#idk live laugh lesbianism or whatever
s1nful-sa1nt · 8 months
okay hear me out
Brienne x werewolf reader
She's tasked with getting the reader from point A (their home in the middle of bumfuck nowhere probably) to point B (a doctor/witch who might be able to cure them) safely, but is warned that the reader is afflicted with a terrible curse that makes them transform into something beast-like and otherworldly by moonlight.
Brienne scoffs at this thinking it's nothing more than a cruel joke, and she goes to fetch the reader.
They embark on their several-some measure of time-long journey, almost arriving at their destination, and they have to set up camp for the night.
Of course, the reader is terrified because this particular night happens to be THE night, but Brienne has absolutely none of it. The sun sets, they eat, and both crawl into their respective tents for the night.
The reader, however, feels the beginning of the transformation nagging at their bones and they burst forth from the tent, stripping their clothes as they charge deeper into the woods to avoid becoming a beast in front of Brienne.
The commotion is fairly loud and wakes Brienne, so she grabs her sword and heads out to see what was happening. Immediately, she notices the readers tent wide open and nobody inside. Looking further, she spots a trail of... clothing? What on earth happened? So she decides to follow the clothes that have been strewn about the forest floor.
Meanwhile, the reader has found a clearing large enough to transform without hurting themselves, and they finally let go. Their bones snap and painfully rearrange themselves, their teeth fall out and are replaced by bright white fangs. Dark grey fur races across their broken and bloody skin, nails elongating and turning black. Eyes going from their normal color to a striking gold.
Their shift is complete after several agonizing minutes, and it's just in time for them to notice a presence behind them. Brienne. How did she find them, and more importantly, why hasn't she started running away yet? So the reader turns to face her and lets out a deep and guttural snarl. Fear washed across Brienne's face but she stands her ground.
This has never happened before. Their whole life, reader had been treated as a monster by everyone they knew. Even now, they were trying to get rid of this curse to live out a normal life.
And yet, Brienne stayed. In fact, she stepped closer and closer. The reader let out deep growls with each step but remained hunched over on all fours, still too weak and pained to move.
Finally, Brienne is less than an arm's length from the great beast. She reaches out, drawing back slightly when the reader pulls their head back, only to place her palm directly onto their forehead.
She sets her sword down and sits on the ground to try and show the reader that she isn't afraid of them, and the reader moves to sit down in front of her. Their eyes are locked, and Brienne brings both of her hands to cup the readers cheeks.
The reader has never felt affection like this before, and it's almost too much. They want to run away, but something in Brienne's eyes convince them to stay. Is it... love?
Over the course of the journey, the two had become close. The reader had almost immediately fallen for Brienne because who wouldn't, but Brienne fell harder when she realized the reader truly cared for her and saw past what she perceived as a "hideous appearance"
Finally, it ends when the reader curls up around Brienne and wraps their tail around her arm, convincing Brienne to sleep on top of them. She accepts and curls into the giant mound of fur before rather quickly falling asleep. In the morning, they return back to the camp where the reader decides they don't want to be cured if it means they can stay with Brienne.
She simply laughs and pulls the reader in for a kiss
(like of course this is gonna be more fleshed out and I'm not totally sure if all this makes sense bc it's like 1AM here and I should be asleep but I'm not)
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softgrungeprophet · 1 month
Radiant Black Rundown
(aka: Nadia is going to make a rec post for something that isn't Spider-Man or Spider-Man adjacent for once)
(aka "Please read Radiant Black")
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(Radiant Black #10)
This is all subjective, obviously, but for me...
All the characters are adults, ranging from their 20s (Eva), to 30s (Nathan, Marshall, Satomi), to 50s or 60s (Wendell)
The characters are specific. They have specific personalities, backgrounds, priorities and expertise. They are people with emotions and flaws and lives.
The main characters (Nathan and Marshall) are codependent vaguely homoerotic best friends with a slightly imbalanced dedication to one another (unrequited love?), plus some jealousy (drama!)
Despite occasional clunkiness, does a decent job at mixing humor and seriousness, angst, drama, etc. "Are you an angel?" "No, ma'am, I'm a millennial" did make me laugh.
Diverse characters and creators: Some co-writers include (but are not limited to) Cherish Chen, Melissa Flores, streamer Meghan Camarena, and Chicago local Laurence Holmes, and they're all very skilled at collaborating with each other and with Kyle to breathe life into the characters and their motivations.
And all of the Radiants are brunettes! (lol)
Not a lot of crossovers (basically none) despite being part of a larger universe (the Massive-verse), and not a ton of issue hopscotch (still some).
The stakes are often very personal (most of the time). These characters may have to save the world but they're also all kind of fuck-ups in some way, and are still mostly dealing with their personal and private lives and loved ones, which grounds it.
"Officially," only Eva is queer (afaik) but to me, Marshall also reads as pretty strongly gay or bi-coded, and Satomi gives off some kind of gender thing (to me). With a mix of actual queer WLW/lesbian romance in Radiant Pink and some interesting subtext in the main Radiant Black comics, plus whatever Radiant Red's got going on, I think there's a lot to sink your teeth into in that regard, or at least to go "AUGH" about LOL
Also there's real cool art—
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(Radiant Black #17)
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(Radiant Black #10)
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(RB #10 again — issue 10 whips ass, okay? I have the UV-reactive fluorescent ink printing of this issue... and I don't own a blacklight, unfortunately 😂)
(Costa is the main artist for all of the above panels, with colors by Triona Farrell (#17) and Igor Monti (#10), but I'm a big fan of Ferigato's pencils on the Marshall-focused issues too, plus Lafuente and Muerto's work in Radiant Red is killerrrrrr)
All the Radiants' eye markings are animated/emotive (except Yellow). Personally, I'm mixed on expressive masks and helmets. (Big shock, I know 😂) I don't dislike the animated eyes, and I get why they're useful, but I prefer the less animated helmet "faces" so far.
Cosmic world-saving stuff — If you know me, you know I tend to prefer street-level superhero stuff, but I think the high-stakes action works in Radiant Black because it's still grounded in the personal and still has that street-level element, so I'm not too bothered by this. (I also like sci-fi, which helps)
Some people over-emphasize just how groundbreaking and different Radiant Black actually is. Like I get it, hype it up, but sometimes it is a little funny to be like "this has never been done before!" and it's like, idk about that 😂
Occasionally it does lean a little into referential humor and quips, but it's got plenty of actually funny jokes, and the dialogue flows naturally most of the time and isn't just a vessel for snappy one-liners, thank God. But if you're like me, sometimes you may roll your eyes.
It takes some time to find its feet (imo), but even then it's still generally engaging. To me, issues 9 and 10 are where it really hits its stride and not long after that is where it takes off running.
There is some issue/series hopping — While there's not a ton of issue hopping, there are some minor details that make more sense if you have read some of the auxiliary issues/miniseries. Luckily, it's not a huge amount of reading.
Prison is where you go to atone 🤡 I didn't like it in Spider-Man: Redemption and I don't like it here lol but Eva seemed unimpressed in volume 4, so I'm hoping it'll have some nuance as I catch up.
Wonky numbering. It's not too bad (and if you read the trade paperbacks, it's a non-issue) but there is a plot thing that happens that means all the issues after #24 (until #30 and #30.5, afaik) have special numbering
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(Radiant Black #11)
Radiant Reading List:
Note: here is a really great, in-depth, incredibly precise Massive-verse reading list put together by a fan — It has issue-by-issue and page-by-page instructions for the real chronology sickos out there, and is just a generally fantastic resource/timeline reference.
But here is my personal (way less precise) reading list for Radiant Black plus its auxiliaries, minus all the other stuff:
Radiant Black v. 1 (#1-6)
Radiant Black v. 2 (#7-12)*
Shift #1-4 (not #5)*
Radiant Red (#1-5)*
Supermassive (2022)**
Radiant Black v. 3 (#13-18)
Radiant Black v. 4 (#19-24)
Radiant Pink (#1-5)***
Supermassive (2023)
Radiant Black v. 5 (#25-27.5)
Radiant Black v. 6 (#28-30.5) (issues #30 and #30.5 will be out in October 2024, so volume 6 tpb probably not until the holidays if I had to guess... unfortunately for me 😂)
Shift #5****
Supermassive (2024)****
*Okay, so.... parts of Shift and Radiant Red technically occur simultaneously w/ each other and also overlap some w/ Radiant Black #9 and #10, so you probably actually want to stop at Radiant Black #9, then do Shift and Radiant Red, and then return to Radiant Black at #10, but in my opinion, all that really matters is you read Shift before Radiant Red, whether you slot them between Radiant Black issues 9 and 10, or just read whole trades at a time, whichever you find more practical or convenient. I... did both lol
That being said: don't read Shift #5 until… later, as it was a very recent addition for the Shift collected edition and takes place significantly later in the main plot.
**Supermassive 2022 is a pretty simple single issue crossover mini-event/annual with Inferno Girl Red and Rogue Sun, and doesn't really require reading the others' stories nor does it really affect any real plot, but it does offer a tiny bit of context to Radiant Black's main storyline that I found kind of crucial lol — like is it Necessary? No. Does it clarify one (1) little detail? Yes.
***Radiant Pink can probably be read at any point after Radiant Black issue #12, but I happen to be reading it in this order lol
****The in-depth Massive-verse reading guide I linked earlier says to read Shift #5 in the middle of Radiant Black #28.5 and Supermassive 2024 between Radiant Black #29.5 and #30, so ideally... during volume 6, but since 30 and 30.5 aren't even out yet... well. Good luck!
After 30.5 is out I believe the Radiant Black team will be taking a hiatus iirc, which is reasonable.
There is not yet a Radiant Yellow mini, and idk when one will be released. There have been a couple of delays in the Massive-verse over the past year or so, for a variety of reasons (it's massive!), and I'm guessing Yellow's solo got pushed back. Hopefully it will be out sooner rather than later but we'll see! Obviously the teams creating all of this have been working their asses off so, you know, it happens LOL
Personally I'm subscribed to Kyle's newsletter, which is probably one of the best ways to get updates. It can and often does contain spoilers, but you can do what I do and just scroll really fast past them lol
In practice you can just mainline Radiant Black and ignore everything else and be fine, but I think the other Radiants, Shift and Supermassive offer useful context as far as character motivation and juicy stuff like that goes— Especially since Shift deals with the origins of multiple antagonists, and Radiant Red has some main plot implications for Satomi. Useful to know, etc.
Anyway. That got long, but hopefully not too long to be useful.
Stay Radiant ⦵
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(Radiant Red #3)
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You have a thing for accents, they find out/ you have an accent - TF 141, Los Vaqueros + Farah + Valeria + Alex
includes: captain price, simon "ghost" riley, kyle "gaz" garrick, johnny "soap" mactavish, kate laswell, farah karim, alex keller, alejandro vargas, rodolfo "rudy" parra, valeria garza (everyone getting fed today; yes the boys get their smutty content too)
gn!reader, except for laswell x fem!reader (she's a lesbian, argue w the wall), fem terms of endearment
warnings: nsfw content, dirty talk (like a lot), degradation kink, praise kink (yes, you get both) reader has a tendecy to repeat words they like the sound of (pretty much copies the way they say it bc it sounds nice), multiple themes idk what i'm talking about atp
word count: 2.5k+, aprox. 250 words/ character
enjoy <3
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Captain John Price
he doesn't notice it at first, he just thinks you're smiling because his dad jokes are good
you say he sounds like a regular British dad at a football match (yes, football, I'm European too)
it makes his day because if he hadn't joined the military he would have probably been one by now
you call him Bravo 0-6 sometimes, you say it in his accent because why wouldn't you
repeating his favorite phrases from missions that he brags about because you think it's cute
insert cute Price smiley face here when he hears you(bc i love it so much)
you asked him for wa-ah once, he still isn't over it
you call him a lad/old man if his accent becomes really prominent
but you can't help the way his words make your heart race and the way he says them...
your underwear is sopping wet, your honor!
you freeze up and blush when he pulls off the filthiest sentence in a British accent
when he starts talking dirty during sex you can't help but moan louder/twitch/squeeze around him
that's when he figures it out
it kind of just connects in his brain and he uses it to his advantage
"look at the way you're taking me so good, princess"
will not let you live, constantly teases you about it
he'd call you 'princess' and 'duckling'
you quack at him if you're reallly feeling silly
recorded you doing it once, his favorite video of you by far
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
you call him posh just to annoy him
gives you the hardest side eye of your entire life and you take it back
you tell him the Queen died and he doesn't have to keep the act up when he really pushes it (he calls you a tosser)
insert one of his dad jokes in here
you only laugh because you love him and your humor is broken
probably uses 'bloody' on the regular; calls you 'luv' and 'pet" 100%
like that man could just pull out a "What in the bloody hell did you just do, pet?" and you'd turn back time to make him happy
calls you his princess. emphasis on 'his" because it's never missing
definitely also the type of person to just copy whatever you said if he likes the way it sounds
when you're arguing, you just copy the phrases he said as arguments
good that the mask hides his smile or he'd always lose
loves the fact that you use terms of endearment in your native language for him (for my multilingual babes)
struggles to learn your native language but still tries
listens in on your conversations just so he can learn it better
upset when he can't learn bc his job doesn't give him enough time
turns into a big softie if you scold him in it
you record phone calls and save voice notes so you can listen to them while he's gone on missions
just the sound of his voice is so hot comforting
dirty talker supreme! i feel like he'd praise you more but there's a hint of degradation
just like a sparkle and he'd ask you five times beforehand if it's okay with you
you can't help it when your brain goes blank, the sound of his voice filling up every single corner of your mind (his dick does the same)
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
you also call him posh
actually pulls out a posh accent to egg you on
you're both laughing so hard by the end of it
pulls out the most British of British sentences and leaves you shocked because the only word you understood was 'and'
clap because that's impressive
loves your accent if you have one
makes you say a word three times because he's fucking head over heels for the way your voice sounds
dirty talk champ!
but only when he feels like it
makes you beg for him to do it because he thinks you look cute on your knees so pouty
"my love, look at you getting all wet just from the sound of my voice. isn't that cute?"
his laugh!!
makes you laugh too even if nothing is funny
sends you long voice notes with how his day went or cuddles you on the couch while doing it
and you just sit and nod while listening, not saying a word
not because you're bored but because you love listening to the way he emphasizes certain words
type of boyfriend to send you a podcast of a debrief of his activities
he does it while coming back from missions even though his voice is so tired
and it just makes your heart skip a beat because it tingles your brain in the right spot
groggy morning voice, his accent all over the place, stumbling over his words because he got home late last night and barely slept
mumbles incoherent compliments? confessions? before you kiss him and make him get more rest
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Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
literally pulls out the most Scottish sentence out of his ass
and you fold for some reason???
he's confused because he's used to Ghost telling him to speak English but you just nod along
you also ask him to translate because you don't understand
you pick up some of the phrases he likes to say and use them around your friends before you realize they won't understand
you try to decipher his accent sometimes
you either nod along even though you don't understand and hope you don't need the context
or you ask him to use less Scottish terminology/tone down his accent
you'd repeat certain phrases he says, out loud when doing random things
it melts his heart
he'd say the funniest joke ever and laugh at it for 10 minutes before realizing you didn't understand him
he explains it, you laugh because you don't want to hurt his feelings (it was a dad joke)
giggled a little the first time he talked dirty, you were flustered already and couldn't hold it back
you make him send you voice notes/ call you when you're masturbating now
his fucking pleasure tbh, has to hide from his team so they don't hear him spewing the filthiest shit known to man
someone caught him once, he said he was talking to his mom
Gaz is now confused as to why he would use 'cunt' in a conversation with his mom
starts saying his Scottish lover's speech and you mumble parts of it because you already know it by heart
you actually start saying it with him at some point
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Kate Laswell
really concerned? but also not surprised that you have an accent/voice kink
like wdym call you 'her angel' again because you need to hear the way she says it
pulls out American mom slang on you
you call her mommy as a joke, it wasn't a joke
she catches on because it's not the first time you did it but doesn't say anything about it
understands people with heavy accents like almost perfectly
"i have to"
would pick up little words in your native language
you would also pick up her mom monologue
so when soap does something dumb and you start scolding him like Laswell would you're a little shocked
she'd be somewhere nearby and hear you, little proud smile on her lips
you have to explain whatever slang you're using to her
finally understands what gaz and soap say afterwards
i dont think she'd be big on dirty talk
so when it slips out once, you stare at her in confusion before processing her words
you beg her to do it more often
literally sitting on her lap while she does her paperwork (surprising that she even let you do that)
and you whisper sweet nothings in her ear, trying to convince her to take a break and relax
"come on, hun, you know I can't do that. people depend on me" in that cute concerned tone of hers <3 <3
pulls out the filthiest flirting tactics known to man when a little drunk
"how about you sit there and look pretty for me?" and you do
she pulls you in her car and fingers you until you're screaming while whispering about how cute you sound
it changes your brain chemistry
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Farah Karim
disappointed but not surprised
she feeds into your kink thing just because she can
catches you staring in awe when she speaks in Arabic, finds it adorable
lowkey find the way she talks mesmerizing
like you can listen to her voice and watch the way she gesticulates for hours on end
has that leader/public speaker charisma to her that gets you hooked
barks orders at you because she forgets she's not on mission
apologizes immediately because you're her baby and she feels bad about it
also scolds you in Arabic before translating
bilingual queen chastises you in two languages because you did something dumb
but you die inside whenever she praises you
"my good girl, you did well" like yes ma'am, yes you did and you'll do it again if it means you can hear those words coming out of her mouth again
tries to do dirty talk but fails miserably (her face is too serious istg)
makes you un-horny not because it's that bad but because you're laughing so hard for like 10 minutes, you have to comfort her afterwards bc she's sulking not amused
you just weren't used to it
asks Alex for tips on how to improve (she's really sacrificing her dignity for you)
decided to use her new skills when you were close to climaxing because you'd probably be too dazed to care at that point
you weren't, you still remember her words to this day
you play back every single filthy thing she ever said when you masturbate
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Alex Keller
our American boy™
you make him do the college bro accent
you both end up laughing on the floor because you joined in and made it funnier
pure chaos ensues
if you have an accent he'd look at you with the most lovestruck eyes
literally grinning ear to ear if you speak in your native language, this man is the biggest simp known to exist
wants to hear jokes in your native language even though they make no sense when translated
he can mimick some British slang/ can say some words in a British accent
you tell him to stick to his American English because he's hurting your ears
you mimick him lovingly when he uses really American phrases/ his accent becomes really white boy™ from the USA
he flirts in frat boy sometimes but it's Alex so you find it cute
another dirty talk champ!
like his voice is so smooth and soothing while he says it. his face is just unbothered, maybe a little smirk under his mustache
"such a sweet angel, already soaking for my dick, hm?"
insert ocean cosplay here
I feel like he'd mimick Siri and be on point
also reads you books while you try to sleep, his voice really does wonders whenever you have insomia
you make him record himself reading so you can listen to it on repeat while he's on duty
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Valeria Garza
she figures it out in the first week of dating you
you still don't understand how she did it, you weren't that obvious
she said Chicago once (literally went feral over cartel mommy)
it plays on loop in your mind at random times and you have to ask her to say it again so it stops, she refuses sometimes just to see you suffer
you also copy her facial expressions and her gestures when you repeat something she says
lowkey impressed by how spot on you are, thinks of ways to use it for her own benefit
teaches you Spanish!!! she'd do it herself and give you hw while she's gone on business trips
she'd bend you over her lap and spank you for every question you got wrong
speaks whole dialogues with you in Spanish just to encourage you to learn, would not translate if you didn't understand (her lap looking hella empty rn)
so happy when you can finally understand most of her sentences but doesn't show it, just praises you
"Qué bonito... que bien ahí. Well done" (iykyk, I watch that scene religiously)
Spanglish all the way when she's fucking you
She'd just slide her strap in and degrade you
"Such a greedy slut for me. Aren't you, muñequita?" she wouldn't move until you confirmed it with words
"Eres una chica tan patética" (google translate pulls through until i actually learn Spanish)
she started arguing in Spanish with you at some point, you got wet
she had to stop when she noticed you were looking at her like that
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Alejandro Vargas
literally frat boy flirting archetype
but he's so nice and you can't help giggling when he calls you those cute nicknames in Spanish
you start calling him Vaquero because really look at him, tell me he wouldn't be a ranch hand if he weren't in the military
spews out the most toe curling, smutty sentences in Spanish because he knows you don't understand
literally only does it so he can see your cute confused face
would also teach you Spanish
had a period of time when he would refuse to use English with you because you needed to learn
he stopped when you cried in frustration (literally lasted 3 hours)
big simp if you have an accent
just smiles while you talk and when you ask him why he just shrugs
learns random cute phrases in your first language and says them while you least expect it
you had to stop for a second and take it in before blushing
you sometimes share one singular multilingual braincell
when neither of you can remember the word in English or in any other language
the toaster is now officially the bread torch
figures out you have a thing for accents when you keep talking about how nice he sounds while speaking Spanish
it's being used against you
"Eres un cachorro tan guarro~
makes fun of you because you listen to his voice notes on repeat sometimes
he caught you doing it once and now he brings it up biweekly
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Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
my fav vaquero (sorry Alejandro) bc he's just so sweet
literally praises everything you do, bonus points if it's in Spanish
makes your heart beat so fast
if you get mad he'd wrap his arms around you while trying to calm you down
"Calma, bebé. Take it easy"
and it works? like the moment you hear his voice and his gentle words you're calm again
there's something tranquil about the way he says stuff
mostly uses Spanish right after waking up
gruffy voice + him whispering sweet nothings in your ear
and you understand most of it because he took his sweet time to teach you
corrects you in the sweetest way possible
so happy when you learned how to roll your Rs
begs you to say it again because it makes his heart flutter
soft dom who loves to praise you even if you're being a brat
"Ah mi princesita, you're being so cute right now. " while he's pinning you down and pressing kisses to your whole body
literally kills you with kindness
like you're really going to be a brat after he calls you all those sweet names???
literally giggling and moaning at the same time because you're flustered
like this man is really telling you he loves you while he's balls deep in you
struggles to learn your native language
powers through tho
stumbles on his words and you help him out (that cute boy smile on his face when he gets it right)
rarely yells but when he does...
he got mad at someone over the phone and you overheard him
changes your brain structure
and then he picks you up to complain about it, his annoyed voice literally fueling scenarios to your brain
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Just watched the music video animatic (Storyboard) for life is sweeter
Here is the link lol
If you don't want "spoilers" you can watch it now and read later idk.
First of all the thing that made me write this.
Is Zellie, Rapunzel or Rapunzel's daughter? And Chloe was definitely hitting on her! SHE LITERALLY HAD HEARTS IN HER EYES!
She stuttering "i-i- I think your hair is really great!"
(Of course this doesn't make her a lesbian, she could also be Bi or pan or whatever else but definitely sapphic. that's just my headcanon)
ok. Like I was shocked. Ofc Disney didn't stick with it tho
Tiana! Love her verse.
Why didn't they leave her in the movie.
She's an icon.
Zellie again. Loved her verse too! But who is she?? Is she Rapunzel or is she Rapunzel's daughter? I mean it would make more sense if it were Rapunzel herself.
Also her hair turning pink from the cupcake? Nice
Chloe again.
Not her crushing on a girl from the past 😭
That wouldn't work out. 😭
But like Red was also checking out Charming lol. (Chloe's face in that frame 😭😭 lol)
But she was just checking not really crushing.
Honestly I'm just rambling right now and trying not to repeat myself.
Idk if it makes sense.
But also Imagine if it is Rapunzel and then meeting her in the future. Awkward. But also I feel ya Chloe.
The designs.
Most were cool. Some were creepy lol.
Like I found Chloe's hair cool! But I love her curls and locks more.
Also was the one person Ella? Why she look so depressed? Damn. Like the zoom in at her when Charming's part came.
Actually makes sense with her living conditions nevermind. Valid.
Also charming looks creepy.
Hades looks okay.
Morgie became He-Man.
Hook was fine. Reminds me of Harry. But the way they moved him was funny and His voice 😭 slay 💅🏼
And Maleficent was maleficent.
I LOVE THEM ALL. I'M NOT HATING ON THEM! it's just my thoughts! And it's also the storyboard. Which slay.
Also funny little mention.
I laughed at how Aladdin just flew in, took a cupcake, and flew away again. They probably would have talked in that scene? Idk but it was just funny. And the way he flexed 😭
The left out/changed verses
Idk WHO said "Hey princess" but that was hot. and it was probably Bridget since it zoomed in on her. but idk the actual Person that said that
(Reminds me of Catra's "Hey Adora")
Also If Tiana is a Princess that means her and Prince Naveen are already together. Slay.
I would never pass on your beignets 🫡
I like it more than "CaLl Us jAlAdDin" even if it was kinda cute and funny.
Would have been fire in the movie.
(if this would be in the movie and the jaladdin part would be the other idee, I would not want to change it)
"Oh look 👀 there's Zelly 😒"
Why does it sound like that. Is it only me? Idk.
I'm just like my hair 🤫
Don't fit in anywhere 😶‍🌫️
And I can't say I mind it 😙
NoOoO I don't 💁🏼
Go off, girl! yeah! Speak your mind ✨🤸
Beautiful voice, I mean for the whole song really. Don't know who that is tho.
After that is the iconic gay panic from Chloe 😭😭😭
Why did they cut it 😒😭 not slay
We need Sapphic Chloe! 🫠
"Looking Good Zelly! The sun shines a little more- *enter the VKs music*"
Very funny. Would have loved that cut off.
All I have to say is 😀
Stay out of Ursula's sister's way 😄
Maleficent 🤠 what. was. that. 🤠
I mean I love that you have more lines and also it's very funny. But like. Personally, I like that they didn't keep that. But also, like I said. Funny.
I mean if it were
'stay out of Uliana's way'
Wouldn't be funny
Wouldn't have minded if they kept it like that either, now that I think about it. Anyway.
I do like that Uliana already snatched one cupcake. But the way it is right now is great too.
And that they got hit with the cupcakes. But then again. It would be annoying to clean.
"Wait, that's too many!" From Brigdet. I like that.
I liked them chasing Bridget more but
Uliana just running at her and Ella pulling her out of the way which makes only Uliana fall into the Fountain that was behind them was also funny.
The End
Thanks for listening to my rambles! ✨❤️
Well reading.
If I forgot any changes (probably) or you also notice something fun or interesting I would love to hear it!
Imma watch the other storyboards later.
Here the links if you haven't seen them
Love ain't it .
Don't spoil me for those two please 👀.
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sweetyluvs · 1 year
Tess Servopoulos x fem! reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: while tess is at a bar with Joel, she catches sight of you. she approached, and it lead to something more.
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: not a request or anything, i just love tess and thought she needed some recognition because she’s beautiful, strong, hot and just overall dreamy. She makes me smile and i love her so hopefully this doesn’t go nowhere and people love her as much as i do. (there also needs to be more fics for her!!) and i was high and had two cups of coffee last night so i was a walking zombie who got possessed by the writing ghost and whipped this out
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 - alcohol, flirting(?), attempted harassment, (warning!) men, small kiss, idk lesbians? 😭
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tess sigh into her iced whiskey, the ice tapping the glass cup against the gravity as her hand raised.
it wasn’t new for her and Joel to be here. This was the only good up and running bar in the QZ, not the usual amount of fights and murders as the usuals. also the only one who somehow got away with hosting people past the FEDRA guidelines.
joel was lazily leaning on the bar next to her, arms crossed as he glared at every other living life form in the room besides her, he was like her guard dog— not that she needed one, though.
Tess’s hazel eyes lazily scanned the room, bounced off the drunk men, to the drunk women, the beat up teenagers and the cranky asshole old men. Her eyes caught sight of a small group, scanning curiously.
You sat on a chair in the middle, surrounded by old men who were placing their hands on your knee, your thigh, bicep and shoulder. the skirt you wore did you absolutely no justice as look on your face could only be read as uncomfortable, perhaps even fearful. Tess had never seen you before. You seemed to be around her age, although your skin was clear and you looked rather young. Her eyes watched, squinted, as a man was bold enough to squeeze your inner thigh, causing you to shut your legs to get him away; only causing him to laugh.
Tess felt bile rise to her throat, disgust flooding her veins as she groaned, rolling her eyes she put her glass down.
“i’ll be right back.” she huffed to joel, ignoring his eyes on her storming away figure.
She approached you and the creeps quickly, pushing her way through them.
“move, you old bastards.” She said loudly, shoving them away. “fucking creeps.”
she grabbed your hand, yanking you off your sad chair in the corner of the room. You didn’t know who this woman was, but you’d rather be with her than back.. there.
Tess lead you to where she originally was, snatching her hand from yours and quickly gulping down the rest of her whiskey the second her fingers touched the glass.
You stared at her, watching as her throat lightly bobbed with each gulp, the way her skin glistened under the lighting, her bandana around her hair—
“take a picture, it lasts longer.” she spit, twisting on her heal and leaning her hip against the bar; facing you— her eyes met yours, and a strange electric feeling flooded you.
“oh! i’m sorry..” you covered your mouth, eyes looking away from hers bashfully.
“I’m y/n,” you introduced after a moment, outstretching your hand for hers to take. Tess’ eyes scanned you for a moment, seemingly observing you, than she took your hand in hers.
you smiled. “Thank you, tess. I was.. uh,.. cornered.” you said the obvious, frowning when she dropped her hand from your grasp. “uh, yeah, i know.” she sarcastically replied, waving over the bartender. “you want anything?” her hazel eyes sent you a side glance, but you missed the way her eyes scanned your body.
“um— no that’s okay, i don’t drink. thank you.”
she murmured an ‘okay whatever’ before ordering what she had previously had, and turning back to you. “so, why’re you here?” she asked, her eyes lazily looking at you.
“I didn’t have anything else to do. there’s not much freedom in this dump.”
“you said it.” she grumbled back.
“what about you? why are you here?” you reflected the question, watching as the bartender slid her drink to her; the way her long fingers wrapped around it, bringing it to her lightly chapped lips.
“i dunno. nothing to do.” you nodded in response, sitting down on a barstool beside her standing form. “so,” she slid a little closer, so close you could smell her. “how long you been stuck in this shit hole?”
you laughed, glancing away. “Since a few years after outbreak day. There wasn’t really much of an option, especially after such heavy losses you don’t really.. know where to go.” you confessed, subconsciously fiddling with the old leather bracelet on your wrist, something tess caught notice of.
“yeah. that’s true. long time you’ve been here though, huh?”
“yeah. too long.”
silence followed, and as you were about to ask something— a man approached you. “hey, you free tonight?” he smirked at you, leaning unattractively on the bar, his orange hair looking like he’d sprayed it down with glue, smelling like fresh horse shit.
“i’m sorry, i am—”
“fuck off.”
Tess’ voice rang, making you practically whip your head to her. had she really just fearlessly told off this strong man?
you were sure your eyes were shining like stars as you looked at her.
“‘scuse me?” he barked, spit flying. Tess leaned closer, and you felt like a small child between the two.
“i said, fuck off. are you deaf?”
You glanced back to the man, who looked like he was about to throw hands, just before his face went ghost pale. “fuck you.” he said before practically running away. you stare after him, jaw lightly dropped when he leaves the bar.
you slowly turn back to Tess, did she have a gun or something?
your eyes land on her face, her Hazel eyes staring directly through you, and behind her— quite literally the biggest man you’ve ever seen. you were sure your face had gone as pale as the creeps because a laugh left the brunette’s whiskey wet lips.
“don’t worry, he doesn’t bite.”
you laughed nervously, swallowing the thick ball of nervous saliva in your throat. what didn’t help, was the way Tess was looking at you. Staring so deeply you felt.. well, naked.
you couldn’t help but stare back, entranced by your female prince in shining armor.
“i guess i should thank you again.” you gushed, cheeks heating up from uncanny embarrassment.
“i’ll buy you that drink,” you quipped, catching her eyes. “and the one before, and your friends, and as many as you’d like to have tonight.. a-as a thank you, of course.” Tess raised her brows, looking to Joel before smiling.
“great. That’s joel.” she leaned more onto the counter, her muscular biceps flexing. “you’re gonna be here a while, might as well buy yourself somethin’.” You grinned, shyly.
she waved over the bartender again, turning to you. “ladies first.” you blushed, looking away.
“a chocolate milk, please.”
the next few hours at the bar were spent talking to Tess, and occasionally Joel. You’d learned that they were close friends, not a couple. she emphasized that part. apparently she’d been in the QZ around the same time as you, and you wondered why you were just now having the privilege of meeting her. Tess was only a few months older than you— and she was the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen. you’d told her some funny stories from your childhood; one including how you’d grabbed a bee thinking it was a firefly, and getting stung right on the palm of your hand. She had called you Bee because of it. although, Tess didn’t say much about herself. mostly questioning you; where you’re from, your favorite drink, why you don’t just tell the men to fuck off. what she didn’t understand at first, was you weren’t a muscular woman with a big man behind you all the time.
Eventually, time flew by and it was 3 in the morning.
You laughed at a story she’d told you, cheeks not losing their rosy color once.
“that’s silly.”
“yeah, tell him that. i mean, c’mon, Joel.” she teased, shoving his shoulder.
he sigh, pushing himself off from his leaning position and giving her a certain look before glancing to the clock on the wall, and back away.
You’d noticed the two continuously communicate through simple movements, eye motions and gestures. It was interesting, really. it made you realize how close they truly were.
Tess let out a big huff of air, shaking her head before standing up fully as well.
“this has been nice, bee, but we gotta go.” You nodded, standing up as well. Tess waved over the bartender, observing you closely as you take out small bag you had and “paid” the bartender. You smiled at him, saying a friendly bye before looking back to Tess. She began walking, and you subconsciously followed.
“geez, it’s cold”. you shivered when the freezing night air hit your skin.
“that’s boston.” you nodded, watching Joel inspect the gate leading to a alleyway— you assume their going to jump it instead of taking the secret routes to hide from FEDRA for being out late.
Tess shuffled a little, pursing and un-pursing her lips.
“been fun, bye, bee. see ya’.” she said lowly, waving an awkward bye before you called her name.
“wait!— erm, i mean hold on, please.” you quickly walked over to her, watching as her eyes scanned your face the closer you got. You stopped only a few inches from her; her warm breath fanning your neck.
You hesitantly, and quickly, places a soft peck to her cheek, smiling upon seeing the smirk on her face.
you laughed, now noticing the blush coating her cheeks.
“goodnight, tess.”
“goodnight, bee.”
Tess turned her back, her heart beating a little too fast for her liking.
Who knew a girl at the bar would eventually change her life for the better?
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hollowtones · 1 year
i can't find the vods for the rest of your endwalker playthrough (if you even did stream the rest) so i was wondering, what were your opinions on 6.0? (also what were your reactions to That urianger scene)
I think I only did like one or two streams of it. It ran kinda bad when I streamed it, people didn't want to watch it, and I wasn't getting much out of streaming it compared to just playing it on my own time. That and I think I had a really severe depressive episode at the time (for unrelated reasons).
IDK if anyone's still trying to avoid spoilers but I'll throw it under a read-more.
It's been a while since I last played so my memory's kind of spotty. I liked it, though. It felt like a satisfying conclusion to what they've been getting at since 2.0 MSQ, and a nice little dialogue on despair and exhaustion and depression and hope, and finding ways to carry on and keep living and keep loving and keep trying. I feel like that's when the game's overall writing and theming tends to be at its strongest (yes I liked the Dark Knight questlines haha).
I remember having mixed feelings about how they pulled off the Garlemald segment & the "Alphinaud and Alisaie's shit head dad" plotline but I don't remember enough of the specifics to really elaborate on that.
Alisaie has lesbian college admirers and I thought that was funny.
I came out of 5.5 MSQ expecting White Woman Jumpscare Hydaelyn to be a little trite but I ended up really liking Venat. I felt kinda whatever about Emet-Selch coming back, but I didn't hate what they did with him I guess, and his earless-Viera boy toy was fun. Fandaniel felt like The Joker but he still felt like a fine first-act villain. The way they write him (& Meteion) in the later chunk of the game felt more interesting to me, & felt like a fun play on "Shadowbringers"-era Emet-Selch's whole "AMAUROT, BABY! GREATEST CITY IN DA WORLD, BABY! SLIMES ALL OVER DA STREET, BABY!" nostalgia. It was funny when he was The Joker, though.
Final area was thematically and visually really interesting. I'm excited we got more stuff related to Omega & I'm glad we got more "btw the dragons are aliens" stuff. I've seen a lot of people forget about that, for whatever reason. That one area right by the end that was completely desolate, with no people & no indication of who lived there, was a really good setpiece. The Namazu canonically suffer in all possible dimensions and all possible worlds and you cannot help but laugh out loud.
I kind of rolled my eyes at Zenos coming back. "By the way he's a Reaper now" felt like it amounted to nothing, but admittedly I never did the Reaper questline or the post-6.0 stuff. Getting to punch him in the face at the end was fun.
Music was good, I liked the way they played with different motifs & I really like how that comes to a head in the final boss fight.
I was expecting moon rabbits to be grating and insufferable but I liked them. I fucking love that none of this planet's moons are normal. Why are they both orbital prison-ships. I love it.
Zodiark's design owned and Hydaelyn's design was okay. Very Yoshitaka Amano design, which makes sense given how he did that one boxart for "A Realm Reborn" & she looks a lot like she does there, but I kinda wish she got to look more monstrous and weird. She kept talking up becoming a monster to do what she felt was right!!! I wish that had informed her design a little more.
Hamburgers exist & I do like that the animators got to livingly render G'raha Tia going to town on one like those weird clips of anime girls where it looks like they've never eaten in their lives.
I don't remember what you mean by "the Urianger scene". LOL
You didn't ask, but the crafting/gathering questlines were a lot of fun. I feel like they (& the guildleves) added some fun extra context to everything going on while I was going through the MSQ.
I liked it overall. I don't think it's the highest point of the game's writing, but I had a good time and felt very satisfied by the time it came to a close.
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thegeminisage · 4 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. friday we FINALLY kicked off ds9 season 4 with "way of the warrior" pts i & ii and oh my godddd:
firstly, i miss sisko''s hair. the beard looks GREAT it's a HUGE improvement but i miss his hair!! i also kinda miss kira's really butch cut. jadzia's hair is still touch and go...important ds9 topics
drilling changeling combat with odo is SO fun. but like also, such a dramatic turn from like, s1, when he pretends to be objects and doesn't want anyone to remember he can do this, because he wants to be able to spy on them. it's fun and funny etc but i could also write an essay about it. he's allowing his body, once a subject of scientific study that traumatized him, to be used again by his allies as a…if not subject of study again, exactly, a teaching tool. he's teaching them how to find and contain and maybe even hurt his people but at the same time HE IS USING HIMSELF TO DO IT he is ALSO TEACHING THEM HOW TO HURT HIM. yes, they're comically bad at it NOW, but they're just getting started, and it also illustrates how horrifically underprepared they are for his people to come and fuck with them at any time. i can't keep thinking about odo i'm going to make myself insane
spn has traumatized me bc i was half convinced yates was a changeling for most of this episode, since she was in and out so often. but he just gets to have a girlfriend!!! i think it's kind of a shame he never seemed to get any romantic chemistry with the rest of the cast…picard and janeway and kirk all get love interest from the main cast…but i still love watching him flirt and make eyes at this lady
THOLIAN MENTION!!!! my beloveds…someday i wanna see what they look like
julian and obrien doing…whatever it was with the peas. they scripted shot and greenlit this. he is suffering so bad without his wife
I KNEW THEY WOULD START JUST FUCKING CUTTING EACH OTHER EVENTUALLY. right across the palm, too. like speaking of being traumatiozed by spn. jesus.
what in the sweet lesbian fuck was going on with dax and kira in the holosuite…kira basically said no matyter how sexy this is it isn't any good if it isn't real and dax DIDN'T immediately fuck her? star trek's cowardice when it comes to gay people ESPECIALLY dax she's literally kissed women off screen. come on
garak getting racially profiled and jumped in his little shop :(
and then we get to WORF……………tbh i was so worried about him changing the atmosphere and i really liked how the atmosphere was already. but the s4 atmosphere is already different in a great way. it was a serious episode w a serious plot yet i was giggling nonstop. and klingon stuff is SO dry on tng and so lively on ds9. idk why i was worried. i am very sad they prince zuko'd him again though
also, the wof/obrien tng reunion…….besties :')
ALSO lol when he ordered prune juice and quark laughed at him and worf gave him the look. this is the most i have liked quark in like an entire season i'm so afraid something bad will happen and ruin it
the dax/worf comes on a little strong ESPECIALLY when i am still sooo :( over no riker e worf e deanna content but they ARE fun to watch. dax seems like a natural choice too since curzon was buddies with so many klingons, i just wish she was SLIGHTLY less forward...this is his first episode...give it time to breathe. maybe odo/kira and bashir/garak has just got me stuck on slow burns for ds9
i do like worf's position here too…he's always stuck in the middle of klingon and starfleet bullshit. it sucks that he got racially profiled YET AGAIN but at least sisko was like "and you absolutely do NOT have to do this" instead of putting on the pressure like picard talking to a bajoran. also, him starting a bar fight on purpose was great
worf and odo conversation………..theyre gonna be so grumpy w each other and i cannot wait
i missed gowran. his eyes are so huge. i didn't always really care when he showed up in tng but somehow he and his enormous eyes have become really special to me. same genre of character as dukat i think
at first i thought sisko was dadding worf a little and maybe he was a TINY bit but i also think it's nice that he's just seeing himself in worf and trying to help him out. i liked all of their conversations a lot because sometimes people are weird about worf being klingon and sisko was actually totally normal and respectful about it. he would never be like worf kill yourself. never.
sisko was SO good in this ep i love when he bends the rules also. getting measured for a new suit and letting garak overhear shit on purpose is very clever but at the same time he's not even trying to be subtle. he knows the right thing to do isn't always following the rule book and he's not even pretending he can do both. unlike PICARD. i think he went bald to flex on picard actually like he does do it better love and light to sir patrick stewart
bashir advising his little guys in the infirmary…please he's so in charge. i also loved him and odo very earnestly wishing each other safety int eh upcoming attack. THEY'RE FRIENDS!!!!!
dukat and sisko were gay this whole episode. i think very seriously there should be a sisko/dukat movement just like there's a bashir/garak movement. i didn't think much of dukat first but i like him more every time i see him. he's just really funny and also gay
quark and garak talking about the cloying qualities of humanity over root beer ??? that was also gay. again, quark in this episode…a breath of fresh air. for once he's just being the fun kind of horrible. also when he wanted to defend his bar and rom stole his weapon lol "i will kill him" "with what?" i love odo sm
i love that kira pointed out the irony of her saving and GETTING STABBED for the cardassian government. times have CHANGED WORF LOOKS GREAT IN RED! he's not head of security anymore but i like that he gets a thinker's job…"worf is a big ugly dumb brute" jokes were OLD AND TIRED on tng!!!
anyway, s4 seems amazing so far. it's almost everything i already liked about ds9 but much more serious and funny at the same time. i will miss the post-war atmosphere since we're not mid-war again but i am really excited to see where it goes
TONIGHT: voy's "non sequitur" and "twisted."
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akajustmerry · 1 year
would LOVE to hear more about your tabitha and naomi headcanons!!!
and yee shall receive !! idk these are probably silly n basic because we know SO LITTLE about both, but whatever it's free real estate!!
considering we meet tabs at the underground rich ppl party, its a fair bet she's probably a rich nepo baby like everyone else in succ, but she seems pretty chill about it. she's just vibing, wooing her hot rich peers.
tabs has the laidback vibe of old fuck off money. older than the roys or pierces, i think. probably in property or land which is why she has no interest in the Roy trust or the pierce's or politics. we know that makes her more attractive to rome but probably to naomi too. here's someone so rich they really are only in it for you!
i imagine naomi and tabs crossed paths and hooked up occasionally in the past, but grew closer during/after naomi's accident. naomi told ken in the show she was struggling cos of press, trust, trauma, addiction, etc, during that time. from what we see of tabs with roman, she is a pretty patient and understanding person, at least to a point (everyone has limits). i imagine after her accident, naomi would have appreciated having someone like tabs in her life who isn't after anything and is relatively non-judgemental and chill.
don't really count this as a headcanon cos it's just true but tabs and Naomi were hooking up that whole weekend at the Pierce estate. I know it's framed as the "Ken and Roman attempt to get Some" weekend but we know neither of them got any lmao but u know who did?? my gorls <3
for what it's worth I do think naomi and Tabs both genuinely liked kendall and roman. i don't think there were any ulterior motives on their parts. as we saw, neither naomi or tabs had any power or insight to sway the deal in any way. equally, tabs and naomi really gain nothing power-wise from dating these guys so u gotta assume it was genuine on some level. like they really just saw these human shaped messes of men and went "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3" kinda very bisexual of them both really. I felt v represented by it I must say
i dooooo think in the immediate aftermath of naomi and Kendall break up, the next time she hooked up with tabs, they defs had a little "what IS wrong with them?" convo where they probs just showed each other roman and Kendall's lame texts, had a laugh, and then washed their hands of the roy boys
when it's announced tom is ceo of waystar, naomi calls tabs like, "isn't that literally the guy who swallowed his own load because you told him to 😂" and she's like yeah turns out he never stopped and idk they probably start dating seriously again after that.
after naomi gets her share of the money from the sale to the Waystar I like to think she uses it to start some overpriced rehab centres or something. eventually, her and tabs get engaged. nan pierce never acknowledges the relationship and passively refers to tabitha as a friend of the family, even at their wedding because she honestly seems like that kind of bitch.
honestly they probably just continue living cool beautiful bisexual women lives. maybe naomi has some rough patches here and there cos you know addiction isn't easy, but tabs is there for her. they just become this quietly classy wealthy lesbian couple who throw great parties with other philanthropic influential gays and closeted wealthy folks. I'm imagining something like what the kindness blind items say sandra bullock does with all the Hollywood lesbians gays.
shiv invites them both to her baby shower because they're honestly the closest thing she has to friends who are women after everything. they don't go though cos they assume shiv is just inviting them to mess with the boys. they send a very precocious expensive gift though like literal gold and silver baby cutlery or something
tabitha becomes like an insanely successful ghostwriter or something. idk why I just have the impression she's kinda been a wallflower in all these insane wealth spaces and eventually tells all those stories somehow
I feel like if I don't stop I'll just be writing fanfic so I'll stop but idc if it's just projection I jus love that there's 2 beautiful aloof bisexual women in this show and the only thing we really know about them for certain is that they were both way too good for the Roys <3
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pearlzier · 2 months
i made the the boys oc bot.. it’s for my junebug, queensect, the freaky bug supe. here is the link: https://character.ai/chat/QAGyvoPTbaG5JOft34XLnqAqMm5M_cOjB_R0jpiWGmk
( i actually have no clue if that link will work.. lmk if it does ermm & if anyone uses it lmk how it fares… )
i want to give further context on her bc i like to yap: for anyone who doesn’t know, she is one of my the boys ocs. she uses she/they pronouns but tbh i stuck w they/them for the bot to make it simpleee. they are a bug girl and can speak to / control buggies and has undiagnosed autism. vought doesn’t market her publicly bc she’s a FREAK and not in a hot way.. she’s off putting. they let them do “clean up” (disposing of any evidence of supe crimes such as bodies & whatever) behind the scenes and sometimes recon but they try to make sure the public doesn’t know them fr fr.
ALSO THE USER IS FEM BC… wlw tension a bit idk.. queensect’s a lesbian so just don’t be a man & ur fine to play around. but i also know i can’t control allat rlly. and also i made the user a new member of the seven bc it’s such an easy prompt to work with.. love it..
anyhow let me know everyone how it does i’m open to any & all kind feedback that’s why i’m sharing it :] live laugh love - 🐠
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lesblizzard-ultradyke · 7 months
I have two ocs and one of them is space-police and another one is... a space-pirate.... and space-pirate always ends up being chased by police... and... always ends up locked in jail... and then gets released because well she's cool. and she has like this crew consisting of cool weird girls. and she tries to annoy or to get any reaction from space police girl and police girl is like 😐 I literally do not give a fuck. and also police girl wears an eye patch. and also also. also she ends up on pirates ship "because her boss sent her there" and then. and then she and pirate girl have some kind of a truce. and they're like friends and stuff. and then. they have this. party or whatever. and they drink. a lot. but police girl doesn't. and. and then they go to sleep. and. and. you have no idea. when the crew wake up they're... all tied up. and. police girl is stealing their ship. with them on board. and then. turns out police girl is running away from her bosses well because she kinda hates them. and then. she nose dive their ship into the ground because she obviously have no idea how to drive. and well luckily they're protected by the plot. and no one dies in the crash. and when police girl gets out of rubble she falls on the grass and laughs and pirate girl is like tf is wrong with you I thought we were friends 🥺. and police girl is like lmao I used you. thanks. and then police girl leaves and pirate girl is chasing her and she's like all sad like 🥺 wdym you were so kind yesterday evening. and police girl says idk what you guys are going to do on this random ass planet without a ship but I am going to live my best life bb and leaves but eventually they will have to stick together and I didn't think what will happen next and I probably never will. and also they're lesbians. and also this is a very long post I actually just wanted to write a short sentence about them or something.
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henrioo · 6 months
Hiii, since i’ve nothing to do and I love rambling, I’ll ramble abt how much I appreciate your writing.
When i first installed tumblr, i was already attacked by she/hers in fanfics (😥😥). Tbh i was tired of fem blogs, thinking everyone is fem or idk . You’re the first one piece blog i actually like. Whenever i want, i can just re-read your blog’s fics and others. I really like your account !! ^_^ finally a good one piece blog, the others aren’t really safe tbh. Like those who wrotes ‘gn!reader’ but hit you with ‘good girl, wife etc..’ or those who feminized ftm!reader.. like tf… anyway live laugh love your account (its really entertaining !!)
Yeah ik, honestly i know Tumblr before I even think about myself like a trans person, so having fem content didn't bother me at all at that time
But when I got back here last year I realized how much fem content exists, but I was like "nha it's fine, we still have some gn content I will be fine"
Spoilers, I didn't get fine
It's so rare to have real neutral content in gn content that this makes me so frustrated that when I started my blog, I always got this on writing "if you can't find or it's not good enough for you, then make yourself"
And I did and I went pretty fine I guess, at least my gn are really neutral I hope hahaha
But day by day got me more and more frustrated and my dysphoria was getting worse because I was missing having some real valid male content
I need my favorite look at me and say "I love you like a man, like a boyfriend, I want you to be my husband, the father of my children"
I need to read that they also see me like a man.
And then I went to look for male content and well, things can really be worse the deeper you go
And then I realized that male content here is a totally red flag and basically a big NO
Amab or afab doesn't matter, they all gonna treat you like a super shy delicate boy
You're always gonna be the bottom, and if you are the top then the bottom will be a FTM reader (why can't you top a cis man?)
You're always gonna be feminized and like panties and pink and nicknames to shame you like princess and whatever
The worst for me was seeing that most of that stuff was writing of male writers
Like, you are hating your own identity?
I'm sorry if you like to be some weird femboy that likes to be treated like a woman and a slave
But I'm sure most masc people (cis, trans, NB etc) genuinely don't like that
It's totally fine you wanting someone to validate your gender, regardless of the gender okay? That's why cis women like to be called princess and stuff
But seriously, this just makes my dysphoria really bad because omg can't nobody write just a normal male reader? It's not an alien, we are human like everyone, it's like they write about male like they never interacted with a man in their whole life?
Do you guys know that romantic and platonic relationship between gays are basically the same as a couple of lesbian or straight people? Right? We are not different from anyone
Ofc gays have their own fights but like??? Are you getting? Idk how to explain better
Then again the hit "make yourself" and that's what I'm making lol, I have a lot of hiatus due my mental condition, I'm not gonna lie about that
But I'm always doing my best to have more stories here, maybe I won't give you guys new stories every week, maybe I will take some good months on the ask, maybe I will disappear and get back
But I'm not planning on giving up on this project so soon
Writing male stories is healing not only you guys, but me, really healing me
And that's why I won't stop, I want to write about a lot of things, some stories I will talk about more serious things like dysphoria or homophobia because I think it is fair we have good stories talking about this
I want to write about comfort, about angst, about grief, about transitions, I want to write about children readers and happy families
I want to write for FTM boys, NB boys, cis boys
I want platonic, romantic, nsfw, angst, long, short
I want all
Because I think we deserve that, and if I have the power to do then I will do
And see that not only me is being healed by my blog is always what give more determination to continue
Like I said, maybe not as fast as we all wanted, but I'm promise I'm here and I'm not leaving soon
Okay I talked a lot lol hahahah well thanks for that
I'm always happy to see you guys enjoying here, it really makes me happy, so make yourself welcome and enjoy!
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so. we have a problem at skl rn.
basically there's this boy that I've known since I was like what, 9 maybe? Well, whatever, point is that I've known him in primary skl AND high skl since he goes to the same one as me. and we were friends in primary skl and some of the first and second year of high school but we stopped being friends bc he became an idiot and decided that being friends and being in a friend group with ppl that make fun of him was better than cherishing the relationship we already had.
I'm not even gonna lie, some of it was partially my fault bc I knew that he had a crush on me and i kinda told him a was a lesbian one time just to see his reaction (YES IM A HORRIBLE PERSON, I REGRET IT NOW, BUT I WAS HALF TELLING THE TRUTH BC IM BI)
he didn't say anything, but it was obvious he had feelings. e.g. he wrapped his arm around my shoulders a few times, always laughed a little too hard when I made jokes and idk what else but I KNEW he had a crush on me, you can just tell, ifykyk.
Anyways we aren't friends anymore, broke it off, whatever. I hate him now, and I'm sure he does too since he laughs at me with his "friends".
recently, we've been put together on the seating plan in geography last thursday and today in computer science. I was literally PRAYING in the back of the class on thursday when the teacher was deciding our seating plan.
I was like "okay, I don't mind being next to anyone in my entire class except Ali." (his name is Ali, he's Afghan but he doesn't look like he is, if that makes sense? Idk he looks has more east asian features NOT THE POINT, IM JUST SAYING HES NOT UGLY AT ALL, IM BEING REALISTIC WHEN I SAY HES LIKE A 7/10)
and YES of course I was put next to him.
here's the point though.
that double geography lesson when I was sitting next to him I realised...
here's how it went.
I realised that when we were sitting next to each other, our knees kept touching and our elbows kept touching (AND HE DIDN'T FUCKING MOVE AWAY WHEN THEY DID, HE KEPT HIS LEG AND ARM IN PLACE!!)
I didn't get direct butterflies, but I felt a little something something. I decided to test it out to see if I had a crush on him doing a little practical experiment.
I put out elbows together and kept my fingers on my pulse.
It's an actual problem, I cant have a crush on him, I just can't please 😭🙏
dear my heart, WHY?!
bro why is this so fanfic core omg… truly living out a fanfic this is CRAZYYYYYYYY sigh but i guess the heart wants what it wants 😞😞😞
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winderlylandchime · 9 months
Okay so i did explain to him that the uk version was the original and his comment to that was a very simple ‘not to be a bitch to the tea people but Brian is better’ and then I told him that Charlie Hunnam aka the hot guy from Sons of Anarchy was actually in it and i wish you could see his face! Literally jaw on the floor/wide eyed and he sat like that for a good minute. But that lead to him then going on a 5-10 minute rambling about how Charlie and Aiden worked together in the movie King Arthur so now Gale and Randy have to reunite as well. And i fully agree with him.
Listen, it’s been days since he found out about Gale being straight and he’s still shocked. We did watch the Prom episode and he literally paused on him and went ‘come on..he can’t…man’ he’s literally having a similar reaction as Mikey did to Hunter. It’s kinda funny ngl. As for his ‘i think’ moment, I honestly have no clue what Gale did to him. Our uncle did say to our mom that if this is how he comes to a certain type of realization that he will never let him live it down because my brother made fun of him for realizing he was gay due to young Hugh Grant. So i think out of everyone, my uncle is the only one who is actually hoping my brother had an awakening through Gale.
I have a love hate relationship with the proposal (my brother only has like 2% love for it, the rest is hate but whatever) but the ‘my prince’ thing started a fight in the house when we watched it. Cause to me it was a cute moment but for some reason is felt a little awkward to me. I think cause the whole thing felt out of character, idk how to explain it. But my brother while having an ‘awww’ type of reaction, swears that Brian would never and that the reason for Brian’s expression afterwards is because Gale was trying not to laugh. So his hatred for the proposal is insane.
As for the B99, both of us have seen in multiple times and he put it on last Saturday because he wanted to watch some comfort shows. And then on Wednesday we were watching the Halloween II episode and when the episode ended with Holt winning the heist that’s when my brother got a text from his friend about Andre. It was the worst timing ever. So for the past few days B99 is the only thing we’ve watched.
Btw our family has this tradition where for Christmas we give each other 3 presents. 2 that are good/useful and 1 that’s something random/weird/sometimes bad. And last year he gave me 2 different photos of himself as a present and the 3rd one was a box of condoms (that was his ‘bad gift cause lesbian ha ha and photos of him are always a good gift duuh’- this was his actual explanation). So I’m genuinely considering giving him your blog and the knowledge of the fandom/what i did :/ as the 3rd gift. I told my uncle and cousins and they all think this is a great idea, which leads me to believe its a bad idea BUT i guess we will find out. He does know fandom exists because he’s been watching edits but he doesn’t know about fics and tumblr. So I’m going to slowly let him him know this week. Wish me luck even though i think he’ll handle it okay…ish
UH YES GALE AND RANDY NEED TO REUNITE IN A FILM. Your brother is so wise about this.
I’m lmao literally about his reaction to Gale being straight is Mikey’s reaction to Hunter being straight. So he’s being half drag queen half Italian about the news.
Your uncle realized he was gay to a young Hugh Grant? I’m dyinggggg! My spouse came out to their parents in their bedroom which was papered floor to ceiling with magazine cutouts of Sandra Bullock. And I had Jennifer Anniston all over my room. I guess my point is, we all have the celebrity that makes us go Oh. Oh.
I do think Gale was trying not to laugh, I mean he really looks like he’s about to crack up. The for my prince line is the worst. And if I was Justin — well a lot of things if I was Justin, but I would say no on the basis of that line alone and make Brian go get assessed for a stroke or something.
I watched Halloween II the night I found out about Andre! I watch B99 every night as I’m falling asleep. ACAB and all that but it is my comfort show.
One year my in-laws did a white elephant gift exchange and my BIL thought we were all doing gag gifts so he got boxer briefs and socks printed with his face on them. My spouse “won” them and they’re now in our sock and underwear drawer. All this to say, I think your brother gets to learn about his tumblr fame for Christmas. This year is an in-laws year for Christmas (we alternate, my parents are still salty about 2020 being their year) so if you want to send me updates, I will welcome the distraction. I love my in-laws (and especially my niblings) but I am an only child and my parents are quiet and visiting my in-laws is 8 adults, 3 children, and one dog under one roof and no one is quiet and it is A LOT for me.
I think he’ll handle it okay. Just make sure he doesn’t let the fame go to his head.
Also, Brother Anon if you’re reading this because your sister revealed that she’s been sharing your reactions with the internet - HELLO! YOU ARE VERY POPULAR IN A TEENY TINY FANDOM ON TUMBLR WHICH IS A VERY PARTICULAR TYPE OF FAME.
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About Me!
*I figured I would make a little post to tell y’all a bit about myself. If you’re interested, keep reading!
» Hi, I’m Kalista! I also go by Kal, or whatever other sweet name you wanna call me 🥰
» I’m 25
» My pronouns are she/her
» I identify as demisexual and lesbian/queer 🌈
I know it may be silly/confusing to hear this, considering I mostly write/post/fawn over fictional men. To sum it up: I like men in theory, not in practice.
» I have autism and adhd (audhd). This discovery about myself has opened many doors to self-acceptance that were previously locked by shame and confusion. I’m very proud of my neurodivergence!
» I am also physically disabled. I have a nice lil’ handful of chronic conditions lol. I like to laugh about it because it’s the best way to cope through the misery.
» I’m a “maladaptive daydreamer”. Have been since I was a child. Reading/writing was always a primary outlet for me to cope with and escape my reality and delve into dream worlds. Fanfiction was a huge part of that, so I’m very grateful for it.
» Music is a big inspiration for me when it comes to…just about everything. But especially my writing. I also have a very eclectic taste in music. I like at least a little bit of almost everything.
Favorite artists/bands: Lake Street Dive, Chappell Roan, Taylor Swift, Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks, Shania Twain, Anna Calvi, Ashnikko, Superknova, Sammy Rae & The Friends, Ella Fitzgerald, Laufey, Hozier, BTS, Sabrina Carpenter, Nine Inch Nails (I’m trying not to list a lot, it’s very hard 🙈)
» Some of my fav shows: Supernatural, New Girl, My Hero Academia, Stranger Things, Pose, Grace and Frankie, Ouran High School Host Club, Sherlock, Haunting of Bly Manor, Orange is the New Black, Why Women Kill
» Some of my fav movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Joker, Batman: The Dark Knight, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Pirates of the Caribbean (1-3), Ratatouille, Legally Blonde (2001), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Peter Pan (2003), Princess Diaries (1 & 2)
» Brevity is not my expertise. Can you tell?
» I love rats! Had 8 of them as pets, but decided to stop caring for more due to my disabilities and busyness of life that made it hard to keep going with it. I do not intend on having kids, so I hope in the future I can get back to being a rattie mom again. I also want cats…yeah, idk how I’m gonna make that work 🤭
» I live in America…It’s not fun here, guys…😭
» I'm working on writing a novel that will likely become a series! Not sure whether I'll decide to go with a publisher or self-published yet. I am still in the early-ish stages of worldbuilding and whatnot, so I have plenty of time to figure that out! This is my dream and I’m working hard to make it happen!
» One of the reasons I am committing myself to getting back to writing and posting fics again is because I want to keep my writing skills sharp while I work on my novel. I want to learn and grow and challenge myself more to become a better and more confident writer. The other reason is because I have held myself back for so long from doing this out of fear of not being good enough. I’m quite frankly tired of holding myself back from the things I want and I’m working on healing these parts of myself. This is part of that process! So, for those who have read my fics, thank you for supporting me! I very much appreciate you! ❤️
» I’m always open to making new friends, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me -I promise I don’t bite!
I can’t really think of much else right now. Thanks for reading if you’ve made it all the way through! If you have any questions about me or wanna talk about something I wrote here, you can certainly send me an ask/message -just please be respectful, of course!
Hope you have a wonderful day/night wherever you are! 💖
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
(referring o lantern rite 3.4)
I found zhonglis performance as mortal adult who doesn't know venti as satisfactory while ventis to be 100/10 (no I am not biased). performance of the century. no millenia.
there was a lot of gay shit happening we know it we know it. I like to believe that hutao knows about a bard boyfriendTM. and she finally got to meet said boyfriend (who is also friends with zhongli,,,, hmm hutao detective glasses on I bet she wasn't fooled at all)
moon(iI am still laughing at the kidsctions to these adults doing. whatever they were. like why were they making upncover sorry fr but it was theater. art
did you meet beinguang at the uhhh place where rex lapis died. (thwir dialogue makes me laugh so much. am pretty sure at this point we can safely say that chess is code for making out hornily)
I also wanted to hear ventis thoughts in more detailed but ngl. I think it's pretty neat that xvn would like to keep their relationship a secret but only venti is the one who can while xiao's affection is apparent to anyone who knows him because he is an open book. Even if he tried he can't hide it. but I also wanted to know what venti thinks of music :( I had hoped that it would be like irodori where eh doesn't say much but just watches,,, is there in the background while giving inputs once in a blue moon
Also I did replay my own recording at yess!!! venti did blink a lot??? was it him going 'play along play along' hahaha idk
venti could go to an improv comedy club and absolutely sweep the competition; that man KNOWS how to play along and do so with SUBTLETY. probably bc he spends most of his waking life playing pretend and has done so for centuries, but then again, zhongli has also walked amongst mortals, who see him n go, "it couldn't be... is it??" so he passes with juuuust enough grace to leave them wondering lol. venti absolutely the best out of the three tho. xiao's acting skills found dead in a ditch lmao
OH but smth else i did remember is that i found it interesting that zhongli chose to call xiao by alatus. i know a lot of people tend to subscribe to the hc that alatus is xiao's true name (it's a pretty strongly supported hc that i refuse to subscribe to, personally) n that his weakness is his true name (also pretty supported by the text in canon n a hc i do subscribe to), so i find it interesting that, if alatus is xiao's true name (and secret weakness), zhongli would address him by such. one could say it's just his way of being more polite to someone who served in the archon war, but like idk. i just find it a bit odd and worth noting
a while back i was chillin w/my friends n making one of those alignment charts that's like "distinguished/functional/disaster" vs. "gay/bi/lesbian" (except we also added ace/pan/straight for a bit more nuance) n it was like "well, we have charas w/straight vibes from mond, inazuma, and sumeru. what abt liyue? do any of the liyue characters have straight vibes?" and the answer was no. liyue gay as hell.
and yes i DID see the beiguang over on yujing terrace!!! i was like "omg beiguangs" n i talked to them n i was like "is... is the chess a metaphor for sex???" bc WHAT WAS THAT?? HELLO???? last lantern rite was very much their wedding and so this year they get to sit back n be the stable established couple
also i can't believe hu tao met xiao's bf n then instantly went, "we will have an immortal pact of mischief, a solemn vow of fun written in silly poetics" she knows what she's doing. she knows EXACTLY who venti is; those dots were hardly even disconnected in her head.
i can absolutely see xv keeping their relationship a secret just bc xiao is a very private character, n venti would respect that. it's just so funny to see them fail bc xiao has difficulty maintaining a separation btwn his public n private lives. ofc he doesn't tell anyone if they don't ask, and he never drops any hints that would prompt people to ask normally, but in this particular type of situation where he has to explain himself and his relationship to someone, he's probably so unused to having a public social life that he has absolutely zero skills when it comes to answering questions truthfully, but with respect to his own privacy.
venti opinion on music.... that would've been nice to see :c though i don't think we asked xiao for his opinion either! hmm hmm... i wonder if they keep xiao's character development behind the ephemeral event quests specifically bc they're ephemeral n there's (maybe) gay shit going on behind the scenes.
but also omg so it WASN'T just my computer choking from the constant abuse i make it suffer venti was fluttering his lashes or smth at xiao. i'd personally interpret it as ~smug flirtations~ where he's just like, "ah, yes, how is xiao going to explain me away? :3" but who knows!!! i have brainworms lol
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hospitalterrorizer · 4 months
wednesday - thursday
i swam today...
and i loved it. i haven't for so long because... i think it's obvious that part of why i haven't for so long is because i present like, girly and stuff, and like, i am not a man. so it leaves you in uncomfortable territory of what to wear and how to do it but i kind of wore a swimsuit that was rather revealing (not to be too much or anything but my bulge was out and rather obvious i guess (my ass too which i work out a lot and i think helps people see me as not a man maybe or something? (it makes me feel cute at least i guess))) and the point isn't really that i was sexy or whatever (idk if i was but my gf says i was) and more that i was happy and cute-feeling and that i was able to forget about what i look like and be what i am and swim, i didn't care about my hair getting wet or messy and stuff, i just swam, i hovered in the deep end and the water was this milky color i sat there watching the white surface undulate under moonlight, lit from below and still the bottom roughly invisible, two or three stars were really truly twinkling overhead and there was a huge tree casting shadows in odd ways on a wall, against light, as two lights hit it, on the shallow side, another odd tree i swam in place staring at, and i feel like it was good for my body, i was in the pool for like... 3 hours straight? it's been forever, not since highschool have i gone swimming. i am so happy about swimming and there was an older woman who came and talked to us while my gf + her friends + my friends were there (they were grilling and one made rather tasty kebabs and i ate 2 hot dogs too (i fasted for 6 hours today too.. soo yay. i need to do that almost every day i think. i think, think i think.) and my gf made friends with her and she was nice, she's a grad student in another program, she had a tattoo for like, being lesbian, i think. she helped one of our friends who can't swim try to swim, it was incredibly sweet. she is a sweet person and i hope we see her again, she stayed out the whole night with us, we were at the pool until almost 1 am!! gosh! i must have been swimming more than 3 hours. i hope it makes me sore. i want to feel the burn. everyone was impressed that i was good at swimming, which was fun for me. i liked swimming really fast under the surface of the water and doing dolphin-y movements (i felt like a mermaid sometimes, which = feeling way cute and pretty and cool) and getting behind people and scaring them like that.
earlier though, our other neighbor talked to us, she's been doing not well i think for similar reasons i've been feeling crazy and stuff, which are the insects... she's really doing not well though, her apartment is so pristine and still she has them, she says they attack her, and that she can't put them out of her mind, all kinds of things, that she's leaving this place and that her life is getting harder. i feel horrible for her. it's curious how these things all can happen in one day. i feel very happy, i feel very horrible. she talked about how she's lived here for so long but transferred to this side of the complex, that the roaches are here, how awful that is, just everything being super impossible.
there were points where she was describing what she does when she feels them, when they get on her i suppose, and she was hitting herself, it was really sad. she also described how her casino she works at is closing soon, and that she's not really ready for that, that the owner lied to them all. this world is truly awful.
and yet... i swim, and laugh, and people die and i still do it, it's not guilt-making so much as terrifying i guess.
also, while swimming, i did hit my face against the wall of the pool cuz i went too fast, so my face is kind of red, mostly my nose. i hope it's okay.
my friend is also sleeping over right now, right in front of me. i hope he sleeps well and also i think i need to sleep soon, so, idk, what i'll do abt that, since i have to let him out.
anyway i really really have to sleep cuz i am so tired, i did work on one song a bit today, so
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