their uses (especially for people investigating#things or trying to be secretive about detecting something etc.) but are less common - especially in this form (where visuals are used. itd#be more likely to jsut have like 'piece of metal that gets warm or cool depending on magic nearby'.) ANWAY so this is why it's a notable#object. Though a majority of the realm is not very magic literate - if you were a researcher or a mage and found this at a pawn shop you'd#definitely be like 'oohhh!! :0 inch resting... ' if not you might just be like 'oh cool necklace!' lol#also love the quick 2min ''costume'' for the image of it being used. literally just 'wrap yourself in scarves from the waist up' and slap o#a wig and ears lol#on this blog I guess since it's worldbuilding related and technically art.. maybe more like crafting? I should have a crafts tag lol.. hmm
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lackablazeical · 5 days
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Redid my Empires season 1 Joel, easily my favorite perspective to watch
While I DO understand the point of the full British suit. I hate it and I wanted to do smthn different
So I took inspiration from Arabic Sultans as well as the Anasazi tribes (the ppl who built the Mesa-Verde ), I wanted to give a colorful but sharp and prideful air to him, sort of like a flashy bird
So mostly pinks, blues, and greens that would stand out strongly against the dusty oranges of the Mesa, as he wants to be seen EASY. His main color is the pinkish-purple of his original jacket w/ complementaries of the yellow and green, with blue to add visual diversity. The patterns are inspired off of north-mexican native weaving patterns & Arabic geometric architecture, but heavily simplified
He has pearls littered around his clothes from Lizzie bc he loves her <33 he has a leaf on his head that he insists is normal and natural bc he doesn't believe in magic (he also ignores his enchanted items)
Joel is also actually usually really dirty/dusty, and he takes extreme care to be presentable to any other rulers, he goes thru like 7 pairs of gloves a day cus they get stained real easily
He's very strong tho, from carrying all the clay/concrete, he can pick up lizzie no probles 💪💪 may redraw Joey next idk
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magickkate · 9 months
A Beginner's Guide: Exploring the Basics of Witchcraft
Are you intrigued by the mystical world of witchcraft and eager to begin your magical journey? Whether you're drawn to the art of spellcasting, divination, or connecting with nature's energies, the basics of witchcraft provide a solid foundation for your exploration. Here's a beginner's guide to help you embark on this enchanting path:
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1. Understanding Witchcraft:
Witchcraft is a spiritual practice that encompasses a diverse range of traditions, each with its own beliefs and practices. It is fundamentally about harnessing personal power, connecting with nature, and creating positive change.
2. Embracing Your Path:
Witchcraft is highly personal, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Explore different traditions, read books, and listen to your intuition to discover what resonates with you. Your journey is uniquely yours.
3. The Power of Intention:
At the heart of witchcraft is intention. Your thoughts and feelings shape the energy you put into the universe. Clarify your goals, visualize your desires, and set clear intentions for your magical work.
4. Working with Energy:
We believe in the existence of energy that flows through everything. Learn to sense and manipulate this energy through practices like grounding, centering, and visualization.
5. Tools of the Craft:
While not mandatory, many witches use tools such as candles, crystals, herbs, and tarot cards to amplify their intentions. Familiarize yourself with these tools and choose the ones that resonate with you. Intention is your most powerful tool.
6. Moon Phases and Timing:
The phases of the moon play a significant role in witchcraft. Learn about the energy associated with each phase (new moon for beginnings, full moon for culmination) and align your magical workings accordingly.
7. Spellcasting Basics:
Spellcasting involves directing energy toward a specific goal. Start with simple spells, focusing on your intentions. Remember, the more aligned your actions are with your intention, the more powerful the spell.
8. Meditation and Visualization:
Cultivate a regular meditation practice to quiet the mind and enhance your ability to visualize. Visualization is a potent tool in spellcasting and energy work. This is so important for overall focus and mental clarity.
9. Protection and Grounding:
Before delving into magical practices, establish protection and grounding techniques. This ensures you are anchored in the present and shielded from unwanted energies.
10. Building an Altar:
An altar serves as a sacred space for your magical work. Personalize it with items that hold significance for you—crystals, candles, symbols, and representations of the elements.
11. Respect for Nature:
Witches often have a deep connection with nature. Spend time outdoors, observe the changing seasons, and incorporate natural elements into your practice.
12. Research and Learning:
Knowledge is a cornerstone of witchcraft. Read books, join online communities, and attend local events to expand your understanding of different traditions, rituals, and practices.
13. Ethics and Responsibility:
Ethical considerations are crucial in witchcraft. Respect the free will of others and act with responsibility and integrity.
14. Journaling Your Journey:
Keep a magical journal to document your experiences, spells, and reflections. This becomes a valuable resource for tracking your progress and understanding patterns in your magical work.
15. Embrace Your Unique Path:
Witchcraft is an ever-evolving journey. Embrace your uniqueness, trust your intuition, and allow your path to unfold organically. There are no rigid rules—only the ones you choose to follow on your enchanted journey.
Remember, the essence of witchcraft lies in the exploration of the self, the connection with the natural world, and the pursuit of personal growth. May your journey into witchcraft be filled with wonder, discovery, and the magic of self-discovery. 🔮🌙✨
My messages are open for questions and ideas! Happy Witching!
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Ulfric slowly loses Eryn's respect over time but one incident really cements it.
During the war, there's imperial assassins who come after Eryn. To keep his best asset beloved soldier safe, Ulfric orders her to stay in Windhelm for a bit.
Literally everyone protests this, but Ulfric DOES outrank all of them, so... guess she's to stay put. Eryn HAAAATES this.
Well, while she's in the city, there's yet another murder. And this time, it's one of Eryn's friends, Susanna. The guards tell her to stay back, don't get involved, they're busy enough, and they sarcastically tell her if SHE can solve it she's welcome to.
Eryn goes to Jorleif, who admits that the guards all prioritize the war and don't listen to him. And of course she's upset that no one seems to care about this, and she desperately needs something to do.
Eryn goes through the normal questline, following her hunches and instincts. She notices instantly that it's like some sort of ritualistic killing, based on where the killings are. When she investigates Hjerm, she finds the murder scene (and the amulet).
She brings the info to Jorleif as she goes, who is genuinely grateful for her help. He didn't not care, but he couldn't get the guards to care. He recommends she ask Calixto, since he seems to love weird bullshit.
Calixto instantly sets off Eryn's alarm bells. Something about him just strikes her weird. Especially since he keeps trying to insist that she sells him that necklace. Which she doesn't do, because it's part of an active investigation. And he's being WEIRD.
But she does listen to him that Wuunferth is knowledgeable about things like necromancy. So she goes to talk to Wuunferth.
He, of course, informs her that no he doesn't do necromancy, he has the nickname "The Unliving" bc he's stupid old. But Eryn explains that she wasn't accusing him, she doesn't care about what college he went to, and she just wants information.
Wuunferth softens, and they compare notes. He's also quite surprised when she uses magic as a way to visually illustrate her points. She always forgets that people don't seem to think magic and swords can coexist.
So, they realize the pattern, the way these murders are happening, and where the murderer is going to strike next. They agree to set a trap. Eryn would make great bait, but everyone knows who she is and that she's dangerous.
So, the night of the next murder, she stays hidden with some illusion magic from Wuunferth... And a man jumps out at Arivanya. Eryn saves her and knocks down the murderer. It's revealed to be Calixto, of course. But when he tries to jump at Eryn after feigning a surrender, she just fireballs him in the face.
The city thanks her, sincerely. She's avenged the murdered women, and managed to solve a serial killer case.
Wuunferth, especially, thanks her. He didn't know people suspected him, and he's glad Eryn had the sense to come talk to him before accusing him.
As a thank you, he enchants her rapier for her, free of charge. He gives it enchantments he thinks fit her: Fire damage, like her favorite spells, and a health absorbing property, so she'll always have a chance as long as she can swing a sword.
She thanks him and picks up her sword, which she names Redwing after its new red glow. But it's all bothering her. Something about this just felt off.
She looks to where Ulfric is sitting, and makes a face. She doesn't get why she feels so... angry, almost. Angry at him.
Wuunferth says that happens to everyone around Ulfric, eventually. He says things that people believe in, he fights a cause worth fighting, so people like him at first. But sooner or later, everyone gets tired of him.
Eryn realizes it's because he didn't care about his city, or the fact that people were dying. He didn't care. At all. Jorleif tells her that's just normal for Windhelm, hence why he was trying to put the investigation together.
Eryn still doesn't seem to quite get it. She feels upset with herself for being upset. That's the man she's fighting a war for, right? So why does she suddenly dislike him so much?
Wuunferth and Jorleif gently explain it to her.
Ulfric is selfish and short sighted.
Eryn is not.
That's why she doesn't like him.
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leoascendente · 1 year
PAC/ What you need to know about your love life 💞
-Reuploaded and reedited old Pac-
Hi loves! Welcome to this new Pac about something you need to know about your current situation in love. This is an old pac I decided to correct, rewrite and add some more information. As always, take a deep breath before choosing your pile, choose the picture with the place that makes you feel more confortable. Remember to take only what resonates and leave what doesn't. Hope you enjoy your reading 💕
Decks I used: Enchanted love tarot, romance angels oracle, astrodices, love oracle cards, shine from the inside oracle
For private readings click here
Pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
(top left-> pile 1/ top right-> pile 2)
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(bottom left-> pile 3/ bottom right-> pile 4)
Pile 1:
-Where you stand: My sweet pile 1 I see you dissapointed about your current love life, if you are dealing with a love interest right now they have been giving you some headaches. You might feel uncertain in this conection like you don't know in what kind of floor you are walking on when it comes to this person. In some cases, if you already have your partner, you could be feeling like you are the only one making the efforts to keep this relationship going on and you are feeling drained because of this. For singles, you have made efforts to manifest the love of your life, but not seeing any ressults is damaging your hopes about your manifestation abilities and making you doubt of your own power. You got the Sun reversed and what I get from this is that you are unconfortable for how things are going in love for you, your desires in love are not being fulfilled and that got you in a place of uncertain and even hopeless.
-Where you lead: The card of the Judgement tells you to change your perspective about what's going on in your life, you will realize and prioritize differents things you weren’t giving the proper attention. You'll open your eyes to see the circumstances from a higher point of view, some of you will leave this connection aside for a while, a little amount of you will choose a final goodbye to this person. When you know what you deserve you don't accept less than that and I see you embracing that energy of empowerment even if that means leave some people that don't like your boundaries in the past. For singles I see you'll have a click in your mind and you will balance the energy you are spending in manisfeating your person if you are exceding in this, your trust in the Universe will reforce and while it works in bringing you the love of your life, you'll be focused on yourself. You turn the focus into something else that will bring you joy and satisfaction besides your love life, keep with your visualizations and manifesting excersices when you want to because they are really working, but your sight is going to be refocused into something more personal.
-Something to keep in mind: You have an idea or a project in hands, something new you'll like to materialize for your career, it’s related to abundance and prosperity so I assume is about your career. Focus on this idea, leave your love life aside for some time and look for the steps you need to take to make this dream part of your reality, this will open golden doors in your abundance and reputation in your work field. As you make the proper movements the Universe will respond you with blessings for following your heart's desire. Also, if this connection leaves you wounded take the time you need to heal, you might find a reppeated pattern in your relationships related to your inner child’s wounds, see and heal this will help you to attract a healthier love or a healthier direction with your current partner.
As an extra message, I see you want a commited and long lasting relationship. You're are looking for the love of your life, hooking up or one night stand doesn’t fit with you anymore. You are looking for your soulmate/twin flame and you are not willing to waste your energies on people who doesn’t look for the same future as you. You don’t need to worry my dear, you are destined to meet your special person in this lifetime and you will, you got the engagement ring with the paradise card, amazing cards to appear in your spread, this cards tells you that you have a beautiful future in love terms even if you can’t see it now but, for the moment, there are other things demanding your attention. Your inner healing and material stability are the most important things by the moment, attend those aspects and you’ll see how in the most unexpected moment your soulmate/twin flame appears.
-What to do to attract love: Embrace your divinity, my love! That's the most important message in your reading. You are full of magic and this is the perfect moment to adore and praise this part of yourself. Connect with your Divine Femenine to feel more grounded and focused, your intuition will reforce as well. Writting your feelings or starting a journal can be very therapeutical tools for this moment of your life. There’s also a message here about your spiritual life, maybe your guides are trying to approach you or in this specific moment of your life you are being under divine influences. Whatever it is, try to make more space for the Divine in your life, you’ll feel a lot more supported and guided.
Pile 2:
-Where you stand: You don't feel completely sure about the connection you are dealing with right now, maybe you are in the first stages of your relationship and you are not sure about this person's intentions or if it's worthy of the effort a relationship involves. You got the fool reversed with the queen of swords, what means that you are not sure if you should take the leap or faith or stay where you are. I don't see this doubts come from your person's actions, it's more related to your past relationships and the deceptions you had in your love life. You are analizing everything instead of living it and see if this makes you happy, you are overthinking this connection because you might not get along with things being out of your control and I must tell you that this relationship is calling you to trust the Divine process. For my singles, you are not sure of opening up to the world and meet new people, this again has to do with insecurities and wanting to have control over the outcomes, allow yourself to take more risks and go out of your comfort zone, do it at your own rythm but do it, at the end you’ll be thankful and proud of yourself for doing it.
-Where you lead: Things will get better in your love life, honey! You will recieve an special offer from this person to spend time together and reforce your bond, you two will share an special time by each other side. Maybe they have a surprise for you like a little gift you didn't expected, this person have an special talent for romantic gestures and they will try their best to make you trust them. Your connection will be growing strong through time, this person's feelings for you are very real but they are seeing you doubting on this connection and they are scared of loosing you or investing too much of their energies for nothing, they don’t want to get hurt. For singles, you are attracting reciprocated energies, be more lighhearted and you’ll receive the same from the people you cross paths with. You got the 6 of gems, that means generosity in this deck, so open up to new people because you are going to attract kind and loving people on the way, people that share the same vibration as you. Also, I see you got a lot of suitors and admirers you are not caring about and some of them have potential, you don’t need to promise them eternal love but you can let them spoil you with a dinner or a walk together if you feel comfortable, allow yourself to know more people, you may not find in this suitors the love of your life but you can find very good friendships.
-Something to keep in mind: You both know you have something special at hands, you feel so confortable and free by each other's side that you can take as a sign of your soul level conmection. They feel the same as you when you two are together, you both have spent other incarnations together and something inside of you reminds that connection, it’s both of your souls talking to eachother. The card that dropped from the deck is the Soul mate and this card wants to remind you to have faith and trust your process, you are trying to avoid old patterns but is a difficult mission, this is a soul connection and it will bring its challenges too, but they are worthy. You are doing it great even if there are some trust issues, allow yourself to enjoy, this love is completely different from the stories you have experienced before. For singles, again keep an open mind with the people that approach you and focus on the people that reciprocates your energy, you’ll maybe find some flies but you’ll also attract your soulmate, that btw I feel pretty close to you. You are ascending energetically so you probably are purposely healing something within you, you are doing great for if you needed to hear that.
-What to do to attract love: Your guides are very talkative, sweetheart. While I was writting your spread I saw a lot of repeated numbers, maybe numbers repeat a lot when you spend time with your person or will appear a lot when you are about to know the love of your life, take what resonates with you. Try to approach your guides more often, they really want to get close for you to undertstand better their signs when they are trying to tell you something, I really feel they want to comfort you when your fears and doubts of being hurted are overwhelming you, they want to offer their helping hand if you let them. You are leaving behind some past patterns to open new doors for your life, this process can be a little confusing at first but after you make the first moves everything will flow in your love life, take little steps when you can’t take big ones but take them anyway. In a year from now your love life will be completely different and everything you have dreamt of will become true, you just need to be patient. As well this person who is currently in your life has spouse material, don't be scared, soon they will give you clear signs that you are the love of their life and wants to spend all their life with you.
Pile 3:
-Where you stand: The energies around you feels a little weird now, there are strong feelings between you and your person but both of you are overthinking and your minds are not letting you fully enjoy this connection. There's a lot of fear of betrayal from both parts of the relationship and ghosts from the past are hunting you both, but above all that fear you two just can't be far from the other's side, you might don't know what it is but you know there is something powerful between you two. Right now you could be in a distance or you are just having no contact with this person, however the situation is, this person can't get you out of their heart and mind, no matter how hard they try, you appear in their mind in the most unexpected places and times, I see there’s something specific they see often that reminds them of you. They know that you two have something special even if they don't know how to express it, they are in love with you and they are realizing of these feelings they were denying. For singles, you might have options in love but none of them seem to awake anything romantic in you, you don’t feel attracted to them, and if you do, you don’t see their potential as your partners, there’s soething about them that doesn’t seem to convince you.
-Where you lead: The card of The Justice says that there will be a very needed balance in your relationship. Some truth are going to be put over the table, maybe an unexpected encounter that leads to spend time together and talk. Idk what it is but I see an approach between you two, the communications will open to clear up the situation and to see the other person perspective of the relationship, I see a very important conversation here that will clear up the doubts. Don't worry about anything because things are reaching a good ending from the problems, and the doubts are going to be solved and forgotten easilly (If you felt attracted to group 2 I recommend you to read it too, both readings have a lot in common). For the singles, I see you are going to receive a love confess from one of your suitors that is going to leave you speechless, for some of you I even see communication from a crush you haven’t heard of in a while. There’s a shift in the energies you are attracting and a positive change in your luck, if you’ve been working in a glow up you finally manifested it, congrats love!
-Something to keep in mind: You need to balance your throat chakra, my dear. You have so much to say but you are not allowing yourself to do it and that pattern is making you overthink and imagine the worst situations possible, you need balance and grounding to quiet your mind a little. Listen more often to your heart not only to your mind, deep down you know there's something special going on here even if you try to pass it through the logical filter. This person is your soulmate and both of you feel it even if you can't find the words to express it, now is the moment to heal your throat chakra and prepare for that encounter with your person where you can talk freely about what you are feeling, I see your person is looking with nostalgic feelinf to your pictures or something yours. Allow yourself to be vulnerable by opening your heart and say what you've been keeping inside, you'll realize how satisfying it is and will release a heavy weight from your back being honest, this movement will bring stability to the relationship and will open the path for a formal commited relationship.
-What to do to attract love: The most important thing to focus on, is to release any fear or doubts that have been blocking your connection. Idk if somewhere else in the world people say this but in Spain when there's a situation like this, people use to say "you already have the no". It means that you don't loose anything for trying, instead of it, you will gain a lot of personal satisfaction and you'll be very proud of yourself. Turn off your mind a little bit by doing relaxing and creative activities. Also there’s a message here about stop judging and start making decitions from love, respecting your feelings and desires. Be careful with judging others, when we point to someone we have three fingers pointing at us, what we judge on others many times has more to do with us than with others, try not to project over others your own things.
Pile 4:
-Where you stand: Sorry pile 4, I don't have the news I would like to give you... 😔 but don't worry, at the end of the reading things are so much better. First of all let's say that you are very inteligent and intuitive and you've been watching some red flags in your person that have you overthinking about what’s going on. You've noticed some things that you dislike about this connection and you are aware even though you really like this person, I don't see they are toxic or bad people but they have some manners or patterns in their personalities that don’t match with yours. You are thinking too much and you are needing some time and space to reconnect with your inner wisdom, distance can give you more perspective about this situation.
-Where you lead: I'm sorry to tell you that your person is going to give you reasons to be worried, you got the 5 of gems and its literal is anxiety, maybe through their actions or words towards you they are going to make you feel this way. A tower moment for you two is approaching and I see you cutting from the roots this conection after this moment. This connection is leaving you drained and exhausted, you are not sure of what to do and the expectations of the future next to this person are begining to fade. I feel that this person is like a rock, they keep a lot to themselves and don't open up easily, also they are not very comunicative about their desires or expectations about your relationship, they don't get along too well with their emotional world. A tower moment comes to cut this negativity from your life for you to reach a higher level of inner peace, sometimes a ‘no’ in our ideas is a protection from the Universe, don’t let attachment keep you in a place where you are not happy, you deserve better.
-Something to keep in mind: You are surrounded by very loving people, my love. Spend more time with your friends and beloved ones, they will have great advices for you or they can simply be the shoulder to lay your head on to forget about the world, you really need a distraction. If you have little children next to you spend time with them as well, little kids are magical and just their presence can raise the vibration of any place they are in. Get closer to your friends and make activities with them that light your heart up with joy, you'll find out someone very special in your group of friends, you'll realize the good chemistry that flows between you two. That friend could have a secret crush on you and they've been hiding this from you a very long time, they might not be the first person you could lay your eyes on but they hold an oppportunity on their hands to make you experince a love story you would never imagine. Keep your eyes and heart open to new oportunities and allow the Universe to surprise you with this magical story, the best relationships start out as best friends.
-What to do to attract love: Right now you sould focus on your dreams and how to materialize them, think about your future and what you want to manifest in your reality, where do you want to be in 5 years?. You have an incredible mind when it comes to find creative solutions, trust this wonderful inteligence of yours and begin to make a practical plan for your future, a goals list can be helpful for you. Now you have to align your intentions with your actions and chase what you want, don't lower your expectations about yourself and accept what you know you deserve, not less. One more thing to keep in mind is to release any judgement you have, not with the rest of the world like in pile 3 but with yourself, the flaw of inteligent people is that tend to be very demanding and perfectionist with themselves and also tend to have a very harsh inner voice. You are perfect just as you are, nothing needs to be changed, just transmuted into something more healthy and positive for your future. Treat yourself with kindness and unconditional love, you deserve it.
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felassan · 3 months
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕
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I like the overall shape of the dragon, its wings and silhouette, like it's maintaining this theme, two. It particularly reminds me of the DAII cover, with the figures of other characters being present in the dragon's wings. the pattern in the background gives the impression of a sunburst or explosion/outwards burst of energy (there's been lots of that going around in promo images for DA:TV over the years hasn't there). :D chunks of rock float around, which by now is associated with Fadey stuff (floating rocks in the Fade), the barrier (Veil) crumbling in key arts, and reality warping in places like Arlathan Forest. the dragon, open-mouthed, golden-eyed and ready to breathe fire, recalls the dragons on the Dragon Age vinyl arts, two, especially with its general position, and the dragon in this screenshot/scene. in the background at the bottom you can even see a hint of the 'concentric circles' pattern that represents the Veil.
I love that this group shot truly does include the whole team, including Assan and Manfred. I wonder if they will come into the field too if we select Davrin or Emmrich to come out with us respectively? We saw Assan capably fighting darkspawn in the character trailer, and in this image Manfred is helping fend the monsters off. Does Manfred carry Emmrich's stuff in his lil backpack..? 🥺 and I wonder what the purpose of Manfred's goggles are. Visually they set him apart from other skeleton/undead-type enemies and make it so you don't have to peer into empty the eyesockets of a skull, but also they're green (necromancy magic color) and we see Emmrich doing magic on them here. Are they part of the enchantment keeping him animated? also happy to see Varric in this one even though he is not one of the 7 companions. also, Bianca is still here. RIP
Taash looks so cool. :D Even her weapons are gold. her upper body armor in this piece has the aesthetic to me of like a dragon's ribbed armored chest and underside. I like that her weapons are unique generally, and from each other too. her dual-wielding like this as [I presume] a warrior differentiates her from Rook who if a warrior would be sword and shield or twohanded. her gauntlets look like they have dragon teeth or spines on them (the sticky-out parts that are not scale-like).
Davrin is at Rook's right hand. ♡ the floating triangles near Bellara show that she is using her magical device. I wonder what the white sphere part of Neve's wand/staff is. like, in this particular image it gives me the impression of a big pearl. Lucanis' eyes are glowing, like we see here, in that way that seems to hint that something interesting is going on there. overall it's cool to see all the team and cast together like this, working together heroically to stave off doom.
some of the monsters the group are fighting at least are red lyrium darkspawn. the ones with 'shark fin'-shaped headpieces are the same kind as the one at that link. are the rest all darkspawn too (there are different types of darkspawn ofc), or are there some walking dead mixed in there? (lol at the one Varric has just shot in the face). the non-sharkhead ones seem to be these guys from concept art. the prominence of darkspawn in this key art give the impression that we will fight a lot of red lyrium darkspawn in this game and that the threat they pose, including the Blight, is a significant part of the game's storyline.
at the center of it all and at the forefront is Rook. in a nice bit of poetic mirroring (the Wolf and the Rook), they too stand on a rocky outcropping, also with the knife - just like this. the knife is blue here.. blue lyrium influence? the very ground on which they stand bursts with energy. I wonder if Rook's outfit here is sort of their default, iconic look, like the Champion of Kirkwall armor for Hawke etc? I love that they have a cape and the point of their helmet gives them a bird-like feel. (omg.. we can have capes in this game fr). they have the Veilguard symbol on their chest. and could they be canonically left-handed..? :)
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skyrimfuckery · 21 days
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How did I forget this.
This is the "next" thing I had in mind when I was working on the squire's plate redo. And the dark witch outfit! This outfit is based on the Goliath beetle. I came across one when I was in Spain last winter, in the Zamora ethnographic museum. Why an African beetle is in a spanish ethnographic museum remains a mystery to me. But I digress.
I was immediately enchanted. I wanted to make a design that captured the essence of the creature: black and white when resting, and revealing the copper wings when in flight. From the get-go I knew I wanted to do a high fantasy styled outfit, with motifs from art nouveau and quite some visual noise. When I came across this bug, back in January, I didn't find myself capable enough to actually accomplish this design. So I worked on other things that were still on the backburner. The dark witch came first, then the squire's plate.
And here it is. The Garment of the Goliath. The cloak moves in movement, revealing the flame-painted copper armor underneath. The pattern of the beetle is reflected on the cape and tabard. The design language is supposed to be somewhat organic and unconventional. I also tried straying away from generally accepted high-fantasy designs, as you get a lot of that when you're doing elvish stuff or working with art nouveau motifs. It really was a bit of a test to see how well I could pull of a more complicated design like this. And I think I succeeded. I'm really happy with the way this thing turned out. All elements of the design, compared to older outfits, look better. The pouch is big step up compared to the squire's. The coin bag's textures look splendid, and I'm also super happy with the way the cuisse turned out. Lots of relief, lots of detail. There's this one shape/motif that's constantly being repeated across the entire armor. It's in the pauldrons, chestplate, vambraces, cuisses, and the boots. Can you spot it?
I did cut some corners during texturing, which is a bit of shame. These are learning opportunities. For example, the belt is a bit bland. When I'm striving to be holistic in my design, I need to pull it all the way through. For my next design, I'm intending to do just that. And I want to get that shit going from the concept stage onwards.
What I also want to do is to continue to be inspired by nature. So for my next project, I will make something as inspired by the American hummingbird. Of course it'll be armor. This time I'll try for a contrasting design to this goliath outfit. Colourful, but not demanding. Stay tuned.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
Fantasy Games - And My Struggle With Them.
This might be a surprise, but I struggle with fantasy games, especially high fantasy. I come across them a lot when I’m browsing Itch.io, and after a while, they start to blur together, more so than any other genre. I understand that for many folks, games like D&D were their entry into the hobby, and making a fantasy game is often the first step a game designer makes when they try to develop their own system. But I didn’t get into ttrpgs via a traditional fantasy game, and I think that regardless of the rules that accompany the game, I don’t get very excited about games that have knights and elves and dwarves and wizards.
As you might imagine, this can sometimes make things difficult when folks ask for fantasy-related ttrpg recommendations. Fantasy is a genre that encompasses so many different styles of play and genre, from gritty dungeon crawling to super-powered adventure to sad and tragic epics. Yet, because most of those sub-genres rarely appeal to me, I haven’t looked closely at very many of the games in my Sword & Sorcery & So Much More folder, which means trudging through the items there takes a lot longer when answering fantasy-oriented asks.
That being said, I don’t want to ignore fantasy games completely; I know that so many people find joy and fun in games set in a traditional fantasy world. So I’m going to talk about a few fantasy games that are very different from each-other and have very specific goals in mind, and I encourage people who see this to re-blog with their own favourite fantasy games and tell us what makes them special.
Also - if you have a fantasy game related request, please be kind if my response isn't all that you hoped it would be!
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Tacticians of Ahm, by Meatcastle Games.
Tacticians of Ahm is a tactical combat-focused tabletop roleplaying game in the corrupt3d fantasy world of Ahm.
A bit-rotten blight has appeared in the Northern Sea and from it flows the Corrupt1on, fractured light and shattered shapes sowing chaos across the realm. As Tacticians, you alone are prepared to face the darkness spreading across the lands and reunite the scattered peoples of Ahm.
Tacticians of Ahm is for players who like a really satisfying combat, inspired by games like Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics, with grid maps to help you keep track of positioning and distance. This doesn’t meant that combat is long - it’s still fast-paced, using visual indicators like color to help you assess what kinds of things you can do in play: healing, damage, and special effects. Characters have interesting abilities that they gain as they level up, so this game is also probably good for folks who like watching their characters get more and more competent. Right now Meatcastle is grinding away at the game to make it more playable, and more full of art - so getting in on it now means that you’ll get to watch it grow.
Nexalis, by Cezar Capacle.
We invite you to step aboard your enchanted vessel and set sail on the ethereal ocean known as the Nectar. Nexalis calls you on an awe-inspiring journey across a universe filled with countless uncharted islands, each teeming with unique cultures, mysteries, and magical phenomena.
Nexalis is an otherworldly realm where islands drift amidst an endless cosmic ocean of magical plasma, the Nectar. The Nectar, pulsing with vibrant, ever-shifting colors, mirrors the celestial patterns that guide adventurers on their thrilling journeys. At the heart of this sea lies the Celestial Nexus, an entrancing vortex of astral energy that births islands and renews the world in a constant cycle of creation.
Nexalis is a fantasy game, but it’s an example of setting that feels vibrant and unique from traditional fantasy games - and yet it is also highly customizable. The game comes with oracles and random tables that you’ll use to generate interesting locations and problems to deal with as your drifters move from place to place. Characters are packaged in playbooks, compact tropes that will provide players with everything they need to know on a brochure. Finally, the game uses phases, moving from one kind of storytelling to another dependant on the kind of scene you’re about to play through.
Shadow of the Demon Lord, by Schwalb Entertainment.
The End Is Just the Beginning
Sometimes the world needs heroes. But in the desperation of these last days, the world will take all those it can get: heroes, blackguards, madmen, and whoever else is willing to stand against the coming darkness. Will you fight the demons or will you burn it all down and dance among the ashes? Who will you become when the world dies? 
Shadow of the Demon Lord opens a door to an imaginary world held in the grip of a cosmic destroyer. Enter a land steeped in the chaos and madness unleashed by the end times, with whole realms overrun by howling herds of beast-men, warped spirits freed from the Underworld, and unspeakable horrors stirred awaken by the Demon Lord’s imminent arrival. 
For fans of the grim, the gory, and the gritty, the setting of Shadow of the Demon Lord is post-apocalyptic, chaotic and messy. The presentation is representative of a traditional RPG: a big book with high-end full-colour art and plenty of lore to accompany the rules. You create your character using pieces of Ancestry to help you determine your attributes, and your Profession to determine your skills. The game is based on the d20, and relies on stat modifiers to try and get you over most rolls, and a milestone-like levelling system that ensures that everyone who plays levels up at the same time.
Shadow of the Demon Lord is very clearly a vehicle for horror, so if your table is one that likes being confronted by all kinds of horrible things in a hopeless quest to save… well something of the world, then you might like this game.
Songbirds 3e, by snow.
Songbirds 3e is a tabletop roleplaying game about undeath, supernatural powers, and the blue dreams of the moon. In the game, you create a strange survivor of the world who was chosen (or cursed) by Death. Spirits aren't able to pass on to the afterlife and grow monstrous with each passing day. You know the songs to send them on. You have the abilities that help you find them. You are the canary in the coal mine.
Songbirds is full of danger. It carries with it a tried and true method of OSR world-building in that the world makes itself known in the pieces of the game that you decide to pick up - the character curses you roll for, the ways damage can hurt you, the gear you carry, and the roll tables that answer so many questions about different steps of the game. Combat is meant to be simple but also deadly, and much of the fun of the game is in discovering what’s around the corner or what’s in the treasure chest in front of you. Songbirds takes inspiration from both fantasy and sci-fi, so if you like weirdness mixed in with your dungeon-crawls, you might like this game.
Trilogy, by Ben Moxon.
Trilogy is a tabletop RPG designed for epic fantasy campaigns. Build your world at the table, create characters to explore it and let the adventure commence.
Trilogy is designed specifically for players who want to discover their world in play rather than having to consult settings guides and books of existing lore. A world that lives and grows around you, shared by everyone at the table.
The media listed that inspired Trilogy include series such as Lord of the Rings, Malazan Book of the Fallen, and the Storm-light Archives; vast and detailed worlds full of complex cultural relations and heavy with conflict. The rules are derived from the PbtA framework, which means that much of the action is going to be character-driven and character-focused. This game is least likely to have puzzles a la dungeon-crawl, but what it does have is character arcs.
Character arcs are guiding lights for players, providing them with loose archetypes that they can use to help advance their characters. Each arc comes with positive and negative qualities that you can turn to when your character is at their best or at their worst. It also has an opening moment (which helps define your character to the audience) and a series of checkpoints in the form of narrative moments that generate character growth. I think the Arcs part of Trilogy is what makes it stand out, looking at character development at a new angle, and giving players plenty of prompts to help them get from point A to point B.
Jack Kills Giants, by Andrew White.
There’s no shortage of vagabonds who take coin for killing, but Giant Slayers… they’re a special breed. The coin is unfathomably good, you’d be more or less set for life should you bring one of those colossal beasts down.However, you’re just as likely to find yourself a quick and nasty death and a pauper’s funeral.
Those who decide the reward is worth the risk form up into small companies of strangers, spreading out the risks and sharing the spoils.Brought from all walks of life, those who survive past their first kill and choose to continue on the path grow into tight-knit bands, comrades in arms fighting for gold and glory.
But you aren’t one of that pantheon of successful slayers just yet. You’re just flat broke.
JACK KILLS GIANTS is a game of giant-slaying in the Fantasy Gig-Economy written and illustrated by Andrew White, with valuable contributions from Nakade & Cosmic Orrery Games. In Jack Kills Giants you won't play hardened adventurous heroes, you'll play everyday people, forced by a need to make cash to survive to chase after giants in exchange for generous bounties.
Jack Kills Giants does away with the broad possibilities of a generic fantasy game and zooms in on one particular element that the designer is interested in - a gig economy. Giant-killing is terrifying and horribly dangerous, but life is so brutal that you decide that it’s still worth doing. The game also focuses on the ways a world that has giants in it works that makes it special - for instance, some folks make a living carving up the bodies of slain giants and distributing the fat, bones, and other pieces into products that the world can use. For lovers of thoughtful world-building and purposeful adventuring, maybe check out Jack Kills Giants.
If you found these interesting, you might also like my Non-Western Fantasy recommendation post, as well as my general fantasy tag.
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vidavalor · 5 months
Muriel and My Fair Lady
We've been talking a bit about The Maltese Falcon and North by Northwest and other film homages in the series and how what a bunch of them have in common is unique use of language-- verbal and visual-- to tell their story. There's another musical/film that I think S2 is referencing a bit that is all about language and that is My Fair Lady.
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The romance in My Fair Lady is terrible-- I hope we all can agree on that in our modern era lol-- but that's not really the main aspect of the story that is being referenced in GO, I don't think. My Fair Lady is full of language jokes, including the titles of two of the songs-- "A Hymm to Him", which plays with homophony, and "The Ascot Gavotte", which is about the horse race setting of that part of the story-- The Ascots-- but is, additionally, a joke on the fact that an ascot is also a term for one kind of a secret language. It's also the only real gavotte in a famous musical and we know that's Aziraphale's favorite kind of dance. Much of the story of the film also leads towards a ball at an embassy-- though one that goes a bit better than S2's disaster of a party.
In S2, Crowley and Aziraphale are kind of a more likable version of Higgins and Pickering as Muriel becomes a bit of an Eliza Doolittle. I think the "cupperty" scene is something of a nod to the scene in which Higgins tries to get Eliza to pronounce "cup of tea" differently in My Fair Lady.
Additionally, later in the season, Muriel wants to try breakfast and gets rebuffed, which is kind of like how Higgins and Pickering don't think to give Eliza some of their afternoon tea. Eliza ends up looking at the tea, which is actually Muriel's preference when they first arrive in S2.
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My Fair Lady is about a phonetics professor who places a bet with his friend as to whether or not he can change the speech patterns of a Cockney-accented woman enough to pass her off as a duchess at an embassy ball. It's overflowing with linguistics jokes. Eliza agrees to try to undergo this change because she has her own aspiration-- she wants to work in a flower shop.
At the start of the film, she is homeless and selling flowers on the street. She lacks the social refinement necessary to be hired as a shopkeeper-- kind of like how Muriel is on the outside looking in on the Whickber Street shops in S2. Being able to work in a flower shop would give her a new lease on life and when Muriel is in the street on the night of The Meeting Ball, look at the flower market lit up behind them when a kinder and far more likable version of Professor Higgins-- the wordplay-happy Crowley-- approaches:
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Unlike Eliza, who wished to sell flowers, Muriel loves books and, at the end of S2, Muriel is the one who winds up running the bookshop... which is a far better ending than Eliza Doolittle gets in My Fair Lady, if you ask me. (She should have gotten a job and married Freddy, dammit. Bonus points to Good Omens as well for recognizing that the real ship in My Fair Lady is Higgins & Pickering.)
Poor Crowley's also kind of a version of Freddy in S2, just with the romance not being with Muriel but the Muriel-paralleling Aziraphale. Madly in love and thrown over at the end for a grumpy old man-- despite being a total dish, a total gentleman, and having the best song in the film. (Not really in the long run but, ya know, kinda lol.) There's even a version of Freddy's gorgeous song by Crowley's favorite, Nat King Cole.
Can you hear a lark in any other part of town? Does enchantment pour out of every door? No, it's just on the street where you live...
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just--space · 2 years
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The Full Moon and the Dancer : On Monday, January's Full Moon rose as the Sun set. Spotted near the eastern horizon, its warm hues are seen in this photo taken near Cagliari, capital city of the Italian island of Sardinia. Of course the familiar patterns of light and dark across the Moon's nearside are created by bright rugged highlands and dark smooth lunar maria. Traditionally the patterns are seen as pareidolia, giving the visual illusion of a human face like the Man in the Moon, or familiar animal like the Moon rabbit. But for a moment the swarming murmuration, also known as a flock of starlings, frozen in the snapshot's field of view lends another pareidolic element to the scene. Some see the graceful figure of a dancer enchanted by moonlight. via NASA
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borninwinter81 · 5 months
Velvet ribbon necklaces and chokers
This is one of my favourite ways to make a necklace - extremely quick and simple but I think it looks beautiful. I use velvet ribbon but it would also work with satin ribbon and possibly lace, though that might not be sturdy enough. I personally don't like to use leather or faux leather because it can get very sweaty and uncomfortable, but you can absolutely use that too if you want! Craft shops also sell patterned or embroidered ribbon.
I've even done variants on this which were made from just a long strip of fabric which I hemmed along the edges.
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In addition to the ribbon you will need rivets or eyelets, d-rings or o-rings, and heavy snap studs to fasten them.
The pendants in these photos came from various places: the flower cameo was thrifted, the wolfs cross was bought from some alternative shop I don't remember the name of decades ago, the leaf and the large ocean jasper came from an Etsy shop called Enchanted Creations (link here) and the ivy is Alchemy Gothic.
For whatever reason I decided I didn't like the necklaces they came on so I remade them. The pendant parts and chains were attached using jewellery pliers and either jump rings or links of the chain if it was large enough.
Then all you need to do is loop your ribbon through the d-rings and poke a hole through both layers (I have a leather punch I tend to use but you can also use scissors) then secure it with either a rivet or an eyelet. You can buy these online or in craft shops, they're usually very cheap, come in various colours of metal and have instructions for how to put them together. They're fairly self-explanatory - one half on each side of the fabric and hit them with a hammer a few times. If using rivets make sure you put the pieces on the correct sides.
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You could also use screw on spikes. Anything that will keep the ends together will work - obviously you could sew them too, but this looks neater (than my hand sewing anyway!) and gives a bit of extra visual interest.
To get the right length of ribbon I just put it around my neck making sure to overlap the ends then add a couple of centimetres extra for the folds. If the ribbon is synthetic (most of the the time they will be) use a lighter to singe the ends slightly. This will cause it to melt a little and prevent fraying. Please be careful when doing this! You don't need to put the ribbon *in* the flame, just close enough to heat it.
For fastenings I always use heavy snap studs. These make the fastening very secure and neat looking - it will lay completely flat to the back of your neck.
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These studs come in 4 parts.
Again, double over the ends of the ribbon, poke a hole through both layers, put the correct pieces of the fastening on each side and hit them with a hammer a few times. These can likewise be bought online and come with a tool and instructions for use. The most important thing with these is to make sure all parts are facing the right direction so you can close them properly.
Here are some brief instructions I found online for how to use them.
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Again, you don't have to fasten them the way I do, whatever way suits you is fine. Even a safety pin would work!
This basic method can be used to make collars too, I did a cyber collar a while back (full post here)
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As I said above you can use any kind of ribbon you like, patterned or plain, or even a long strip of fabric, that's what I did for this collar.
You could cover it with safety pins, buttons, embroidery, fabric paint, whatever you like!
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thatdammchickennugget · 7 months
Hogsmeade Locations - Part Two
Some more shops and restaurants I came up with. Pictures were made with Bing Image Creator.
Part One
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Cocoa Charm Cafe & Confections
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Indulge your sweet tooth at Cocoa Charm Cafe & Confections, where chocolate lovers' dreams come true. Step into our cozy cafe and immerse yourself in a world of chocolate delights. From rich and creamy hot chocolates to decadent chocolate desserts and confections, our menu offers a tantalizing array of chocolate-themed treats to satisfy every craving.
But the magic doesn't stop there – at Cocoa Charm, we're passionate about sharing the art of chocolate-making with our customers. Join us for chocolate-making workshops where you can learn the secrets of crafting delicious chocolates from scratch. And don't miss our tasting events, where you can sample a variety of chocolates from around the world and discover new favorites.
So whether you're a connoisseur of cocoa or simply looking for a sweet escape, Cocoa Charm Cafe & Confections invites you to indulge in the irresistible allure of chocolate. Prepare to be enchanted by the aroma of cocoa and the blissful taste of pure chocolate bliss.
Take a peek at our menu:
Drinks: - Classic Hot Chocolate - Rich and velvety hot chocolate made with premium cocoa and topped with whipped cream. - Chocolate Hazelnut Latte - Creamy latte infused with rich chocolate and hazelnut syrup, finished with a sprinkle of cocoa powder. - Mint Chocolate Chip Frappe - Refreshing blend of mint syrup, chocolate chips, and ice, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle. Desserts: - Triple Chocolate Brownie - Decadent brownie made with three types of chocolate and served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. - Chocolate Lava Cake - Rich chocolate cake with a molten chocolate center, served with a dusting of powdered sugar. - Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries - Fresh strawberries dipped in smooth, melted chocolate and chilled to perfection. Confections: - Assorted Truffles - A selection of handmade truffles in flavors like dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and salted caramel. - Chocolate-Covered Pretzels - Crunchy pretzels coated in creamy milk chocolate and drizzled with white chocolate. - Chocolate-Covered Marshmallows - Fluffy marshmallows dipped in melted chocolate and sprinkled with colorful candy confetti.
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Lumos Lounge & Dance Club
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Welcome to Lumos Lounge & Dance Club, where the magic of music and movement ignite the night. Step into our vibrant venue and experience an enchanted atmosphere like no other.
At Lumos Lounge, our dance floors come alive with mesmerizing patterns and colors, enchanted to change and shift with the rhythm of the music. Whether you prefer to dance under the twinkling stars or amidst a whirlwind of swirling lights, our enchanted dance floors create an immersive experience that will transport you to another world.
But it's not just the dance floors that are magical – our music selection is spellbinding too. From upbeat wizarding tunes to chart-topping Muggle hits, our DJs spin a mix of magical and Muggle music to cater to all tastes. So whether you're a fan of the Weird Sisters or love to groove to the latest Muggle pop, there's something for everyone at Lumos Lounge.
So come, let loose and dance the night away at Lumos Lounge & Dance Club. With enchanting visuals, electrifying music, and a lively atmosphere, every moment spent here is sure to be filled with magic and excitement.
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Critter Haven
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Welcome to Critter Haven, where magic and companionship come together in perfect harmony. Nestled within the enchanting walls of the Magical Menagerie pet shop, Critter Haven offers a unique dining experience unlike any other.
As you enjoy your light meals and snacks, you'll be surrounded by the delightful sights and sounds of magical creatures at play. Watch in awe as kneazles chase after enchanted toys, crups frolic with each other, and bowtruckles dance among the branches of their habitats. It's a whimsical spectacle that's sure to captivate visitors of all ages.
But Critter Haven is more than just a cafe – it's a haven for both magical creatures and humans alike. Whether you're stopping by for a quick bite or simply seeking a moment of tranquility in the company of magical creatures, Critter Haven welcomes you with open arms.
So come, sip on a warm beverage, nibble on a tasty treat, and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Critter Haven. With every visit, you'll experience the joy and wonder of connecting with magical creatures in a cozy and inviting setting.
Take a peek at our menu:
Snacks: - Critter Treats - Assorted snacks perfect for sharing with our magical guests. - Wizarding Waffles - Fluffy waffles served with a drizzle of maple syrup. Beverages: - Enchanted Elixir - A refreshing potion with hints of citrus and magic. - Creature Comfort Tea - A soothing blend of herbs and spices to relax and unwind.
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Celestial Sips Rooftop Bar
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Ascend to new heights at Celestial Sips Rooftop Bar, where the cosmos meets cocktails in a breathtaking setting. Perched high above Hogsmeade, our rooftop bar offers panoramic views of the picturesque countryside, providing the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable evening.
Indulge in a stellar selection of specialty cocktails and mocktails inspired by the constellations and celestial phenomena. Sip on a "Stardust Spritz" or "Galactic Glow" as you gaze up at the twinkling stars above, or sample a "Cosmic Crush" while soaking in the enchanting ambiance of the night sky.
With its celestial-inspired libations and stunning vistas, Celestial Sips Rooftop Bar promises an otherworldly experience that's truly out of this world. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply savoring the magic of the moment, our rooftop oasis invites you to raise a glass to the beauty of the cosmos and the wonders of the universe.
Take a peek at our menu:
Signature Cocktails: - Stardust Spritz - A sparkling concoction of elderflower liqueur, prosecco, and a hint of citrus. - Galactic Glow - A mesmerizing blend of blue curaçao, vodka, and lemonade, garnished with a glowing ice cube. - Cosmic Crush - A refreshing mix of muddled berries, gin, and tonic, served over crushed ice. Mocktails: - Celestial Cooler - A non-alcoholic blend of pineapple juice, coconut water, and sparkling water, garnished with a slice of starfruit. - Moonbeam Mocktail - A creamy combination of vanilla syrup, almond milk, and a splash of lavender syrup, shaken and served chilled.
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Arcane Adventure Zone
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Embark on a journey of enchantment at Arcane Adventure Zone, where magic and merriment collide in an extraordinary arcade experience. Step into a realm where the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary, and every corner is filled with whimsical wonders waiting to be explored.
At Arcane Adventure Zone, you'll discover a treasure trove of interactive games and attractions that will captivate wizards and witches of all ages. Test your skills with wizarding versions of classic arcade games like Quidditch Pong, where broomsticks replace paddles, and Galleon Grabber, where players use magic to snatch flying coins from the air. Navigate through the twists and turns of the Magical Maze Runner, where surprises lurk around every corner.
But the magic doesn't stop there – Arcane Adventure Zone also boasts a magical bowling alley and mini-golf course that are sure to delight and challenge players of all skill levels. Navigate through whimsical obstacles, navigate moving platforms, and encounter enchanted creatures as you putt your way through the course.
With its spellbinding attractions and endless opportunities for fun and adventure, Arcane Adventure Zone is the ultimate destination for magical entertainment. So gather your friends and family, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of wizarding wonderment.
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The Whimsical Warbler
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Step into the enchanting atmosphere of The Whimsical Warbler, where music and magic intertwine to create unforgettable evenings of entertainment. As you enter this charming tavern, you'll be greeted by the melodic strains of live music and the warm glow of enchanted lights.
At The Whimsical Warbler, karaoke nights are a beloved tradition, where students and locals alike gather to showcase their vocal talents and sing their hearts out to their favorite wizarding tunes and Muggle hits. Whether you're belting out a classic from the Weird Sisters or crooning a chart-topping ballad, you'll be accompanied by live musical accompaniment and magical effects that bring your performance to life.
Immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of the tavern as you take the stage and become the star of the show. With its lively atmosphere, friendly patrons, and magical ambiance, The Whimsical Warbler is the perfect place to let loose, unwind, and make memories that will last a lifetime. So grab a drink, grab the mic, and get ready to sing your heart out at The Whimsical Warbler!
Take a peek at our menu:
Drinks: - Polyjuice Punch - A magical blend of fruit juices and sparkling soda, served in a whimsical goblet. - Butterbeer Blast - A creamy concoction of butterbeer and vanilla ice cream, topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. - Firewhisky Fizz - A fiery mix of firewhisky, ginger ale, and a splash of lemon juice, served over ice. Snacks: - Golden Snitch Wings - Crispy chicken wings tossed in a tangy golden sauce, served with celery sticks and blue cheese dip. - Quidditch Quinoa Salad - A refreshing salad of quinoa, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and feta cheese, tossed in a lemon herb dressing. - Magical Mushroom Flatbread - A savory flatbread topped with sautéed mushrooms, caramelized onions, and melted mozzarella cheese.
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Dragon's Lair Escape
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Step into the mystical realm of Dragon's Lair Escape, where an exhilarating adventure awaits. In this magically themed dungeon, students are transported to a world of mystery and intrigue, where they must put their wits to the test to unravel secrets, solve puzzles, and ultimately escape before time runs out.
As you enter Dragon's Lair Escape, you'll find yourself immersed in an immersive environment filled with enchanting decor and intricate details. Your mission is clear: work together with your fellow adventurers to uncover clues, decipher riddles, and unlock hidden passages as you navigate through the dungeon.
But beware – the clock is ticking, and the challenges you face are as formidable as they are captivating. From cunning traps to cryptic puzzles, every twist and turn holds the key to your freedom. Can you and your team unravel the mysteries of the Dragon's Lair and emerge victorious before time runs out?
With its immersive setting and thrilling challenges, Dragon's Lair Escape offers an unforgettable experience that will test your skills, challenge your intellect, and leave you craving more. So gather your friends, sharpen your minds, and prepare to embark on the ultimate escape room adventure. The fate of the dungeon awaits!
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Sorcerer's Palette Art Atelier
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Welcome to the Sorcerer's Palette Art Atelier, where creativity meets magic in every brushstroke and shutter click. Nestled within the heart of Hogsmeade, our art studio is a haven for aspiring witches and wizards eager to explore the wonders of magical artistry.
At the Sorcerer's Palette, we offer a diverse array of classes and workshops in various magical art forms, each more enchanting than the last. Unleash your inner artist with spell painting, where incantations bring your canvas to life with vibrant colors and mesmerizing patterns. Dive into the world of enchanted pottery, where clay transforms under your fingertips into bewitching sculptures and vessels imbued with magic. Or discover the art of magical photography, capturing fleeting moments of wonder and beauty with your trusty camera and a touch of wizarding flair.
Led by skilled instructors and seasoned practitioners of magical arts, our classes provide a supportive environment for students of all skill levels to learn, grow, and unleash their creativity. Whether you're a novice looking to dip your toes into the world of magical art or a seasoned wizard seeking to expand your repertoire, the Sorcerer's Palette Art Atelier has something for everyone.
So come, join us at the Sorcerer's Palette, where the possibilities are as endless as the magic itself. Let your imagination soar, and prepare to create works of art that will enchant and inspire for generations to come.
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Spellbound Scoops
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Welcome to Spellbound Scoops, where every scoop is a spellbinding experience! Step into our whimsical ice cream parlor and prepare to embark on a magical journey through a world of enchanting flavors and delightful treats.
At Spellbound Scoops, we specialize in serving up a variety of magical ice cream flavors that will tantalize your taste buds and transport you to another realm. Indulge in the creamy goodness of our butterbeer swirl, with hints of butterscotch and vanilla dancing on your palate. Dive into the decadence of our chocolate frog crunch, with crunchy chocolate pieces scattered throughout each scoop. Or dare to try our firewhisky fudge, a rich and boozy delight that packs a magical punch.
But the magic doesn't stop there – at Spellbound Scoops, we believe that every scoop deserves a touch of enchantment. That's why we offer a variety of enchanting toppings to customize your ice cream experience, from shimmering sprinkles to magical marshmallows and everything in between.
So whether you're a seasoned wizard or a Muggle in search of a sweet escape, Spellbound Scoops invites you to indulge in the magic of ice cream. With every lick and every bite, you'll taste the wonder and delight of a truly magical treat.
Take a peek at our menu:
Magical Flavors: - Butterbeer Swirl: Indulge in the creamy swirls of butterscotch and vanilla, reminiscent of the famous wizarding beverage. - Chocolate Frog Crunch: Dive into the depths of chocolatey goodness with crunchy chocolate frog pieces folded into every scoop. - Firewhisky Fudge: Experience a bold burst of flavor with our rich and boozy firewhisky-infused fudge ice cream, perfect for the daring adventurer. - Unicorn Dreams: Taste the magic with our whimsical blend of cotton candy and rainbow sprinkles, sure to delight the young and young at heart. - Dragon's Breath: Awaken your senses with our fiery cinnamon-infused ice cream, guaranteed to leave a lingering warmth with every bite. - Mermaid Melody: Dive into the depths of flavor with our sea salt caramel ice cream, swirled with swirls of ocean-blue raspberry sauce for a truly enchanting treat. Enchanting Toppings: - Shimmering Sprinkles: Add a touch of magic to your scoop with our shimmering sprinkles, available in an array of colors to suit your mood. - Magical Marshmallows: Elevate your ice cream experience with our fluffy and fantastical marshmallows, infused with a hint of enchantment. - Enchanted Chocolate Sauce: Drizzle your scoop with our velvety chocolate sauce, infused with a touch of magic for an extra dose of indulgence. - Fairy Dust Wafers: Sprinkle a dash of fairy dust on top of your scoop for an extra magical crunch that will leave you feeling like you're flying through the clouds.
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Mystic Brew
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Welcome to Mystic Brew, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air with enchantment. Known for our bold and flavorful blends, our café offers a diverse selection of brews to satisfy every palate. Whether you crave the rich intensity of our espresso or the smooth allure of our cappuccinos, we have the perfect cup to awaken your senses.
But Mystic Brew is more than just a coffee shop – it's a cozy haven where patrons can unwind and indulge in delightful treats. Take a seat in one of our inviting booths and savor a selection of savory and sweet snacks, from freshly baked pastries to gourmet sandwiches. With each sip and bite, you'll discover a world of flavor and comfort waiting to be explored.
Join us at Mystic Brew and embark on a journey of taste and relaxation. Whether you're seeking a quick caffeine fix or a leisurely escape from the bustle of Hogsmeade, our café promises a magical experience that will leave you enchanted.
Take a peek at our menu:
Wizard's Brews: - Mystic Mocha: Rich espresso infused with dark chocolate and topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of enchanted cocoa dust. - Potion Latte: A mystical blend of espresso and creamy steamed milk, flavored with your choice of magical potion syrups such as Butterbeer, Amortentia (rose), or Floo Powder (vanilla). - Dragonfire Espresso: A fiery shot of espresso infused with cinnamon and chili syrup, sure to awaken your inner dragon. - Frosty Forest Frappé: A refreshing frappé made with chilled espresso, peppermint syrup, and a swirl of whipped cream, garnished with crystallized pine needles - Magical Matcha Latte: A creamy latte made with ceremonial-grade matcha powder and steamed milk, sweetened with honey from the enchanted bees of the Forbidden Forest - Dragon's Scale Macchiato: A bold macchiato with layers of espresso and steamed milk, infused with spiced dragon fruit syrup and topped with a sprinkle of dragon scale-shaped chocolate shavings - Whispering Willow White Mocha: A velvety white mocha made with white chocolate and espresso, flavored with a hint of elderflower syrup and adorned with a delicate willow leaf stencil Magical Treats: - Spellbound Scone: A warm, flaky scone filled with enchanting flavors like pumpkin spice, cranberry, and orange zest - Phoenix Feather Croissant: Buttery croissant filled with almond cream and topped with toasted almonds and a sprinkle of phoenix feather sugar - Witch's Brew Brownie: Decadent chocolate brownie infused with potion essence and topped with a swirl of caramel and edible gold flakes - Magical Macaron Trio: A trio of delicate macarons in flavors of Elderflower Elixir, Pumpkin Pecan Potion, and Chocolate Cauldron, each with its own magical filling
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magickkate · 9 months
A Beginner's Guide: The Enchanting World of Candle Magic
Candle magic, a spellbinding practice deeply rooted in ancient traditions, offers a beautiful and accessible gateway into the mystical realm of the craft. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious novice, let's explore the basics of candle magic and how to harness the flame for your magical intentions. 🔥✨
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Understanding Candle Magic:
Candle magic is a form of sympathetic magic, where the candle serves as a symbolic representation of the spellcaster's desires. The flame, wax, and even the color of the candle are all integral elements that contribute to the energy and success of the magical working.
Choosing the Right Candle:
Color Correspondences: Each color holds specific magical properties. Choose a candle color that aligns with your intention.
Red: Passion, love, energy.
Blue: Communication, healing, wisdom.
Green: Abundance, prosperity, growth.
White: Purity, protection, clarity.
Purple: Spirituality, psychic development, transformation.
Candle Shapes: Consider specialty candles with shapes corresponding to your intent (e.g., hearts for love, skulls for transformation).
Anointing and Dressing: Before lighting, anoint the candle with oils and dress it with herbs relevant to your spell for an added layer of intention.
Setting the Stage:
Cleansing and Charging: Clear the energy of your space and candles using methods like smudging or visualization. Charge the candle with your intention.
Sacred Space: Create a sacred space for your candle magic. This could be an altar adorned with meaningful symbols, crystals, and other items.
Candle Lighting Ritual:
Focus and Intent: Before lighting the candle, focus on your intention. Visualize the desired outcome with clarity and positivity.
Recite Incantations: Speak or chant incantations that amplify your intention. Craft your own or draw inspiration from existing spells.
Observing the Flame:
Flame Behavior: Pay attention to the behavior of the flame. A strong, steady flame signals a positive working, while flickering or erratic flames may indicate resistance or obstacles.
Candle Wax Interpretation: As the candle burns, observe the wax. Patterns, shapes, and residues can provide insights into the success of your spell.
Extinguishing the Candle:
Closing the Spell: Extinguish the candle with gratitude and a sense of closure. Acknowledge the energy you've released into the universe.
Dispose with Care: If the spell involves banishing or releasing, dispose of the remnants appropriately. Burying or scattering the wax can symbolize the dispersal of energy.
Common Candle Magic Spells:
Love Spell: Use a pink or red candle, anoint it with love oils, and visualize the love you desire while the candle burns.
Prosperity Spell: Choose a green candle, dress it with prosperity herbs, and focus on abundance and wealth during the ritual.
Protection Spell: Opt for a white candle, anoint it with protective oils, and envision a shield of light surrounding you.
Tips for Candle Magic:
Moon Phases: Align your candle magic with the phases of the moon for added energy. New moons for beginnings, full moons for culmination.
Consistency: Practice regularly to strengthen your connection with candle magic. The more you engage, the more attuned you become to the energies involved.
Keep a Journal: Document your candle magic experiences, including the colors used, incantations, and observed outcomes. Reflecting on your practice aids growth.
Embrace the flickering flame as a conduit of your magical intentions, and let the dance of light guide you on a mystical journey. Whether you're seeking love, prosperity, or protection, the enchantment of candle magic awaits, inviting you to illuminate the path of your desires. ✨🕯️🌙
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Belkis Ayón is another talented artist who died very early - at 32.
Belkis Ayón (1967 – 1999) was a Cuban printmaker who specialized in the technique of collography. Ayón is known for her large, highly-detailed allegorical collographs based on Abakuá, a secret, all-male Afro-Cuban society. Her work is often in black and white, consisting of ghost-white figures with oblong heads and empty, almond-shaped eyes, set against dark, patterned backgrounds.
A central theme of Ayón's art is Abakuá, a secret, exclusively male association with a complex mythology that informs their rites and traditions. The fraternal society began in Nigeria at Cross River and Akwa Ibom and was brought to Haiti and Cuba through the slave trade in the 19th century.
Ayón researched the history of Abakuá extensively, with special emphasis on the most prominent and only female figure in the religion, Princess Sikan. According to a central Abakuán myth, Sikan once accidentally captured Tanze, an enchanted fish which imparted great power to those who heard its voice. When she took the fish to her father, he warned her to remain silent and never speak of it again. She did divulge the information however, to her fiance, leader of an enemy tribe. Her punishment was a death sentence and with her, Tanze also died.
This story comes in the form of imposed silence in her work, a major theme. The concept of imposed silence is evident in the lack of mouths in all of her figures. Belkis Ayón demonstration of Sikan’s betrayal in her collographs may be considered a transgression because, ironically, Ayon, a female artist, gives voice to the main antagonist Sikan, a woman, in Abakua mythology, which traditionally prohibits women. In this way, Belkis rebelled against the sexist and patriarchal culture argued to be ingrained in Cuban society by highlighting the religion’s feminine presence.
To date, Ayón has been the only prominent artist to create an extensive body of work based on the Abakuán society. Because the society itself had created very few visual representations of its myths, Ayón had great freedom to visually interpret their myths for herself. Numerous Abakuán rituals are represented in her collographs, many of which draw on Christian as well as Afro-Cuban traditions. Abakuán beliefs existed in sharp contrast to the atheistic anti-religious position of the Cuban communist government at the time.
Ayón killed herself with a gunshot to the head at home in Havana on 11 September 1999. She was 32. Reasons for her suicide still remain a mystery to her friends and family. However,The New York Times obituary quotes her as saying of her art, in the year that she died:
"These [works] are the things I have inside that I toss out because there are burdens with which you cannot live or drag along, ...Perhaps that is what my work is about — that after so many years, I realize the disquiet."
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The ✨Metaphysical Magic✨ of BTS 💜 방탄소년단
If you're like me and deeply inspired by BTS, then you know there's something truly mystical about their music and presence that goes beyond just being fans. Let’s dive a little into the rabbit hole and into this enchanting world together!
Symbols and Archetypes
First off, let’s talk about the incredible symbolism in BTS’s work. Their "Love Yourself" series is a perfect example. It's all about self-discovery, acceptance, and love – universal themes that we all relate to. These themes mirror the archetypal journeys we often explore in tarot, making their messages resonate deeply with us. Every lyric and visual tells a story that we can connect with, almost like looking at a tarot card and finding a piece of our own story within it.
Astrological Connections
The BTS members have shared their astrological signs with us, adding a whole new cosmic layer to their personalities. RM’s intellectual Virgo energy, Suga’s dreamy Pisces vibes, Jimin’s charming Libra balance, Jhope's Aquarian genius, Jin's Sagittarius wisdom, V's Capricorn earthiness, and Jungkook's Virgo perfectionism – it’s like each member brings a unique star quality that we can relate to on a spiritual level. Knowing their signs helps us connect with them in a more personal and mystical way, almost like they’re celestial guides on our journey. As a band that was born (debuted) on June 13th, BTS are collectively a Gemini, which explains their versatility, charm, humor, multi-hyphenated talent, and how they keep us laughing, delightfully guessing and always surprised with what they will do next, both independently and as a unit. Like the sign, they are energetic, impulsive, and often change their appearance, as well as being great communicators who share their feelings with us, making it easier for us to understand them. Gemini is also considered the teenager of the zodiac, and for us ARMY, they will truly be Young Forever!
Numerology and Destiny
Let's not forget numerology! The number seven is so important for BTS – it represents the seven members and is seen as a symbol of completeness and perfection in many spiritual traditions. Fans (including me!) love finding patterns in release dates, album titles, and significant events. It’s like following a cosmic breadcrumb trail that leads to deeper meanings and connections, making us feel like we’re part of a grand, destined plan.
Energy and Vibration
Have you ever felt the energy at a BTS concert? It’s pure magic! Their music isn’t just something you listen to; it’s something you feel. According to metaphysical principles, everything vibrates at a certain frequency. BTS’s songs, filled with messages of love, hope, and resilience, vibrate at a high frequency that resonates with our hearts. This energy can uplift and heal, creating a powerful experience for all of us.
Transformation and Healing
One of the most beautiful aspects of BTS’s influence is their ability to transform and heal. So many of us have found comfort and strength in their music during tough times. Although I first became aware of BTS in 2019 when I heard the song and saw the video for "Boy With Luv", it was 2020 when I became a true ARMY and without question, they helped me make it through that difficult period. It’s like having a cosmic friend who understands and supports you through their songs. This aligns perfectly with the metaphysical view of music as a form of therapy, reaching into our souls to provide healing and growth.
Collective Consciousness and Synchronicity
Lastly, let’s talk about the amazing BTS ARMY. We’re a perfect example of collective consciousness. Our synchronized activities, from streaming projects to charitable acts, show how connected we are. This unity creates a powerful force that enhances our individual and collective experiences, making us feel like we’re part of something much bigger.
So it is easy to see that the metaphysical aspects of BTS are real and true. Their music and presence go beyond entertainment; they touch our souls and connect us on a spiritual level. Whether through symbolism, astrology, numerology, or the energy they emit, BTS has created a legacy that transcends the physical world. It’s a journey of transformation, healing, and growth that we all share.
Thanks for joining me on this mystical exploration. Stay tuned for more cosmic insight and adventures and Beneath the Sky, Beyond the Stars Tarot. Keep shining and embracing the magic around you! Keep Loving Yourself and Speaking Yourself!
With love and light, I Purple You! 보라해
💜 Gabby 🌌💫
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shivaniboutique · 9 months
Christmas Party Outfit Themes
Here are some fun and festive Christmas party outfit themes to consider:
Ugly Christmas Sweater Extravaganza:
Embrace the tradition of donning the most outrageous, tacky, and humorous Christmas sweaters you can find.
Santa's Workshop Elves:
Dress up as Santa's little helpers with elf hats, striped stockings, and pointy shoes. Go for vibrant greens and reds to capture the playful spirit.
Winter Wonderland White Party:
Opt for an elegant and chic look with all-white outfits, incorporating faux fur, sequins, and sparkles to create a winter wonderland ambiance.
Festive Pajama Jam:
Keep it cozy and casual by inviting guests to wear their favorite Christmas-themed pajamas. It's perfect for a laid-back and comfortable gathering.
Candy Cane Stripes and Peppermint Patterns:
Go for outfits featuring the iconic red and white stripes of candy canes or peppermint patterns. It's a sweet and visually striking theme.
Christmas Movie Characters:
Come dressed as your favorite characters from classic Christmas movies. Whether it's Buddy the Elf, the Grinch, or characters from holiday classics, it adds a playful touch.
Festive Formalwear:
Elevate the celebration with a formal dress code featuring rich colors like red, green, and gold. Think glamour and sophistication for a classy Christmas affair.
Nutcracker Ballet Elegance:
Channel the enchanting world of the Nutcracker ballet with outfits inspired by ballerinas, toy soldiers, and the magical Land of Sweets.
Christmas in the Tropics:
If you're celebrating in a warmer climate, consider a tropical Christmas theme with Hawaiian shirts, floral prints, and Santa hats.
DIY Ornament Party:
Challenge guests to create their own Christmas ornaments and incorporate them into their outfits. It adds a crafty and personalized touch to the party.
Gingerbread House Couture:
Draw inspiration from gingerbread houses with brown and white outfits, candy cane accessories, and perhaps even some gingerbread-scented accessories.
Frosty the Snowman:
Embrace the charm of the snowman with white and blue outfits, top hats, and scarves. You can even add snowman accessories for a whimsical touch.
Choose a theme that resonates with your group, and encourage creativity and festive spirit in the outfits. Whatever theme you choose, it's sure to make your Christmas party memorable.
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