mimithealpaca · 2 years
"i wanna draw shippy art, so give me a ship!" #9
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I... I had a lot of trouble with this one. Originally was going to have Yami!Bakura holding Bakura's chin while Bakura looked a little lost or soulless. Of course, I have no idea if such posing was in character or not... and then! I remembered that these characters have Millennium Puzzles or whatever. And I looked up what Bakura's was, and it was the Ring. So I was like... what if they are both holding it in their mouths, because symbolism, and also because that would be suggestive, and suggestive is totes in the realm of shippy? But then. But then I couldn't figure out the bodies or the faces and so I was like, HOW ABOUT JUST THEIR FACES. But then I was really struggling with the G pen (first time using it was today!) and then... and then... yeah. I was like. Why don't I just. Fix my mistakes digitally. But that didn't turn out well either. So I just redrew it, reiterating on the previous pose idea, but making it smaller so it was easier to ink, and by this point, I was very tired.
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Every Joey needs a Kaiba
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royposting · 2 years
kaiba. on motorcycle. screaming ”EAT IT NERDS”. everything i ever wanted in life
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relentlessadherence · 7 years
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
I’ve ben rping from YuGiOh since I was in 5-4th grade (I’m now coming on 25 years of age) granted I took a big break from the community because of Yugioh the abridged series. I hate it its the cancer of this godforsaken fandom and I wish it never existed. 
and before ya’ll white knight TAS let me tell you a thing.
Imagine being a little 12 year old. Been cosplaying for a few years now going to a few cons that your parents take you to. I cosplayed Mokuba-- I had ‘Shut up Mokuba’ screamed at me so many times as a child. I hated it it made me hate YGO for so long. I thankfully had a small ygo group I saw all the time at cons and the Seto was VERY good to me. ( I’m pretty sure they’re at least 10 years older than me) but I left the community because I couldn’t outrun shit TAS jokes online and offline. 
Recently @tempestuouswill and I cosplayed the kaiba brothers at Anime Expo and SDCC. Many times we were requested to quote it or had things shouted at us. Being an adult I could deal with it more?? But honestly TAS just gives people a false reason to act like a huge douche nugget.
A WEEK AGO I wanted to kill myself. 
I work at a coffee shop that partnered with AIDs Walk LA this year. People could donate money and write their name on a little picture of a coffee cup and we tapped it to the wall. If someone didnt want to write a name down my coworkers and I would put down fake ones from shows and comics. I put ‘Kaiba’ down on one.
This kid(it was an adult) sees it as im ringing him up and starts screaming ‘Kaiba loves money he’d never donate to aids walk and starts throwing a fit and keeps screaming ‘SCREW THE RULES I HAVE MONEY’ and insisting thats a quote he says all the time and im just standing there like-- ‘what the fcuk is happening’ I just refused to engage in anything else he said. it was the most socially embarrassing thing ive had to witness in god knows how long. 
Yugioh The Abridge Series is CANCER
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Roses are red Today is sunny
Screw the rules I have money
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