#but yeah. suffice to say i’m not going to mcdonald’s today :(
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
God I’m craving McDonald’s so bad but I know no one will want to go with me and I can’t drive and all the restaurants are too far away from public transport and I’m out of range of all the delivery options
#like the justeat guy Will not and Should not drive 30 minutes from [redacted] to deliver mcdonald’s to me#and even if he did it would be stone cold by the time it got here#i’m sick anyway. i shouldn’t really go anywhere#like technically i don’t think the walk from [redacted] station to the restaurant in town is too insane but i had a bad experience there#as a teen and the whole place is tainted in my memory#basically my friend insisted on ordering two large cokes (for herself. all i wanted was a water bottle and fries) but she refused to go up#and get it. so i had to go get the tray and the cokes ~fell off the tray~ and got EVERYWHERE all over the floor#and there were these two girls behind me who were being SO rude and screaming and laughing and making fun of me about it#the mcdonald’s lady remade the cokes and i somehow didn’t drop the second two#but i sat down and said to my friend ‘we need to leave now’ and she Wouldn’t. she insisted on sitting there and drinking two large cokes#AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME. the other girls were still there and still laughing at me and i just wanted to die#i was like.. 12-13? nowadays i would’ve got the second two cokes & just flipped the lids off and thrown them all over those girls#but as a teen i had no spine so i was MORTIFIED. i wanted to die#it’s still probably top 10 most embarrassing things that have happened to me but it has been overtaken by a couple of other things#like all the times i have fallen down in public#but yeah. suffice to say i’m not going to mcdonald’s today :(#maybe i can look up a copycat recipe and wear like three masks to the shop and buy whatever i need#because i know damn well i don’t have chicken nuggets or fries lol#personal
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by tickticktmr
What's the best food to have at a sleepover? I’d have a blast at a sleepover if my friends and I were to get a square-cut cheese pizza with a box of wings. Cheesy nachos with beef would be great too.
How did you meet the last person you shared a bed with? We were introduced by our respective friends.
Do you like the yellow cheetos better or the orange ones? I don’t like Cheetos, period. Cheese puffs never did grow on me.
Where did you buy the shoes you wore today? My mom got it for me two Christmases ago.
Do you have any half siblings? Nope. But this year I found out I have a half-cousin (and possibly half-cousins) from a trash uncle who apparently fooled around behind my aunt’s back, but I have no desire to associate with her or that entire family altogether. 
How many DVD players are in the house? We still have two lying around but we haven’t used either in 6–7 years.
Do you like the last song you heard on the radio? I cried, because I needed to hear the lyrics that were being sung.
Do you know anyone who has been on TV? Sure, mostly some of my friends’ parents.
When going shopping for junk food, what's the first thing you pick up? My eyes usually dart to the Pringles before anything else. And if there’s also any salted egg chips that looks appealing enough for me to pick up.
How would you react if you found out you had a long lost sister? I think my literal first reaction would be to be pissed at my parents for hiding such a secret from me for a long time. It would depend on how they explain the situation if I end up wanting to meet her or if I can do without.
At sleepovers, do you usually stay up all night or actually go to sleep? Hahaha I’m the grandma that passes out. I’ve never successfully stayed up at a sleepover and for some reason I’m always the first one to start getting sleepy. I guess all my friends’ bedrooms are really that comfy.
Is there anything in the room you're in that's really dusty? [continued from last night] For sure. There are some things in my room I barely use or move around so it definitely wouldn’t be a surprised if they’ve since gathered up a fine layer of dust.
Do you know anybody with different colored eyes? Yeah, someone from my high school has this condition.
Are any of your relatives vets? [continued AGAIN from the night before last, lmao send help] As far as I know, no. We’re not really the type of family that produces doctors, and I believe we lean more towards law.
Who cleans the most in your house? Oh my mom, for sure. She wants all chores done a certain way, and she’s always genuinely happy to do everything herself.
Do you own any shirts that cost over $100? No. I think my most expensive shirts are my wrestling ones, which never went above P3000, I think.
What about any shoes? Do you think that's a lot of money for clothes? Yeah, well shoes are generally more expensive so I’ve definitely spent more on sneakers than I’ve ever had on a shirt. I think a pair of shoes that go for P5000 is fine because for the most part it’s also already a testament to its quality. I draw the line at P5000 shirts, because you’re only paying for the label at that point.
What's the movie theatre in your town called? Ours don’t have names. Most of our cinemas are housed within malls, so whenever we make plans to watch a movie we just mention the mall.
How many minutes do you consider late? Idk man, I prize punctuality a lot. People to me are either early, on the dot, or late.
Is there any jam in the fridge right now? No, we don’t really consume jam. We’re not a very spread-y kind of family, come to think of it. We prefer meatier stuff in our sandwiches.
What did you get your best friend for their last birthday? I learned iMovie throughout my UTI-slash-fever horror experience so I can make a video for Gab that compiled her friends’ greetings in time for her birthday. I wasn’t able to get Angela anything because I was still looking for a job then and didn’t have any source of income; and because Gab broke up with me on that day so I was too distraught to be doing anything.
What about your mom's and dad's last birthdays? My dad was abroad for his last birthday. I didn’t get my mom anything because we don’t have that kind of relationship.
What kinds of food do you dunk into milk? Uhm mostly none, because I never really have milk unless I’m at a hotel or at a friend’s, lol. I’ve dipped chocolate chip cookies into milk several times though, and those didn’t turn out bad at all :) I’m a fan of the mushiness.
Do you have any current or past teachers on your facebook friends? A couple of my high school teachers are still my Facebook friends. I never added nor received requests from my college professors, which I prefer tbh because I’ve always viewed college profs as having a more professional vibe compared to my grade school and high school teachers, who were like parents to me.
Are there any baby pictures of you up? Like, the room I’m currently in? No but my school portrait from Prep is framed and hanging on my wall, which is the closest thing. I was already 7, though.
Do you have any friends who have bleached blonde hair? Nah. I have a lot of friends who’ve dyed their hair over the years, but none bleached all the way through. Gabie did, but just for her tips.
How much sugar do you like in your tea/coffee? Lots. I need every trace of it feeling like black coffee removed, haha.
What color is the cereal in your cupboard? We don’t eat cereals in this family; we’ve always enjoyed a classic Filipino breakfast. Sometimes we’ll get cereals I guess, but we never eat them the traditional way; my mom and sister usually just snack on them straight from the box on non-breakfast hours.
Are you wearing any jewlery that a boyfriend/girlfriend gave you? No.
Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever given you jewlery? Yes.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? Many times.
Would you rather work at a gas station or be a maid? I hate chores and touching other people’s stuff, so I’ll go with the gas station. I could meet different people from that job too, which sounds more interesting.
What's the closest store to your house called? Just Things. Basically sells hype merch, including the P5000 streetwear shirts I called out earlier, for all the hype heads in my area.
Do horror movies scare you more when they're 'based on a true story'? The biographical nerd in me obviously gets excited, but I don’t get scared. I get more invested when they include snippets or updates about the real-life counterparts and go beyond the vague ‘based on a true story’ banner.
Do you still talk to the last person who hurt you (emotionally)? Yeah but I really need some sort of coin bank thing for it for every time I do so because idk why I still hang around sometimes.
Is there an outdoor movie theatre where you live? Not where I live. But I do know that because of Covid, some malls outside of my city have started offering drive-in cinemas, which were never a thing here before.
What color was the last food you ate? Golden brown, yellow, black, red, green. It was a truffle and mushroom pizza that I treated my family to because I had gotten my first paycheck this week and I would’ve looked like an absolute ass if I spent it on anything else other than my family. I MEAN I wanted to treat them too, of course, but I won’t deny that there’s an underlying reason for me buying the food as well. Welcome to a firstborn’s life in the Philippines (and in Asia, tbh).
Have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk? My mom has been tipsy, but not drunk. My dad never lets himself get swayed by alcohol. He’ll still get a single bottle of beer, but I’ve never seen his demeanor change.
How expensive is too expensive for a pair of jeans? Anything above P7,000 or P7,500, maybe.
After seeing a movie, do you go to a site to enter a review about it? Nah, I’m not the Letterboxd type of person. I’ll sometimes tweet about a movie, but only if I found it good or intriguing enough.
Have you ever done that? No. I’m not the best movie reviewer, so even though I’m aware of Letterboxd’s or IMDb’s appeal I’ve always been too shy to share my thoughts or ratings just in case someone ends up criticsplaining a movie to me.
Would you consider McDonald's a restaurant? I know what route this question is getting to but I’m too tired to defend my thought process, so suffice it to say I love McDonald’s, lol.
Do your parents vote? LOL my mom only started doing so again when I registered - before 2016, she cast her last vote back in 1992. Of course, her opinions were wrong for both the presidential (2016) and senatorial elections (2019) haha. 
My dad does not vote and he stopped giving a shit about Philippine politics when he started working abroad 20 years ago and increasingly spent more time overseas than he does in his home country. Which, honestly, as sad and bad as it sounds, I totally understand. He’s completely detached from the goings-on in our country that to make him vote would be just as useful as letting him purely guess his choices.
Are there any creepy pictures up on the walls of your house? We’ve never gotten such a comment before, so no.
What's the last thing you were excited to eat? The pizzas I bought tonightttttt :> I got truffle and mushroom pizza and quattro formaggi pizzas and they were from Motorino, this fancy (and pricey) place I used to go on dates in that I haven’t visited so long.
It’s hilarious because I didn’t even plan on buying any food today as I’m stingy with money...but in my shift today I was tasked to order food bundles for certain media partners we regularly collaborate with. I kept ordering all these fucking pizzas for people I don’t even know and I got so jealous???? So I ended up buying for myself at the end of the day HAHAHAH
Do you ever hit electronics if they don't work? I smack them against a surface, but I rarely hit them with my own hand.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? I’ve only gone out with one person and, her toxic traits aside, I highly doubt any future prospect would ever come remotely close to her.
Is there anything hanging from the ceiling in your room? My bedroom light.
How would you react if your best friend was pregnant/got someone pregnant? She’s not planning on having a kid any time soon so I would assume it happened by accident, and I would assume she would be in distress. That said, my instinct would be to be there for her and support her in whatever she does moving forward.
Do you know who Lisa Simpson is? Sure thing, she’s my favorite.
Have you ever had a crush on the last person you spoke to online? No. I’ve never even met her.
Have you ever seen the last person you hugged dressed up fancy? Sure, my grandma dresses up for parties and other formal events.
(If your parents married), Do you know where they got engaged? No. My dad didn’t even pop the question; at some point they just sat each other down, had a long talk, and decided they’d get engaged. Idk where it happened though. Maybe while on a date somewhere?
What color was the last cup you drank out of? Copper.
What was the last picture you printed of? I honestly can’t tell you. I’ve printed a number of documents for various adulting tasks lately, but I don’t know the last time I specifically printed out a photo.
What restaurant has the best fries? I’d have to go with Army Navy. Or if we’re going with fast food, Jollibee.
What does your mailbox look like? We don’t have one. Messengers just insert envelopes through our screen door.
Have you ever gotten something stuck on the roof? We have a rooftop, so that’s never been a problem for us.
Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? No. I don’t think I’ve ever been that important for anyone.
Is the room you're in organized? It can do with some fixing, but it’s not terrible.
Would your mom make a good president? She’d be the most organized, neurotic, and punctual president in the history of presidents, but I doubt she’d be of help in conflict resolution or law-making, or any decision-making aspects that go with being president.
The 2nd class you had last time you went to school: ever skipped it? I don’t think I ever skipped that class in the short time I took it before Covid took over.
Do your aunts and uncles have kids? Yeah, nearly everyone does.
Is this survey interesting so far? I liked it.
Do you say fancy or formal? Or something else? Depends on the context. I use both as I think they have different connotations anyway.
Does your English teacher have kids? The last English professor I had doesn’t.
Does your computer make a lot of noise? The fan whirs when the laptop gets too busy. The noise is definitely noticeable considering how quiet my laptop is 98% of the time; but I wouldn’t call it bothersome.
Do you see movies at home or in the theatre more? Home. I watch at the cinema like, a maximum of 5 times a year.
What's your favorite thing to eat during a movie? Potato Corner fries. Non-negotiable.
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