#but yeah definitely a dumpsterfire lol
feroluce · 2 years
Oh my gosh!! Dw omg,,I honestly almost forgot I sent it? I def didn’t mean to ramble SM u are so sweet for responding at all honestly omg,, YEAH,,it is rlly sad tht even ppl who are genuinely triggered/squicked get it shoved in their faces all the time w all the reminders ,, like ):
ouch I can only imagine how they must feel,, if ppl wanna keep their stuff incest free they should also probably not mention it so much tht it’s inaccessible to ppl who feel that way too , n YEWH,,
the Pokémon fandom in general is like. It sure is a lot that’s all I can rlly say abt it AWKJWKW,, pkmn has been such a comforting constant in my life but I’m only now starting to engage w things and make art for it publicly? It rlly feels like such a shame not even jst for me,, but like bc there’s surely gotta be others who have experiences like this?? N feel like it’s hopeless to be open abt anything they like bc of fear for the consequences?
Gosh YEHA it feels kinda wild ive been around n shipped them for so long,,even when I haven’t been able to actively engage in anything its alwyas been kind of a bg comfort for me,,if that makes sense? It almost makes me feel old but frankly I’ve just been on the internet too long WKEJSKKS
Big apologies bc I talk. So much. But I’m super glad pla got u into it!!! I welcome u w open arms!! N I hope u get as much enjoyment outta them as I have 4 so long!! U seem like ! Super swell ! Tysm again 4 answering my rambles n making ur blog kinda like this safe space to share n stuff?? It’s super cool!!
Oh god if you're just starting out with public stuff especially, GOOD LUCK ANON.
I know for a fact that there are other people who feel like that, because I have friends who are VERY not open/public about their more problematic tastes. Shit dude, I wasn't always yelling on main either, my first fics were under Anonymous on Ao3 (even the safe ones! I was just shy) and I had a whole secret side account on Twitter for the less wholesome stuff.
I know what you mean by a fandom being A Lot, too, trust me, I only joined fandom spaces a few years ago and it was like right on time to see the chaotic descent from a (slightly) more chill place into what it is now.
Whichever way you decide to go, public or not, I hope it's a good experience for you! I have fun with the art!! ♡
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Now that the Summer Event is over- here's an update on the future of this dumpsterfire!
Sooo for a while now I've been thinking about how I want to continue this blog, and a few weeks ago I came to a conclusion.
Not gonna lie, normal openings have been rather... tiring for me lately. After running this blog for so long now, I still get requests like "general dating headcanon for this character" or "some nsfw with this character", of which, no offense, I've written dozens already.
On the other hand the Summer Event was a lot of fun to do, and I especially loved how the requests allowed me to basically write mini-scenarios in headcanon form huhu. I actually miss writing scenarios, but I'm still not confident enough in my longer writings to open the askbox for them just yet. However... doing scenario-esque holiday/seasonal requests like in the event... that's something I could definitely see me doing!!!
So, what's the plan?
I don't know how well or if it will work out, but for now I'd love to make the bigger openings on this blog mostly seasonal. Aka, reserved for special events. I already got some Halloween/Christmas ideas (spoiler: they won't include just 'headcanons' tho👀) and want to focus on stuff like this more. Writing regular headcanon for One Piece, truth be told, doesn't interest me that much at the moment. I'm not as invested in the manga anymore and doing 'normal' requests all the time isn't what I want right now. Of course that might change again after a while, but yeah. That being said though, I'd still be happy to do some small (5-10 spots) regular openings from time to time. The rules for them won't really change much, except that I take less characters from here on out.
But for now, I'm gonna focus on the remaining 6 requests from my previous opening (about time lol) as well as my selfship fanfic, and I'll see when I feel like opening the askbox again/if I open it again before my Halloween Event idea.
Because, oh chile, I def feel like I earned me a break lol
At the end of the day I wanna do what brings me fun and what I'm inspired for on this blog, and I just haven't felt that with regular requests in a while. I don't want being on here to feel like a 'chore' to me, especially since I don't make any money with my writings (which is completely fine, it's just a hobby after all!). But lately I found myself investing more and more time in what's going on on here, to the extend where I would almost call it an unhealthy obsession. Not to mention that I also really don't feel as if I belong into the OP community anymore, but that's a whole different topic of its own. Overall I'm just feeling more negative feelings being here than positive ones and I definitely need to take a step back for a bit before I snap lol. Idk if this is really the reason, but I think that this 'obsession' could very well be why I'm so insecure about my writing lately as well. I need to remind myself that I'm primarily here for fun and to share my ideas, rather than it being some sort of obligation towards other people. Otherwise I might just abandon this place again and I don't want that. I need to figure myself out and have more fun! Whoomp whoomp! So after Chapter 8 of CW is done, it's back to filling out the last remaining requests and then (maybe) take a break.
Hope y'all understand, and thanks for reading this until the end💕!
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ever talked yourself out of writing something? how long is your list of stories you want to write someday—and can you tell us what some of them are?
Holy shit. What a question.
Um. Yeah I’ve definitely abandoned things.
I talked myself out of a Benjamin Greene idea because, honestly, I had nothing to add to his character that wasn’t covered in canon or by others’ portrayal of him. I also had a really dark/angsty series idea for Logan Delos that has been sacrificed to the void. You’re welcome for that one. It wasn’t pretty. I’ve also abandoned an even more self indulgent Sam Adams fic, as if I could get anymore indulgent with that man, based on Outlander. Yeah. I almost wrote myself as a time travelling colonial wife. But I didn’t. Also you’re welcome.
My “to do” list of writing is probably shorter than most. Full disclosure, once I’m done with my current WIPs, I’ll probably stop writing all together so I’m not currently adding anything to my “must write” list. Unless the Darkling turns out to be wholly fascinating, but I’m not holding my breath.
I want to finish my current series and the requests in my inbox, but in terms of “new stories” only a couple come to mind.
Logan and a mystery story that I am very committed to putting out there, but I’m not as inspired as I was when I started it. It’ll happen though, I hate not finishing things and I love the idea. I’ll give you hints though because it’s fun. It’s an AU. It’s technically an Historical AU. It compares Westworld and Logan’s fascination with it to another important event/place/cultural phenomenon. There is no Westworld, but I still put Logan in leather pants. I know what the people want. I want to tell y’all what it is so bad, but it’s honestly one of the best ideas I’ve ever had and if someone tried to write it before me I’d break all the stoneware in my kitchen ✌🏽
Another Logan piece that is a collaborative affair with @something-tofightfor. (Once upon a time I said I’d never write for Logan, but here we are). I was VERY intoxicated while writing the notes/outline. Observe.
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That’s supposed to say my “Laptop died but I’m still in this bitch.” At which point I started typing on my phone and my thumbs work faster than my whiskey brain so it got even messier and was almost exclusively in all capitals.
Lastly, a really really short piece for Sam (Lol it’ll 16k words watch me) which was born out of a little historical research and hi I’m a brain slut, sue me. There is practice called Bundling in which courting couples were down into a sleeping bag with a thick seam down the middle because no foolin before the wedding and that’s how you slept with your future husband for the first time. Usually in your parents house, after all your sisters have hand stitched you and the love of your life into bed. It’s a test of sleep compatibility and a very intimate part of the courting process because there is nothing else to do so couples talk more during this bundling than they might have before. It’s SO AWKWARD AND UNCOMFORTABLE AND HILARIOUS I MUST WRITE ABOUT IT. especially since Mr and Mrs Dumpsterfire have skipped a couple steps before the bundling occurs and Sam is #notpleased that his peep is locked away for the night, but it’s also the last step before officially tying the knot so it’s kind of exciting too.
Also I took stories to mean fic for this blog specifically, so I answered it as such.
That’s what’s on the horizon for The Dumpsterfire, but don’t fret. I can’t regularly update anything to save my life so this could take another year to actually complete.
I love this question and the blog that inquired. Happy Thor’s Day
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
anyway. today, for a day where I didn’t leave my apartment, was about as good as they can get. I woke up at 12:14 pm (my late alarm was set for 1 pm), and I had cookies for breakfast because I mean they have oats and raisins in them they’re basically healthy. I didn't want to start studying secured transactions because secured transactions sucks, so I went back to making remedies flash cards to get through the rest of the outline I’ve been using. After a while of doing that, I wanted to get my stuff ready for the interview, so I spent a while doing that, and then I was combing through the emails trying to find an address and I was like FUCK I don’t know where I’m going so I emailed them and they were like “oh no sorry it’s just a phone interview” to which I was just like OH okay good that makes my life that much easier, I can be in my pajamas and have my laptop in front of me with information about the job in front of me in case I need to access it. So I was not upset about this development. I went back to doing remedies flashcards until the interview time, and sometime in there I got an email from my legal drafting professor with my graded final assignment attached. And I was just like, okay, deep breaths, don’t be upset you can handle this whatever it is it’s just gonna be and it’ll be fine. so I open it, and I’m looking at the point breakdown and seeing that I got all the points on most of them, and then I scroll to the bottom and see a 47 (out of 50) and I was legit like, wait, was this assignment actually out of 100?? because I couldn’t believe I did that well after an entire semester of getting like, half of the points on assignments. but here it is, in front of me, complete with comments from my professor talking about how great it was. my last assignment was 10 out of 20, and this one was 47 out of 50. guys, I was so overwhelmed I actually started crying. The feeling of relief was so immense. I was literally preparing myself not to get upset about getting a bad grade on an assignment that I poured my heart and soul into because this is the work I want to do, but I’d been doing so badly on the assignment I just had no faith that there was going to be anything good. I was telling myself that if I end up with one C on my transcript it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, even if it knocked down my GPA and class rank (which we all know I’m very protective of). I was so ready for it to be bad, but then it was good. so good, like, best grade I’ve ever gotten on a legal writing assignment ever. I felt so vindicated. I was beginning to doubt myself over my bad grades in this case. I was beginning to think that maybe I wasn’t a good writer after all, that motion that my supervisor thought was excellent was just a fluke, maybe I just suck at all of this. But I worked really hard on this assignment. I spent hours pouring through cases trying to find the right ones to use, and I found them, I found the best arguments, and I knew it was great but I still felt like it wouldn't get a good grade. but it did, and honestly, I was just so happy that it happened. So I took a while just being happy about that haha which was definitely justified. Got ready for the phone interview though, and sure enough at 4:30 I got the phone call. I had been poking around their website earlier in the day, and I found out the lady who was doing the interview is actually an alum of my law school, and my school is super big on alumni hiring newly graduated students and bringing them into the fold, so that was definitely good news. So I answered the call and I started talking, she was telling me about the company, basically they help other companies follow legal regulations they have to follow by apply technology to make the systems better, and basically this would be applying legal analysis skills to data and text and bringing out the ways to best comply with regulations, so that all seems cool and interesting. I definitely owned up to not knowing all that much about the field but I was ready to learn, and they were like that’s really fine we know a lot of people aren’t going to have experience and we’re just looking for someone who's willing to learn, and I was like okay perfect, because that made it seem like they’re actually considering hiring me (lol) because I kind of thought they were gonna do a preliminary interview and be like okay yeah she doesn’t know what she’s doing we can’t hire her 😂 but apparently not! Interviews always get me though, because when they have questions like “tell me about a time you worked on a team” or questions like that about stuff I’ve done in the past I’m like, entirely unable to think of any examples, and because my brain is so good at bs-ing, I end up coming out with these almost totally fabricated stories haha like it’ll be roughly based on something that happened just with completely changed circumstances to fit whatever the question was, and I hate doing it but it just happens when I can’t think of anything! And not gonna lie, my bs stories are pretty good. I told a totally fabricated version of taking charge of my legal writing team project first year (the one that was a total dumpsterfire, but that’s okay), I talked about hanging out with my sister when she was younger and trying to balance how much of a parent I was to her and how much responsibility I had with my parents when they would be like “it’s too late why didn’t you put her to bed” and I was like “because it’s not my job??” which did more or less actually happen, just not quite in the way described. She did ask what I’ve done that I was most proud of, and really all I could think of was forming the TWLOHA UChapter my senior year of undergrad so I talked about that and she sounded like, really impressed and touched by the answer haha. when she asked about what my weakness are I was basically like “well if I’m doing something that’s not engaging my brain it can be hard for me to stay interested in it” and she was like “wow, that’s probably the best answer to that question I’ve ever heard, because everyone always tries to turn it into a strength and I really appreciate that you didn’t do that” haha so there were lots of brownie points being scored all around, so that was good. We set up a *tentative* second phone interview for Monday, saying she’d send final say about it later today, so I took that as a good sign for sure haha. I just felt like everything went really well with it. It was funny at the end when she started talking about salary and was like “we really can only start you at $45K, and that’s not negotiable, so if that’s a dealbreaker for you then now would be to say it” and I was like 😂😂😂😂 honestly my salary expectations are basically “you pay me” because I’ve been working my ass off for so long with no compensation, so I will happily take whatever amount of money they will give me. And it’s not like that’s even an absurdly low number?? it’s pretty much par for the course in most public interest law jobs so I was cool with that, I guess with some areas of law that have six figure starting salaries there would be an expectation of there to be more but like, really, that’s not something that’s really going to be a dealbreaker for me. So yeah, it all went well and a little while later I got an email confirming the second interview for Monday, so this is all very good! It’s funny, because I’ve made more progress towards an Illinois based job in the past few days than I’ve had in literally months of sending out applications everywhere and not getting any response, but now I’m here with two very solid job prospects. The New York job is still going to be the first choice because it is what I *actually* want to do, but if that doesn’t work out I’m glad to have solid prospects that I wouldn’t totally hate. So yeah, all good stuff. For a while after getting off the phone I looked through the remedies flashcards for errors and reading over them, I’m not very concerned about this class despite the fact that I was way more interested in my twitter feed while legends was on than actually paying attention, because it’s really just a mix of contracts and torts and I already know those pretty well and I can cram the rest in, so I’m not concerned really because it’s stuff I already understand the concepts of, not like secured transactions that might as well be in another language. Then I only have civil rights, which I’m really not concerned about, but I will have to put some effort into prepping because it’s open book, so I’ll need to make an outline for it and read through all my case briefs because there were some cases I never actually read (whoops, blame senioritis) so I’ll know what cases to go to after reading a fact pattern, but that shouldn’t be too hard. I worked until a little after 7 before finishing up, made some dinner and got ready to watch Arrow. It was interesting, because I had literally no interest in the main plot with Oliver and Anatoly and Diaz, but I really liked the stuff with Quentin and black siren, along with the NTA stuff so like, everything except the main character 😂😂 but I mean the writers did that to themselves really. Katie Cassidy’s acting has really just been knocking it out of the park, her complexity in how you can see Black Siren having warring emotions is so well done, like honestly she deserves a fucking Emmy for this part. It’s so obvious that she is in it deep as far as caring about Quentin goes, and she knows it too, and when they had the scene at the end when Quentin talks about losing his Laurel and sometimes doing bad things for good reasons I basically died, they’re so fucking pure and I just love it so much and if they kill Quentin in the finale and just bring Sara in for his funeral I’m gonna be so fucking mad at them. I liked the NTA stuff too, they had some pretty awesome scenes, blowing up that truck with the drugs in it was pretty epic, so props to them for actually dealing with the problems right now, lol. I have to complain about the scene at the end though where Oliver gets “arrested” because like......it’s not like he was a fugitive they were trying to hunt down, they couldn’t done that at literally any point?? and then Diaz was like “don’t even think about bail” when he was already fucking out on bail and that comment makes zero sense???? then the tv was like “he was arrested for violating his bail” which is just like.....how exactly did he do that?? what are you even saying that he did to justify this?? and you suddenly care about bail conditions when you clearly didn’t when Oliver went out of state for Barry and Iris’ wedding (not leaving the state is a pretty basic bail condition legit everywhere in the US)??? So I had a lot of issues with that like, 30 seconds of a scene, so just IMAGINE how fun I’m going to be next week when there’s an entire trial for me to complain about and protest that they’re fucking it up?????? And yes, I am going to be insufferable the entire damn time because that’s who I am and I’m not giving that up, dammit. So I will be pointing out every single inaccuracy in the entire damn episode. I will say though, based on the preview, the appearance of Tommy potentially would be a game changer that could definitely help me feel better about the episode as a whole. So yeah, we’ll have to see how that goes. Didn’t have anything else to watch so I went back to Game of Thrones. I would probably find it more interesting if I had any idea who half of these characters are and how they play into the overall plot, and believe me I’m trying, but there are just people popping up left and right and I have no clue who they are. Also, I’m not really a fan of all the sex/nudity and gore in all of it, like it’s really graphic and like, that’s just not something I enjoy seeing, and constantly seeing people half naked or wholly naked just feels uncomfortable to me, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ I of course do enjoy other aspects of the show though and will probably keep watching for the time being, anyway. I witnessed the arrival of Brienne of Trath who was pretty damn bad ass, so I definitely appreciate her and I feel like I will do so for quite some time. When that episode was over I watched the news a bit before starting to get ready for bed. I should probably mention that somewhere in here I stumbled upon the video of a performance of one of the songs from the new Mean Girls musical on one of the late shows, and holy fuck man, I am obsessed with this song. I’ve literally had it on repeat all fucking day, lol. It’s called “I’d Rather Be Me” (and as you can see I changed my header on here to it already) and you can get it on iTunes and it’s basically the best thing I’ve ever heard, so I highly recommend that. And yeah, that about wraps up today. I know I said I was in a shitty mood earlier but I am feeling someone better after writing this post, so that’s good. Tomorrow I have PT at 2:30 but nothing else really, so it’ll probably just be more studying like I should be doing, good stuff. Alright, it’s past 1 am so I should be getting to bed now. Goodnight sweeties. Have a good one.
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