#but would you be interested in seeing younger Sculptor? Since you hate him so much
somerandomdudelmao · 5 months
so I often think about the concept of good and evil, and how it’s so human. How it fits the majority’s mentality and morality. And I just think it fits so well with Ecliptica and the other aliens on their ship (forgive me I forgot what their alien name). Cause the thing is, they aren’t human. They’re aliens from another planet. For all we know they might have different organs and stuff too. Who’s to say their morals are the same as ours? I feel like Oscar kind of figured this out in his own weird way, kind of just a quick “uh oh” moment for him. But the concept of good and evil is a human construct. Not alien. It’s obvious and shows just beautifully in your comic. the lack of empathy towards other races, the toying with their prey and feeling just because they can? They don’t see that as a problem. They don’t see that as bad. They see that as another day on the ship, they see that as having a fun hunting trip. They see that as a regular boring day where they do what they usually do. They don’t think they’re the bad guys and it shows. They are creatures with a big ego, deciding they are a superior race, and they think that’s all a good thing. And god it’s so cool. in fact, I bet they have their own versions of good and bad, which is actually so cool because what is their society really like?? What are common things they do? How many planets have they devistated without a single care?
anyway your comic is literally so cool and uh. Sorry for the rant lol
Oh my gosh, I absolutely love this ask. Thank you mcnfjfj. I have a little separate plot planned about the Marmor culture and their idea of right and wrong, evil and good. A little episode about their home planet and society.
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
everything is you: six
A/N: Good afternoon! Sorry for taking so long to update, have not been in a good mindset and still not, but I want to post this just to give you guys something. It’s been hard and my confidence in my writing has been shit. It’s not something I like sharing, but just wanted to be honest with you all. I just want to thank you all for giving me such nice messages regarding my finals, it was awful, but definitely glad to have it over with. 
Currently, Snapshots and Misconstrued is almost done, just trying to work some things out with it. Two Weeks part two should be coming  up soon as well along with three requests. I’m updating the request list later, if you do not see your request, feel free to message me. 
Also, got a Rio/Reader/Angel story on the horizon. 
Thank you all for your patience and support. Hope you all enjoy this update! Love you all!
I would also like to thank @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat​ & @justahopelessssromantic​ <3 
Also, happy birthday @losolvidad0s​ <3
everything is you
one : two : three : four : five
Word count: 8088
Warnings: Angst
Masterlist tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic​ : @ifoundmyhappythought​ : @carlaangel86​ : @woahitslucyylu​ : @encounterthepast​ : @enamoured-x​ : @whyisgmora​ : @briana-mishell24​ : @bribri-82​ : @briannab1234​ : @chibsytelford​ : @agirllovespasta​ : @twistnet​ : @everyhowlmarksthedead​ : @trulysuccubus​ : @jadert15​ : @sammskellington​ : @cind-in-real-life​ :  @claytoncardenasbabymama​ : @sadeyesgf​ : @thickemadame​ : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass​ : @gemini0410​ : @elcococruz​ : @samcrobae​ : @sesamepancakes​ : @iambabyharry​ : @blackmissfrizzle​ : @soamayansfangirl​ : @1-800-imagines​ : @phoenixhalliwell​ : @lady-pswrld​ : @dazzledamazon​  : @getyourcrayoncas​ : @fvckthisbxtchup​ : @lukealvxz​ : @scuzmunkie​ : @lilac-tea-time​ : @danie1432​ : @cocotheclown​ : @soaronmywings​ : @my-rosegold-soul​ : @buttercup812​ : @itskiranbitch​ : @angelreyesgirl​ : @sheeshgivemeabreak​ : @vicmackeybullshxt​ : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer​ : @khyharah​ : @strawberrywritings​ : @cherry-icetea​ : @fuzzy-jellyfish​ : @losolvidad0s​ : @brownsugarcoffy​ : @courtrae89​ : @prdsdjarin​​ : @blessedboo​​ : @marvelmaree​​ : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat​​ : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ : @thesandbeneathmytoes​
As always, if you want to be added to the tag list or do not see your name, please let me know!
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Alena laughed as Victor told her about his younger brother Richard and all the mischief they used to partake in when they were younger. She’s met Richard a few times and he was quite a charming guy, but he definitely was not as charming as Victor.
He was the oldest of the two and their parents passed away when they were younger. The only family they had, the only family they cared for was Eddie Johnson, Alena’s boss. Victor was Eddie’s nephew, his self-proclaimed favorite nephew, though Richard states the same phrase as well. Alena liked being around them since she reminded them of her own little family. 
“Are you going with Mr. Johnson next week to Bali?” 
“No, I passed this time around since you respectfully declined yet again.” Victor wasn’t sure what it was about Alena. She was a cute girl, but she was hardly his type. But he gravitated towards her. His Uncle Eddie always raved about her and he had to get to know her. Much like her, he had a shared love for art and was actually a gallerist for a few well known painters and sculptors. Victor didn’t do it much since he found himself working at his uncle’s much more often, mostly due to Alena.
For years, they’ve become closer and closer and he learned more and more about her. And due to that, he fell harder and harder. At times he felt like an idiot for doing so, she was married, no matter what the status of her relationship with Angel was, he knew Angel had a hold over her. He wasn’t sure if it was gratitude, his son or what, but whenever she spoke about Angel, her whole face would brighten up. But he also had the greatest control over her emotions. He doesn’t think Angel purposely yo-yo’s his feelings for Alena, but it frustrated him.
Alena should move on and be with someone who would proudly tell people that they were in love with her. Not someone who kept her at limbo and had sex with her more frequently than Alena would like to admit to him. He was honestly surprised Alena wasn’t pregnant. 
“I would rather spend some time away from Mr. Johnson, he’s amazing, but I need a break. He might make me work while we’re there.” Alena took a bite of her pasta, letting out a small moan at how good the sauce was. “Absolutely insane how good that is.”
Victor couldn’t help it. Hearing her moan, it made his dick twitch. But he would never push Alena and he was pretty sure this was a friendly dinner and not a date. 
“My grandmother had the best recipes. If you marry me, I can totally share the family recipes.” He winked at her, making Alena blushed. “Speaking of marriage, how is your husband dearest?”
“He’s fine, I’m really sorry about the way he answered the phone the other night. He’s just protective and you know, territorial cause he thinks I won’t be committed to Cruz anymore.” She took a sip of the wine that she bought for their dinner. “I can assure you, there is nothing going on besides coparenting.”
“Are you okay with that?”
“Yes, of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Alena placed some salad on her plate. 
“Come on Alena, we’ve been friends for almost seven years now. You’ve always had a complicated relationship with Angel and now, he tells you he has feelings for you. It’s a rollercoaster ride with him and you deserve someone who is more stable.” He was talking of himself of course, but it was true. Alena didn’t need to be taken on this ride. She deserved more than that. 
“Angel is just projecting or something, he just thinks he’s losing me because I’m interested in you.” Alena looked up at Victor before looking back down at her food. 
He smirked at her admission and lightly chuckled. “You’re interested in me, carina?” It was his nickname for her, cute in Italian. Alena always hoped that Victor would never call her that in front of Angel and she was determined to keep it that way. She knew Angel’s nicknames held special meaning and she didn’t want him thinking that Victor had numerous nicknames for her. It was just one and if she was being honest, it was incredibly adorable.
“Maybe, I don’t know.” Alena sighed, biting her bottom lip, which Victor hated cause all he wanted to do was kiss her. 
“Alena, I would never push you. If you want to give it a shot, that’s fine, but I know the guilt is eating you up cause you’re technically married and you respect the sanctity of marriage.” Victor placed a hand on top of hers. 
Alena couldn’t help but think how much bigger Victor’s hands were compared to hers. She looked up at him and he had that warm smile he always gave her. Victor was always there for her, he was so sweet and always let her do her own pace. He never pushed her or anything. 
Once she and Angel’s divorced was finalized, she would give him a chance. 
“I have a gallery I’m setting up for next week, did you want to come and see how it’s done?” Victor knew of Alena’s passion for art. She was an amazing painter and he really wanted to slightly push her on sharing her work with the world. Hell, he wanted her to go back to school and pursue art so he could get her to do a few gallerist work, maybe even become an art handler. She couldn’t be Uncle Eddie’s assistant forever. 
“Sure! I would love that, when is it again?” Alena excitedly replied. She’s never seen an art gallery be put together before and she would love to experience that. 
“Next Tuesday, it’s at the art gallery a few blocks from our apartment.”
“Sounds good, I’m excited to see the master at work.”
Victor held Alena’s hand as he walked her down to her door, their night was full of laughter, random topics of conversations and just an overall good night. Alena forgot how it was to go on a date with someone and she was glad it was Victor that she went out with. 
“I had a great time.” Alena told him when they stopped in front of her door. 
“Same here on our lovely friendly date.” He teased her. “I’m serious about this Alena, I really want for us to give it a shot when you’re ready.”
Alena was slightly annoyed at the fact that she let herself be blinded by her relationship with Angel, well her non-relationship. He was always so hot and cold. She knew enough about relationships to know it wasn’t worth it. Their relationship was solely for Cruz and she was finally understanding that better and better. 
“I know. Thank you again.” 
Victor nodded his head, his eyes drifting to Alena’s lips. Maybe a little push wouldn’t hurt her. He leaned down, waiting for Alena to back away or anything, but she didn’t. When their lips connected, Alena froze, but eventually relaxed. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. Alena couldn’t help but compare Angel and Victor. Angel’s lips were moist, warm, and so sinfully delicious. And to her surprised, so was Victor’s. The butterflies in her stomach were going wild as Victor’s tongue slipped inside her mouth. 
He eventually pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers. He gave her one more kiss before pulling away. 
“I’m gonna go before this goes any further.” Victor chuckled. “Good night Alena.”
“Good night Victor.” She unlocked her door and leaned against it once it was locked.
God, she was in such trouble. 
Carla sat down on Alena’s couch, nursing the wine glass in her hands, completely enjoying her day. They went to the spa like Angel had suggested and it was the best idea ever. Carla watched as Alena smiled as she was texting on her phone. It seemed that her date with Victor went well since she had been texting him nonstop this whole day.
“Dude, put your phone down, you need a break from Victor.” Carla teased her.
“I’m not talking to Victor,” Alena laughed. “Angel is being silly and sending me pictures of him and Cruz.”
Carla had to smile at that. From what EZ told her, Angel finally realized his feelings for Alena, but was just taking his sweet ass time to tell her. The way she saw it, Angel was losing precious time because Alena seemed to be entertaining the idea of starting a relationship with Victor. 
“Ah, the husband. How are things with you and Angel?” Carla placed her wine glass on the coffee table.
“Good, the sex ban went out the door.” Alena had her phone on her lap. 
Carla had to applaud Alena for the valiant effort. She knew that she could just deny Angel for so long. She couldn’t blame her, even though she was with EZ, she could appreciate that Angel was a good looking guy. And she knew of Alena’s attraction to Angel, her love for Angel. It was sad at times knowing how much Alena gave up for Angel, how much she loved him to the point that she became the mother of his child. 
“Told you you couldn’t resist him.”
“He literally woke me up to have sex.” Alena blushed remembering how amazing that night was.
“Has Angel ever not enticed you?” Carla teased.
“Yes, there was like six months where we didn’t do anything because I really didn’t want to do anything with him. He didn’t initiate anything until I was fully comfortable with sleeping with him.” Then she remembered Angel’s words. “Cruz asked Angel for a sibling.”
“Oh, did he?” Carla was more than amused. She’s heard that before. Cruz had been asking Angel for a sibling and it was always the same response, ‘we’ll ask mommy’. Carla was secretly rooting for Angel. She watched them do this dance for so long and always wanted Alena to be happy, she knew that it would be with Angel no matter how much of an idiot he was. As much of an idiot Angel was, Carla always saw how much Angel cared for Alena. He always protected her, was there for her and she was almost sure that Angel almost killed Dante, well deserved.
“Yeah,” Alena shrugged. “But I mean we’re getting divorced in a few months, so maybe his next girlfriend.” She laughed, but Carla knew there was no humor.
“Why do you do that?” 
“Do what?”
“Put yourself down or even believe Angel would let you go.” Carla knew Angel had no plans on signing the divorce papers. “Your Cruz’s mom, do you think that after you get divorced if it even happens, that you would become a stranger?” Carla wasn’t sure if Alena knew what would happen once they got divorced, but it wasn’t what she thought that was for sure. Hell, she didn’t even actually believe that they would get divorced. Angel finally realized he’s in love with her. If there was one thing she knew for certain about Angel, she knew he wasn’t a quitter. Alena has loved Angel for so long, she was certain her friend would never believe it once he confesses. “I love you Alena, but you can be so naive. Angel would never let you go, Cruz would never let you go. I know you somehow believe that you two will get divorced and have shared custody of Cruz, but we both know you don’t want that and Angel doesn’t either.”
“Angel just likes me because of convenience. Otherwise, he would take any other women.” Ailee slightly smiled, looking down at her lap. “He said it himself that he had no feelings for me, and that’s okay.”
“You can’t possibly believe that, Angel is losing his shit because of Victor.”
“Angel is just territorial. I’ve been the one constant in his life and he’s being unreasonable, once he finds someone else to occupy his time, wouldn’t even be an issue.” 
“Stop doing that, come on Alena, give Angel more credit than that.” Carla should help Angel, especially how much of a dick she was when it came to Victor. Besides, all she wanted was for Angel to realize what he had before he lost it. The Reyes brothers could be so dense at times. “Do you,” she paused, not sure if she should even put the idea in Alena’s head cause Angel would have her head. “Do you want to pursue something with Victor?”
Alena looked at her best friend, slightly laughing. She wasn’t sure. Victor has always been there for her, he was a kind man who protected her. He was smart, Cruz liked him, and he wasn’t bad on the eye. But at the same time, Angel, she’s loved Angel for eight years now. She prayed that maybe it would fade, that she would settle with being friends with him, the old cliche, she’d rather have him than not at all. 
Then Cruz happened.
Then they got married.
And now, she was anticipating for them to divorce.
God, she felt like a fool.
She gave up so much for Angel. She didn’t expect him to do the same and she was an adult who made her choice. She never regretted it. But she wished she found someone for herself as well. 
And she felt now that she did. 
She found it in Victor. 
“Yes, once Angel and I are divorce, I want to pursue something with Victor.”
Carla felt her stomach drop and she kind of regretted asking Alena. She knew once she told EZ, it wouldn’t be long before Angel found out. Angel would raise hell knowing him and his temper. Carla wasn’t obtuse to Angel’s feelings for Alena before his own realization. The way he protected her, the way he hung onto her every word, the way he followed her around like a fucking lost puppy, it was endearing and annoying how Alena never realized Angel was in love with her. 
“Don’t use Victor as a rebound, he deserves more than that.”
“I’m not,” Alena weakly defended. “I wouldn’t pursue anything with Victor till I’m fully over Angel.”
“Alena, you’re never going to be over Angel.”
“I can do it, just need some motivation, which is this divorce. Once the papers are filed, I have to keep my distance and just interact with him for Cruz. I can do this.”
“It’s not that I doubt you can do it, I’m sure you could if you truly pushed yourself, but what I’m trying to get through your stubborn ass head is that Angel wouldn’t let you go. Do you not know Angel? He would kill a man for you if you requested for him to do so.” 
“That doesn’t constitute to love Carla. I would do anything for Angel too. I would do anything for you.” 
“Alena, that’s literally not my point.” 
“Carla, please, don’t do that. This is the reason that the hope has never faded. I want to remain friends with Angel and co-parent for Cruz’s sake. I thought you wanted me to move on, to find my way away from Angel.” 
“Things change.” Carla didn’t want to tell Alena that Angel was in love with her, that wasn’t her place. But she can dissuade her from thinking of Victor than anything more than as a friend. 
“It doesn’t matter, it’s been five years. Nothing has happened and it’s time to move on.” 
Alena was done. 
It was time to move on from Angel. 
“Mama, can we go to the park today?” Cruz questioned as he finished his plate of pancakes.
“Of course baby.” Alena nodded her head, taking another bite from the breakfast sandwich she made for herself.
“May I be excused?”
“You good little man.” Angel let Cruz go. He wasn’t saying he didn’t have manners, but all of Cruz’s mannerism was definitely all Alena. 
Cruz jumped down from his seat, going to the couch to watch some cartoons, something he has done right after breakfast while Alena usually cleaned up. At times he wouldn’t help her, but Alena excused him, since she wanted to talk to Angel. He was finishing up breakfast, chuckling as Cruz enjoyed his PJ Mask.
“Did you get all of your errands done?” Angel questioned. He was relieved when he woke up and Alena was bringing her stuff in this morning. He didn’t want to bug her and seemed needy, but a few times, he was itching to ask her to come home. 
“Yes, I did,” she smiled, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. 
“You know you’re due for your annual eye appointment.” Angel reminded her before he took a bite out of his breakfast sandwich and shoving hash browns right after. 
Angel loved having breakfast with Cruz and Alena. They were a real family and it always had him starting his day on a good foot. Just being able to be with his two favorite people was the best thing in the world.
It always marveled Alena how good Angel was with appointments for her and Cruz. Like routine work, doctor’s office appointments, dental visits and annual eye exams was something Angel kept track of. Her and Cruz’s inhaler and nebulizer refills? Angel was always on it. 
It was quite impressive and she was touched. 
“Am I? How are you so good at this, but forget to put the toilet seat down.” She teased him. She poured more mango juice in her cup, pouring some in Angel’s as well.
Angel chuckled. “I have to make sure you’re well taken care of cause you suck at taking care of yourself.”
“Thanks Angel,” she blushed, which didn’t go unnoticed by Angel. He did it to purposely see her blushing. 
It was so fucking cute. 
“Do you want me to make the appointment?” Angel knew that Alena absolutely loathed talking on the phone. She would become anxious, planning the conversation ahead. So from time to time, he helped her out. 
“No, it’s fine, I can do it.” She appreciated the offer. Angel really took care of her. “You can’t always make my phone calls for me.”
“That is true, but I would do anything for you cielo.” He kissed the back of her hand making Alena blush again. He chuckled. “Eres tan linda.(You’re so cute).”
They continued to eat, Angel updating Alena of the recent club happenings. She was hesitant to bring up Victor, but if she wanted a chance on normalcy, she would have to start somewhere.
“So, Victor and I went out and it was nice, we went to a museum then we had dinner at his place.” Alena paused, if they were ever going to become normal or whatever the fuck they were before Cruz, she had to talk to Angel like he was her friend, not tip toe around him. “And he kissed me.”
Angel choked on the mango juice he was drinking, looking at Alena like she grew another head. “Excuse me, what?”
“Yeah, we kissed at the end of our date.  It was nice, he was very sweet. Potential, once we get divorced.” 
Angel was fucking losing it. Did he fucking enter the twilight zone that Alena was nonchalantly talking to him about going on a date with Victor and kissing him. 
And divorce?
Maybe she’ll change her mind when he tells her how he loves her and how he wants to be with her. That he was an idiot for not moving quicker and just letting everything hang in the air. Communication hasn’t been his greatest asset, but he was going to try for her. 
He would never force Alena to stay with him, but he knew her actions were a consequence of his own doing.
“Alena, what are you doing?” 
She looked at him oddly as she took Cruz’s plate, placing it on top of hers.
“Nothing, I’m telling you about my date.” 
“You’re telling your husband about a date you went on?” Angel tried to say it in a way so she could see how insane she sounded. He knew what she was doing, trying to normalize this insane notion of her and Victor being together, to try and become just friends. She has never been just a friend to Angel.
“Yes, we’re friends right? And we know what this is. The divorce papers should be ready in the next few weeks and once it’s signed, we’re both free to,” she thought for a moment, “publicly do what we want.”
Yep, Alena had him fucked up.
“Divorce papers? Who agreed to a divorce?” Angel didn’t like this at all. He fucked up. He should have told Alena so that they could be talking about having more kids not fucking dates and divorce papers.
“We did, a few years back remember?” Alena wasn’t sure where this surge of confidence was coming from, but this was to protect herself. She’s loved Angel for so long and he was always so hot and cold, he didn’t know where to place her so she’ll do it for him.
“Alena, I don’t have any plans on ever signing those papers, you want to file them, go ahead, but we both know you don’t want for us to get divorced.” Angel shook his head in disbelief. This was partly his own doing, but he knew what Alena was trying to do. She was taking initiative since he’s been so back and forth with her. But he was taking initiative too. Alena was his wife, and they’ll remain that way. “You kissed him?"
"Yes,” Alena noticed then that Angel was stoic, keeping his emotions at bay which he did when he was trying his best to control himself. “I'm sorry, I don't know how it happened." She wasn’t certain why she apologized, but she felt that she had to do so. They were married.
"You said you had errands." Angel reminded her of her lie. Since when did Alena lie to him?
"I did and Victor wanted to go to dinner and a museum. I just, it just happened." 
“Did you sleep with him?” Angel stood up.
“No, of course not.”
“Yes because just kissing him is so much better.” Alena watched as Angel placed a kiss on Cruz head as he was sitting on the couch, watching television. He looked up at him confused. "I got shit to handle at the club, I'll be back late, don't wait up." Angel grabbed his kutte.
"Angel, please, I'm sorry." Alena wasn't even sure why she was apologizing. Angel had told her that he didn’t have anything to do today except be with them. “We’re just friends.”
“I don’t like Victor, you’ve never lied to me before and since this whole thing started you started lying to me.” Angel frowned. “If there was nothing to worry about you wouldn’t hide it and you wouldn’t excitedly tell me about a kiss you two shared.” Angel turned to face her as his hand gripped the doorknob. “Do you love Victor?”
"What?" That was ridiculous, she didn’t love Victor. 
"Do you love Victor?"
"No." And she didn’t. 
"Do you want to be with him?"
"I don’t know.” And she didn’t know. 
"Don’t know?” Angel let out a chuckle. “Sure doesn't seem like it."
Alena sat down at the park bench, Cruz in perfect line of sight for her. He was in the sandbox playing with a few other kids. She took out the book EZ had recommended for her a few weeks ago and opened it to the latest page she was on. Every once in a while, she would look up to check on Cruz. It made her anxious when they went to the park since she read so many horror stories of kids just disappearing. She wouldn’t know what she would do if Cruz disappeared while he was with her. 
She’s been trying to text Angel all day, but he hasn’t responded to her. In hindsight, she could understand why he hadn't responded to her, but she was hoping he would at least let her know he was okay. Maybe she approached it wrong and could have done it in a better way, but she didn’t know how else to do so. She was trying to go back to normal with Angel, whatever normal was for them two. They were friends once and were able to talk about anything, but it was different now. 
Though maybe it was disrespectful to speak about a date to her supposed husband.
“That’s a good book.” She heard someone comment beside her. “Don Quixote.”
She looked up and smiled at the person, thanking her. She noticed the tattoo on her neck, which was actually beautiful. The young woman before her was beautiful as well. Her pale skin was in contrast to her dark green jacket. She wasn’t sure why she was wearing a jacket since it was scorching hot in Santo Padre right now. But she definitely looked cute. 
“You’re Angel’s wife.”
Common knowledge in Santo Padre, not odd whatsoever. 
“Yes, I am.” Alena hoped this wasn’t one of those psycho’s who was hoping for her death so they could sweep Angel off his feet. Can they just sweep him off his feet without wishing for her death? Alena no longer wanted to be a part of this conversation, focusing her attention back on the book before her. Being Angel’s wife was quite a pain. Besides the fact he slept with almost fucking everyone in Santo Padre, all these women began to lust after him again after he got a ring around his finger and Cruz by his side. Cruz was a cute kid and it was hard to resist that aspect of Angel’s life, but she wished they would stop confronting her as if it would do something if they did. 
“I’m not here to start any trouble, I just wanted to meet the woman who has Angel’s heart.” Alena looked over at her again and she had a smile on her face, it wasn’t menacing, it was genuine. Woman who had Angel’s heart? Right, cause they’re married. “He speaks of you and your son often.”
“Do I know you?”
“My name is Adelita.” 
Alena almost gasped when the name registered. She was the rebel leader, the one she was convincing Angel to date. God, she was beautiful. 
“Oh,” Alena closed her book then. “Angel speaks of you often as well.” Alena lightly laughed. “I’m quite surprised to see you on this side.” 
“Plans have changed and I wanted to meet you. You have a beautiful son.” Alena and Adelita both looked over at Cruz who waved at his mother. “You’ve sacrificed a great deal for Angel.”
“Did he tell you that?”
“No, he didn’t. Any woman who has chosen to raise a child who is not hers is admirable, though I’m sure it came with great sacrifices.”
“It did, but I don’t regret it. They’re my family.” Alena wasn’t even sure why she was entertaining this conversation, but she had always wanted to meet the woman that Angel admired. “I have to correct your statement though, I don’t have Angel’s heart. I’m sure you know of our circumstances. In a few month’s time, we’ll be divorced so I’m sure you two can pursue whatever relationship you would like to do so then.”
Adelita laughed, shaking her head. “Angel did tell me you were planning to get a divorce.” It was comical for her since Alena and Angel were telling the stories differently. On one hand for Alena, their agreement has come to an end and it was time for the divorce. For Angel, she overheard him mentioning the divorce EZ as they drove her to her destination a week earlier and how he had no plans of divorcing her. 
Alena smiled, nodding her head. “Yes we are, will you be staying on this side of the border from now on? To be closer to Angel?”
“I think you misunderstood Alena, Angel and I only have a purely business relationship. He is quite an attractive man, but his attention is solely on you.” Adelita stood up then, Alena standing up as well. She stuck her hand out, which Alena took. “You are quite remarkable Alena Reyes, you have made a good man out of Angel.”
Adelita walked away then, leaving Alena speechless. She wondered why she even came to see her. She felt a pull on her skirt and looked down at Cruz.
“Mama, who was that?”
“Just one of daddy’s friends.” She ran her fingers through Cruz’s hair. “Did you want your juice?”
Cruz nodded his head. Alena took the juice out of the little cooler she had for Cruz’s snacks and drinks. Handing it to Cruz, she wiped the sweat on his face and back, making sure he was hydrated. 
“Mama, can I have a little brother or sister?” 
Alena wanted to laugh at Cruz’s request. It’s not like she thought Angel was lying, but Cruz has never asked her about having a sibling.
“You want a sibling?” Alena sat him on her lap, pressing her cheek against his head. “How many do you want?”
“Um, five.”
“Did you tell Daddy that?” 
Cruz nodded his head as he drank his juice. “Daddy says he wants, um,” Cruz thought for a moment. “He said he wanted 8.”
Alena let out a baffled laugh. 8 kids? Was Angel going to carry them all? What was up with her boys and wanting a handful of children running around.
“And when you ask Daddy, what does he tell you?”
“He says we have to ask you because you’re the boss.”
Alena shook her head. Her boys were too much at times. 
“How about a puppy first?”
Alena yawned as she exited the bathroom. She almost screamed when she found Angel sitting at the edge of their bed, fidgeting with the keys he had. 
“Angel?” She called out questioningly. No answer. He continued to fiddle with the keys. “Babe?”
Angel looked up, his watery eyes immediately got Alena. She quickly walked over to him and cupped his face.
“You okay? What’s wrong?” She frowned as the tears fell from his eyes. The scratches on his face worried her. She moved away to grab the first aid kit, but Angel grabbed her elbow and pulled her against him.
He had his head on her chest, arms tightly around her. “Please don’t leave me cielo, you’re the only person I have.”
“I would never leave you Angel.” She ran her fingers through his hair. She knew he was crying, the way his shoulders were shaking.
“You and Cruz are my family, I can’t lose you. I would go insane.” 
“Angel, you’re not going to lose me.” She pulled away, cupping his face as she wiped the tears. Angel rarely cried and when he did, she was the one who caught him and provided relief. “I’ll always be here for you.” She kissed him, knowing Angel needed some type of reassurance and it was the first thing that came to her head. 
Angel pulled her to his lap, Alena straddling him. He wrapped his arms around. One of Alena’s hands cradling his face, while the other arm wrapped around his neck. She pulled away, leaning her forehead against his. God, that kiss was definitely different when compared to Victor. When she kissed Angel, she felt that if she wasn’t sitting on Angel’s lap, her knees would go weak, her body going limp. All the worries they both had were wiped out since they were the only two people in this world, everything else blurred out.
“What’s wrong?” Alena asked.
“Ezekiel betrayed me.” Angel plopped down the bed, Alena still on his lap. 
She frowned, getting off his lap and moving to sit beside the top half of his body. “What happened?” She intertwined their hands, waiting for Angel to talk.
And when he did, he told her everything. 
At the end of the story, Angel had his head on Alena’s chest, her fingers running through his hair. His arms were wrapped around her middle as Angel listened to her heart. Alena was in shock that this all occurred. She always thought it was too good to be true for EZ to get out, but she believed that the cop may have been corrupt or whatever excuse they had given. She worried the most for Angel, his relationship with Felipe was starting to mend due to Cruz and now, she knew Angel’s trust was shattered. 
“What can I do to make it better?” Alena broke the silence that befell them after he finished his story.
“Just don’t leave me.”
“Other than that, you already know I won’t leave you.” Alena kissed the top of his head. 
“Can we have a baby?”
“If you carry it, absolutely.”
Alena and Angel both laughed. She playfully smacked him upside the head, causing Angel to flinch. He loved laying his head on her chest, just listening to her heart beating. At times, it even lulled him to sleep, but he knew sleep wouldn’t be coming soon. 
“He’s your brother Angel, I know you’re hurting, but hear him out.”
“No,” Angel’s tone was firm and left no room for argument. “You’re my family now, you, Cruz and your family are mine. I was always the outsider, but not anymore. I have a family of my own and none of our kids will ever feel second best to any of their siblings.” 
“Okay babe.” 
Angel knew this was the perfect time to tell her he loves her, to show her how much he loves her, but he wanted to settle this whole thing with Ezekiel. Once it was done, he would tell Alena everything and from them on, as it’s always been, it would be the two of them against the world. 
“I met Adelita.”
Angel froze, his eyes widening. He sat up, looking down at Alena who propped herself using her forearms. “What?”
“Yeah, she came up to me while we were at the park.” Alena noticed how uncomfortable Angel became and sat up as well, placing her hand on his. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s not weird at all. She’s beautiful and I think you two would make a good couple.” 
Angel gave Alena an incredulous look and shook his head. “Did she do anything? Say anything?”
“No, she just said she wanted to meet me and she thought I was remarkable, which was kind of odd if you think about it. I’m not the leader of some rebellious group that is giving the cartel a run for their money.” Alena went under the covers then, just so she could hide when Angel broke the news to her about him and Adelita. “You okay?” She noticed how tense Angel was. 
He was livid. How dare Adelita approach Alena. He told her, his family was off limits. No Alena. No Cruz. No Felipe. He played her game and helped her as much as he could, she should have at least respected his wishes. 
“What did she tell you?” 
“That she wanted to meet the woman who had your heart.” Alena turned to Angel, resting her head against her propped hand. “Did she meet her?”
Angel wanted to laugh at the irony and slowness of Alena. “Cielo, it’s you.”
“Look, I think we should clear the air.” Alena was surprised by her own words. She was never to be the one to clear the air and after what happened with Ezekiel, this may not be the right time, but they were here now. “I know you said you haven’t slept with anyone since we got married, which I believe you, but I just want you to know that you don’t have to try and salvage things here. We’ve always known what it was and that’s fine. Maybe we shouldn’t have sex anymore so it doesn’t,” Alena looked up at Angel when she noticed she was looking at his ringed fingers that had dried blood on it. “We should clean the blood off.” 
“So it doesn’t what?” 
“It doesn’t confuse us further.” She got out of bed and grabbed a wet cloth. She sat in front of Angel wiping off the dried blood from his knuckles. 
“I would never force you to be intimate with me Alena, we both know I can respect your boundaries.” Angel watched as Alena cleaned his wounds.
“I know, which is why I’m putting up my boundaries again. I want us to be able to be friends after all of this.”
“Alena, do you honestly think that’s going to make things better? I already told you, I have feelings for you and that’s not going to go away because you decide we’re not going to have sex. We’ve done it before, remember? Six months, no sex, which is fine, I would never force you. The most I did was kiss your neck.” Angel remembered that. Alena had asked him to back off, which he did, she eventually came to him on his birthday and after that, they’ve been intimate ever since. “It didn’t do anything for how I felt about you Alena, it just made me feel like you didn’t want me.”
“You’re so hot and cold Angel, I don’t even think you know what you want.” Alena sighed. “I don’t want to fight, you had such a long day and it’s almost six in the morning.” 
Angel stood up. “I’m gonna go see pops.”
“Angel, I, I don’t want to lose you.”
“You’ll never lose me Alena. I know I’ve been an asshole, I’m hot and cold, but I truly have feelings for you. Just give me time to fix all this shit with EZ and once it’s done, we can figure us out.” Angel walked over to her and kissed her. “I’ll see you later.”
Alena sat on their bed and sighed. The butterflies in her stomach were still running rampant after Angel’s words. She believed him, she really did, but he would most likely change his mind tomorrow.
She didn’t want to be with Victor, that was for sure.
At least not right now. Not when she was still irrevocably in love with Angel. 
Angel sat beside Coco on the couch as he finished his session with the tattoo artist. It’s been a whirlwind of a day and as much as he wanted to go home, he needed space from Alena. With everything going on, he didn’t know where they could go. Of course, confessing to Alena was still in the plan, but after Adelita came to see her, Angel just felt shaken. He never wanted to involve Alena in this, but he told her everything. She was like his journal, non judging and took everything in. The most important thing for her was him and Cruz, how it would affect them.
It would kill him if something happened to Alena and Cruz. 
“Alena texted me, have you spoken to her?” Coco questioned as he sat down next to his brother, letting out a puff of smoke from his mouth.
“I told her we were here and that I would be staying the night. Why?” His eyes drifted over to his brother who was currently getting the tattoo.
“You know Adelita came to see her?”
“She told me, why, what’s going on?” Did Adelita go to see her again? Did someone else? He took his phone out and there were no messages from Alena.
“I don’t know, I just don’t feel comfortable with her visiting Lenny.” Coco shrugged.
“You think I fucking do?” Angel sighed. “She isn’t going to harm Alena.”
“I don’t think she is, but I’m sure Alena’s mind is running wild.” Coco knew how deeply Alena felt for Angel. During times that Angel had a run that would take him away from Alena and Cruz for longer than he wanted which was basically a day, so Coco would stay with Alena. 
And when he did, he let her let loose and have a few drinks with him.
Alena giggled as she took another shot. Korean Vodka, Soju, was Alena’s favorite, specifically the apple flavor. Coco had come to take a liking of it as well and they were three bottles deep. Alena’s cheeks were red, a clear sign of her intoxication. She also had no filter, which Coco enjoyed thoroughly. 
“You know I feel stupid for taking on a role I always wanted, but not under this circumstances.” Alena rested her cheek on her palm, giving Coco a small smile. “I love Cruz so much though, I feel like he is my kid.”
“Alena, Cruz is your kid. He’s so attached to you.” Coco was surprised that Cruz didn’t throw a bigger fuss whenever Alena went back to San Diego. Though, it was a hit or miss. When he threw a big fuss, Alena would take him to San Diego, Angel following behind after a few days. Their dynamic was fucking odd, but who likes normal anyway?
“Sometimes I wish he really was, that Valeria wasn’t his mom.” Coco watched as Alena’s face scrunched up. “I was going to confess to him when he told me Valeria had his kid. I was going to tell him that I was in love with him, that I was going to Paris and if he didn’t feel the same, it was okay.” She began to cry then, letting her tears fall. “I love Angel so much, it hurts at times. But I’m happy where we are no matter how fake our relationship is. Being here for him, to raise Cruz with him, it’s more than I can ask for.”
Coco frowned at Alena’s words. He and Gilly always spoke about Alena’s love for Angel, how idiotic she could be, but at the same time, they admired her greatly. She had the purest kind of love for Angel. She didn’t become angry when he was with another person. She doesn’t hold grudges against him or anyone for that matter. She didn’t become angry when she felt rejected. She loved him unconditionally without any expectations and Coco was envious of that. They were all a bunch of misfits who did not have the best relationships with their families, they found a family in one another. Then they have Alena, someone they definitely don’t fucking deserve, who loves them as well, as an extension of her love for Angel.
When he first met her, he couldn’t believe this young woman was fucking hanging around Angel. He was closed off, but she always went out of her way to make sure he was taken care of along with Angel. And from then on, they became closer and closer. Seeing her hurting like this, it hurt him, his younger sister was suffering cause his brother was a fucking idiot.
He was certain Angel felt greatly for her too, with Cruz around, it just wasn’t the main priority. 
“Alena, you know you deserve better. You should have gone to Paris.” Coco was the one who encouraged Alena to go to Paris. Was it a dick move? Maybe, but Angel didn’t know what he had, perhaps it would have woken him up. She refused to tell him though. And he knew why. Angel would have begged her to stay and she couldn’t say no to him.
“Yeah, I should have. But when I met Cruz, I couldn’t. He looked so much like Angel. He deserved a chance to be a father. I wasn’t going to let Valeria take that away from him.” Alena wiped her tears, laughing at her silliness. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying. I like it when you come and stay with me, I miss spending time with you and the others.”
“Yeah, Angel fucking locked you down here or something ever since you two got married.” Coco teased. They held no hard feelings towards Angel. He was always protective of Alena, but that increased tenfold when they got married. “But we get it, Cruz is your priority.”
“He is.”
“Alena, it’s okay for you to cry. I know how frustrating it is for you. It’s rare for you to show any frustration, but don’t you just want to scream at times?”
“For what?”
“I’m sure this situation isn’t ideal for you. I know that you always wanted to marry Angel, but not like this.”
Alena smiled. “No, but it’s fine. Angel needs me, Cruz needs me. I’m like the glorified nanny.”
“Stop that shit Lenny, you know you’re not a fucking nanny. You’re Cruz’s mother.” Coco hated hearing Alena put herself down. She was far from a fucking nanny.
“I know, do you think Angel could ever love me?” 
“Alena, it’s hard not to fall in love with you.” 
“He didn’t though.”
Coco watched as Alena took another shot. But Angel was in love with her, he was just too fucking stupid to make a move.
“Running wild?” Angel wasn’t sure what Coco meant. Did Alena express to Coco that she was worried about Adelita or disclosed information she didn’t tell him about? If he was honest, he was glad Alena was close to the members, but at times, he felt that she withheld information from him and heard it from Coco instead. 
“I’m sure she thinks Adelita and you are getting together.” Coco regretted telling Alena how much Angel admired Adelita. She just gave him that smile of hers and he knew it got to her. Yet again, she was on the losing end with Angel. His brother really did a number on her.
“Is she fucking insane? I haven’t even touched another woman since we got married.” Angel knew it was easy to assume that he slept around, but he didn’t. He was devoted to Alena and that was that.
But he also knew why Adelita came to see Alena. She’s overheard Angel speak about Alena so much, anyone would be curious. 
They were across the border, bringing some supplies to Los Olvidados when Alena had messaged Angel.
Angel chuckled, shaking his head and replying to Alena. He knew there was some international charges, but he didn’t give a fuck. He always kept his phone on in case there was an emergency.
“What Lenny send you?” Coco questioned, trying to peak at Angel’s phone.
Angel moved it closer to his chest, shaking his head. “Nothing man, just Cruz finally jumping in the pool at her apartment building.”
“I still can’t believe you’re okay with her living in San Diego.” Coco chuckled. “You aren’t worried she’s dating people while you’re not there?”
“Careful bro, we don’t need Angel locking her down more than he already has.” Gilly teased Angel, adding to Coco’s statement. 
“Alena doesn’t need anyone, she has me.” Angel scoffed at their suggestion that his precious Cielo would even stray from him.
“Right, does she know that?” Coco was not a fan of Angel’s methods when it came to Alena. For him, he didn’t need to tell her they were it for one another, even though 
“You have a girlfriend?” Adelita surprised the three men. She was attracted to Angel and she honestly thought he was attracted to her, but she’s heard them mention the name Alena plenty of times. She thought she was just the mother of his child. 
“No, Alena’s my wife.” Angel showed his left hand.
Adelita smiled, nodding her head. “She’s a lucky woman. How long have you two been together?”
“Four years.”
“She must be one hell of a woman to have tamed you.”
Coco chuckled. “You have no idea.”
“I literally told Alena, it’s me and her. Always has been since we got married.” Angel extinguished his cigarette, shoving it down on the ashtray. 
“Hermano, you know why she’s like that. Talk to her. Communication is key.” Coco smirked. “And from what you told us, it’s not you and her anymore. She went on a date with Victor.”
“Victor is nothing. He’s a fucking pretentious asshole.”
"You would like Victor if he wasn't making moves on your girl. Told you, a girl like her would just stay single for so long. Her kindness was always beyond you, and someone finally noticed her. It's the day you always feared hermano, what are you going to do about it?"
"It's too fucking late for the church of Coco."
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nanachingu · 4 years
Drama Review: Go Ahead (Chinese Drama)
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Wow! An achievement for me. Writing a review for Chinese drama. Never thought that this time would come. Actually, I watched many dramas from many countries, like I watched a little Japanese drama and Thai series too. I always search for Chinese drama if I need drama who have light, fun, cheesy romance vibe, and didn’t have too much bad characters in it. That’s always my mindset for Chinese drama. This few weeks or month? I didn’t found any K-dramas that interesting and I was too reluctant to watch any Kdramas. So I was trying to watch several Chinese Drama that got into my bucket list and starting available in Netflix. Several dramas that I watch before this were Go Go Squid (before found this drama, I think this is the best Chinese drama I’ve ever watched), Le Coup de Foudre, Wait My Youth, My Girl, etc. Till I found this drama on Youtube. Go Ahead not a cliche drama that I can guess where it’ll be heading. Many characters who really bad, tragic fate, heartbreaking story, but also warm family story, friendship, and love. 
First impression from the cover on thumbnail, hm interesting. good. handsome. Picture below was my first impression. What happened with 2 dads and 3 kids? 
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Turns out it’s a story about 2 family with no mothers (of course look at the picture!) cared for them, and their dads start to take care of each other and took their 3 kids into siblings with no blood related. Let me introduce you the biggest Gēgē (brother), Ling Xiao the tallest, second Gēgē, He Ziqiu on the right, and little Meimei, Li JianJian, with Ling Dad sitting on the left and Li Dad on the right. Ling Xiao and his parents (yes his Mom) moved into Li family neighborhood. Li JianJian mother’s was dead so Li Dad needs to take care of Li Jianjian by himself. AND he DID really really great job as a father and mom for her. Li Dad was an angel I swear. One day, He Gēgē came to Li’s family because of the circumstances and Li Dad make a decision to take care of him as his own son. Ling Gēgē also left by his mother because of their family problems and I think their mom personal problem. Really, something wrong with his mother’s mind and attitude. I hate her. Because of Ling dad who always busy as a policeman, Ling Gēgē always playing and take care by Li Dad and they agree to take care and treat each other as a real families. It’s become Li Jianjian’s dream for having a big brother and now she got 2 instantly.
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They grew up together, really taking care of each other, everytime and everywhere. You’ll get a warm hearted by watching their flashback story. A happy family eventhough they don’t have a mother. I really admire Li Jianjian how she always been cheerful and never feel so little in front of other people. It’s because she already have 2 big brothers that really love her and treasure her. No it’s not over, it’s just starting. When the problems always coming and make this sibling must separated and become far away. JianJian really broke my heart when saw her crying and can’t accept that both her Gēgē will leave her alone. After all this years they’ve been together, how they take care each other, and love each other, they must back to their family who abandoned them. Why she must through this hardship and accept that when it’s the outsiders who left her brothers since they were little. They really separated for a long time, for years, and when they reunited it’s become really awkward moment for them. They become a strangers after all this years. 9 years. When the communication slowly dissapeared. When they didn’t know what to talk about and just send wishes on birthday, new year, and certain events. They also already becoming a grown up. Ling Gēgē is a dentist, He Gēgē is a pastry chef, and Jianjian is a wood sculptor. Interesting, the brothers job was inspired by their Meimei. Jianjian really loves sweets that made her teeth bad. But at the first place they’re family, they just need a little time and space to accept that they’re together again, get used to it,  to become like they used to before. 
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I was crying when they need to be separated, when Ling Gēgē must through so much problem that makes him become adult really fast. I love how they potray the character when they were teenagers and after becoming an adult. I can see their growth from the pain and many things. I think the brother’s life were really tragic. They were both abandoned by their mothers, and even one of the mother is really selfish. I really love how they put this story one by one, how their relationship growing into another, like yeah two of the siblings decided to change their relationship to lover. This drama is not just about romance, I think not cheesy romance at least but I love Song Wei Long hahaha. But it’s focused on mental health too. How Ling Gēgē in a mental pressure, nsomnia, and anxiety after all the things he must through in his life, far away from Jianjian and his loved family, how He Gēgē always think that he’s owe all his life to Li Family, always worried as he’s not their real families, and all his fear and worries buried by himself. But I love that they have 2 Dads that always support them, always love them without any condition, and it’s funny when the Dads knew that 2 of them are together in love relationship. 
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But one thing that really make this drama more complicated is the loveline really. It’s like the main role and the support role can’t like each other. (IT’S SPOILER) Ling Gēgē likes Jianjian, Mingyue (Jianjian friend) likes Ling Gēgē, He Gēgē friend likes Mingyue, and Tangcan (Jianjian friend) likes He Gēgē friend. It’s like a relay. Why this drama can’t make the supporting role like each other character?! It’s too sad to see a several times broken heart in this drama. Even He Gēgē intend to marry Jianjian, but I think it’s not because he really loves her as a woman, but it more because he really want become a real family legally with her and Li Dad. I’m happy that Jianjian can handle this situation well. But I like it because the siblings are back together eventough it needs 9 years to reunited but they still the same as long time ago.
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Overall I really love this drama because of the conflict, story, and have many messages that we can took from this drama. Especially family problem. I’m sure it will make many people crying because the story focused on family problem and how to deal it as you are getting mature and know that life as an adult is not easy especially if you have a selfish mother haha. For the first time I really love the OST in Chinese drama. Like I said, because of the story I think I’m just too immersed to the OST too. I love the acting too. They can portray their characters really well, especially He Gēgē, I always pity him because he got too many crying scenes hahaha he always sad, he deserves to be happy! Ling Gēgē too. I really fall in love with my first Chinese actor. Okay Song Wei Long you’re in! I’m shocked when I knew that their age difference in real life. Their little Meimei in the drama actually a big sister for the brothers. And the biggest Gēgē in this drama is maknae!!! Song Wei Long is born in 1999. OMG even he’s younger than me hahaha. But they can portray their characters well even I can’t see their age gap in the drama. I wrote this when the drama isn’t over yet. So I hope this drama will find their happy ending and I can’t wait and I can’t guess how’s the ending.
For you who bored for Kdramas or wanna trying something new and wanna try Chinese drama, I think this drama is a must for you! You’ll be no dissapointed. I’ll give this drama rating 4.5 out of 5 stars because I haven’t watch the finale and curious to see how they’ll packed up this drama.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
THE GREAT CRUNCHYROLL REWATCH Goes On An Escort Mission with Episodes 204 - 210
  Welcome back to THE GREAT CRUNCHYROLL NARUTO REWATCH. I'm Daniel Dockery, your host for this week's batch of episodes, and I gotta say, I'm gonna miss reading these writers' responses to whatever Naruto and His Amazing Friends happen to doing that week. It's got me feeling all sentimental, especially now that we only have two more weeks left. And it's because I was feeling so sentimental that I decided to approach my questions a little more...personally.
  Sure, I wanted their opinions on the latest round of filler, which included an overload of escort-style missions and some fun genjutsu use, but I mostly wanted to dive into their lives and see what makes them tick. What drives a person to watch Naruto and then answer questions about it each week? What lurks in the heart of a Sasuke fan? What are the hidden depths in a being that has committed a chunk of their lives to counting how many bowls of ramen a Shonen Jump character eats? And since I doubt we'll ever get a hard-hitting documentary about the hidden feelings of a Naruto fan, that means it's up to me to do the digging. Consider me your Anime Werner Herzog. 
  So let's dive in!
  Naruto sure does love its escort missions. There's two back-to-back in this set of episodes. What's your take on them? I know that, whenever a video game is like "Ya gotta get the professor to the control room and if he gets blasted, it's lights out!", I want to throw a PS4 out a window. And in anime, it's usually "Ya gotta protect this guy (that has a valuable secret that you won't learn about until it's waaaay too late." But I want to know your feelings.
Joseph: They're not as downright immediately awful in anime as they are in games, but they have to be handled interestingly. Naruto filler does not do that. This week's episodes were, through and through, interminable.
Paul: I don't mind escort missions in general, although as noted above, they all do tend to fall into the same "vital secret withheld" pattern. The living national treasure episode didn't work for me, because the secret artist, Shinemon, was so thoroughly detestable that -- despite attempts to humanize him that came far too late -- I would have been perfectly happy to see him dashed to bits on the rocks.
Kevin: I think I dislike the escort missions more on paper than I do in practice. At least by introducing someone to escort, the show goes to a new location and has a new character or two for Naruto and whoever else he's with to interact with. It's not handled particularly well most of the time, but at least it's an easy way to get something new-ish out of the filler.
Carolyn: Fetch quests < escort missions except in Resident Evil 4. As far as Naruto goes, I don't think it's the escort missions themselves that are the issue, so much as it's the repetitiveness of just about every storyline. But that's a whole other issue.
David: On one hand, escort missions make a lot of sense as something ninjas-for-hire would do frequently, especially the younger ones like our main characters who need the experience. On the other, we've talked enough here about all the more interesting ways "being a ninja" could be portrayed as a concept, so it does feel pretty lazy that they keep returning to this well.
Jared: We've certainly seen our fair share of these types of missions, so they're not terrible when watching compared to when you have to do them in a game, but the execution in the ones we saw this week is the problem. They really didn't bring anything new to the table that we hadn't already seen done better.
Danni: I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who made it through that one mission at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3 without failing on the first try, so as far as Naruto's escort missions go, I guess I didn't hate them. Gantetsu seems cool at least.
  Noelle: Escort missions in general are alright (in anime, not in games), but this one didn't really do it for for me. Lazy execution will bring anything down, really.
  Kara: I played City of Heroes and World of Warcraft so I tired of escort missions pretty quickly from a game standpoint. From a show standpoint, they can be interesting if they're done creatively. To their credit, neither of these even approached the annoyingness that was the rich kid ninja-for-a-day, but I would absolutely have murdered the sculptor and used the rest of the trip home to figure out a noble-sounding death for him.
  Gosh, we're in the home stretch, huh? So I want to know: How does it feel to have made Naruto a part of your weekly routine for so long? Is it something you look forward to? Did you ever have a problem fitting it into your week? Did you ever have to tell someone "No, I can't hang out. I've gotta see what these ninjas are up to"?
  Joseph: I looked forward to it for about 70% of the rewatch, so not bad! I never had to go too out of my way to keep it as part of my routine, but there was a time I had to make sure to download episodes on N*****x so I could watch while in England. Crunchy-hime, gomennasai.
Paul: Just this evening, I had to pass up walking the dog with my sister in order to catch the weekly ninja shenanigans. When we first started, I'd set aside a block of two specific dates and times each week to watch Naruto, but now I just shotgun all seven episodes as soon as the questions are available. It'll take adjustment to fill that Naruto-shaped hole in my schedule. Maybe I'll catch up on the 300+ episodes of One Piece I need to watch...
Kevin: A surprising amount of my life has started revolving around this Rewatch, to the point that I actively plan things like D&D sessions around knowing that questions normally come in on Wednesdays or Thursdays, so I need to either watch the week's episodes early or keep those days clear. At the same time, I'm legitimately looking forward to continuing the Rewatch into other shows and then to Shippuden, since watching these long form shounen series so quickly gives a different viewing experience than watching week to week.
Carolyn: There were definitely a few times I had to pass on things for Naruto but for the most part I was able to watch it while doing other work so it wasn't too inconvenient. I can't say it was the highlight, though the first few arcs definitely reminded me of why I was such a fan so many years ago and I was pleasantly surprised to find Naruto -- a former least favorite character -- is now one of my top favorite characters.
David: Back before this filler started, I would have said Naruto was one of the most highly anticipated parts of my week anime-wise. Now, uh, not so much. I'm looking forward to getting to Shippuden though.
Jared: It certainly feels weird that we're going to be done with OG Naruto in two weeks. As someone who hadn't watched a lick of Naruto before this, it's been fun. Although the filler at times has tested my patience with that. I've definitely had to maneuver some stuff around or make sure I don't record a podcast too late in order to watch episodes which has made for some interesting ways to make sure everything works out.
Danni: It's weird to think how I've ostensibly watched one episode of Naruto a day for nearly the entirety of 2019. To be fair though, I averaged nearly two episodes a day in the 10 months it took me to watch the entirety of the Dragon Ball series, so this just feels like a light continuation of that. I haven't given up on any social obligations to watch Naruto, but it has cut down on my available tea time with my students in Fire Emblem.
  Noelle: I never thought I'd be watching Naruto in 2019, but it's August and I sure did just that! It's been more a trip down memory lane for me, and I think I have a more updated perspective on some of the things I recall that were shaky. It's been pretty interesting comparing what I thought as a teenager to my impressions now, and it's been pretty amusing to see how some things haven't changed. The Rewatch is definitely something I have to specifically make time for in my schedule though.
  Kara: My friends now joke that I'm "watching Naruto for a living." I honestly thought this was going to be like pulling teeth. Really, only the filler has been like that. I was pleasantly surprised to find it's enjoyable at its best. Also couldn't help but do a bit of a double take this week when the words "It's Naruto, he'll be fine" were spoken unironically. How times have changed.
  Are there any points in your life that you regard as filler arcs? I remember taking golf lessons for a week when I was 23, which seemed super out of character for me, since I find golf amazingly dull. So I look back on that as "non-canon Daniel." Is there anything like that from your own life that anime fans would argue isn't part of the official timeline of You?
  Joseph: Off the top of my head, I've been pretty damn canon for my entire run. There were a couple months where I lived in LA to help my friend direct his graduation short, but that was more of a NaruJoe Gaiden. Surely some of the six (6!) years I spent farting around in college were filler, though.
Paul: My filler moments would be when I've struggled with bouts of serious depression. Those portions of my life feel hazy and unreal, and if it turned out that I were merely a character in someone else's comic book, I suspect those would be the awkward bits where they fired the previous writers and artists, and the editors had to fake it until a new batch came along.
Kevin: I lived with my parents for about 18 months after graduating college, just looking for some kind of employment. Day in and day out, basically just lounging around home, occasionally having bursts of productivity by applying to a bunch of jobs all at once. This is also the time when I was seriously studying Japanese and picking up mobile gaming. Near the end, I got a seasonal job working for Target and then started writing features for Crunchyroll. I think that's about as filler as it gets, even down to changing up the formula to stave off boredom.
Carolyn: I had to think about this for quite a long time. I'm not certain I can say there was much that I could call filler except possibly my education, which is kind of depressing. I first started going to college for an elementary education degree before realizing I don't actually have the patience to be a teacher. Later I got a certificate in medical transcription/billing and coding ... and did nothing with it. It's all worked out, but those would have to be the filler arcs, I guess.
David: I spent my first semester of college working on a music degree only for my interest in that to peter out halfway through and basically wasting my time for the rest of the year until I found an interest in computer science, so that's probably the closest.
Jared: For me, I'd probably go with all the choices I went through before settling on what I eventually graduated college with. So, there was the long filler arc where I thought I was going to be an automotive mechanic. That transitioned into the very brief web designer arc. After that was the dark time where I had to work at Walmart for two years after dropping out. Finally, there would've been the journalism arc that would eventually transition me onto the English path that would take me out of college.
Danni: My life is a filler arc.
  Noelle: This is a tough question... I do think a lot of things in my life have lead up to where I am now, even if I did feel they were useless at the time. Maybe all the summers I spent at summer camp; I don't think I retained anything particularly useful from those experiences, except for maybe a Pokemon card or two.
  Kara: I think my almost ten years working for a mainstream news website would constitute that. It started out okay, but then it was just a lot of time-killing with very little new scenery. Turning in my notice and becoming a freelancer was scary, but it really did feel like moving on to a new chapter. Which isn't to say every day is super-exciting plot progression, but at least I'm not seeing the same things over and over with slightly different character designs.
  Okay, in our Naruto slack chat channel, there's a debate going on about genjutsu and how useful it is. So, to give us a little more #content, I wanna know your feelings about it here:
  Joseph: It seems pretty useful, but only at an absurdly high level. I'm a huge sucker for illusions so I don't mind the fact that it's just that most of the time. In these particular filler eps, there's an instance where if you fall in imaginary Genjutsu lava, your body actually thinks it's burning and you could die as a result. I'm not going to put much stock in Filler Power Logic, though, so I dunno. I guess it's just a cool concept rather than one I think is super useful all the time. Freddy Krueger uses Genjutsu, so there's that.
Paul: I actively enjoyed the Yakumo arc, although I feel like having so many Kurama clan members with String-Bean Genjutsu was wasted potential. One of my favorite science fiction films is Forbidden Planet, which also features a super-powered id beast running amok. I know some others were arguing that genjutsu is weak as heck, but applied properly, I think it can be one of the deadliest and most inventive tricks in the ninja arsenal, especially when it fools the brain into damaging the body.
  Kevin: I'm the one who started the discussion, so my thoughts are already well known in the channel. For the audience though: I feel like Genjutsu is almost objectively the worst possible thing to specialize in for a Naruto character. Taijutsu basically lets you bench press mountains and ninjutsu seems to let you do pretty much anything magical, and they both allow you to outright kill your opponent. Meanwhile, outside of the insanely powerful genjutsu shown in this week's episodes and the one that Itachi likes using, genjutsu only ever seems to immobilize the opponent.
On its own, that might be fine, since you could stop them and then kill them easily, but even schoolchildren know how to dispel low level genjutsu, and Kuranai showed that when that doesn't work, you can just stab yourself once to get out of a genjutsu. Not ideal obviously, but much easier to defeat than a man moving faster than the eye can see, or a kid trying to stab you with a ball of lightning.
For some of the others:
Ninja tools (Tenten): Not seen often and also a contender for worst option because of how rarely Tenten gets to win at anything. But being able to summon pretty much any number of any weapon has a lot of versatility.
Ninja animals (Kiba, Shino, etc.): They always seem to end up being more useful than I would expect them to be, while genjutsu always ends up being more boring than I would expect.
Kekkei Genkai: Because they don't need to follow the same rules as standard jutsu, the creators have more freedom to be imaginative with what the abilities can do.
Medical ninjutsu: Always useful in keeping people alive (brought back everyone's favorite bowlcut, after all), and Kabuto showed how it can be used offensively. Tsunade also hasn't showed how powerful medical jutsus can get, yet.
Sealing: We haven't seen much of it yet, but what we know is that if you can't kill something, you can seal it away. Maybe not the most practical specialization on a day-to-day basic, but exceptionally useful when needed.
A different group chat I'm in actually came up with a great way to make genjutsu more engaging, and it's basically what Shikamaru does with his Shadow Possession jutsu. Instead of the ninja casting a genjutsu and then basically nothing happening until either the person under the jutsu breaks out or someone comes along to help them get out, the genjutsu creates an opening for someone else to attack, creating combos and interesting combat scenarios.
  Carolyn: Yeah, I have to agree with Joseph. Even if the logic doesn't exactly make sense, anything that deals with mind-bending and reality manipulation is a plus in my book.
    David: It makes sense to me that genjutsu could be seen as the least useful ninja art to practice if you're a normal person in this world, but in the context of the show where the focus tends to be on the most powerful characters, everything except genjutsu feels completely underpowered. So it depends on your lot in life I suppose.
  Jared: We've certainly seen instances of lower level Genjutsu where it seems easy to get out of and know you're under the influence of it. In that instance, it would probably be less beneficial than other forms of jutsu, but if you have a knack for being a high level practitioner of it, then I'd say it's pretty beneficial. Especially as seen here where you can basically trick the brain into believing everything is real and have it cause legitimate damage. The amount of people who are going to be able to operate on that high of a level is going to be slim though, which makes it seem weaker than what it can actually be.
  Danni: Evo was this past weekend, so I've been thinking of genjutsu like a high-skill ceiling fighting game character. For low level shinobi, genjutsu is so easily countered that it's never a viable option. You're better off polishing your skills taijutsu + ninjutsu combos. However, when a real master sits down and devotes themselves to genjutsu, their ability is almost godlike.
  Noelle: I think I agree most with the sentiment that low-level genjutsu is pretty harmless, but high-level genjutsu is deadly. After all, it does rely on tricking the senses, and if you've lost control of your primary senses, then what is there to trust? They may seem like fun and games, but hallucinations in the real world are bewildering enough as is. Sensory adjustment being weaponized can be downright deadly in the right circumstances.
  Kara: Like Paul, I really enjoyed the Yakumo arc. This was a very "made for me" story, between the genjutsu and the taming of the Id monster - that's all stuff I love. Personally I enjoyed how much time was spent developing the idea of genjutsu: that a lot of it is our mind working against us, and in many cases the more intelligent you are, the harder it gets you. Plus our brains are our own worst enemy, so of course it would be terrifying to have them turn against us. I'd honestly rather be kicked in the face a hundred times than live out some sort of eldritch nightmare I couldn't escape, "real" or not.
  Do y'all like ramen? What's your favorite kind? I know that this isn't very relevant to the episodes, but we've been keeping a ramen count for about eight months and I haven't seen much discussion about how y'all actually feel about ramen. I personally really dig it.
  Joseph: Going back to LA, there's a spot my friend and I were hooked on in Little Tokyo called Orochon Ramen. We were training ourselves to stand up to the spiciest number, but never quite made it there. I would sweat INTO my ramen bowl, It was deliciously excruciating, or excruciatingly delicious; whichever sounds better. I think it did level up my spiciness in general!
  Paul: I've had proper ramen from a proper Japanese ramen restaurant in New York City, but, hypocrite that I am, I actually prefer the store-bought stuff from Nissin and Maruchan. I enjoy the pork flavor, which they label as "Oriental flavor" for some unknown reason.
  Kevin: I'll be perfectly honest, Naruto is the reason I started eating ramen more than a decade ago, and I still probably have a bowl or two per week. It's just so simple to make! Boil some chicken broth, add the noodles, add anything frozen (like peas), wait a few minutes until you can break up the block of noodles, add any other vegetables/eggs/whatever, simmer for a few minutes to cook things through, top with green onion if you feel fancy, serve. I also add soy sauce and ginger for a bit more flavorful broth. Maybe 10 or 15 minutes or so to get a bowl full of tastiness. Great for any time that you don't have a better idea for what to eat.
  Carolyn: I've never had real ramen and I really, really want to. The pork flavor labeled "Pork flavor" is the actual best of the store-bought stuff. Sorry, Paul. Oh, and also the mushroom flavor that doesn't even exist anymore. We can cancel shrimp and chili.
  David: Some friends of mine live next to a good ramen place so I like going there when I get the chance, but otherwise I can't say I eat it often. My diet is pretty terrible actually, being mostly frozen meals and the occasional actual food on days where I feel like I have more free time.
  Jared: I've also never had legitimate ramen, so all I have to go off of is the store bought kind and even then I can't remember the last time I had that.
  Danni: When I was in Japan I went to a grocery store and bought some random cups of instant ramen, which turned out to be curry-flavored, and I love me some curry. I ended up bringing a bunch home with me when I left. I currently have one left in my reserves, but I just can't bring myself to eat it and say goodbye to my curry-flavored ramen yet.
  Noelle: Ramen is my go-to food when I don't feel like putting a lot of effort into cooking. I love it! I usually end up eating tonkotsu or shoyu. In restaurants, I like mine with a good helping of char-siu.
  Kara: I started eating ramen when I was very little because my uncle, who was between college and grad school and living with my grandparents and me at the time, had it for lunch every day. (I thought he was cool, which he is, and I wanted to be like him.) He had beef with a slice of Swiss cheese melted on it. I had vegetable with white American cheese on it and eventually "graduated" to beef (though still with cheese). I've had proper ramen and I really enjoy it when it's possible to get it, but sometimes I just crave college food.
  And highs and lows, I guess:
  Joseph: These'll be quick. My high for the week was the concept of Dropout Ninja. I love the idea of unaffiliated bad dudes who decided to quit school and, presumably, set up a Foot Clan-esque underground network. The low is the Yakumo arc. So much drawn-out explanation for what should have otherwise been a pretty neat bit of intrigue and backstory.
Paul: My high point is the id beast from the Yakumo Arc, because the idea of being betrayed by one's own subconscious is a conflict that I groove on. Honorable mention goes to Kurenai being a quintessential shinobi by being willing to endure misplaced vengeance rather than allowing her student to come to harm. My low point is the sheer number of waterfalls that Naruto got tossed over. Two waterfalls in as many episodes is a Wile E. Coyote thing.
  Kevin: High - Cat-in-the-Craddle ninja. I honestly thought about putting him as my low point, or at least as a head scratching choice for how strange an ability it is, but he's one of the few things that really sticks out to me in this batch of episodes, and I actually do like seeing versatile skillsets, even if they've stopped even pretending to be ninja-inspired.
Low - The guy who made the national treasure. I'm so annoyed by basically everything he ever did that I'm not even bothering to look up his name. He started as a jerk and ended as a jerk. Congratulations, now get out and never come back.
  Carolyn: High point, like I mentioned earlier, would have to be the illusions. That stuff is just always fun for me. Low point, yeah, smugness is a no go.
  David: My high point is the concept behind the Yakumo Rescue arc, especially Yakumo herself, practically jumping into the show as a viewer with being inspired by Rock Lee and all. Low point is just how long that arc is - five episodes is about two too many, so it lost a lot of luster along the way.
  Jared: High point this week was some of the different and spookier styles the show tried to implement in the Yakumo arc, albeit briefly. Outside of that though, the low points would probably be everything else with that arc going too long and the other episodes just being basic concepts we've seen executed better elsewhere.
  Danni: My high point is the Yakumo arc, just because of the parallels her situation had with Naruto's. The weakest part of Naruto in my opinion is how little it bothers delving into the fact that Naruto has a giant, murderous demon sealed inside of him that almost definitely killed his parents. Seeing him recognize the similarities between them and make a silent vow to master his own terrifying power was great, and hopefully will become more significant in Shippuden.
  My low point is...also the Yakumo arc. It's just so unfortunately incongruous with the actual mainline plot. If Kurenai had been tasked with this mission for some time, why did she only just now decide that she's unfit to command her team? Also, I imagine that despite Yakumo's incredible power one day being very much needed in the Hidden Leaf Village, no one will ever say a word about or mention her ever again. Yakumo deserves to be canon, dang it!
Noelle: High point, illusions definitely! I like the idea of using horror when it works, and I think they did a decent enough job in doing so. Low point, the general sense of repetition and overall, I think some points stretched far too long. This could've used some trimming and compression.
Kara: High point is the Yakumo arc in general, with special focus on the horror imagery and Id monster. There were some genuine "NOPE" visuals in there (Yakumo's portrait grabbing her and talking to her), not to mention Sakura opening a door and looking out into the void of space and just screaming.
Low point was the freakin' "national treasure" sculptor who spent the whole episode mocking our lads for not dying on the job. I hope Akamaru got an extra spray on him before they kicked him out of the village.
  And for the weekly numbers:
Counters Week- Ramen: 0 bowls + 3 cups Hokage: 0 Clones: 94 + 2 uncountable scenes Total- Ramen: 201 bowls, 17 cups Hokage: 62 Clones: 912
  And that’s it for this week! Remember that you’re always welcome to watch along with the Rewatch, especially if you’ve never seen the original Naruto! Watch Naruto today!
  Here’s our upcoming schedule:
-On August 16th, NICOLE MEJIAS finishes up a mission!
-And finally, on August 23rd, CAYLA COATES wraps up the Rewatch in its entirety!
Episodes 197-203: Solving a Mystery
Episodes 190-196: Matchmaking Gone Wrong
Episodes 183-189: No Laughter Allowed!
Episodes 176-182: Reach for the Stars!
Episodes 169-175: Anko’s Backstory At Sea
Episodes 162-168: The Tale of the Phantom Samurai
Episodes 155-161: Quickfire Curry
Episodes 148-154: The Forest is Abuzz With Ninjas
Episodes 141-147: Mizuki Strikes Back!
Episodes 134-140: The Climactic Clash
Episodes 127-133: Naruto vs Sasuke
Episodes 120-126: The Sand Siblings Return
Episodes 113-119: Operation Rescue Sasuke
Episodes 106-112: Sasuke Goes Rogue
Episodes 99-105: Trouble in the Land of Tea
Episodes 92-98: Clash of the Sannin
Episodes 85-91: A Life-Changing Decision
Episodes 78-84: The Fall of a Legend
Episodes 71-77: Sands of Sorrow
Episodes 64-70: Crashing the Chunin Exam
Episodes 57-63: Family Feud
Episodes 50-56: Rock Lee Rally
Episodes 43-49: The Gate
Episodes 36-42: Through the Woods
Episodes 29-35: Sakura Unleashed
Episodes 22-28: Chunin Exams Kickoff
Episodes 15-21: Leaving the Land of Waves
Episodes 8-14: Beginners' Battle
Episodes 1-7: I'm Gonna Be the Hokage!
  Thank you for joining us for the GREAT CRUNCHYROLL NARUTO REWATCH! See you next time!
  Have anything to say about this batch of episodes? Let us know in the comments! We're accepting questions and comments for next week, so ask away!
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Anime Werner Herzog is a writer and editor for Crunchyroll. You should follow him on Twitter!
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The Fire in Apartment 2.3, The Man who lived there, And the girl who lived next door - Part 2 ~ Move Out
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Chatroom: The Second Floor, B Wing
Yoongi: Ya! Hyunwa! Tell your sister’s friend to turn it down! Hyunwa: Can’t. She’s your problem now. Yoongi: Was she always this loud? Hyunwa: I don’t know. My sister wasn’t allowed to take her home because she was a bad influence. Yoongi: And you let her live next to me?! Hyunwa: Go tell them to tune it down then. Yoongi: No. Minjae: I can hear her music from here. Hyunwa: Me too, but you don’t hear Jihun complaining. Yoongi: He’s been sleeping since seven pm. Hyunwa: Look, I’ll ask my sister for her number so you can tell her to tune it down. Yoongi: Fine, what’s her name? Hyunwa: I don’t know. Yoongi: … Yoongi: Are you kidding me?
Chatroom: Seoyoung and Hyunwa
Hyunwa: Hey, do you have your friend’s number for me? Seoyoung: She’s not interested you fool. Hyunwa: It’s for her neighbor. Seoyoung: Why? Hyunwa: You guys are being too loud for him. Seoyoung: Hey, this is Minju here, the neighbor, tell him to tell it in person or suck it up. Seoyoung: It’s me again. Minju went to open the door. Seoyoung: Wait, he actually came? Hyunwa: What? Seoyoung: They are arguing like crazy. Hyunwa: I need to see this!
Minju’s POV
The doorbell has been going off the whole time I walked to the door. When I pull it open, there is a guy who looks incredibly unamused standing in front of me. ‘Good evening,’ I say politely. ‘Hi, I’m you neighbor. Could you turn it down?’ he asks. ‘No, but you are invited to come join us,’ I say cheerfully. He gives me a disgusted look. ‘Why would I want to do that if I was just asking you to turn it down?’ he questions. ‘I don’t know. Because you’re young?’ ‘No. Turn it down.’ ‘No,’ I say, stubbornly crossing my arms in front of my chest. ‘Fine, I’ll call the cops,’ he says. ‘You know just as well as I do that the cops never come to this complex,’ I snap at him. ‘YA! JUST TURN IT DOWN?’ ‘NO, WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH AN ASSHOLE?’ ‘WHY ARE YOU BEING SO STUBBORN?’ ‘BECAUSE YOU’RE BEING AN ASSHOLE,’ I say. He lets out a big sigh. ‘I swear to God, turn it down or I will make you turn it down,’ he threatens. ‘No.’ His frustration seems to be overflowing. ‘This is not over,’ he says and walks away. ‘Ya! You are such a party pooper! We are just trying to have a good time!’ I snap at him. ‘Go have a good time somewhere else! I don’t need your bullshit here!’ he snaps back. I huff at him and slam the door closed. ‘Asshole,’ I breathe out as I walk back to the couch, downing a shot of soju I grabbed in the kitchen on the way there. ‘Told you your neighbor would be an ass,’ Seoyoung says as I sit down next to her. ‘Give me your phone, he’s getting my number so I’ll never have to talk to him face to face,’ I tell her. She gives it to me without hesitation. I text her brother and go on with my night.
Chatroom: The Second Floor, B Wing
Hyunwa a video. Yoongi: Ya, why did you film that? You could’ve helped me. Minjae: Hyunwa was just as bad and you never got this angry. Yoongi: Hyunwa doesn’t have an attitude. Jihun: It’s true. The girl does has an attitude. Yoongi: SEE! Hyunwa: I don’t believe that is the real reason for your hatred. Yoongi: I never said I hated her. Hyunwa: But you do act like it. Yoongi: Fine, I just can’t stand people like her. Minjae: Who are people like her? Yoongi: Rich and famous people who think they’re on top of the world and can do anything and everything without consequences. Hyunwa: Famous? Minjae: Rich? Jihun: Of course Minjae thinks about money. Yoongi: She’s a famous painter, sculptor, and photographer. Minjae: Who? Yoongi: YOU ARE A SHAME TO YOUR FAMILY Jihun: I know her. Yoongi: You’re fine. Minjae: The music stopped. Hyunwa: People are leaving. Jihun: Well Yoongi, it looks like you got what you wanted. Yoongi: Good. Hyunwa: Oh, my sister just send me her number. I’ll add her to the group since she’s a part of the B Wing now. Yoongi: Please don’t. Hyunwa added Minju. Minju: What is this group and why am I a part of it? Hyunwa: This is the group chat of the B Wing, second floor. Minju: You don’t live in the B Wing anymore. Minjae: BURN! Minju left the group. Hyunwa: For so far trying to get along with Minju.
Yoongi’s POV
‘Why does she even make you this angry?’ Seokjin asks me. I let out a sigh and lean back on the couch. It has been a few days since Minju moved in. She has been distant most of the time and when we did talk, we argued. Mostly because she turns her music up too loud with the door to her balcony opened, and the fact that she plays loud music too late, and because she leaves trails of paint behind on the hallway. She doesn’t care about anyone else living in this complex by the looks of it. ‘Her attitude. She acts like she doesn’t care one single bit and snaps at everyone who does something she doesn’t like,’ I explain. ‘That’s sounds exactly like someone I know,’ he jokes. ‘Really, who?’ Taehyung asks. I roll my eyes at the both of them and throw a pillow at Seokjin. ‘Ha, ha, I am not like that,’ I snap at him. ‘Oh, but you are. Though it’s all just one layer of you. I’m sure she has more layers as well,’ he says. ‘You make it sound like Yoongi Hyung is an onion,’ Jungkook says mindlessly. Jimin jumps him and starts play fighting with the younger guy who loudly protests against the way he’s treated. ‘I want her to move out,’ I state with a blank expression on my face. Just when I say the words, there are knocks on my door. I walk over to the door and open it to see Minju covered in paint splatters, no shoes on, and a bit embarrassed. Weird to see another side of her. ‘Hyunwa told me you still have the spare key of 2.4… I locked myself out,’ she says shyly. I lean against the doorpost with my arms crossed. ‘So what do you want?’ I ask her. She looks at me in surprise. Within a split second, she goes from shy to incredibly annoyed. ‘The key,’ she says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. ‘And what if I don’t give it to you?’ I ask her, amused at the sight of her. She steps into my apartment, leaving me in awe. She doesn’t pay attention to my friends in the living room, she just storms through to the balcony. ‘YA! What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ ‘I am going to climb onto my balcony obviously,’ she says without looking behind. My friends look at me desperately. What I might need to explain is that this flat has a bit of a weird counting system. They don’t call the first floor the first floor but the eighth flour. That’s right, they count down instead of up, meaning that this is the seventh floor. If she falls, she’s dead. ‘I’ll give you the key,’ I say, already walking to the kitchen to grab it, but she doesn’t stop walking. My friends all sprint to the balcony when they see her climb over the railing, I join them on the balcony and see Minju skillfully climb onto her own balcony. ‘You have done this before, haven’t you?’ I ask. ‘I have. Many, many times,’ she says with a big smile and steps into her apartment. Of course she left the door to her balcony unlocked. Why not? Why not risk a breakin? Why not? The door stays opened though and just when I want to go back inside I hear music getting louder. Not just music. Something I composed. She listens to music I compose. The calming music piece glides over the city as Minju comes outside again. It is only now that I noticed my friends went inside. Also, they locked the door. ‘I like your music,’ she says as she stares out over the city, not looking at me. ‘I like your art,’ I reply. Neither of us seem impressed with the other’s statement. ‘Why do you live in this small apartment when you can pay for a mansion?’ ‘What would I need the space for? I’m just on my own,’ she replies. ‘I want to ask you something,’ she leans on the railing of her balcony with her forearms. ‘Compose a song for me.’ I am a bit taken back by her sudden request. ‘I will pay you.’ ‘Fine, what are the requirements?’ I say, trying to sound like I am against doing it, but in all honesty, I am a victim of hard times. My music went well for a while, but now not so much. I am not making much money, I even have a dayjob again, so I’ll take any offer I can take. ‘It has to show strength and passion, like fire,’ she says, ‘you can make it as long as you want. I don’t care if it’s two minutes or ten minutes.’ ‘Is it for your new gallery?’ She shakes her head, but seems to rethink her answer. ‘It’s for inspiration, so it will be played during my next gallery,’ she explains. ‘Inspiration?’ I question. She walks off her balcony and locks the door. Something is off with her. From what I know about her, she never has a season where she doesn’t have a gallery somewhere, but that’s the weird thing. This season, no one has heard from her and now she’s suddenly living in one of the cheapest flats in Seoul while she used to live in a penthouse. Now she doesn’t even have two bedrooms. Something is most definitely off.
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