#but ugh i do not want Missy to date Leonard
I like Young Sheldon but part of it is also imagining this family to be more dark, edgy and badass than they actually truly are lmao
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grandtheftstarship · 5 years
Doctor of My Word (Leonard McCoy x Fem!Reader) [Request!]
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“Request: Leonard McCoy x fem!Reader (Trope: Thing happens- people exchange money in the back; AU: Same Heartbeat Soulmates)!”
- @spaceyravenclaw 
THANK YOU GUYS FOR 200 FOLLOWERS!!!!! I can’t believe this blog has gotten so far ♡ thanks for sticking around!
Hi there!! Thank you for your requests :) ❤︎ This one just kinda snapped and I was trying to finish older requests first but I was just so excited to write this omg nobody’s requested a soulmate one yet and I’ve been dyingggg to write one! 
Sorry for lack of updates :( I’ve had some nasty writer's block ugh
This is dedicated to my good friend @bahharrington28 !!! Thanks for the support and happy belated birthday!! :D
REMINDER!!! Tumblr likes to eat requests! If your request hasn’t been filled, it’s been gobbled up :( send it in again!
Word Count: 1614 Warnings: fluff, swearing
request something!
To almost everyone on the Enterprise, it was totally and utterly obvious that you were pining after the one and only Doctor Leonard McCoy. Everyone also found it glaringly obvious the CMO was pining right back. 
You worked on the bridge while Leonard worked down in Medbay, but you saw each other often on the bridge since you were both close with Jim. People were constantly throwing knowing glances your way as you both shamelessly flirted with one another, though it only added to the unresolved tension between you. 
Some threw around the notion that maybe you and the doctor were soulmates, but it was rare that anyone was able to find theirs. Most people ignored or gave up on the idea that soulmates were real and decided to just let things play out instead of searching. 
Your parents, for example, weren’t soulmates, but they were still happy together and raised you well. However, your grandparents were. When you were young you were fascinated by the idea of having the perfect match made for you and you would often press one of your hands on your grandparents’ hearts and feel them beat in perfect sync. Your grandmother would tell you bedtime stories about how she met your grandfather and their first date, as well as the day she finally started being able to hear his heartbeat in the back of her mind. She told you how it became a calming lullaby for her, and it made her feel safe. 
For a long time, you were obsessed with finding your soulmate, but that obsession had quieted back down to mild curiosity. By the time you reached your early twenties, you had accepted that you were probably never going to find your other half after years of searching. You weren’t opposed to the idea of soulmates like others could be, if you found yours you would be beyond happy, but you were willing to settle down with anyone as long as you both were okay with it.
Leonard, however, couldn’t remember the last time he actually believed the tale was true. When he married Jocelyn, he knew after the first time they held hands that they weren’t soulmates. He tried so hard to make it work, but in the end soulmates won. She ended up finding her other half a few years after Joanna was born and left him. He had given up on love altogether when she did.
He had tried- he really did- to keep up that mentality once you walked aboard the Enterprise, but he found that increasingly more difficult as he got to know you. 
A smile instantly formed on his lips as you jogged towards him.
“You ready for lunch?” he asked, tucking his PADD under his arm. 
You nodded, falling into step with him. “Yep!”
When your friends asked you about your feelings for the doctor, you never really knew how to answer. It started as a general safe feeling when you were around him, a strange sense of calm and comfort from the moment you laid eyes on him. You had never felt that with anyone before and you were instantly attracted to him. You thought that maybe it was just a little crush and it would fade away after a while, but if anything it started picking up the pace. 
You didn’t want to think about what it meant. 
The day went by just how you thought it would, boringly. You didn’t see Leonard for the rest of your shift, making you frown. You usually got to see him multiple times throughout the day. Around the end of your shift, your best friend [b/f/n] wandered onto the bridge.
“Hey [y/n]!”
You smiled as she approached you. “What’s up?”
“Nothing much,” she replied. “My shift just finished. Do you want to hang out tonight? Have a few drinks?”
You nodded, prepping your station for the following shift. “I would love too.”
“Great!” she pulled you up from your chair and practically dragged you to the Turbolift. 
[b/f/n] had gotten you really, really drunk. Barely an hour after your shift had ended, you were stumbling around her quarters, laughing your head off. You didn’t notice the sly grin [b/f/n] was wearing as she watched you from the counter. She got up and went to the comm and whispered something into it. 
“Whatcha doing?” you slurred behind her. 
“I’m calling the doctor,” she replied, trying to hide her smile. 
“The doctor?” you squeaked, sobering for a moment. It was only a moment. “Oh well, I guess that’s not too bad.”
[b/f/n] smirked, thinking you were about to confess. 
“Now he can bring his good whiskey!” you exclaimed, flopping on the couch with your hands stretched out. [b/f/n] signed. Not even being drunk was enough to draw the truth out of you, or so she thought. 
The chime at the door spooked you and you rolled off the couch, landing with a small ‘oof’. You lied there with a panicked expression on your face. 
You heard the doctor and [b/f/n] talking quietly at the door and to your horror, you heard [b/f/n] leave the room. 
Leonard was panicking. He had barely noticed it at first, the slight pulse in the back of his mind. He thought it was a strange sort of migraine so he took some medication, but lo and behold, nothing happened. The steady beat remained, and Leonard knew exactly what it meant. 
He tried to ignore it most of the day but it was always there, mocking him with every soft thump. He felt it race on occasion, either mirroring his own feelings or it was something she was going through. It never lasted more than a few moments, until only a few minutes after Beta shift ended. [y/n]’s shift. He let himself wonder for a brief moment if she was the one who’s heartbeat mirrored his, but he pushed the thought away. It couldn’t be. 
Barely half an hour into Gamma shift, Bones heard his comm chime. 
“Leonard,” he sighed into it.
“Hey, uh, I need your help in my quarters,” came the response.
“I don’t make house calls,” he growled.
“Well, it’s [y/n],” the voice replied.
Len felt his heart skip a beat, the faint one in his head following suit.
“What the hell’s wrong with her?” he tried to keep from sounding frantic. “And who the hell is this?”
The voice sighed loudly. “Leonard, its [b/f/n]. She’s fine but she’s, you know, not handling her drinks well.”
It was Leonard’s turn to sigh. “Fine. I’ll be there in a second.”
He put the communicator down and took a deep breath. He could do this. It wasn’t like she was dying. He grabbed a MedKit and left his office. The trip was much shorter than he was hoping and before he knew it he was ringing [b/f/n]’s door chime. She answered almost immediately, and he narrowed his eyes. 
“This better not be some sort of cruel joke,” he grumbled.
“Of course not,” she replied, stepping out of the doorway to allow Leonard in. He almost missed the glint in her eye. “I’m going to leave you two alone.”
Before he could protest, [b/f/n] slipped out of the room, doors hissing closed behind her. He let out a sigh and ran a hand over his eyes. 
He finally strode into the room to find you laying on the floor on your stomach, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“Did you bring the good stuff?” your whisper muffled slightly by the floor.   
“What?” Leonard asked in surprise.
You jumped up from the carpet and stood on your tippy-toes to whisper in his ear.
“The whiskey.”
“Of course not,” Leonard blinked, bemused. “You’re way too drunk for that missy.”
You groaned and fell away from him, collapsing back on the couch. “Then why’d [b/f/n] call you in?”
“To deal with you,” Leonard replied, unpacking a hypo from his kit. 
“What’s that mean?”
“I'm here to sober you up darlin’,” he spun around and pressed the hypo in your neck, which earned him a yelp from you. 
“What was that for?” you gasped, rubbing the spot on your neck. 
“They say it hurts less if it’s a surprise,” he shrugged. 
“Bullshit,” you huffed. “What was in that anyway?”
“Sedative,” Leonard replied, closing his kit back up. “That’s all. I’ll see you tomorrow at lunch.”
“Wait!” you called after him. He stopped in the doorway and turned around.
“Stay with me?” you asked sheepishly, red clouding your cheeks.
Leonard felt his heart melt, but felt a pang of unease. If he stayed, what was he getting himself into? Would he be able to make good decisions? Before rational thought could regain control, he smiled and walked back towards the couch, setting his kit on the kitchen counter. He couldn’t leave you by yourself, could he?
Jim wandered down the hallway, finding [b/f/n] standing outside her quarters. He groaned. 
“Don’t tell me.”
She grinned. “Oh yeah. Got ‘em both in there alone. They’re cuddling Jim. Cuddling. You owe me.”
“Fine,” he muttered, basically throwing the hundred dollar bill at [b/f/n].
“Thank you,” she smirked. “Now let’s go have our own fun.”
Leonard settled down on the couch next to you, freezing as you snuggled under his arm. His face burned red, unsure if he should pull you closer or push you away. 
After a few minutes, he felt you doze off. He felt a feeling of safety he wasn’t used to as he watched your chest rise and fall. His eyes wandered over your small form until they settled on your open hand resting on his thigh, palm up. The overwhelming urge to check your heartbeat was almost irresistible, but in the end, he found himself reaching for it despite every ounce of him screaming not to.  
He pressed his thumb onto your wrist and nearly gasped in surprise. Your heart was beating in a familiar rhythm and Leonard nearly didn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it, in fear he was mistaken. He brought his other free hand to his own chest and sure enough:
You were his soulmate.
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