#but ultimately it’s my gf’s decision bc it’s her car
insert-game · 2 years
i hate cars on god
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emmvhq-blog · 6 years
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hello everyone !! i’m nat and i’m very excited i found this rp bc i believe my bby emma can fit v well here, i hope so anyway. i’m 20 and i’m a walking trash can, but at least i’m gay so it’s all good ig. if you’d wish to plot pls pls like this or just send me a message !! i’m down to most plots and don’t let my awkwardness fool u i want all them plots ! anyways now onto my bby em under the cut lmao.
ANNE HATHAWAY. 35. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ↷ do you hear rebel rebel, by david bowie? that must be emma hyde. she has been living in san francisco as a veterinarian for thirty-five years. during that time they have earned the reputation of the hedonist. it makes sense you know, they can be bossy and overcritical. but let’s not forget they’re pretty determined and intelligent.
**tw death
*** tw depression
emma was born in san francisco california in 1982. her parents were high school sweethearts who had been together for years, they had her when they were around 26 and were a cute lil fam, everything was perfect but sadly it didn’t last long.
**  tw death; when emma was barely 6 months old her mom passed away, on her way home from work she was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time and was mugged, she tried to fight back which was a bad decision which ultimately led to her premature death.
so ofc her dad was devastated and everything from that on was tough af but he did his best to look after emma. he was working double jobs and would take her with him bc he just wasn’t interested in leaving her with a nanny?? and overall was a great dad tru champ
bc of this growing up emma and her dad were close af, he was her best friend and they were literally always together. he never remarried and would barely ever date, and when he did he’d never introduce his gfs to emma, so she always missed out on a true mother figure which was just sad af
naturally she’d hang out with a bunch of men the whole time, her dad and his friends / coworkers who’d also look after her. so she kinda got into a lot of hobbies and things that were lowkey considered “boyish” back then.
despite this emma was a v girly girl though, and she’d get frustrated af when her dad couldn’t pull off those cool pretty hairstyles for her or when he’d pick out the wrong pair of jeans or shoes lol which happened all the time.
*** tw depression; so yes emma was pretty much her dad’s whole world and was always getting involved in everything she asked. he even coached her soccer team and all lol. bc he was always so upbeat and a playful dad, it wasn’t until she got significantly older that she started realizing her dad actually suffered from depression. ((nowadays she’s constantly checking up on him))
at age 14 she had a big ass crush on one of her teachers and this was when she started figuring out her sexuality, bc she’d always been so close to her dad she didn’t hesitate on coming to him first. at first he thought maybe she was just confused, maybe growing up without any women in her life had something to do with it ??? but sure enough that had nothing to do with it and it was something he learned eventually. it threw him off at first but he never made her feel wrong for it or anything. a+ parenting if u ask me.
her dad had saved enough money to send her to uni, but emma wanted to become a veterinarian which was a little more expensive than he expected, so she offered to work a part time job and help pay for her own studies.
when she was an intern right before graduating, some guys she used to hang with talked her into taking some supplies from the clinic and sell them it. it seemed like an easy way to do money and she really needed it at the time? so it sort of became a thing for her. this went on for a while, even after she was already an established veterinarian and didn’t really need the money anymore ?? it still seemed like a good and easy way to make some extra cash. this stopped a while ago tho after it got to be too much and she didn’t even need it anymore so ya know.
personality wise, she’s kind of a mix between eleanor from the good place and gina from brooklyn 9 9 ?? just a bit anyway. she’s very skillful and smart, mostly because of her dad who taught her a lot of things. she looooves classic cars and even drives one of her own (a 67 ford mustang) and also motorcycles ?? she probably has one idk i haven't made up my mind yet but she's definitely had one in the past at least
loves being a Big Lesbian and that’s like 90% of her whole personality. just very gay
will look good asf in suits and also in pretty dresses and literally anything. basically dressed to kill. a True Vers
grew up an angsty teen in the 90’s so obvs she loves anything from that decade. big fan of alternative rock. leather jacket lesbian, and obvs loves all animals but dogs have a bigger place in her heart.
has a dog, a brown labrador. he’s a Big Boy but he’s her baby. literally her child. his name is remi. 
somE QUIck wc’s; coworkers maybe ?? someone she met at the bar bc she probs goes there often lmao. uhh another Cool Cars enthusiast she can gush about cars with lmao.  clients ig ?? she’ll take care of y'alls pets. maybe childhood friends??. former flings/relationships. and uHhh idk anything else !! 
this got way too long and it’s messy lmao! but yeah thats p much it for now and ily for reading !! Pls come plot w me !!
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emerssn-blog1 · 8 years
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hey fam !!! it me hanna & this is my new son (but more accurately fATHER) emerson !! i’m honestly so hyped to play him so hmu for plots :~~~) pls :~)
i’m not the only one who just saw milo ventimiglia walk by, right ? oh, wait, that was emerson beckett. i don’t know much about them besides that they’re thirty two years old and moved into golden horizons six years ago. everyone calls them the recluse because they’re reticent and solitary, but also altruistic and adroit. i’ve also heard he is currently a coffee shop owner and identifies as cis male.
k so this is emerson!!! he was born in a rly rly small town in georgia into a really big family!! edit: he was born on a farm this is an important detail otherwise none of thise makes sense lmao
im talkin big like .. he had six other siblings & he lived with many of his other relatives as well
he basically grew up in a very small gated neighbourhood - the kind where u go to school with the exact same small group of kids every year, u know all of ur neighbours stories and their parents know u and everyone’s just pals nd practically family
from a young age, emerson rly rly loved school strangely?? his family never considered it that much of a priority but emerson genuinely loved it and learned very quickly!! he read things on his own (anything he could get his hands on), lit knew the most useless random facts and would go around sharing them and yea sdjfjfsd he was a nerd since early on 
he was always interested in learning. for the rest of his family, after high school, it meant they were gonna continue working on the farm & carry on w what their parents do. but emerson wanted to venture out...learn more abt the rest of the world...
emerson finished his schooling quickly & graduated when he was 17 !! he wanted to go to university and move to the city and make his dreams of becoming a vet come true but his parents...disapproved 
so he stayed for another yr and planned on moving out on his own when he was 18!! 
another detail to note tho was that from childhood, he met the Ultimate Love of his Life. her name was savannah !! 
anyways she dreamed of moving to the city too?? it was always a thing of theirs to leave together nd live together it was very hopeful but yanno they didn’t know any better
when he was 18, sav and emerson moved to nyc !! emerson wanted to study biology nd she wanted to become an actress :-) his parents were still very much opposed but they supported him financially in regards to tuition, bc they highly doubted he’d last for very long
they were right , it was hella difficult ?? they didn’t help him out very much w money besides tuition so he was working a lot while studying
it wasn’t an ideal situation but he still got to live in the city, with his gf, and it was hard but he refused to prove his parents right?? so he stayed and worked rly rly hard but slowly his parents stopped financially supporting him as they gradually realized his choice was final
when he was in his 3rd yr of uni tho sav became pregnant .. so emerson naturally came to the conclusion that they can’t afford for him to go to school when he’s gotta work to support them & their baby so he dropped out rip
yea so now he’s working even MORE and it’s stressful and they can barely pay bills or do ... anything really
so even after the baby was born, they lived paycheck to paycheck. emerson never really bothered telling his family about his situation tbh
when their kid ( her name is theadora aka thea !! ) was four years old tho, savannah died after bein involved in a nasty car accident :( it was obviously very hard on both thea and emerson
in need of a fresh start, emerson moved to sf. he was still broke tho lol 
so yea !! he moved into golden horizons w thea and started workin in a coffee shop. over the yrs, he moved up positions & got highkey close w the owner but as the owner passed away 2 yrs ago, he was given the shop nd still runs it today!!
now its lowkey a mix of a coffee shop & a cheap book shop/library?? he collects all his faves heh
in general he’s still .. a pretty upbeat person he’s just a lil worn out bc life was....definitely not everything he ever dreamed of being and he’s sort of had to settle because of what was given to him but !! he isn’t like super emo about it u know he doesn’t like to think about it too much
he loves bein in the city but at heart is still a southern boy?? rly old fashioned bad w technology loves the outdoors loves nature and animals all that good stuff
he’s so sefless like he feels so guilty if he does something for himself?? esp after having a kid and even after living on his own w sav, he’s used to giving up stuff and making sacrifices for other people so ,, he just feels like someone else deserves help more than him?? someone gotta remind him to take care of himself too
tbh emerson has a lot of surface lvl relationships but not a lot of super deep ones just bc he’s so bad at maintaining relationships and unless someone initiates it then he hates making the first move bc he feels awkward and like he’s bein annoying 
but if he loves u he will stick with u no matter WHAT ,, for real
probs seems annoyed sometimes but rly he’s just in his thoughts too much nd in actuality is very nice !! 
literally carries around snacks everywhere just in case also probs hands out water bottles .. he is everyones dad ok
possible connections!!
any ex plot tbh but specifically, ex-fiance or ex- very very serious relationship?? i could see them having gotten into the relationship a few months or so after emerson moved to sf ( or anytime, really ) and things got pretty Real but in the end emerson wasn’t prepared to go all the way and ended things
ride or die - i live for brotps!!!! or any bff plots!!!!! give me all of them!!!!
friends w benefits?? emerson’s never gonna put a label on it and maybe ur muse feels the same way so for now they’re just foolin around ,, havin fun
like a lil sibling sort of?? just someone that emerson’s super protective of bc he’s the ultimate dad friend tbh. let him be ur designated driver for when ur drunk & lecture u on making responsible decisions
if ur neighbours with this boi hit me up
if ur chara lived in ny back in the day then maybe they were also really good pals with his ex gf aka the mother of his child?? that would be interesting bc emerson is still really attached
his bad influence ~~ the one that convinces him 2 take one night for himself, make dumb choices nd wake up the next morning not remembering anything!!
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Not the previous anon, but I'd love to hear about a more detailed timeline of what happens throughout the film and what happens to the characters with spoilers since we have no idea when or if it will be released and I'm impatient lol. You could stick it behind a separate link for people who don't want to be spoiled.
Okay lol I tried for something like a plot summary but it felt weird to try to write; sorry it’s such a bad job! The film is really the performances and the layers those bring out, but here it goes below the cut. Spoilers ahead, obviously, so just don’t read if avoiding:
It opens with will at a recovery meeting, we find out things are going well in his life, he has a good job, house, girlfriend he really cares about (and is thinking of moving in w tho is still afraid to open up to her fully). He’s very sweet — the line in a review that they’re good people who make horrible decisions feels right. Then he goes home and his former best friend is there who isn’t clean and it’s clear the whole interaction disturbs will and he is very reluctant to engage with him. The friend Chris then goes home locks himself in his room while his mom Claire is in the other room and overdoses—but it seems much more purposeful. It’s that he k*lls himself. She bangs on the door of the room realizing something is wrong. It’s awful. Will goes back to the funeral. His recovery feels itself very fragile. He’s sweet but also a tortured soul. The relationship with Becca is very sweet tho, but he can’t also rely on someone else to keep him together (unfair to her) and he also isn’t comfortable opening up to her yet. The affair with Claire starts after she calls him to give him something she thinks Chris would want them to have. She gets drunk in that dinner clip you see from deadline so he drives her home and she’s not okay and asks him to stay till she falls asleep and they kiss but he leaves. He knows it’s not right. He goes back another night though. The movie never plays this as anything other then a disastrous choice for both, and a total mess of guilt and loss and messed up Oedipal thing going on: he had helped take care of his mother while she was dying from cancer, she was taking care of her son as he was dying from addiction. Both have shared grief and guilt over Chris. He doesn’t tell her Chris came to see him that night; it’s almost as if he’s trying to make it up to her by being there for her in anyway and he’s also using it as a coping mechanism for his guilt too. But he’s also guilty about doing it bc of Becca and tries to stop it as it’s clear it’s a terrible coping mechanism for them that is only causing more harm. Chris’s death hangs over everything as the ultimate guilt. As Will’s father points out to Claire, Chris never would have gotten hooked on drugs in the first place if not for Will (Will’s father blames him for everything). Will at some point due to all the accruing layers of guilt goes out and buys heroin but calls Becca instead of using. Just as he’s beginning to let her in and they’re planning on moving in and they seem happy and all the stuff w Claire has ended (only she doesn’t know he cheated so). Meanwhile, Claire finds out from Will’s father that Chris saw Will that night and she goes over to Will’s house w Becca there and basically blows up his life. It’s a really intense scene in which she blames him for everything but in this specific way you’d need to see. Becca realizes he cheated on her, ending that relationship. Will later tries to apologize to Claire for not telling her about seeing Chris that night and she’s basically telling him Chris should have had the pretty gf and nice house and job (ie not you). So what happens to will? Curious to hear exactly what people think happened— there’s some ambiguity at the end and yet also not. The last scene and shot is the most devastating thing I’ve seen Charlie perform, it’s like stunningly acted. Otherwise just more of my opinion, It’s  purposefully slow moving and character driven, shot beautifully, the script is too on the nose, a few too many shots of will in a car contemplating things tm lol. It’s vey very very sad but beautiful performances carry it and I think fans of Charlie will feel proud and just want to see him act more bc he can be damn good.
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