#but to defrost the schnitzel she made
23sibylcake23 · 1 year
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tarakates · 6 years
Prague held a different kind of magic, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent there. On Friday afternoon I caught my plane and flew over the dusted Alps of Switzerland and Austria I was in complete awe of the beauty, I have really come to enjoy the snow for the mere reason that it makes everything look so exceptionally beautiful, as well as the fact that I know “warmer “weather always follows. Prague surprised me I was set for my solo missions again; wandering the Christmas Markets around the town, maybe going ice-skating, doing my Christmas shopping, wandering through the city taking photographs of the main attractions and then heading home – satisfied with yet another successful solo adventure. My Friday evening started off like that I checked into DUDU PRAHA and set of immediately to explore the Christmas Market closest to me.
I found one located right in Staroƈeskѐ Vẚnoƈnỉ Trhy where the Old City Square was and where yet again another beautiful Christmas tree stood ladened with beautiful lights and decorations. I wandered around snapping photographs of the Christmas market and the beautifully illuminated Church of Our Lady before T that lay just behind the Christmas tree. Fairy lights were draped from every tree and the stall and Christmas carols filled the air. And as at every Christmas Market I was totally in my element. The Christmas Market itself wasn’t exceptional, it was actually really small, and I actually got the feeling that once you’ve been to one you know the stalls of all the rest; laden in overpriced Christmas decoration, mulled wine, food (but always traditional and always good, so always worth the extravagant price), as well traditional crafts from the area.
    However, I think each market ‘s Christmas tree really is unique and always beautifully done, it adds something special to the Christmas ambience, and the main lure for me. The one in Prague was especially magnificent as the lights are synced to a classical piece and the Christmas tree comes alive, it stops the wandering crowds below and everyone pauses in awe to appreciate the performance it puts on. It was lovely, and I was perfectly positioned to admire it.
After the short wonder around the market I made my way through the cobbled streets of the old town. Prague holds a different magic, I’m not sure if it was the architecture or the buzz of people, but even in the negative degrees, I absolutely enjoyed just roaming down the narrow streets admiring the city. I wandered through all the tourist Friendly shops, appreciating the different bohemian crafts and crystals jewelry. The different type of buildings from the Gothic area to the Bavarian houses to something you would find in France; I have really loved this part of Europe thus far; all the ancient statues and artifacts are so well kept that it is always a pleasure to just wander and enjoy. After about three hours of wandering I was ravenous and I headed back to the Christmas market to buy myself a chicken sandwich and Trdelnỉk yummy, the Trdelnỉk is a traditional pastry which is toasted over a fire in a chimney shaped and sprinkled with walnuts and cinnamon sugar. It was sooo good!!Then, by the help of my dearest friend the maps app I made my way to the famous Charles Bridge. Which was quite long and a bridge, but it held history and of course I snapped a selfie. My search for something to defrost my poor exposed frozen fingers from the icy bite of the European cold began- word of advice when in winter in Europe, always, always have gloves, it gets quite unpleasant without them, but their famous hot chocolate which is melted chocolate with a whipped cream topping really warmed my heart. I wandered back to the hostel being quiet the happy chappy.
Unfortunately, the hostel was so noisy I maybe slept a total of 3 hours the next morning I checked out, really early with a new travelling partner for the weekend, so nothing lost, something gained (well besides sleep). We both checked into Hostel Franz Kafka and then set off to discover Prague with my new-found friend, it was great I had forgotten how nice it was to have someone to share my travels with even if it was a stranger, at first. We chatted as we strolled down the cobbled street into the main city, admiring the beauty of Prague, later we split, and I was able to do some successful Christmas shopping; one of my many joys in life. Catching the tram back to the old city centre I wandered my way back to the hostel, where I took a much-needed half hour snooze before heading up to the castle and exploring more of Prague.
I found the St. Vincent Cathedral took a million photographs of magnificent building that stood in front of me. I then wandered through the courtyards and listedned to a choir singing Christmas songs or I guess it could have been a lot of happy tourists too and then moved down towards the castle, stopping along to listen to an angelic voice singing silent night in Czech as her fingers softly moved through her harp, I was totally mesmerised. After the productive afternoon I wandered back down to the hostel where I caught up with the girl and we decided to go out with friend she had met and it turned out to be a lovely evening, they gave me advice on travelling and told me the stories of their travels and even though I was way younger than them all I have to say when I wandered back through to the Christmas that next morning at 4 my heart was happy I think especially since I stood at the foot at the beautiful Christmas tree in a completely vacant market just appreciating it’s beauty and peace that now lay over the city.
So, three hours of sleep later and a full last day that lay ahead of me; I tried something new and went on one of the free walking tours and wow I was impressed our tour guide Sarah had me completely captivated as she explained the history of Prague. I learnt about the gory details of way back when, as well as the interesting good to know facts of Prague from the much loved King Charles IV to the Protestant Movement involving Jan Hus, to how the houses were numbered for the illiterate by images like the house of five crowns had five crowns on its walls, to the two towers named Adam and Eve of the Tyre Church as they were built 150 years apart due to the war that took place, I was also on educated stumbling stones that are spread out all over Europe in remembrance of those who were affected by the holocaust and how the astronomical clock worked. And then magic fell over Prague whilst we were making our way to the finishing point of the tour we were caught in a snow storm it was wonderful, the snowflakes draped us in white as we stood mesmerised by the tour guide who was wrapping up the tour.
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After the tour we hurried off to the Charles Bridge and I used the last of my camera’s battery to capture the landscape that was now too covered in snow, taking photographs with the Charles bridge in the background. Later, we went to a small restaurant where I had potatoes and a chicken schnitzel, which was so great nothing like a warm meal in winter. That afternoon we continued to wander through the streets of Prague, and the Christmas Markets it was more like a laidback Sunday afternoon and I thoroughly enjoyed it, we ended the night off with ice-cream and Trdelnỉk and went for my last walk over the Charles Bridge to the other side where I discovered a whole new part of the old city and I fell even more in love with Prague. But I have to say by 9 o clock that night I was falling asleep whilst standing and the plane ride back the next morning was also quiet a blur working on 8 hours of sleep over 60 hours drained me, but I would do it again I was truly sad that my weekend came to an end. Siting back in South Africa writing this now, it’s almost impossible to comprehend that I was in Prague just 2 weeks ago, wandering through a new city, setting foot in the sixth country in Europe and I really look forward to what the new year holds.
The Unexpected Adventure. Prague held a different kind of magic, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent there. On Friday afternoon I caught my plane and flew over the dusted Alps of Switzerland and Austria I was in complete awe of the beauty, I have really come to enjoy the snow for the mere reason that it makes everything look so exceptionally beautiful, as well as the fact that I know “warmer “weather always follows.
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