#she did later persue a phd...
I like Young Sheldon but part of it is also imagining this family to be more dark, edgy and badass than they actually truly are lmao
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lemonfodrizzleart 4 years
About the JackieStan kids, what would they both be like growing up into their teens and adulthood? I love them a bunch by the way! I have my own fankids of Stan, too!
Aww thank you! I'd love to see your fankids ;w; 馃挍
Both kids are smart but Stella is the one who flourishes during highschool as a genious just like Ford did. She had few friends in high school that she could study with. There was some bullying due to her heterochromia from when she was little but one day she got in a fight about it and won. Other students ended up being a little scared of her which she didn't mind really, she uses that to her advantage to protect her closer friends. She ends up persuing science as her career, nothing abnormal though but she ends up loving medicine and the human anatomy so maybe she ends up working in the medical field? Maybe as a surgeon? I haven't quite decided on that yet but she gets her phd regardless.
Junior is a smart kid too, but he takes a more "go with the flow" adventurous (though reckless) attitude with everything. But at school he's definitely the more social twin so he's a popular B-C average student. He also LOVES animals and nature in general, he likes to climb stuff in nature all the time and usually gets hurt. eventually he takes a part time job at a zoo where he bonds with the animals. They nick name him the disney princess because of how easily he bonds with them. As an adult he buys a vintage campervan to travel and explore the country with his 2 dogs, he kind of becomes a hippy/hipster type if I'm honest.
And that's all i have so far for them! Its all open to change however, i feel like they should be involved in something a bit more supernatural 馃馃馃
I'll figure that out later lol
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fireteam-survivor 7 years
Friendship Rant. It is a looooong one.
So, I just need to get all this out and off my chest so apologies for the long windedness of it all. My friend A and B dated for a few years after A relentlessly persued B throughout our school years. Dating me twice during that time after getting turned down by B. It never worked out as he had feelings for B and was very clingy and controlling. Me and A fell out and did not talk for a few years and B had moved to another county to persue her education. A in tow as she had said yes to him and they begun a relationship. I, not long after that, met my partner and we have been together since then and are engaged. About three, three and a half years ago, B got in touch via FB and we reconnected and it was nice to catch up. I then got a looooong and I mean looooong apology message from A over FB and we also reconnected. About six months later (maybe a bit less) A and B broke up and A was devistated and me and my fiance consoled him and since he lived closer than B saw a lot more of him. We met D, E, F and G through him. (I know I missed C, they come into it soon). So this was about three years ago now. Not long after building this little friendship group A learnt B was dating one of our old friends from school (another ex of mine as well) C. Now C is an asshole. He also adored and persued B through school but she never paid him any attention. Well A informed me he had learnt that B had been unfaithful to him when they were dating and me and D would get hours and hours of him bitching about B in our PSN chat parties and this went on up until he stopped really talking to us at the end of last year/start of 2017. Now I have never stopped being friends with B. I still chat to her reguarly on FB and see her now and then. She was aware of A's feelings at the time of their split and informed me that the 'cheating' was a drunken kiss and she realised she had feelings for C so broke it off with A when she realised her feelings for him were not what she thought they were when we met up end of last month. Fair enough. I have done a similar thing in the past. Totally understood where she was coming from and she understood A was mad and needed to vent. Now she had and still has no idea he would bitch about her for hours. He got into music persued relationships with two other girls and did not really talk to me, my partner, D, E, F or G that much anymore apart from for a bit of advice with these other girls and me and D helped as much as we could but he just stopped talking to E, F and G and even stated he never liked F or G that much anyway. This caused us all to think 'Hang on a second... I feel a bit used. All I am good for is an ear to listen and to give advice or for nothing at all' and we just left him to it. Anyway, about two months ago he asked if I wanted to meet up with him and a mate from school. Turns out B and C had split after C stole a large sum of money from her and her parents. C vanished into the wind like the slimey cockroach he is and A was suddenly best friends with B and wanted to be there for her and help her through this tough time. So we met up and had a good time and planned to go out drinking and we did and it was fun. I then met up with B again just the two of us after A had messaged me saying they were back together and I just rolled my eyes and said 'How nice' as not that long ago he hated her, wanted to punch her in the face if he ever saw her again and would not care if she died horribly in an accident. So I asked B what was going on and she said she was not sure. She was in a kind of unsure phase and had just got accepted to do her PhD and a relationship would be hard to maintain whilst doing all the research and work for it. Anyway a few days later they make it offical on FB and A says he will have to arrange to meet up and see me and D this month. Though now it will be next month as he is busy this month. Shall see if we hear from him about this. This is his M.O. once he has a relationship or what he wants from you he ditches you. Anyway. If we do meet up D has only ever heard A say really shitty things about B and I know all the things he has said but B is in a very stressful and rough spot with the stuff C did and trying to figure out things with A so I don't know if I should say anything or hold my tongue. I just do not know.
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