#but yeah I've said it before and I'll say it again -- evan truly is not a terrible person: just a pretty poor father
carewyncromwell · 10 months
consider it a what if scenario in this instance, but how would jacob and carewyn's dad react to hearing how one graduated with honors from the very school that once expelled him, and the other going on to become a well respected lawyer? lets say that it was by pure chance he heard of other people talking about the two and put two and two together.
not that hed go out of his way to reach out to them but moreso his realization how the two managed to achieve the respectable lives he so desperately wanted them to, but without him in the picture. how would that make him feel?
Okay, this message gave me such joy that I had to set it aside to give it a full response, because AWWW, ANON, YOU THINKING OF POOR, BAD-FATHER-BUT-NOT-A-BAD-MAN EVAN BACH!! You sweet thing!! 🥹 💙💙💙
So I actually do have a few headcanons about Evan after he left his wife and children behind, one of which ties in nicely to your question.
A few days after his departure, Evan was visited by an Obliviator from the Ministry of Magic. That Obliviator's name was Donna.
In most cases of Muggles learning that their child and/or spouse has magic, that Muggle doesn't leave or divorce their spouse, so there was some concern that Evan could blab about the entire Wizarding World's existence, if he were allowed to keep his memories of his family. This is why Donna was sent to tail Evan and, when the time was right, covertly modify his memory. But to Donna's surprise, while she tailed Evan Bach, she was surprised to discover that he made no attempt whatsoever to expose Lane, their children, or the existence of magic. Evan didn't even flinch when his friends or family would try to get the truth of his and Lane's separation out of him -- he would just firmly and unwaveringly say that Lane lied to him and then shut down the conversation altogether before it could go any further. He never even tried to make up lies about Lane, like that she was involved in criminal activity or something, so as to better justify his actions. He would shoot down anyone proposing nasty, untrue things about his ex-wife and seemed to resignedly accept it if anyone judged him badly for leaving his family. And this was why, after a whole week of not having to intervene, Donna finally just decided to visit Evan in person and explain the situation to him.
"Look, Mr. Bach -- your situation is...unusual, in our world. It just is. Most Muggle parents who find out their child has magic, well...they choose their child. They choose to stay married for their sake -- to keep their family together. Even I must admit, I can't understand why you wouldn't make that choice..." "Well, of course not. You're magic too, aren't you? Like Lane, and Jacob. Of course you wouldn't understand. ...I didn't ask to join this 'World' of yours. I never even had a proper choice in the matter. And even if you think I should've just followed my wife and children blindly, I have no interest in being part of a World made up of nothing but lies and deception. And I frankly think it's disgusting that you think it's best to just rewrite people's minds and lives if they don't march lockstep with...with your blatant despotism." "Despotism? Come now, that's a bit harsh..." "Sorry if I don't see a government who would arrange for you to stalk me and then corner me in some dark alley just to keep their precious secrets safe in a particularly flattering light." "It's not just for the sake of our secrets, Mr. Bach. ...Yes, it is true, I was sent to Obliviate you. But your situation isn't just surprising because of your departure -- it's also how you've acted after leaving. You never once made as if to expose Lane or your children's magic. You've never even tried to defend yourself from rumors by making Lane look bad." "Why would I? Lane lied to me. ...Anyone who knows me knows that's enough reason." "I think a lot of people would want to create additional reasons. Make themselves look better, by doing so. You're an honorable man, Evan Bach. That's why you've never fought back to defend yourself, when people get upset about what you did. That's why you couldn't talk about your children, when your cousin pressed you about them. And that's why...I'm here talking to you, not sneaking around anymore behind your back. ...You see...I want to ask you, myself. Do you want me to modify your memory?" "...Want it?" "Yes. I could remove the painful memories of what happened -- give you a more peaceful life, to remember. I could even rewrite the memories of the people around you, so they won't ask about your family anymore...maybe even give you that promotion you would've gotten, if it weren't for your boss catching wind of what happened with your family. You could start fresh -- " "Never." "What?" "Never. I don't want your fancy stick anywhere near my mind, nor my memories." "But you...you've already said you have no intention of being part of your family's World. If you want nothing to do with the Wizarding World, and you don't want to have to keep lying by omission...wouldn't it be so much easier to just forget our World even exists?" "Of course it would! Naturally it'd be easier. But I don't want this to be easy. ...I left my wife and children, Madam. I may have my reasons for what I did, but that doesn't change the fact that I failed. I failed them as a husband, as a father...as the man of the house, and as a man overall. And worst of all...I left without even saying goodbye. I couldn't even look my wife in the face. ...I couldn't even apologize to my son...knowing he never would've accepted it anyway. Knowing that he'll hate me for the rest of his life, same as I resented my own father. ...I am a coward, Madam. It's something I never wished to be, but I proved it before God, with what I did. ...But even though I couldn't rescue my family from themselves -- from this crazy, asinine 'World' that your lot has roped them into...I do not want to be rescued from this burden. Least of all by one of your kind. ...One of the last things Lane said to me is that all I did in our marriage was make more and more mistakes, just trying to escape from my previous ones. Well, I'm done running. These mistakes I've made -- all of them -- are my burden to bear...and I don't want you or any other...freak Ministry agent taking them away from me. ...I don't want peace. Especially not your version of it."
Despite Evan's clear dislike of magic users, Donna couldn't help but by moved by his sentiment. And so she left Evan with all of his memories and reported back to her superiors that Evan Bach was no threat to Ministry security. Amazingly, after watching the Muggle store manager for another month, Donna's superiors eventually agreed, and Evan Bach was left to his own devices.
Evan had no further contact with the Wizarding World for the next thirteen years. It was only in 1988 when Donna sought Evan out at his office, in disguise as a manager of another store. He was not pleased to see her.
"I thought I made it quite clear I want nothing more to do with your World. What are you doing here?" "Nothing business-related this time, Mr. Bach. I'm just here to thank you." "...Thank me? For what?" "Your daughter." "...My...?" "Yes. Carewyn Cromwell. That was Lane's maiden name, wasn't it?" "...It was. But I don't..." "I have a daughter too...Chiara's her name. She's the same age as Carewyn. She has...a condition that makes it very difficult for her to make friends. But earlier this year, your daughter reached out to her, and since then, Chiara hasn't been able to stop talking about how wonderful your daughter is. In letters, at home...all she's been able to talk about is how kind and selfless and brave and amazing Carewyn is. So I came to thank you, Mr. Bach...for being the reason my daughter has such a good friend."
Evan was so speechless that for a moment, all he could do was stand up, cross to the window, and look out. Donna Lobosca tilted her head a bit, watching him carefully. Then, feeling some pity, she offered --
"...Chiara sent me a picture with the two of them together. Would you like to -- ?" "No. ...Winnie is one of your kind. Lane raised her to be just like her. Like Jacob. Anything she is...I can take no credit for." "I wouldn't say that. You're Carewyn's father, aren't you? That means half of her genes, and half of everything she is, comes from you."
This sentiment didn't comfort Evan, though. He refused to turn around and face Donna again.
"...Please leave."
Despite the detachment of his posture, his expression reflected in the glass of his window betrayed genuine remorse and pain. It made Donna not press him further, and instead return to him some privacy. It was clear to her at least that Evan was hesitant to engage with Carewyn, even from afar. He'd left her at such a young age that she likely didn't even remember him, so she undoubtedly was shaped more by Lane and Jacob than by him. She would never be a "normal" Muggle the way Evan wanted -- how could she be, if she was the type to befriend a werewolf? And perhaps Evan might've felt that he didn't deserve any praise, not even indirectly, for any good his daughter had done.
Donna had to wonder if Evan Bach had shed any tears, upon passing up the opportunity to see how his daughter had grown. Perhaps he would've, if he'd taken stock of how much Carewyn's ears and thin lips resembled his.
Evan didn't learn anything more of his children until the spring of 1991, when Donna actually used the Muggle Post to send Evan a letter. Evan didn't want to open it and actually fancied for a short time chucking it right into the fire -- but reluctantly he held back the urge and, settling down in his old armchair, he opened it. Inside he found a short note, with a smaller envelope inside.
Mr. Bach, I know the last time we met, you didn't want to see Carewyn's picture -- but enclosed are some photographs of your son and daughter from their and my daughter Chiara's graduation ceremony. Jacob truly is remarkable -- he received a certificate of merit for earning all O's on his NEWTs: a very, very rare achievement, only achieved by the most intelligent and talented of wizards. As for Carewyn, she graduated as Head Girl for her class and, according to Chiara, is set to become a lawyer for our Ministry -- a very respectable career in both your World and ours, I should think. I shall say it again, Mr. Bach -- whether you believe it or not, half of what these children are came from you. You should be very proud. Donna
Evan read the note several more times in silence. Then, putting it and the other smaller envelope away in the drawer of his side table, he left them there as he went to the kitchen to make himself some supper. He wouldn't open his drawer again until the following week, when looking for a pair of scissors, and when he did, he shut it quickly, unable to look at the note or second envelope.
Jacob, earning honors in all his classes. Honors. Jacob had never been good in school -- he'd always been a slacker: a delinquent, who constantly got himself into trouble. How was Evan supposed to feel, knowing that his son was succeeding, but only in that World of delinquents and liars, rather than in normal, proper society, the way Evan had always dreamed? He'd always known Jacob was smart -- he definitely could've become a doctor someday, or perhaps worked in a well-respected lab somewhere, if he'd really applied himself...
And Carewyn...Head Girl, and now set to become a lawyer? How respectable would that have been, if she was actually going to be a real lawyer -- one Evan could've recommended to his friends and associates, if they needed legal advice? Instead, all the legal advice she'd be giving out would be perfectly worthless -- her whole career would instead be based entirely on laws like the one that tried to demand Evan either give up and stay with Lane out of duress or have his mind turned inside out...
It took Evan nearly half a year before he finally forced himself to take that second smaller envelope out of his side table drawer and open it. He was alarmed by how the pictures moved -- poor Evan had never seen any magical photographs before, and they were incredibly unnerving. The girl who had to be Carewyn kept looking away, off into the corner of the frame. She appeared rather respectable, despite how bizarre her and everyone else's attire was -- her makeup was very neat. And the boy next to her...no...that couldn't be Jacob, could it? He couldn't possibly be so young...Evan himself was in his fifties, so Jacob would have to be nearing thirty by now --
And yet...even with how messy and ridiculous his hair looked, or how youthful his face appeared...Evan immediately knew at once that this was indeed his son. His eyes were hollowed-out like a skull's now, and his dark curls had grown so long and out-of-control that he'd had to tie them back in a ribbon the way a girl would...but it was Jacob. And clinging onto his sister and mother, Jacob's moving photographic self couldn't seem to stop silently laughing through his tears.
He was happy. So happy he was crying...
Evan had to put the pictures of his children face down on his side table, out of his line of sight. He then rested his arms in his lap, holding his face in his hands and then sliding them down along his cheeks as he breathed deeply.
He knew seeing Jacob and Carewyn would be painful. He knew it would be -- that's why he'd resisted it for so long. He'd rebuilt his life to the best of his ability, even while wrestling with his guilt, but he'd kept them at arm's length because he knew that Jacob and Carewyn didn't want to be in his world, and he wanted nothing to do with theirs. They didn't belong in his world, no more than he belonged in theirs. And truly, there was no point in trying to dig up the past when that wasn't going to change.
It didn't mean it didn't hurt, knowing that he'd failed as a father so much that Jacob and Carewyn's lives were fuller, with him not in it.
After a long moment, Evan reached out toward the side table again. He fiddled with the edge of the last photograph for a few seconds before finally flipping it around and looking at it.
Lane looked tired. Her face had become a bit gaunter and there were more wrinkles around her eyes, though not as bad as Jacob and Carewyn's -- Evan couldn't help but think that their eyes looked like his now, with how deep the bags under them were...
Even so...Lane smiled just as brightly as she did on their wedding day.
And it was this, strangely, that seemed to soften the creases in Evan's brow, even as tears welled up in his eyes.
Evan had failed his family in so many ways. He hadn't been able to guide them and mentor them -- to protect them and give them everything they wished for. To keep them on the straight and narrow, the way he always tried to be. But even with this...Lane had found happiness. She clearly hadn't had to go back to her cruel family -- she clearly had kept her freedom and was able to thrive, even on her own. Even while having their children to look after...
And this, strangely, brought Evan some bizarre, bittersweet kind of comfort. Perhaps, in the end...letting his family find happiness without him ultimately was the one thing he'd managed to do right.
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"If I could see the future and how this plays out, I bet it's better than where we are now, But after going through this, It's easier to see the reason why…"
~“No Surprise,” by Chris Daughtry
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pagodazz · 4 months
Any Vinnie hcs? Like any? Making a very lore focused edit for him rn and I just really like your takes on his character
OMGGG lore edit for Vinnie... it's so rare that people even care about the lore in this fandom.. let alone vinniee,,, OFC I HAVE HCS FOR YOU!!!!!! THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY FR. IM SO GLAD PPL LIKE MY TAKES.
Vinnie is my #1, he's quite literally everything to me and I've gone out of my way to go frame by frame for shit just for him man. like I can notice the smallest thing about him and it's a MASSIVE deal to me.
So starting off, Vinnie is GOTH. majorly goth. If he had the money or confidence, he'd be going all out with the goth look.
Although I think Vinnie does have a makeup kit in his room, one he keeps really hidden from the guys. He basically taught himself how to do all his own makeup, and sometimes if he'll feel confident enough, he'll go out to a goth club, if he's up for partying.
PRINCETON VINNIE DEFINITELY WENT TO GOTH CLUBS. He was probably out partying more than he ever needed to be. He was on any kind of drug he could get his hands on and I can just see him absolutely thriving in there, finally feeling like he has a place he belongs, even though he truly never actually fits in.
emh Vinnie will definitely paint his nails black and he'll listen to goth music. (ofc it's not the only genre he listens to, he listens to about anything)
Vinnie is a massive stoner, probably to the point where he smokes 24/7, and he just can barely manage to function without it. He doesn't exactly want to be this way but it's difficult with all the stress he's going through all the time, and Including the fact that Vinnie is aware of EVERYTHING ALWAYS, Like he's the voyeur guys,,, he sees everything all the time.
He knew how everything was going to end before it ended, he's alot more aware of things than people think he is, and that just means you fell for all his lies. Vinnie has up this front they he doesn't know anything, but in reality he's haunted by the constant memories of all the lives he's lived before and he only wishes to escape that constant loop of feelings fear.
I said this in my vinvan hcs but I'll say it again here too, I hc Vinnie as. trans guy, (trans girl if I'm feeling a little silly), he either has 0 surgeries or just top surgery, (bonus points if it's habit that gave him top surgery. like when he gave him the piercing and cutting Vinnie's hair he was just like oh lol yeah !! these can go too)
I think he's rather closeted about that, he just feels like he needs to hide himself, he doesn't want to have to deal with the drama it causes when he corrects people on his pronouns and shit, if anything Evan will be the one who gets pissed off FOR him.
Vinnie knows how to defend himself it's not like he needs Evans help, but he appreciates it nonetheless.
I also hc that Vinnie always wanted to be a movie director or an author, he did seem to think about taking psychology too in college (canon btw, along w him being in film) And I think he just genuinely wanted to do story telling. So when he stumbled across the opportunity to actually film his own tragic life, his own movie where he himself is the main character (even though you all think it's Evan 😞) he TOOK that opportunity and RAN with it.
HIS chance with the spotlight, HIS chance to be loved. His chance to be seen.
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toastedkiwi · 4 years
First Man
Summary: you debut a song on stage at the AMAs.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Daughter!Reader, Harry Styles x Popstar!Reader
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“No, I got no clue to what she’s performing,” Chris said to the interviewer and looking at you.
“You’ll just have to wait,” you said.
“POPS!” You both hear.
Chris turns knowing exactly who it is. He opens his arms and hugs his son-in-law who’s in an elaborate suit. You smile.
“I’ve missed you,” Harry exclaimed as your dad cups his face.
“I know, Bubba,” Chris said smiling.
You greet Harry’s mother Anne and sister Gemma whilst your dad and husband hug each other like long lost lovers. It took awhile for your dad to warm up to Harry but after seeing the way his only daughter and only child was being treated warmed his heart. It took some convincing from you as well. Chris couldn’t let just anyone marry his little girl.
Yes I'm gonna stay with him tonight
I'll see you in the mornin'
No of course, he won't drink and drive
Chris immediately gets teary eyed seeing you onstage in a gown at a grand piano with spotlight shinning down. He hasn’t heard this song and neither has Harry as he hears you singing. It brings Chris back some memories.
“No, I’m gonna be with him tonight,” you said into the phone.
“Excuse me? Who’s this boy? Is it Tyler? Adam? Tom? If you’re back with Holland, I’m gonna fuckin—.”
“No, Daddy. It’s somebody else. I’m not dating one of your costars. That was a mistake.”
Chris sighed and said, “be careful. Don’t drink and drive.”
“No, of course not,” you said.
“Call me if anything happens, I’ll be there, comet.”
“I know, Daddy. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Oh you'll like him, he's really kind
And he's funny like you sometimes
And I found someone I really like
Maybe for the first time
Chris sniffles and tries his hardest to keep it together especially with a camera pointed at him and Harry. He focuses on the stage where you’re singing.
“Daddy, please! You’ll really like him. He’s really kind,” you said. “And he’s funny like you sometimes.”
“Excuse me?! My jokes are killer all the time, Comet! —Knock, knock,” your dad said truly offended.
“Come in,” you said.
He gives you one look and you start running. He runs after you growling. You scream when he grabs you and lifts you off the ground.
“Have I taught you nothing?!” Chris exclaimed. “We’re gonna try this again, Miss Thing.”
“Oh Jesus,” you rolled your eyes and you can’t help but smile.
“Knock, Knock,” he said.
“Who’s there?” You asked playing along.
“Boo,” he said still holding you tightly not wanting to let you escape.
“Boo, who?” You said confused.
“Aww, munchkin, don’t cry,” your dad said pressing a kiss to your cheek. “It’s just a boy. No need for crying over him.”
You laughed and said facing him, “but Daddy. He’s really good to me. And I think I really found someone I really like— maybe for the first time.”
He can’t help but frown and narrow his eyes.
“Who is he?” He asked.
“His name is Harry,” you said smiling.
No I don't need a jacket
It's not that cold tonight
And you worry, I get it
But he's waiting outside
“Grab a jacket!” Chris yelled at you before you can leave.
“It’s not that cold,” you said as he comes over to you from the kitchen. “And I’m 21, Dad.”
“I know how old you are. I was there and I know you’re a popstar and I—,” he said.
“And you worry, I get it,” you said.
“Yes, so grab a jacket, comet,” he said pointing to the hallway.
“But he’s waiting outside, Daddy,” you said.
“And he can wait longer. Also, you still live under my roof which I don’t get when I know you’re making a shit ton of money off of your music,” Chris said.
“You know they’re still renovating my house,” you said. “And I’m pretty sure you like having your own daughter around again.”
Chris scoffs and shoos you back down the hallway. He knows you’re right. He loves having you around even if you both get very busy with work. It’s nice to know you’re around safe and sound.
You’re quick to put a leather jacket over your outfit. He follows you out without hesitation. You give him a look but he’s got his murder glare.
“Hey, I was thinking that I got the wrong house,” the Brit said as you get in and he’s got the windows down.
Chris looks into the car and you said, “dad, this is Harry. Harry, this is my dad.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” Harry said.
“Comet, didn’t you have a poster of him on your wall with some other boys?” Chris asked looking at you.
“DAD!” You looked at him mortified.
“It was One Direction, right?” Chris said.
“Yeah, but we split off into different directions,” Harry said.
“But she didn’t like you,” your dad said. “It was a different one.”
“Was it Liam?” Your boyfriend asked.
Chris shook his head and said, “it was the dude with the bleach blonde hair.”
“Oh, Niall. He’s a cheeky little Irish fucker. I don’t blame you, Y/n,” Harry said.
You try getting out of the car to get away from the embarrassment but Harry locks the doors on you. Chris smiles a bit.
“Have fun, comet,” Chris said pressing a kiss to your temple as you hide your face into your hands.
He steps away from the car and threatened, “I’ll fucking destroy you, Harry, if you hurt my little girl.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Mr. Evans,” Harry responded honestly.
I swear on my heart
That he's a good man
I know you'll stay up late
Just waiting for me
“You should be asleep, Daddio,” you said putting your arms around his shoulders.
“Had to make sure you got home safely, munchkin,” Chris said putting a hand over your forearms.
“But you’ve got a plane to catch in the morning,” you said. “And he’s a good man.”
“He was in a boyband, Y/n,” he said.
“He’s in a man-band now,” you said with a giggle.
Chris can’t help but laugh as he stood up from his spot on the couch.
“I still don’t trust him,” your dad said making you frown.
You held me so tight
Now someone else can
But you were the first man that really loved me
You looked to the crowd with a tear rolling down your cheek. Your dad is openly letting the tears stream down his own cheeks. Harry smiles at you with tears of his own building up. He knows it’s about him and your dad but mainly your dad.
Now you're driving to the airport
Not just me you pick up anymore
I've got eight days off coming up
And I can only come home for four
Yeah I just met his family
“Harold,” Chris said.
“Mr. America!” Harry exclaimed throwing his arms around your dad.
You smile happily at your dad and he gives in hugging your boyfriend. He hugs you next and kisses your cheek before helping Harry load your bags into the car. There’s not much— only your carry-ons. It’s a short trip to Boston so everyone can meet Harry and you can spend time with your dad.
“How was London?” Your dad asked as Harry is outside playing with your cousins.
“I met his family,” you said.
“So, it’s getting serious?” He asked.
You nod your head. It breaks his heart but he won’t tell you that.
He makes me really happy
I think he might be the one, oh
I swear on my heart
That he's a good man
I promise he loves me
He'd never hurt me
You held me so tight
Now someone else can
But you were the first man that really loved me
“I promise you! He makes me really happy, Daddy,” you said.
Chris scoffs. You’ve always been a pretty happy kid and even with a chaotic life you live, you’re sunshine peaking through the clouds on a rainy day or more like a shining star around a world of darkness. No boy or man will change that. You’ll cry for a week or so over them and your dad will be there to comfort you or at least try to.
“Dad,” you said.
“Come here,” your dad said seeing you aren’t too happy with him.
You plop down next to him and he pulls you into his side.
“I worry,” Chris said.
“You always do,” you mumbled.
“Yeah it’s my job as you’re my daughter. I don’t want you with an undeserving man of you,” he admitted. “You deserve the best.”
“I think he might be the one,” you said.
“You sure?”
You nod your head.
“Well, shit,” he said.
“Dad,” you said.
“You’re growing up on me, comet.”
Now you're on the driveway
Faking a smile
You wish you could tell him he doesn't deserve me
So I had to stop the car and turn around
To tell you, you were the first man that really loved me
Your dad wants to yell at Harry and tell him to stay the fuck away from you because nobody is good enough for his little girl. But Chris bites his tongue and smiles from the driveway as Harry drives off with you.
“Wait! Stop the car!” You exclaimed.
Harry does and you’re quickly out the car. You run to your dad and into his arms.
“You know I love you, right?” You said.
“Yes, comet,” Chris said.
“You’ll always be the first man I love,” you said. “He’s just in second place.”
“HEY! I heard that!” Harry yelled making your dad smile.
“Shut it, loser!” Your dad yelled back.
And before they open up the doors
I say I've never seen you cry before
You say "You've never looked so beautiful
You know you'll always be my little girl"
You're looking at me, while walking down the aisle
With tears in your eyes, maybe he deserves me
“I don’t think I’ve seen you cry before,” you said.
“Only when you aren’t looking, bubs,” your dad sniffled adjusting your veil. “And you’ve never looked so beautiful.”
“Dad,” you said.
“You know, you’ll always be my little girl, Y/n,” Chris said. “My little shooting star.”
You nod your head with tears streaming down your cheeks. Your dad hugs you tightly.
“You sure you wanna do this?” He asked.
“Yes,” you said.
“Alright, just let me know ‘cause I’ll drive you outta here and we can watch Disney movies at home,” Chris said holding you still.
You shake your head no and said, “he’s the one, Daddy.”
Chris smiles at your words and said, “we can’t keep him waiting any longer.”
“Yeah, we can’t,” you said.
The doors open and you take your dad’s arm. You both start walking down the aisle. Chris can’t help but smile looking at you as you look at Harry. Your eyes sparkle looking at your soon to be husband. Maybe Harry isn’t that bad.
You don't even know how much it means to me now
That you were the first man that really loved me, that really loved me
You really love me
You’re quick to get off stage and go to your dad who’s in the first row with everyone. Chris stands up just as quickly. You go into his arms and wrap your arms around his waist. Everyone cheers and applauses for you.
“Fuckin’ shit, comet,” your dad whispered into your ear and holds you tightly as you cry into his chest. “I wasn’t expecting that at all.”
“I love you, Daddy,” you said.
“I know. I love you too,” he said wiping away your tears.
“And I love you both,” Harry said putting his arms around you both.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 16
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
Series masterlist
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She didn't even look at him, just took another drag of the cigarette her hands were shaking. God, she didn't want to do this at all.
Chris sighed and walked up to her, maintaining his distance and Sofia looked up to him, locking eyes for a moment and everything came rushing for them.
"Hi," Sofia mumble and looked down again, putting one arm over her chest. "What's up?"
Chris chuckles and leans on beside her, putting his hand out for the cigarette and she gives it to him.
"Nothing, really," He said shrugging.
"You sure about that?" She quickly asked and absolutely regretted asking him that. Sofia chuckle. "Forget about it."
"I tried," Chris spoke putting the cigarette on his month. "And I can't get over you—
"Stop," Sofia quickly interrupted him shaking her head making Chris snap his head at her. "You shouldn't even be speaking to me."
"Why? it's always the same with you. You never want to speak with me, always shutting me out at whatever thing you feeling. I can't be open with you, never."
"This is about you repeating a behavior, as usual. Came to a party with some other bitch and here you are, talking with your ex whatever." Sofia said and looked at him. "Those this whole scenario doesn't feel like a fucking Deja Vu?"With that he remembered, she was right and he shook his head.
"It's not the same,"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, because I wasn't in love with her—
"Still, you bring her here knowing that I'm here. Witch, it's worse. What the fuck is your point? are you trying to hurt me?" She asked eyes getting glossy. "to prove me something?"
"She wasn't even supposed to be here,"
"She's still here."
"I'm not trying to hurt you," Chris said raising his voice a little. "I don't wanna hurt you, ever."
Sofia was shaking as her heart was jumping on her chest, she had so much shit to say to him. There were so many things on her chest.
"I know I said a bunch of crap to you, that u shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry for that, I lashed out at you and it was my fault because I'm an asshole." She grabbed the cigarette from his hand. "I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry."
"I know you are, I haven't been easy with you either, I know I just wanna do things fast all the time and I was too selfish, I'm sorry I stop speaking with you,"
"It just backfired," Sofia sighed, feeling her throat tighten. "All my doubts, the feelings I was trying to repress. Everything that I was trying to avoid by keeping you at arms lengths, it just…" Sofia wipes her tears quickly. "I didn't want to fall in love with you, I didn't want to be vulnerable because I'm scared of people that I care about leaving me. So, I pull shit like this all the time, not only with you. Mostly I don't care because I can manage on my own, but with you…"
"Sofia," Chris said softly but she didn't acknowledge him, just keet looking at her hands, millions of things going through her head. She didn't even know where to start.
"All that I think about it's you, even when I feel like maybe I'm getting better, maybe I'm gonna be me again—boom, Chris, Chris would have laughed at that, Chris would love this, I wish Chris would be here, Chris Chris Chris," Sofia explained.
"I feel that way too," Chris mumbled. "It's unhealthy how much I can't be without you."
"And it sucks, doesn't it?" Sofia mumble again. "I hate the hold you have in me, I hate that it bothers me so much that you were holding her hand when I saw you. It really hurt, I felt actual pain on my chest."
"She's…" Chris sighed. "it's not serious with her, we are just… We've dated before, very briefly."
"You don't have to explain anything to me, in fact, I think the one that probably needs an explanation it's her," Sofia said getting off the wall and extinguish the cigarette on the wall.
"She knows," Chris said looking up, trying to get her to look at him but she was just avoiding his eyes. "I'm sorry I bring her, it was a dick move."
"Yeah, it was." She sighed again and finally looked at him. God, he was so fucking beautiful, she just wanted to reach out and touch him. "You're a good man, Chris." Sofia bit her lip, barely containing the tears. "I'm sorry I'm too fucked up—
"You're not fucked up," He reaches out and grabbed her hands, Sofia was too weak to pull away. "Look at me," He spoke softly to her and she did. "You're not fucked up, not for me, not for everyone. You're an amazing woman, outspoken, proud of who you become against your shortcomings. You deserve patience," He said wiping a tear that fell on her cheek.
"I hurt you and you're here praising my ass. You're crazy," She said and Chris laughed, pulling her even closer.
"Yeah, crazy about you." He said sliding his hand on her arms, she was cold. "as I was saying, you're amazing, you deserve all the time in the word and I wanna give you that."
Sofia looked at him, trying to find that but there wasn't. "You still wanna be with me?"
"Yeah, I never stopped wanting that. I never wanted it to end," He nods, grabbing her hands as she looked down at their fingers.
"I'm scared,"
"I know, honestly… me too," Chris shrugged. "But I don't wanna end this because of that, you're worth it."
"I don't wanna think about this now," She sighed still looking down at their hands. "Not when she's… here and it's Mandy and Luke party, we shouldn't out of respect for all of them." Sofia took a step back and pull her hands out of his.
"Yeah, you're right…" Chris sighed, rubbing his beard. "I'll speak with her, let her know and then we'll talk. What you think about that?"
"Okay," She nods looking at the door. "I should," She pointed at it.
"Me too," He said and bit his lip before she could even make it to the door. Chris grabbed her and plant a kiss on her lips, Sofia felt her knees buckle and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"God, I've missed you," Sofia said against his lips.
"I love you," He mumbles back and she just kissed him deeply. Chris pulled her close and Sofia just felt weak, she wanted him so much all the time.
"We shouldn't be doing this," She mumbles, and Chris sigh, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"I know," Chris said. "I know we have to talk things first, figure it out… I just, can't help myself"
Sofía smile and hugged him and they stood there for a little while. Just hug it out for the time being.
"So she left," Scott told Chris as soon he rejoined him, Chris frown and let Scott elaborate. "With some very attractive gentleman, said she's gonna pick up her luggage in the morning,"
Chris made a face but couldn't be bothered, actually, this was pretty good… considering he just was kissing the actual woman he wanted to be with.
"And you have lipstick all over your mouth," Scott pointed out hiding a smile. "You two finally talk."
"A little," Chris said looking at Sofia who was happily dancing with Amanda's dad. He smiles at the scene, "We agree that we're going to figure it out."
"Fucking finally, mom's dying to meet her." Scott smiled as he affectionately punches his arm making Chris laugh.
"I'm telling you this, I'm going to marry the fuck out of her someday."
"Yeah, mom's gonna love her as we do." Scott smile.
Sorry I took so long!
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