#but truthfully i dont feel confident enough yet to design medusa plus i think i vice principal role might be a bit beneath her
freaky-flawless · 4 months
A possible idea for vice principal, have you considered, a gorgon? Afterall, they need to be careful and have self-control in order not to accidentally turn anyone to stone, plusssss, they can defend the kids if shit like monster hunters happen
My one hangup with a Gorgon is that I like the idea of them being a rare Monster type, with Deuce being the only one that attends the school (and Viperine I suppose but I don't think she's actually a student)
I'm still playing around with what I'd want personality wise, but I am leaning more towards their personality being somewhat opposite to the Headmistress.
Where Bloodgood is stern and somewhat intimidating, I kinda want the Vice to be playful and approachable. I just think that'll make for a fun dynamic between the two.
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