#but yes I'll stop rambling now ty and goodbye
orthodera ยท 2 years
Imagine being so insecure in your own identity that you start literally gatekeeping your gender
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starglitterz ยท 3 years
If it's not much of a hassle, can you make hcs for Xiao, Diluc, Albedo and Razor with a gender neutral s/o that is really sweet and positive to everyone and anyone (They even are polite to hillichurls if you let them), but they suffered a tragedy, long before they met them, and they ended losing all their family.
hello !! one order of a donut coming right up ! i hope you enjoy it, and ty for ordering from quill's dessert cafe ๐Ÿง
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๐Ÿฉ genshin boys with a sweet/positive s/o who has a tragic backstory
feat; albedo, diluc, razor, xiao x gn!reader
warnings; mentions of death, nightmares, spoilers for diluc's backstory
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albedo was always fascinated with your behaviour, as he wondered how a single human being could contain so much joy and positivity. you were like the sunshine in his lonely days at dragonspine, bringing so much light and warmth with you whenever you visited him. he sometimes ponders how lucky he was to end up with someone like you, who was so incredibly kind and caring to everyone. however, he did have to step in when you tried to politely ask a lawachurl to stop attacking you both during one of his expeditions.
as the two of you had only started dating recently, you were still testing the waters and getting to know each other better. hence, he was still unaware of your past, and he found out in a rather strange manner. it happened during one of his rare trips to mondstadt. the people there all respected him and he was treated well, but he preferred the peaceful solitude of the icy mountain. he was calmly strolling around after checking on timaeus' progress in his alchemy studies when he bumped into kaeya. "oh, albedo! how are you?" the cavalry captain asked cheerfully. "i'm alright. have you seen y/n by any chance?" albedo replied. "isn't today 'the day'?" kaeya looked at him confusedly. "what do you mean?" albedo furrowed his brow. "you know, the anniversary of their family's death. it's not like you to forget something so monumental, albedo," kaeya couldn't resist teasing him. "it's not so much i forgot that i didn't know at all," the kreideprinz muttered before bidding kaeya goodbye and returning to his camp at dragonspine.
albedo spent the rest of the day pacing up and down his workspace, unable to properly concentrate on any of his work, to the point where even sucrose was concerned. "uhhh, mr albedo, are you okay?" unfortunately, albedo was too involved in his spiraling thoughts to hear her, and so sucrose was unintentionally ignored. rip sucrose
albedo personally disliked maintaining relationships, but you were the exception. however, this situation was just proving his belief that they were far too difficult to keep steady. a million different thoughts were coursing through his mind; why didn't you tell him? he felt so guilty for not being there for you on a day that was evidently important to you. were you going to be upset that he found out? was it a big secret? how did you manage to stay happy all the time even if your entire family had passed away on the same day, leaving you the sole survivor?
when you visited him that night, albedo wordlessly pulled you into a hug, stroking your head gently as some method of comforting you. "albedo...?" "y/n, i'm truly sorry that i wasn't there for you today. i know it must have been hard for you to go through on your own, but i'm here from now on. please don't be afraid to lean on me for support, i'll try my best to help however i can," albedo rambled, eager to get the words out before you could interrupt him. he had been planning what to say all evening. to his surprise, you giggled softly before pressing a kiss on his lips.
"so, i suppose you found out, huh?" "yes. i'm sorry if you didn't want me to know." "no need to apologise, 'bedo, i was planning to tell you soon anyway. i've always gone to visit my parents' graves alone, so i didn't think of bringing you along in the first place. perhaps next year you can come," you grinned before saying, "only if you want to though!" "i would be honoured," he replied, intertwining his fingers with yours, "i believe partaking in something so personal would serve to bring us closer, and that is something i wish to achieve." you smiled at him, "me too."
albedo wouldn't pry into your past, as he understands that you probably don't want to dwell on things that have already happened and instead wish to focus on the future. however, your sunny disposition only impresses him even more now that he knows what you've been through, and he is very glad that you chose to stay happy and honour your parents' memory by living to the fullest. he is still most definitely going to accompany you on adventures whenever he can though, because he doesn't believe that you won't try reasoning and asking the hilichurls nicely not to fight.
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diluc seems like such a stoic and intimidating man, so the people of mondstadt often wonder how he ended up with a cheery person like you. however, their opinion doesn't matter to the both of you, for you know diluc's hidden soft side which he doesn't show to anyone else, and you know that he loves you, and really, that's all that's important.
the two of you had been dating for quite some time, but you did not talk about either of your families. it wasn't as if you tiptoed around the topic like it was an elephant in the room, rather you both simply did not mention it, basking instead in the warm feeling of love that seemed to envelop you two whenever you were together. your conversations ranged through everything under the sun, yet never strayed even remotely near the specific area of blood relationships. and although you both noticed it, you never mentioned it, thanks to a tacit understanding between you.
one stormy night, you were staying over at the dawn winery, and sharing diluc's huge comfy bed. however, even though the plush mattress was as soft as a cloud, you were being tormented by nightmares that prevented you from having a restful sleep. in your dream, you were reliving the worst moment of your life; the day your entire family died. you were glued to the ground, trapped by invisible binds that you struggled against futilely as you gazed at your simple thatched roof house. it seemed so peaceful, but you knew what was going to happen next, and a silent scream escaped your mouth. a second later, the house erupted into flames, and you were powerless to do anything but watch as tears trickled down your cheeks.
"y/n!" a sharp call of your name awakens you from your slumber, and as your eyes adjust to the darkness, you wordlessly collapse into diluc's arms, sobbing as the horrific memory of that day floods through your mind. he pats your back comfortingly, pulling you into his lap as you nuzzle into the crook of his neck, prompting him to place a kiss on your head. "my father died in front of me," diluc says in the ensuing silence, punctuated only by your sniffing and hiccups, "and the knights of favonius claimed they would act as if he didn't die defending monstadt to preserve their reputation." his grip around you tightens slightly, and you listen to his tale quietly while intertwining your fingers with his to remind you that you're there for him. "from then on, i shunned the knights, and swore to protect mondstadt in my own way." "and thus was born the darknight hero," you poke his cheek, your natural optimistic personality returning to you in the warmth of your boyfriend's embrace. an embarrassed blush dusts his cheeks, turning them as red as his hair, "it's a stupid name."
diluc's expression becomes sombre once more as he looks you right in your eyes, "you're the first person i've told about that." "i'm honoured, honestly," you smile in reply. "i heard you calling out for your family members earlier when you were having a nightmare," he says hesitantly. your face falls and you open your mouth to speak but he cuts you off, "please don't feel like you're obligated to tell me. it's not easy to talk about these kinds of things, trust me, i know. but... just remember, i'm here for you. you aren't alone." maintaining eye contact with you, he lifts your knuckles to his lips and kisses them gently, "i love you." overcome with raw emotion from the outpouring of affection diluc is showing you, you can barely speak, so you kiss him back, knowing it conveys everything you're feeling better than words ever could.
diluc always has your back, and is always there to support you, just like you are for him. he definitely doesn't let you wander off on your own while the two of you are adventuring though, because he's already experienced far too many close calls where you tried to ask an abyss mage if they would mind letting you pass without a fight.
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you and razor had met while he was out hunting and you were exploring, and after helping him, the two of you had become friends. however, razor knew that he didn't see you as just a friend, and hence asked you if you would date him after consulting bennett as to why he felt 'warm and tingly' when you were around him. of course, you agreed, for you had also developed feelings for the mysterious wolf boy.
the positive and cheery energy you exuded never failed to put a smile on razor's face, and a light pink blush would always dust his cheeks when you slipped your hand in his gloved ones. he also adored hearing your laugh, and was constantly ready to leap to your defense with his claymore for when your arguments with treasure hoarders went too far. not that you couldn't defend yourself, of course, you just preferred things to remain civil and hence would not unsheathe your weapon until the very last minute, which by then was already quite late.
one day, razor had invited you to come hunting with him. the two of you were able to wordlessly sync your thoughts and actions to compliment one another, making your hunting extremely effective. today in particular, you had a rather large haul of meat from boars and the like. razor was very proud, and as he clutched the large sack full of the results from your hard work, he grinned, "food for lupical. now lupical is not hungry." his face scrunched up slightly as he frowned, "red burny girl means no dinner," before his expression brightened, "but you are strong. like a wolf. i like to hunt with you. we catch a lot." he rubbed his cheek against yours with a smile and you giggled softly, running your hands through his messy hair, "i like hunting with you too, razor. you're very strong." baring his teeth, he made a mock growling sound and pretended to tackle you, "razor is wolf. grr!" playing along, you acted scared and fell backwards. after a few minutes of playfighting, razor offered you his hand, "come, let's go to lupical. eat dinner together."
the simple shining of warmth in razor's eyes as he mentioned his lupical finally sent you over the edge. you hadn't told him this, but today was actually your family's death anniversary. you had agreed to go hunting with him because you were eager for a distraction, but after hearing him talk about his lupical, you were wondering if that was a good decision. it didn't mean that you hated him just because he had a loving family, it wasn't that at all - you were just rather sensitive to the topic, especially today of all days. so although you tried to stop them, a few tears formed in your eyes and trickled down your cheeks, and though you hastily attempted to wipe them away, razor caught sight of them.
concern flooding his expression, he clutched your hands and looked at you, "y/n, why are you crying?" "i..." you felt such a crybaby, but razor was so kind, and he was such a sweet boyfriend that you felt he deserved to know. and so you told him about your deceased family, and the day a blazing inferno swallowed your house whole while you were adventuring, and about how sometimes it felt like it was just you against the world, and the loneliness that sometimes echoed in your core. razor listened wordlessly, never letting go of your hands and occasionally squeezing them if he felt you were slipping too far into those dark memories.
when you had finished speaking, and sobbed out all the tears you possibly could, razor pulled you into a hug while tracing circles on your back gently to calm you down. as your sniffles slowly faded away, he caressed your cheek softly before saying, "y/n, look here." razor tilted your face to his and leaned forward to bump against your forehead, "you are razor's lupical now. not alone anymore." with that, he offered you a wide smile before tilting his head to the side, wondering if he had said the right thing. unable to verbally explain how much his words meant to you, you flung your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly once more, a smile curving your lips as you felt his arms wrap around you too.
from then on, razor made sure to remind you that he loved you every single day, so you would never have to feel that gaping void of painful solitude ever again. he even accompanies you on all your adventures, although he won't admit that it's because he also needs to keep an eye on you so you don't try to being too kind to an enemy who's ready to hurt you.
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although the visitors and workers at wangshu inn may scratch their heads when they see you smiling joyfully while talking to the young man on the balcony, pondering how you two ended up together, there is no one else more confused on that topic than xiao himself. why was he, one of the strongest adepti to ever exist, one who had fought in the archon war and emerged victorious, even for the price of indelible bloodstains inked on his hands forever, dating a mere mortal? feelings were fatal, and nothing more than foolish and ephemeral tendencies that would lead to more sorrow eventually. yet as he looked at your grinning face, with happiness shining across it, his heart couldn't help but skip a beat. maybe feelings weren't that bad after all.
xiao's quiet, composed disposition quite contrasted with your kind, active one. you always seemed happy, bubbling over with optimism and positive energy. frankly, it was rather contagious, and xiao often felt his worries being swept away when he was with you. in your presence, he could rest, and the thousands of voices in his head would be silenced with a simple stroke of your hand. for a human, xiao thought you possessed an immense amount of power to be able to calm him like this. not to mention, smiles, a rare sight for xiao, would become much more frequent when he started dating you, even if you were the only one who was blessed with seeing them.
usually, you would visit xiao after completing your daily commissions for the adventurer's guild. however, the sun was already beginning to set below the horizon, painting the sky with splashes of red and orange, yet you were nowhere to be seen. xiao clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms and trying to keep himself grounded, trying to stop himself from worrying for you as he paces the wooden floor of the balcony so intensely verr goldet worries he's going to wear a hole into it. but as time ticks by, xiao decides he cannot stay put at the inn while his mind conjures up a thousand horrific things that may have happened to you.
using his adepti powers, xiao quickly manages to scan the entirety of liyue, placed under his protection by the geo archon, and finds you in an instant. you seem to be at a... graveyard? xiao's heart, which has been hammering against his ribcage like a trapped dove finally slows down to a regular rhythmic beat once more. thank the archons you're safe. he will be questioning you upon your return though, xiao would have hoped that you would at least inform him if you were going to make a detour.
the stars have already begun to twinkle against a navy sky once you finally arrive back at wangshu inn. as soon as you make your way to the balcony, the place where you and xiao tend to have most of your lover's trysts, he sends you a stare that causes a chill to run down your spine. he isn't angry, nor disappointed - xiao was scared for you, scared for your mortal life than can turn to dust within a blink of an eye. realising how upset he must have been, you dash forward and envelop him in a hug. although he normally isn't one for much physical contact, this time he gladly hugs you back, overjoyed that you're safe yet unsure of how to show it.
"where were you?" xiao looks at you, searching your eyes for a hint of the answer. "well... today is actually my family's death anniversary," your voice comes out much quieter than you would have liked as you utter the words that never get less painful to say, no matter how many years have passed, "so i went to their graves to pay respect." xiao's eyes widen and he steps back for a moment, processing what you just told him. your family... was dead? had you been alone this entire time? his gaze darts up to yours, meeting your warm eyes. they hold sorrow, far too much for someone as youthful as you, and glimmer slightly with unshed tears. and silently, now xiao is the one initiating the hug, letting you cry yourself dry on his shoulder.
after a few minutes pass, xiao speaks, "i am so sorry, y/n." you sniff softly, "don't be. it wasn't your fault, or anyone's fault. i'm sorry for suddenly crying like that." "you shouldn't be. you're allowed to cry, you don't have to force yourself to be positive all the time. i love you no matter how you're feeling, and i'll always try my best to help you get through it," xiao replies, rose pink colouring his cheeks as he struggles to verbally express how much he loves you. you smile, aware of how difficult it must have been for him to admit that, and lean against his chest, "i love you too, xiao."
from now on, xiao keeps a closer eye on you, reminding you not to bottle up your emotions, and you both continue to get along wonderfully - it's almost as if the two of you being together had been written in the stars long ago, two entirely different people designed to fit together perfectly.
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quill speaks !
the way all my request posts so far have diluc,,, ok genshin fandom ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ /j
anon i hope you like how i wrote your request !
and i hope razor's lines weren't ooc,,, bc i wanted to kinda stay true to how hes dislikes long sentences yk? :) also apologies for switching up tenses HAHAHA i do that a lot sorry </3
catch the mxmtoon reference challenge go !
sorry for not posting in 500 years KFKSKD i made another post explaining why here !
i hope you enjoy your stay at quillโ€™s dessert cafe ! ๐Ÿญ
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