#but words means a lot mkre to me
lianabrooks · 1 year
Me (handing out gifts): My love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service
Them (taking gift): Um...
Me: I couldn't think of anything nice to say but I like supporting local artists. Shut up and take it. This is as close as we're going to get.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
Random posting with no context other then me being a dork.
So cause I am American born I do know spainsh I'm not the strongest with conversational spainsh but it dose pop up on my blog that muses I have do speak it to extents. And idk but that what this post is about for reasons. Under a cut cause I'm rambling let's be honest but enjoy some lore in there about ocs and my personal headcannons for the cannon charaters I rp.
RICHARD ROBUSTA EVANS- ALDER: My speical blue boy. He is a golden egeal for the fact its Mexicos national bird. Richard is fluent in spainsh but due to background he is very polite in his use so he dosent use a lot of the slang seeing as he dosent even do the same woth English. Ruchard is extermly proud of his latian roots and incorporates that even in his bussniess by items they sell like drink ir flavors and even treats like conchas. And with how successful his company is adds to his pride. His family wasnt the most connected with thier culture thoigh Richards father did insits his sons learn spainsh. Richard would connect himself with it more so as in adult. He mostly slips into spainsh when he's annoyed using slipping cruse words under his breath that way. Or when it comes to her pet names for loved ones, sometimes when Richard gets to emotional he sleeps fully into spainsh not meaning to so he has had moment of showering his husband in different loving terms all in spainish. Because his connection to his heritage is very important to him on a emotional level so when Bailey started to learn to speak it Richard felt turly seen by his husband even if its made for some inside jokes between them he can never turly express to Bailey why that means so much to him but Bailey has always tried to show that intrest so going that far with spainish has touches the grumpy heart the most. He definitely teaches it to Buddy as well even if they only use some terms here and there because to him it's pretty much part of Buddy as well (I think Richard kind of forgets Buddy was adopted xD)
NINA SHARA ROGERS: Nina grew up in the more rual areas of New York spainsh is her first language she slips into far mkre easily but it's heavily casual and full of slang when she speaks. Nina is latina herself, I like to think of here coming from cuban or columbia roots however. She is definitely the type to speak spainish to smack talk someone so they don't knkw what she is saying but knkw they are being talked about. Before Nina was put into the foster system, she was left with her grandmother a lot when her dad wasn't around. And she learned spainsh from them because it was the only language her grandma knew. It's Nina's connection to her late grandmother and her culture as well. The thing given to her by the only person who looked out for her back then.
I feel thats obvious considing they are my ocs. Rest I'll sepeatre from the series the follow charaters are from this isn't covering all my muses but at least MY more active ones.
Helluva Boss/ Habizn Hotel
VAGGIE "VAGATHA": Vaggie in cannon of the series speaks spainish so of course she dose here too. Seeing how she is Salvadoran meaning Vaggie dose use different idioms and such because of that. Mostly it comes out when she's angry very quick to utter insults under her breath lovingly and not.
STOLAS: so his VA Bryce Pinkham had spoken Spainsh in Stolas voice and I got emotional over it xD. But I image Stolas likely dose know a few languages I like to think he picked it up from watching telenovelas though. Havig liked them from a young age so he learned it from the shows he watched. Stolas mostly uses it towards partners since it a romantic language so he likes to use the terms of endearment and pets names and such to more express his love to them. He can converse in it if he needs to but he's very casual in the usage.
Bltizø: he knows some mostly the cussing words though. He dose understand it and love when people think he dosent.
Villainous: I feel this is obvious seeing how the show is from Latian America Cartoon Network but of course my muses from this series speak spainish.
TONY STARK: Tony dose bussniess from all around the world so he knows a bit from everywhere. Not fluent and he for sure dosen’t know any slang of course either
STEVE ROGERS: Steve has picked up a little bit of spainsh from Nina mostly just so he can get after her when she swears or tell her to be nice. So he understands it not so much speaks it.
NATASHA ROMANOFF: she knows Russian, Franch and Latin I has just decided she also knows Spanish do to her line of work as a spy. Because of how she needs to blend in she dose speak more casually and has picked up on the slang and such she's more likely to use Russian for her expressions of love but she'll throw in spainsh as well.
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