smol-soft-abo · 2 years
I’ve been inactive mostly due to work + lack of inspiration, but I still really enjoy this community! If I do get anymore ideas, I’ll be sure to share! ♥️
Omegaverse Blogs Masterlist
I decided to make a list with all the omegaverse (A/B/O and its variants) blogs I have ever followed, some of these are no longer active, but I think they should not be forgotten. As more blogs crop up I’ll edit or reblog to add them to the list, so if I missed anyone please let me know.  @omegaverse-scribbles @i-kinda-like-omegaverse @alpha-zeta-lambda-xi-tau-omega  @treasured–omega @sortingabosincebirth @miscellaneous-miscecanis @justalphabetaomegablog @bubblegum-omega @yet-another-omega @theomegaversegirl @secondhandnesting @soft-alpha-posting @sunshine-omega @pack-verse @omegaverse-lover @omegaversehellscape @omegaverse-headcanons-and-ideas @omegaverse-daily @softcore-omegaverse @omegaverse-info @omegaversetheory @miscefelis-thingz @jar-of-omegaverse @curious-omega @alpha-beta-omega666 @omega-loves @alpha-beta-omegaverse @betawere @abo-r-us @omegaverse-onions @omega-butch @verytiredomega @betawithablog @omega-girl-in-heat @neat-nesting-stuffs @omegaverse-fan @omegaboy-abo @ethereal-vault @a-b-o-writing@omegaverseismyobssesion @glitterguts13 @cosy-omegaverse @omegasunited @omega-gloss @autistic-omegaverse @omegabeee @snippyomega @celestial-omegaverse @allalphaaob @abodynamicmatch @itsanomegasworld @dearmadamalpha @chamomile-omegaverse @macaroni-omegaverse @omegaverse-headcannons @femslash-omegaverse @abo-dynamics @spaceyomega @abomegaverse @omegaverseonfleek-omegaverse @smol-soft-abo @z-ohcs @storiesofanomega @unusually-omegaverse @the-omegaverse @just-alpha-things @cat-and-omegaverse @abosuggestion @abodynamicslife @omegaverse-love @alpha-beta-omega3 @abo-off-kilter @omegaverse-werewolves @wild-omegaverse-world @omegahoney @sweet-sweet-omegas @nestingfox @alphabetaomegaverse @omegaverse-filth-blog @abo-writer @aboheadcannonsandmore @omega-alpha-beta-dynamics  @abo-dreams @oreo-mega-blog @nochuabo-blog @theomegaverse @firstloveomegaverse @omegaverseismyuniverse @tall-omega-anon @totally-abo @jp-omegaverse-hcs @omegaversethings @omegaverse-professor @omegaverse-seeker Oh boy that was a lot ahahahah. Some of these are content creators, some of these are mostly reblog-only kind of blogs, but I think it’s always good to see who’s out there. Maybe their blog is exactly what you were looking for.  Again, if I forgot anyone I’m really sorry, but there’s just so many of us nowadays that it’s hard to keep track of everyone.  I also did not include fanfiction or RP focused blogs, so if these are missing that’s why. 
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smol-soft-abo · 3 years
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Imagine: an alpha slowly greeting their newborn pup for the first time.
(gif not mine)
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smol-soft-abo · 3 years
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smol-soft-abo · 3 years
Oh my god 😂😂
Literally heard a convo at the library where a guy was telling a girl that he’s an omega and the girl telling him that she’s a beta, and my mind just did not automatically connect the context to fraternity pledge classes at all and I just whispered to myself “what the fuck?? What the fuck??”
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smol-soft-abo · 3 years
y’all @kendalexis on tiktok WRECKED MY SHIT TODAY???????? it makes so much sense
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
If you sent in asks recently, don’t worry, I did get them! I’m working on it. 😅
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
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A more modern nest 🥰
YES OMG. I’ve seen this and it looks so cool!
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
Omegas WILL take all of their alphas clothes, like literally. They'll have nothing, they WILL also rip the clothes off of their back, do not test them
Omegas with mates wake up every day and choose violence.
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
going to the grocery store today and if someone doesnt start desiring me carnally in the produce section then i’m going to cause a scene
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
So this is my current nest, I like it well enough already and it’s very much my style (I’m a complex/messy nester).
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I do like the idea of designing my perfect nest though. If cost wasn’t in question, I think it’d be much more extravagant. I couldn’t find one picture that really combined all the things I was imagining, so made a collage of sorts instead.
So, if I wanted to create my ideal nest, I would start with location & size.
I looked around for images and I really liked this one!
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Not the giant windows, but the sunken in cushioned pit looks very comfy! I’d like it in a medium size room like this, with the nest as the focal point. I wouldn’t want a ring style nest because stuff hanging overhead or in a cramped corner would make me feel claustrophobic.
Maybe like a blackout curtain backdrop & some soft lights along the walls!
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For the contents of the nest, along the edges & corners, I’d have
Lots of Soft Fuzzy Blankets for the winter
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An Assortment of Fun & Colorful Pillows
Probably one of those U-shaped body pillows
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And of course, some plushie friends, including but not limited to:
Giant Totoro pillow
A nice round boi Snorlax
Cute Teddy Bear 🧸
Lorge Pupper 🐶
“Chumbuddy” Shark Sleeping Bag 🦈
3 ft long floppy Stitch
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In the middle I’d probably have just some thin sheets for sprawling out in the summer, and some of my frequently worn cloths + clothes from a significant other if I had one.
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If you can’t already tell by most of the stuff I picked out, I really like blues & purples. That would be the overall color scheme and I think that’s what would tie everything together.
So that’s what I’d like for my dream nest! 🥰
I don’t really know who to tag for this... I’d say whoever wants to do it! I know I have quite a few followers on this blog, so I invite anyone who sees this post to design your own ultimate nest!
What’s Your Perfect Nest? Game
Hi ABO blogs and enthusiasts! Let’s play a game! 
I want to see what everyone’s perfect nest/den would look like. 
Here’s the rules:
1. Show a picture, description, or drawing of your favorite nest.
2. Why is that your perfect nest?
3. Tag others and keep the game going! Even if you are not tagged feel free to participate!
4. Please keep it sfw! 
I’ll start:
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This is my perfect nest because of all the pillows and soft blankets in it. I also like that its in the corner of the room and has natural lighting from behind. I love the retro vibes, and the fun colors really pull the nest together to make it feel cozy and safe.
What’s your perfect nest @smol-soft-abo @omegaverse-seeker @blanket-omega @agoulishomega @omega-gloss @omegaboy-abo @sortingabosincebirth @unusually-omegaverse @qbs-aboheadcanons @omega-ish @hikarisakurariver @applelots​ ?
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
i’d very much like to have a cute boy to share my nest with me, thank you
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
Presentation at Different Times
Presentation times:
Omega Male: 11-13 years old
Female Omega- 14-17 years old
Male Alpha: 14-18 years old
Female Alpha: 12-14 years old
Betas: 16+ years old
Male omegas present earlier than female omegas because male omegas’ bodies need more time to physiologically prepare and change for reproduction. Alpha females present earlier than alpha males for the same reason.
Presentation in omegas and alphas is marked by the first heat or rut they experience. 
If a person has not presented by the age of 16 and suspects they are a beta, they can get tested at a doctor’s office. Beta testing is illegal before the age of 16.
Betas do present, however, it is extremely subtle. The only indication of a beta presentation is a slight change is scent. Researchers hypothesize this change can occur between the ages of 13-18. 
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
Omega Stereotypes: Which are True?
1. Omegas are extremely submissive
No! Although omegas have submissive traits and instincts, they do not dictate their entire being and personality. Children used to be taught that omegas need intense submission to live and are bound by it, but misinformation like that was just used to control omegas. Forced submission to a point of abuse can damage omegas’ mental and physical health.
2. Omegas can purr
Yes! Almost all omegas can purr when they are happy or anxious. The only omegas who are unable to purr are ones that have a physical disability.
3. Omegas can’t do stressful jobs
No! Omegas can do stressful jobs and in some instances occupy more “stressful” jobs that require patience and understanding. Although less than alphas and betas (mostly because of stereotypes), omegas occupy jobs such as doctors, lawyers, and business managers.
4. Most omegas are female
No! About 54% of omegas are female while 46% are male
5. Omegas are emotional
Sometimes! Of course this varies from omega to omega, but generally omegas are not emotional messes that constantly need to be validated and coddled.
6. Omegas can’t control themselves around alphas
No! Omegas do not throw themselves at alphas and suggesting otherwise is offensive and rude. Omegas are strong and do not rely on alphas for happiness or for a purpose in life.
7. Omegas are the weakest secondary gender
No! Omegas may be perceived as the weaker gender because they have submissive tendencies, but they have strengths where alphas have weaknesses. They are more natural soothers, they are amazing at teamwork, they are more sensitive to other’s feelings, and generally more patient, to name a few.
8. All omegas nest
Yes! Omegas love nesting. Resisting the urge to nest is very difficult for omegas because it is a primary way they protect themselves and their pack.
9. All omegas want children
No! That being said, a lot of omegas DO want pups of their own, whether it be adoption or biological. Omegas may be happy staying childless or taking care of pups in their pack that are not biologically theirs.
10. Omegas only want sex
No! Omegas want change! This stereotype makes the world dangerous because some alphas and betas believe they have a right to bend over any omega on the sidewalk because the omega “wants it.” It also harms them in the work place because other genders may just see them as the office sl*t and not take them seriously.
11. Omegas are always the stay at home parent/pack member
No! Yes, it is rare to see omegas as the breadwinners of their family or pack, but it is becoming more common as the world develops and accepts omegas.
12. All omegas are messy
Kinda! Omegas may not intentionally be messy, but leaving their scent around their space is instinctual and what may be messy to other genders is comfort for omegas. For some omegas, the instinct is not as severe as others so they are able to be more clean. That being said, the mess is usually an organized mess, and omegas can fight their instincts if they do want a more clean space.
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
Alpha Stereotypes: Which are True?
1. Alphas are protective of pack and family
Yes! Alphas are very protective of their loved ones, however, this does not mean only in violent situations. Protectiveness is ingrained in the biology of alphas, as it was (and still is in most cases) their responsibility to keep the pack safe and well-taken care of. Alphas can be protective in ways such as always wanting their pack mates to be warm and cozy or making sure their pups are always fed. 
2. All alphas are aggressive
No! Although dominance is a trait common to all alphas it can be established in many ways. Stating that all alphas are aggressive not only gives alphas a bad rap, but gives them permission to act in such dangerous ways.
3. Alphas are abusive
No! Alphas’ protective instincts usually interfere with abuse of all types because it simply goes against their biological hardwiring. In cases in which alphas do abuse their mates, pups, or pack mates, they have to actively ignore their instincts or think what they are doing is benefitting and protecting whoever they are abusing.
4. Alphas are power-hungry
Kinda! It honestly varies from alpha to alpha. Wanting power is not ingrained in an alpha, it is more of a personality trait. Omegas and betas can also be power-hungry, however, alphas may use their alpha status to validate their power-hungry tendencies.
5. Only alphas can be pack leaders
No! Alphas just want to protect their pack, if this means following a beta or omega’s lead, then they will happily do so. Some alphas may even step down as pack leader if they recognize that they are not the best leader for the pack.
6. Alphas can’t be single parents
No! Admittedly, it is harder for alphas to be single parents because they do not have the same hormones and biological functions that omegas have that assist in child growth, however, they certainly make up for it in other aspects. Single alphas are more tuned into the needs of their pups as alpha parents with a mate are and their biology (like their scent) can sometimes change to accommodate to their pup.
7. Alphas initiate courting first
Yes! Alphas usually initiate courting because of pack traditions and status stereotypes. However, some omegas have started initiating courting first to fight typical beliefs about gender and its role in society and the world.
8. Alphas only take care of their own pack members/family
No! Their protective instincts extend to whoever needs protection. Alphas tend to feel uncomfortable if they witness another person in an unwillingly disoriented state (like being drugged) or if someone is in a dangerous situation. Further all secondary genders will help a pup in need, no matter what.
9. Alphas have a voice used to command omegas and betas
Sometimes! Typically referred to as an “Alpha Voice”, it is a voice used to command omegas and sometimes betas. Only about 5% of alphas have an Alpha Voice, however, most alphas who do have an Alpha Voice don’t ever discover they have it, as it has to be used purposely, or they will have it removed via surgery.
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
I’m definitely a complex nest type 😅
Different Nests Aesthetics
1. Neat
Neat nests refer to nests that appear organized and mostly just consist of pillows and blankets rather than clothes and other materials as well. 
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2. Complex (messy)
Complex nests, also known as messy nests, contain an excess amount of not only blankets and pillows, but personal belongs, like articles of clothing and stuffed animals. They generally appear to look disorganized, hence called messy.
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3. Princess
Princess nest is a relatively new and modern term. It refers to nests that are surround by fairy lights, drapes, and/or tapestries. 
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4. Ring
Ring nests are nests in small spaces. Generally in closets, under staircases, and in handmade spaces.
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
All alphas should be aware how important it is to not use their alpha voice on an omega unless it’s due to them being in harm, or something similar of the sort. Especially without consent to do so. Most omegas naturally bare their neck to that type of dominance, and can be locked in the trance for an absurd amount of time, just like how they are in a scent high. Extremely pliant and relying on that alpha to tell them what to do.  
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smol-soft-abo · 4 years
I also got honey! 🍯
so um i took that abo quiz that tells you your pheromone/scent n i got blueberries!!!
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quiz link
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