#but we can do multiple things and blocking a bunch of selfish celebs isn’t going to hurt anyone
sharpth1ng · 4 months
What are your opinions on the blockout going on? i’m really easily influenced so at the start i was like wow this is a great idea but since then i’ve seen lots of people saying that “it’s going to do nothing about gaza and why don’t we focus on that rather than focus on blocking celebrities” and now i’m like… rethinking?? my opinion?? like yes that’s true but also shouldn’t we be holding people with influential platforms to be trying to help?? idk what do u think sharpy warpy pooh bear
I think this is a nuanced situation, and also please y’all take everything I say with a grain of salt, I’m very much still learning and developing my moral opinions and I’m not an authority on anything. If folks have opinions that differ please feel free to share, I’m open to changing my mind.
All that said, I think the most important thing to do is to focus directly on Palestine by spreading awareness, making donations, participating in rallies, ect. If you have a limited amount of time or energy focus your effort on that.
In terms of the blockout I think it has the potential to be productive and I think that socially/culturally it wouldn’t be bad for us to give celebrities less direct power over us.
With the way our social structures work we have a limited number of way to express what we want and don’t want. Even the right to protest is constantly infringed on like we’re seeing now with cops attacking students in pro-palestine encampments. So to me if the blockout has the potential to make a statement that will actually be listened to then I’m all for it.
At the end of the day I think it’s disgusting that these people have been silent with the kind of money and power they have. I don’t think they’re using that money and power well, so I’m not going to give them more of it. I don’t think anyone should have that much structural power over anyone else in the first place, but as long as we live in a system where some people do have that level of privilege it should be standard to expect more from them.
To me the blockout was sort of a personal choice/ experiment, because we have yet to see if this kind of collective action will result in real change. I don’t see it as a way to support the Palestinian people right now though.
It might help in some way, we really can’t know yet, but we don’t have the luxury of waiting to find out. Help is needed immediately, and there are lots of more reliable and effective ways to provide aid. But if you want to do Blockout on the side? Why not, it’s not going to hurt.
P.S Why the fuck are we calling me Pooh Bear
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