#but when im seeing the main mod person doing other stuff and the mod hasnt even had one update wip shot or anything
the-tiniest-demigod · 5 months
fnf mod culture is waiting
and waiting
and waiting
and waiting
and we're not getting this mod are we
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
okay this might sound really bad and might not be a thing for you& bc we personally can just do stuff like this without problem (long story) but if its genuinely such a big problem (this sounds kind of like i dont think it is, thats not what i mean) and you have a chance to get out before it gets worse, you& should take it.
it sounds like (keyword: sounds) like their being there is causing being in and particpating in the chat to do more harm than good for you& and it doesnt sound like theyll be leaving again anytime soon - im not sure if this really is the case, but if it is bugging out seems like the better choice than sticking around
you&ll miss the good people and the good times, but clinging onto the past when the present version is harming you& isnt very .. good, yknow? if you have anyone who you trust that you can keep contact with even a bit, you& could ask them to tell you& if/when the mod ever leaves/is removed/changes their ways if you& plan on ever going back
obviously im very aware that just leaving might not be as an easy a choice for you& but i figured i could share my thoughts as someone who has done this Too Many Times
- travis (buddy sys)
yeah i can see the red flags. honestly im so reluctant to leave purely bc of how it happened. like woagh some cool place! these ppl r super important 2 me-whoops a random person came and its gone. Literally completely out of the blue, which is like. huh. at least the other times you can yknow see it coming or have other reasons. this spot was just. so nice, n really important to a lot of ppl so saying gbye bc of luck is just. grr. said mod was completely mia for like a year gdammit
i hav doubts theyll be moving considerin they r the first mod n well liked by the older members of chat, including many a mod. n uh when drama happens in the past it hasnt...been handled well.
tbh the main issue is that leaving means leaving 100%, we wont b able to talk to like any of these friends. period. so like. fuck yknow. gonna miss that sht like crazy.
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