#but yes i function only in chaos conditions too much definition chokes me to death
katyspersonal · 2 years
I've noticed something common about my favorite media. It is some sort of healthy open-endedness.
In Kirby the general spirit is 'these villains didn't "deserve" forgiveness but if after Kirby kicked their ass they choose to befriend them - just let them'. Undertale falls under similar vein - mostly in the form of sparing Asgore who is not redeemable but if we let him be that's nobody's business. In Deltarune (so far) the message is 'your choices doesn't matter' and Toby said there will only be one ending - but we see effects of our actions on other characters! What we DO choose is how Kris and others will feel even if in grand scheme of things it doesn't effect anything. In Night in the Woods it is outright spelled - "Nothing can save us forever, but many things can save us today", and another case of 'one ending, many things to do and feel on the way to it'.
Soulsborne games are more depressing, it is more like 'we all are doomed either way, just choose YOUR poison.. well maybe there is a way to break the order but it requires so much sacrifice and atrocities that it's morbid new order will stand on THIS lol'. PMMM and Magia Record are just 'you made a huge mistake personally but in grand scheme of things your suffering keeps universe running, though just accepting it robs from your humanity so yell at that white demon and make the best out of your friendships while you last anyway.. well maybe there is a w- okay that's just Soulsborne but with magical girls'
I just noticed that my favorite favorite FAVORITE things sorta lack definition. You are not sure what they try to teach you, more like they gently prod you towards more 'good', more human choice but even then it's efficiency is debatable.
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