#exception is INFJ because we typically can agree to disagree even if they have very certain stance
katyspersonal · 2 years
I've noticed something common about my favorite media. It is some sort of healthy open-endedness.
In Kirby the general spirit is 'these villains didn't "deserve" forgiveness but if after Kirby kicked their ass they choose to befriend them - just let them'. Undertale falls under similar vein - mostly in the form of sparing Asgore who is not redeemable but if we let him be that's nobody's business. In Deltarune (so far) the message is 'your choices doesn't matter' and Toby said there will only be one ending - but we see effects of our actions on other characters! What we DO choose is how Kris and others will feel even if in grand scheme of things it doesn't effect anything. In Night in the Woods it is outright spelled - "Nothing can save us forever, but many things can save us today", and another case of 'one ending, many things to do and feel on the way to it'.
Soulsborne games are more depressing, it is more like 'we all are doomed either way, just choose YOUR poison.. well maybe there is a way to break the order but it requires so much sacrifice and atrocities that it's morbid new order will stand on THIS lol'. PMMM and Magia Record are just 'you made a huge mistake personally but in grand scheme of things your suffering keeps universe running, though just accepting it robs from your humanity so yell at that white demon and make the best out of your friendships while you last anyway.. well maybe there is a w- okay that's just Soulsborne but with magical girls'
I just noticed that my favorite favorite FAVORITE things sorta lack definition. You are not sure what they try to teach you, more like they gently prod you towards more 'good', more human choice but even then it's efficiency is debatable.
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I saw someone else do this so I hope it's okay to ask: what do you think of each MBTI type?
This is fine, I am always open to questions (technical or not), my responses are just occasionally a lot slower than I’d like.  Uhh no one take my responses too personally, is is going to be very subjective?
ISTJ: Unpopular opinion, but have my favorite sense of humor.  I’d prefer this type over my own, dunno why I decided to skew towards high Fe. Highly sarcastic, often 10x less organized and put together than they seem or stereotypes make them out to be.  Seem to vary between being very judgmental and almost emo in their staunch conviction to their values or seem to not give 2 shits about anything....  I know a lot of 9 core ISTJs.  Should be given the cooking stereotype that ISFJ has, lots of very angry bakers in this category.
INTJs: I’ve only met/confirmed them through the internet.  Again, same morbid/dry sense of humor as the above, fantastic to conversate with.  Similarly to ISTJ, not half as calculating as they’re made out to be.  Tend to be very outwardly disagreeable but with the capacity for being sympathetic and reasonable.  Seem to rate themselves as very logical, but more moved by their values and feelings than they expect.  
ESTJs:  Tend to avoid me and I tend to avoid them purely because we both seem to respect that we’d probably never agree on anything and we think very differently.  Very likable function stack in theory.  Inferior Fi is stil a lot edgier than you’d expect it to be and also incredibly stubborn.  This is my brothers type, if paired with cp6 and 7 have no patience for anyone’s opinions but their own nor anyone trying to control them by any means.  Only rule oriented when they agree with the rules.  Tend to have a streak of paranoia.  I value them in work settings because even though they sometimes get really stubborn are often reasonable people.
ENTJ: My only conception of this type is my great grandma, who is both an 8w9 and soc blind to add on to this type, and an close old friend of mine, who was 8w7 so/sp core.  Tert Se is quite a drug I’ll tell you.  I suppose they’re likely more reasonable without the 8?  Force of nature, hella interesting, fairly self righteous though.  Stubborn as an ox.
ISTP: The embodiment of cool.  Every one of the ISTPs I’ve met has been a walking stereotype.  Machines?  Check.  Sk8bords? If not, they vibe like the punk who would ride one.  Generally likable and even keeled, high Se makes up for lackluster Fe in my opinion.   I envy their ability to work in the real world, often highly creative too in their endevours. 
INTP: Tend to be drastic introverts, but very interesting to talk to.  Tend to be fairly self righteous, but realistically they have some leway with that because they typically know what they’re talking about?  Really cute when they are talking about things that they’re interested in because you can just tell that they’re really interested and they loose themselves in that despite their apathy.
ESTP: Generally, I initially really hate this type among first meeting them because I really grate with Se.  After speaking to them for more than like a week though, I typically feel a strong draw to them.  Se is such a weird function and very counter to everything that I’ve worked with, incredibly interesting to speak with about how they experience the world.  Their mind is just as quick as they are at adapting and working on their feet.  My closer friends have been of this type.
ENTP: Another one who is really cute when they talk about their interests, often a massive dork.  Tend to give more of a shit about people than they think they do, though they struggle to accept this aspect of themselves I guess.  Often think they’re the of pinickle of knowledge but struggle to understand the difference between a value judgement and their own logic sometimes.  Engaging conversator, loves sharing their opinions, another quick thinker. Intelligent dumbass is a really good description.
ISFJ: Give or take.  Either the nicest person you’d ever meet or a skilled manipulator.  Often very competent, often just as passive.  
INFJ: I actually know very few of these types, and most of them have a 7 fix or influence.  It’s just really weird because they are thrill seeking but slow af.  Either a 7 page paragraph for every thought or like... They won’t explain anything because they “just know” and the latter annoys me a lot.  Don’t like to admit they’re wrong, but great/interesting to conversate with in general.
ESFJ: Another give or take.  Have a strange capacity to be the most horrifying person you’ll ever meet.  Another case of self-righteous syndrome sometimes.  There are actually some reasonable members of this type though that I find really likeable because of their enthusiasm and their empathy (when they genuinely have it and aren’t just saying they’re an empath).  My mother is this and I get along with her as well, she’s fairly logical though/understands where her emotions end and are open to others feeling differently.  
ENFJ: I actually don’t usually get along with this type unless they have a 2 fix, and more often it’s a 3 fix.  I’m not sure why, I just find them annoying?  I had a friend who was this type and he was really cool and likable (2w3 so/sp core), deep and ethical thinking, bit of a sjw but I could get past that.  3 core ENFJ is the worst combination for type (purely in terms of my ability to tolerate them), I’m sorry if this applies to you.  Nontheless, I enjoy high Fe enthusiasm in general.
ISFP: Chill, genuiine, and artsy, often either very creative or very... Ditsy.  Often incredibly loyal and a big fan of the underdog and more than willing to accommodate them.  Very inclined to be a 9 core.  Rock music fans.  Generally very easy to like, but can also be very self absorbed and touchy.  Their world view is very much based on how they feel about things, but that’s just Fi in general I guess.  Very easy to manipulate.
INFP: The above is basically true for INFP, except INFPs are less chill.  They tend to think they’re chill, but they’re often not (with a few exceptions).  Another deep conversator that I enjoy at 1 am in particular.
ESFP: I’ve made one good friend with this type and I’d think we are almost complete opposites.  I have the same sort of issue with them I have with ESTP, Se just grates me.  Tend to project a lot, but are often really well meaning and creative.  Really enjoy philosophy, also tend to have a cute kind of enthusiasm when they let it show.  Either emo and adventurous or loud and comedic, I find very little in between
ENFP: Another very intelligent dumbass in the sense that they can explain a theory to you flawlessly then accidentally walk off a cliff.  Sometimes think they’re the pinikle of logic, but conflate knowing a lot with being logical.  Can be an interesting conversator, but can also be drastically self absorbed and self righteous, primarily if they’re 3 fixed.   Fairly interesting to interact with, often fairly neat takes on things.  Members of this type who aren’t my father are often very likable.  
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