#but well WHATEEVR
literaphobe · 4 months
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naomistares · 6 months
apology in advance for my next tlt short comic will probably be once again, harryanthe
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amygdalae · 7 months
I shouldn't be goign to college I should be somewhere in another country churning out dozens of unsettling surrealist paintings and engaging in a hot but questionable love affair
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crystalis · 3 months
god my grandma pisses me off she always wants to talk about whatever she sees on Fox News.. idk why she wants to talk to me about anything political she knows how far apart we are and no conversation ever goes anywhere but she still brings it up every time
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twilightarcade · 4 months
i still can't believe she said that shit to me
#wordstag#she KNOWS I can't get behind that stuff ! She's met me yeah ?#tthen she has the audacity to say it's not that deep. Like yeah; saying that all of humanity is inherently evil and wouldn't#accomplish anything if it weren't for their lives hanging over their heads isn't that deep. Average Tuesday type conversation.#'if you were an apple farmer wouldn't you want to hoard your apples?' BUT FOR WHAT?? WHERE DOES THAT GREED GET YOU. WHY IS THE AVERAGE#PERSON IN YOUR MIND INHERENTLY GREEDY. Like ohhh if everything was free nothing would get done because people need motivation#like shit isn't getting done as it is now. You want to be a music teacher. You can't because of money. Why isn't this an obvious solution#like . I know you can't just go welp everything is free now; have fun. I know you can't destroy all of modern economics like that.#but why is a hypothetical magical world where we do that bad. What did the human race do before capitalism? Just roll over and die?#there was still art. There's always art. There's always going to be someone who wants to do something with their life that can't#because of MONEY. Like everything is so focused on money [coughing at the art industry] why can't it just be .#^^^^ anyway context I was talking 2 someone (that I know . Like really well ) and proposed just#getting rid of money forever . Because fhey wanted to be a teacher but couldn't bc money#and this was like . The most preposterous thing to them. Why would people do anything if not for money etcetc#even went as far as 'humans are inherently evil' which wooooaaaaah slow down there buddy .#you're letting your christian show. Or whateevr. Idk just not an idea I can personally get behind#then she goes 'it'snotbthat deep' like she didn't just imply something about the entirety of the human population. Or something.#like if humans are so evil jsut kill us now or something .
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i just got up to eat meat burek and yogurt and say hi literally looking half dead and ghostlike with a stuffy voice then i went back to bed…
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timehascomeagain · 2 years
I wonder why i have a headache it's almost like it's 1am
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just discovered your blog today and i love the concept, plus the ranking method is pretty well thought out
and with that may i request to see how good sigilyph would be as a friend? ty for your time ^^
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(Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy the blog!)
Sigilyph is a curious case. As far as a score goes, it seems like sigilyphs would make pretty good pets. However, when you get down into the details, I'm not sure if a sigilyph is the best choice for a pet, per se.
At four feet tall and levitating, sigilyphs may be a little big for some homes. If you have plenty of outdoors, open-air space they will probably be satisfied if they need to stretch out and move a little. Sigliyphs don't seem particularly friendly or unfriendly. They are a pretty one-track mind, really. This is where the problems start to show up.
In the wild, sigilyphs are associated with a particular ancient city (though where it is, I'm not sure). According to some accounts, sigilyphs were guardians of this city and continue to patrol the desert due to their memories of this duty (Black). Some say that, rather than acting as guardians of this ancient city, sigilyphs were emmisaries of whateevr people or pokémon lived there (Sword). What we know for certain is that sigilyphs are very protective of the desert where the city used to be, protecting the teritory with their impressive psychic powers (White).
For you prospective sigilyph-owners out there, can I ask how you plan on getting one to adopt? Approaching them in their natural habitat is rather dangerous. They boast a pretty threatening set of psychic moves, including some, like Hypnosis, that can put you to sleep in an instant. I also wonder how difficult to keep a sigilyph away from their territory would be; after all, it's said that they follow the same patrol route over and over (Black). Would they be unhappy? Would they try to escape and return to their post? I'm not even sure if it's ethical to keep sigilyph anywhere far from the ancient city.
Overall, sigilyphs aren't too big or dangerous to be pets, by any means. But it seems like they may be stressed living away from their guardian duties and may not be happy in a home environment, so I don't think I can comfortably recommend them as pets.
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voltrixz · 2 months
Fine ok I’ll go on a whole ass really long electroshocker ramble that’s really really gay
You can blame @canadian-pug-cartel
(Also this might be extremely incoherent, idk I’m just yapping at this point )
Ok I think when they first met with the first time the s6 formed, electro took a small interest to shocker. Sorta developing a small guy crush (or smt like that ) where he’s mostly in awe of shocker and kinda looks up to him, finds him cool and whatever. I guess the best way to put it is the initial guy crush or whateevr thing that deadpool had for Spider-Man when they first met (just less gayer and way smaller in scale because electro could never compete with the levels of homosexuality that Deadpool is dealing with ). But yeah that’s why I think in the sewers when shocker asks soemthing about how they;re gonna defeat spiderman, electro tries to show off his powers but like instantly fails and gets chewed out by doc (most failcringe bisexual….).
Shocker funnily enough doesn’t really think of that interaction much (at the moment he just thinks huh. Weird. And just moves on )but I think it’s funny to think that interaction haunts electro for a while… (biggest embarrassment of his life bro.)
Anywayssssssss, from that moment on the fact that like shocker and electro have similar powers and shocker can help electro train his powers more, doc ock decides to partner them up a lot. This lets the 2 to grow closer and also only furthers the supposedly straight guy crush that electro has because shocker to me would be the type to be very comfortable with physical touch/contact with people he’s close to (and besides he would have to get pretty close to train him,(I saw a post that showed this really well I’ll reblog that after this maybe ) and of course electro is freaking out because he has not felt the touch of another man in years…(and he’s very obvious about it because his sparks are going crazy) shocker however doesn’t take the hint (yet at least)
But eventually electro does get over the totally straight award guy crush and starts being pretty comfortable with shocker. Which makes him become wayyyyy more comfortable with psychical touch/contact, leading for the two to be very comfortable in each other’s space. They’re constantly leaning on each other and what not.
Also forgot to mention that throughout this whole Time shocker is slowly taking more and more interest in electro. Picking up on his body language and such (shocker rlly likes looking at electro’s sparks move and zap, hearing the buzzing and watching his eyes glow or dim) , just observing a lot (he likes observing electro a lot I think ), he finds him weird (reference to that one comic of seeing electro just chow down on a bunch of wires) but also very intriguing
Anywaysss as they get closer shocker’s interest in him grows more and he realizes that such interest is making him feel certain things (gay things. Fag.) and this is also when he puts two and two together with why electro got so nervous around him before. Course electro doesn’t get as nervous anymore but shocker does sometime catch it and he wonders if electro still does like him in that way (he still does btw it’s just veryyyy Lowkey), but yeah as they grow closer, more and more of these feelings keep bubbling up, shocker even hangs out more with the s6 and let’s them come to bar more often yadda yadda.
Oftentimes electro comes by the bar alone and shocker is always glad to see him (often refers to him as his favorite regular ) and the two hang out a lot in the bar even after closing time. They also hang out a lot of the bases’ rooftop (if it has one) and here are where things get gay unfortunately…. (Sorry I’m homophobic ), they ever so slowly try to push what they;re usually used to. They occasionally drop small flirts with each other and their usual touch is far more intimate (such as shocker placing a hand on electro;s face and even fully cupping his face at some point )(how tHE hell these 2 not figured out they’re both into each other I have no idea). And oftentimes the 2 brush it off, eiether switching between being oblivious or thinking it didn’t mean much. But their relationship is very much changing in some way. the two clearly see each other more then jsut friends (and so can the s6 at this point who are so sick of their back and forth ) and there’s a shit ton of pinning but none of them say anything or do anything to confirm that.
On shocker’s end he’s not even sure how to approach this, nor does he even know if he can because while tombstone and his crew are on good terms with the s6, that might not always be the case and he has to make sure whatever he has with electro doesn’t get in the way of his work. On electro;s end we know his shitty track record of relationships and how he handles them so a potiental romantic one could go up in flames, and also there’s that lingering self doubt that makes electro believe that’s there’s no way shocker likes someone like him when shocker could literally have anyone he wants (electro and his crushing self confidence sigh.)
But eventually they do get together. Sorta. (Situationship babey 🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️) and it happens impulsively I think. Some night alone at the bar and shocker reaches for electro’s face and then suddenly leans in to kiss him. Electro kisses back of course and that’s when the two finally get confirmation that yes the two very much into each other. But there’s not much said, just a silent understanding of not being completely sure of putting a romantic relationship label on what they have, but as long as they can do more of this (kissing and whatnot and just generally being more intimate with each other ) that’s all they really need. So wooo situationship, they still do a lot of things they did before (being very comfortable in each others space and leaning on each other yadd yadda ) but there’s a lot more intimacy within them (gay shit booooo boooooo I hate gay people in love boooo booo ) but yeah 👍👍👍👍
And then shit happens in the merc electro au and there’s a breakup or whatever, mega angst time babey 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️
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heroingirl1995 · 1 year
Man my friends throwing a pool party today and my other friend and i were supposd to go but she literally didnt bring it up until 20 mins ago so i assumed she didnt want to go anymore. and i was like whateevr i need to go furniture shopping anyways but now shes like Well i did tell the first friend we were going and she was really excited so like….. LIKE OMG U DIDNT ANSWER NY TEXT UNTIL 20 MINS BEFORE THE PARTY STARTED I THOT WE WERENT GOING 😭😭😭
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yourbleedingh3art · 2 years
Its finally time for me to accept that my eyes might be bigger than my stomach when it comes to fruit. im always like Buy me fruititit please buy me so muc fruit and then. i have a stockpile of different fruits and im like Emmm....Too mucfruit....Idkwhih fruit to eat....Im Gonna eat pizza. No chips. No pasta. No burrito. And then tomorrow i eat frutl (Tomorrow comes) umm,.......Ermm.....Wellll i dont have to eat it jsut bc i *said* I would.. i can eat whateevr i want, like pizza, or chips........ Ok i will eat it tomorrow (Tomorrow comes)Ummm ermm well now it is not ripe anymore it's a little overripe and that is my fault so i will still eat it but not today bc i am not in the mood to eat overripe fruit today. So i will eat it tomorrow. (Tomorrow comes) Ok now it has mold on it. So i am throwing it away now. Sometiems i eat around the mold but then i think oh my god you are eating around MOLD!!! And it makes me sudenly want to puke. So i think this problem is fixed i just unfortunately need to be more selective in my fruit selection. Or get a compost pile going and a garden started
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echotunes · 8 months
OH I SEE IT!!! however... i did also hear that forever told fit to kill him (probably for the mission)... i'm so torn i want them to reunite i hope there's a bit of angst i also hope they're a comfort to each other... whatever whateevr whatever it's fine...
also i don't know if i mentioned but i went back to see forever's vod just after richarlyson and i saw the scene you based your 4pac fic on and oh my god... if youtube autotranslate isn't lying to me... i was already in the trenches but i just dug myself deeper...
- purposefully placed pickaxe puzzle :)
he did do that and it was for the mission but it's fine it's fine... it's just purgatory things... I also heard Pac let blue team kill Fit today :( but I assume there hasn't been a 4pac reunion yet. or if there was then I will be very sad that nobody told me. at the rate things are going in purgatory I somehow doubt there will be reunion angst (or an emotional scene in general) but who knows who knows. I trust in Pac's roleplaying I'd be happy for him to surprise me
also RIGHT. YOU GET ME. from what Portuguese I understand the autotranslate is pretty accurate and AUGHGH. for everyone else's benefit this is the scene (4:02:29) and I'm making it required viewing on my blog. if you've read my fic I need you to know the beginning is very much based on the conversation they had in canon (well. up until the gay kissing that was all me) and it's literally so. look
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alliumautism · 1 year
sigh i’m sorry about that big man :( that sucks. i hate when things like that happen! i hope you can find someone else <3
cow ^_^ yippie!!! cows nice. especially fluffy cows. thanku 💖
also i don’t know if you forgot or just didn’t but this is a reminder to pin your pinned post to your blog :]
-gay kiss anon
THANK YUO!!! idek if i want someone else and im not too worried abt it anymore tbh. i have my headmates like violet n stuff n i might get lonely sometimes but i also have friends n brotehrs and well Those are just as important if not more so then whateevr "romance" and anyways i think its stupid to separate the two. sometimes u r just so close that it defies all labels and i think people should embrace that more
COWS!!! MY EBLVOED.... i love cows. especially highland cows like that one. so cute. so fluffy
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bunycube · 3 years
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aoba my love.....
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larrytrainor · 5 years
3rd times the charm!
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cucumbersncheese · 5 years
According to my mother, children automatically respect their mother if the father is in the picture bc the "kids see that their mother is being loved and cared for so they do the same" and thats why none of us respect her and get all rude and shit... theres either so much to unpack that i dont want to or nothing to unpack
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