#but yeah might drop some little tidbits of stuff as i go and chill
Hey guys, Knox here *waves*
I’ve come to the conclusion that I am, in fact, majorly Burnt Out. I have been for a while I think, so I will be taking a break from Monkie Kid and fandom content in general until I’m back on my feet.
I’ll still be watching the episodes, but I won’t be doing any reaction posts or analysis 
My ask box will be closed 
I may still be creating some sort of content for myself but there’s no guarantee I’ll be posting it regularly 
I won’t be consuming other people’s content or art or reacting to them on tumblr much or in discord servers
I need to put some distance between me and fandom stuff and take some time away from creating and posting and consuming as well (even though I honestly haven’t been doing much of that in general at all lately anyways lol cause. y’know, burnout lgbsdl;kfmaew).
I won’t be completely gone. You might see me around a bit every one in a while. I’ll probably be answering the asks in my inbox that have been accumulating over the last while here and there, though some i might just straight up delete, (I apologize if you never see  yours answered.) I’ll be lurking more in servers than being active from now on to avoid burning myself out more with responding to every single message as I have the habit of attempting to do, but I’ll still be around. 
Feels kinda sudden, but it’s been a long time coming honestly lol. You can only go outside and lay on the concrete driveway for seven hours so many times before you realize you might not be all the way there bgkafmowe 
Wanted to thank y’all for your interaction, your asks, the tags and reblogs, and your support in general. It’s been lots and lots of fun and I hope you continue to have fun and have lots of good days. If anyone who knows me (i.e. mutuals, friends, buddies) needs me in servers feel free to @ me (my replies might be slow) or dm me personally <3 Responses to DM’s on tumblr will be slow. Please don’t DM me if we’ve never spoken before unless it’s important, thanks. 
Guess I’ll see you around o7 
Until… later. Yeah. Until later y’alls *waves* bye!! 
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spnbaby-67 · 6 years
Her Surprise  Chapter Six
A/N: hey ya’ll happy fourth of July, thought I would get this out for you because I couldn’t sleep if i didn’t. Looks like it’s going to be longer chapters instead of the original four that i thought lol. but good news right? I hope you like it. 
Extra tidbit of notes: this is a work of fanfiction and should be treated as such, I mean no disrepect to the Ackles family or Danneel, I love her just the same and I hope to meet her when I go to Austin in September. I write to escape a world of pain and depression, Jensen helps me. I have faced what the reader had faced at conventions and I thought I’d share some experience. however, the reader is one lucky girl with the extra tidbits thrown in. lol. I want to say thank you to Gaynor @secretlyfurrydragon Beta’ing and also Nikki @waywardnerd67 for her help as well. Please do not copy and paste on any other sites as I don’t do that myself. Likes, comments, and reblogs are compeletly fine. Thank you so much for reading I am still uncomfortable writing but this is helping a lot. thank you. 
Pairings: Jensen Ackles and Reader, OFC Ari, Rob Benedict, Cliff (the boys bodyguard) Felicia Day, 
Warnings: fangirling, cussing maybe, a little fluffy stuff. Kissing, Jensen being adorable. 
After breakfast, Ari and I went back to the hotel room to freshen up. It was so totally amazing, Jensen is an absolute sweetheart. Ari tried to pay for our breakfast, but he wouldn’t let her. He told her where he came from, he was raised with values, well I thought Mr and Mrs. Ackles, you done wonderfully. Jensen is truly an amazing soul.
“Hey, you ok over there?” I heard Ari ask me as we walked into the room.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I was just thinking, Jensen is so freaking sweet,” I stood by the bathroom door to wait my turn.
“Yeah, he’s amazing. And he has heart eyes for you to,” she said as she came out of the bathroom so I can go in.
“Jensen is a very sweet guy Ari, there’s no way he would be comfortable with me. Even though that kiss this morning was totally mind blowing, I’m sure deep down he would rather have someone else at his side other than a fat girl.” I took some toothpaste to put on my toothbrush to brush my teeth, but got interrupted when  Ari came in the bathroom popping my side leg with a wet towel she had. The sound echoed around us like a loud thud noise that made me jump, and dropped everything i was holding in the sink.
“Hey! You need to fucking stop that, you are beautiful Y/N, I am tired of hearing negative thoughts coming out of your mouth. This is supposed to be a great weekend for us, like Jensen said, “don’t worry about what other people think. They are not important,” we love you no matter what you look like. You have the most generous heart I have ever come to know. I’m sure Jensen felt that to when he’s is near you. If I hear one more negative thing come from your mouth, I’m going to punch you… You understand me?”  She gave me the most threatening look ever that sent chills down my spine.
I just nodded my head in agreement, she’s never let me have it this bad before and mean it. I’ll do my best to be positive and enjoy the rest of the weekend, but I can’t guarantee there won't be others who will try and ruin it for me like they already had. “Fine, on one condition?” I knew this would be the way to get her to stay with me the whole time.
She looked at me questioningly, “Ok, what is it?”
“You stay with me the whole time I am here, you don’t need to go back to work Ari and I don’t want to be here by myself the whole time touring Vancouver.” I bit my bottom lip thinking I may have overstepped my grounds by arguing back with her.
She huffed and agreed to stay with me, in fact she even got on the phone to call our supervisor to let her know she will not be back for awhile. “Done deal. Now, let's go panels are about to start.”
We grabbed our things we needed and headed to the panel room, the hotel was huge and can be very confusing, but thankfully we knew from the day before where to go.  I noticed more fans are here today than the day before, it made me that much more nervous. Ari knew and she placed her hand on my shoulder, “Don’t worry, it’ll be ok. Look over there,” she pointed to the backstage area and I see Jensen peeking out a bit. He waved to me with a smile and a wink, I done the same but tried not to make it look to conspicuous even though I was melting in my seat. Ari bumped shoulders with me, teasing me about how much in love I am already.
“Shut up dude, you can’t fall in love with someone right away. You have to get to know them first.” I laughed as I saw a hand that I presumed was Jared’s cover Jensen’s face and pulled him back behind the curtains disappearing from my view.
“Your kidding me right now right? That man is head over heels in love with you, did you not see the way he was looking at you during breakfast this morning? I mean seriously girl. It happens, love happens when you least expect it and with whom you least expect it with. If god wants you to be with him, then he’s set ya’ll up just perfectly.”
Before I could say anything more, Rob and the band came on stage to start the panels. The band played amazing songs, and I just love hearing Rob sing. I can’t wait for tonight at SNS, I know I’ll start crying when and if he sings “She Waits,” it’s my own personal story that I struggle with when I hear this song, but at the same time, it just reminds me how beautiful it is as well. Just make sure you have some Kleenex with you, because it will most definitely make you cry.
After the panels, Cliff the boy’s bodyguard came over to me, “Um, Jensen wants to see you backstage.”
I nodded my head and looked at Ari, “What? He said you, not me. Go...I’ll be ok I’ll wait here for you.” She smiled at me like she had a planned this or something. If I know her she had set something up.
I go backstage with Cliff to see Jensen standing there talking to his friends, my throat gets a lump in it and I feel all hot and bothered by this beautiful man. “Y/N! There’s my girl, how are you?” Jensen asked as he gave me a hug.
I swallowed hard as he hugged me, god the smell of his cologne is just so breathtaking and mesmerizing it draws you in. “I’m good Jensen, thank you. Cliff said, that you wanted to see me?” I managed to escape his bear hug he had on me so I can breath again, but I was not too far from him. The death grip he had on my hand, told me I wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“I did, I wanted to talk to you about tonight. The um guys, the band, Louden Swain wanted to know if you will sing that song we sung last night, tonight,” he looked at me awaiting my answer.
I bit my bottom lip, because I knew if I didn’t my body would shake. I get nervous when I’m faced in situations like this, but at the same time my head is telling me to do it. “Ok, one condition.” In case you didn’t know,  I’m a girl that  likes to make deals, especially if that meant I can get something in return. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. But I already got something in return from Ari today, and If I played it just right I might get Jensen to sing my favorite song.
They looked at me curiously, “Ok, what is it?” Rob asked.
I smiled at Jensen, “You sing Simple Man before we sing, it’s my favorite song and I always wanted to hear it live.” My eyes widen when I saw his face considering the thought, almost like I was begging him , but without words.
He let a sneer smile spread across his face, “Babe, for you I will.” I could feel Rob’s eyes on us when Jensen kissed my forehead. I didn’t care, he was so warm and soft how could you  just  not fall in his arms.
“Ah hum, I hate to interrupt you,” Rob spoke, “but do you think we could get a  practice session in with the song,with both of you when the theater clears out later this evening  say around six?”
“I don’t think Ari and I have anything to do other than photo ops. I know I have a Felicia Day and Louden Swain.” I giggled at that one since the lead singer was standing in front of me. “We also have a Jim Beaver if we haven't missed them all already then dinner.” I shrugged my shoulders as I didn’t know what I had missed or not.
“Even if you did miss them, we know how to fix that issue.” Rob laughed, “Speaking of which,” he looked over at Felicia coming in from her finished panel out in the vendors room.
I turned to face where he was looking and I thought I was going to die. Charlie is my favorite female character on Supernatural, when she died it killed me.I remember because I called into work to grieve.  I buried my face into Jensen’s shoulder like a fangirl that I am trying to cover up the crimson on my cheeks. “Ha ha, she’s such a fangirl,” Rob croaked out. “Hey Felicia, can you come here a second,” as he called her over.
I looked at him like no don’t you dare, but before I could respond she was there. “Hey Robbie, was up?” she gave him a big hug.
“Um I want to introduce to Jensen’s friend, Y/N. She’s a huge fan of yours,” he winked at me.
I pursed my lips together before I said something crazy. “Hey beautiful, so your a Charlie girl hmm?”
“Totally, trust me I cried when they killed your character, i even called into work so i can grieve her death, “ I could feel myself start to babble and just go on and on, but I knew time was limited.
She hugged me, “Well, thank you. I did to. So what are you doing with Jensen?” She joked as she play punched Jensen’s shoulder.
I explained to her everything that has happened since we got here, and telling her about Ari who was sitting outside in the auditorium if they didn’t throw her out that is. It was like we knew each other, even though we just literally met. She is pretty amazing, we took a few selfies even though she didn’t have to do that it was awesome. But eventually, she had to leave to get her photos ops done with the fans. I left Jensen’s side to go do mine with her and the others as well and told him I’d be back once that was all over.
“OH MY FUCKING GOD Y/N! Seriously? You bitch, not fair.” Ari said jokingly as I showed her my selfies from backstage. “I knew I should have went with you, geez.” she slapped my shoulder as we walked from our hotel room after freshening up from the ops and after eating lunch.
I hit the elevator button, “Honestly Ari, I’m freaking out, I mean I’m scared as hell about this,” I showed her my hands that were shaking like crazy.
She took them in hers, “Your going to be great, I’ll be right there encouraging you and I’ll even record it for you so you can have it always. And if you need me, or feel like your about to break, just look at me. I got your back,” she hugged me.
“Thank you Ari, i know it will be. It’s just, it’s Jensen. I was so nervous around him, he’s amazing and sweet. He never once let my hand go, he even held me a moment in front of Rob, it was so warm and comfortable I didn’t want to move.”
“See, I told you he loves you,” she side hugged me as we walked over to the stage area where Cliff was.
“Hey Cliff, is Jensen around still?” I asked him.
“Yeah, he’s actually waiting for you in the green room, I can take you there,” he smiled at me.
He’s such a sweetheart, you would think he wouldn’t be because of his rough exterior, but the man is a total teddy bear. He walked myself and Ari back to where Jensen is. We walked in and he was laying on the couch on his back with his arm across his eyes as if he was blocking out the light. He looked so cute laying there, I didn’t want to interrupt him. Thankfully, we had Cliff to do that.
“Jay, your girl’s here,” Cliff spoke to him tapping his arm.
He shot up so quickly it was as if he was going to get into trouble for taking a nap. Oh my poor baby, I thought . “Hey beautiful,” he got up and came over to me, hugging me tight. “You are a sight for sore eyes,” even his voice sounded sleepy.
I rubbed my hand down his back to soothe him, “Aww, sweetheart why didn’t you go rest?” I can now see the tiredness on his face.
“I’m ok, really now that your here,” He rested his head on my shoulder again.
I looked at Ari with concern, “Is he ok?” I mouth to her to have a look at him.
She nodded after taking a look, “He’s tired, but ok,” she mouthed back.
He pulled away from me and led me to the couch where we all sat down. His arm goes around my shoulders and I snuggle a bit closer to him. “Hey, you sure your ok?” I ask him one more time.
He smiled that sweet Jensen/Dean smile and it practically melted my heart, “Hm, I’m good. You ready to practice a bit?”
“Yes, is it ok if Ari comes with us?”
“Sure, she can.” He looked over at her and smiled at her. “She’s welcome to come anywhere.”
She smiled at us, then joined us when Rob came to get us to rehearse the song for tonight’s performance. Needless to say, I’m freaking out I just hope I don’t mess up because I know there will be more people tonight than last night. Thankfully,  Ari is there to help me through it to.
We rehearsed for what seemed like forever when Rob called it. Jensen was getting tired and needed to rest before the show tonight. Luckily he comes on last, which will give him the much needed time for us both to rest. So I took his hand after thanking Rob and the band then walked off the stage to meet up with Ari., “I video taped it for you, you both were great I can’t wait for tonight.”
Jensen hugged her to thank her. “You think you can send me a copy of that?”
“Yes and I will also tape the one tonight to. Since we get to keep our seats we had, i’ll be right there in front row.” She raised her eyebrows at us.
“That’s great,” he mumbled tiredly.
“Ari do you mind if I go with Jensen and makes sure he gets some rest he’s really tired.” I ruffled his hair a little bit since he was still leaning on my shoulder.
“Sure Y/N you go ahead I will see you guys later.”  she smiled happily.
“Yeah, for sure.,” I gave her a quick hug.
I looked sideways at Jensen his chin still on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around my waist. You could literally tell his was too tired to walk on his own..
“Jensen what floor,” I asked as we were guided with Cliff to the Elevators.
He mumbed something in my hair, just barely catching the floor number when Cliff pushed the button, “He’s on the 16th floor, room 1601. I’ll call you around 8 to get ya’ll up and ready in time for tonight.” He told me as we stepped into the elevator and he stayed there.
“Thank you Cliff, don’t worry he’ll be ok. I will make sure he rest.”
“I know, I trust you.” He smiled as the elevator doors closed.
I pushed the button for the 16th floor, smiling that Cliff trusted me. I mean I could be a serial killer or something, and the guy trust me to be with Jensen. We arrived a few seconds later and Jensen was leaning heavily on me now, I could have sworn I heard a couple of snores come from him and i knew he must have been  asleep.
“Jensen, Babe,”I asked as we stood outside his room door.  “We are here! Where’s you room key?”
He fished in his pocket for the key then handed it to me That poor baby was so exhausted, he was dragging his feet.  I open the lock with key card which took me a few tries with one hand,  fuck I hate these things. But it finally worked, then we slowly walk in. I led Jensen over to the king size bed where he fell taking me with him. He rolls so his arm is over my body. I tried to move when he said in a sleepy voice, “stay with me.”
Fuck do I stay or do I leave. Then he kind of made the decision for me as he pulled me to his very warm body that felt so amazing. He kisses my neck and I snuggle more into him. His breathing slowed down a bit, and I knew he was asleep. I moved to make myself comfortable so I could  watch him sleep a bit  before my own eyes got heavy eventually I fell asleep too. I never knew I could feel this comfortable in his arms and boy could I stay here forever but I know it’s only temporary because I am not sure how this or what we are is going to work.
Jensen moved during his sleep so our noses were touching and I could feel his breath on my face. We have been asleep at least four hours when Jensen woke and his lips gently touched mine. I didn’t respond right away as I was still in between sleep. So he pressed again a little harder this time. I moaned and felt him smile during the kiss.
“Jay,” I said during the kiss, slowly opening my eyes.
“Mm,” he asked as he looked at me with those beautiful sea green eyes of his.
“Can you do that again,”
He laughed a bit pulling me closer to him, then licked his lips to moisten them as he waited for my response. I open my eyes to see him staring at me, and I melt seeing those beautiful olive green eyes sparkle with desire. I never in a million years thought I’d be in this moment with this man, and i’m sure with the expression on my face no words were needed. Then with one hand, he raked through my hair, and the other he rested on the small of my back. Rolling me on top of him holding me tightly against his body with his warm and strong arms, I felt safe and secure as he pressed his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. My right hand traveled down his side searching for a place to land as my lips moved with his. My heart was beating pounding even, and my body felt like it was a flamed. My hand finally found a spot right above his waist to rest upon. He was kissing me in ways i’ve never imagined a kiss should be. He pulled my bottom lip into his mouth and gently sucking on it while I did the same to his top lip. Following his lead, I matched him move for move. The little moans that I could feel rumble in his chest flooded my body with confidence. He rolled me onto my back deepen the kiss. His chest firmly pressed against mine sent a whole new set of vibrations flowing throughout my body.  He would pull away slightly as his lips brushed against mine sending an electrical current down my spine making my toes curl. I shivered slightly letting the feeling overwhelm me. His kiss was soft and gentle unlike the one we shared this morning. No this kiss was more like the kind a lady dreams of from fairy tales. He stopped, pulling away, silently asking for my permission again. Smiling, I reassured him I wanted this. He pressed his lips onto mine and slowly licked my bottom lip. I granted him access by open my mouth, our tongues massaging over one another. His kisses always sent a tremble of heat throughout my body. Leaving no space between us, his arms tighten around me. I can feel my blood starting to boil over with the way our lips were moving together. Our tongues creating their own dance as Jensen deepens the kiss taking my breath away. My head is hazy as I'm overwhelmed by the sensations he is making me feel. I'm thankful to be laying down securely in his arms. I had never experienced a kiss as passionate as his were and I knew they would only get better the more we were together. My mind flashes with fantasies of what else his sinful mouth could do to my body. As he pulls back I chase his lips causing him to flash that beautiful grin of his. His full lips swollen as mine were but damn it was worth it. If his kisses were like that all the time then he may be the death of me. I just imagine how gently he would be making love to me. If we do. No, when we do. There was no doubt he would be an expert lover. Knowing all the ways to bring me pleasure. Being a gentleman I would always get mine before he took his. That is, if he wants me in that way. Only time will tell if he does or not and I tremble with the thought of it as Jensen holds me close. We will have to get up soon as the concert would be beginning. Right on time, Cliff texted us telling us he was waiting for us at the elevator. Jensen texted him back and said we were on our way. Knowing, we need to leave he kisses my nose before pulling us both up. I straighten my clothes as does Jensen and head out to the concert. He firmly held my hand as we enter the elevator.
current tags: If you want on or off let me know. More writings in the future.
@secretlyfurrydragon @waywardnerd67 @writersaredreamers @impalaimagining @percussiongirl2017  @mogaruke @internationalmusicteacher@shamelesslydean @alliedimlerr @destiny314 @nanie5 @racheladams77@spndeanlover1967 @akshi8278 @tiffanycaruso @spnlover67 @wonderfulworldofwinchester @jensen-gal @squirrelnotsam @woodworth666 @alliekay727 @madisun16 @haceleyes @smoothdogsgirl @jdmbabe1980 @bombaluv96 @waterlilyshaista @family-business-forever @suchandra10 @arses21434 @anotherwaywardsister @hennessy0274-blog @muchamusedaboutnothing @kayqueen19 @georgialouisea @covered-byroses @waywardbaby
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rwbyremnants · 7 years
THIS CHAPTER: Fluff and hugs.
NOTES: This has been a great little project. Most of these fics are collabs, but this one I did all on my own (even if it was intended as a gift for PenpalPenny - and don't worry you'll see some work from her eventually!). Thanks for all your reviews! Hopefully this short little tidbit to wrap it all up is the icing on the cake you all wanted. Until next time! -NBW
“THERE you are!”
Looking up from where she was trying to stash her suitcase in the very top shelf of the closet, Yang grinned to see the dark-haired girl striding into their room. She looked great, well-rested, and her skin even more tan than usual. Maybe she hadn’t been talking to her a lot while they were on separate vacations, but she had definitely missed her homegirl.
“Hey, Blake! Just… gotta get…”
“Here, let me help,” Blake Belladonna laughed as she jogged over to help Yang push the bulky thing upward. “Shit, it’s… okay wait… there. Got it!”
“Good!” Standing back, she watched it for a moment to make sure it wouldn’t fall, then grabbed one of the plastic hangers that she hadn’t quite put all her clothes on yet and used it to push the corner in a little better. “There.”
“So where were you this morning? Thought you were supposed to get here earlier than this! Almost worried you dropped out or got off-campus housing or something!”
Grinning at Blake’s obvious pleasure that her roommate was back, Yang went to the remaining pile of clothing on her bed and started sorting through them. “Got held up at home. Mom wanted to do some last-minute bonding shit. I think she felt my absence being gone half the summer, because she’s been doing… I mean, not a lot more mother-daughter stuff, but more than she used to before now. Kinda weird.”
“Probably still snaps at you over nothing, though,” Blake commented as she went back to her own side of the room. Everything was already mostly situated, including her teetering ‘to-read’ stack of books on the nightstand. “Or is that not still a thing?”
“Nah, it is. But… it’s like, she’s doing it, but she’s also catching herself doing it and stopping before it gets worse. So it’s getting better, just like, slow.”
“Ohhh, gotcha. Good. I mean, it’s good, right?”
“Yeah, sure! Well, except for this weird moment when I was giving her a footrub...” She waved a hand back and forth, as if hoping to dispel the topic of conversation. “Nevermind. Let’s just get settled in.”
“How weird is ‘weird’?” Blake insisted. She should have known she wouldn’t get off that easy.
“Not that weird! Just, like, for a moment it reminded me of something that happened in California. Not a big deal, I got over it pretty fast.” That might have been a slight stretch of the truth, but she didn’t want to go into details, anyway.
Nodding her acceptance, Blake plugged her phone into her charger and then walked back over to help Yang. It was great to see her again. Maybe they weren’t besties, but they had become very close during the previous year. After their initial roomie-discomfort faded, they had formed the kind of casual friendship that let them treat each other like sisters, more or less.
Even though that word took on a different meaning for Yang lately…
“My vacation was super boring,” Blake sighed as they started hanging up her clothes together. “Italy itself was fun, but Mom and Dad wouldn’t stop asking about Sun, when they were going to get to meet him, why I wasn’t showing them pictures of him, blah, blah, blah… oh, and yelling about my grades, and trying to micromanage. Like, why?”
“Right? I got a little of that from Summer and my Dad, too. Not that bad, though; since I’m kind of the long-lost kid, I get a little bit of a pass. Plus they have that whole ‘L.A. chill’ and aren’t mean about much of anything to begin with.”
“Sounded like you got a lot more than that from Summer,” Blake muttered out of the corner of her mouth. Yang bumped her with her hip. “What? Don’t blame me - you made it sound that way!”
“Don’t give me shit! And I told you that in confidence, so quit throwing it around all over the place!”
“Hey, our dorm room is not ‘all over the place’, is it? Besides, you keep dodging around the deets!”
“I could do that to you - why aren’t you showing them any pictures of Mr. Wukong? Hmmmmm?” As she crammed her giant panda into the far corner of her bed, she smirked over her shoulder. “Don’t want them to know you’re dating a Chinese track-and-field jock?”
Pursing her lips for a moment, Blake put the next dress on the hanger with an unnecessary flourish. “He is the pole vault king. Show some respect. And it’s got nothing to do with him being Chinese or a jock. Just… none of their business.” Then she glanced down at the dress and back up at Yang. “Is this yours?”
“Yeah. What about it?”
“It’s… really cute. I just never see you wear stuff like this.”
“Oh…” Her smile was a little shy. “Well… yeah, I tried on a few things while I was down there. And, I dunno, just… starting to feel braver, maybe.” Her father’s goodbye came back to her, and she couldn’t help smiling wider. It had been a great trip overall, as bittersweet as thinking about it was now.
“That’s great to hear,” Blake told her honestly, hanging it up and giving her a little hug. “You know I got your back. And you’re fucking gorgeous, so anybody who wants to be a transphobic ass to you has to go through me.”
Hugging back, Yang patted her a few times before they released and went back to get more clothes from the bed. “You just want me around because you keep hoping to get another look at the D.��
“Hey, blame me. Yours is pretty great; if it weren’t attached to my roomie, I’d be on it like Adderall during finals week.”
As they laughed and finished stashing the clothes, they chatted and caught up on each other’s lives a little. Most of it had been covered in texts before now, but it was still nice to talk in person again. Sorry as she was to leave her family - especially one of them in particular - she was glad to get back to her life on campus, and to her teammate and friend. As silver linings went, this was a pretty great one.
Blake was just waggling her eyebrows at Yang and holding up her new swimsuit, causing Yang to snatch it and throw it in a drawer of her dresser, when there was a knock at the door. Glancing over at Blake, who only shrugged to show she wasn’t expecting anyone, she walked over and yanked it open.
“What’s- OOF!”
That was all the warning she had before Ruby Rose-Xiao Long, of all people, was crushing her as tightly as her little arms could manage. Yang sputtered and tried to recover, to think, to breathe, but everything was proving to be impossible.
“I got the right room!” she piped up, hopping up and down and making Yang hop up and down along with her to keep from being knocked over. The twin halves of the heart-charm necklaces jingled together noisily where they collided between their chests; seemed neither of them could bear to go a day without wearing it. “Oh, I was so worried I’d be knocking on a random stranger’s door, and they’d think I was a spaz, and the campus police would throw me out and I’d have to prove I belong here - and I don’t have my ID yet, they were supposed to mail it I think, but it never showed up, and it’s stupid to have to pay a replacement fee when I never had one in the first-”
“Whoa, whoa, slow down!” Yang laughed weakly, pushing her back to arm’s length. “I’m… what are you doing here?”
At that question, she took a step backward, looking more full of energy than Yang had ever seen her - which was saying a lot. Arms spread wide, she announced, “Meet your new fellow Beacon University student! Except for the stupid ID, I’m all official!”
The blood drained from Yang’s face. She couldn’t be serious. She couldn’t be. Still… the light-grey Beacon t-shirt she was wearing did look like it had been through a wash cycle or two. As if she had ordered it before she got to New Hampshire.
“No… fucking… way.”
“Um…” Approaching from off to the side, Blake let out an uncertain laugh. “Not to break up whatever this is, but… what is this? Who’s this chick, Yang?”
“Oh,” she said, snapping out of it despite her voice still being a little numb. “This is my si-”
“Siiiiignificant other!” Ruby sang out, covering what Yang had been about to say as she hugged around her middle. While Yang was still being baffled, she went on, “We met in L.A.! And I don’t think she really expected me to follow her here, and I didn’t really think I’d get into Beacon when I applied so late, either, so I didn’t say anything! But I got waitlisted and I guess waiting paid off, so… here I am!”
Rounding on Yang, the amber-eyed roommate snapped, “SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. You never said anything about- this is huge news, Branwen! You had a summer fling - that wasn’t with Summer?! Why would you hide this?!”
“Awww, you didn’t tell her about me?” Ruby went on while Yang’s mouth was flapping uselessly. “Are you embarrassed of me? Ashamed?”
“WHAT?! No way, don’t say that!” Yang piped up. “You know I love you, don’t be a dick!”
The words had slipped out way too easily, and now Ruby was beaming through rosy cheeks while Blake simply blinked and tried to mentally catch up. She wasn’t the only one.
“This is gonna be so much fun!” Ruby chirruped, hanging onto Yang’s bicep. “Well, most of it; the prissy German girl in my room acted like I was the scum between her toes, but I mean, I only have to sleep there, right?” Then she added in a suggestive voice, “And maybe I don’t even have to do that…”
“Whoa, whoa,” she said firmly. “We’re not doing that with Blake in the room, come on! You’re losing your mind!”
“Wait,” Blake said, finally able to speak again. “I thought… didn’t you say your sister’s name was Ruby?”
“Is it?” Ruby asked in a casual voice. Yang was secretly very impressed with how prepared for all this she seemed to be, even while she wanted to die and melt through the floor. Up to and including cutting Yang off before she could announce that Ruby was her sister; she seemed to think it was somehow possible for them to keep the true nature of their relationship under wraps for their entire academic career. “What a weird coincidence. But I bet she’s a hot blonde, too. Think I could set up a Yang-and-Ruby-and-Ruby sandwich?”
“WHAT?!” Yang burst out.
“Kidding, kidding!” Ruby giggled, leaning up to kiss her cheek. When Yang blinked, she turned just enough so that Blake couldn’t see her face through her hair. Her face was suddenly full of a lot more emotion and adoration than before, reserved for only Yang. “You’re all I need.”
“WOW,” Blake breathed, goggling and clutching at her heart. “This is like, straight out of one of my books!”
Though Yang felt like she was going to die of embarrassment, and a little lingering confusion, she couldn’t pretend she wasn’t happy. Her own smile finally won out and she hugged Ruby back.
“You too, Rubes. Every little part of you; it’s my whole list, front and back.”
“Is my kiss on the list?” Ruby whispered with a little grin, before she started doing a little dance and quietly singing, “Because your kiss, your kiss, is on my list, because your ki-”
Then they were kissing so Yang could shut her up, trying to ignore Blake’s incessant questions, plus the chorus of “OooOOoOOoohh”s from passerby in the hallway. She couldn’t handle them and her chattering half-sister at the same time. She just couldn’t.
                                                               THE END
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Ooooooohh, so excited that you're accepting prompts! I absolutely love your Ao3 account. How about #5?
Prompt 5: “Why are you helping me?”. @coilingearth  
Aww! That’s so sweet! :3 I’m so glad to hear that you like my account! This prompt took me a little bit to figure out, and in the end, I wound up sort of building it around the statement that Welling made about his character turning out to be pretty dark and twisted. Anyways, I hope you like our Douchifer brotp because that’s what we wound up with! :) Enjoy love!
The first thing Dan did when he stalked over the british bastard sitting at his desk was pry his beloved Derek Jeter bobblehead from the devil’s hands. Immediately earning himself a disappointed huff and a sharp glare. He ignored Lucifer’s petulant behavior as he opened one of his desk drawers, pulling out a yellow-paged notebook and a ballpoint pen that had seen better days and slamming both items down on the desk in front of the fallen angel. “You want Chloe back, don’t you?” Daniel questioned gruffly when he noticed the way Lucifer was looking at him; his lips pursed into a thin line and turned down slightly at the corners, his eyebrows furrowed together, and his head tilted slightly.
The cop watched Lucifer’s eyebrows rise as the man eyed him speculatively for a long moment before pulling his gaze away as he stared at the empty notebook sitting before him. Lucifer let out a long sigh before his distinct accent cut over the quiet babbling hum of the precinct, “Of course I want Chloe back.”. “But to be completely honest I never really had her in the first place.” The devil added a half-second later as his dark gaze returned to Daniel’s form.
Dan nodded at Lucifer’s words as he silently thanked the man’s father that the fallen angel was actually still interested in Chloe; Dan damn well knew that it would be impossible to get Lucifer to do something that he didn’t already want to do himself. “Well, get ready to take some notes then,” Daniel stated, but instead of picking up the pen sitting before him Lucifer just narrowed his eyes slightly, his brows furrowing together once again as he gave the officer a quizzical look. “Dude, I’m going to tell you how to win her back.” The cop explained with no small amount of exasperation lacing his voice.
“You think you’re qualified to help me get her back?” Lucifer questioned, a wide smile spreading across his face as he steepled his fingers together atop the desk he was perched at. “Do I need to remind you that you were the first man to lose her?” The devil continued, a bitter chuckle escaping him as Daniel immediately felt a swell of irritation fill him at Lucifer’s words. He was well aware that he’d screwed things up with ex-wife, on more than one occasion, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t give Lucifer some advice. If anything, he could tell the man not to screw up like did, which meant that Lucifer had to go after her, as soon as possible.
“Do you want my help or not?” Dan growled grumpily as he grabbed a chair from an adjacent desk and rolled it over to his own, currently occupied, workspace. He took a seat as Lucifer stared at him in silence for a few long moments, and it didn’t take long for Daniel to grow fidgety under the man’s knowing gaze; the officer had to admit that ever since he’d learned that Lucifer was actually the devil he felt a bit more uneasy around the man.
“Alright,” Lucifer sighed resignedly as he picked up the pen Dan had offered and adjusted it in his hand. “Well, go on then.” He added with a flourish of his free hand as he looked back over to the officer for guidance.
Dan nodded as he floundered for a moment, he genuinely hadn’t expected to get this far and now he needed to decide where to start. He quickly went with a brief overview of Chloe’s preferences, maybe if Lucifer could get her a reconciliation gift that she’d love then the two of them might actually start talking about something other than work. “Her favorite flowers are-”
“Dahlia’s,” Lucifer cut Dan off before he could even finish talking. Dan paused, his mouth still open as he stared at Lucifer’s unimpressed expression. Well, that one was pretty simple he supposed. The officer quickly regained his composure as he decided to move onto the next most common gift that repentant partners often got their significant other.
“She prefers dark chocolate to milk chocolate.” The officer offered as he gave the tall man sitting across from him a triumphant smile.
“I already knew that,” Lucifer sighed, his voice dripping with so much boredom that it was practically a mockery of Daniel’s efforts. Dan pursed his lips together in mild annoyance as he crossed his arms over his chest and quirked a single brow as he stared at the club owner for a long moment.
“Her favorite wine is-”
“Malbec,” Lucifer cut him off once again and Daniel’s annoyance quickly grew into irritation. How was it possible that Lucifer already knew all this stuff about his ex-wife? He clenched his teeth together as he stared at the devil’s smug smirk as the man began to tap the end of the pen against his desk, an act which only served to drive Daniel even further up the wall. The two men stared each other down for a long moment before Daniel felt a sly smile begin to tug at the corners of his mouth. Fine, if Lucifer wanted to play hardball he’d play alright. He quickly picked a tidbit of information that it had taken him over a year to finally get down right.
“Her go-to coffee order is-”
“A tall, nonfat almond milk latte with sugar-free caramel drizzle.” Lucifer’s smug expression grew as he cut Daniel off for the third time in a row. The officer felt his jaw drop as his mind ran blank for a moment. He managed to pull himself back together relatively quickly, pulling his mouth shut and flinging his hands into the air as he stood up from his seat. This was ridiculous, how the hell did Lucifer already know all this stuff? Could the devil read minds or something? The thought sent a chill through Daniel and he quickly pushed it away, if Lucifer could read minds then Dan would rather not know. Ignorance is bliss after all.
“Is there anything you don’t know about her?” Dan questioned, annoyance clear in his voice as he sent a sharp glare towards the fallen angel.
Lucifer lifted a single finger, his smile growing as he set the pen back down on top of the notepad before speaking, “There is one thing.”. Lucifer leaned forward in his seat, bracing his elbows against his legs as his expression grew devilishly mischievous, “Why in the world did she ever marry you?”.
“Seriously!?” Dan shouted, immediately garnering the attention of several other officers who glanced over curiously before returning their gazes back to their hefty stacks of paperwork. “I’m trying to help you and you’re just going to start throwing insults at me?” Dan growled, his voice growing quieter as he shook his head in annoyance and considered flipping Lucifer off before quickly deciding that it might be smarter not to poke the devil with a metaphorical stick.
“Real question this time,” Lucifer began, his voice growing somber as he leaned back into his seat and folded his hands over his lap. “Why are you helping me?”
A short beat of silence grew before Dan glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping before quietly admitting, “Because I…I don’t like Marcus.”.
Lucifer chuckled under his breath, his body shaking with the noise as he shook his head and smiled at the officer. “Well, I’m certainly not his number one fan either, but I have to admit that he’s not exactly Hitler,” Lucifer quipped playfully before his smile began to dull a moment later and his eyes focused on some faraway point off in the distance. “As much as it pains me to say this, he actually seems to be…worthy, of the detective’s affections.” The devil muttered quietly, his smile fading even more with each word that left his mouth.
Dan scowled at Lucifer’s reaction as he stepped closer to his desk, roughly shoving the empty chair out of his way as he braced his hands on the smooth metal surface and leaned over the piece of furniture. “Yeah, well, he’s not everything that he seems to be. I just saw him beat the crap out of a suspect,” Dan admitted in a controversial whisper, drawing Lucifer’s attention back to the present as the fallen angel’s dark eyes met his.
“So what? I rough up suspects all the time,” Lucifer replied with a simple shrug, and Dan pursed his lips into a thin line at the man’s reaction. Was he the only one who thought that this was serious? There was something wrong with Marcus, he was twisted, and everyone was either too blind or too scared to say something about it.
“You do it because they’ve earned it, this guy, he didn’t deserve what Marcus did to him,” Dan explained quietly, he needed someone to understand. And who better than the devil himself. After all, everyone knew that Lucifer was never scared of taking action when it came to punishing a bad guy.
“He was being arrested by the police for a reason. I’m sure he deserved it,” Lucifer’s uninterested reply was accompanied by an eye roll and a soft huff, and Daniel clenched his hands into fists at the annoyance that the second lackluster response brewed in him.
“He was complying! He was following our orders, he was being respectful. And then once we had him handcuffed Marcus just started hauling off on him,” Dan hissed through clenched teeth. Lucifer remained unresponsive for a long moment before his eyes finally flicked up to meet the cops. “The guy’s on life support right now,” Daniel added as he stared at Lucifer’s expression that was quickly growing unreadable, his eyes squinting slightly, his lips pursed into a thin line, and his forehead furrowing deeply at the officer’s confession.
“And?” Lucifer questioned, his voice growing soft as he tried to pry more answers from the officer.
“And I just keep thinking…what if he ever…” Dan trailed off with a worried sigh as he righted himself and ran a hand through his hair as if it could help declutter his mind. “…Ever touched Chloe like that?”
It all happened so fast that Dan could hardly even register it, but suddenly Lucifer was standing up, his chair clattering to the ground loudly as it toppled over from the unexpected momentum. “He wouldn’t dare.” The devil growled, his voice low and dangerous as his eyes glowed red and his mouth turned down in a harsh snarl. Dan swallowed heavily as Lucifer took a very deliberate step towards him, and silently wondered if this was how it was going to end for him. “I swear upon everything that’s unholy that if he ever leaves a mark on her I will destroy him,” Lucifer added, and Dan nodded almost robotically as he wondered if he should do something to try and calm Lucifer down, or if it was safer to just try and keep his distance.
Before he really even knew what he was doing he was reaching out and resting a hand against the Devil’s upper arm in an attempt to calm him as he spoke up, “I know you will.”. A few seconds passed before Lucifer’s eyes finally faded back into their normal deep brown color and Dan took that as his sign that it was safe to continue, “But, I don’t want it to have to come to that.”. If they could prevent anything bad from happening in the first place then wasn’t that the best course of action? As much as the fallen angel sacred Daniel sometimes, he knew without a doubt that the man would take good care of his ex-wife and his daughter. He had already died for the two of them…twice. “Lucifer, please,” Dan requested softly as he pulled his hand from the man’s arm, “Go win your girl back.”.
Dan watched as Lucifer mulled over his words for a moment before the man stood up just a little bit straighter, and squared his shoulders just a little bit more before smoothing his hands over his suit jacket and flashing Dan a charming smile as he spoke up, “Consider it done.”.
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