#but yeah this interview was fascinating. i realize i kind of act like ohm if that makes sense
mejomonster · 3 years
i’m down the rabbit hole a bit, ran into an interview. this one is really interesting for the more in depth discussion about acting
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Our Month - Chapter 25
Camila learned a lot of things about herself in the short amount of time since Lauren and her were keeping in touch.
First of all she realized how wrong she was when she thought that it will be hard to keep in touch with the musician. They found the healthy balance in texting and despite of the different timezones they always managed to have Skype conversations at least twice a week if they were extremely busy because they both put the effort in their rising friendship.
Camila also learned that she was right in one thing. Lauren is the exact definition of perfection. Now, that they relationship didn’t have a physical side they explored how the other’s mind works and it safe to say that the brunette was fascinated by the American’s. Don’t get it wrong, Camila loved the whole just talking and getting to know each other but sometimes it downed on her that she wasn’t intimate with anyone for a long time.
So the younger Latina learned what is to be sexually frustrated. Sometimes when they were on Skype Dinah would crash and keep Camila company while her band mate was showering, changing or just eating which was not the case while the student was on the edge. But when Lauren came back from the shower in just a towel, or was munching strawberries and moaning the foreigner’s mind went to dangerous territories. And she was ninety-nine percent sure Lauren teased her on purpose.
For her own surprise, the biggest discovery was that she was in fact the jealous type. She tried not to show it, but when somebody was hugging Lauren in a picture on Instagram a bit lower than it’s appropriate on Camila’s mind she forcefully had to stop herself throwing a temper tantrum. She usually could keep her raging feelings under control because either her best friend or Dinah – who actually was Camila’s personal informator - had no legal right to be mad even if the raven-haired girl actually dates with somebody else because they were only friends.
Camila learned that she loathes the word ‘friends’ when it comes to a certain singer but she was determined to keep their relationship platonic because they were finally back on track, part of each other’s lives and it mattered for her more. Not if anything would change on her side. She would just say 'I love you’ instead of 'Goodnight’.
The only thing the brunette hasn’t learned were her subjects in university and exam period was kicking her butt way more harder than ever before. She kind of got used to the four hours sleeps and the constant caffeine high but she had no time to catch a breath or eat properly and the usually hours long Skype sessions had to get shorter, only forty-five minutes. Anna finished her exams one week before her best friend and she decided to visit home leaving the Latina alone. Sometimes Shawn would come by with take-out food and discuss one topic, which were only excuses because they just needed to interact with an another human being without actually getting dressed and look presentable but Camila didn’t mind that.
She was sad on the other hand because her birthday was coming in a week and she adored every single birthday so hers was special but now she couldn’t celebrate. The exam was one day before and she knew she shouldn’t plan something because she will be exhausted, stressed out and probably passed out too from sleep deprivation.
– Hey Mila! – Shawn knocked on the door. – Let me in, I came with complaints on the hematology professor’s notes because they are a piece of crap and pizza!
– Why do you even knock? Just come in, you know it’s always open – Camila shouted and stood up from her chair, stretching her limbs.
– I just don’t wanna march in when you diddle your Skittles during online sex with Lauren – the boy shrugged.
– I’m not doing that! We’re just friends… – the brunette slapped him on the shoulders and took a slice of the food from the box.
– Oh yeah, I would totally believe that if Dinah and Anna wouldn’t had been so precious and tell me every single dirty detail they knew about your relationship while you two rekindled your “friendship” in the doctor’s room…
– Shawn! They are clearly wrong influence on you. We’re not doing anything. We’re just talking. I swear.
– Ok, I believe you if you say so. But just for you know, from now on, I will barge through the door unannounced and if I catch you in the act it’s your fault and you buy me dinner for a week for traumatizing me – he wiggled his eyebrows.
– My friends are horrible – Camila murmured.
– But I came here with a reason and it wasn’t just the ancient Greek nonsense our precious professor calls hematology. What do you want for your birthday? – He sat down on the bed comfortably.
Before the Latina could say anything Lauren’s picture popped up on her laptop’s screen and she abandoned her friend and the food in an instant which elicited a very sarcastic 'just friends for sure’ from the other student.
– Looo! How are you today? – she asked enthusiastically.
– Hey Camz! – she heard the raspy tone and she unwillingly grew hotter. – I just finished getting ready for the day and I had some free time so I thought I call you because I have a long day ahead and I was not sure if I could talk to you before you go to sleep. We’re still doing a bunch of interviews and then rehearsal for some award shows and Mani and Dinah wants to go to dress hunting. Which I think you can imagine how will go… Ally, Lucy and I will die so it’s probably the last time we talk – she joked.
– Come on! Don’t even joke about that. We both know I’ll die first from drowning in my notes which is estimated in two hours. I can’t wait till it’s over – the brunette sighed.
– I low-key don’t want to. You look so cute like this – Lauren smiled adoringly.
– Your internet connection is clearly horrible and has a billion pixels because last time I checked I looked like a zombie – the younger woman said cynically.
– Okay, you might look a tad bit exhausted but you would make the cutest zombie. You just look natural in sweats, your hair is up in a bun and with glasses. Plus I really like your shirt, it fits you perfectly – the singer gestured to the black The 1975 tee she gave to the foreigner.
– Thank you – she blushed. – But why are your days so full? Like several interviews in one day and you started rehearsals weeks before your first show, I thought they will let you guys rest a bit after tour.
– Well, uhm… – the American looked uncomfortable and Camila started to worry that something is wrong. – It’s business.
– Is everything okay Lo?
– Yeah, don’t worry! I just can’t wait till this rush end. Ohh and I almost forgot, Keana found a new sushi place and she said it’s amazing so we’re gonna have dinner there. I was craving some Japanese for ages anyways so it’s perfect timing… – the raven-haired girl explained with sparkling eyes but the brunette instantly frowned as she heard Keana’s name.
The thing was that Keana was gorgeous, she knew Lauren longer and she was a thirty-minutes long ride away while Camila was looking like a hobo and she was half-day long torturous flight away. But this was not why the brunette felt her blood boil, Keana was openly bisexual and that was enough reason for the student to want to smack her for finding sushi and going on a date with her girl.
– Wow tiger, stop gripping that poor glass because you’re gonna break it and we don’t have time to waste on stitching it up when we should study! – Shawn’s voice rang through the room.
– Oh, you’re not alone? – Lauren asked with an expression which looked like hurt or disappointment.
– Yeah, Shawn brought me some pizza. I owe him because he is keeping me alive. We will complain a bit more about how much we should study and then we go back to study. My life is so exciting. But back to you… Are you going with the girls? Or only Keana? – Camila tried not to sound suspicious but she just had to know.
– Hey Lauren! – Shawn stood up and waved to the camera, greeting the musician.
– Hey dude! Ohm, I think it’s just her and me but Lucy and Tyler might tag along because Luce said she wants some good sushi desperately and today is their date night. So, what are you guys up to? What’s the time there? Six p.m.? – the pale-skinned Latina was eyeing the boy in the background and Shawn could feel the daggers.
– Yeah. Six – Camila answered shortly because she was on the edge of exploding. Lauren is going on a double date. She wanted to throw her laptop out of the window and probably hit Keana with it accidentally just a little bit that she won’t be able to go.
– We were just talking about what Mils wants to her birthday – Shawn explained when he realized his friend’s changed behavior. – But then you appeared on the screen and I lost her.
– Shawn! – Camila slapped her. – I just want new friends who won’t embarrass me all the damn time.
– Oh come on, you love me! – The boy chuckled but his words made Lauren’s jaw clench.
The truth is that the brunette wasn’t the only one jealous. The musician saw Shawn lurking around Camila often, she saw the looks the boy gave to her girl and she hated the fact that they were only a door away. Deep down her realist mind knew that he isn’t a threat because he is a male but jealousy is not sensible emotion. And the younger woman told the story that they met because the Irish boy was hitting on the other student so Lauren felt that it’s totally acceptable to not like him.
– Well, I already know what you get from me – the musician smiled devilishly because she knew nobody will be able to top her presents. – I think it will arrive a bit sooner though.
– Ahww, you shouldn’t have send me anything! But I’m sure whatever it is I’m gonna love it – Camila smiled tenderly.
– I just had a wonderful idea! – Shawn said in a high-pitched voice which made the green-eyed American beyond annoyed. – Thanks Lauren! And I think I’m gonna give it to you to sooner as well because I’m going home on the first. And I’m going now too, study time! Bye Lauren, it was nice to see you!
– Yeah, bye – she waved and waited for him to exit. – I should go too, I don’t want to keep you from studying and I will be late.
– Nooo! Just five more minutes! Please? – Camila pouted.
– Alright. I can’t say no to you – she grinned. – Are you planning on going home too?
– Not really. I have the exam on the second and then I have only two days left. I think I’ll just sleep and catch up on all the Netflix shows I ditched for this annoying pile of paper – the brunette explained.
– Will you be alone then?
– Yeah, me, myself and I – the student confirmed. – But you can call me any time. I will finally have the time to obnoxiously rant about my upper next door neighbor. He’s really annoying.
– Shawn? – Lauren asked giggling.
– No, the other one. He is a total fuckboy and he hits on me every chance he has. Literally I would step out the door and he is there. When I told him I swing the other way he invited me to have a threesome because I seem like I could use a good fuck. How generous. And he has awfully loud sex, I hear him and his hoes every night. I asked him to tone it down he said I’m just jealous that he can make a girl scream. I was like, bitch you would know if somebody was here at mine because let’s be honest you’re loud as fuck but like I don’t know what he studies but for sure not medicine because he has time to have sex or… Sorry – Camila blushed profoundly. – See? I already started and this is not even the beginning of his annoying behavior.
Lauren was quiet. She wanted to hunt down that asshole and teach him some good manners because that’s not how you interact with not only a girl but anyone. On the other hand her stomach filled with butterflies because the brunette just confirmed that she didn’t bring girls up and it was just the cherry on the top of the cake when Camila was talking about having sex with anyone the younger only thought about Lauren.
– Don’t worry I promise we’ll talk – the musician tried to keep her cool composure like she didn’t get affected by the other’s words.
– I hope so! But now, I’ll let you go and I go back to torturing myself – the student giggled. – Have an amazing day Lo! Say hi to the girls from me?! And Dinah be better not go hard on you or else she needs to face me – she winked.
– Of course I’ll tell them. I text you when I can! I’ll miss you Camz – the raven-haired girl waved and sent a kiss.
– I’ll miss you, too Lo… Goodbye! – she reciprocated the kiss and the line went silent.
The next day Camila woke up with a horrible mood. She had only four days and Shawn is having the exam today which meant that she will be alone from now on because the boy will have a party then pass out before heading home. The fact that Lauren still hasn’t texted her about her night with Keana just frustrated her more and she imagined all kinds of scenarios. The worst was that they got kidnapped but she swore the other option – which was that Lauren is currently doing adult activities with Keana and that’s why she is busy and not messaging back – was almost just as horrible.
She sat down and tried to concentrate and stuff more information in her brain but her mind always ended up on the green-eyed girl and you know how it goes. She started to picture possible situations and she had imaginary conversations and fights with her and she might or might not had imaging punching Keana a few times when her phone finally rang.
[From Lo:] Hey, sorry for the late (or for you early) answer! Haha. Keeks and I just decided to stop by for some cocktails and time flew by.
Camila worked herself up already by over thinking everything so she wasn’t in the right mindset and she knew how the American can get when she’s drinking and the singer had more then seven months worth sexual frustration so the brunette put two plus two together when she answered.
[To Lo]:K
[From Lo:]Camz, what’s wrong?
[From Lo:]Did something happen?
[From Lo:]Are you mad at me now?
[To Lo:]No. I hope you enjoyed your date.
Lauren at first was confused why the student was suddenly lashing out on her because in her head it was just a fun night out with a good friend. She liked hanging out with Keana because she wasn’t in the band and worrying about management and performances or that she will go back to being depressed because missing Camila. It helped that she didn’t know the brunette although she probably heard her name and the stories about her just enough time to recognize her if they would meet.
The singer pressed the call button immediately because she wanted to explain that this wasn’t a date and she didn’t want the younger Latina to be upset but when she ignored the American started to be frustrated as well. For the third ring the caramel-skinned girl finally answered.
“Are you jealous?” – Lauren asked giggling.
“No, I just try to study and you’re annoying me.” – Camila snapped.
“Really? Because you sound jealous. And last time I checked we were just friends and I were single so if it would have been a date it would have been totally okay. But it wasn’t.” – the musician answered with a bit harsher tone than she probably should have.
“I told you, I’m not jealous. You can fuck whoever you want. You know what? Go and jump in Keana’s bed right now for all I care!” – the brunette hissed angrily.
“I don’t need your permission to do anything because you are just my FRIEND. And as a FRIEND you don’t have any right to act like this. It was your stupid idea so it’s time for you to act like a FRIEND not a girlfriend. Am I right BUDDY?” – the raven-haired Latina fought back.
“I’m acting like a friend. Should I ask for the sex tape with every girl you will be with to believe me that I don’t fucking care or what?” – the student gripped her pen now that her fingers turned white.
“You know what? I wouldn’t believe you anyways!” – the American shouted back.
“Really? What do you want then Lauren?”
“I can’t do this anymore. I don’t wanna be you friend. Bye”
Before Camila could say anything the line went dead silent. The student was on the verge of tears when Shawn opened the door. He was already wearing a suit, ready for his exam before stopping by the brunette’s room.
– What’s wrong Mila? – he asked worriedly.
– I-I… I think Lauren… Never mind – she sniffed and sighed. – I wish you a shit tonne of luck for today! And then have fun at the after party.
– I would stay and interrogate you but I really can’t, I’m sorry. I just wanted to give you this – he held a small wrapped up box – and say goodbye. Happy birthday Mila.
– Thanks Shawn – she smiled weakly. – Goodbye.
The boy gave her a tender kiss on the cheek and left hurriedly before he missed his bus. Camila was really not in the mood for presents but she wasn’t in the mood for studying either so she decided to open the gift. She found a small paper which said:
“I wanted to give you the thing you love the most.”
She furrowed her eyebrows when she found a small picture frame with Lauren’s picture in it. She chuckled because it was such a Shawn thing to do but right after she realized how stupid she had been.
Lauren was absolutely right, she was one hundred percent jealous and it was her idea to be just friends but it was clear, she loved the American.
She grabbed her phone and dialed immediately but it went straight to voicemail. After the fifth try she called her on Skype, but there was still no answer. She left a few messages too, apologizing and pleading just to talk but Lauren went absolutely missing. Camila was so desperate that she even texted Dinah who informed her that she hasn’t seen the green-eyed Latina since their shopping spree.
Camila sat down on her bed with a textbook in her hand and decided to study because she needed to pass this exam but she promised herself that right in the moment she finished she will come home and cry her eyes out.
She tried so hard not think about the fact that maybe Lauren isn’t just ignoring her. That maybe there is a possibility for them never talking again. That maybe she just sent the love of her life in the arms of an another woman.
A/N: Hi! I’m alive, sorry for the delay. So I had a bunch of exams and I had to eat my weigh in holiday food at home so I was in food coma but I’ll live. Well here is the angst because I felt like it and I said that I will finish the story sooner than I wanted originally but scratch that I will write it the way I planned before.
Love you and as always thanks for waiting, voting, commenting and sticking with my story. You can find me on Wattpad @medstudentslab
God bless y'all in Allysus voice.
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