#but this trailer ain't giving me any of that fam
saviourkingslut · 2 years
brother not to sound like an asshole but the voice acting in that new engage trailer got me like 😐
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Genji is being so unbearable this morning and woke my grumpy ass up at 9 something yet again. My morning has been improved somewhat by the new Ahsoka trailer.
I'm sure people are going to find reasons to nitpick and bitch because that's suddenly become the cool thing to do with any and all Star Wars content. Which hey, I feel you fam, we have definitely seen a relative downward spiral in the quality of content versus the uptick in amount. I completely agree with people's right to bitch and moan too so don't take this as me saying "Ugh you can't please everyone, all the nerds are whinging that we broke their beloved franchise again" I just don't want us to turn into say the MCU level of fandom.
I definitely don't want to see Star Wars turned into the next MCU which is definitely a trajectory we've been headed in lately. So I totally get the concerns and complaints.
It definitely feels like we get one Andor level show every 6 series or something like that. So I'm not expecting a whole lot from Ahsoka.
But do I care if it's going to most likely be a mid at best series after this trailer?
Fuck. No.
Because we got to see live action Rebels. We got to see Ezra and it's prolly just a hologram message but oh my god after years of agonizing on where he's at, with the return of Thrawn do we FINALLY get to know what happened to Ezra?
Will we FINALLY be able to retire the "Where is Ezra, is he safe? Is he alright?" meme?
Felony knows exactly what he's doing giving us just a taste with having Zeb show up in Mandalorian. We all lost our fucking minds screaming where is Kallus. And now we're going to get the Ghost crew???
Do I hate Hera's design? Yes, am I questioning what the fuck is up with her lekku from the like 2 seconds we see of her? Yes.
Did Chopper look janky as fuck? Sure. Now ask me if I care Nope. I am hyped and easily manipulated by House of Mouse. But it's also a trailer so like you gotta take anything you see with a grain of salt.
I'm looking forward to people arguing for the next three months online on whether or not Baylan and whoever the hot goth chick whose name we have no idea is are really not Sith because their lightsabers aren't bright scarlet red. I love watching pressed pedantic fanboys (and fangirls) bickering over the banalest of bullshit.
Meanwhile, I'm gonna be in my lane wondering if Kallus will be in this so we can finally get confirmation that KalluZeb is going to be canon. Whether or not I WILL FINALLY GET MY FENN RAU CONTENT and other assorted light-hearted squeeing over silly Star Wars shit.
Because it ain't that deep at the end of the day. I could definitely make the argument that it's a silly space opera with space wizards and a questionable grasp of physics at best.
If you want nitty-gritty realism then go re-watch Andor which had no space wizards in it. But since this is going to be a Jedi or Jedi-adjacent driven vehicle, I know to turn off the critical thinking part of my brain and just enjoy the spectacle.
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lordsthegames · 1 year
Lords of the Fallen: Lit Gameplay Trailer, Epic Bosses, and an Immersive World
Lords of the Fallen dropped a lit gameplay trailer, plus that hella stylish video with Iron Maiden jams that came out earlier this year. They're showing off some heavy-duty combat and mega gnarly bosses, and I'm low-key praying they're as slick and intricate as the Soulslikes that HexWork is trying to copy. And OMG, did you peep that bizarre screeching skeleton egg monster straight-up meeting itself onto the player character? Total mind-blowing stuff, fam! Lords of the Fallen drops us into a whole new realm, like, over a thousand years after the epic showdown in the first game. This time, we're diving into a massive interconnected world that's, like, five times bigger than the OG game. Total game-changer, right? And if you're eager to dive into this expanded gaming world, don't forget to explore where to buy PS4 games to make the most of your adventure.
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This game is packed with NPC quests, tons of cool characters, and a super immersive story. First thing, you'll create your hero before diving into the single-player action. But wait, there's more! You can also team up with a buddy for some epic online co-op action without any interruptions. And guess what? Hexworks, the studio behind this awesomeness, is led by the main dude, Saul Gascon. They came to life in 2020 and have, like, a squad of over 75 in-house developers and a bunch of outside peeps they work with. By the way, if you're interested in learning more about Saul Gascon and his team's gaming creations, you can also explore where to buy PS4 games and experience their gaming prowess firsthand.
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Exploring a Massive Semi-Open World and Dual Realms
Lords of the Fallen drops you into this massive semi-open world, and in their latest video, they give us a sneak peek at some of the wild and intense spots you'll be exploring on your epic mission to take down Adyr, the demon God. And here's the cool part – you can choose your adventure style when it comes to which areas you wanna tackle first, 'cause they're all connected to at least two others. But wait, there's more! This RPG is next-level 'cause you're not just surviving in one world – you're rocking two thanks to the game's rad dual realm feature. Lords of the Fallen takes you to the dope Axiom, right? But there's also this spooky place called Umbral, which is the undead version of Axiom. Each realm has its crazy paths, wicked enemies, rad characters, and, of course, epic loot. With the Umbral Lamp, you can teleport to Umbral whenever you want, but it'll cost you one of your two lives. If you kick the bucket in the living realm, you'll respawn in the same spot, but in the undead realm, for one last shot at staying alive. But let me tell you, the odds ain't gonna be in your favor. By the way, speaking of odds, if you're in the market for some new gaming experiences, you might want to explore where to buy PS4 games for a chance to discover some hidden gems.
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Co-op Action at Vestiges and Crafting Skills
Lords of the Fallen brings some fresh deets in the Extended Gameplay Presentation, fam. Now, peep this: when you wanna squad up with a homie for co-op action, all you gotta do is hit up a chill in-game rest spot. You can either roll with your day one or get matched up with a random player. Your co-op buds got your back until one of you says "Peace out." And here's the real sauce: you can flex your crafting skills and make your vestiges, but it's gotta be in super-specific spots and you need some mega-rare resources to pull it off.
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Lords of the Fallen: The animation feels kinda meh, just like in the OG game, but the combat vibes are lit, yo. The SFX is kinda rough, but hopefully, it'll be on fleek in-game. At 8:28, it's straight-up LOL-worthy. Realm jumping is low-key cool, but I'm low-key worried it might mess up the level design, you know? Not feeling the world and vibes, and where are the characters?
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