#but to be fair she isn't one until p late in the book
mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
"he reaches out to protect the heroine..."
"... and the two small children in her care"
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thatndginger · 1 year
Happy STS! Please cast your characters in a coffeeshop AU of Shapeshifter.
Hi! Late to the game but let's go!
Ohoho boy this is going to be very entertaining. I'm excited! I've included some little scenarios based on the castings below :P
Carlisle Morrish - owner of the coffeeshop. Is always in and out of the shop, leaves the nitty gritty details to his managers and seems to be a bit of an absent boss, but he's usually off convincing some local business to partner with them or a new supplier.
Gabriel Beckham - general manager and the one who holds the shop together. Is usually in the back crunching numbers and balancing books. Makes an impeccable schedule that no one can ever complain about.
Portia Beckham - evening manager and neighborhood crush. Keeps the night owls assigned to the later shifts in line. Calls every customer 'hon' or 'darling' (unless she doesn't like them).
Jay de Lange - morning manager. Everyone assumes she's grumpy because she's not a morning person, but she's just *like that*. Is a wizard with the espresso machine.
Kerr McKay - barista, works both morning and evenings. Is the one who comes up with new drink flavors and specialty drinks. Likes to bake, sometimes makes 'gag' flavors to see if they'll sell. Is working with Warrick to convince Carlisle to get a liquor license for the shop.
Warrick Salehrad - barista and resident artist. Only works the evening shifts, and is usually late to them. Does all the window art, flyers, and designs for the shop. Is kinda Instagram famous for his latte art, and his frosting work for Kerr's cookies.
Calypso de la Fuente - that one customer who always comes in late in the evening and orders a 20-shot espresso or something equally terrifying. Always tips very well but no one wants to make her orders.
Adrien Montrose - the customer that everyone is absolutely sure works for the mafia but is too afraid to ask. Always gets the same thing, but tends to be rather unpredictable on when he'll visit.
Lucas Montrose - the customer everyone loathes. Only wears fancy suits, is always talking loudly on his phone, snaps his fingers at the baristas if he thinks they're being too slow, will make them remake his drink if he isn't satisfied. Everyone has thought about spitting in his cup at least once.
The Whitehart Coven - a group of friends who always seem to be occupying one of the back tables, and while they can be loud sometimes, everyone at the shop likes them. They keep the shop overflowing with flowers and plants that no one is quite sure where they found.
Okay, now for some scenarios because I couldn't resist once I thought about it!
-The reason that Adrien is so unpredictable in his visits is because he tries to come when Kerr's working. Kerr makes it a point to always wildly misspell Adrien's name - which at the start of Adrien's patronage had the entire shop sure that Kerr's shenanigans would land them on a mafia hitlist - and Adrien finds this incredibly amusing. He'd also insist that Kerr's the only one who can make his order right - even though it's literally just an americano.
-Calypso and Jay very rarely cross paths, since Calypso is usually the last customer of the night, and Jay opens the store in the morning. But a few times when Jay had to cover the evening shift, she and Calypso met. Kerr and Warrick immediately started a betting pool on when the two would hook up, but remain disappointed thus far.
-Warrick's window art has lent the shop a fair bit of local fame. He changes the designs often, following his own whims, and there's always a flurry of Instagram activity featuring the new designs afterwards. He's gotten quite a few commissions from other stores, but tries not to let himself get a big head about it (he absolutely has a big head about it).
-when Warrick and Kerr first started working together, Gabriel refused to schedule them together. Until one week he didn't have another choice, and to everyone's surprise, the two actually work well together. They just can't be allowed to get bored, or shenanigans ensue.
-the usual routine on morning shifts is that Jay mans the machine and whoever else she's working with mans the register. If Jay runs register, they get no tips. She isn't good at the whole customer service thing, but she makes a fantastic coffee and is willing to chat with regulars while she works, provided she likes them.
-the coffeeshop as a whole is one of those cozy, almost-cramped two story places. It doesn't have outdoor seating due to the city's rainy climate, but it has big windows and lots of comfy places to sit. Loitering is encouraged as long as you buy something. It has a bookcase in one corner where customers are encouraged to leave a book if they take one, and the second story has a little stage for live music. It definitely has the feel of one of those places that is trying to be a little bit of everything all at once, bu endearingly so
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