#but turning down the volume seemed to help 🤣
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jj-nhlgirly · 1 year
Summer Of Love:- Warm Summer Nights
AN:- not proof read
TW:- swearing but what’s new with me 🤣, nothing else i can think of, mentions of sex??
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(not my gif, credits to who made this)
Jack and Mackenzie were lost in their own world, staring out at the horizon. Kaylee, Skylar and the boys were still playing in the ocean, Mackenzie swore their laughter could be heard for miles.
“You sure you don’t wanna swim? I don’t mind standing here” Mackenzie said softly. “I’m sure baby, we’ll probably have to call them out soon anyways” Jack mumbled back, leaning down and placing his head in the crook of Kenzie’s neck.
“Hmm you make it sound like they’re our kids” Mackenzie laughed. “We might as well be honorary mom and dad” Jack laughed back. “Nah that’s Quinn and Kaylee’s job” Mackenzie giggled, turning in Jack's arms pouting her lips out for a kiss. Jack leaned down to fulfil her request, kissing her gently and slowly, a kiss full of love, however it was cut short as the couple felt water splashing them. Jack glanced over Mackenzie’s shoulder, “LUKE WARREN HUGHES, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SPLASHING?” Kaylee shouted.
“See told you she was mom” Mackenzie laughed. “HEY GUYS WE SHOULD HEAD IN NOW, THE SUNS ABOUT TO START SETTING” Jack shouted, Mackenzie wincing due to the volume. “Sorry baby” Jack kissed her cheek, before grabbing her hand and leading her back to their stuff. Jack reached to grab his shirt, pulling it over his head, Mackenzie went to grab her shirt and shorts.
“Here babe, I’ll help” Jack said, leaning down so she had somewhere to balance, Mackenzie placed her casted arm on his shoulder, using the other to pull her shorts up. Jack grabbed her waist as she wobbled, “you ok?” Jack whispered.
“Mmm” Mackenzie hummed, after zipping them up. Jack helped her put her shirt on before turning around to start packing stuff away. Quinn’s phone was still connected to the speaker and whilst some songs it played were questionable in Mackenzie’s mind, it was a good playlist.
Cheerleader by OMI started playing and Mackenzie couldn’t help but dance along as she held out towels for everyone as they passed her, Kaylee stopping next to her and began dancing as well, Skylar joining in shortly afterwards.
“Is there anything they don’t dance to?” Ethan asked no one in particular, “nope, not really. They were dancing to Adele the other morning” Luke laughed. Jack and Trevor shook their heads at them, before heading to the car to load it up.
The girls hadn’t even realised the boys had gone as the song changed to toxic pony mashup. Kaylee twirling Mackenzie as Skylar swayed by herself, Mackenzie reaching her arm out inviting Skylar to a twirl as well.
Jack and Trevor walked back down the beach to collect the last few bags and the girls. Trevor pulled his phone out to record them as Mackenzie twirled her hips up against Kaylee, rotating them, both girls laughing at each other.
“Well that took a turn I wasn’t expecting” Trevor laughed, “nothing surprises me with these two anymore” Jack laughed as he began to approach them. “Come on troublemaker it’s time to go” Jack switched off the speaker, hearing whines of protest from the girls. “You can dance back at the house” Trevor promised, which seemed to satisfy them as they began following Jack and Trevor, each grabbing a bag although Jack insisted on carrying Mackenzie’s.
Treading steadily up the sandbank, they finally made it to the cars. Quinn was already sitting in the driver's seat, “I’m coming, I’m coming Quinny be patient” Kaylee huffed out before stumbling into Trevor who was quick to steady her with an arm around her waist, “careful there pumpkin” he smirked.
“Oh bite me” Kaylee joked before carrying on toward the car. “I mean if you insist, I’m sure we can arrange something” Trevor spoke back as he followed her.
Mackenzie giggled, “Jacky why don’t you bite me?” she pouted. Skylar faked a gag, “okayyy on that note i’m gonna go find Eth.” The couple watched as Skylar walked away, “hmm didn’t know you were into biting, baby” Jack smirked. “I'm into a lot of things pretty boy” Mackenzie smirked, leaning up to give him a quick peck on the lips before walking toward the car.
Jack striding to open her door for her before climbing into the driver's seat. “Everyone buckled?” Jack asked before starting the car, “yes dad” Ethan replied. Jack reversed out of the parking space heading for the road home, Quinn’s car following behind.
After pulling up to the house, the boys all climbed out and began unloading again, as the girls walked into the kitchen to start on dinner. “what are we thinking?” Kaylee asked as she scanned the cupboards for ingredients, Mackenzie opened the refrigerator, “hmm I’m thinking something light since we had lunch so late, we could make caesar salad and chicken pesto pasta?” Mackenzie suggested.
“Sounds good to me, I'll start on the salad,” Kaylee replied, “and I'll start on the pasta” Mackenzie added. “What do you need me to do?” Skylar asked, Kenzie looked over her shoulder, “nothing for now pickle, why don’t you sit down and tell us the tea with you and Ethan” she spoke.
Skylar rolled her eyes as her cheeks flushed pink, “oooo someone’s blushinggggg, reminds me of you kenz” Kaylee teased. “Me? no no no, i remember you blushing constantly about bitchy barbie” Mackenzie shot back, Skylar furrowed her eyebrows, “bitchy barbie?”
Mackenzie gave Kaylee a look, silently asking her if she could tell Skylar, when Kaylee nodded Mackenzie started to reply. “Kaylee met a girl called Mae last year at a party—“ Mackenzie started before being interrupted by Kaylee, “We’d seen each other in passing a few times before then, but we hit it off at the party, I kissed her and we exchanged numbers. Although the next day on campus people were saying that I’d forced myself on her, which wasn’t the case. It was then that I'd learnt people had seen us together and Mae wasn’t exactly open about her sexuality which is okay, I’m not one to judge about it, she blew me off and acted like i was some creep” Kaylee finished as she placed the lettuce in a bowl.
“Not only that, but she had the audacity to come to you for help in coming out, AND to ask you out “properly” after everything she had done” Kenzie added as she started frying the chicken.
“Wow, that’s rough, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. What did you do?” Skylar inquired. “Honestly not much, there wasn’t really anything i could do aside from ignore it, a few people who saw us at the party stuck up for me and explained what happened, not that anyone really believed them but i’m thankful they tried. you’re sister however is a different story” Kaylee laughed.
“What did you do?” Skylar sighed, Mackenzie smirked “oh not much.” “not much? you drenched her in kool aid in front of everyone, and switched her lactose pills for tic tacs” Kaylee laughed. “hey i made sure she wasn’t deathly allergic to dairy before i did that, i'm not a monster.” Mackenzie defended.
“I still don’t know how you managed to do that” Kaylee giggled, “I’m cute, plus Spencer owed me a favour after I caught him trying to sleep with Miss Ramsay to get his grades up” Mackenzie laughed at the look on Kaylee’s face. “no— Miss Ramsay? seriously?” Kaylee deadpanned.
“Anyways that’s pretty tame for you Kenz, remember when she hid shrimp in this girl's car and locker because she was bullying me?” Skylar cackled “now that, that was genius” Kaylee laughed back, “like i said i'm cute, boys can never say no to this face” Mackenzie giggled, “it’s true, you could drop a pen and half the football team would be there to offer you theirs or pick it up for you, you wouldn’t even need to say anything” Kaylee laughed harder.
“So tell us about you and Ethan then sunshine” Kaylee teased. “There's not much to tell at the moment, we go for these late night walks around the lake, sometimes we sit at the docks and talk about anything and everything but that’s about it” Skylar summarised.
Suddenly Mackenzie’s phone started ringing from one of the beach bags in the hallway. “JAAAACKKKK!” Mackenzie shouted, “yeah babe?” Jack’s faint voice could be heard, “can you get that for me?” Kenzie shouted back, “yeah babe, one sec” Jack jogged into the hallway, digging around in the bag for her phone, “ITS OLIVIA” he shouted back before answering.
“Hey gorgeous” Olivia’s voice spoke through the phone, “Liv please i’m a happily taken man” Jack joked back, “oh— hey Jack” Olivia laughed, “hey Liv, Kenz is in the kitchen, i’ll pass her the phone and leave you be” Jack spoke back as he made his way to the kitchen himself. “Oh no worries I actually wanted to talk to you both, is Kaylee there as well?” Olivia replied.
“yeah she’s here, one sec lemme put you on speaker. Skylar’s here as well” Jack warned, “Sky? Would you mind clearing out for me please?” Olivia asked. “yeah of course, i’ll go see if they need any more help outside” Skylar stood up and began walking away, hearing Olivia call out a thank you.
“Liv what’s up? Is everyone ok?” Kaylee asked as she walked to the refrigerator. “Everyone is okay, although Cody has been pouting and looking a little lost without his “favourite children” but I was calling to update y’all on our situation” Olivia paused, “and i gotta say it’s not looking good.”
Jack furrowed his brows whilst Mackenzie and Kaylee sighed, “what happened, sweets?” Kaylee asked as Mackenzie poured the pasta into the boiling water adding salt. “He came back from the boys' weekend, and went straight to bed, the next day I tried being dominant like you suggested but it lasted about 2 minutes before he flipped us round” Olivia spoke to the group.
“Liv, I’m gonna ask you something and in no way am I trying to be insulting or disrespectful” Jack spoke thoughtfully as he sat at the breakfast bar, “okay” Olivia mumbled out. “Are you happy with everything else in the relationship? Is this the only issue?” Jack asked.
“yeah everything else is going great! Aside from the bedroom issues, he’s the perfect guy” Olivia spoke out, “but?” Kenzie asked. “But like I told you guys it’s like the passion is gone, and I'm not sure how to fix it” Olivia sighed, “why don’t you talk to him? Or maybe I can talk to him?” Jack suggested.
“It's ok Jack, I'll talk to him. I’m not exactly sure what to say but I'll figure it out. If i need any help i’ll let you guys know, oh shoot Maddy’s here I gotta go pack. I'll see y’all in a few days. I love you all” Olivia rushed out and then hung up.
Jack looked at the girls, “that was strange right?” he asked them. “yeah, she usually doesn’t hang up until Kenz and I have said our own goodbyes”
Kaylee furrowed her brows as she added cucumber to the salad. “You know what, Mads texted me this morning saying she was going to visit her sister in Manhattan today and she’d be staying the night” Kenzie frowned, “so why would she be at Olivia’s?” Kaylee questioned. “Maybe she’s going later?” Jack suggested.
Kaylee shrugged, “yeah, maybe.” “Jack, can you drain the pasta for me?” Kenzie asked. “yeah sure, LUKE!!” Jack shouted as he stood up. “WHAT?!” Luke shouted back. “CAN YOU GATHER THE BOYS, DINNER IS READY?” Jack replied. “YEAH OKAY” Luke’s muffled voice carried through the kitchen.
“I forgot how much you two shout” Kaylee laughed. “my poor eardrums” Kenzie sighed dramatically. “mhm what about my poor eardrums listening to you two singing” Jack laughed. “I am highly offended right now” Kaylee gasped dramatically.
Kaylee walked away with the salad bowl, Kenzie following behind with the pasta, leaving Jack alone, he turned to grab two drinks. A gatorade for himself and a cherry cola for Kenzie, before joining everyone at the dining table.
Jack pulled a chair with Kenzie on his right and Trevor on his left. “Thank you for dinner girls, it looks delicious” Quinn thanked, a few mumbles of agreement and other thank yous carried around the room. “Your welcome boys, tuck in” Kaylee gestured to the bowls.
“Kenzie, where did you learn to cook like this?” Trevor groaned out with a mouthful of pasta. “Well our mom is a nurse and growing up she’d have to leave a lot for night shifts leaving Sky and I alone. A few nights we’d have dinner at Kaylee’s but for the most part I'd cook dinner for us. It started out with just boxed mac and cheese but I watched and followed the food network until I could actually make edible food” Mackenzie laughed as she sipped her cola.
“I used to ask Kaylee’s mom to make extras in case it was bad.” Skylar laughed. “I’ve even taught Jack how to cook a few meals.” Kenzie added, glancing at Jack. “Yeah, I can successfully cook chicken alfredo now” Jack smiled smugly, “he cooked a very nice lasagna for our anniversary last month” Kenzie smiled back.
Dinner continued on as usual, full of stories and laughter. Quinn, Jack and Trevor offered to clean up the dishes, whilst the Umich boys and Skylar headed outside. Kaylee turned to Kenzie smiling, “you do realise Jack facetimed me when he made that lasagna.” “I figured he’d had help, but it was still sweet he tried, it could have been the worst lasagna in the world and I'd still eat it with a smile on my face” Mackenzie smiled.
Kaylee and Mackenzie continued chatting amongst themselves as the boys finished up in the kitchen, Jack was the first to appear. “Q and Trev are just finishing up, do you wanna head upstairs? maybe watch a movie?” Jack asked. Mackenzie nodded as Kaylee wiggled her eyebrows, “behave yourself” Mackenzie laughed before leaving. “I always behave myself, it’s you who doesn’t” Kaylee shouted back, “You’re not wrong” Kenzie shouted back as she laughed.
Jack shook his head, as they headed upstairs. Approaching Jack's room, the pair saw Ethan sitting in the doorway of his bedroom, looking a little lost. “Ethan? you ok?” Kenzie asked as she sat next to him. Ethan sighed, shaking his head, “yeah… kinda? I'm not sure.” Mackenzie frowned, “what’s up?” “Skylar” Ethan replied.
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Liked by Kay.Johnson, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes and 127,349 others
Kenzie.Havener I’ve loved you three summers now honey☀️❤️
tagged:- jackhughes
Kay.Johnson but I want them all 😙
Kenzie.Havener you weren’t supposed to finish it 😒😩
trevorzegras In her defence Jack doesn’t know Tay Tay😩😭
jackhughes I know taylor swift I just don’t know what the songs are 😐
Kenzie.Havener can we cancel him? 🙄
_quinnhughes yes
jackhughes I love you baby ❤️
trevorzegras I love you too babe 😙❤️
Kenzie.Havener ermmm shall I leave? 🤣😒
Kenzie.Havener I love you ❤️
Fan180 where can i find my own Jack 😩
Kenzie.Havener you can have my one 😒
Kenzie.Havener lysm bestie 🫶🏼, you’ll find your Jack Hughes one day, I promise
lhughes_06 why is this a thing? 🤣
Kay.Johnson because your brother is hot af and everyone knows it 🙄
Kenzie.Havener he’s just setting a standard, don’t settle for less ladies 😌
lhughes_06 I hate it here 😩
Skylar.Grace stop being a hater 💅🏼
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