#but yeah tl;dr kick off a reading streak with something easy
scoopsgf · 1 year
Hi, I've noticed that in your writing (which I love, btw) you mention a lot of books and it gives the impression of you having read them all. I used to read a lot, but I haven't in a really long time, and I'd love to get into it again. Are there any books you'd recommend?
unfortunately there are actually a lot of books in my fics that i haven’t read, i’ve just done a lot of research on them and read analysis so that i can have characters talk about them in a way that like, actually makes sense. that said, i myself am trying to get back into reading too (bc for years it’s been this academia-based thing that I have to do rather than a leisure activity i get to do) and i def recommend starting off with easily consumable YA books. they can help you to get into a rhythm and feel less intimidated about reading as a whole. i definitely wouldn’t rec starting with a long, tough classic like jane eyre or something. this month i read two of the summer i turned pretty books and was able to finish them both within a matter of hours, which def made me feel like less of a loser when it comes to reading, lmao. im gonna finish the last book of the trilogy and then move onto something lengthier and more challenging!!!
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