#but yeah im such a sucker for werewolf characters hating that part of themselves but slowly learning to love it
s1nful-sa1nt · 8 months
okay hear me out
Brienne x werewolf reader
She's tasked with getting the reader from point A (their home in the middle of bumfuck nowhere probably) to point B (a doctor/witch who might be able to cure them) safely, but is warned that the reader is afflicted with a terrible curse that makes them transform into something beast-like and otherworldly by moonlight.
Brienne scoffs at this thinking it's nothing more than a cruel joke, and she goes to fetch the reader.
They embark on their several-some measure of time-long journey, almost arriving at their destination, and they have to set up camp for the night.
Of course, the reader is terrified because this particular night happens to be THE night, but Brienne has absolutely none of it. The sun sets, they eat, and both crawl into their respective tents for the night.
The reader, however, feels the beginning of the transformation nagging at their bones and they burst forth from the tent, stripping their clothes as they charge deeper into the woods to avoid becoming a beast in front of Brienne.
The commotion is fairly loud and wakes Brienne, so she grabs her sword and heads out to see what was happening. Immediately, she notices the readers tent wide open and nobody inside. Looking further, she spots a trail of... clothing? What on earth happened? So she decides to follow the clothes that have been strewn about the forest floor.
Meanwhile, the reader has found a clearing large enough to transform without hurting themselves, and they finally let go. Their bones snap and painfully rearrange themselves, their teeth fall out and are replaced by bright white fangs. Dark grey fur races across their broken and bloody skin, nails elongating and turning black. Eyes going from their normal color to a striking gold.
Their shift is complete after several agonizing minutes, and it's just in time for them to notice a presence behind them. Brienne. How did she find them, and more importantly, why hasn't she started running away yet? So the reader turns to face her and lets out a deep and guttural snarl. Fear washed across Brienne's face but she stands her ground.
This has never happened before. Their whole life, reader had been treated as a monster by everyone they knew. Even now, they were trying to get rid of this curse to live out a normal life.
And yet, Brienne stayed. In fact, she stepped closer and closer. The reader let out deep growls with each step but remained hunched over on all fours, still too weak and pained to move.
Finally, Brienne is less than an arm's length from the great beast. She reaches out, drawing back slightly when the reader pulls their head back, only to place her palm directly onto their forehead.
She sets her sword down and sits on the ground to try and show the reader that she isn't afraid of them, and the reader moves to sit down in front of her. Their eyes are locked, and Brienne brings both of her hands to cup the readers cheeks.
The reader has never felt affection like this before, and it's almost too much. They want to run away, but something in Brienne's eyes convince them to stay. Is it... love?
Over the course of the journey, the two had become close. The reader had almost immediately fallen for Brienne because who wouldn't, but Brienne fell harder when she realized the reader truly cared for her and saw past what she perceived as a "hideous appearance"
Finally, it ends when the reader curls up around Brienne and wraps their tail around her arm, convincing Brienne to sleep on top of them. She accepts and curls into the giant mound of fur before rather quickly falling asleep. In the morning, they return back to the camp where the reader decides they don't want to be cured if it means they can stay with Brienne.
She simply laughs and pulls the reader in for a kiss
(like of course this is gonna be more fleshed out and I'm not totally sure if all this makes sense bc it's like 1AM here and I should be asleep but I'm not)
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