#but whatwver whatever moving on
carpathiians · 1 year
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we should improve the state of physical fitness classes in elementary and secondary schools somewhat
#i’m gonna be honest i only did PE once a week in elementary school and then never took a regular PE class again#but my friends have and they've told me some Horrible Things#and i know in general the perception of them as you're either a jock and fine or you're whatever at best#and at worst you are actively bullied and or fighting for your life#and ive gotten really into body awareness and physical care i guess is how you could put it#mostly due to musician-y needs i wanted to help myself with#but if there's anything i've learned it's that there's a million and one ways to stay in shape and take care of your body#and many of them have no extreme or painful aspect at all!! in fact many are about learning how our bodies naturally move#and using that to help us!!!!!#theres so many ways to move and some people want to sport and some people may want to chill#and we literally live in a world where everybody- and i think i do believe EVERYBODY- can find even the smallest 'exercise'#(<- which i use to mean activity) to do which can either help keep them in physical shape#or give them healthy ways to manage any pain they may have#PE does not have to suck bro it literally doesn't at all#bluebird.txt#imagine if we treated students with kindness and compassion and understanding and gave them what they needed#rather than imposing shit on them arbitrarily#i do think a physical education classes are necessary i just also KNOW in my heart that they don't have to suck for everyone#anyways i'll get off my soapbox or whatwver#i mean ultimately we have to completely restructure everything right but that's neither here nor there
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cantofworms · 1 year
ok fine like. dsmp was cool ig idk like it’s smth I’ve spent the past two and years hyperfixed on like not a single day since December 2020 has gone by where I havent thought about the ppl from it whateve r. the only reason I have a tumblr or twt acc is to be in the dsmp fandom and I’ve regularly planned my work schedule around important streams but it’s nbd u know it was just a server fr :/ like I’m not sitting by myself thinking about how I remember certain dates of my life bc they centered arpund dsmp lore and vice versa like this smth I’m def gonna move on from vv easily ahaha def not gonn ajust. lay down and Thhink for the rest of my night about how the lead up to the third decade of my life was paved w all the memories and joy of this server keeping me company when no one else would lmao like about how the the internet was created for global communication and connection and the point of creating smth w ppl you love is friendship and that. You could choose loved. and I would choose this server a million times over if given the chance but it’s whatwver like idec thatmsuchtbth
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fruitwanderer · 1 year
So!! Clothes!! This will include a whole lotta headcannons
3rd Life, it takes place in the fall and into early winter in a place that experiences both of those seasons not quite vividly but definetly notiecably. So at the start the clothes aren't light persay, but they do have easily removable layers because it would still be warm enough rhat physical labour would leave you hot. And as you move further on the pants start getting heavier, nights spent mending holes and adding linings. Wool jackets pieced together, the works. By the end everything is thick but mobile, and requires under layers. This one i have like no thoughts on really unless we want to get into individuals but that feels excessive for my first inbox ramble to you.
Last life is winter, very early spring. Early spring as in the snow is melting and wet and iced over and dirty and disgusting. The clothes are heavy, and everyone is wearing gloves. Everything is furlined and made of wool (good water proofing which in the snow is a neccessity). People like Scar wear spikes on their shoes for grip (if you dont live in a snowy enviorment, look it up, its a thing, and theyre sick af), j name scar because mountains are colder, are probably always snowing, and damn icy. Well trodden paths are probably slick as all hell as well, so in general boots are built tall, thick, and with traction. Hoods and hats become a neccessity against the wind, but with the hoods already being easy to grab and choke someone with nobody dared risk a scarf to wear. Last life was ruthless. Clothes may be bulky but handholds and easy grips are minimized, too thick to easily grab. Everythings tucked in or tapers at the end. This is also generally where people started wearing their hair either aggresively short or long enough to be pulled up tight and secure easily. The comforts of their other servers may have deluded them into thinking things like this couldnt be used against them in 3rd life, but those beliefs dont last long.
Now I don't have many thoughts on double life, but, this is spring into summer. The begginning is wet and muddy and the shoes are boots that reflect this start. They initially namelt wore wool sweaters (mild water proofing, few hand holds, spring can be quite chilly) but as summer rolled in they swapped to tshirts jn a much lighter material. Pants likely ended up being made of the same material. Some people prioritized camoflauge wgere they could in this series as well.
Limited life is summer back into fall and people have begun to grow comfortable in these games. Hair and hand holds might not be present again, but clothes are loose, and like the clockers, fashion statements are begginning to take priority with bright flashy colors and pieces of clothes that are mildly impractical (unbuttoned shirts are not convienent for chasing someone down). This is a reflection of how they were more careless when it came to dying.
Now much unlike the life series your clothing does not inhibit your success on empires or hermitcraft nearly as much. Where you have to think about the practicallity and how others can ise clothes against you in the life series, as long as you can move and do in your outfit of choice on either hc or esmp you can wear it.
In hermitcraft theres a large variety in outfits. Some hermirts wearing big dresses and extravagent outfits that have got to make life some level harder. But you'll also just see a guy in cargo shorts and a branded tshirt. It reflects the freedom of safety. Now they generally do take into account where thwyre living when outside, their bases would be well insulated and climate controlled meaning inside it is a reasonable temperature to wear whatwver they want.
Empires s1 should probably be a second ask but whatever. I'll just keep it to the kingdoms i know
Rivendell is cold, wet, and constantly snowy. Mountain life, man. Wool as an export makes sense, because again, ir's warm, can be used to make clothes, and is mostly waterproof. And if i know sheep they can be fairly resilient and at this point they also likely can climate control their barns to an extent. So the people of rivendell tend to wear one thick outerlayer and a thinner (probably imported) base layer for aesthetics. The royalty (scott) tend to wear several outer layer sweaters, a cloak (typically short) damn thick pants, and medium boots. The several layers are due to the fact that travel is fast, and diplomatic issues come up and are dealt with in the same day so he often needs to be prepared to handle any given climate. The more layers he removes in his hoise when you visit him as someone of another empire shows how much he respects and trudts you (more=more less=less). Rivendell exporting wool, a material widely used will mean their fashion likely influences several kingdoms, but due to how harsh their climate is it is rare fashion is noticeably impacted by others, that goes far more into language and cuisine. (attached below is an example of scott)
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Pearls empire (gilded hycanthia i believe) is a much more mild climate as it is the food/farming empire. The traditional clothing is far less present than it used to be as it both saw a huve influx of immigrants from several other empires within "recent" memories, is an export everyone relies on so takes influence from nearlt every empire as their climate allows it far easier, and rheir culture. This is the empire where tou will see the leather accessories of grimlands paired with the light dresses of katherines empire on the same person and no one is confused. But traditional clothing is still extremely present in bith rhe royalty and at festivals (a huve part of their culture). The traditional fem garb included what i believe is a hoop skirt, a plain or striped dress (typically longsleeved) over it, and then a second dress (typically tanktop) over that that could be tied up into a very large pocket in the belt that kept everything together. The second layer came in handy with both harvesting and planting. The layers were lights and the skirts could be utilized to create a breeze around your legs and cool you down on hot days. The masc clothing utilized knee length trousers and loose shirts. They also had a sash belt that acted similarly to the 2nd skirt of the fem counterpart. (Attsched below is a couple dancing at a festival, the lady on the left is in entirrly traditional clothed, where as the lady on the right is acknowledging her familys heritage in the grimlands through no longsleeves and leather gloves)
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The grimlands climate has very little to do with their clothes. Most of this empire is accessible without ever going outside and the work they do is hot. So leather is a neccessarry part of their fashion and while their smocjs arent apart of their fashion, theyre always heavily personalized. Tall leather gloves, goggles, tight clothing that is generall fire resistant (leather pants become super popular every other generation or so) are all grimlands staples. Theres very little influence on workdays from other empires, but sometimes on off days, you'll see outside influence run rampant. Thisll be on days such as holidays that are not nearly as serious a buisness as in pearls empire.
I have far more tjoughts but my energy just dropped. Feel free to ask questions or whatwver, no im jot actually super educated, this all mostly bsed but its fascinating to me, and this juat seems logical.
Oooo? 👀👀👀
Tbh clothing is always a fun thing to mess with when it comes to headcanons and gets overlooked so, so often just ;o;
This all actually kinda reminds me of our Nether headcanons related to its different creatures and, to some extent, cultures. Along with gear that non-nether creatures have to wear because of the whole lava, fire, and low oxygen thing. We might ramble about those another time, rn our brain is full of Warrior Cats OC thoughts 😔
Also mini note: We haven't watched Empires s1 and heavily procrastinate on watching it. Absolutely on our list of things to watch and we love to hear or see headcanons about it, just know we don't know all context ;o;
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romanticfistfightz · 1 year
whatever WHATWVER i cant stand bc im in massive pain and i cant move my hands properlh bc im in pain but im 20 i cant be like yeah sorry cant come im in pain so i emailed my manager like. hey my grandpa died i wont be coming today. which is PROBABLY true cuz the ambulance medics yesterday said he probs wont live til morning but she doesnt have to know its not the reason im not coming. also i wanted to just log in and use one of two days of Higher Power which is. just for that but nooo i cant log in bc errors so i had to email her like hey. cant do anything abt it but jsyk im not coming yo work today. also my pain is just going up so now theres a Pain Highway from my ankle to my knee
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