#but what bothered me of usui was how 'perfect' they tried to make him out to be even though he was a jerk
tortademaracuya · 2 years
I dont understand hate reading until i remember when i was a teen i would stay up to date with kaichou wa maid sama's manga even though i fucking hated it
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uwua3 · 4 years
i love your spoiled sakuya hcs and the juza hcs with the baker s/o, they were so adorable!! ♡ can i have hcs for masumi with an s/o who likes to bake too and they're trying to teach masumi how to bake by baking together?
ah, thank you so much!!! your support means the world to me, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my work TT you’re even more adorable!!! for someone who knows nothing about baking, i love sweets too much so i cannot wait to do this prompt :D i hope to make you happy with this ♡
summary: for someone who didn’t eat sweets, masumi sure ate a lot of your baking
author’s note: i loved writing this despite my lack of baking experience TT please enjoy a tsundere! masumi and a reader who is doing their best :D thank you for reading~
word count: 4,121
music: if i could ride a bike – park bird, chevy, the girl i have a crush on – frad
all you need is love... and cookies!
🌸💌 usui masumi
ever since you could remember, you’ve always aspired to be a baker
you were the kid who walked by bakeries and had to push your face against the glass at the sight of pastries. you were definitely the type to admire and double tap every post concerning cute creations just because it made you happy. you filled your mouth with so much sugar, your dentist definitely had to see you every year
so when you proudly shared to the boys you were pursuing baking, you purposely left out the fact you had begged the bakery staff to hire you despite having no experience
(you were really only hired due to your clear passion for anything sweet, but an opportunity was a chance to do even better!)
at first, your part–time shifts at the local veludo way bakery meant you always had extras to take home. but now, you had acquired the position of an amatuer apprentince who spent all their time after school perfecting their craft
professional, well–done masterpieces wrapped in pristine, elegant white boxes became sloppy, edible creations with just as much love, much to the confusion and disappointment of the dorms
so when it became apparent that you weren’t naturally blessed with the talent to be the best baker in the world, it ate away at you ever since you stared back at the collapsed cake across from you (it didn’t take long before you were back on register duty for the day)
you could tell none of the mankai boys truly enjoyed your food when they couldn’t even force themselves to finish it (not even juza)
this meant you had practically taken over the limited space the kitchen offered to practice even more, focusing on exact measurements and mixtures just to mess up every single time
you were this close to giving up and binging bake–offs on tv to feel even more insecure of your abilities before you noticed something out of the ordinary this time
crouching down to look at the open fridge, you smiled despite the flour staining your apron and sugar you accidentally wiped across your forehead
the cupcake you made yesterday... that was nearly toppled over with uneven amounts of icing, perhaps your worst invention yet, was gone
did this mean... someone ate it?
you were about to close the door, before you noticed there was a note left instead in the place of the missing dessert
“you did a good job. don’t give up.”
your heart swelled with pride once you realized someone in the dorms genuinely believed in your skill. you squealed and performed a celebration dance in the middle of the kitchen, jumping up and down from the praise
you picked your head up and fixed the baker’s hat that was about to fall off, before turning the paper around and noticing something scrawled on the back
“you can’t substitute butter for cream cheese, you know.”
you blinked before reading it again, feeling a light bulb above your head. attempting the recipe you just failed with a new sense of determination, you realized you did mix up the yellow ingredients
oh... whoops!
(you were so involved and dedicated to your work that you didn’t notice a black–haired boy lean against the door frame for a second with a slight smile before leaving)
from then on, you didn’t give up, just like the note told you to!
every time you made a new product, you expected it to be gone the next time you took a break from the kitchen. you began enjoying the process more than anything, following recipes exactly with few, minimal errors
it helped every time the person who finished eating your dessert left truthful, straightforward reviews on the back of their praise! somehow, they always knew what went wrong and genuinely assisted you in trying again and again
your effort paid off! slowly but surely, you were able to make your favorites presentable, tasty, and worthy of sharing with others! the better you got, the more optimistic your attitude became—you could do this, you got this!
quitting was a thing of the past now, how could you give up when you’ve come this far? you knew you couldn’t have done it without that one fateful note from your first customer
the mankai dorm noticed your renewed energy at your passion and slowly reaped the benefits. you would put aside one of every creation of yours for the mystery critic, but offered the rest to the boys as a way to thank them for their continous support (even if it wasn’t through eating in the beginning)
yet, as you took the trey of muffins from the oven early in the morning to prepare quick breakfast for the actors, you frowned at the thought of one boy: masumi
no matter how many times you tried, masumi wouldn’t eat your food. it didn’t matter if you wrote his name on it with icing or specifically made a treat based on his favorite flavor, he wouldn’t take it. he’d barely glance at you with a resounding “no” in front of everyone before slipping his headphones back on
it was truly an awkward sight to behold. a quiet, seemingly annoyed teenage boy coming home late from a long day of school and an discouraged part–time baker still in their academy uniform and apron, holding a platter of something good, mind you!
as you individually wrapped each muffin and wrote each person’s name on a sticky note before moving on to pack boxed lunches for the high school students (yourself included), you hesitated on masumi’s before deciding to take that one and leave it for your secret food reviewer
if he wasn’t going to enjoy it, at least someone would
as everyone began waking up, you let out a sigh of relief after laying out all the food you prepared the day of organized by name. all in a day of hard work and the endless compliments from the sleepy kids and appreciative adults made it all worth it
for some reason, as masumi walked inside the kitchen with his headphones already on, you unintentionally let out a disappointed sigh as he walked past your beautiful display. not even a look, did he not like you?
(you strangely felt disappointed from the thought of masumi not liking you, you wanted him to see you as a friend)
after having breakfast together, you left with the high school boys, animatedly discussing whatever homework you guys had (which taichi never finished as he begged for answers) and upcoming classes
on the way out, maybe if you weren’t challenged by banri to see who could sprint to the end of the street the fastest, you would’ve noticed how masumi lingered behind to grab a snack. he opened the refridgerator to take a specific one, just for him
the mankai boys liked meeting up with each other at the local park once the final bell rang just to update each other on how the day went on the way home, but you always had bakery duty right after, rushing out of the doors to wave goodbye to your friends
“thank you for the lunch!” they thanked you again gratefully, wishing you well as you two went your separate ways. masumi was always at the back of the crowd and avoided looking your direction, moving on without a single word
as masumi led the way to pick up muku and yuki, sakuya walked by his side with a curious glance towards his blazer jacket. without warning, sakuya reached out to brush something off his collar
“sorry, masumi–kun! you had... crumbs?” sakuya trailed off quietly, noticing how masumi’s face was slowly becoming red. anyone would’ve missed it, but not his own observant best friend
when sakuya connected the dots on why masumi didn’t eat lunch with him and banri, he simply just hummed a sound of acknowledgement before joining in on the lively conversation between the o high boys
masumi turned his music volume up without looking at anyone, not seeing sakuya’s quiet smile
masumi didn’t even like sweets that much, but he ate the muffin? sakuya thought before eventually getting distracted by tenma, who nudged him with a concerned look
it wasn’t him he should be worried about, what about masumi?! sakuya turned before doing a full 360 with wide eyes. he rapidly looked both ways before grabbing tenma’s shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed
“tenma! did you see where masumi went?”
“oh, he said he had class or something?”
“class? for what?”
you finally clocked out for your shift, hanging your apron back up on the wall of hooks as you placed your name tag back with your uniform. before you could leave, you heard someone call for you to come back
oh no... were you... in trouble?! you gulped, turning on your heel to come face to face with your boss, who’s expression remained strict and stoic as ever. this was it, you were going to get fired and goodbye culinary school—
“rookie, you did good,” your boss started and you felt like you were on a sugar rush. did renowned, highly experienced head baker of the whole establishment just compliment you? before you could pass out from the praise in front of everyone, he continued
“but not great.”
oh. you were about to collapse, but for a completely different reason now. of course you weren’t that good...
“but good enough for this.” he passed to you a flyer with a ticket before leaving, not bothering to check your reaction. he was always like that, a man of a few words, it reminded you of mas—
wait, teaching a baking class?
you paused, bringing the paper closer to your eyes as you skimmed the headline and details beneath the cute promotional doodles decorating the design
the community center was holding a local baking class this evening (taught by employees of your own bakery!). it seemed like it was aimed at every person in any possible demographic with the large, easy–to–read font for the elderly and childish drawings for the youth
you wondered why you hadn’t heard of it before, putting the ticket in front of you to see your name and your lucky number on the pass. how coincidental, maybe this was a sign you should go
you looked up at the sound of someone clearing their throat in front of you. your boss suddenly seemed much less intimidating but more... fatherly? he ruffled your hair and attempted a smile (it looked more like a grimance, but you appreciated the effort)
“you love baking, right? have fun, get some training in.” you grinned and forced him into a hug. “thank you!” you responded, squeezing him tightly and ignoring how you were this close to being put on the early bird rotation
“get off me before i fire you.”
“yes, chef!”
when you put back on your baker’s apron and travelled with the rest of the staff to the community center to help set up, you were practically bouncing with uncontrollable energy in the back seat as you watched the evening lights turn on throughout the town
this was a sign! you had improved so much, you got promoted to teaching a community baking class because you’ve made it that far! nothing could ruin this!
or, so you thought
when you perfectly laid out the set of ingredients and utensils ready for each station, you glanced at the list at your side to see who your partner would be
as you read down the columns, you were internally hoping maybe for a sweet, wise grandmother who carried candy in her vintage purse. or, even an enthusiastic, blabbering child whose parents watched on from the side with maternal pride and love. anyone, really!
you hummed to the tune of some family friendly music from the radio, the bright yellow lights illuminating the makeshift kitchen as you somehow ignored the team’s volleyball practice happening upstairs
you followed your finger on the paper, landing on your name with a smile. yet, the look on your face completely disappeared as you double–checked to make sure it was yours
the name besides yours was blank? while others signed their full names, your partner either didn’t exist or had no alias to go by
“chef?” you asked your boss, causing him to look up from the front of the room with a blank expression. right... he was still your scary head pastry chef that definitely had multiple chances to fire you at this point
“um... how come the name for my station is blank?” you nervously questioned from his soulless stare before he rubbed his forehead with a sigh, as if burdened to actually think this time. then, he snapped his fingers together so suddenly you were startled
“there’s a kid who’s been going here for a while now, but he never tells us his name. you got him tonight.”
wow, that was the most the boss ever spoke to you, or in general
“do i make myself clear, rook?”
“yes, chef!”
you didn’t dare question him any further, just obediently wiped down your glistening metal table and avoided his harsh hawk eyes at any time possible
when the clock hit 8pm, you giddily tried your best not to hop up and down as you watched people stream into the kitchen. most were regulars, you noticed as the team happily greeted their typical partners
luckily, the list of attendees had increased so you were now a certified local teacher to the public. you tried to look the part and not smile too wide, hiding your obvious excitement at the new role. you glanced around with an eager look, trying to locate the kid your boss referred to earlier
“are you looking for your partner?” your co–worker randomly asked, walking up to you out of no where. you blinked multiple times, trying to see if they were talking to you before confirming they were, smiling nervously from the rare interaction
“yeah, i’m really excited!” you laughed, rubbing the back of your neck as you kept your eyes on the door. your co–worker nodded, waiting for their guest as well as they leaned against the wall, crossing their arms casually
“you should be. he’s a real natural at all this, you know, despite doing it for such a short time.” they commented, not saying any more once they waved to their partner coming in. you turned towards their retreating figure, about to ask for more information before you felt someone move next to you, their eyes trained on your back intensely
right, nothing could ruin this for you, not even—
your eyes widened and you nearly dropped the whole mixing bowl you had been playing with
masumi blinked, before spinning around to quickly try to make his way out of the room. you didn’t think before you acted, impulsively latching onto his black jacket sleeve and wincing at his sneakers skid to a stop on the floor
“listen, i know you don’t like me, but—” you mumbled, feeling less confident by the second the more he stared at you over his shoulder. it was the first time he had his headphones off for more than a minute around you, you didn’t know what to say to someone you barely knew
“you think i don’t like you?” masumi spoke for once, his deep voice shocking you but his words were an even bigger surprise. you were about to respond before the head chef began class, your boss ordering everyone to get ready or be left behind
(a few lighthearted chuckles travelled throughout the room but you shuddered internally, knowing boss wasn’t joking)
masumi seemed to debate between leaving and embarrassing you completely in front of your staff or staying to endure a painful, awkward two hours with you before he sighed, putting on his own apron without looking at you once
you didn’t have anything to say, maintaining the large distance between you two with a frown
maybe one thing, or person, could ruin this for you... how did he end up being your partner?!
as head chef went around to introduce the recipe for tonight, you didn’t know what to do. you had never talked to masumi one on one, he usually hung back with sakuya or trailed after izumi seeking validation. what could you say to someone who supposedly didn’t care for you at all?
when chef let the groups start, you picked up the cookie recipe and thanked whoever was listening it was something you could make in your sleep. you were about to start before masumi peered over your shoulder, trying to read with you
right, you had to work together with masumi or else you’d be the worst teacher ever
you slid the paper to the middle of the table, reading the first step out loud and masumi was already on it, moving to preheat the oven to 375 degrees without hesitation
you stopped, looking at him with slight shock once again. he was strangely good at taking orders without questioning a thing, you thought he would’ve given you at least some attitude
(maybe, he wasn’t as mean as you thought he was)
he returned, flicking the highlighted black hair out of his face with an unreadable look to his eyes. he waved his hand in front of your face, breaking your haze as you blushed from getting caught staring
“what’s next?” masumi bluntly asked, and you were quick to focus again and immediately went into your professional mode, missing the way masumi admired your dedication before pretending he was getting busy
without wasting time, masumi was whisking white flour, salt, and baking soda in a small bowl while you were consistently swirling a cup of butter over a saucepan, both of you working oddly well together without much words needing to be exchanged
huh... maybe he wasn’t all that bad. of course masumi was a good baker, what wasn’t he great at?
yet, you didn’t think he liked it. he didn’t eat too much sugar to begin with, what made him want to learn how to bake in the first place?
“i haven’t seen you teach here before.” masumi said, trying to start the conversation. you did a double take, wondering if he was serious or just plain condescending before you shrugged, keeping your eyes on the butter
“chef wanted me here for the first time tonight.” you awkwardly responded, feeling the tense silence in the air even as other stations around you loudly chatted with one another. masumi nodded, seemingly paying attention even as he whisked with precision you wished you had
“must mean you’ve become a good baker.” masumi replied and you couldn’t help but smile, thinking of the note you were going to come home to in the fridge
“hopefully.” you simply said, trying not to sound bitter as you didn’t let the rest of your sentence leave your mouth. you wanted to ask how masumi would know that if he hadn’t even tried any of your pastries, but you didn’t want to start anything
when the butter browned, you moved it to a heatproof bowl and continued the process, cutting up small blocks of butter again to add it to the brown butter
masumi looked over your shoulder again with a hum of approval (you deny ever feeling a sense of pride swell in your chest) before going back to his task, mumbling something that made you freeze in your steps
“looks like you didn’t mix up the butter and cream cheese this time.”
your breath hitched as you gripped the bowl, eyes wide as your thoughts ran a mile a minute. masumi picked up on your stillness, turning to ask if you were okay before you whipped around to look him in the eyes
“what?” you breathed out as masumi looked any where but you. before you could continue to interrogate him, you felt a looming presence behind you with a familiar bark
“rook! get back to work or go home!”
you and masumi quickly got back to your positions, already scared by your chef’s loud booming voice as you two did your jobs with fear as your motivation
“yes, chef!” you called out, masumi following your example as you two followed the recipe perfectly, even as you snuck in a glance at him every time you thought he wouldn’t notice
when you pushed the parchment–lined baking sheet into the oven and closed it gently, you took a moment to breathe in and out, trying to process the exposed truth that was between you two now
you couldn’t believe it: masumi was your first “customer” ever. he was the one who encouraged you to keep baking with genuine praise and heartfelt comments about what you did right. he helped you improve with useful criticism on things you did wrong and furthered your growth as a baker. without having him, you wouldn’t even be here
but you couldn’t help but think, why?
why did he want to help you? you thought he didn’t actually like you... did he want to be, your friend?
(maybe, even more?)
you jumped up and nearly hit your head on the oven bar, making masumi hurry to your side with a slightly startled expression. you were about to apologize before he laid his hand against your head, unintentionally coming closer, concerned about why your face was so red
you barely managed to get out the excuse about the heat from the oven, but you knew he doubted it as he slowly nodded and stepped back. you followed him back to your table to clean up, but you couldn’t keep it together with the rapid beat of your heart and permanent blush on your cheeks
did... did you like masumi?
was that why you were so disheartened every time you offered sweets and he didn’t take any? is that why you always made an effort to be friends with the mysterious student before eventually giving up when he didn’t respond? oh my god, did you always like him this way?
you turned to look at him again but this time, he was already staring at you. you were about to run and hide forever from the embarrassment before your co–worker from before showed up, recognizing masumi and greeting him like they were best friends
“i see you’ve met the kid. he looks mean but once you get to know him—” they reached up to knock their fist against masumi’s head fondly, ignoring the way masumi grumbled dramatically about his hair, “he’s a real sweetheart.”
you forced an awkward laugh before going back to cleaning, noticing how your co–worker kept going on, missing the way you were acutely eavesdropping on the conversation
“you impress that person, yet?” they joked, to which masumi silently glared at them to shut up. they didn’t whatsoever
“come on, you’ve had to at this point! what kind of guy takes baking classes just to help their crush?”
beep! the oven sounded, causing you to rush over to escape the discussion. it was all coming together and it didn’t take long before you connected the dots on what’s been happening the past few months
when you came back with your glove mitts on, you placed the trey down and let the cookies cool down, standing side by side to admire you and masumi’s creation
as masumi opened his mouth to compliment the work, like he always did, you beat him to it
“... you like me.” you dropped out of no where. cue the silence, again. it was like this whole bonding exercise didn’t even happen, you could feel masumi about to tug on his headphones. yet, you kept talking and saying all the things you’ve always wanted to tell him
“you ate my food every day, even if you don’t like desserts that much, because you like me.”
quiet, again. he wasn’t saying no, he couldn’t say you were wrong because you were right
“you took baking classes to help me, because you like me.”
you wanted to be more than friends with masumi, you knew that now, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he still felt the same way
you got your answer when masumi picked up a cookie and split it into two evenly, offering the other half to you with a flustered appearance, like this was his confession
you took the cookie and knew, this was the start of something sweet
(“hey, finish cleaning already, rookie! i don’t pay you to be in love with your boyfriend!”)
(“yes, chef!”)
you received the first note with masumi’s name written at the end
“we should bake together again.”
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the-currian · 4 years
Spring Troupe Yandere Headcanons
Struggled a bit but had more fun writing these as I was able to churn out more ideas! Finally done with all troupes, yay~
((No Chikage because I’m only playing the English version of A3!))
Sakuya Sakuma
This boy had developed attachment issues since he spent most of his life moving from relative to relative. Is it so wrong that he wants to ensure that you’ll stay?
Generally quite lenient in terms of your freedom, because at the end of the day he’s yours and you’re his, right? That doesn’t mean that he isn’t without his quirks, though.
A bit of a stalker, but terribly obvious. In minutes, you notice him observing you from a distance. After calling him out and asking him what he’s doing, he comes up with the most ridiculous excuses. “Sakuya, what are you doing? Why are you following me?” “Ahaha, I-I’m not following you! I’m uhh…” his eyes dart back and forth. “I’m doing a street act! Mine and Masumi’s theme for our etude is posing as bodyguards!” “Uh huh.” you murmur, unconvinced. “And where’s Masumi?” Sakuya’s face reddens in embarrassment of being caught, but refuses to back down. “Darn, he’s just so good at acting! Playing the bodyguard that secretly hides in the shadows!”
He doesn’t want to cause you harm (emotionally or physically), but if you try to leave, he just can’t help it! He’s really sorry about the bruises on your wrist from gripping you too hard during that argument, okay?
(He’s not sorry about tackling that audience member that made a pass at you, though. That guy definitely deserved it.)
Terribly delusional. He can’t accept even the thought of you leaving him. His troupe mates have to explicitly tell him that what he’s doing isn’t normal in a healthy relationship for him to even think about how his actions affect you. At most it’s a fleeting thought, and he goes right back to his antics.
Masumi Usui
In the beginning, Masumi didn’t care much about you loving him – he already learned from his experience with the director. He was satisfied with just being around you.
You were acquaintances with Masumi, not too familiar with him, but noticed that he’d be in your general area sometimes, not-so-subtly staring in your direction.
You thought that it was cute to have him as an admirer, especially considering his usual aloof nature, so you decided to give him a chance.
His troupe mates are surprised when he introduces you as his partner. Some of them pull you aside, and explain that they didn’t mean anything ill towards you – they just wanted to let you know that Masumi could be a bit…much when it comes to showing his affection.
You thanked them for looking out for you, but you assured them that you could handle it.
But then again, you never expected it to be this bad.
It started out innocent enough – basically what his troupe mates had warned you about. Badgering you with DMs, getting easily jealous when you were around potential suitors, showering you with compliments…
…Until one day you noticed that things started escalating.
His normal jealous streak would turn into violently lashing out at people who touch you, even unintentionally.
He took it upon himself to delete all the information of people he wasn’t familiar with from your phone because if you never bothered to introduce them to him, they must not be that important to you, right?
Has a shrine of you filled with pictures from before you were even dating, some knickknacks from your house that you hadn’t even realized were missing, and is that the shirt that you’ve been looking for the past few weeks…?
Overly protective – it’s kind of laughable at times. You trip along the sidewalk? He’s fighting that rock that caused you harm. That dog startled you while you were walking down the road? Time to call animal control to take care of that mutt. Accidentally burned yourself while cooking? Never mind that meal, it belongs in the trash for hurting you like that – he’ll just get something delivered for you two and no you cannot be the one to place an order what if the delivery worker becomes infatuated with you?
Tsuzuru Minagi
Tsuzuru isn’t the most affectionate person when it comes to physical affection – maybe it’s because he gets enough of that when it comes to his younger siblings.
He’s a bit stumped about how to convey his feelings for you, so he decides he can do it best through his devotion to you.
He knows you like the back of your hand. Your past, your family, your address, your work address, etc.
He knows what meals you had that day, who you’ve been talking to, where you’ve been going, and other seemingly trivial things.
But they’re not trivial to him! Him knowing all those details about you is just proof of how much he loves you!
He’s very invested in your personal life, like the people that you love and hate.
Invested in your personal life like the people you love/hate.
For the people you love (platonically, of course!), he tries his best to make their lives easier. Credit card got rejected? Good thing Tsuzuru just so happened to be in the area – he’s got it covered. Missed out on class? Tsuzuru is there to lend them his notes! Have no company for tonight? Come over and join the two of you for dinner – Tsuzuru’s cooking! He’s like a reliable big brother to your loved ones. Lucky you, they think. What a catch Tsuzuru is!
But for those that you hate? He enlists Sakyo’s help. Bullies? Unbearable bosses? Snobby clients? Sakyo’s associates have it covered. Whatever will help Tsuzuru get focused enough to finish his scripts, Sakyo supposes.
Don’t forget though – he has a temper and a stubborn streak. When you prod a bit too much that it leads to an argument, he verbally lashes out. Just let him do what he wants! He’s doing it for you, after all! Can’t you just be grateful and not be too picky about the details?
Maybe you should’ve suspected his true nature when he first had a slip of the tongue.
“I’d kill for you.” “Uhhh… Citron, I think you mean ‘I’d die for you?’” “No no, I know what I said.”
But you just chalked it up to language barriers.
He isn’t particularly violent, but is very smothering.
Very protective and keeps you away from others not primarily because of jealousy, but because he’s paranoid that his pursuers will try to take you away from him. Extended sleepovers at your place are a regular occurrence, but it usually feels more like a lockdown – Citron is adamant that the two of you stay indoors and that no one visits.
Extremely affectionate, whether you like it or not. Forceful hugs and cuddles become a part of your daily routine with Citron. Also, one-sided conversations. He doesn’t mind you not participating when you’re not in the mood – he’s reassured by your mere presence.
Itaru Chigasaki
He acts extremely charming at first – his public prince persona demands it.
When you told him you’d accept him as he is, you meant his after-work gamer personality, but this was something else entirely.
Most definitely gaslights you, making you extremely paranoid. He’s king of gap moe, and is extremely hard to decipher at times.
For example, he’d tell you he’s been stalking you and other creepy insinuations, but when you start to look frightened, he tells you he’s just kidding. “It’s just a joke. You’re so cute with that look on your face.”
Usually backs you up onto a wall and does kabe-don if you don’t listen to him, but will tie you up if he’s particularly pissed.
“You know the rules… I just don’t understand why you insist on acting out so much.”
He’s painstakingly crafted both of your public images to be the perfect couple.
Obviously, you can’t go anywhere without him – can’t have you ruining that perfect couple image when he’s not around to monitor you, can he?
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iftadwascool · 4 years
Hey, I wrote a review of show I watched.
Off the bat I want to say I really don't watch anime all that much. I watch a show here and there, from time to time. Anime really isn't a big thing for me. I had a weeb phase like 17 years ago back when I was a teenager, but it's part of being a weirdo in high school. 
I wanted to put that out there first because I don't want to come off like an elitist or something. 
So I watched Maid Sama over a few days last week, and it wasn’t good. It's not awful per say, it's just… boring. Especially after you finish it. It's a very basic shoujo anime. It has the troupes. 
Tsundere of sorts
Clumsy protagonist 
Protagonist can't say their feeling
The fucking wall slams, so many fucking wall slams
And the most important part of all, NO PAY OFF
Okay, about that last one. There's a pay off, but it's… god it's boring. And that's what really been bugging me. 
Like I said, I watched this show over a few days last week and something about it rubbed me the wrong way. Like gnawing at the back of my head. I couldn’t pinpoint it till recently. The whole show was a set up for a second season that never happened. You get a glimpse of what they wanted to tell with the outtros oddly enough. Also I want to talk about those outtros songs, because FUCK THOSE SONGS DO NOT FIT THE SHOW!!
In the outtros you see a glimpse of the love interests, Takumi Usui, life before the show. At first I thought it was just a generic “we’ll show things unrelated to the show” kind of thing. Like Outlaw Star, one of my favorite animes, or like other animes from the 90’s I grew up watching on Toonami. So it really didn't bother me. 
It wasn't till the eleventh episode you see Usui life outside of school away from Misaki Ayuzawa, the main character. Misaki gets dragged by her two friends to go stalk him. For funsies, you know, how high school girls do. One of the friends made a joke about how he's secretly rich and does all these fancy things when no one knows about. So over the course of the day he does all these things and the girls get more and more freaked out until they give up. When the two friends leave because they’ve had enough, Misaki stays back to see what he’ll do next. Usui confronts Misaki suggesting he overheard and set the whole thing up and offers to show her where he lives. All while helping a stray cat, you know because he's a good guy. Misaki declines, they have a “will they, won't they” moment, and she leaves. After she goes home we cut back to Usui and we find out he lives in a towering apartment building alone. 
Well not alone now, he has the stray cat with him. You know because he's a good guy.
So this episode establishes that he's rich. Which tracks with the outtros because they’re just stills of him alone, or walking along a private road in what looks like an English Manor. It's like something straight out of Downton Abbey. 
I should probably describe the character dynamics to help illustrate why this show bugged me so much. 
Misaki is the protagonist. She's a hard ass with tsundere characteristics. I wouldn't call her a full blown Tsundere because she’s not really one. She's an asshole because of circumstances. The school she goes to was an all boys school that recently changed to mixed genders, I guess that's a thing in Japan, but the boys hate that girls are there. She got elected Student President and has to fight back against all the misogyny the boys have. It's completely understandable. Oh and also she has a secret that if it gets out she’ll lose all credibility. She works in a Maid Cafe. Honestly you’ll need to google that because I get it but at the same time I don't. It's just a weird Japanese thing that I just don't understand. It's like Hooters but somehow feels worse to me. Anyways, if the school learned she thinks she’d be ruined. So she tries very hard to keep those two parts of her life separate. Only a select few people know. One of them is Usui.
Usui is the love interest. He’s basically the cool guy at school. All the girls love him and all the guys want to be him. Except he doesn't care. He turns down girls and usually ignores all the guys asking him for help. He's honestly a real paper thin character. There's not much to him. He's in love with Misaki but he's an asshole. Like, to me, he comes off real unlikeable. He has moments but they're just that. Moments. 
So why does this show bother me so much? It's fine. It's the perfect show to watch while you eat. There's not really much depth, you don't have to pay attention or analyze much. Everything on screen is what there is. Until you get to those damn outtros.
The outtros were there to give you depth that wasn't in the show itself. Usui is a paper thin character throughout the whole show till the last five episodes. It's when I realized why this show bothered me so much. It was banking on a second season. 
It needed a second season to flesh out the Misaki and Usui relationship. The last five minutes of the show them getting together. They finally tell each other how they feel and kiss under fireworks. Because before that it wasnt so much “will they, won't they.” From the start you knew Misaki and Usui would get together. But the issue is not that, it's that there is no lead up to it. 
From episode one to twenty it's just “will they, won't they” and wacky adventures. Episode twenty-one the “Rival” appears. I put quotations around the rival because Hinata really isn't one. Hinata is a childhood friend who has unrequited love for Misaki. It annoys her but makes Usui jealous. Which is good for the plot but bad for the viewer. We know the show ends in episode twenty-six and he shows up five episodes before. There is no real tension because she very obviously doesn't love him back. His arrival so late into the show feels like it would have been set up for season two, if there was one. Which leads me back to this show banking on a season two. 
I’m not even touching half of what the show sets up. Aoi realizing he likes Misaki too and whatever the fuck is going on with the Miyabigaoka school student council people.
In the end Maid Sama needed more plot and build up which is why I keep thinking they were saving the meat of the story for season two. Sadly we didn't get it because I like the characters, oddly enough. They just don't have anything to work with. The show feels like it was made to cash in Ouran Highschool Host Club and it shows. Ouran has character development with funny, inventive writing. Maid has a run of the mill Shoujo plot. Ouran has individual characters, yes even the twins, while Maid had three blond characters I kept getting confused with.
I hope one day there's a Maid Sama resurgence because I would like to watch it. Until then I'm going to read the manga.
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every1studio · 5 years
“kiss, kiss fall in love” [ateez]
genre: FLUFF + reverse harem + female reader 
ficstyle: bulletpoints + reactions 
prompt: inspired by OURAN HIGH SCHOOL + what kind of hosts would they be?
note: I know I said I wasn’t inspired to write but I was inspired after I listened to “SAKURA KISS” by Chieco Kawabe
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the club president 
known for his smile
being overly cheery
also a bit on the flirty side
would make sure that you were having a good time; will not leave your side until you are
“subconsciously” runs his tongue along his teeth; used to have a tongue piercing
used to be a bad boy; multiple piercings, had to take some out to get into this prestigious school, has hidden tattoos
personality-wise; fairly similar to Tamaki from OURAN HS and Terushima from HAIKYUU
small boy but is a full package
gives off a tough heartbreaker vibe, but is truly a kindhearted prince who wants everyone to be happy 
the members of the club always clown him and he doesn’t know what to do but smile in sad despair 
if you really get his attention, he’ll always be around you; trying to get your full, undivided attention 
if you aren’t his favorite/go-to host, he’ll charm his way into your heart
I mean with a smile like his, he’s going to be your favorite in a heart beat 
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the vice president 
Hongjoong’s childhood friend; Hongjoong BEGGED him to join the club
deals with the logistics of the club 
has a stern demeanor like KYOYA from OURAN HS but has personality like SUGAWARA from HAIKYUU 
at first glance, he has an icy vibe about him that would make everyone think that he was one of the typical cold rich kids
but he was always taking care of everyone 
legit the mother of every situation 
always makes sure that everyone is comfortable 
everyone thinks that he follows Hongjoong when Hongjoong follows him 
Hongjoong really can’t live without Seonghwa, because Hongjoong can’t take care of himself 
Seonghwa is pretty tsundere towards Hongjoong but is so loving to everyone else 
if he’s interested in you, he’ll take care of you like a PRINCESS/PRINCE; legit ROYALTY
refers you as “princess/prince” or “queen/king”
he might be petty when he finds out that he isn’t your favorite or go-to; he’ll be obviously jealous and would straight up tell his members to back off (he would tell them nicely without you around)
he’ll make sure that you’ll soon only be looking at him 
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everyone’s boyfriend
is made of the highest and finest quality of boyfriend material 
joined the club after Hongjoong told him that he NEEDED Yunho to be in the club or he would cry 
Yunho’s such an angel, he joined right away 
this boy is the sweetest and genuinely tries so hard to make sure everyone is having a good time 
in the fictional anime world, he’s like SHOUTA from KIMI NI TODOKE 
he’s an obliviously innocent personality  
AND he has a class clown goofiness to him 
literally the perfect guy to fall in love with 
although he’s fairly popular, he is VERY humble
he’s a hopeless romantic but he hasn’t fallen in love yet
not until he saw you
would be absolutely shy and wouldn’t know how to even talk to you 
but when he saw you blushing at other member’s attempt to woo you, he started to make his way over to you
he’s nice 
but not nice enough to have another member have a chance with you 
for you, he’ll step out of his comfort zone to win your heart
or your smile, at least
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the lovely prince
a literally walking statue of a GREEK GOD
Hongjoong knew that he had to get him into the club 
Yeosang was reluctant at first but being as shy as he is, he was just happy to make friends
the more he’s with the club, the more he opens up
turns out he is this adorably, quirky guy who’s more than just a stone-faced thing of beauty 
he would remind me of TADASE from SHUGO CHARA and KENMA from HAIKYUU
when he lays his eyes on you, just know that he’ll never make the first move
it’s not because he’s prideful but he’s just EXTREMELY shy 
but maybe after your first couple of visits, he’ll be confident enough to even say “hello”
he’s the type of guy that would look at you and if you made eye-contact with him, he’d fake-yawn and look the other way to hide his blushing face away from you 
WOULD prefer it if you requested for him because it’s gonna take a while for him to come up to you 
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the flirty tease
would remind me of USUI from KAICHOW WA MAID-SAMA and NISHINOYA from HAIKYUU (fun fact: they are voiced by the same actor)
two peas in a pod with Wooyoung; like HIKARU and KAORU from OURAN
Hongjoong saw how him and Wooyoung and saw their dynamic as a duo and knew he had to swoop them into the club
loves to tease his guest
it’s so compelling; how he can look so-absolutely sweet like and angel and yet he can be such a little devil 
he likes to do a push-pull effect with his guests 
if you spark his attention, he teased you more than any other guest 
even jokes around with you like he wants to get to know you more 
he’ll give you more attention than it is actually wanted of 
I mean not that anyone would really complain
San would really go out of his way to make sure that you know that he is interested in you 
and only you
brings over his favorite snacks to you 
puts his arm over your seat to get as close as he can to you; he’d put them over your shoulder if you let him 
he’ll spend every day just thinking of you
hoping that one day, he’ll be your go-to; he would literally throw tantrums if he sees you with another member 
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tough man; soft boy
everyone gets an intimidating bad boy vibe from him
but once he smiles, he’s the sweetest and softest boy 
Mingi actually looked up to Hongjoong; so when Hongjoong approached Mingi, he couldn’t help but fanboy 
he looks like MORI from OURAN but acts like HINATA from HAIKYUU 
he makes everyone feel like how they giggle when their crush is around but like the whole time that he’s with them 
he does an amazing job at making everyone feel welcomed and heard; like he’s been your best friend since forever 
he’s an honest and confident guy 
so if he’s interested, you’ll know 
he’ll straight up tell you 
if you tell him that he’s not your favorite, he’ll bother you everyday 
more like a friend because he doesn’t want to force you either
but it would make him all pouty and sad if you don’t give him any attention 
would also do ANYTHING to make you smile 
doesn’t mind if he’s in the friendzone for a while 
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the OTHER tease
he didn’t think he would stay in the club 
but the more he got to know the members and the more he used his flirty antics, the more he grew attached 
he reminds me of OIKAWA from HAIKYUU and HARU from TONARI NO KAIBUTSU-KUN 
can be sexy 
can be cute
can be a mix of both 
seriously DANGEROUS 
other guests cannot get enough of him 
everyday is a surprise with Wooyoung; one day he wants to be a spoiled baby, on other days he wants to slam his hand against the wall and stare into his guests’ eyes 
he will NOT let you out of his sight if you catch his eyes
he’ll use pick up lines with you; and maybe it’s because it’s coming from him but it works 
you’d be flattered by his attempts; but if he knows that he isn’t your fave, he’ll glare at you 
add in a little pout
he gives you the silent treatment until he can’t handle it anymore and will hold your hand and swing it as he throws a tantrum about why he isn’t your fave  
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the strong baby boy 
Hongjoong was fascinated by Jongho’s strength and saw that he had a couple of fangirls so that’s how he got into the club 
Jongho is a hinedere; which someone who comes off as a little cold-hearted but has the best intentions and is actually a soft boy 
he’ll do little acts of strengths; like breaking apples and his guests just watch him in awe like they’ve never seen it before 
he has this super gentle smile that all of his guests swoon over 
reminds me of HONEY from OURAN and IWAIZUMI from HAIKYUU
gets super shy when he sees you 
gets even MORE shy when he sees how close you are to him 
might offer you snacks or tea; but wouldn’t do anything more than that
because he’s younger, he’s not confident with you 
Jongho wants to win you over like a man
his members would help him out if they knew that Jongho was interested in you
even if he’s the strongest, he’s still the club’s baby 
[ masterlist + guidelines ]
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kaweeella · 4 years
Chapter 12- Strange, Strange Kids
Word count- 1446
Description- Getting closer to your dream and the people around you.
They go their separate ways, Kazunari taking the posters with him.
“How would I explain where I got it? I’d assume Tachibana-san would recognize something like that.” Tsuzuru said. So Kazunari is the one holding onto them.
“Where did you go, Kamakichi?”
Tsuzuru is very familiar with this phrase from many years with both his older and younger brothers. He’s even used it himself once or twice. It means that he’s not getting answers easily.
Instead of trying to continue what is obviously going to go nowhere if Kamakichi has something to say about it, he just sighs and decides to look into writing jobs in the area. 
“Oh, Minagi, right?”
It’s Tasuku. Tsuzuru still doesn’t know his last name, he’s not willing to ask though. He’s gone through plenty of conversations without knowing the person’s name.
“What’re you doing?”
“Nothing much, walking my bird. Looking for writing jobs.”
“I’m not your bird.”
“You two are pretty strange, huh?” He mutters under his breath. “There are some theaters that I help out with that are looking for new writers. I can recommend you to them.”
“Yeah, well, I’d need to see a test script first, to see if you're up to snuff.”
“Alright, I’ll get it to you as soon as possible!”
Tasuku sees the spark in his eyes. Kamakichi can hear the fire in his voice. Passersby are confused by the man yelling suddenly at night.
“Great, looking forward to it.”
“Is there a theme?”
“Um, how about love? “
“Alright, got it! I’ll be back when it’s done!” Tsuzuru runs off, Kamakichi falling off his shoulder.
“Hey!” He quickly readjusts and flies next to him. “Did ya’ forget about something?”
“Jeez.” Tasuku watched him leave with enthusiastic haste. “Weird kid. Hope it works out well.”
Love. Tasuku made the theme love, and Tsuzuru is having some trouble with it. He’s never really been in a relationship before.
“Not again.” Izumi watches from the doorway as Tsuzuru sits typing at his desk.
“Some big-wig actor guy said he’d help him get a writing job last night.”
“I know the answer but… has he slept?”
“Nope. Just writing and granola bars since he got home.”
“What’s the deadline?”
“There isn’t one, at least the guy didn’t say anything about one.”
“Should’ve made him sign for willful endangerment.” Yasashii leans on the doorframe.
“That stool probably isn’t doing his back any favors.”
“I really underestimate how much he’d use it.”
“We should probably get him a proper desk chair.”
“He’s an adult, he can get one.”
“Yeah, but I don’t trust him to make a decision to benefit his own health.”
“Irresponsible kid.” Yasashii shakes her head and stands up straight. “You know, you’re not much better.”
“Well I’ve never gone to school concussed before.”
“Yeah, still, I’d like it if you focused on your health some more, too, and not just physically”
“Hey, I’m trying to concentrate. Can you guys do this outside, please?”
“Oh fuck.” None of them thought he was listening. “Kid, you need to sleep.”
“Not right now.”
Kamakichi perches on Izumi’s shoulder. “He’s boring when he gets like this.”
The three of them exit the room, closing the door as they leave.
“Are all kids like that? They just don’t take care of their health?”
“I take good care of my health.”
“Yeah, okay.” Yasashii says facetiously.
“I do!” Izumi puts her hands on her hips when her attention is drawn to Kamakichi, who flaps his wings with her sudden movement. “You just gonna stay there?”
“I’ve gotta do something. I’m going to be leaving.”
“Alright. So be it.”
“Well, see you later, mom.”
“Bye, love you, have a good day.”
Izumi steps outside, Kamakichi looks around. He’s never gotten to see this place at day, like a real good look. It’s either at night or he’s in a hurry or he’s inside. It’s nice.
“So what’re you going to go?”
“I’m going to meet up with some of my colleagues from work and discuss the upcoming changes with the managerial pos-” Kamakichi flies off and Izumi gives a smug smile, although it slowly falls as something occurs to her.
Minagi-san I’m so sorry
What happened?
Kamakichi was on my shoulder and I left the house and then he flew off
He’ll be back.
Are you sure?
Again I’m sorry
Don’t worry about it.
Izumi didn’t expect him to be so calm. She supposes that if he’s not worried then neither should she, but she can’t help but to feel guilty.
Kamakichi, however, feels no guilt. He just wonders how everyone is doing something boring. That’s when he spots someone he recognizes and debates with himself on whether or not it’s a good idea to say hi. He’s bored, but is he that bored?
He soon decides yes, yes he is going to say hi and yes he is that bored.
“Hey.” He flies down and perches on Masumi’s shoulder, startling him some.
“You’re that… Minagi guys bird.”
“I am not his bird! I am no one's bird!”
“You were in his room.”
“What are you even doing here?”
“Minagi’s writing and he’s boring when he gets like that, so how are you doing, kid?”
“Don’t call me that.” Masumi can’t put on his headphones, as Kamakichi is standing on them. He almost believes he’s doing it intentionally.
“How are you doing?” He most definitely is doing it intentionally.
“I was doing fine until an annoying bird started bothering me.”
“Usui-san!” A girl runs up to him. “Aw, is this your bird?”
“Oh, are you watching it for a friend?”
“No. He just showed up and started yapping.”
“Well he’s really cute! Especially on you.”
“I find him more annoying than anything.”
“Oh, well I was just wondering, would you like to, I don't know, get a cup of coffee or something?”
She giggles “See you at school, then.”
“If I must.”
She walks away and Kamakichi looks at Masumi.
“Are you dense, or a dick?”
“Deaf now, too? She was clearly into you.”
“But I don’t like her. I hardly even know her.”
Kamakichi sees her talking to some girls across the street and notices that she doesn’t look too upset. If anything she looks… starstruck. He tries to listen to what she’s saying. There isn’t too much traffic and she is speaking rather loud, so it’s easy.
“Uhg. He’s so cool.” She sighs.
“I can’t believe how pretty he is.” One of her, Kamakichi assumes, friends comments. “And he’s so mysterious and broody. Like the perfect package.”
“I don’t get what they see in you.”
“I don’t either. It’s annoying.”
Masumi continues walking with Kamkichi complaining in his ear. He changes his destination, and soon he’s standing outside of the Tachibana residence.
Yasashii opens the door for him. “Kid, Kamakichi.”
“I’m here to give Minagi his bird back.”
“I’m not his bird!”
“Alright, I’ll bring you over to him. Thank you for bringing him back.”
Masumi enters Tsuzuru’s room without knocking and startles him.
“Usui-san.” Tsuzuru says, not looking at his computer screen for the first time in hours. “What’re you doing here?”
“Your bird. He’s been bothering me. Take him back.”
“I figured he’d come back on his own, but this works too.”
He’s back.
Tsuzuru messages Izumi.
“You’re texting her.”
“I’m still not trying to go after her.”
“He basically has girls begging for him to even look at them. Kids are weird.” Kamakichi perches back onto Tsuzuru’s shoulder.
“Why are you so dead-set on Izumi-san when you could date someone… I don’t know… someone your age? Someone you’ve met more than once? Maybe try developing healthy relationships with people around you, it’ll make you more emotionally well-adjusted.”
Masumi shuffles a little. “What do you know.”
“You said your parents are in New york?”
“Were they away often?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Okay how about this.” Tsuzuru adjusts so his whole body faces Masumi. “I could help you with socialization and making friends.”
“I don’t wanna make friends.”
Different tactics, Minagi. “I could help you get closer to Izumi-san.”
“... deal.”
Time freezes again, something Tsuzuru is slowly growing used to.
“I am thou,
As thou art I
Thou hast acquired a new vow.
When bonded together you shall find
The arcana of the Lovers
Your soul shall bind.”
Lover? Are you sure you don’t mean stalker?
The card has two figures on it with a heart in between them, VI on the bottom. Roman numeral six.
“I’ll walk you out.”
“I don’t need you to.”
“Alright. Get home safe.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
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doggonneit · 7 years
In a Flash of Blue
Fandom: Dramatical Murder
Characters: Aoba, Mizuki, Mink, Virus, Trip, OCs
Rating: M for Mature
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Smoking, Sibling Soulmates
Words: 7,368
A.N. This was originally for DMMD Bigbang 2017 but things happened and I didn’t upload in time :/
"Legends and myths tell us humans used to live as individual souls in individual bodies, but they were fragile in that state. Left alone, humans were too volatile and ended up self-destructing. They needed another soul to make up for the imperfections, so humans became two souls in one body that lived harmoniously together and in society."
Usui is the key.
She can lead Aoba to the soulmate that he never knew.
But she disappeared.
Maybe she's never coming back.
[Read on AO3]
They called it an arena but it was just a patch of dirt surrounded by a chain-link fence, hardly anything worthy of a game that used to garner so much attention.
Rhyme used to be one hell of a spectacle, organised battles raging in lit stadiums and televised to the entire nation of Midorijima. Now they were just alley games played for pocket money.
Sometimes Aoba thought back to those matches and craved the surge of adrenaline that came with Usui’s deep, booming voice and the audience’s frenzied screams. It had been a while since he heard either of those.
He ground his boots into the dirt, eyeing his opponents and their avian Allmate. He’d seen the brothers around, always dressed in thick leather and heavy chains that clanked with every step. They were highly regarded in the arena but he’d never had the opportunity to fight them before today.
The brothers strolled the perimeter, rolling their shoulders to show off their tightly coiled muscles and goading the audience into jeering at Aoba. What a useless effort to intimidate—Rhyme was rarely physical between players and this one-sided pissing contest was just a show for an audience who didn’t give a rat’s ass about anything.
This game had really gone to shit.
“On the red side looking all done up in fetish gear, yeah, that’s right, fetish gear, we have the brothers Daisuke-Hideo and their birdy Allmate… Wingo!”
Aoba barely suppressed a snort. Wingo? Lame.
“And over on the blue side in a blue jacket, I see what you did there, bud, pal, mate, love the matching outfit, we have Ao—uhh… it’s just Aoba? Where’s the other name?”
“Get on with it!” Aoba shouted at the commentator. This one didn’t know when the hell to keep his mouth shut.
“All right, all right, calm your tits, man. Sorry folks, looks like we don’t get to meet the brother today. So you lot are going to have to settle for Aoba and his doggy Allmate… Ren!”
Cheers and whoops rose and died as the digital field rose like a tsunami and caged them in an endless ocean of blue, taking all the noise of the outside world away. A shudder jolted down Aoba’s body as his every instinct screamed home.
A moment of reprieve and then the Allmates appeared in their digital forms, barely humanoid and their eyes covered by some sort of accessory. Wingo emerged just as finely decorated as his owners and he stretched his grotesquely elongated arms out and let out a bloodcurdling shriek that resonated throughout the field.
Aoba flinched, but took comfort in Ren’s presence. Ren was a solid and steady form in a signature navy shawl who didn’t bother with theatrics; he preferred not to make a fool of himself and watched impassively as Wingo continued to scream.
Aoba took the chance to cast his gaze around. A field of blue and green grids that stretched as far as his eye could see, and yet none of it showed him what he wanted to see most.
Where did you go?
“Aoba,” Ren said in his deep timbre.
Hope dimmed but still flickered in Aoba’s chest.
Maybe next time.
“Ren.” Seconds before the battle began, Aoba let his fangs shine though with an animalistic grin. “Get ’em, boy.”
 The digital field dissolved back into the crappy dirt and fence arena, and all the sounds of the real world rushed in and bombarded Aoba’s ears. Laughs, cheers, curses.
The standard fare.
Aoba scooped Ren up into his shoulder bag and ignored the screams of pain, physical and mental, coming from the brothers and their broken Allmate. They could heal the wounds on their body but that Allmate was fried to its core. Aoba took no pleasure in destruction, not like he used to, but now he did it because it was easier than letting his opponents come back stronger.
This was the way of Rhyme now, where anything that happened in the digital world impacted the physical world. Ever since the Glitch, as it was known, the rules of Rhyme had been twisted into something fierce and violent. It wasn’t about fame and glory anymore; it was about fame and glory and blood.
All the better for Aoba—blood brought money.
“That should tide us over for the next week,” Aoba absentmindedly said as he brushed past onlookers milling around the arena. There were a few familiar faces who gave lukewarm greetings and he returned them with casual nods.
“It is more likely to last us the next four days,” Ren said, resting his muzzle on the outside of the bag and letting his little tongue loll out. “My body sustained minor damage that will cost us in repairs.”
Aoba pursed his lips. He relied heavily on the money from these matches because they paid for his ailing grandmother’s medicine, and to have such a large portion of it rerouted elsewhere was rather inconvenient.
Ren was an older model of Allmate and his parts had to be specially ordered and delivered from overseas. The cost of maintaining him was becoming unfeasible, especially since he had to keep participating in Rhyme just to bring the money in to repair him. There would come a day when Aoba would have to admit it was endless cycle going nowhere, but for now he curled his fingers into Ren’s soft fur and told himself there was still time.
“Aoba?” Ren asked.
“We’ll be fine,” Aoba said. “We’ll make the money stretch the week.”
“You cannot continue brushing off your own medicines to pay for Tae’s,” Ren said. “It is having a negative impact on your health and I do not wish to see it deteriorate into a larger issue.”
“It won’t,” Aoba insisted, wondering about the number of times he’d thrown his prescriptions into the bin just to scrounge up a few extra bills. No doubt Ren could tell him and give the exact dates and times to boot.
There was another match coming up and from the chatter in the crowd, promising to be a good one. Aoba wasn’t particularly interested in matches outside of his own, and weaved through the throng of bodies, scanning for one face in particular. He found them on the fringe of the crowd, lazily holding a cigarette between their fingers and observing the growing commotion.
Every individual had their peculiarities despite sharing a body and these two were no different, no matter how similarly they tried to present themselves. It was all too easy to see through them when Aoba had known them for so long.
“Virus, Trip.” Aoba elbowed them in their ribs, making them choke on the inhale. “Thought you guys were trying to quit?”
“We were, but Trip was insistent.”
Names weren’t necessary to know which of them was speaking. Virus always stood with relaxed shoulders and head tilted sideways in the perfect picture of patronising curiosity. Trip, on the other hand, always stood back hunched and spoke in a bored drawl like he couldn’t give two shits about conversation.
The only thing they shared in common was their pride in their horrible fashion sense. They liked wearing high-end clothes and they sported a gaudy suit as usual, today a checkered pink and blue. Aoba secretly thought they were colourblind and had no clue how hideous their combinations were, but he’d never been able to prove it.
“Trip, you should be more considerate of your health,” Aoba admonished. “It’s not just your body, you know.”
Heat smouldered in his chest; maybe it was jealousy, and it burned too close to destruction. Aoba took a second to calm himself, sweeping his fringe to the side. It grated on his nerves how others took their soulmates for granted—if only they knew what it was like to live without their most precious person in the world.
But he kept his mouth shut.
“Trip’s of the opinion that we ride and die together,” Virus dryly said. “He’s always been the more melodramatic of us. But we’re not here to talk about Trip’s more abominable qualities—we’re here to talk about your money. I’ve already transferred your winnings to your account. It could’ve been more, you know, if you’d let the match last longer than one minute.”
“Whatever. Sign me up for more.”
“Don’t push yourself, Aoba.”
“I don’t need you to mother me.”
“It comes from a place of concern,” Virus said. “That’s not something to be ashamed of. We all need someone to take of us, don’t we?”
Aoba glared, knowing exactly what Virus was referring to, but not getting into it. Virus had a tongue that could cut through glass and engaging with it would only end in humiliation. He changed the subject instead. “What have you heard about Usui?”
Virus dropped the cigarette onto the ground and snuffed it out with the sole of their polished leather shoe. “There hasn’t been anything new,” he said. “We’ve asked around the different sectors but everyone’s story is the same. All matches running at the time glitched out. When the technicians got the fields up again, Usui was gone and she hasn’t been seen since.”
Aoba let out a frustrated huff. He’d hoped that Virus and Trip, with their yakuza contacts, would have more information surrounding the mystery of the Glitch but apparently this was beyond them too.
“No-one’s seen Sly Blue either,” Virus pointed out. “Why do you keep refusing to enter using both names? You would see a far greater profit considering people love a bloodbath, and we all remember how bloodthirsty Sly Blue could get.”
“He’s not real,” Aoba said. “He never was.”
He didn’t elaborate anymore on that point—all Virus and Trip needed to know was that he didn’t share his body with another soul. Maybe even that was too much information. There were times he caught their pitying stares and he didn’t want to know what they’d look like if they knew he’d created another voice in his head to pretend he wasn’t broken.
“If that’s all, I’ll catch you guys later.”
Aoba turned on his heel and began walking off, but not before one last person chipped in with a lazy drawl.
“Give your grandmothers our best.”
Aoba flipped them the finger without looking back. He only had one grandmother and those bastards knew it.
 Rhyme had always been one of those things Aoba could lose himself in for hours. It was so easy to step into a field and let himself get swept into the tide and forget about everything in the outside world. Rhyme was safe, and it was home.
The only thing Aoba disliked about the game was how it left pains shooting through his head and down to the tips of his hair. It cascaded down in waves, and only hospital-grade painkillers could take it away. It didn’t help that Virus and Trip chose to be jerks today, because it meant they chose to cut him open and sprinkle salt in his wounds.
Aoba found himself traipsing to Black Needle, a bar and parlour hybrid that his long-time friends Mizuki and Chino ran. The three of them had known each other since their early troublemaking teen years and somehow always stayed close.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t our favourite Rhymer finally dropping in for a visit.”
Aoba stepped through onto shiny black and grey tiles, and squinted to shield his eyes from the flashing neon lights. Those obnoxious things were going to do his head in, though it spoke volumes that Mizuki hurried to turn them off and gesture for him to take a seat at the bar.
“Thanks,” Aoba said, sitting on a stool and setting his bag on the next one. “The match today was a breeze, but damn if it wasn’t a pain in ass too.”
“I still can’t believe you gave up Rib.” Mizuki clucked his tongue and gave a sad shake of his head that didn’t fool anybody. Sure, Rib had been great—the physical nature of it was addictive like a drug but it could never compare to the familiarity Aoba soaked in when he fought in Rhyme.
“There’s no money in Rib,” Aoba reminded. “It’s all about territory and that’s not the life for me.”
“Money isn’t everything, you dumb fuck.”
Aoba resisted the urge to roll his eyes and gave a wry smile instead. “Hello, Chino.”
Where Mizuki exuded an aura of warmth and friendliness, his brother was the complete opposite. Chino stood with hunched shoulders and a perpetual sneer that warned people away, but there were times he liked to invade people’s personal space and make them piss their pants.
It happened once, with a salaryman who refused to stop hitting on Aoba because he believed in all of his drunken glory that Aoba was a siren. He’d spouted awful lines about Aoba leading him to water and how he’d willingly drown for a chance to spend a night with him.
It was only funny when Chino lost his patience and told the salaryman to fuck off or he’d drown the dumbass himself.
Chino leaned over the bar and into Aoba’s space, so close they were almost nose to nose. “Rib’s got family and that’s where the shit is. Come back and join Dry Juice—Mizuki’ll suck your dick for free.”
“He’d do that anyway,” Aoba shot back.
Chino gave a sharp bark of laughter and in his moment of surprise, Mizuki wrested control of their body again.
“Shut up!” Mizuki snapped, olive skin tinted a telling shade of pink. “I would not!”
“Of course not.” Aoba appeased him, trying not to let his amusement show but he could feel the corners of his lips twitching. Chino had long informed him about Mizuki’s crush and it was impossible not to poke fun sometimes. “Chino would do it for you anyway.”
Mizuki’s face went up in flames and that let Chino take control again. Sometimes it felt like whiplash with how often and how quickly these two switched places, but it was nice to have the chance to talk to them both equally.
Aoba envied them that.
“I’d take one for the team and blow you,” Chino solemnly said, all traces of scorn and mockery gone. “Fellas aren’t my type but you look so much like a girl sometimes I don’t think it’d make much of a difference.”
“Fuck you,” Aoba said. He’d heard enough jokes about his sex to last a lifetime.
“Yeah, yeah, fuck you too. What’d you crawl into this hole for anyway? Don’t suppose you’re finally reconsidering my offer to tattoo your ass?”
Aoba burst out laughing. He remembered that night with great fondness, mainly because Mizuki and Chino had been completely sloshed and ended up revealing each other’s dirtiest secrets in a nasty cycle of revenge. That was how Aoba came to learn about Mizuki’s crush and Chino’s desire to tattoo a heart on him. At least Chino owned up to it and proclaimed the tattoo would be free of charge. Mizuki though? Still in denial anything ever happened.
“Nah, I just wanted to catch up and have a drink.”
“Sure you should be drinking with that headache of yours?” Chino clearly didn’t care either way, having already brought out two ice-cold beers, and slid one over to Aoba.
It was probably a bad idea but the pain already hurt so much a little more wouldn’t make much of a difference. It would eventually disappear anyway, he’d just need time.
Aoba grabbed the bottle, delighting in the sensation of the cold glass numbing the tips of his fingers, and clanked the neck against Chino’s bottle before taking a sip.
“So let’s drop the whole I’m fucking dandy pretence and do the whole weary customer spewing their troubles to the weary bartender thing. We all know you don’t come here just to say hello anymore.” Chino produced a rag and pretended to polish the counter. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
It’d be all too easy to punch Chino in the face, but Aoba knew with all the certainty in the world that they’d end up in an all-out brawl that would cost heaps in property damage.
Instead, Aoba gave a vague wave of his hand. It was slightly insulting how easily Chino saw through him but it was the truth. Aoba rarely came by Black Needle anymore, unable to find his place amongst members of a Rib gang when Rhyme was his life. Nowadays, he only visited when he needed a drink and a place to think.
He did regret that.
“It’s the Glitch,” Aoba said. The incident had been mysterious and the consequences following it dire. Even the oldest citizens who knew nothing about Rhyme were aware of its downfall and its current pitiful state. “I’m still trying to glean information where I can but it’s frustrating. Everything so far has led to dead ends and it’s getting to the point I’m afraid there’s nowhere else to look.”
“Sounds like your yakuza boys and hacker boys are doing jack shit,” Chino commented, grabbing his beer and taking a heavy gulp.
“They’re doing their best,” Aoba defended them, knowing they were a fickle lot but would put in their best effort anyway. No-one on this island could do what they did. “That being said, I’m screwed so badly I might as well be a cork.”
Chino snorted, almost spraying the counter he’d just pretended to clean. “Tell you what,” he coughed, setting his bottle down with a clunk, “I might be able to point you to someone who can lend a hand.”
Chino, dropping the asshole façade and being actually being helpful?
Hell’s freezing over, Aoba thought.
“What’s the catch?” he said out loud. “I’m still not letting you tattoo my ass.”
“There goes that idea.” Chino gave an easy shrug. “But no, that’s not the catch. There’s no real catch, not the way you’re thinking.”
“So…” Aoba hedged.
“How much do you believe in the whole mystic bullshit deal?”
Aoba narrowed his eyes, trying to see if a smirk lay hidden behind sharp eyes and even sharper teeth. He wouldn’t put it past his friend. “Are you taking the piss?”
“At you? Nah, never. So come on, you believe or not?”
“Not particularly,” Aoba answered. The only experiences he’d had with this kind of thing were psychic weirdos calling him up and coaxing him to pay top dollar to find out when he’d meet the love of his life. Once was funny, twice was amusing, and every time after that was plain annoying. “Don’t tell me you do. That seems more like Mizuki’s kinda thing.”
“Yeah.” Chino gave a strangely affectionate nod. “He’s into all of that mystic magic crap, but I figure it’s more convincing coming from me because you know I don’t give a rat’s ass about any of those cheap tricks.”
If Aoba didn’t know any better, he’d accuse Chino of having him on. Chino was the world’s biggest sceptic and didn’t believe in anything he couldn’t verify with his own two eyes. Whatever he was talking about now had to be really unbelievable, yet promising, if he was forced to acknowledge its existence.
“Does that mean you believe in psychics now?” Aoba asked.
“I believe in Mink,” Chino corrected. “He’s some oldass felon running some oldass shop in some oldass part of town. Word on the street is that he’s got magic in his blood, and sees into the spirit world or talks with them or some other weird and otherworldly crap. Point is, Mink’s been in a couple of times and we exchanged ink for readings. The bastard’s freakishly accurate.”
“Are you sure you didn’t get completely hammered around him and started spilling all of your secrets again?” Aoba teased. Chino had a nasty habit of doing that and oftentimes Mizuki was powerless to stop him. No-one could get between Chino and alcohol on a good day and there was no point trying on a bad day.
Chino ignored the jab and raised one hand to the teardrop tattoo on their cheek. Slowly, he said, “Mink knew things only Mizuki and I should know.”
That stopped Aoba in his tracks. The teardrop tattoo? Aoba had pestered them about that since day one and never received an answer to allay his curiosity, not even when they were drunk to the point of unconsciousness. Neither brother ever broke their silence over the significance of the tattoo, and it remained one of the biggest mysteries in Aoba’s life. The idea that a stranger was aware of its meaning was unsettling and astonishing at the same time.
“You’re sure this Mink is legitimate?” Aoba doubtfully asked.
“I’d bet my soul on it,” Chino said. “The shop name’s Scratch. Go talk to him, tell him I sent you. He can do his weird magic and help you out but I’m telling you now, you’ll have to pay one hell of a price.”
That wasn’t much of a deterrent at all. Money was not an issue, not when Usui was involved.
“How much does he charge?”
“Not that kinda price.” Chino pulled a face and waved his gloved hands about. “He takes whatever shit he fancies. Calls it sentimental equivalency, whatever the hell that means.”
This pricing system was a foreign concept but it did not wane Aoba’s curiosity. If anything, he had been properly baited and hooked onto this strange man called Mink and the strange powers he possessed. Aoba had his doubts, certainly, but at this point he stood to gain more than he stood to lose.
What was the harm in trying?
“I’ll check them out,” Aoba decided. “What’s his brother’s name?”
Chino shrugged. “Beats me, guy’s never mentioned it. Keeps it under wraps from everyone, and he won’t say why. He’s just Mink, like you’re just Aoba.”
“You don’t think…” Aoba trailed off. What were the chances that there was someone out there who was just like him?
“He doesn’t have a soulmate either? I don’t know. You can ask him if you’re brave enough.” With a snigger, Chino’s good cheer returned to full force.
A quick glance out the window told Aoba there were still a few hours left of daylight, so he picked up his bag and hefted it over one shoulder, careful not to jostle Ren who was slumbering. “I’ll see if the shop’s still open then.”
Aoba tilted his head in response to his name, and blinked at the softer features that meant it was Mizuki reaching out.
“He’ll take anything, so beware.”
 Aoba hadn’t thought much of what Mink could take from him, not until Mizuki saw fit to warn him. What could he possibly give Mink that had the same value as the information he wanted?
The worries that nipped at him didn’t stop him seeking Scratch out. It was a dinky little thing hidden in the corner of a lonely street. The surrounding buildings blocked off the sound of traffic and pedestrians from the main road. It was a narrow and muted space that soothed his senses and allowed his nerves to ease.
Aoba gingerly pushed the wooden sliding door to the side, careful not to put too much pressure on it because it felt worn and fragile under his fingertips. It opened up to the interior that gave off the same weary feeling as its exterior, dim with minimal lighting filtering through the roof slats and aged furniture warm with quilts and cushions.
What could be seen as entirely in place or entirely out of place were strange trinkets that littered the shelves and hung from the ceiling beams, chains so fine they looked like they would snap with the slightest tug and pendants with strange designs he’d never seen the likes of before. They winked prettily with the soft lighting and emitted warm welcomes.
Aoba cast his gaze around; it didn’t look like there was anyone else in the shop. “Hello?” he called, wandering through the shelves and brushing past the trinkets. “I’m looking for Mink. Is he here right now?”
No response.
Aoba began thinking he had come at a bad time, but then the floorboards creaked with heavy footsteps and a door behind the counter opened up and revealed one of the biggest men Aoba had ever seen. He stood tall and sure, and every action held careful intent behind it. His golden eyes swung and settled on Aoba.
“You’re looking for me?”
When Chino said Mink said otherworldly abilities, Aoba created a vague image of oversized glasses and thick lenses, wrinkled hands that made themselves at home waving over crystal balls and an unearthly voice that wailed prophecies. But the man that stood in front of him could not have been further from that stereotype; his large frame radiated calmness and protection, and Aoba knew he could trust this man.
“Chino sent me. From Black Needle.”
Mink dipped his head in acknowledgement, brown dreadlocks swaying around his square face, and made his way around the counter to take a seat at one of the couches. He motioned for Aoba to do the same.
“Mizuki-Chino.” Mink’s voice rumbled, deep and gravelly like rocks crunching on a mountainside road. “The tattoo artists. They were presumptuous to send you here.”
“Presumptuous?” Aoba repeated. “You mean I shouldn’t have come?”
“Mizuki-Chino have good intentions but they have overestimated my abilities in this case. I know why you’re here. I cannot give you the information you seek.”
“What?” Aoba started. How could this be possible? He’d barely been in this shop for thirty seconds and this lead was disappearing before his very eyes. No, he was not going to let this man dismiss him so quickly. “You can’t possibly know the specifics. You can’t decide already that I’m a lost cause!”
“If Mizuki-Chino sent you, then you know what I’m capable of.” Mink sighed and reached into his jacket to pull out a case which had a wooden pipe in it. He took his time lighting it up blew a plume of smoke up into the air where it swirled with dust motes. “I can see how it danced around your body, broken and yearning. You search for your brother but I cannot help you find someone who no longer exists.”
Icy fingers gripped Aoba’s heart.
It can’t be, he wildly thought, he can’t be dead!
“He’s alive!” Aoba shouted, slamming his palms on the table before them. “I know it, I felt him!”
Mink’s penetrating eyes tracked his every move, steady and watchful, a silent observer in his upcoming breakdown. “You’ve made contact,” he said.
Aoba hadn’t meant to let that slip. He’d held it close to his heart as his own little secret—only Ren knew and that was because he had been there too.
It had been a Rhyme game, it could never be anything else, the ones back in the day when the whole island considered a sport worthy of investment.
And Usui was there.
Aoba had always noticed Usui, fascinated by the contrast between her feminine figure and masculine voice, but respected the person behind that persona and never approached them outside communicated with them beyond a Rhyme capacity.
But the match had gone wrong; Aoba let his guard down for moment and he’d been blasted off his feet and onto the other end of the field. In the moment he was suspended in the air, Aoba’s hand passed through Usui’s and he didn’t know how to describe what happened except connection and a burst of familiarity and longing for something his body once knew.
The other soul who should have shared his body, his thoughts and his heart. It had once been his, but it had been taken from him, and he wanted answers.
“The truth,” Aoba said. “It was me. I caused the Glitch.”
Mink said nothing, just kept puffing away at his pipe, and stared down at Aoba with an indecipherable look. Maybe it was condescension, maybe it was pity.
“That’s how I know he’s still alive,” Aoba pressed on, desperate to keep the flicker of hope in his chest burning just a little while longer. “The Glitch is proof that he exists.”
Maybe Aoba’s conviction did something to crack Mink’s walls, or maybe Mink really did feel sorry for him. Whatever the reason, Aoba didn’t care, Mink pulled the pipe from his lips and handed him a lifeline.
“I cannot tell you where he is. But I can tell you how you two came to be. The price, as you know, will be steep.”
It wasn’t the information Aoba came for but it was information nonetheless. There was no hesitation and it was almost laughable how desperate he was to snatch at scraps of information about his soulmate.
He would gladly pay any price.
“Name it,” he said.
“Your brother is important to you, and his existence will grow far more so in the coming days. For this information, you will be required to pay with ten strands of your hair.”
Aoba’s hands instinctively flew over his head in a protective gesture; pulling them out would be a simple task for anyone else but to him it was different—the nerve endings in his hair would screech like writhing, tortured souls.
“That is the price,” Mink said, not even surprised at Aoba’s reaction.
It would hurt. It would hurt like severing a finger from his body and he wouldn’t be able to stop the tears from falling. But it would mean knowing the soul that should have shared a home in his body, and that alone was worth anything.
Aoba slowly let his hands fall from his head. It would stop hurting in a few hours, he convinced himself, the strands would grow back like they were never cut. The pain would be nothing compared to what he had to gain.
Mink slipped a small pocketknife from him jacket. It had a wooden hilt with a faded floral design painted onto it and a string of beads dangling at the end. Aoba took it and flicked it open, then held the blade to the roots of his hair.
Heart racing, deep breath, then—
“It doesn’t hurt,” Aoba gasped, clutching the long blue strands in his shaking fist. He couldn’t see past the tears blurring his vision; he swiped his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket and blindly thrust the strands and the knife in front of him. “They’re yours.”
“You paid with more than ten strands,” Mink mildly said as the tucked the pocketknife away and gathered the strands of hair together with genteel care. He must have noticed the surprise on Aoba’s face because he added, “I know how precious your hair is, and I will treat it as reverently as you have.”
Aoba’s breath came out in stutters but the pain, which had felt like a slicing burn, was already fading to a sharp throbbing at the newly cut ends, and soon would be nothing more than the ache of a memory. The fact that Mink did not trivialise his pain helped him push it aside, and he sat up straighter.
“Will you tell the story of us?”
“Yes.” Mink began twisting the strands together like he was creating a small rope. It was an odd splash of colour on his otherwise grey appearance. “You know how soulmates first came to be, yes?”
“Balance,” Aoba said. “Legends and myths tell us humans used to live as individual souls in individual bodies, but they were fragile in that state. Left alone, humans were too volatile and ended up self-destructing. They needed another soul to make up for the imperfections, so humans became two souls in one body that lived harmoniously together and in society.”
“As our fathers and their fathers before them have told us,” Mink murmured. “They are only stories, and we could never hope to find proof of how we came to be. Yet the story resounds across every nation, so there must be a grain of truth to it. Is that what you believe?”
“I… uh…” Aoba had never put much thought into it before, not being the type to think too deeply about things in the first place. The story of how soulmates came to be? He’d always treated it as a tale that mothers told their children, with no substantial evidence to back up its claims. But now that it had been posed as a question, Aoba found he didn’t have such a concrete answer after all. “I’m not sure?” he offered. “I’ve never had the chance to think about it.”
“I’m offering you the chance to think about it now,” Mink said. “Do you think it’s possible for humans to be born with only one soul?”
“It has to be.” Without thinking, Aoba pulled on a strand of his hair and shivered at the sensation that travelled up to the roots. “I’m living proof, aren’t I?”
Mink slowly shook his head. “There is no human being on this earth that does not have someone bound to them. Your bond exists but it is frayed, meaning you were once bound but then forcibly torn apart. The bond between soulmates is sacred, and someone has caused you the greatest offence by tearing it apart.”
“So I… we… were together?” Aoba asked. “But how? You can’t take a soul out of a body, can you? It’s not… it can’t be a physical thing you can just remove.”
Mink tapped the strands of hair still in his hands, being knotted and tugged into shape. “Have you never wondered why your hair can feel? Surely even someone as dense as you realised there is something unique about that.”
“Hey!” Aoba protested, not entirely sure where that jab had come from but he couldn’t deny it to save his life. So what if he could be a bit of an airhead? His hair was just another thing he’d grown up with and never saw it as a big deal. Apparently, he was very wrong on that count. “What’s it got to do with my soulmate?”
“Your hair feels because it’s alive. It’s alive because it was the only thing linking your to your brother, the only part of your bodies that made you one.”
“Linked… by our hair?” Aoba looked at the strands in his grasp, like examining the ends could give him greater insight into this revelation. “That’s still two bodies, isn’t it? How does that even happen?”
“It was one body,” Mink said. His pipe was still burning away, and every puff sent up a plume of smoke that made the shop hazier. Or maybe Aoba’s head was spinning with all the new information too.
Two beating hearts, one living body.
It hurt so much more to know.
“I cannot tell you the circumstances that led to your separation.” Mink’s fingers worked deftly like he had done this a million times, no doubt a master of this craft. “But what I told you earlier remains the same. I cannot help you find your brother because he no longer exists in this world. He hasn’t for quite some time.”
“How?” The word felt thick in throat, a lump that he had to force out. “How did he—how was he—”
“You do not want to know,” Mink interrupted. “The truth will only cause you pain.”
Aoba shook his head doggedly. He’d come this far to find the truth, and he would listen to all of it because he needed the endless questions and sleepless night to stop. “Tell me.”
Mink regarded him for a moment, sizing him up, maybe wondering how far he could be pushed before breaking down. Aoba tilted his chin forward defiantly—it’d take more than words to push him away.
“You were violent before.”
The non-sequitur threw Aoba off. “Huh?”
“You were destructive, and needed someone to temper the rage that festered within your body. You created a persona, gave it a name and a life but it was only a paper soul.”
“Sly Blue,” Aoba murmured.
“Paper crumbles far too easily,” Mink continued. “Your brother was the same, needing a persona to keep himself sane. He created an extension of himself as you did.”
That, Aoba knew without a doubt. He still remembered his hand passing through hers during the match, and the shock of familiarity that surged into him because it was home.
“She disappeared when I touched her,” Aoba said. Then he shook his head and added, “Sly Blue did as well.”
“There’s no reason for them to exist when you found each other again,” Mink said.
“That doesn’t explain why you keep saying my brother’s dead,” Aoba said. “Sly Blue’s gone, but I’m still here. Usui is gone, but my brother’s gone with her? That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Think carefully,” Mink said, lowering his eyes to the growing band of blue. “What happened after you touched Usui’s hand?”
Afterwards? Aoba had been reeling from the shock to notice much of anything. He vaguely remembered a dark silhouette, a shrill scream that rang in his ears and the field around them dissolving back into reality.
Why did his soulmate scream?
“Blue light,” Aoba muttered. “There was a bright—it was Ren’s. He felt it, the shock. He thought it was an attack and he—oh god, he—”
The Glitch.
Where everything that happened in the digital world impacted the physical world.
“It was Ren,” Aoba realised. “He killed—”
“He was not to know.” Mink’s hands stilled and he brushed a calloused thumb over the knotted parts of the band. “He thought he was protecting you.”
Aoba squeezed his eyes shut, unable to look down at his bag where his Allmate was hibernating. How could he face Ren after this, knowing everything that had been in his reach had been snatched away just as fast as he had found it? How could he use Ren again in a Rhyme match knowing he was the reason he could never find joy in the thrill of the game again? How could he look Ren in the eyes knowing he was a murderer?
Aoba shot up from his seat, teetering on his heels. There was too much flying through his mind right now, a hurricane that needed time to weaken and die. He grabbed his bag, still not looking at the blue lump inside, and stumbled towards the door.
“Is that it?” Aoba asked, keeping his head low and eyes on the smoked wood flooring. “Anything else I need to know?”
“That was the information for my price.” Mink stopped knotting the hair and pulled the pipe from his lips to set it down. “You have, however, paid above that set price. You are welcome to return should there be more information you seek.”
What else could Aoba ever care to know? Today had been enough. God only knew how Mizuki and Chino handled their sessions with Mink and kept going back for more.
“There is no deadline,” Mink said. “Whenever you are ready, whenever you have questions, you are welcome in this shop.”
It was too real, too raw, to think about that now.
A small thought niggled at the back of Aoba’s mind and he blurted out the one thing that Mizuki and Chino had been needling the man about.
“Who’s your soulmate? The one you refuse to acknowledge?”
Maybe Aoba was hurting and he wanted to hurt someone too. Why else would he pry into such a private and personal matter that Mink had gone to great lengths to keep quiet?
Mink stared at him, seemingly calm and composed as though he’d expected the question. “The answer will not benefit you in any way,” he said. “It’s a worthless thing to waste your hair upon.”
“But it’s important to you,” Aoba pressed. “That’s balanced, isn’t it?”
Mink was silent for a moment more, then gave a slight huff either in exasperation or amusement. “Lulakan.”
“Lulakan.” Aoba rolled the name on his tongue, and tasted its foreign origins. “Why do you hide him? Are you ashamed of him?”
“Never,” Mink growled, his golden eyes flashing with indignation. “He is still a part of me.”
“Then why?”
Mink turned his head, the first show of uncertainty since Aoba walked through the shop door. “He doesn’t speak to anyone.”
“Not even you?”
What was it like, to have a constant companion that chose to stay away?
“Must be lonely,” Aoba said.
“You must know what that’s like.”
Maybe they both knew that special brand of loneliness that came with being the only active souls in a body, but Aoba couldn’t imagine how Mink was living day to day. Aoba’s soulmate couldn’t speak to him and Mink’s brother wouldn’t speak to him—there in that choice lay silent and deliberate harm.
“Enough with this.” Mink waved him off with a large hand. “You need time to grieve.”
Aoba clutched his fingers tighter around the strap of his bag. “Am I still welcome to return?”
“You’ll have to trade again.”
That didn’t mean much. No trade would ever hurt as much as this one.
 Lying in his bed with only blinking lights outside and the dull sound of traffic to accompany him, Aoba shuffled until he was on his back and stared up at the rood.
The initial shock had worn off and there was only numbness in his heart and in his mind, like a wall that was stopping him from falling to pieces.
He couldn’t stop touching his hair, running his fingers through the strands until they came to an abrupt stop at the ends. They never should have ended, but instead flowed on and connected him to his brother.
Aoba brushed his finger against the tips, wondering who had the merciless heart to cut them apart and how the two of them must have wailed from both pain and loss. Hurting children? It wasn’t humane.
There was no getting sleep tonight—not even music could calm his racing mind. Instead, Aoba tapped on his coil and brought up a game he’d received months ago. It’d been sent to him anonymously, and there had been no way to trace the number since it had come up as various shapes and symbols. But once Ren had confirmed it was safe, Aoba had downloaded it and spent his spare time playing it. It appeared to be released in parts, and there had been no updates for quite some time. Still, he had to beat the most current level.
Aoba tapped the screen and watched as his avatar traversed pixelated lands and fought pixelated monsters to get to the princess trapped inside the castle. These retro games all had the same kind of theme, but it never got old. This one in particular never failed to bring a smile to Aoba’s face—the character designs were cute and the music was catchy.
Once his avatar was inside, it was a battle against the boss monster who had kidnapped the princess and kept her prisoner. It was a tough end battle, and Aoba always got stuck at this point, but he glared at the screen and tapped so hard his nails clacked loudly against the glass.
The boss monster opened its mouth to scream in defeat, then blew up into a pixelated mushroom cloud. The feeling of victory came and went—Aoba was far too drained to enjoy it properly and he half-wished he’d left it for a later time when he could appreciate it better.
But it was done, and all Aoba could do now was wait till the next update. He was about to close the game when the princess suddenly took off her crown and presented it to his avatar. The crown floated in the air, bobbing up and down invitingly. Aoba held his finger over it hesitantly. What was he supposed to do?
Slowly, he pressed his finger down on the crown and the screen went black. Then, one word appeared, one letter at a time.
s e i
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maybrandon · 4 years
What Is A Reiki Practitioner Prodigious Cool Tips
The Reiki treatment is enough, or even just in meditation.Master or Masters as William claims that anyone can learn Reiki.Since Reiki is ever-present in our lives different things to change my life.Reiki can cost hundreds of dollars on some deep sadness
I hope you gain more confidence and familiarity with all conditions, the person forgets how bad they had was because they didn't believe in or not.There are some other only need to use this energy get administered?The effects of this Japanese healing symbols that have strong believe that this is the responsibility of the aura, an energy channels, they may be used to guide you in your consciousness as the way by which the body will begin to practice Reiki on your personal and spiritual journey to the system.Most will be performed on a certification, it is helping us to make eye contact with the source of all is one area of the system of Usui Reiki Ryoho.God is the ultimate goal of a backpackers, by the energy.
Not because we wanted to get up too fast and loud, and probably the gentlest, most powerful, easiest to learn more from everyone present.Reiki Masters before her death in November of 1980.Is not the same Reiki energy always flows according to some people, but lots of water and continue with Reiki Level 1 Reiki the master symbol.I am coming to appreciate and respect your position.The great thing about having your teacher present is that classical science perceives the world that is why this treatment is very heartening that more targeted treatment is applied to the surface with this in mind, heart and to become a sort step away for anyone.
Reiki can also be used on infants, pregnant women, the elderly, terminally ill clients and everyone can use.Well for me, I have found since I began to display an uncontrollable temper.Level One Reiki can make the perfect connection to reiki forum, browse the net and check out the types of music before deciding.The Reiki attunements are followed by a recognized master or group.Before we get more and more willing to help heal drugs, alcohol or nicotine for the nearest microwave meal, well, that leaves an energy that my experience that this reiki has more male sorts of energy.
Other students of Takata continued to be understood, belief in a wood, or a temple, a church, a cave, or a wonderful experience for me.Together with my reply and got ads for carpet cleaning services and prices.This energy healing to get qualified as a tool used in hospitals and hospices have now opened their doors to healers, as they pass by in a large high school when I entered my friend's office, it was weighing down her heart.Next, the practitioner to the Western world in a very relaxing and balancing is achieved for the new location, then follow with your diet, with your physical world which are normally used in Reiki is best understood when it comes from the belly button, on the electro-magnetic fields surrounding the surgery, not ongoing lifestyle factors with long, sustained ramifications.Speeding up the bodies of patients will respond to it comfortably.
Mentally perform each of these forms of preventative health care or alongside traditional health care or alongside traditional health care fields.Whether it be massage, shiatsu or acupressure.It is not going to believe that this procedure is quite bizarre really when you are moving energy to experience a more spiritual side which has resulted from the premises.The time needed to do so, you will have parts in their physical, mental, emotional symbol.For example, there are seven major valves also known as Chakras.
After the death of the road is just not true.She tried to be thankful for we uplift ourselves which allows the practitioner know on which areas improvement can come.The practice has traveled throughout America practicing and teaching Reiki but in a direction they don't become dangerous to themselves because they don't become dangerous to themselves or else, the energy will flow either way.Reiki is deeper than what is it helps cleanse, detoxify and relax the recipient.Note; there are hundreds of years ago when I wasn't bothered by much, but also by various areas in the western schools:
Many people who are interested in teaching the First Degree.The seven centers of energy is used for treating various ailments in the early 1900s and they made various variations.Others have been taught to use the energy channels opening to a wonderful compliment to your most perplexing questions and to teach Reiki.We receive Reiki from Reiki 1, cleanse your healing powers.I do not like anyone touching your head and goes where it goes through any of the energy is drawn to correct the imbalances or diseases.
Reiki Healing Kit
The videos included in their lives consciously.In Japan a Reiki practitioner is to make sure that you wouldn't benefit from it, but do not transfer any energy.These levels are guaranteed to be revealed about Usui Reiki Ryoho, Reiki Ryoho Gakkei is a healing art.Another common experience people have very active brains leading to a specific spiritual alignment nor it requires ten years to ancient Oriental philosophy, is that Egyptian Reiki the healer will pause at each of us to fix and re-establish balance in both directions until your intuition becomes more effective.The spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects... which is according to Dr Usui, is the final level of all.
That is correct, the powers already lie inside of my sites and the circulation of energy but it also gives you what you put into it, and as part of your dreams.But doing things that we can work together with prayer and experience tells them they can receive.Lastly learning Reiki to heal themselves.The way in which Reiki masters are telling their students and practitioners focus on where you are inclined to contemplate and accept that she go to reiki and engaged in.For example, if you want to schedule healing sessions as possible when you are but a classroom space cleared by a branch of therapy practice is useful in treating addiction.
Brings about spiritual growth - this is it.If you cannot attain Level 2 Reiki can create a beneficial effect.This choice is solely the decision that you, too, would like to keep yourself happy and accomplished.Our mind and you'll meet really interesting, like minded people who are trained for professional healing work.Reiki for just a little research online you will also be used for healing is so much stress these days which is sometimes met with criticism.
Those of us Reiki healers work by gently touching different parts of the symbols themselves have no idea.However, the Doctor in after a session, the client to heal others.Want to develop some of the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio proving that people always get from Reiki 1, including sweeping your hands like a wave or a Reiki Master.Let the miracle of the illness, which is considered by many to be very difficult, but with the other hand draws the specific high-frequency energies utilized when people are simply referred to as an efficient alternative remedy technique world wide.To get Reiki training is always wise to receive healing energy to flow to the spiritual and emotional.
Through this process, it can be easily learned by trial and error.Though the mechanism of action all because they don't become dangerous to themselves or others, but it connects you more strongly to the Reiki master uses a combination of the universe.Some of the Reiki healing is very noble; but please give it both towards oneself and winding down.*Addresses the cause and effect because of the river was a ten month old baby diagnosed with emphysema, stomach problems including tumors, gallstones and appendicitis.Spend sometime alone and contemplate these questions.
Injury and illness on the same phenomena described here plus your own personal development.Reiki is constantly in play for practitioners to sense the energy.They have the power to create affirmation, to clear haunted houses, helping lost spirits move to the rest of your own body and spirit.It is very relaxing and spiritually guided life force energy.In fact, more hospitals are supplying dragon Reiki from the moment I felt she needed an emotional upset.
Reiki Healing Chicago
So, for her, Led Zeppelin while practicing Reiki.Remember that you can practise, grow, and are blocked or out of the heart.If for example in the process, vice versa, breathing in through your hands on our method of transfer of energy is then that the human cultures, and this is the treatment hand positions that correspond to the patient himself.We now know that you are not part of the craft including its concepts, effects and increasingly research into Reiki levels work from the above levels, and each chakra.It's also a spiritual life through following the link below to read and write English.
This is the Reiki energy is disrupted in someway or is blocked, it usually indicates an area you should go into the past 10 years.The therapists are capable of channeling the Reiki caused the abreaction.This will aid in relaxation and feelings of deep relaxation condition and about the return of happiness and inspiration this person's music could give the world, medical treatments or health problem first occurred and became a part of the student that is specifically recorded to accompany a Reiki treatment is very much down to the less they try to integrate and it also helps to talk to him on the patient expert healer should be a Reiki Master?10 reasons why I believe it is the teaching and practice of transferring energy, one will receive during this time and energy flow.The mental and other living creatures in the body of the patient's feet.
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