#but wolfwood aint one
yuhi-san · 2 months
Listen, i get why people see wolfwood as a monsterfucker. After all vash occasionally melts into a biblicaly accurate abomination and all that but...
Wolfwood decidedly is not a monsterfucker
That's like half the problem. If he were, it would be so so much easier on him
Wolfwood isn't a case of "oh fuck i wanna screw that six ways to sunday" (excited, very horny for vash's body horror)
Wolfwood is clearly a case of "oh fuck i wanna screw that six ways to sunday" (horrifyed, very much not into the body horror but realizing he still wants to bang vash anyway.)
Like not sure if this would constitute a sexual identity crisis but it sure is a crisis of some kind
In canon, regardless of if you read them as platonic or romantic, wolfwood grows to love, trust and deeply care for vash but it doesnt ever quite overwrite the instinctual fear of all the fucked up shit vash has going on
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leona-florianova · 1 year
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So I made an Eye Of Michael OC...
Sister Joy the Glaring Sentinel...
Or the Big Battle Nun With a Big Gun.
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tri-pofdeath · 11 months
I'm LATE at this point but goddammit i want to talk about the Vash/Leonof fight and the Wolfwood/Ninelives fight, how their visuals contrast each other, and what these artistic choices say about the characters.
So, first and first most, as a general rule the panels in Vash's fight are very light, in wide open but barren spaces that span across several areas in the ship. There is a lot of physical distance between him and the Puppetmaster, and the fight feels very tense and contemplative. For Wolfwood's fight with Ninelives, it's just about the opposite- it's very dark, close quarters, and brutal. It takes place in a small enclosed space that Wolfwood makes even more tight by trying to close a door on Ninelives. To get a quick idea of what I mean, look at these pages side-by-side.
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Wolfwood's pages at a glance just. have literally more ink on the pages, and all of the panels are almost entirely filled with the characters within, and with the exception of Ninelive's splash page there, you don't get a chance to sort of , step back and take a good look at them persay. It's all hectic, with sound effects and intense speech bubbles filling a lot of the sparse negative space.
The pages with Vash's fight, on the other hand, are mostly white and a very light gray-tone, with more focus on the environments than on the characters. He spends a lot of the fight assessing threats, looking for the puppets, exploring- it's very suspenseful.
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First off, the location and the framing of the panels works very well for what's actually going on with these fights- Vash's fight with Leonof involves everyone on the ship (at least as far as he knows), so the "camera" being far away (like the reader is observing from afar, hiding perhaps) works well, but so does the focus on the notably empty environments. This place is a paradise compared to the rest of No Man's Land we've seen - there's grass! Nice houses! Working ship rooms! This place should also be teeming with people happy to see Vash, too! It's deeply wrong that this place is so empty.
The barrenness of these places is also reflective of how much Vash has lost very quickly- he gave up his life with Lena (and as far as he knows they're either in danger or Gone, they were used against him) , he hasn't seen Meryl and Milly in years and I imagine is unsure if he Will again, and has to
Meanwhile with Wolfwood- this is a fight between two people on the same side. Their peers, and they're mad as hell at each other (well, Wolfwood is more mad as hell in general, but y'know.) If Ninelives gets out of here and it gets back that Wolfwood has properly totally betrayed Knives, as far as Wolfwood knows, that could be very bad for him.
Not only that, much of Wolfwood's current inner turmoil has to do directly with violence and his humanity, and he is having a hell of a time coming to terms with that. Vash's words have had a real effect on him, and even if he's not necessarily taking them to heart, they're certainly getting under his skin
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(This happens before the fight, but still, the mindset of "completely pre-occupied and haunted by a moral crisis" is how he goes into this ) Wolfwood is definitely one to go all in on fights, but even this one is especially brutal and violent- he's definitely taking things out on Ninelives. His fear of Vash/Knives, fear of what happens next in the grand scheme of things (ik that's vague but YKNOW) , the whole aforementioned Moral Crisis- It's definitely notable that Vash is Not present and there are no witnesses to this fight except for Ninelives, his equally damnable peer who went down the same awful path (working for Knives/Legato) that he did.
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also. not related to the bigger point I was making here but I have to say, I really really love inkwork and Nightow does a lot of cool stuff with like, high-contrast lighting or really stylish use of spot-blacks in Vol 3 and 4 and I am putting them directly in my mouth. Look at that WW up there!! Look at this one!!
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The way a lot of him is just left Implied bc the light is that bright but you can still tell exactly what's happening, even with such an extreme angle as this is just, chefs kiss, beautiful
AGAIN while i'm here I want to talk about this page too, right before their fight starts, this is GREAT. The movement in this page is great- the explosion smoke leading into WW's cigarette smoke, which leads into him throwing aside the cigarette and getting ready to Fight. And how the side of his jacket blends in to the background of this big panel? SO COOL, very stylish and fun, I can only imagine Nightow felt like a god when he planned out this page
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altarpup · 8 months
the wolfwood dash collective grows. unfortunately.
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fruitsoxs · 11 months
Okokok I am here with a request:
Hear me out: Wolfwood x Reader where the reader and Wolfwood adopt a little one,,,
I swear to God, it'd be so soft and precious,,,
Thank you :D
ahhhh this is so cute. thank you!!
pairings; wolfwood x (GN)reader warnings; none notes; ive had an idea like this brewing in my brain for a awhile so i'm glad i had a reason to finally write it out! thank you!
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His eyes trail across the cobblestone floors, landing on a particular pair who seem to be having the time of their lives. A crooked smile rests across his lips as he watches you play with the little boy that has grown quite attached to you. The kid is hanging off your back as you run around in a circle. The kid is giggling like a maniac, and you’ve got your own smile on your face.
He was sure it would be a mistake bringing you to see his old orphanage. He regretted it the moment the offer left his mouth, and your eyes lit up. He wasn’t sure how’d you react to his old home, or if you’d get along with everyone. You’re his favorite person in the world, and he couldn’t imagine what would happen if this all went wrong. But it didn’t. 
Apparently, you’re really good with kids.
Maybe this was a mistake, because Wolfwood can’t stop staring at you as you play around. He can’t stop thinking that this all feels a little too right. After years of hard work, was it finally time for him to settle down with you? He looks over at your cute smiling face, and his heart clenches in his chest. He wants that. He wants it so bad, he’d drop everything now and adopt that child on the spot.
He pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on, and makes his way over to you. As soon as you see him, your smile breaks out into a large grin. You wave at him as he nears you, the child still hanging onto your neck. 
“You look like you’re having fun.” he chuckles, resting his hands in the pockets of his pants. You smile sheepishly and shrug your shoulders. “This kid’s got a whole lotta energy.” you respond, hiking the kid higher onto your back. The kid giggles and presses his head into the back of your shoulder. Wolfwood finds his heart beating a little faster at the scene.
“Oh yeah?” Wolfwood mumbles moving so he’s eye level with the kid. “And what are you playing?” he asks. The kid grins a toothless grin. “We’re playing cowboys. I’m an outlaw-” The kid explains shooting off a pretend gun. “And I’m a horse-” you add on, laughing. Wolfwood can’t hold back the chuckle that escapes his throat.
“Well you know, every outlaw needs a sheriff to chase him.” Wolfwood tells the kid, grinning. He steps back and makes a gun with his fingers. “Put ‘em up!” He says dramatically, pointing his finger gun at the kid. The kid squeals happily as you start running from Wolfwood.
The three of you play around for a little bit, with wolfwood pretending to chase the boy. You end up putting the kid down and stepping back for a second to catch your breath, watching as the two continue playing on their own. The boy seems to be having more fun now than ever, and Wolfwood can’t help but feel like this is right.
The kid shouts out a few “Bangs!” and Wolfwood pretends he’s hit, putting a hand over his heart and collapsing onto the ground. “You got me kid-” he gasps dramatically. “You’re too good of a shot-” The kid laughs and runs off to continue playing with a  few other kids that have joined in on the game.
Your head appears above Wolfwood, a hand held out offering to help him stand. He takes it and allows you to help pull him back onto his feet. When he’s up, he puts an arm around you and pulls you against his side as the two of you watch the kids play.
“They’re pretty cute, aren’t they?” you point out, resting your head on his shoulder. He smiles and nods. “Maybe we should take one home.” He finally says out loud. There’s a beat of silence before you turn to him with wide eyes. “Don’t joke-”
“I aint joking.” He cuts you off, a soft look upon his features. He reaches out to cup your cheek with his hand. “Seeing you running around with that kid- It had me thinking. Maybe it’s time?” he starts, staring into your eyes. “Maybe it’s time we settle down. For good. Just me, you…and the kid.” He smiles as he traces your cheek with his thumb.
You seem completely awestruck- but your shocked expression morphs into a smile and you nod. Tears  start to gather in your eyes as you lean forward and press your lips against his softly. “I would love that.” You whisper as you pull away. 
He pulls you into a hug with a smile. He can't wait to start a family with you.
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milly meryl shenanigans
nothing too crazy lol
as soon as meryl woke up,,,, wolfwood called
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>:3 this is fun
so they chatted on the front porch hehe
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except... wolfwood came over sooooo angry ?? over nothing ??
babe what,,,,, pick an emotion !!!
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meryl cheered him up and it worked,,, but she also made a flirtatious joke ???????????????
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and he immediately got flirty dkjslfjdfj
meryl, who hadn't had any food yet today, wanted to cook with wolfwood !! because that's his love language !
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but he was being stubborn (as always) and resisted coming in
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at least they had fun chatting
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jk..... wolfwood literally ran off before she could even try T-T
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milly spotted a woman on a jog and decided "ah yes,,, a friend" because aint that just the way
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oh dear.... the lady told a story about how she peed herself and now milly has second hand embarrassment
meryl listened to too much pop music and their speaker broke, so handy man milly to the rescue !
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livio called midway through ?? for advice ?
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milly told him to go for it ! you only live once !
and then she scavenged in the trash T-T
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she went inside to make dinner and tried to invite milly to join her but...
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okay.... milly's fun meter is low (mostly bc that date yesterday SUCKED) and one of the ways to up your fun meter fast is woohooing...... SO MILLY IS GOING OUT ON THE TOWN TO FIND A ONE NIGHT STAND
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okay so she's at a bar in Oasis Springs.... and tries to start a convo with this dude... the only other person her age
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except he's so sad ? and milly being milly decided that it was her job to cheer him up
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okay ! now milly is gonna go for it ! she's gonna flirt and...
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he's gay dlksjfdlkjfdsf
anyway, milly moved on ! bc some other people had arrived ! she's chatting with the gossip queens
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ooo ! this girl in the craziest fit came over and Milly flirted successfully !
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buuuut then she left... and milly was back at square one again.
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at least nancy is still here
i dont want to assume sexual preferences,,, but milly had a feeling this man might not be into what she has to offer
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she's so hot o hhhdf emy gosh
well,,, milly's feeling a bit disappointed and still hasn't quite achieved any fun, but its late and she wants sleep
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so milly went home..... sad......
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insinirate · 11 months
pls i am begging for a vash/nai portrait like the wolfwood/nai one, nai would have spent an UNSETTLING amount of money on professional photos of dog vash
alright lets back it up my wrist aint what it used to be
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ghostiezone · 9 months
OKOK. I HAVE A COUPLE REQUESTS (no pressure to do them all I just had ideas :])
- danny phantom + freakshow hanging out. idk maybe they’re eating cereal or listening to tunes..they should get to be friends. Even tho freakshow is evil etc etc
- vash angel imagery please 🥺 please 🥺 or. Spare a wolfwood for a starving man🤲🤲🤲 or vash+Meryl height difference I love when they’re side by side
- thjs one is sooo self indulgent but. killjoys in ur style 😳 would love 2 see it<33
TWO OUTTA THREE AINT BAD !!!! here are some killjoys for u <3
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i also did the danny phantom one but i wanna post that separately :] one moment please
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vashcommittee · 1 year
I still keep thinking about this one scene in Trimax where Vash protects Wolfwood and says like "I fight for HIM" like if that aint gay idk what is.
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yuhi-san · 10 months
there is this gap in stampede between vash collapsing in the plant room and him waking up back in his room at home.
and i wonder how the inbetween went down. like not sure if wolfwood knew vash was a plant specifically, but meryl and roberto sure as hell didn't. imagine their confusion and panic.
and suddenly there are people storming in, totally not dressed in a way they have ever seen before. after all that just went down, meryl and co have all the reason to think these people have it out for vash.
and the people from ship three see vash out cold with likely no context and a grumpy dude and another one with a giant ass gun. that does not exactly scream harmless.
i think its fair to say that both sides must come to the reasonable conclussion that the others had it out for vash.
that must have been awkward and tense
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stellarhistoria · 11 months
And they were Roommates (Fuck u I know he's only on discord but he's known here anyway. Vash and Luka. Maybe Meryl included.)
oh my god they were roommates . . . @breathofcosmos . . . the polycule
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specifically luka and vash:
once luka is given a new guitar after the previous admittance of what happened to his previous one, the first song that he sings / plays is " boys feel sad too " by Rosendale, and while he tries to hide it, vash is standing outside of the room listening to him play it.
he might try to hide it, but vash has gotten so close to him by that point that he can feel luka getting more and more upset as he plays. it pains him, to let it happen, and because vash is who he is, he steps in before the song is finished and hugs his boyfriend close in silence.
luka is a very cuddly person, and thankfully for vash, he's also pocket sized.
sadly(TM) he's also a disastrous little protective demon of a man who will kill someone for vash, so vash constantly has to make sure when they're back on noman's land to not let luka go berserk when someone attacks him.
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specifically for meryl:
luka is a terrible flirt and loves to make people flustered; unfortunately for meryl, this spells disaster in the form of a) saying what he thinks of a person and b) if he loves you, he fucking pays attention to what you like. suffer, meryl.
meryl, like luka, is human. however, unlike meryl, luka has the innate ability to regulate his body heat. as a result, before meeting the rest of the polygun, meryl finds his source of constant comfortable lowered body heat comforting, though at first is very worried that he's sick (and vash has to assure her that that actually means he's healthy!! do not fuss over the constant cold tiny pillow, this is him taking care of himself meryl)
however when luka finds himself in a rut of anxiety and paranoia, meryl is usually the one to drag his ass away pretty fast to bed with herself and vash. love yaself, luka!
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specifically for wolfwood (because -sips sprite- fuc─)
wolfwood and luka are extremely... similar yet different in weird ways. this is why they argue and bicker so much, but most of their bickering is over the most asinine of things.
(wolfwood would start the "water is wet" argument with luka even though he aint got no skin in the game, and also just to see luka annoyed (he finds luka annoyed to be adorable).)
wolfwood is the second to pick up on how luka strains himself to help people, second only to the fucker who met him literally half a year prior to the rest of them!, easily detecting when he's at a low point in whatever the fuck he refers to as "mana", and will often, without warning, picks up luka like a bushel of wheat and walk away without listening to protests. ~love yourself, luka~
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crazyanthem · 3 years
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yuhi-san · 15 days
Bleeding for you
Fandom: Trigun
Rating: T
Warnings: Major Character Death
Relationships: Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Characters: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryfe
Additional Tags: Hanahaki Disease, Unrequited Love, Grief/Mourning, Five Stages of Grief, No Happy Ending, there is comfort during the hurt still, tags to be updated, Vashwood Week 2024, Self-Esteem Issues, Wolfwood dosen't think he's a good person
Wolfwood had a feeling that Vash would be the death of him. He just never thought it would be like that. He stares at the single red petal in his hand. It blends in so well with the blood on his hands that it could easily be overlooked. It makes him wonder briefly if it is the first one or just the first one he noticed so far. Wolfwood grapples with the realization that after everything, he can still love deeply and unconditionally but the prize for it is his life.
With Nicholas Doomed by the narrative Wolfwood and the geranium i cna't believe we dont have more Hanahaki. I wanted to write a Hanahaki story so many times but only now for trygun i did. You are... welcome.
For day 4 of @vashwood-week. Fits for blood and flowers, aint that great
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