#even though it was implied that George was an abusive drunk...
I like Young Sheldon but part of it is also imagining this family to be more dark, edgy and badass than they actually truly are lmao
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ramurice · 3 years
!Spoilers for Flowers from 1970!
I had to do a reading assignment and it could be any book, any kind of book, and genre, etc, etc. I chose Flowers from 1970, you know, that one dreamnotfound story. So if you don't want to read it, but are curious about it here is officially Copy+Paste from my assignment, so read if you want to, I don't care. Major Spoilers to the book, and even if you get all the way through this, I still suggest it.
Introduction/General Book Information
Title: Flowers from 1970
Author: Astronomika on Wattpad
What genre/type of book is it? (Fantasy, humour, science fiction, mystery, biography, non-fiction, etc.)
Flowers from 1970 was a novel made as a gift for two people, Georgenotfound and Dreamwastaken. Though they never had the kind of relationship implied in this novel it is very close to what was shown in streams with their persona's and the two said people don't mind receiving this type of content from fans, simply because they find it funny. It is definitely a fiction novel as one of the most significant objects is an old telephone that connects George and Dream a fifty-year time difference, Dream comes from 1970, while George is from 2020
Main Character
What is the main character’s name?
The main character’s name is George Davidson, a 24-year-old video game coder.
Describe this character (Physical and personality traits):
George Davidson a 24-year-old boy lived in an old house in Florida, as we go along in the story he describes himself as around 5’5(Inference compared to what he says about Clay), he has a long face that is evened out with a sharp jawline, a medium-sized nose, lips full enough that they don’t disappear when he smiles, his hair is a dark brown that is normally cut short but is a little longer at the moment. I did not use the real person for this description, these are pretty close to actual quotes in the book when Clay asks what he looks like. For a Personality he is described as a kind person, due to his job he doesn’t get out much, nor make friends often, When Clay doesn’t call him for a week he starts going out more because he thought that that's what Clay would have wanted him to do.
How can you relate to or identify with the main character?
George in this book has a lot of things that I can somewhat relate to, for George he didn’t have a hard time making friends, rather he doesn’t get out much to meet people. Most of the people he ends up meeting talk to him first. Dream was actually one of his first friendships.
Another Character
Who is another character?
Another character who happens to be another main character is Clay, or Also known as Dream for most of the story(no last name is given).
Describe this character (Physical and personality traits):
Dream is a 21-year-old living in 1970, he works as a baseball coach and lived in the same house as George. George Describes Dream as around 6’0 from a photo sent to him in a time capsule and a green handprint Dream presses into the wall in one of their conversations, The handprint is described as being bigger than Georges by a fair bit so that prompted George into guessing he was tall. Dream has shaggy dirty-blonde hair that sticks out at odd angles, he also has a cat named Patches, though she isn’t described. As stated by both Sapnap and George Dream is cocky and full of himself most of the time, he wants to be nothing like his father who was an abusive alcoholic, though he does get drunk once in the book to deal with his problems to see if his dad's methods actually worked.
(Where does the story take place? When is the story happening?)
Describe the time and place of the story:
Flowers from 1970 takes place in both 1970 and 2020, the phone connects Dream and George. The house that the story takes place in is located in Florida.
Comments about the setting:
(EX: setting makes story exciting, the setting has an important effect on the main character, the setting is/is not exciting or new, setting increased my knowledge of something):
A quote from the book is a perfect description of the place; “Now you know that once upon a time, in the same room, of the same house, fifty years apart, Clay and George Davidson had loved each other.” The book takes place in the same house at two different times, Dream being the past owner, while George being the future owner. They find out how to communicate with each other by that telephone, and Dream could send George things from the past by affecting small things, like burying a time capsule in the corner of the yard then telling George where it is over the phone, George can unbury it since it’s from the past, the things will be old and musty since it was fifty years since it was buried but it was an efficient way to send things.
(What did the author want you to experience, feel, or understand through reading this book? A theme can be about specific people and particular situations or about life in general.)
What is or are the topic(s) of the story?
(EX: courage? working hard? doing the right thing? greed? family? The importance of friends? jealousy? love? caring? happiness? sadness?)
The importance of moving on from things. When Dream died He told George that he made sure he couldn’t contact past Dream again, he wanted George to move on from him because no matter how much they loved each other it would never work, Dream cant have his heart in 2020 when it belonged in 1970.
(The Action/Summary of What Happened in the Story)
Summary of the story:
(In order, list 4 - 6 events that happened in the story. Keep them in order):
Dream tries to call his friend Sapnap about the assassination of the governor of Florida. He ends up contacting George by accident. George tells Dream that he has the wrong number and that the assassination happened 50 years ago and that the next day his right-hand man, Tubbo, was almost killed. They end the call leaving George thinking the guy who called him is an uneducated lunatic.
Dream calls the next day knowing that it's not his friends demanding that George tell him who he knew that Tubbo was almost murdered. George re-explained to him that it happened 50 years prior and everyone knew about it because they learned it in school. Dream finally asked the date, it was June 28, 2020, Dream told George it was June 28, 1970. This is how their friendship started to kick off.
During the second cell phone conversation they realized that the house They were in at the current time was the same one as each other and on the third call Dream wanted to test something to see if he could change current moments, he dipped his hand in line green paint and pressed it against the wall, it showed up on Georges side but it was worn and chipped as the time wore it down, George pressed his hand against it and Dream caught him in the act as a joke.
Dream sent George a time capsule by burying it in the corner of the yard George found (He encounters Wilbur the first time looking at him oddly while writing something in his notepad) it and opened it on Dreams next call, the capsule contained a container of lime green paint(the same Dream used), Pow-Chew(Dream’s favourite Gum), Music cassette, baseball cards, Quartz(Dream sent it to him because it’s his favourite thing and he wanted to give it to his favourite person, finding that it would be wrong to tell that to someone who didn’t even exist yet he told George that he didn’t he’d need it when he was older), and A polaroid of Dream.
George used the line green paint and pressed his own handprint into the wall next to Dream’s.
(THIS IS IMPORTANT!)Dream sent George a packet of Cornelius flower seeds(Georges favourite flowers, since Dream asked), he had gotten jealous of a couple while on the phone with George because unlike them The long-distance relationship between him and George the distance could never be closed.
George plants the flowers after going to the same flower shop that Dream happened to go to, to buy the flowers, he gets help from his neighbour Wilbur(after Wilbur jots down something in a notepad his neighbour helps)and makes a new friend in the process.
Dream asks George what he looks like, since they cant send things from Georges side they draw on the wall, George describes himself and Dream draws if something is wrong George with tell him and Dream will correct it.
(THIS IS IMPORTANT!)Dream forgot to call, Wilbur came over for some company of George with some cider and they had a family meal.
Dream doesn’t call for a week after he realizes he’s in love with George it’s been at least three months since they first started talking, during that week Wilbur’s family has a family emergency doing with the father that came back from London (BEFORE ANY BIG THINGS HAPPEN!) George watches Wilburs son, Tommy.
The night that George is out eating dinner with Wilbur’s family, Dream calls, he plans to tell George how he feels. George needs to take Wilbur’s family to the hospital, The father is getting worse, he seized up.
They get to the hospital. Wilbur's dad wants to see George. “He called you today, you know.” He tells George, he was confused, and it turns out that It was Dream. “You love him don’t you?” George responds with yes. “I just can’t have my heart in 2020, when it belongs in 1970.”
“Take care of those flowers, Wrong Number.” That was the last wish to George before Dream died.
Wilbur visits the next day, he shows Dream’s Journal to George, on the last page there were dates written down, the dates were every time something happened, George unburied time capsule, I forgot to call, etc with every date. In the middle of their visit Dream calls, He confesses, George confesses, they love each other, in the moment of tears, Wilbur Wrestles the phone out of George's hands and cuts the wire. That was what Dream wanted Wilbur to do, he wanted George to move past him.
What did you like about the book? Why? Be specific.
I enjoyed everything about this book, the writing style was amazing, the characters were amazing. George’s description of himself to Dream was honestly believable, something someone would say.
What didn’t you like about the book? Why? Be specific.
The ending was probably the one thing I really disliked, I liked it but it was sad, I was a mess after I read that ending, both George and Dream knew that in Georges time Dream would be in his seventies but why did he have to die?
Was the story believable or was it confusing and/or hard to believe? Explain Why?/How?
Flowers from 1970 is a very believable story, though it was fiction everything was explained as if you were in the story, you could picture everything, you could picture Tommy and his mixed cereals, you could Picture George on his bed waiting for Dream to call him, you could picture Dream smirk as he harassed George for holding handing with the handprint on the wall.
Explain what you thought of the ending …(good, bad, exciting, confusing, frustrating, etc)…and why.
Ending amazing, but so sad, the quote that made my tears fall even more was when Wilbur cut the phone cord; “I saw my friend die twice, both versions of him.” This is from George.
Overall Rating (0 to 10 stars):
10/10 stars
Would you recommend this book to others? Why?
I would recommend it to anyone, even people who aren’t big fans of the Youtubers this book was made for, it has a plot that is followed all the way through, it really goes for readers emotions, and from what I’ve seen everybody who has read this book has shed some tears. I think it would do good if it ever got published to paperback.
Extra quote!: “Right Person, Wrong Time.”
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quercusfloreal · 3 years
Le 3e Gédéon
I was hesitating to talk about it but here we go. May I introduce you to the manga "Le 3e Gédéon".
Warning long post
What it's about ?
Manga in 8 volumes, it tells the story of Gédéon Aymé who dreams of becoming a deputy to the Estates General to save the people from misery. George, the Duke of Loire and his former comrade, also seeks to change the system, but instead use violence to achieve his goal. This is going to be a story where the two characters will fight each other, one wanting peace and peaceful change, the other a radical and violent change.
What did I think of it ?
I found the story good. It manages to mix fiction and French revolution. It's full of inconsistencies but somehow it works. However I wouldn’t advise this manga to everyone. There is psychological and physical torture, gore and nudity. The images can sometimes be very crude.
What about historians characters ?
Well, we have the most badass portrayal of Louis I've ever seen in my life, he’s able to detect the slightest lie. Marie Antoinette may seem shallow, but she knows perfectly well how to play her charms to turn the tables in her favor. Their couple is interesting because each of them can't really love the other completely. Madame Roland is an ambitious woman who we learn had a daughter with Gédéon. Saint-Just is the slightly confused teenager who will eventually grow up and assert himself. Charles Philippe, the sociopathic Count of Artois, wants his brother's place and Elisabeth, the king's sister, wants Marie-Antoinette's place.
But what about Robespierre ?
I said in an old conversation that Maxime had daddy issues. Let me explain. One of the main themes of this manga is family and father figures. We learn that Gideon's father is the duke and he has exchanged his son's place with George so that Gédéon can be closer to the people. George has a real grudge against the duke because when Gédéon will be older, he should have become a servant again. But by trapping Gideon he kept his place.
Maxime has a real grudge against his father and George will use this information to manipulate him.
The first time we hear about Robespierre is in the first chapter. George is looking for easily manipulated men who can help him destroy the old system. Saint-Just, recruited by George, tells him that Max would be a potential candidate. Maxime is invited to George's house and has to save a former peasant, now a bandit, from the death penalty because he attacked George. Of course Maxime succeeds but it was a test. Of course, George can’t deny Maxime's skills but I believe it’s hearing the conversation between Maxime and Gédéon about Gédéon’s daughter that made him decide :
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Robespierre : Shouldn’t you start trying to be a good family man ? You should leave the Assembly to single people like me !
We see Robespierre again later in a rather amusing scene with Gédéon. Gédéon, drunk, says Saint-Just's erotic writings told the boy is a virgin and is amused. And who is the virgin in the same bar as Gédéon? Boom Maxime !
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Their following conversation will confirm that Louis XVI is the father of the kingdom.
Yeah, but when does George act ? Well, Gédéon sees Maxime again when the Estates General stagnate and there is a talk about creating a new assembly. Since Gideon is now part of the King's police force, Maxime asks him if he can meet the King discreetly to solve the problem. But without clearly knowing it, George is already starting to manipulate Maxime.
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Keep in mind the puppet representation. It will be important for the next step. Because it’s present when Maxime's words contradict a part of his thoughs and when this thoughs takes controls.
After Gédeon refuses to join Saint-Just, Maxime explains to him, if Gédéon continues to hang out with the royal family, there will be repercussions. And if Gédéon tries to find his lost daughter and make politics at the same time, he will lose both. Because for Maxime, children are burden to their parents. Maxime explains his childhood, his dead mother and his father who left. He is resentful of himself because he believes it was his behavior as a child that made his father disappear, that he was a burden to him. This is why he doesn’t want children.
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But underneath this justification, even if he pretends the opposite, he has hatred towards this father who abandoned him.
Gédéon : You have the right to hate your father.
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Robespierre : In this case, I have the right to kill him, right ?
On the day of the meeting with the king, on the way to the palace, Maxime admits to Gédéon that his father sends him letters. In this letters, his father talks about his new family. Of course he knows that this is probably a trap, but we feel that it’s a sensitive subject for him.
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Robespierre : Over my shoulder, I saw myself when I was ten years old.
Then comes one of my favorite scenes, a scene of tension between Louis XVI and Robespierre. Louis explains there are three locks on the table, if he thinks Maxime is lying, he will break one of them.
Robespierre : Since that time, I have always respected you as a father.
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Louis XVI : One...You were warned, lies don't work. Either you don't respect us, or you don't respect the concept of a father.
After two, Maxime admits being one of the instigators of the problems at the Estates General and to make it stop, Necker must be dismissed because he makes promises that the nobility will never accept. Louis accept to think about it.
And here comes the chapter where I most wanted seeing George to lose and die painfully because his plan is totally twisted. Maxime receives a letter from his father who tells him that Henriette might not have died if he had been there, implying that it is Maxime's fault that he left. Then Maxime sees in front of his house a woman abused by a man. He threatens to take him to court but the guy explains that Maxime has nothing to say about the correction of a husband to his wife, named is Henriette...Oh boy !
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The next day, Maxime proposes her to leave her husband, that he can help her by offering her a place in the convent of Arras. There, she would be safe. But she refuses because her husband will find her and she is unworthy of his help. Maxime feels unable to do anything. He remembers his dying sister. In the evening, another intermission, but this time Maxime decides to act. He intervenes until the girl confesses her father married her.
At this words, Maxime becomes mad and releases all the hatred he has accumulated towards his father. George's plan to make him forget any peaceful method succeeded
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Robespierre now lets his hate guide him. If Louis is the father of the kingdom and the father of his subjects, then he must pay too. He goes to see Necker, tells him to accept his resignation to become a martyr and harangues the assembly to join the people and take up arms. He explains the first attack will be at the Invalides, then the people need to take care of the Bastille afterwards, because it is a royal symbol.
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Camille : Maxime notice me !
Gédéon doesn’t agree with Robespierre, he thinks it’s necessary to think of a more peaceful method because it risks having deaths. He no longer recognizes his friend
Robespierre : I assure you Gédéon, I haven’t changed. Gentlemen ! Listen up ! We've been trying to find a resolution through dialogue for a long time! Alas, all our efforts have been in vain...a pure waste of time...and why !?
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Robespierre : You too, Gédéon, I bet you've seen abused children love their fathers so much that they fall apart. Gédéon: Yes...
We see him again only after the march of the women on Versailles. Gédéon tells him that George is the one who sent him the letters and played on his dislike for his father to kill the king. He wants to find the wise and peaceful Robespierre.
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Gédéon : And this other one love his father.
But Maxime does not believe him. His hatred is still too strong. When another lawyer asks Maxime to save a man, Maxime takes time to think, because the man looks like his father. It’s the words of Saint-Just that convince him to give up this man because he had previously seen the damage caused by the Duke of Loire on his sons George and Gédéon.
Robespierre : He’s a complete stranger, there is no doubt about it !! Saint-Just : Wouldn't it be better if he were really your father? If he were condemned to death, you would be delivered from him.
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Saint-Just : Destroying everything to build a new order, that's what I think revolution is !
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Finally, Maxime is released when the king died. Gédéon has found the death certificate of his father, confirming Maxime has sent an innocent man to death. Maxime seems to be happy on the day of the king's death but when he saw George and reconised him as the girl he tried to save, everything gets destroyed. He cries because after all he has done, he cannot go back.
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Saint-Just embraces Maxime who he’s crying : I will always remain at your side, until death separates us.
The last time we see him is when marie-Antoinette curses him and other revolutionaries at her execution;
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I reconize Saint-Just, Robespierre, Desmoulins, Marat ? (right middle), Danton, Hébert, Mme Roland, Augustin ? (bottom right)
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hotchley · 4 years
“i think, deep down, we’re all capable of unspeakable things”
morehotchcontent day six: rocky relationship (kinda forgotten anniversary/a big fight)
tagged: @ablogofthecriminalmindsvariety
she knew just what marriage meant to aaron. he’d grown up in south virginia, where tradition was everything. where marriage was everything one could ever hope for. she had grown up in brighton, where people really did not give a flying fuck about any of that. it had never meant much to her, but to aaron it meant everything.
his proposal was so much more than a proposal. it was the final sign that he’d moved on from haley. that he truly loved her. and a part of him would always love haley, there was no point in saying he wouldn’t, but this- this was him saying thank you, i love you, i won’t leave, i trust you, i want to see you in the morning and make you my own all at once.
“i can’t marry you,” she whispered.
keep your tissues handy. that’s all i’m saying.
warnings: implied/referenced child abuse, references to george foyet, mentions of minor character death, cheating
read on ao3!
Everyone viewed Aaron Hotchner as cold and emotionless. Someone who was constantly stoic and unattached, who saw the horrors that came with the BAU and didn’t even flinch. But what most of them didn’t realise was that the man they saw at work and in the field wasn’t Aaron. That man was Hotch. He knew how to compartmentalise, how to pretend that he wasn’t falling apart, how to keep the tremble out of his voice when all he wanted to do was fall apart.
Aaron was a different man. Aaron would play pretend with his son for hours on end, just to keep him happy and make him smile. He woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily as his body shook and tears streamed down his face as the monsters of his day haunted his night. He would dance with Penelope because he could never say to her.
He was a helpless romantic.
Eleanor- Ellie to her friends, and SSA Birch to local police departments- knew this first-hand.
She had first met Aaron Hotchner during the liaison programme with Kate Joyner. Kate had been unimpressed by everyone there, because the last time she’d done it, they’d all acted like they knew so much better than her. Eleanor had met Aaron first, and immediately wondered where everyone like him had been when Kate first did it.
Because Aaron was lovely. He held doors open, he listened, he smiled at everyone, and he phoned his girlfriend- not his wife, even though they’d been dating since high school and he was now twenty-eight- during every single break they had, regardless of the time difference.
Then she’d fucked up and kissed him. They had both been drunk. A case had gone shit, and she needed something good. But then he called her Haley. And she’d immediately sobered up. He had looked at her with such shame that she almost cried. For some reason, she knew his passcode. The moment he ran to the bathroom to throw up the alcohol, she unlocked it. Phoned Haley. Said that her boyfriend was going to blame himself for what had happened but it wasn’t him it was her.
And Haley… had been lovely. She’d said that she knew Aaron loved her. And that Eleanor seemed like a lovely person but she understood that need for comfort. Eleanor had wondered how people were still so good. She didn’t tell Aaron about the phone call. He left the next day. The programme was finished. She thought that would be the end of it.
Then she transferred over to the BAU. She hadn’t known he was Unit Chief. David Rossi did her interview. It was incredibly awkward at first. She wasn’t used to hiding from her teammates but Aaron had panicked when he first saw her and started pretending he’d never seen her. Her only option was to play along. Haley had just left him at this point.
Kate Joyner obviously recognised her. That was a conversation she never wanted to have again. She thought she’d jeopardised both her place on the team and her dynamic. Then Kate died, Hotch lost his hearing temporarily and she was the only person that Reid would let touch him after the fiasco with Benjamin Cyrus.
She liked Spencer. He was almost like the son she never had.
It was Eleanor that had stayed behind with Aaron after Haley’s funeral and dealt with the phone calls. She told herself it was because she was trying to be a good person and repent for what she had done. Truthfully it was because she knew he was going to fall. And she didn’t want the burden of catching him to fall to the others who had already supported him through so much- Adrian Bale, Vincent Perrotta, Haley leaving.
They’d been getting to a good place. Not quite dating, but not quite friends. She knew he was watching her; there was a reason she was a profiler. He knew she still loved him, but he was grieving Haley. It wouldn’t be fair to her if he suddenly changed their whole dynamic.
But then he faked Emily’s death and it was like they were right back at square one: she would undermine everything he said because she was angry, and he was there, and it was easy to blame him. Her emotions had always been her greatest strength and her fatal flaw.
And then he’d turned up at her apartment, soaked through from the rain, eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears. She’d been too shocked to close the door on him. He’d immediately started rambling about how he couldn’t live the way he was, and how he just needed to know that she trusted him because everything was falling apart and he just needed her.
Not knowing what else to do, she’d kissed him. It had been messy, and wet, and nowhere near as romantic as either of them liked to pretend it had been. But it had been their first actually sober kiss, so it held a special place in her heart. And after that, it was like everything just fell into place.
Which led to the present moment. She knew what day it was. She knew her present to him was still safely tucked away in the bathroom behind her pads and his spare shower gel which he wouldn’t need for another twenty days. She knew he was excited, because for once, he could guarantee that he would be home.
After his surgery, he realised that he couldn’t keep doing what he was doing because sooner or later it was going to kill him. He hadn’t wanted to place the burden of keeping everyone together on Morgan though. So Emily came back. Her and Dave split the paperwork for lead profiler, and Morgan took over as unit chief. It had been difficult for him, those first few months.
But he’d pulled through, and was now living a much more stress free life as a law professor at the local college. It meant he could go to Jack’s school events and be there for him. It let Jessica have more time to herself.
It also meant he planned nice things for days like these. And Ella knew it was unfair to keep him waiting, but she just couldn’t bring herself to get up and go home, choosing instead to focus on the casefile in front of her. The bullpen was quiet: JJ had her own office and had gone home anyways, Reid had gone to see a piano concert thing- she’d tried her best to follow but had just gotten lost- and Anderson was out of town.
So instead of it being lively and loud, it was just her. And her casefile. Which she’d been looking at for the past ten minutes without any of the information going into her head.
With a groan, she slammed it shut and pushed it away.
“Shouldn’t you have gone home by now?” Dave asked, appearing at either the best or worst possible moment depending on your view, just like he always did.
“Probably. But I just- I can’t bring myself to do it,” she confessed.
Dave sighed. “You need to. Aaron will start to worry if you don’t. And we all already told him that there are no cases, so don’t even think of using the paperwork from that as an excuse.”
She sighed. “You’re insufferable.”
“And you still sound like you grew up in Buckingham Palace.” He picked up the case file. “Nothing’s happened here for six months. I’m sure one night won’t hurt. Now go.”
Eleanor packed her stuff up, giving him a small smile as she closed the door behind her. It immediately faded as soon as she’d turned away from him and her stomach started to twist into knots. She didn’t know if the team knew and weren’t saying anything, or if they were actually following the no profiling rule. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know either.
When she unlocked the front door, there was a distinct lack of noise. It made her feel even worse. Hotch had obviously organised for Jack to go and stay with his grandparents because she remembered that Jessica had a date, which would’ve been awkward enough for him, and here she was, two hours late, not because she’d forgotten, but because she hadn’t wanted to go.
“Hi El,” Aaron said as she entered the living room. He was sat on the couch, reading glasses sliding down his nose as he graded papers. “Just let me write this final comment and then I’m yours.”
“Hi,” she replied, feeling uneasy.
Aaron looked up. “You’re supposed to say: I can’t wait that long and then come over and give me a kiss.”
She rolled her eyes but obeyed nonetheless, legs feeling wobbly as she sat on him, smiling when he let out a soft sound of surprise. She tilted his face so she could kiss him and for the moment where their lips met, everything was fine. Then he pulled away, and she just wanted to get away. But his hand was stroking her hip in a comforting gesture and she wasn’t ready to give that up, so instead she ran her hand through his hair.
“What’s this one about?” she asked.
“They’re supposed to be critiquing and suggesting reforms for the law surrounding murder. I gave them a tonne of advice and access to all the relevant articles but some of them still didn’t even try and word it in a way that sounds like their own essay style,” he said, sighing.
Eleanor smiled slightly and set the paper down on the table. “I’m sorry for being late. But I’m here now. So why don’t you show me how all out you went this year?”
Aaron looked into her eyes and she was once again taken aback by how soft and gentle they were. Sometimes it was difficult to remember that he had once beaten a man to death. She tried to remove that thought from her head. It just was not the time.
“You never have to apologise for being late. I used to do your job, remember?”
She nodded. “How could I forget?”
“Do you want to change whilst I reheat dinner?” he asked.
Their conversations hadn’t sounded that forced since she had first joined the BAU and had been adding sir onto almost all of her statements in an attempt to rile him up.
As she went upstairs to change into something more casual, she also took the time to wipe off her make-up and splash some water on her face. She only intended to take five minutes. But then she started staring at her reflection, trying to see whether or not her actions were as obvious as she thought they were. But then she became aware of the clock ticking- Aaron hated digital clocks because of the flashing numbers- and realised how long she’d been stood there for.
“I was beginning to worry,” Aaron said. A normal comment. But an invitation to tell him what was wrong.
She shrugged. “It’s our anniversary. And although I technically didn’t forget, I was late and I wanted to make that up to you, which meant going through the wardrobe and finding this dress.”
“The fact that you still say wardrobe will never fail to make me laugh,” Aaron said.
He’d made chicken and mushroom pie. Her favourite. She wanted to be sick. It was just a few hours. She could get through a few hours. Aaron was a half-decent person. He listened when people said no. Then she could go to sleep, and everything would go back to normal. Nobody would know but it wouldn’t hang over her head the same way it was when he was sat opposite her, staring with such adoration.
They ate in relative silence. She didn’t want to explain why she was late. She wanted to let him believe that it was purely because time had gotten away from her and that the meeting she’d had with Cruz about the last case had run over. She didn’t want to explain that she’d deliberately walked slowly so she would miss the train. She couldn’t.
“Your present is something old this year. I hope that’s okay,” Aaron said when they had both finished eating. There was a glint in his eye. One he only got when he was about to do something very romantic.
Eleanor frowned. Something old. Where had she heard that?
He got down on one knee.
She gasped.
“My Ella. You continue to love me day after day and for what reason, I don’t know. We didn’t pass on the best terms. But then you came back into my life when I didn’t even realise I needed you, in this massive explosion of passion and love and hope. You were there for me when I didn’t think I’d be able to survive. And you never once doubted me. I know that I’m far from perfect, and there are times where I get angry instead of being understand. And I know that I’ve upset you, but you helped me realise that as a couple, we don’t have to be perfect. We just have to try. I love you. I love you so much that I can’t even begin to put it into words. So I’ll put it into a question. Eleanor Birch, will you marry me?”
She knew just what marriage meant to Aaron. He’d grown up in South Virginia, where tradition was everything. Where marriage was everything one could ever hope for. She had grown up in Brighton, where people really did not give a flying fuck about any of that. It had never meant much to her, but to Aaron it meant everything.
His proposal was so much more than a proposal. It was the final sign that he’d moved on from Haley. That he truly loved her. And a part of him would always love Haley, there was no point in saying he wouldn’t, but this- this was him saying thank you, I love you, I won’t leave, I trust you, I want to see you in the morning and make you my own all at once.
“I can’t marry you,” she whispered.
The box fell from his hands. He moved back into his chair, hands folded neatly in his lap.
“Okay,” he said.
That shocked her back into awareness. “I- what? You just proposed, I said no and all you have to say is okay?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say. I don’t know what I want to say. I want to say that Jack won’t have a problem- in fact, he has and always will be my first priority so I wouldn’t have done this without his permission- but you already know that don’t you?”
She nodded. “I do.”
They both cringed at her choice of words.
“If it’s about changing your surname, I may have grown up with traditional views, but you don’t have to do that. Not if you don’t want to. We can combine them. We could be the Hotchner-Birch’s. Or you could just keep your own. I don’t really mind.”
“It’s not that either.”
“Jack isn’t expecting you to be his mother either. He’ll probably still call you El, just like I do.”
“It isn’t Jack.”
“That was my mother’s engagement ring. She gave it to me when I told her I wanted to propose to Haley. She said that hopefully it would bring me better luck than it had bought her. At the time, I hated the damn thing because it had come from my father. So I didn’t give it to Haley. Now I’m older I understand why she gave it to me. So the girl I married would always be able to have a piece of the woman that made me who I am. But if that weirds you out, we can go look for another one.”
“Would you stop being so good and kind for one fucking minute?” Ella snapped, unable to take anymore.
Aaron flinched, even after all the years that had passed. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Ella ran a hand through her hair. “God, no. Please don’t be sorry. This isn’t your fault. None of this is your fault. It’s just- I can’t. I can’t marry you and it’s nothing you have done. It’s got nothing to do with Jack either. I love that kid. And I’m so proud of how far he’s come. But I just- I can’t.”
“You’ve told me that. Multiple times now. Just tell me why. Tell me what happened and we can work through it. Because I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And if anything happens to me, I want custody of Jack to go to you. Not the state.”
Aaron had never told her that before. They’d spoken at great lengths about children and both agreed that they didn’t want anymore. Jack was enough for both of them. And they’d talked about what would happen if for some reason, Ella had to care for Jack for extended amounts of time. But never like this.
He dropped his gaze when he saw the look on her face. “I’m sorry. You just said you don’t want to marry me, and here I am, dropping bombshells like that on you because that awful part of me wants you to feel guilty. Look, whatever you did, what happened, tell me. We can get through it.”
She hoped that he could abandon his morals long enough for her to not have to say the words. “Aaron, look at me. Please. Please, I need you to look at me.”
Tears were already forming in her eyes when he finally managed to meet her gaze.
“No,” he whispered.
He had seen that look twice in his life. Once when his mother turned to his father and asked why a young lady had phoned asking to speak to her husband. Once when Haley’s mobile had rung and she hadn’t been able to provide the reason behind the call. He knew what that look meant. He knew, and he wished he didn’t because he wasn’t sure he could handle it all over again.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I am so, so sorry and if I could take it back, I would but I can’t and all I can do is apologise and say that I regret it and I had never felt worse than in that moment.”
“Who was it? Was it someone I know?”
“God no. They would never.”
“Did they look like me?”
“Why are you asking me that?”
“Because I need to know. I need to know who this man was. I need to know why you were so willing to throw our entire relationship away for one night of pleasure. Or was it more? Has this been going on for a while? Am I just a joke to you? Is that what it is?”
“No! And it was a one-time thing, I swear. It only happened once. And if you really must know, yes. He looked like you. Are you happy now? I don’t want to have to relive that night because it was one of the worst nights of my life.”
“Of your life? I was going to marry you Eleanor. When- when even was this? And why?”
Eleanor’s emotions always got the better of her. “You want to know when? It was that case. That case where all the boys turning up dead and mutilated looked exactly like Jack. Like our son. And then the unsub got away. And I phoned you. I phoned you at least five times that night, but not once did you pick up, because you were at a faculty dinner, even though you promised me that you would always be there, no matter where you were. I needed to hear your voice telling me everything would be all right. I needed you, and you weren’t there.”
Aaron gripped the table tightly, all the colour in his face immediately vanishing. He remembered that night. He too regretted it. When he saw Eleanor’s first phone call, he’d started to excuse himself to answer it, knowing there could only be a few reasons for it. But then one of his colleagues had made a snide comment- one he couldn’t even remember now- and he’d put his phone on silent before tucking it away.
When Dave told him about the case because Eleanor couldn’t, he’d felt like the biggest piece of shit to ever exist. He still did. How had he fucked up so badly that Eleanor had slept with someone else?
No. That wasn’t on him. He’d screwed up, but she, and she alone, was responsible for her actions. It had been her decision to sleep with someone, not his.
“So you slept with someone else? Why not go to one of the team and tell them instead? Why did you have to sleep with someone?”
“I don’t know! I can’t explain what I did and I can’t justify it but I- you were the one that said we could move past this. You were the one that said, whatever I had done, we could work out together because you loved me. I still love you. I never stopped, not even when you went back to Haley all those years ago. We could make it work.”
Aaron laughed, but there was no humour. “No. No we can’t. Because that case was a month ago. You had a month to tell me, and you’re only telling me now because I asked you to marry me. What was your plan? Just not say anything till either I worked it out myself or you stopped feeling guilty?”
Eleanor didn’t have a response.
Aaron ran his hands through his hair, tugging it. Ella wanted to pry his hands away from it so he didn’t pull it out but that wasn’t her job anymore. It never would be again.
“I feel like such an idiot. You know, when you first kissed me, my first thought was: don’t do this. Because the first time you kissed me, you knew I had a girlfriend. And I was just as responsible because I didn’t pull away immediately, I know. But you kissed me. And in the back of my mind, I knew that there was every chance you would do the same again. I just never thought you actually would because I thought you’d grown up. I guess you haven’t.”
That was the problem with profilers, Eleanor thought to herself. They always knew exactly where to strike in order to cause the most pain. She just never thought Aaron would be the one doing it to her.
“I’m sorry,” she said, because what else could she say?
Aaron shook his head. “I don’t want to hear you say that anymore. You can- I’ll sleep in the guest bedroom until you find an apartment. But once you have, I never want to see you again. I’ll spare Jack the finer details of what happened, but it’ll be his choice whether or not he carries on talking to you. But never refer to him as your son ever again. He isn’t. Not anymore.”
Eleanor did not want his kindness. She wanted Aaron to make her pay. She wanted him to be angry, to hurl insults at her and tell her to get out, that he never wanted to see her again and that she would never be allowed within six feet of his son again.
But Aaron wouldn’t. He was too scared of what would happen if he lost control. He had been since Foyet. And she could mention that. She could mention every fear, every secret, every dream he’d ever shared with her.
She didn’t. She had already hurt him enough.
“I have friends not too far from here. I’ll pack enough for a week and that should be enough time to sort out something more permanent.”
If Aaron heard her, he didn’t say anything.
It only took her ten minutes to pack, which was one of the advantages of living with him. Everything had to be perfectly organised, which meant it was very easy to find things. When she entered the living room, he hadn’t moved. He was still staring at the ground. The ring was on the floor by the dining table, shining despite the darkness of the room.
It was rather ironic, this thing that had led to so much destruction being so beautiful.
“Goodbye Aaron,” Eleanor said, placing her keys on the coffee table.
Only when the door closed behind her for what would probably be the last time did Aaron Hotchner fall to his knees and sob, for the second woman he had loved and lost and for the mother Jack would never get to have.
22 notes · View notes
aces-to-apples · 4 years
Applefic Masterlist
Sorted by wordcount within fandom, with summaries, chapters, ratings, and notable tags included, all under the cut. Bundled by series when applicable.
AO3: TheAceApples
Ko-Fi: acestoapples
Up-to-date as of January 2, 2021
Red vs. Blue
“Haat Verd”, Rating: Teen, Crossover: Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Words: 5980, Chapters: 2/?
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Background Trooper/Trooper Relationships
- Work Summary -
Barriss Offee took a right turn when before she might have taken a left, everything changes, and six years into the Clone Wars, the 501st and the 212th find themselves in a strange temple with no way out.
At the end of "Test Your Might", Caboose isn't the only one to step back out of the Testing Grounds.
“Unfortunate Luck”, Rating: Explicit, Words: 3614, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Locus | Samuel Ortez/Lavernius Tucker, Post-Season 13, Not Season 15 Compliant, Sex-Pollen, Temple of Procreation, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Unsafe Sex
- Work Summary -
Somebody accidentally activates the Temple of Procreation.
Tucker and Locus reap the benefits.
“swap meet” series, Highest Rating: Teen, Words: 5130, Works: 3, Latest Work Chapters: 1/3
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Role-Swap, Simulation Trooper!Sam, Mercenary!Tucker
- Series Summary -
Prompt by Norcumi: Role swap! Locus ended up a sim soldier, and Tucker somehow ended up a merc
“Lost Relic”, Fusion AU: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Rating: Teen, Words: 1636, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Non-Graphic Violence, Implied Sexual Assault
- Work Summary -
The aftermath of a quest for a hammer and two groups of very interesting people.
“A Planet Named After A Song”, Rating: Teen, Words: 1593, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Alternate Season 11, No Chorus, Background Relationship Agent Ohio/Sherry
- Work Summary -
"Colorful Space Marines Convicted of Corruption"
It takes Carolina considerably longer than ten seconds to calm down after she sees it.
“Where Sleepy Dragons Lie”, Fusion AU: Sword Art Online, Rating: Teen, Words: 1428, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Locus | Samuel Ortez/Lavernius Tucker, dragon!Tucker
- Work Summary -
Blood Gulch Online has glitched—yet a-fucking-gain—and now Tucker is a motherfucking dragon. He's not exactly upset by this development.
“where there’s poison, there’s a remedy” series, Highest Rating: Teen, Words: 2615, Works: 2, Latest Work Chapters: 1/5
Notable Tags: Time-Travel, Alternate Season 15 Ending
- Series Summary -
Nobody notices a shimmer in the air when there’s a portal to the past and a dead man staring them in the face.
“Attentive Listening”, Rating: Teen, Words: 1237, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Locus | Samuel Ortez/Lavernius Tucker, Slice of Life, Miscommunication, Post-Season 13, Not Season 15 Compliant
- Work Summary -
@izzybutt prompted: “And that’s how I ended up standing naked on the Brooklyn Bridge on Christmas Eve.”
“simmons says”, Rating: Teen, Words: 1183, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Dick Simmons/Agent Washington, Genderbending, fem!Agent Washington, Post-Season 13, Pre-Season 15, Fluff
- Work Summary -
Two nerds doing nerd things.
“Cognitive Dissonance”, Rating: Teen, Words: 724, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Humor, Original Characters, Genderqueer Character(s)
- Work Summary -
Some Federal soldiers discover what Locus looks like under his helmet and have a hard time coping.
“Deux Décimales Zéro”, Rating: Teen, Words: 665, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bilingual Tucker
- Work Summary -
Lopez Dos.0 doesn't speak Spanish, and neither does Tucker.
“fluffy and sweet”, Rating: General, Words: 598, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Franklin Delano Donut/Lavernius Tucker, Post-Season 13, Pre-Season 15, Coping Mechanisms, Off-Screen Character Death
- Work Summary -
Some things you don’t just get over, and people have a lot of different ways of dealing with trauma.
“Are you drunk?”, Rating: Teen, Words: 561, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Slice of Life, Freelancer Shenanigans, Pranks and Practical Jokes
- Work Summary -
@randomalfonso asked: “if you’re still up for the short fics, how about York and Wyoming with the drunk one?”
“missed connections (and other tragedies)”, Rating: Teen, Words: 285, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Agent Carolina/Agent York, Time-Travel, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Bittersweet
- Work Summary -
Sometimes the universe gets things out of order.
“burning love”, Rating: Teen, Words: 231, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Locus | Samuel Ortez/Lavernius Tucker, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Self-Harm
Star Wars
“king of the damned” series, Highest Rating: Mature, Words: 15,710, Works: 3, Latest Chapters: 3/?
Notable Tags: CT-5597 | Jesse/Kix, CT-5597 | Jesse/Darth Maul, CT-7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Mind Rape, Memory Manipulation, Implied Sexual Roleplay, Mind Control, Order 66, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Untranslated Mando’a, Fix-It Of Sorts, CT-5597 | Jesse Lives, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Weird Power Dynamics, Twisted and Fluffy Feelings, Trauma Bonding, That’s Not How The Force Works, Force-Sensitive Jesse, Dark Side Jesse, Enemies To Reluctant Allies, POV Outsider, Grief/Mourning, Obi-Wan’s Final Message, Mentioned Alpha-17/CT-5597 | Jesse, Tumblr Ask Box Fic
- Series Summary -
Sometimes, bad guys make the best good guys...
“Codywan Week 2020″ series, Highest Rating: Mature, Words: 10,115, Works: 7
Notable Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Concussions, Mandalorian Culture, Fix-It of Sorts, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dehumanization, Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, clone culture, time-travel, Canon-Typical Awful Treatment of Clones, Discussions of Murder, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Implied/Referenced Future Rexsoka, Fae & Fairies, Changeling Cody, Discussions of Child Murder, Emperor Cody, Sith Cody, force-sensitive cody
“A Non-Comprehensive Guide To Force-Sensitivity” series, Highest Rating: Teen, Words: 9074, Works: 2
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not A Jedi!Obi-Wan, Not A Sith!Maul, Families of Choice, Found Family, Mandalorian!Maul, Skywalker Family Shenanigans, canon timeline what canon timeline, Force Shenanigans, Tatooine Slave Culture, Referenced Satine Kryze/Darth Maul, Referenced Satine Kryze/Obi-Wan Kenobi, george lucas is a hack, dooku takes qui-gon’s place in the narrative because i like him better
- Series Summary -
Even the Force has its favorites, and sometimes it takes care of them, too.
“got me all beguiled”, Rating: Explicit, Words: 5241, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: CC-2224 | Cody/Anakin Skywalker, CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Minor Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Established Relationship, Fuckbuddies, Interrupted Sex, Safe Word Use, Safer Sex, Anal Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Getting Together, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Polyamory, Dom/sub Undertones, Light Dirty Talk, Oral Sex, Spitroasting, Face-Fucking, Finger Sucking, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Overstimulation
- Work Summary -
Commander Cody and General Skywalker don't have a relationship so much as an agreement. They're both willing to amend it for General Kenobi, though.
“wilderness”, Crossover: Stargate SG-1, Rating: Teen, Words: 5240, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: A Star To Steer By ‘verse, Star Fever, Feral & Savage Opress, Darth Maul & Vala Mal Doran, Goa’uld Atrocities, Sith Atrocities, Referenced Mind Control, Long Author’s Notes
- Work Summary -
Vala is eight years old when she meets her daddy for the very first time; his new wife glares daggers at her when he isn't looking.
She’s thirty when the leaders of the local rebellion drag her from Qetesh’s throne and spend a week beating her to within an inch of even a Goa’uld host’s life.
“Renegade”, Rating: Teen, Words: 4983, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Time-Travel, Original Clone Trooper(s), Post-Umbara, PTSD
- Work Summary -
Noun: a person who deserts a party or cause for another.
“Family Before Honor”, Rating: Teen, Words: 3505, Chapters: 2/3
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The Deserter AU, Character Death
- Work Summary -
Desertion: an act of leaving military service or duty without the intention of returning.
“half-dozen of the other”, Highest Rating: Mature, Words: 3199, Chapters: 21/21
Notable Tags: Tumblr Ask Box Fic, Canon-Typical Violence, Clone Trooper Reconditioning, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, LARPing, Pre-Canon, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Kinks, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Drunken Shenanigans, Morning After, Fae & Fairies, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Strip Poker
- Work Summary -
Six sentence (and a little bit longer) stories prompted over on tumblr. Index inside.
“on your mark”, Rating: Teen, Words: 2118, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Dogma/Darth Maul, Pre-Relationship, Relationship Negotiation, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire!Maul, Past Abuse, Past Dogma/Pong Krell, Discussions of abuse, Anxiety, Autistic Dogma, Stealth Sugar Daddy AU, Non-Graphic Discussions of Blood Drinking, Contracts, Magical Realism, Star Wars Rarepair Exchange Treat
- Work Summary -
Nobody calls them "thralls" anymore.
“omne trium perfectum”, Rating: General, Words: 1903, Chapters: 2/2
Notable Tags: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex, CC-5052 | Bly/Kit Fisto/Aayla Secura, Polyamory, Original Clone Trooper(s), Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Non-Traditional Soulmates, Happy Feet AU, Background Trooper/Trooper Relationships
- Work Summary -
The song becomes love.
“war stories”, Rating: Teen, Words: 1569, Chapters: 3/?
Notable Tags: Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/CT-7567 | Rex, Snapchat AU, Snapchat Format, Tag As I Go, Time-Travel, Bickering 
- Work Summary -
A series of stories, sometimes ongoing and sometimes self-contained, caught on holocamera by ARC Trooper Fives throughout the war.
“new romantics”, Rating: Teen, Words: 1430, Chapters: 2/?
Notable Tags: CT-5597 | Jesse/Darth Maul, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks
- Work Summary -
The many AUs of ARC Trooper Jesse and Darth Maul.
“through victory, my chains are broken”, Rating: Teen, Words: 862, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hardcase Lives, Darth Maul & Hardcase
- Work Summary - 
The Death Watch aren’t the ones who find the escape pod.
“Dab’ika Vaar’kara”, Rating: Teen, Words: 810, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Camp Half-Blood, half-baked worldbuilding, Ficlet
- Work Summary - 
anonymous asked: “19 [Summer Camp AU] and 99 [Magical Accidents] with Cody and Rex for the mashup tropes please!” @ anon, I saw your very clever request for a Camp Half-Blood AU and, obviously, I greatly approve.
“cheese and chocolate”, Rating: General, Words: 547, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Fluff, Sick Character, Tumblr Ask Box Fic
- Work Summary -
Cody has the sniffles and Obi-Wan's cooking abilities are limited, but limited to comfort food.
“blue was my favorite color (until i saw you”, Rating: Teen, Words: 401, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Dogma/Hardcase, Force Sensitivity, Force Ghost(s)
- Work Summary -
The aftermath of Umbara.
“it don’t run in our blood”, Rating: General, Words: 383, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Jedi!Satine, Duke!Obi-Wan, Mandalorian!Maul
- Work Summary -
Some things change while others stay the same.
“tentatively abandoned AUs”, Rating: Teen, Words: 4653, Chapters: 4/?
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Skyrim Fusion, Inspired by Anastasia (1997 & Broadway), Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Treasure Planet Fusion, Original Clone Trooper Character(s)
- Work Summary -
WIPs that are pretty much guaranteed to go unfinished at this point.
The Magnificent Seven 2016
“she wore it wonderfully well”, Rating: Mature, Words: 5836, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Emma Cullen/Vasquez, Post-Canon, Wall Sex, Anachronisms
- Work Summary -
The Unconventional And Wholly Unintentional Courtship Of Emma Cullen And Diego Manuel García de Vasquez.
“flux capacity”, Rating: Teen, Words: 3998, Chapters: 5/5
Notable Tags: Joshua Faraday/Vasquez, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Genderqueer Character(s), Bigender Faraday, Genderfuck, shifting pronouns
- Work Summary -
One time Vasquez decided Joanna Faraday wasn’t someone to fuck with, one time Vasquez decided Joshua Faraday might in fact be someone to fuck with, one time Vasquez decided to see if Joshua Faraday had enough room in life for another love, one time Vasquez decided that Joanna Faraday was the craziest person he’d ever met, and one time Vasquez said to Hell with it all.
Or: One introduction, three kisses that weren’t, and the start of a beautiful relationship... of some kind.
“honey, we got your disease”, Fusion AU: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Movies, Rating: Teen, Words: 3392, Chapters: 1/4
Notable Tags: Joshua Faraday/Vasquez, Goodnight Robicheaux/Billy Rocks, Original Character(s) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Genderqueer Character(s), Bigender Faraday, Genderqueer Red Harvest, shifting pronouns
- Work Summary -
Jumanji is the bane of Joshua Faraday's fucking existence.
“taste the bright lights”, Rating: Explicit, Words: 2903, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Red Harvest/Vasquez, Post-Canon, Drunk Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Unsafe Sex
- Work Summary -
Red Harvest and Vasquez, after Rose Creek.
“gunpowder and a spark”, Rating: Explicit, Words: 1633, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Teddy Q/Vasquez, Hand Jobs, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
- Work Summary -
Shooting guns out by yourself is a dangerous business when you're not very good and your crush is visible from space.
“strangers in the dark”, Rating: General, Words: 994, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Red Harvest/Vasquez, Time-Travel, Outsider POV
- Work Summary -
The desert has a strange magic to it, make no mistake.
“melting point”,  Rating: General, Words: 952, Chapters: 1/?
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Leverage Fusion
- Work Summary -
A collection of fusion ficlets and one-shots that otherwise won't leave my brain.
“The Ice Man”, Rating: Teen, Words: 856, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags - Red Harvest/Billy Rocks/Vasquez, Alternate Universe - Leverage Fusion
- Work Summary -
A hitter playing grifter is a bad joke.
A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
“The Sun, The Moon, And All The Stars”, Fusion AU: Winx Club, Rating: Teen, Words: 9465, Chapters: 3/3
Notable Tags: Crack Treated Seriously, Background Relationships, Pre-Brienne of Tarth/Jaime Lannister, Lannister Family Shenanigans, No Incest, Female Friendships, Genderqueer Character(s), screw canon timeline and screw canon genealogy
- Work Summary -
When the twin heirs of Queen Joanna of the Westerlands are born, the capital planet of Solaris celebrates for nine days and nine nights: three for the princess, three for the prince, and three for each Solarian sun. Soothsayers and sibyls, fortune-tellers and prophets, all agree that the children of the Sun and Moon carry great magical power within them—one shall assuredly become a Guardian Faery of the Western Realm, and the other a great hero like those of old to bring peace to all the Magical Dimension.
On the morning that Queen Joanna’s death is announced, every light and fire in Casterly Rock is extinguished in honor of their beloved queen. It is regarded as the darkest day in the history of the Realm of the Sun. Few revelries are thrown when word spreads that their queen’s last child survives, but some brave souls whisper about the Prince of Stars, whose gentle light echoes that of his mother’s.
“canis lupus familiaris”, Rating: Teen, Words: 987, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Outsider POV, Ambiguous Time-Travel, Ambiguous Greenseeing
- Work Summary -
“Get her a dog, she’ll be happier for it.”
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
“concupisces”, Fusion AU: Fright Night, Rating: Teen, Words: 1347, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Implied Pedophile!Grindelwald
- Work Summary -
For the kinkmeme prompt:
After a new neighbor moved into the house next door, Credence discovers that he is an ancient vampire.
"Percy is a terrible name for a vampire"
“You Play (But Never Games)”, Rating: Unrated, Words: 483, Chapters: 1/?
Notable Tags: Original Percival Graves/Credence Barebone, Vampire!Graves, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
- Work Summary -
Percival catches a scent.
The Umbrella Academy TV
“look at the way (we gotta hide what we’re doing)”, Rating: Explicit, Words: 3129, Chapters: 1/2
Notable Tags: Diego Hargreeves/Vanya Hargreeves, Pseudo-Incest, Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Canon, Mentioned Ben/Klaus, Mentioned Allison/Luther, Netflix/Comic Fusion
- Work Summary -
Nothing is the same when they get back.
(One thing is the same when they get back.)
BBC’s The Musketeers 2014
“lives not lived”, Rating: Teen, Words: 926, Chapters: 2/?
Notable Tags: Ana de Austria | Anne d’Autriche/Porthos du Vallon, Original Character(s), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
- Work Summary -
Various AU ficlets.
Ch. 1: 1x02, "Sleight of Hand", canon divergence Ch. 2: pre-show canon divergence
Kingdoms of Amalur
“calcified hearts”, Rating: Teen, Words: 655, Chapters: 1/1
Notable Tags: Fateless One & Famor | Bloody Bones, Genderqueer Character(s), Neopronouns
- Work Summary -
Why struggle against Fate when it is so easily shifted?
53 notes · View notes
introvertguide · 5 years
Who’s Afraid of  Virginia Woolf (1966); AFI #67
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The next film on the AFI 100 is the award winning titan, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966). It is a movie version of the play of the same name. The play was written by Edward Albee and only two lines were changed from the film to the movie (when a couple first enters the house). The play won 5 Tony awards so it was already established as a popular story, so it was not surprising that the film was nominated for every single category at the 1967 Academy Awards. The film and cast took home 5 Oscars from 13 nominations with wins for Best Leading Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, and Best Costume Design. This was considered an Oscar-worthy performance on screen for all four actors in the film although neither of the male actors won in their category. The film would have garnered more awards from the Academy, however a fantastic British film, A Man For All Seasons, came out that year and took many of the trophies.  I want to go over the plot before discussing any more aspects of the film so...
This is the story of a middle-aged married couple that have apparently fallen out of love (if they ever were), yet there is something that keeps them together. The wife is Martha (Elizabeth Taylor) and is the daughter of a university president. George (Richard Burton) is the husband and he is an associate professor at that same university. They live on or near campus and have attended a party in which they both got quite drink and Martha has invited a new young biology professor and his wife to come over for drinks despite it being very late already. The guests are Nick (George Segal) , a good looking man in his late 20s, and his younger wife Honey (Sandy Dennis) who is a slim blonde and rather meek. . 
There is extremely awkward conversation in which George and Martha are constantly insulting each other and attempting to pull the young couple towards a side. After many drinks, Honey and Martha go off to the bathroom and, upon their return, Honey reveals that Martha has told her about her and George's son, adding that she understands that the following day (Sunday) will mark his sixteenth birthday. George is visibly angry that Martha has divulged this information but it is not revealed why. This seems to be a sore subject since, when Nick asked George if the couple had any children, George had said, “That is for me to know and you to find out.”
Martha taunts George aggressively and he retaliates with a passive aggression that appears to the normal. Martha tells an embarrassing story about how she humiliated him in front of her father. Martha's taunts continue, and George reacts violently by breaking a bottle. Nick and Honey become increasingly unsettled, and Honey, who has had too much brandy, runs to the bathroom to vomit. A note at this point is that all four people are massively drunk and practically falling over at every step and constantly forgetting what a person said or repeating themselves for no real reason. 
Martha goes to the kitchen to make coffee, and George and Nick go outside and sit on a swing. Nick confesses that he was attracted to Honey more for her family's money than passion. In what was supposed to be a secret, Nick reveals that Honey had an “hysterical pregnancy” and he had married her out of obligation. George describes his own marriage as one of never-ending accommodation and adjustment, then admits he considers Nick a threat. George also tells a story about a boy he grew up with who had accidentally killed his mother and years later, his father, and ended up living out his days in a mental hospital. Nick admits he aims to charm and sleep his way to the top, and jokes that Martha would be a good place to start. 
This statement sees George become more attacking and Nick decides that it is time to leave. George insists on driving them home, despite his inebriated state, and Martha comes with. Honey is completely drunk but decides she wants to dance when they approach a roadhouse. While Honey and George watch, Nick suggestively dances with Martha, who continues to mock and criticize George. George unplugs the jukebox and announces the game is over. In response, Martha alludes to the fact he may have murdered his parents like the protagonist in his unpublished, non-fiction novel, prompting George to attack Martha until Nick pulls him away from her. George tells the group about a second novel he allegedly has written about a young couple from the Midwest, a good-looking teacher and his timid wife, who marry because of her hysterical pregnancy and money, then settle in a small college town. An embarrassed Honey realizes Nick indiscreetly told George about their past and runs from the room. Nick promises revenge on George, and then runs after Honey.
In the parking lot, George tells his wife he cannot stand the way she constantly humiliates him. She tauntingly accuses him of having married her for just that reason. Their rage erupts into a declaration of "total war". Martha drives off, retrieving Nick and Honey, leaving George to make his way back home on foot. When he arrives home, he discovers the car crashed on the drive and Honey half conscious on the back seat and sees Martha and Nick together through the bedroom window. Through Honey's drunken babbling, George begins to suspect that her pregnancy was in fact real, and that she secretly had an abortion. George has been locked out through the chain lock and he has to kick in the door which hits the clock and strikes the bells. This makes him begin to speak of a call that informed George and Martha of the death of their son.
Martha accuses Nick of being sexually inadequate and he blames his lack of performance on all the liquor he has consumed. George then appears holding snapdragons, which he throws at Martha and Nick in another game.  He mentions his and Martha's son, prompting her to reminisce about his birth and childhood and how he was nearly destroyed by his father. George accuses Martha of engaging in destructive and abusive behavior with the boy, who frequently ran away to escape her attention. George then announces he has received a telegram with bad news—their son has been killed in a car accident.
As Martha begs George not to "kill" their son, Nick suddenly realizes the truth: Martha and George had never been able to have children and filled the void with an imaginary son. By declaring their son dead, accordingly, George has "killed" him. George explains that their one mutually rule was to never mention the "existence" of their son to anyone else, and that he "killed" him because Martha broke that rule by mentioning him to Honey.
The young couple departs quietly, and George and Martha are left alone as the day begins to break outside. George starts singing the song "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", and Martha responds, "I am, George, I am."
The cinematography is amazing for a black and white film. The framing of the characters to enhance the interactions as well as the use of close ups to imply that a character is becoming intensely emotional is pretty incredible. The use of camera angles, blocking, and shadows is at the level of Citizen Kane. This is a good looking group of actors and a pretty good job was done to make them look very ugly through their actions. The tension and the desperation is palpable throughout the movie and it really feels like surviving the most horrific invitation for drinks ever.
And here is where I have to be honest and say I cannot stand this particular film. The acting, production, and story are so realistic that I feel that I survived the ordeal each time I watch it. I am very introverted and the idea of going through this kind of social ordeal with awkward fighting, drunken babbling, and loud angry declarations is a nightmare for me. Pausing this film and stepping away many times is essential to my sanity. I was contemplating a Xanax before watching because the movie raises my anxiety level so much. I guess it is a nod to the quality of the film that it elicits such an emotion out of me. I agree with Nick when he says “Do we really have to go through all this?” A New York Times reviewer at the time called it a “highly watchable” drama that sucks in the audience, but I cannot disagree more. It is downright painful. 
The realism comes from the real relationship between Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. I watched an interview of the couple in 1970 and there was that same awkwardness of a couple that is pretending to like each other. The only difference is that movie allowed the two to truly yell at each other through the lines of dialogue. It feels like they were really yelling at each other because, on some level, it was an outlet for their own relationship. 
So should this film be on the AFI list? Absolutely. It is a high point of acting with incredible production. It is a high point of drama storytelling from one of the great contemporary American writers. Albee’s story won accolades when presented on the stage and on the screen (it was even voted to win a Pulitzer Prize for Drama but had the award rescinded because of the controversial language and topic). It is obvious that, at the time, Americans were interested in uncovering the secret lives of intellectuals and seeing the dirty fighting and caddy bickering underneath manicured exteriors. Would I recommend the movie? Absolutely not. I hate this film and can’t stand watching it. I think it is an ordeal to go through and may be good for somebody who is interested in seeing a film where people get drunk, do horrible things, and completely disrespect each other. I am not that person, though, so it is definitely not for me. 
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When They Had Nothing - Part 2: Boys and Their Fathers
Pairing: Stucky (Eventually)
Warnings: Alcohol Abuse, Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Distant father, Character Death, Implied PTSD, Kids arguing a bit.
Word Count: 3200ish
A/N: This is my new Stucky series. It starts with the boys as kids in Brooklyn and follows CAFA but from Bucky’s POV rather than Steve’s. I am sooo excited about this series which I have been working on for about 6 months as it’s written for @cabigbang
Art Inspired by WTHN by: @ischa-posts - thank you so much for taking the time to create art for my series! - Ischa also made the amazing drawing below
Betaed by: @blacktithe7 @emilyevanston and @ifyougetkilled-walk-it-off - Thank you so much for all your help!
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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November 2nd, 1930
Over the passing two years, the boys had grown closer. At first, Bucky’s wrestling buddies had made fun of Steve, but Bucky wouldn’t have any of that. He put a solid stop to their remarks and cruel behavior within the first few months. Bucky had never abandoned his old friends, but they had never really become friends with Steve either. They accepted him hanging around just like they accepted that Rebecca did. She on the other hand quickly became fond of Steve, keeping him company whenever Bucky was busy with wrestling or when his other friends dragged him off. Bucky ignored the comments they would make when he excused himself to return to his sister and best friend’s side. All they saw when they saw Steve was a sickly, odd boy that their friend had taken pity on.
What they didn’t understand was that the relationship between the two boys had nothing to do with pity. It was everything but. The two of them seemed to raise each other up and make each other stronger. Steve brought out the righteous, brave side in Bucky that was always there but that he had often hidden away out of fear of getting in trouble with his old man. Granted, Steve’s do right attitude had earned him a few whippings over the years, but he had held his head high through all of them. Somehow Bucky suspected his dad respected him a bit more for it.
Bucky, on the other hand, was able to bring out the slightly more adventurous side in Steve, and even if many of their shenanigans and mischief were done under great protest from Bucky’s younger friend, it always ended with both of them laughing and having a great time. Together they were both at their best, and together they faced everything, including when the stock market crashed and the word they had known started to crumble around them.
Bucky’s family had never been rich, but they had been well off. His dad losing his job when the bank he worked security for closed meant they had to move out of their house and into an apartment building. Still, they weren’t poor. They had his mother’s monthly paychecks, and his dad, a decorated ex us lieutenant, didn’t have trouble finding security jobs to work from time to time. So even if their income wasn’t as high or as stable as it once was, they were still doing better than Steve’s family.
Joseph, Steve’s father, couldn’t hold down a job, and the work at the harbor became further and further in between. Even living in the small apartment they always had and keeping the light and heat on was becoming harder and harder on only a nurse’s paycheck. Bucky always suspected there was more to their troubles than just that judging by the smell of Joseph when he passed him on his way out the door when he was coming home. He had always been drinking. Bucky knew that even if Steve had never told him. He also knew he slapped Sarah around, and there was no doubt in Bucky’s mind that Steve’s slower movements at times didn’t have anything to do with his health.  
Bucky had hated Joseph from the first moment he had laid eyes on him as a five-year-old boy, and that hatred didn’t ease as he grew older and got to know Sarah and Steve better.
Steve didn’t hate. He always chose to see the best in people, even when Bucky was sure there was none. He didn’t push it though. There was nothing Bucky could do but keep his eyes open and be there to catch Steve if he needed him too. Just like he always had and always would.
It was a promise Bucky would live to keep on the evening of November 2nd, 1930. The short November day had long ended, and 13-year-old Bucky was sitting on the living room floor reading when Rebecca’s voice called to his attention.
“Steve’s outside.”
Bucky instantly looked up at his sister, seeing the snow fall outside the window behind her and hoping with everything he had she was wrong. It was freezing outside, and Steve, as small as he was, had grown out of his winter jacket. He had no business being outside in the cold like this. Most people would get a cold while Steve being Steve would most likely end up with pneumonia if he stayed out in weather like this for too long.
“Where?” Bucky dropped his book and jumped from the floor to stand next to his sister sitting in the window case. She pointed, and Bucky’s heart dropped when he saw him. He was sitting against the wall curled into a ball, trying to keep himself warm. A part of Bucky wanted to open the window and yell at him, ask him what the hell he was thinking. He wanted to scold him for being out in the cold in the first place or for not knocking on their door the instant he got there, but a greater part of him was just concerned. Bucky ran across the apartment. He grabbed his jacket from the hallway but didn’t put it on. Instead, he kept it in his hands as he ran outside and along the building until he reached Steve. Without a word, Bucky knelt down, wrapping the jacket around his best friend, rubbing his arms up and down to try and get some warmth into him.
“Let’s get you inside punk.”
Bucky gently guided Steve, who still hadn’t looked up at him, onto his feet. Steve didn’t have to meet his eyes for Bucky to see the wince of pain his movement caused him. He was hurt but still trying his best for Bucky not to see. A silent war raised inside Bucky. He wanted to let go of his friend and run back to his house, shove Joseph’s drunk ass against the wall, and beat the crap out of him until he knew what it felt like.
It wasn’t what Steve wanted. Hell, Steve didn’t even want Bucky to know what his dad was really like, otherwise he would have told him already. So instead, Bucky rained in his anger and wrapped his arm around Steve leading him towards the door.
“You’re staying here tonight,” Bucky promised him, knowing that it would take some convincing with his mom, given Steve had come here on his own so late in the evening, but he also knew she trusted Bucky’s judgment when it came to the Rogers.
His family liked Steve and Sarah. They always did whatever they could to help them out with food or clothes. They never handed them money though. Bucky suspected it had more to do with them knowing those would end up in the hands of a bootlegger than it was them not being able to accept the handout.
It hadn’t taken Bucky as much convincing as he thought it would for his mom to call Steve’s mom at the hospital to let her know her son was spending the night at their house. Bucky had however been convinced Steve would need a trip to the hospital himself after George had handed the frail boy the brandy glass and told him to drink. Steve had been coughing and Bucky banging his back with a flat hand before rubbing gentle circles while Winifred had scolded her husband loudly for his stupidity.
After having gotten a bit of warm soup into Steve, with all the Barnes fussing around him for the better part of an hour,  the apartment had gone quiet. Rebecca had been dragged to her own room by their mother while Bucky had grabbed the sofa cushions and arranged them on the floor next to his bed for Steve to sleep on.
The boys weren’t sleeping though. They were arguing about who was going to the baseball World Series and if the Dodgers were actually going to win that season. The conversation took a turn when Bucky asked Steve if he ever thought about moving away from Brooklyn. While Steve didn’t want to leave his home for good, he did dream with Bucky about places in the world they would wanna see. Like two explorers, they laughed and mapped out the adventurous they would go on together when they grew up.
Eventually, they both quieted down, but neither of them seemed to be able to sleep, so Bucky turned to his side looking down at Steve. He felt a pain to his heart when he thought about Steve suffering outside in the cold instead of knocking on their door. Bucky hated there was a part of Steve’s life that he felt the need to keep secret from him. They were best friends, and there shouldn’t be anything that Steve couldn’t talk to him about.
“Steve, why did you come here tonight?” Bucky asked and Steve froze staring into the ceiling without saying a word. Most other days Bucky would have backed off, but the image of Steve sitting frozen against the wall of the apartment building haunted him. Without giving it a second thought, Bucky slid off the bed and down next to his friend. Steve looked up at him in surprise which quickly turned into horror when Bucky started tugging at his shirt.
“What are you doing? Stop!” Steve fought back but was no match for Bucky’s strength. It wasn’t much of a struggle before Bucky managed to lift up Steve’s shirt to reveal the rainbow of bruises covering his chest and ribcage. The second Bucky saw, he let go of Steve, letting him pull down his shirt and scatter backward against the wall. Steve pulled his legs up under him, wrapping his arms around his knees, staring at Bucky with a look of utter betrayal on his face, and instantly Bucky regretted his actions.
“Steve, I’m sorry pal. I… I know he beats you and your mom okay? I know he drinks,” Bucky tried to explain himself. He couldn’t look into the painfilled blue eyes any longer, so he hung his head. “I just wanted to see how bad it was. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry,” Bucky pleaded with Steve without looking at him but meaning every single word. He had been frustrated with the secrets Steve had been keeping from him, but he had never meant to hurt him or betray his trust.
“I just needed to get out of there,” Steve sniffled, and Bucky looked up.
The betrayal was gone from his face and left was only pain. Bucky didn’t hesitate as he scurried towards his best friend, wrapping his arms around him, embracing him as tightly as he dared in fear of hurting him. It didn’t take long for Steve to return the hug, and the boys stayed quietly in each other’s arms, allowing the safety and reassurance that the two of them were okay wash over them. When they released each other, Bucky didn’t crawl back into bed. He stayed on the cushions on the floor next to Steve, promising him he would always have a place to stay whenever he needed it. He stayed awake listening to Steve’s breathing as he fell asleep next to him. He told himself he didn’t move back to the bed because he wanted to make sure Steve was alright. He wanted to keep him safe through the night, which was the truth, but it wasn’t the entire truth. He needed to be close to his friend just as much as Steve needed to be close to him. They were too old to sleep so tightly against each other, but it didn’t feel wrong to either of them and when Bucky finally fell asleep, he felt more at ease with himself than he had in a long time.
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December 20th, 1931
Bucky’s room had become Steve’s hideout after that. He never left his place if his mom was home. He took the beatings to spare her, but whenever she was working evenings and nights, Steve was in Bucky’s room, hiding from the wrath of his drunken father. Over a year passed like that, and the two boys friendship grew stronger.
Bucky never questioned or pushed Steve again, but once in a while, he opened up to his best friend anyway. He told him about the times he had hidden in the back of the closet when his dad roamed the house with a baseball bat. He told Bucky of the times he had stepped between his parents to save his mother. With every story he heard, Bucky hated Joseph a little more. The hate within him built and built. So much so that the day the news of Joseph’s early demise reached the Barnes household, Bucky didn’t grieve. He smiled, relieved and happy that the bully had gotten what he had coming. Fallen into the East River and succumbing to hyperthermia seemed like a just end in Bucky’s eyes. He knew it was wrong, but picturing Joseph die a slow painful death brought him immense satisfaction. Bucky was a kid. He could protect Steve against the bullies at school, but he had never been able to protect him against the one at Steve’s own house. Knowing Steve would never suffer at the hands of his father again eased Bucky’s mind. Which was the reason Bucky was a little confused to see Steve and Sarah’s tears at the funeral a few days later. How could they grieve for someone that had only ever caused them harm? Bucky didn’t push the matter though. He stayed by Steve’s side. Close enough to touch without actually touching.
That entire day Steve didn’t leave Sarah’s side. He stayed close to his mom, making sure she had everything she needed, while Bucky stayed were Steve could always see him. Their eyes met every now and again. With every encouraging nod and smile Bucky mustered to send Steve, he got a relieved grateful one in return.
Even after everyone else had left and Steve helped his mom to bed, Bucky stayed that day. He knew that Steve was holding himself together. He was being strong for his mom and for everyone around him, but Bucky also wanted him to know that he didn’t have to be. Steve didn’t have to hold back a single emotion when it was just the two of them. He didn’t care if Steve wanted to grieve the man that Bucky hated. He just wanted to be there for him and for Steve to know he didn’t have to be the strong one for a little while.
No words were uttered between the two boys as Bucky followed Steve out the door, sitting down next to him on the front stairs. He just took the two sodas Steve handed him. Bucky opened them both, handing one back to Steve without a word. He wanted to ask a million questions, but he didn’t. He just waited for Steve to be ready to speak on his own accord.
“He wasn’t always like that,” Steve said quietly. “Not according to mom anyway. I don’t remember anything else.”
Bucky’s eyes rested on Steve as he moved a little closer, letting Steve feel him against his side. Bucky didn’t ask. He just waited. Steve wanted to talk to him, but he needed a minute. Bucky knew that as much as Steve always saw the good in people, trusting didn’t always come easy. Bucky was his only friend, and truthfully, Steve was Bucky’s only friend too. Yes, he surrounded himself with a lot of boys at school. Girls were starting to take an interest, which was very much returned, but Steve was different. He knew Bucky in a way that no one else did. Steve knew what Bucky was thinking even before he opened his mouth. No one else understood him or even tried to understand him the way that Steve always seemed to. Honestly, Bucky wasn’t sure he wanted anyone else to anyway.
“Mom said he smiled a lot before the war. He took her dancing and made her laugh. He never hurt anyone, especially not her.” Steve didn’t look at Bucky. He just stared down at the bottle in his hands. “He lost everyone in the war. He saw things I guess…”
“My dad went to war to Steve. He’s not exactly easy to live with, but he never broke my bones,” Bucky spoke in a low voice.
He did his best to mask his disdain for the dead man, but it was hard after having seen the array of colors on Steve’s body or having supported him when he walked around on a broken leg. Steve was always sick. He was frail. The man that was supposed to look out for him had been the one that had done him the most harm while Bucky had been powerless to do anything about it. He could protect Steve from the bullies their own age or even older, but how was he supposed to have kept him safe from a parent that decided Steve and Sarah were as good a punching bag as any?
“I know Buck. I’m not saying that what he did isn’t on him. I’m just saying that there is a reason for it,” Steve’s voice was more firm now, and he looked up, meeting Bucky’s eyes. They looked at each other for a while, before Bucky nodded, accepting that maybe war had done something to Joseph neither of the boys could understand.
Bucky took a gulp of the soda, staring out into the cool afternoon air, wondering what his father might have been like before the war. George wasn’t abusive like Joseph. He didn’t drink, but he was dominant and bossy. It was his rules all the time and no matter what Bucky did, he never felt as if it was good enough in the eyes of his father.
“I wonder how my dad was before the war?” Bucky muttered, feeling guilty the moment the words had left his lips. He should be comforting Steve right now, and no matter how difficult George was, it was nothing compared to the things Joseph had done to Steve.
Steve didn’t judge Bucky though. Of course, he didn’t. He didn’t even ask what he meant, because despite Bucky not talking about how he felt pressured by his father, Steve seemed to know. Instead of saying anything, Steve just reached out, taking Bucky’s hand, giving it a squeeze, causing Bucky to look down at their hands. This should feel weird. They were most certainly too old for this kind of thing, and they were guys, not chicks. Guys weren’t supposed to hold hands like that, but Steve didn’t seem to care. The warmth rushing from their joined hands throughout Bucky’s body, causing his heart to beat a little faster as he squeezed Steve’s hand back.
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Stucky Tag Team
@emilyevanston @feelmyroarrrr @smoothdogsgirl @roxyspearing @mizzzpink @blacktithe7 @mizzezm @mysupernaturalfics @becs-bunker @docharleythegeekqueen @royallyslow @cd1242 @scarlettsoldier @danijimenezv @hellaqueerangelofthelord @marvelismylifffe @vvishous @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @sebsunshinestan
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Mercy's Masterlist
Finally, I have decided to make a masterlist for my fics. Oof.
I added in only the most important tags, because otherwise some of my tags would deserve a masterlist themselves. 
You can also find me on AO3 here
One shots
Never Again 
Roman intends to surprise his boyfriend, but when he arrives in his appartment, he is met with an unpleasant surprise. 
Warnings for suicide and mcd, among others
Kindergarten Boyfriend 
Songfic on Kindergarten Boyfriend from Heathers. Past Prinxiety.
Warnings for suicide and mcd, among others
Where Could Creativity Get You? 
Based on the question: what would happen to Roman if school tried to suppress Thomas' creativity?
Warnings for mcd
Shine A Light
After Fitting In, Logan is starting to doubt his importance to Thomas.
Warnings for implied suicide/mcd
Me Inside Of Me
Roman isn't feeling his best lately
Warnings for referenced/implied suicide/mcd
The Light To My Anxiety
Virgil is having a bad day and Roman tries his best to be a good boyfriend. Prinxiety.
Nameless Fic
Virgil falls asleep on the couch in the commons. Platonic LAMP
Splashes Of Colour
LAMP soulmate AU. It's pp cute.
Nameless Fic 2
Some Royality fluff. It's cute as well. 
So Long And Goodnight
This is based on Light Behind Your Eyes from MCR
Warnings for suicide, mcd, multiple causes of death (car crash, disease and suicide), drowning
Let Me Make You Feel Better
Roman drags Virgil to a party. It is not ideal. Prinxiety
Warnings for people drinking/being drunk, panic attack
The Angst Corner
Virgil finds himself in one room with Antisepticeye and Darkiplier. What follows next can't be good.
Warnings for anxiety and a panic attack
A Small Cat-astrophe
Joan and Talyn notice Thomas has been acting strangely for a few weeks and they try to figure out why
Mirror On The Wall
After Roman has been absent for a couple of days, Patton decides to visit his room to investigate the situation.
Warnings for self-loathing, angst
Virgil shares something about himself
Warnings for… angst
Christmas Baking
Secret Santa fic. Patton is stressed and Logan helps out. 
Last Christmas
Virgil's Christmas in 2016.
Broken Fantasy
Two-parter. Roman is gone and the others get worried. 
The Day We Met
After more than a year of talking, Virgil thinks of the best way to surprise his best online friend, Patton. Platonic Moxiety.
Forever Yours
Roman writes a letter to his boyfriend. Royality.
Warnings for implied suicide
I Wish I Could
Side Fic Comptetion. For two years, Roman and Virgil have been in a relationship together and they couldn’t be happier together. But one day, when Roman lashes out, things go worse than either of them could have imagined
Warnings for abuse, manipulation, suicide/mcd and Deceit
This is the story of how Deceit's odd hobby can ruin friendships
Warnings for Deceit and snek
Change My Mind
Superhero AU. Power couple Virgil and Patton wake up in an unfamiliar room, only to hear that their enemy has a... request for them
Warnings for Deceit, a bit of torture, implied mcd, brainwashing
Of Hugs And Gay Puns
Patton really wants to hug Virgil, but with his friend's touch-aversity, this isn't always that easy. But then, he comes up with a plan. Platonic Moxiety
Warnings for panic attack
I've Always Aimed To Protect You
When the sides go on a trip into the dreamscape, things turned out worse than they had imagined
Warnings for mcd
The Dark Side
Virgil has lived with the dark sides for as long as he can remember. Only when he sees Patton, he realises how much he wants to get out.
Warnings for implications of abuse
Of Shadows And Light - Series
What Lies Beyond The Shadows
Fantasy AU. Prince Roman receives a message about a notorious sorcerer showing up near the palace and he is determined to investigate.
Warnings for anxiety, character death, mild gore
The Shadows In Our Mind
When Roman unexpectedly returns from the Cursed Woods after his fight with the Shadow Sorcerer, things seem to be going back to the way they used to be. However, something seems off... 
Warnings for anxiety, character death, mild gore
Into The Shadows
The Shadow Sorcerer is so close to completing his plan. Just a few steps. 
Warnings for character death, forced suicide
Welcome To My World Of Fun - Series
Welcome To My World Of Fun
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a king. The king wasn't particularly loved by his people and that is why a rebellious organisation arose. However, the king found out and he would do anything in his power to track down this organisation and destroy them.
MAJOR warnings for torture, gore, character death. Rated Mature on AO3
The King Is Dead
Roman has been in control for long enough. Logan has had enough. This needs to end. Wtmwof AU
Warnings for character death, bit of blood
The One who Corrupted Thomas Sanders
It started as a routine trip to the dreamscape, but Roman quickly discovered something that would change everything.
Fake Reality
On the outside, there’s nothing wrong with Roman. But even though he acts like his usual self, the prince is struggling with more problems than he can handle. He needs a way out.
Could Be Chiller
After having heard about a "Squip", a pill that's supposed to make him cooler, Thomas decides to try it out. What could go wrong, right?
Let's Play A Game
What should have been a regular meeting between Thomas Sanders and Sean McLoughlin quickly turns into a nightmare when the Sides wake up in a dark room. They have to face many fears and challenges in order to get out and save Thomas.
You Rule With Lies And Deceit
Everyone has a past they are ashamed of. Whether it is just one thing they did, or who they used to be as a person. And Virgil is no exception to the rule. He keeps trying to forget about his past, and just when he thinks he’s grown on him enough to forget, it comes back to haunt him.
One Step Closer
In the depths of the ocean, hidden from all human eyes, live the merpeople. Underneath the surface, safe from prying eyes of men. That’s the way it’s always been. But one little merman can only think of the world above the surface, and a human prince in particular grasped his attention. He’d give up everything to be a human, to be with the prince. Even his voice.
Warnings for near drowning, kidnapping (I think), character death (but not explicit)
State Of Mind
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful, to make murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
- George Orwell
Dystopia. Romantic Prinxiety, platonic Moxiety. My personal fave.
The fic deals with depression, anxiety, suicide. References character death. 
Another Brick In The Wall
Virgil is sure he is a dark side. He’s not a part of the lighter sides, that is for sure. He doesn’t help Thomas like they do, he doesn’t have a purpose like they do. He can’t be one of them.
But at the same time, he doesn’t feel like he belongs with the other, darker sides either. They’re cruel and unpredictable, Virge being their favourite target. It feels wrong, but Virgil can’t quite explain why. It doesn’t matter anyways, because even if he knew, there’s no way he could get away.
(First few chapters set pre-YouTube)
The Dad Quartet
Polyam Sanders fic about them trying to raise a child. As of now, there's just the prologue
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turnertimeline · 7 years
Growing Friendship
Collection: Tim and Annie
Year: 1965
Characters: Timothy Turner, Annette Thompson, Kenneth
Content Warnings: abuse
Rating: K+
Style: chat fic
Summary: A friendship starts growing after their first meeting. 
and maybe they’re living in the same building
or at least in the same direction
and they end up walking home together, and there’s a little cafe and Tim asks if she wants to stop and grab something to eat
she’s hesitant, because what if Kenneth finds out or sees?
Tim worries maybe he freaked her out a bit? He thinks she’s so pretty already, but he wasn’t trying to like, make a ~move
“I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable, I’m not trying to…I didn’t mean anything by asking you to join me. It’s just…I’m not used to being on my own in an apartment, it gets quieter than I’m used to.” He fidgets with his hands a bit, like Patrick does
Annie finds herself smiling, holding back a giggle
“I think coffee and something to eat would be fine.” Something about him strikes her as sincere.
They start getting stopping for coffee or dinner when they both end class at the same time
which happens maybe 2 or 3 times a week
sometimes other friends they’ve made join
Kenneth is there a few times
Because that first time, Annette made sure Tim knew she had a boyfriend
Tim mostly doesn’t care about Kenneth when they meet. He’s just Annie’s boyfriend
kind of wanker but so are lots of people
Whereas Kenneth hates Tim almost on sight
and Tim just doesn’t have much of an opinion about him really
if asked hed be like “he seems … nice?”
There’s not a lot of people that Tim actively despises
Kenneth starts ranting about “men like Tim” as soon as he and Annie leave that first time
Annette is just like …. 0.o men like him?
Kenneth is implying he’s queer, but also like the general sycophantic, simpering, weak willed, cowardly, etc etc
probably immoral
as if he’s one to talk about immoral
immoral by his and George’s standards
He starts feeling differently when he sees Kenneth and Annette outside of her building
Kenneth has a tight grip on Annette’s arm
Tim asks Annie about it, after he sees Kenneth’s death grip on her arm
Annie says something about oh, he doesn’t know his own strength
it’s not that bad really
he likes to make sure I don’t get lost
Tim’s not convinced
if he could see how hard the grip was from across the street, something is wrong
he doesn’t push her to talk
but lets her know that he’s there, if she needs a safe place to be
She looks sort of confused the first time he says it. One night a couple of weeks later there’s a knock on his door. Its timid.
Annie has her coat on and - pyjamas? Tim can’t tell. It’s like midnight.
She waited until someone else went into the building and followed them up.
Kenneth had come home drunk with his rugby club mates.
He hasn’t hit her, or anything
They’ve just frightened her and are also gross ass men
And Kenneth lives on the same floor of the same building as Annie because he wanted her close by and he treats her apartment like an extension of his own.
Tim grabs blankets and pillows and makes up the couch for himself, offering Annie his bed
but she refuses, says she’ll be okay on the couch
but could he maybe, stay out there a little longer with her?
Tim nods. “Hey, yeah, of course.”
“Would you like some tea?”
Annie nods and curls up on his couch, a position Tim will see her in so many times.
knees pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around her knees
Tim resist the urge to tuck the blankets in around her and goes to get tea for them both
Kind of wishing his Mum was there. She’d know what to do.
Tim puts her mug down on the table for her and sits on the floor, leaning his back against the sofa near her bended knees
Honestly, he’ll write to her when he’s a little more awake
He sits on the floor so he’s not invading her space
he’s always so aware of that
He has his knees bent up and feet on the floor and his elbows on his knees
So so aware of not crowding her or making her feel uncomfortable or like he’s trying it on
“Does he come back drunk a lot?” He asks quietly
Just wanting to see if she needs to talk but is afraid of starting the conversation
“Sometimes…” she murmurs, Which means all the time
“Usually he’s alone, though. I can handle that.”
like he might criticise her for leaving
When he’s alone, she can’t escape him
Tim shakes his head, “I’ll never understand going out and getting plastered. I’ve had one hang over and that is an experience I’d rather not relive.”
He’s trying to keep things at least a little light
Annie giggles softly
“I got drunk once. At my cousin’s house. We got a right telling off the next morning.”
“Oh I can imagine that was not fun. Fortunately, if my Mum knew, she didn’t tell me off. I would not have been able to hand her voice if she had.” Tim makes a good impression of Shelagh’s voice telling him off, even if it’s a little more heavily accented.
Annie gasps and swats at his arm lightly
“You be nice to your mother!”
Her voice is teasing though
“Hey!” He pretends that she hurt his arm, “I love my mother! But she’s Scottish and when she’s angry it’s hard enough to understand her. Trying to understand her while having a hangover and her being angry?!”
Annie is properly laughing at him now
“Have you really only been drunk once?”
She can’t imagine it. She used to hear her Father and his friends/associates in the drawing room all night after dinner parties
Tim nods, “I’m honestly not really a fan of it. I can walk into walls fine enough while sober.”
Annie snorts a laugh and covers her mouth with her hand
“Oh Tim.”
She’s seen him do it a few times now
Tim laughs and waves his arms about, “lanky and clumsy. Wonderful combination.”
He’s glad she’s laughing
“Aww.” She pats his shoulder consolingly
“Did - does you Dad drink?” she asks suddenly
A bit out of left field
Tim shakes his head, “Not really. Maybe wine with dinner, a beer sometimes. He’s a doctor, and gets called out on emergencies a lot.”
Annie hums thoughtfully. “Are you taking over the family business?”
She’s thinking like, private practice
“He’s a district GP, in Poplar.” Tim explains.
“Oh!” Annie is surprised “Is that what you want to do?”
“I would love to, if that’s still a viable option when I’m qualified. A lot of it is moving away from house calls. I’m most likely going to set up a surgery in an area like Poplar.”
Tim wants to be like his dad, the kind of doctor people trust. Part of the community.
“That sounds really nice.” Annie smiles “Do you - What’s Poplar like?”
“Crowded, noisy……home.” Tim doesn’t really know how to describe it…it’s Poplar
Annie is quiet. She knows what people say about Poplar but Tim’s always lived there, and he wants to go back when he’s practicing. And he talks about it so warmly.
“I grew up there, so I see a different side of it.”
“I think that’s true of everyone’s home.”
“Yeah.” Tim agrees and they fall into an easy silence
Eventually Annie starts falling asleep and Tim gets to his feet. “You okay?”
Annie nods, “I think we should probably sleep, it’s nearly 2 am.” She says looking at her watch.
“Alright. Bathrooms down the hall. Shout if you need anything. I’m just in the bedroom.”
Annie is grateful Kenneth probably won’t remember anything. She gives Tim a nod and says goodnight before settling down into the blankets piled on the couch.
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Canadian Girl
Chapter Twelve
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC  |  Word Count:4515 Warnings: Swearing, mild violence, implied abusive former relationship, stereotyping of Canadians (I'm allowed, I am one)
A/N: For those who are familiar with, or have been to the Canadian Finals Rodeo please note, I have taken artistic license on a few things. I am aware that not everything portrayed is correct. That's why it's called Fiction.
Jonas was still reeling a few days later as he watched the two Americans unload the three bulls from the trailer into the pens. Matt, Natasha, and Kennedy were dealing with the horses, but watching Steve and Bucky was both amusing and amazing.
The two men knew absolutely nothing when it came to bulls. They were decent with the horses, but the bulls were completely new.
He’d warned them to watch out for the Brahma.
Cyclone had a wicked temper, wasn’t afraid to gore you through the fence if he could, and of course, he’d tried, but Bucky with that metal arm had simply grabbed the animal by the horn and given it a shove which had skidded the big bull backwards, nearly bowling him right over. Every day since Cyclone kept a wary eye on Bucky, and Bucky kept one on the bull.
Steve had had his own run-in with one of the old males, a breeding bull by the name of Jacks All In. It had charged him in the paddock, but Cap had only turned around and punched him square between the eyes. The massive black bull had toppled over stunned, gotten up, shaken himself off, and followed Steve docile as a kitten around the pen afterwards.
Thank the good lord the bull wasn’t one he needed to buck anymore, cause he doubted he would. Cap had punched the ornery right out of him.
They definitely did things differently, but, after the second day, he’d worried less about the men and more about his livestock. Long as neither of them punched one of his prize bulls, the rank ones no one could ride, they’d be okay.
They both sat a horse reasonably well. Diamond was quite taken with Bucky, and Steve had gotten up on Rocky.
He was struck with the fact that they would have used horses on occasion back during the war. After spending half a week with the two men, it was hard to remember they’d come from a different era.
Now, Natasha, on the other hand, was a little ball of fire. She really knew nothing about livestock, but Kennedy had taken her under her wing, and the two had bonded fairly quickly, much to his daughter’s surprise. It was no secret Kennedy was self-conscious, but between Steve’s constant attention – something he was so not ready to see – Bucky’s brand of teasing, and Natasha’s boundless enthusiasm, they were dragging her back out of the shell she’d hidden in.
Kennedy’s relationship with Carl stuck in his craw something fierce.
He’d known something was wrong there, had for months, hell, years before she’d finally come home after graduation looking like death.
She was a completely different person.
His exuberant, outgoing Kennedy had become a shadow of herself.
They’d had to practically force her to eat, and it had taken weeks for Mary to convince her to confide in what had gone down. All Kennedy had said when she’d come home was that it was over, she had broken up with Carl. Even now he was sure there were things she’d told Mary, Mary had never told him, likely to keep him from up and killing Carl.
But now she had Steve. Captain freaking America. Dear lord! If the man married his daughter, he was going to be related to a superhero! Hell, the wedding they’d have to throw because, holy jumpin’s, just how many other superheroes would show up?
Shaking his head, he pushed those thoughts away as too much, too soon. He refused to giggle like a fangirl at the prospect of getting to meet Thor! He clenched his fists to hold back the excited ‘eee’ which wanted to slip out.
Clearing his throat, he glanced around to make sure everything was still under control and turned his thoughts to Fury’s proposal.
The man had been one scary S.O.B. Between the black clothes and the eye patch, Jonas had taken one look at the man stomping his way towards the door and stiffened his spine. Yet, here too, he’d found a completely different person than what he’d expected, kind of like Stark, in that though he was gruff and a bit intimidating, Fury had a good head on his shoulders and had come offering them what seemed like an interesting idea.
With the size of the land and house, would they be interested in allowing the newly reformed SHIELD program to use their property as a base of operations. Nothing big, mind you, but a place to do wilderness training for the newer recruits, as well as possibly housing those agents who needed a place to recover after a severe traumatic event.  They’d build a small training facility away from the house and barns but wondered if the Canadians would extend their hospitality to those who were injured, allowing them a comfortable and completely normal environment to spend their recuperation. Of course, SHIELD would pay them for their cooperation, stay as much out of their way as possible, and provide needed security for their family.
Mary had always wanted to run a bed and breakfast, and the boys had both been making plans to build their own homes on the property now that they had growing families, so the big house would have been sitting empty. He’d asked to think about it, talk it over with his family, but he was leaning towards saying yes. Hydra was a threat to all of them now.
At dinner a few nights back when all the family had gathered, they’d finally convinced Joan and Daniel it was time they moved out with them. While Joan’s medical was covered, it was getting harder for her to get around and Daniel worked from home more often than not. It wouldn’t be a hardship to transform a chunk of the house into their space, and this way all of the family was safe and the worry he saw in Kennedy’s eyes would disappear.
A clang had him snapping his eyes to the boys as Bucky shut the gates and Steve closed up the trailer. Matt, Kenny, and Nat were doing the same, and he clapped his hands together, turning toward George Malin, this year’s organizer of all things CFR. “There we go.”
George opened and closed his mouth a few times before peering at Jonas. “Jones is that… are those… are they…the Avengers?”
“Hm?” He glanced at the boys as Steve helped Kennedy down off the fence. “Nah! That would be crazy!”
The only one who could wear a cowboy hat with any confidence was Natasha, so Steve and Bucky had stuck to ball caps. Bucky’s long sleeved shirt hid the metal of his arm, as did the leather gloves he wore, while Steve had popped on a pair of thick-framed glasses.
He’d heard his daughter whisper something about how he’d made being a nerd sexy. He’d didn’t even want to know. Just like how he didn’t want to know Steve spent every night in his daughter’s room, or how he was staying in her hotel room either. Those were things no daddy needed to know about.
“Ha… yeah… what was I thinking?” George murmured. “What would the Avengers be doing at CFR, right?”
Kennedy’s hair was braided into two pigtails which stuck out the bottom of her hat.
Steve gave one a gentle tug. “Pretty cute, Doc.”
She had her hands tucked into the pockets of her jeans, a belt with more glitter on it than he’d ever expected to see her wear, and a pink and white gingham shirt tied beneath her breasts over her white tank top. She was the epitome of a cowgirl right down to her sexy white hat.
He wanted nothing more than to squeeze her ass in those tight jeans but resigned himself to hands on her waist. “There’s my cowgirl.”
“You call me a filly, Steven, and I’ll make you wish you hadn’t.” She smiled and batted her eyelashes while Natasha laughed.
“I would never dream of it, doll.” He grinned down at her before ducking beneath her hat and kissing her mouth.
She’d made them all go shopping, a rather… interesting experience, kitting them out at a western apparel store, so they didn’t stick out quite so badly behind the chutes.
All three had gotten a crash course in rodeo 101, and with Nat’s talents, she’d blended in beautifully. It wouldn’t surprise him in the least if she got on a horse and ran the barrels.
He and Bucky were doing an adequate job of blending in, though they’d both refused the cowboy boots she’d wanted to put them in. The bottoms were just too slick to make for decent footing if something went wrong, and they had stuck to their combat boots. Both pairs were so worn down, so comfortable, Jonas didn’t think it would matter. Steel toes to work with the bulls wasn’t a farfetched story.
They’d be here most of a week, and Steve was finding the looser fit of the button down shirt he was in kind of nice. Currently, his was navy, Bucky’s was black, both had names of rodeo-related sponsors down the arms and across the shoulders. They’d been given jeans Kennedy said they were a necessity.
Apparently, if his ass didn’t say Wrangler, it would be some kind of rodeo faux pas.
Considering Kennedy had swallowed really hard when he’d walked out of the dressing room and couldn’t pull her eyes from his butt, he wasn’t averse to having his clothes changed.
“What now, doll?” he asked softly.
They were later in their arrival on that Tuesday evening thanks to the snow they’d come through, but the events weren’t due to start till the next day.
“Dad will want to visit with the other stock contractors and Matt while likely stay with him but…” She bit her lip and glanced at Nat and Bucky. “You guys want to hit the Roadhouse?”
The rodeo’s after-party bar would likely be up and running already for the competitors, even a day early, and they could go have some fun. It wasn’t all work when you came to these things after all.
“Roadhouse? Like the movie?” Bucky asked his grin a tad cheeky.
Laughing, Kennedy shook her head. “I guess it depends on how drunk everyone is.” As a girl, she’d adored Patrick Swayze, so she knew that title well. “It will be fun.”
“You do know we can’t get drunk, right?” Steve smirked down at her.
“But I can! I’m in!” Nat whooped and jumped up beside Jonas. “Hey, Uncle Jonas, Kenny’s going to take us to the Roadhouse!” Sweeping her hat from her head, she bussed him a kiss on his cheek and slipped a panic button in his pocket. “Push that if you need us,” she whispered in his ear, before giggling and looking up at Matt. “You comin’, cuz?”
Why she’d ever thought Nat was intimidating, Kennedy couldn’t remember. Formidable. Strong willed. Tough. Those were words which fit the redhead best. It was Nat’s confidence in herself which made her intimidating, and the woman had been more than willing to help Kennedy find hers again. Natasha was just… awesome, and had become an inspiration to Kenny in a lot of ways. She liked Nat, had found a friend, and the two of them were a bit more alike than she would have ever guessed. They liked to tease and joke and had quick tongues
Matt blinked down at Nat once and slowly shook his head. “My wife would kill me. I’ll stay with dad.” He glanced at Steve and nodded. “Do not let her drink tequila.”
“Hey!” Kennedy huffed.
“Do not make me remind you what happened last time.” Matt pointed his finger at her. “The words from that song suit you just fine, Kenny!”  
“Rude!” she huffed.
Nat giggled, evidently having heard the song Tequila makes her clothes come off,  but Steve and Bucky looked confused.
She was of no mind to enlighten them.
Chuckling, George tugged six passes from his bag. “Here’s your passes. Get you in where you need to go.”
Taking them from him, Nat smiled as she plucked out four, passing the rest to Matt. “Let’s go!” She jumped down and handed them off to the others.
“We’ll move this trailer and take the truck, dad. See you in the morning!” Kennedy chirped and waved, bounding around the front, climbing in to drive. The other’s followed suit and twenty minutes later, and one very cold walk through the parking lot, she was dragging them through the door of the loud and noisy dance hall. “I haven’t been here in years!”
Nat grinned at Kennedy and took her hand. “There’s a mechanical bull!”
Laughing, Kennedy nodded. “You should try it!”
Smacking her hand into Bucky’s abs, Nat snickered, “He should try it… and use the left arm.”
“That would be cheatin’, doll,” Bucky smirked.
“Besides, he’d pick up so many buckle bunnies we’d need to de-fluff him to take him home,” Kennedy chuckled.
“Explain buckle bunny?” Bucky asked, his grin smug.
Kennedy only looked at him. “No.”
“Ah, doll. That’s mean.” He pouted.
She only narrowed her eyes. “No skanks, Bucky. That’s just… ew.” She shivered in disgust. “We’d have to delouse you before you could get back in the truck.”
Natasha burst out laughing and made her smile.
“Don’t worry, baby. He’s just teasing.” Steve murmured in her ear and grinned at Buck.
She smiled back at Steven.
Late one night, he’d explained a bit about Bucky. How his friend had had his share of women over the years, but Bucky wasn’t like that anymore. He may joke and laugh about it, but the nature of Bucky’s time with Hydra had ingrained in him too many scars for the man to be comfortable letting just anyone crawl between his sheets. It was why he flirted and joked so easily with her.
She was, apparently, safe because she would scoff at him and wave him off as being ridiculous. She was safe for Buck to flirt with because nothing would ever come of it, but it gave him a sense of normality, a link to his past self. She’d silently vowed, then and there, to always be Bucky’s friend, and if that meant suffering his teasing ways, so be it.
“Guess you’ll just have to buy me a beer, doll face,” Bucky smirked at her and caught the keys when she tossed them at him. “What are these for?”
“Someone’s got to be sober enough to drive. As neither of you can get drunk…” She let the ending hang and dashed into the party hand in hand with Nat.
“Yeah, Buck?”
“This could be a really long night,” Bucky sighed softly, stalking after the two giggling reds.
It was more fun than she’d had in… Kennedy couldn’t remember how long. Being out of the lab, her project finished and not having selected a new one, gave her a freedom she hadn’t had in years. She drank, she laughed, she dragged Steven out to dance with her, both fast songs and slow. She’d taught Bucky to line dance, went through a line of shots with Natasha – a very bad idea – and managed to get Steven on the mechanical bull.
It was cake for the super soldier in the hat and glasses, but man. His muscles had been all flexy in his arms and legs. And that ass. So hot. Of course, when he’d dismounted like he’d been bull riding all his life, landing lightly on his feet, he’d been instantly surrounded by a host of fluffy women.
How shocked they were when he walked through them, up to her, and had taken her mouth in a possessive, nearly brutal, kiss. It was glorious!
She’d watched Natasha flirt her way through a line of cowboys, dance, drink, and she was nearly sure she’d heard her conversing with Bucky in Russian at one point. Not that she knew Russian, but Kennedy was pretty sure it hadn’t been English.
She’d dragged Bucky out on the dance floor too, learning his smooth, debonair included fancy footwork as well. It made her laugh when he’d dipped her, spun her, and two-stepped her around the room with ease. After, he’d had a host of dance partner’s offer, but he’d stuck to mainly her and Natasha. It wasn’t exactly difficult to feel the difference in his two hands.
A couple of times people came up and casually made mention they sure looked like Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Natasha Romanoff.
All three just played it off like it happened all the time. After all, what would the Avengers be doing at the Canadian Finals Rodeo?
It made people chuckle and continue on their way.
Now, a few hours in, she was hot, sweaty, and damn did she have to pee. Seeing Natasha heading that way as well, Kennedy was quick to catch up. “Well?”
“Okay. I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun when it didn’t include guns, torture, or kicking a little ass!” Nat laughed happily, linking arms with Kennedy.
Taken only a little aback, Kennedy chuckled. “You’re kind of scary when you just throw that stuff out there, you know.”
“Meh.” Nat shrugged. “You’ll get used to it.”
Snickering softly, they rounded the corner to where the washrooms were when Kennedy jerked Nat to a stop so quickly it had the former assassin reaching for the knife hidden in her belt.
“Kennedy?” Nat asked.
She knew she’d paled to a ghostly white. All because of the man striding towards them. “Carl…” Kennedy whispered.
Natasha was quick to step between Kennedy and Carl, the whisper from her friend one of intense fear. Old fear. A fear which still plagued the doc.
“Well, if it isn’t Kennedy Jones.”
The man walked like a used car salesman, all rolling gate and slick smile. His cowboy hat was tilted back so she could see the eyes which assessed first her, then flicked past to latch on Kennedy.
She could say with honesty he was handsome. He had a chiselled face, square jaw with high cheekbones, and dark eyes which seemed to see right through you. Dark brown hair curled around the edge of his hat, a black one – fitting for a villain or so Nat thought.
Raking her eyes down his form, she smirked a little. Lean, strong with it, but no match for her.
Steve would break him in half.
It wasn’t a wonder why Kennedy had been sucked in by his pretty face, but he made Natasha’s skin crawl.
Unlike Steve, she knew a bit more about Carl and what the man had done to make Kennedy pull away from the world. Women talked to other women who’d experienced similar things with a lot more freedom than they would their lover.
This was a man who needed an ass-kicking.
Natasha was more than happy to give it to him. “Walk away, Kennedy.”
“Nat…” Kennedy crossed her arms, holding her elbows, shaking with each step he took toward them.
“Oh but Kennedy and I need to catch up, don’t we, Kenny?” He glared at her, but Natasha wasn’t about to move out of the way.
“There’s nothing to say, Carl,” Kennedy murmured, voice much weaker than Nat would have liked.
Sneering, he snarled, “But there’s so much to talk about, darling.” He made to reach past her.
Nat just smacked his hand away.
“Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are?”
“Kennedy’s friend and right now your worst nightmare if you don’t back the fuck up, buddy!” She could smell the booze on him. It wasn’t all courtesy of the bottle in his hand.
“Nat... don’t,” Kennedy said. “I’m not your darling, Carl. Not anymore. Not in five years.”
“And whose choice was that, darling? I sure didn’t say we were through. And just look at you. How you’ve let yourself go.” He tsked softly, taking his eyes over her body.
Natasha could almost feel her withdrawing, Kennedy pulling inside herself with each nasty word. “You do not listen to him, Kennedy! You’re perfect just the way you are. Just the way Steve loves you!”
“Steve!?” Carl looked shocked and betrayed. “You’re cheating now, too, Kenny? Whatever were you thinking? I’ll have to reprimand you for it.” His hand dropped to the big buckle on his belt and ran his fingers over it.
The implications had her seeing red. “Touch her, and it will be the last mistake you ever make,” Natasha growled.
That move would have once thrown her into a panic, but Kennedy wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
Instead, she took a deep breath and thought about Steven.
He was so much more than Carl. Brave, strong, kind. He was a man she was proud to call her lover, and Captain America or not, he was a good man. He was nothing like Carl. He showed her every night just how much he loved her. He liked her soft and a little squishy. He liked how she was a little aggressive in bed and would feed his kink. He liked that she had sass and a smart mouth. And most of all... he loved her.
Straightening up, Kennedy let a shit-eating grin cross her face while placing a hand on Natasha's shoulder. “You should go, Carl, before you embarrass yourself. You’re nothing to me anymore. I have a man who loves me for me and isn’t afraid to show it. He’s so much more than you ever were.” Smirking, she made to walk past him because man did she have to pee.
Nat’s smirk was so proud it made Kennedy blush. Still, the redhead kept her body between them.
“Bitch! You always were a fat fuck, dead fish lay! I bet you found another fat fuck to hump you at night,” Carl snarled, stalking after them.
Turning her head, Natasha smiled. It was a look so potent, so clearly flirtatious, but so evil at the same time, it made Carl falter. It was her widow smile. The one that said she’d eat him alive for the fun of it. “Oh, I wouldn’t say Steve was fat, would you... Bucky?”
Kennedy froze before turning slowly around.
Standing behind Carl only a few feet away was Bucky, grinning madly, and a furious Steve.
He was practically seething, his jaw was so tightly clenched it had a muscle ticking in it. “What did you just say about my girl?” Steve's knuckles cracked when he flexed them.
Carl’s eyes nearly bugged out when he caught sight of the two super soldiers who had appeared silently behind him. “I...”
“You’re going to want to walk away, right the fuck now,” Bucky said, his smile never faltering.
Glaring at the idiot, Steve stalked past him to pull her in close and cup her cheek. “Are you alright, baby?”
Nat’s miracle bruise cream had done wonders for the shiner she had sported, and makeup had done the rest, so she knew she looked okay, even if his eyes lingered.
“I’m fine, Steven.” She smiled shyly up at him. “Carl can’t get to me anymore. I’ve seen him for what he truly is.” She glanced at Carl, looking small in comparison to the two soldiers with her. “A small, pathetic excuse for a man. He's nothing compared to you. Nothing.”
The pride on his face was evident when he leaned down and kissed her. “Perfect, doll face. That’s my Canadian girl.”
Anger twisted Carl’s features as he lunged toward them. “Get your hands off her!”
Bucky plucked the bottle Carl had raised out of his hand, but it was Natasha who kicked him. Once in the gut and a second time square in the chest, knocking Carl into the wall.
“You want us to hand him off to security, Cap? Or should we just toss his stupid ass out in the snow?” Nat asked.
Steve had seen it coming a mile away, hadn’t even bothered to flinch because Bucky and Nat always had his back, but Kennedy had recoiled in a way which had his jaw clenching again. Just what hadn't she told him about Carl? “He never laid a hand on her, so the snow is your best option. Other than being drunk and stupid there is nothing to charge him with.”
“I’m on it,” Bucky said, grabbing the stunned idiot by the back of his shirt.
“Steven?” Kennedy whispered as Bucky dragged the protesting Carl away.
“Yeah, baby?” He gently stroked his fingers over her cheek, so proud of how she’d stood up to her ex.
“I really need to use the ladies room.”
He snickered before letting her go. “I’ll wait right here for both of you.” He nodded to Natasha, more grateful than he could currently express as Kennedy darted through the door.
Bucky thrust open the exit and dumped dumbass outside. Keeping his foot in the doorway so he could get back in, he crouched down beside the man who was clearly hurting from the power of Nat's kicks.
She sure hadn't been inclined to pull her punches with this one.
“You’re a lucky fellow, you know that?” he said to Carl, slowly beginning to peel the glove from his hand.
“Fuck... you,” Carl wheezed.
“How do I figure, you ask? Well, let me explain something to you. You see, Kennedy is a special girl, and my best friend loves her a hell of a lot. So much so that he wasn’t  about to take away her victory over the abuser she escaped by taking matters into his own hands and beating you bloody.”
It didn’t take a genius to figure out Carl had hurt Kennedy. Maybe not physically, but he'd scarred her emotionally for sure. Although, with the way she’d recoiled it was a fair guess the fucker had hit her at some point.
“Now me, on the other hand, if Kenny was my girl and I heard someone call her a... what was it? Fat fuck, dead fish lay... I’d a snapped his neck.” Flexing the fingers of his vibranium hand, he picked up the bottle Carl had tried to swing at Steve, turned it to pour what beer remained into the snow, and crushed it, grinding it down to little more than dust. “This will be your only warning. Come near Kennedy again, and it will be the last mistake you make. I am very, very good at my job.” Dusting his hand off on Carl’s shoulder, Bucky squeezed it tightly until the bones ground together and the man hollered. “You have a good night. Best you don't come back inside.”
Getting to his feet, Bucky tugged the glove back on and returned inside, making sure the door snicked shut behind him.
Carl’s pass had read rodeo doctor.
He’d be making damn sure to keep an eye out for Dr. Carl Stephenson. The man reeked of trouble.
Next Chapter
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ginvera · 8 years
deal? deal.
(so. I caved. I broke. I, a good gay child with a shit ton of work to do and five other fics I need to write, wrote the first chapter to a flintwood fic. yup. disclaimers: there’s no like full smut in this but there is a good quantity of gay, like on a scale of 1 to my mother is disowning me this lands at about “just don’t read it in front of her”. also, a lil implied abuse, but nothing extreme in this chapter, and it’s not explicitly described at all.)
Oliver twisted a button on his binoculars, trying to bring Flint into view. For once, he was rooting for his rival; Ravenclaw was unstoppable with their new seeker, and every time they managed to steal the ball, the cup inched another ten points away from Gryffindor. His contraption finally focused on Flint, just in time for Oliver to witness a bludger catch him right on the side of his head. Shit. Flint swung backwards, almost hitting the stands, before he finally regained control of his broom. Oliver zoomed out again, surveying the field. Slytherin was up eighty, but Ravenclaw was basically guaranteed the snitch, what with the preteen idiot Flint was playing for seeker.
Flint regained the ball after a slightly illicit attack on an unsuspecting fourth year, and raced towards the opposite end of the pitch. The way Flint flew- if Gryffindor had three chasers like him, forget about Hogwarts, they could win the world cup in a heartbeat. He veered around two bludgers racing towards him, throwing the quaffle in the same move. Slytherin up ninety. He cut off the toss from the Ravenclaw keeper to the fourth year midair, halfway between the two players, and threw it back at the goalpost in the same breath. Slytherin up a hundred. Oliver refocused on Flint, watching him rip through the sky effortlessly. When they were younger, Flint had been a gawky and misformed sort of boy, with legs and arms thicker than a tree trunk and shoulders slimmer than a model’s waist. Recently, though, that had changed. Flint had evened out somewhat, grown taller for certain, and it seemed as though he had had something done to his teeth. Now he looked sleek, and a bit dangerous.
Someone moved in front of him, cutting off his view, and he heard Jordan announce that Slytherin was a hundred thirty ahead. He zoomed out again. He could tell Davies was nervous now; he was trying a move that he would usually never use in game. Flint dodged the fourth year (Burren? Burton? Burtrow?) and pulled past Davies, winking at him. He was asking for it at this point; Oliver wouldn’t be surprised if Davies just gave in and socked him in the face. Lord knows there had been times Oliver had considered it. Before he had the chance, Flint pulled up and hurled the ball left in one clean cut move. Slytherin up one forty. Davies signalled something to his beaters. It looked like he had abandoned the idea of a fair game and was moving to plan B, otherwise known as “It’s Pretty Easy to be a Better Chaser than an Unconscious Man”. Before any of this could happen, however, the whole dynamic changed; the seekers had seen something. Or, more accurately, Chang had seen something and the little boy was chasing her at top speed. Chang seemed to be hurling herself as fast as possible at the Ravenclaw goalposts until she pulled up suddenly, and reached up with both hands.
“CHANG HAS THE SNITCH! Ladies and gentlemen, she does it again!” Jordan’s voice echoed through the crowds, “Chang has caught the snitch for Ravenclaw, that’s a final score of 350-340 for the our friends in blue! Flint looks rather upset, I suppose losing a quidditch match is sad, although I’m sure anyone would lose if one team was missing six players, oh wait-”
“Alright, alright professor, a hard fought win for Ravenclaw which leaves us with Ravenclaw first in the rankings, followed by Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and the good old Gryffindors. Thanks for watching folks, always fun to see three confused boys saved by Chang, what a seeker, and with that, the win goes to Ravenclaw.”
Oliver pulled apart his binoculars, putting the pieces into his bag. They were in last place, which was not great, but they were only two games into the season. Gryffindor still had a chance.
“Oliver!” Penelope appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, “You’re coming to the afterparty, yeah? You have to come, Sophie, you know Sophie from the year below us, she got some firewhiskey, and your beaters say they’ve got some food in celebration of beating Slytherin, and Allen, you know Allen from Hufflepuff, he’ll be there.” Penelope winked at this, proud of her achievements in finding one singular boy who liked boys of vaguely the same age as Oliver, other than the one she was already dating. She was well intentioned, and he loved her to death, but just because two gay people end up on the same plane of existence does not mean they are destined for true love.
“Penelope, I know Allen from Hufflepuff, and I’m certain he’s a very kind person and I’m sure there are people who love him, but I sit behind him in Charms and I swear if I hear that idiot talk about household charms and local variation upon spells around the world one more time I will perform an unforgivable curse and you will not be able to forgive me. I’ll go to your party, but if I so much as see Allen from Hufflepuff in my vicinity, you will never see your dearest Einstein again.”
“You wouldn’t dare hurt a cat! Einstein is innocent, he’s never done anything to you.”
Penelope grabbed his arm as he finished packing up his bag, and hauled him in the direction of the celebratory crowds.
Marcus kicked his trunk twice before the lock finally popped. He pulled it open, swearing under his breath at the piece of shit trunk. His mother would faint if she ever learned of this; not because of the language, she was quite foul mouthed herself, but because he had kicked Great Great Great Aunt Eugenia’s dearest trunk, gifted to her by the minister of magic himself, passed down the Avery line for generations, gifted to him, the eldest son of the only daughter of Marcus Avery, for whom he was named, blablabla, blablabla.
For now, though, he wasn’t particularly upset to have it. The stubborn lock protected his alcohol stash. Marcus grabbed the bottle of champagne he had saved for tonight. He had planned on getting shitfaced at a Slytherin party, but moping about the castle feeling sorry for himself with a full bottle of champagne as company seemed to present an equal opportunity for enjoyment. Well, it didn’t, but that’s what you get when you lose to the fucking smart book kid clever ass McIntelligent house. Jesus, his dad would be mad when he told him. He popped the bottle, aiming for the family photo on his nightstand, and missing by a few feet.
Time to go celebrate.
Oliver spent most of the night hovering around the food, slowly picking away at the chips George had brought. Penelope had returned to him every once in awhile, introducing him to people he already knew or bringing him food he didn’t want, but as the night went on she grew drunker, and by midnight she could be found on one of the Ravenclaw couches, making out with Percy. He checked his watch, figuring if he left now she would be too drunk to notice his early departure. Carefully, he snuck out of the Ravenclaw common room, and followed his favorite path back to Gryffindor. He turned down a dimly lit hallway that was now mostly used for extra books that wouldn’t fit in the library, but which had held his Transfiguration classroom years ago, and collided with another person.
They stumbled backwards, clearly more than a little tipsy.
“Flint? Is that you?”
“You bet it is Wood, Flint and his best pals,” Flint swung around what appeared to be a bottle of liquor, nearly knocking a light off the wall.
“Are you….. Drunk?”
“You bet I am Wood. Want some? It’s my mom’s, so you know it’s probably from France or some shit like that.”
“Sorry, I was heading to bed. Are you okay?”
“Yeah man, I’m great! I got French drunk, and I lost to the book babies! I fucking repeated high school to lose to book babies!”
“Yeah, you’re not okay.” Oliver leaned forward and took the bottle of champagne. “You want to go sit down for a bit?” He pointed at the room next to them.
“I’ll go in there if you give me the French back,” Flint said, pointing at the bottle, “I think it’s expensive or something.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever you say. Come on.”
Oliver unlocked the door with a flick of his wand, and lit the room with another flick. He pushed open the door and strode in, making them a place to sit on top of a box of books. Flint sat down immediately, as if he was glad to have a place to be.
Oliver looked at him hesitantly. He looked a little desperate, and quite a bit like someone who was trying to pretend to be okay. “Listen, Flint,”
“I’m not Flint. My dad’s Flint. He’s Mr. Flint. I mean I’m a Flint yeah he’s my dad but I’m not….. I’m just….. I’m Marcus, okay? Call me Marcus. Call me Mark. My house elf calls me Markie but she’s sixty five and makes me brownies and you haven’t earned that one yet.”
“Right. Okay. Marcus.”
Oliver studied him for a second longer, searching for something to say. “You weren’t bad today. I mean, you were good, you know. You’re a good chaser. A great one, at that.”
Marcus looked up at him, “You think so? I mean, I lost. I’ve been flying for my whole life, my dad taught me when I was five, and I lost.”
“You know, quidditch is a team sport. You can be a damn good chaser and still lose all the time if no one else is giving it their all.”
“Yeah, but I’m the captain, and I lost. It’s on me.” Marcus looked up at Oliver, and seemed to feel bad for a moment. “It’s fine man, I’ll beat you next time,” he said, pulling up a crooked smile. Oliver caught on.
“Like hell you will Flint. You seen Spinnet this year? That girl can move like the wind.”
“Marcus, and yeah I’ve seen her move, but trust me, I’m better.” Marcus leaned in to Oliver. His eyes were a little red around the edges, but the irises were a deep brown, sweet like honey, glowing like gold. Oliver found himself unable to look away. Marcus continued, “You seen my moves this year?”
“I’ve seen your moves this year, Flint, but don’t worry, they won’t matter if I’m there to block them.”
“Marcus, and trust me, you can’t block this new thing I’ve been working on. I scored three hundred on Ravenclaw today with it, you really thing the chosen one can catch fast enough to stop me?”
“Flint, I swear, there is no way you will be able to beat my team. We could kick your ass, even twice as drunk as you are right now.”
“Marcus, and you’ll regret those words next Saturday.”
“Really? Fine. Gryffindor wins and you have to do whatever I say all of Sunday.”
“You’ll regret that one, Flint.” They were centimeters away now, both of them grinning wildly.
“Marcus.” Marcus leaned forward ever so slightly. If Oliver so much as inhaled, he swore they would be touching. Their eyes were locked. The room was completely silent, filled with shelves of untouched and ancient books, the two of them facing each other, and Oliver swore he could hear Marcus’s heartbeat.
Oliver pulled back a bit. He didn’t want to push his luck too far. “What, are you going to fucking kiss me?” he choked out, forcing a laugh to lighten the tension.
Marcus kissed him. Jesus fuck, he was drunk, but that didn’t change much either. Oliver had always been beautiful, had always been strong, had always been tempting, he had just never been right there the way he was now. He leaned forward, pushing, but Oliver pulled back.
“I’m sorry, I’m drunk, you’re just…” Marcus was aware he was still staring at Oliver like an artist at the Louvre, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away.
Oliver kissed him. He had been surprised at first, but now this was all he wanted, all he could think about. Oliver leaned in, parting Marcus’s lips with his tongue. Marcus made no protest, instead just pulling him closer, pressing up against him, closer than Oliver had ever been to anyone ever before. Oliver pushed his hands through Marcus’s hair, up Marcus’s shirt, everywhere and anywhere he could reach. One time, when he was a fourth year he had gotten into a fight with Marcus and they had ended up wrestling on the floor. This was oddly similar, but god was it better. Marcus pulled back and started unbuttoning his shirt, pausing between each button for a kiss. The shirt went, then the undershirt, then Oliver’s. Marcus pushed him back against another box, holding him down, kissing, pulling, pushing. After a few minutes of this, Marcus’s hand slipped lower, and Oliver pulled away.
Marcus stopped immediately, sitting back up. “I’m sorry, I just…”
“No, it’s not that, it’s just, you’re drunk, and god I want to but I don’t- I’m not going to- you’re drunk.”
They just looked at each other for a few seconds, both breathing heavily. They were still close enough that if Oliver leaned forward they could be kissing again in a second.
A smile spread across Marcus’s lips. “Does that mean when I’m not drunk, we could do this again?”
“New deal, Marcus. You win next Saturday, I’m yours on Sunday. Same way around if I win. Deal?”
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caredogstips · 7 years
6 Iconic Works Of Art With Brutal Insults Hidden In Them
We all take our inessential little revenges where we can. If someone cuts you off in commerce, you give them the thumb. If one of your co-workers ingest your lunch, you pee in the coffee maker. If someone talks at the movies, you follow them residence, dress like a comedian, and shriek “their childrens” awake each night for the rest of “peoples lives”. But not everyone stops events so reasonable. Here are masters who held onto enmities so long and so hard that their petty avenge became commemorated in their work.
# 6. Harry Potter Is Full Of J.K. Rowling’s Secret Insults
We’re at a culture time where anyone who needs Harry Potter explained to them is clearly a robot trying to gain sentience. So we’re hop-skip the purpose of explaining who Harry Potter is. Better luck next time, robot. For the rest of you, it turns out that J.K. Rowling realise it a habit to turn real beings from her life into attributes in her works, and for shifting those personas into avenge. For instance, when Stephen Fry was hired to narrate the first audio journal, he was told that a sequel was already in the works. Fry commended this Rowling person whom he’d only met with, “Good for you.” She took it as an offend and never forgot it. It got petty.
When registering the book, Fry had fus adding the words “pocketed it.” Through a bizarre lecture hindrance, it always came out as “pocketeded it.” So he called her up and would like to know whether he could change it. Rowling afforded a hard no. And then, through sheer coincidence , the phrase “pocketed it, ” appeared in the next four Harry Potter notebooks. That’s how ridiculous “womens issues” was willing to get for the tiniest quantity of revenge.
Which introduces us to the character of Gilderoy Lockhart, the blowhard educator from Chamber Of Secrets . He was based on a humanity Rowling knew and reviled, who was constantly bragging about acts that almost certainly never happened. So she made him a persona in her work who virtually facilitates Magic Hitler rise to power and get his psyche mopped. Then, after publicly announcing that this shithead was based on a real guy, Rowling responded, “Don’t annoy … he will never in a million years dream that he is Gilderoy Lockhart.” So everyone who has ever gratified J.K. Rowling, take note: There’s a decent hazard she thinks you’re a stupid asshole.
Based on a real stupid asshole .
Another character, Harry’s vile Aunt Marge, was based on one of Rowling’s family members who “liked dogs more than people.” But there’s one character who rises above all others in the annals of hated Harry Potter Characters. The one character whom every fan agrees is the most evil and disliked. No , not Voldemort. Not Lockhart. Not even the sniveling Wormtail.
It’s Dolores Umbridge. Her identify literally signifies “annoyance and offense.”
You goddamn bitch .
If you watched the movies, you might recollect Umbridge as the short one dressed in all-pink who realise Harry write with a pencil that carves characters into his tissue. Seemed a little bit much, right? Well, she was based on a educator Rowling knew whom she described as someone she “disliked deeply on sight.” The impression was mutual, and Rowling described her style as being “appropriate to a girl of three.”
Imagine you’re a coach trying the very best to fertilize young judgments. One of your students( though not your favourite) has already become the most successful writer since God. Excited, you open one of her volumes and find someone who’s clearly you, written as a dimwitted maid of immoralities garmented for a children’s tea party. Oh well, you predict she never forgave you for those imprisonments …
“That was just the once, you crybaby.”
… and then later in the book, your reputation is dragged into the woods by centaurs — a scene which we’re almost certain implies that they then raped her.( That centaurs abuse human girls is an essential part of the lore around them. For speciman, the centaur Nessus was killed while trying to rape a human lady .) Yeah, that’s how freaking nighttime this gets. J.K. Rowling didn’t get along with one of her coaches, so she had the teach get( apparently) sexually contravened by horse-men in a children’s volume. Then she announces to the world that this sorceres get bayoneted in every flaw by centaur rooster is based on a real party. “Not to * wink !* name any refers, but it was one of my teachers, and here’s job descriptions! “
“Does she have teenagers? They just watched Stand-In Mommy lose all hope and glory. Oh glee! ”
So if you ever had an proof with J.K. Rowling, give the books another speak. There’s a good chance a goblin based on you has been torn apart by unicorns for the amusement of children.
# 5. Muslim Street Artists Bash Homeland … On Homeland
Homeland is a testify with so many absurd constructions that it’s more of a practical joke on the observer than a floor. But that’s not why it’s contentious. It’s about CIA agents contending Islamic terrorism, and it’s been called everything from insulting and humiliating to borderline racist. Basically, the appearance treats controversial issues the same way Donald Trump might list his favorite Mexicans — it’s not quite “bigoted, ” but it’s definitely uncomfortable.
So some of Homeland ‘s detractors decided to speak out against the reveal from inside the show itself. One occurrence took place in a Syrian refugee camp. Because the writers are all lily-white Americans with little-to-no Syrian refugee camp suffer, they decided to let some individuals who knew Arabic embellish the laid with graffiti. You possibly discover where this is going. They wrote smart-ass words everywhere.
This suggests ” Homeland is watermelon, ” which is meaner than it resonates in Arabic .
The three masters hired were Don Karl, Heba Amin, and Caram Kapp, and they felt that the establish reached Arabs and Muslims feel disliked and helped shape negative minds. So they said so, in Arabic, right in front of the producers’ non-Arabic-speaking faces.
“This show does not represent the view of the artists.”
The entire place seems a bit obvious in hindsight. Homeland is no other indicate on Tv that hires Middle-Eastern performers, and most of them either play-act suicide bombers or regular grinders. So when the same evidence hires Middle-Eastern set designers and tells them to make it super Arab-y , no one should be surprised if they respond by trolling you.
Actual translation: ” Homeland is racist.” Oh, and “NO MICKEY MOUSE.”
# 4. The God-We-Wish-It-Were-True Story Of “The Cask Of Amontillado”
“The Cask Of Amontillado” is one of Edgar Allan Poe’s most well known toils. It’s about a being who gets retaliate on a acquaintance by pulling him underground with wine and then entombing him alive. He leaves “the mens” chained to a wall to die, mocking the man’s shriekings for blessing. A few vague details are given, but it’s never become clear to the reader what injustice invigorated the assassination. Even for Poe, it was a bit dark.
“Once you’re dead, I’m giving your body the teabagging of Amontillado.”
And it all started because another novelist was sort of a douche.
Like all scribes, Edgar Allan Poe had a wonderful sexuality life, great “hairs-breadth”, all the money in “the worlds”, and countless antagonists. One of them was a scribe mentioned Thomas Dunn English. The two detested one another, and Thomas wrote a parody of Poe into one of his tales: a reference appointed Marmaduke Hammerhead who writes a legend called “The Black Crow, ” acts crazy, and is drunk all the time.
Poe didn’t think it was cute. He registered a suit against the working paper English worked for, and acquired. Still unsatisfied, Poe decided to placed him into a narrative. And in that legend, he garmented “the mens” like a jester, walled him up in a dungeon, and tell madness and famine race to destroy him. In … in fiction! Exclusively in fiction.
This was his response to being announced crazy .
As you might have approximated, the poorest of the poor drink dumb “whos got” lay alive in “The Cask Of Amontillado” was based on English. So if you had to read the tale in high school and none of you could figure out what the hell the guy did to deserve such a dark fate , now you know. He gently taunted Edgar Allan Poe. When Poe kills you in a legend, he dresses you like a buffoon and lets you whimper for their own lives alone in the blackness. As opposed to doing you in with the whimsy of a centaur penis.
# 3. Willow Swerved Multiple Movie Critics Into Villains
Though you put your heart and soul into a work of art, there will always be a critic there to tell you it sucks. It happens no matter how great your artistry happens to be, but it happens a lot if your prowes — like Willow — kind of sucks.
Maybe in a preemptive strike against their inevitable offenses, or maybe as revenge for past commentaries, George Lucas mentioned two of the villains in Willow after film reviewers. The first was General Kael, a skull-headed warlord reputation after Pauline Kael, who had called Star Wars an tired circus with no psychological clutch. Well fuck you, Pauline, you’re an evil skeleton now. In Willow .
“You look hopelessly cool and impossibly badass. Aren’t you ashamed? ”
And this wasn’t the only period this happened to Kael. The same year Willow “re coming out”, an analog of her also appeared in the Dirty Harry movie The Dead Pool . Apparently, the filmmakers still hadn’t forgiven her for calling Dirty Harry “fascist, pro-violence, pro-gun, republican nuttery scrap.” So they based a reputation on her, and then had that character get brutally jabbed to demise. That’ll picture her who’s pro-violence!
“I know what you’re deliberation: six gaping spurting curves, or only five? ”
You might believe that George Lucas was outdone, since his insult was simply appointing some guy “Kael, ” while Dirty Harry exited all-out and killer her. Perhaps you’re right. But wait until you hear about the other reviewers who took a smack in Willow . This one is brutal .
At the end of Willow , a two-headed fire-breathing dragon shows. George knew the dragon could be more than a fantastic culminating to history’s greatest film — it was his chance to get revenge for every mean happen Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert had ever said about his movies. Those guys would rue the day they traversed the artistic juggernaut of George Lucas!
He identified the dragon Eborsisk.
“We grant it two deformed-looking whale dicks up.”
Oh, shit! Can you envisage what Siskel and Ebert must have visualized when they received information that !? With one reputation( which is never even pronounce aloud ), Lucas killed them both and plummeted the mic. Eborsisk! That’s like both their reputations in one! It was the snap discover of all the countries … Eborsisk. The instant some supplementary information revealed that the dragon’s reputation was Eborsisk, “the worlds” knew never to doubt George Lucas’ filmmaking abilities again.
# 2. The Symbolic Middle Finger In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
The writer Sir Walter Scott isn’t exactly a household name, but there’s a respectable opportunity you’re familiar with some of his effort, like Ivanhoe and Rob Roy . Regrettably for him, the most famous journal in which his name sounds is The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn . And that’s because Mark Twain goddamn detested Walter Scott.
Even more than he hates you for misrepresenting him on Facebook .
Twain thought that Scott’s writing romanticized battle, and was worried that young men were reading about the magnificences of engagement and ranging off to combat. He felt that Scott’s novels were to blame for much of the “windy humbuggeries” of the South, which gave rise to concepts like duels or even the Civil War itself. He felt that Scott’s novels continued the delusion that Southerners were noble heroes and gentlemen, despite their participation in brutal frontier justice and the owning of other humans. So Twain are determined to immortalize his antagonism of Sir Walter Scott in art.
If you don’t recall the patch of Huck Finn , it’s about a runaway boy and an escaped slave traveling down the Mississippi River, and the language hasn’t aged well. What you may have never observed was an aesthetic offend to Scott encoded into their passage. In the tale, Twain named a steamboat after the object of his condescension; the Walter Scott is carried away by a strong present and wrecked against some rocks.
“The regained wood was then turned into an outhouse which was consistently full of shit.”
It was meant to symbolize the path the Old South rode along on Scott’s strong back toward an out-of-control catastrophe( the Civil War ). It’s a little bit more subtle than embed someone alive or probing them with a centaur, but it translates to the same act: “Fuck you, Sir Walter Scott.”
# 1. DC And Marvel Piss On Their Movie
In its very first trailer, Man Of Steel boasted a quote from Grant Morrison’s All-Star Superman . This was strange chiefly because All-Star Superman is considered one of the greatest Superman floors ever told, and Man Of Steel was a 150 -minute tantrum hurled by stupid room juveniles. Besides having a laser-eyed alien as the prime reference, they could not be more different. In Man Of Steel , Superman clicks cervixes and watches fathers succumb. In All-Star Superman , he is infallible and benevolent. He’s nearly drew as God.
It’s not even that subtle about it .
Morrison shovels the idea of Superman being a perfect compounding of every human ideal. So he was understandably ticked off that the matter is “gritty” movie in which Superman is a petty thug exploited a quotation from his duty. But since he wrote Action Comics , Superman’s flagship title, it was likely wasn’t appropriate for him to come out and publicly talk shit about the movie. Instead, he carefully knit all that shit-talking into a Superman story.
In a long, mind-bending narration that obligates Memento look like Blue’s Clues , Morrison acquainted a soul called Super-Doomsday.
We’re sure that swastika-looking “S” was purely coincidental .
It’s created by scientists attempting to make a pure and inspirational person, but in their hopelessnes, they sold him off to “owners corporations” which moved him into “a violent, disturbed, faceless anti-hero … a global marketing icon .“
Sound familiar?
“Oh, I get it. You’re like a metapho-AARRRGH! LASER BEAMS !!! ”
Superman eventually uncovers him and uncover a distorted half-Superman/ half-Doomsday — which is eerily same to the form of Doomsday’s origin in the upcoming Batman v. Superman .
“Ugh. Doomsday is some Kryptonian DNA with demon shit attached? What deplorable monster would green-light that project !? ”
Morrison got extremely heavy-handed as he wrote. The commercialized Superman is powered by “a simple corporate directive: kill the competition.” And if that wasn’t obvious enough, the large-scale bad behind Super-Doomsday( an imp from the fifth facet) find right out and explains it TAGEND Able to pinch limitless account in a single body …
“There’s blood on your princely pinnacle. A stain that can never come out. The mark of betrayal and exploitation … Your “S” a dollar sign! ” It almost sounds like he’s referencing a very concrete occurrence. Hmm … wonder what it could be?
“Hkk! This … testifies a fundamental misinterpret … hkk! … of 80 years of reference developing! ”
While on the subject of literary superhero retaliation, Marvel had a similar rebuttal to a bad movie in the sheets of Fantastic Four . In one issue, groupings of people birthing a strong resemblance to the stars of the appalling, frightful Fantastic Four reboot be standing talking about a movie that they worked on with a director referred “Trang.” “Its probably” a including references to FF chairman Josh Trank, but it’s so deeply unclever that it virtually seems impossible.
Turning that “4” on his shirt into four middle fingers would’ve been wittier . And then this happens TAGEND
“We had to level the whole metropoli in case they wanted to threw a reboot.”
That’s it — over the course of three boards, Marvel wordlessly explosion them. It’s the kind of hamfisted theme that makes you long for the intricacy of a fifth-dimensional pixie appearing to explain the laugh. Or, of course, the sophisticated nuance of J.K. Rowling’s unwanted centaur cocks.
Always be category, because you never know when you’ll end up a laugh in someone else’s innovation. Witness more of that in 6 Brilliant Insults Hidden In Video Games As Easter Eggs and 6 Famous Works Of Art You Didn’t Know Were Vicious Insults .
Read more: www.cracked.com
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