mimithealpaca · 2 years
"i wanna draw shippy art, so give me a ship!" #9
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I... I had a lot of trouble with this one. Originally was going to have Yami!Bakura holding Bakura's chin while Bakura looked a little lost or soulless. Of course, I have no idea if such posing was in character or not... and then! I remembered that these characters have Millennium Puzzles or whatever. And I looked up what Bakura's was, and it was the Ring. So I was like... what if they are both holding it in their mouths, because symbolism, and also because that would be suggestive, and suggestive is totes in the realm of shippy? But then. But then I couldn't figure out the bodies or the faces and so I was like, HOW ABOUT JUST THEIR FACES. But then I was really struggling with the G pen (first time using it was today!) and then... and then... yeah. I was like. Why don't I just. Fix my mistakes digitally. But that didn't turn out well either. So I just redrew it, reiterating on the previous pose idea, but making it smaller so it was easier to ink, and by this point, I was very tired.
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Sun Wukong Knew About MK the Whole Time: A Theory
I am currently hyped up on leftovers and iced coffee, so let's do this!
I've talked about this before, here and here, but I think it's finally time I wrote an official post. You can go and read those posts if you want to (I definitely hit the nail on the head with some of this stuff), but I will be compiling a lot of what I said on those posts here!
So. Let's get the Mr. Elephant out of the room first: The David Breen Tweets. (thread here).
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I see this tweet mentioned a lot whenever I bring up SWK knowing about MK, and honestly, this is a far cry from the "it's been confirmed that SWK didn't know" definite answer everyone's been implying.
So let's break it down!
#1: "Monkey King ain't the father"/"Monkey King isn't his dad." Well of course! Being born from a stone means you don't have any parents. I see it like this: Wukong isn't MK's dad, but he's also not NOT MK's dad, it's a secret third thing (creator and creation). Or, perhaps Wukong didn't help create MK at all, but he at the very least was involved in the circumstances that lead to MK being created/being born from the stone. (Aka eldritch abomination MK theory. My Beloved. Okay sorry.)
#2: "Monkey King was ripping his way through memories looking for MK, but kept coming back to the stone. He doesn't know why." So, while Wukong was ripping through memories, he didn't know why the scroll kept spitting him out by the stone. This is not a confirmation that Wukong didn't know about MK and his origins. It also begs the question: how did Wukong know MK was in the scroll to begin with? There's also some speculation to be had about why Wukong was so desperate to find MK to begin with:
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MK: "Monkey King did this?" Macaque: "It looks like he's been tearing his way through his past—trying to find his way to.." MK: "Me."
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
What was he so afraid of MK finding? Or, what was he afraid the scroll would force MK to experience? I think these are questions worth asking.
#3: "Wukong's trying real hard to leave the 'not being open with MK' days behind after s3. Problem is he's got lifetimes of info to catch them up on." Well, this one is a DOOZIE. One: we already know MK doesn't know everything about Wukong and his choices because he doesn't know Wukong killed Macaque (thank you 4x11). Two: "trying real hard" and "successfully doing" are very different things. And three: YOU DON'T JUST DROP INFO LIKE "Hey, did you know you're a Monkey Demon?" ON TOP OF SOMEONE RANDOMLY. Especially not MK. You have to prepare them for it.
Wukong is trying to do better and be better for everyone around him, but that still takes work. That still isn't easy. He's still going to make mistakes, which means he's not going to always go about being open with MK in the best way.
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Sun Wukong: “Point is, mistakes happen, but so long as you leave the world in better shape than you found it, then it’s all good. Right?”
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
This scene—to me—feels like Wukong is trying prepare MK for his eventual "Hey did you know you're a Monkey Demon?" conversation he wants (and needs) to have down the line. Yes, SWK is trying to be more open with MK, but he's also just not going to be given that chance before the truth comes out.
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MK: "Yeah right, if Monkey King really was my dad don't you think he would have said something by now?" Mei: "Yeah...because he's normally SOOOOO forth coming with information." MK: "Well uh, whatever—when we find Monkey King's stone, then we'll just ask him!"
(4x05 Court of the Yellow Robbed Demon)
Notice how they never asked Monkey King that question? From a writing standpoint, why bring this up at all if it wasn't to imply that (even if Monkey King isn't MK's dad) he wasn't involved with MK's creation in some way?
NOW THAT THE BREEN TWEET THAT HAS RUINED MY LIFE IS OUT OF THE WAY, let's get into the evidence given to us throughout the entirety of the show. Starting with this:
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This isn't a scene that takes place during the "A Hero is Born" special, as I'm sure plenty of people have noticed before now. Of course, this could have just been Monkey King "scouting out a successor", but with everything we know now doesn't that...feel kinda weird?
We were told at the beginning of the show that Monkey King gave MK his powers, but now we know that's not true. MK has had his own powers this whole time—and that's something Wukong, at the very least, knew:
Sun Wukong: "Listen kid: You fought demons, and you didn't die, and you made it here! Not just anyone can lift my staff, but you did." (1x00 A Hero is Born)
MK: "This whole time, I thought my powers came from the staff! Sun Wukong: "The staff's just a big 'ol stick bud! It takes someone special to lift it." (3x03 Smartie Kid)
There's also 1x09 Macaque, which I have mentioned before:
Macaque: "Ohohoh no, can't you hold the magic staff anymore? Well, you know what that means—there really isn't anything special about you. You're just a kid with a heavy stick."
This scene is then followed by MK lifting the staff, which only happens because Wukong encourages him.
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MK: "Ugh, I can't! I'm not strong enough." Sun Wukong: "Kid! We're definitely going to have words later, but it's time for the Hero Stuff!"
(1x09 Macaque)
Ultimately, Wukong knows MK can lift the staff again even after Macaque supposedly stole all of MK's powers. He knows MK can beat DBK (more on that later). He does something similar to all this in 3x14, being the one to let MK face the Lady Bone Demon, powered by the Samadhi fire, alone (even after Pigsy tries to stop MK):
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Wukong want's to protect MK. That's why he went to face the Lady Bone Demon alone in the first place—but here, he let's MK stop the end of the world all by himself. Why would he let his beloved student face not only LBD, but a reality ending flame alone?
Because he knows how much power MK has. Because he knows MK is capable of doing it.
This all brings me to my main point: If before now we were supposed to believe that Monkey King gave MK his powers, and he so clearly didn't, how would Wukong not know he didn't give MK powers. And because he clearly knew he didn't give MK any powers, why would he not question where this kid's insane level of power came from? He had to have "chosen" MK to be his successor for a reason right?
ESPECIALLY because Wukong never planned on being a mentor in the first place:
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Sun Wukong: "I know I can never make it up to you. Honestly, I- I never thought I'd live as long as I have let alone be someone's mentor—turns out I'm not very good at it. I guess what I'm trying to say is...I'm sorry MK. For all of it."
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
This was also alluded to in 3x05 Amnesia Rules:
Pigsy: "Of COURSE you don't remember the kid—one day you are going to grow up to be a terrible mentor!" Sun Wukong: "Ha! Zhu Bajie, can you imagine me teaching someone? HA!"
So, Wukong clearly didn't ever want to become a mentor, and this directly contradicts what Wukong says to MK in "A Hero is Born":
Sun Wukong: "You're perfect!" MK: "Perfect for what?" Sun Wukong: "To be...my successor!"
Honestly, think about it: has Wukong ever once actually needed a successor? When given the opportunity, he goes off and tries to handle things on his own anyways (Leaving in s2, wanting to go and reforge the Samadhi Fire on his own, going to stop LBD alone). It's the classic "we're being told one thing and shown another" trick.
Sun Wukong: "No no no- in case you forgot I'M retired, you're the one supposed to be taking care of the bad guys." (1x01 Bad Weather)
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Even in 2x01 he's lying:
Sun Wukong: "Aw, come on bud! I promised myself that when I found a successor I'd go see some friends, take a tour of my old stomping grounds, just cut loose you know?" (2x01 Sleep bug)
It's proven in the next episode, and by the fact that all of his friends are dead/gone, that literally nothing he said here is true.
And, it's also note worthy to point out, that by this point Wukong had already disappeared for hundreds of years. Why step in again at all? Why put the effort into getting a successor you definitely were never prepared to have?
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MK: "*sigh* You think Monkey King ever felt like this? Maybe that's why he stayed up on this mountain, just having a good time with you guys. You know cause- cause he knew he'd be out of the way where he couldn't hurt anyone he cared about." Macaque: "Or, he was doing his usual Wukong thing and being a lazy peach eating idiot. Ignoring all the worlds problems.
(4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids)
So, I don't know about you, but I'm going to trust Macaque's insight on this. I'm not sure Wukong ever planned on coming back. Sealing DBK, he effectively cut off one of his last ties to the world (please go read wlw-wukong's thoughts, they are delightful), and he had already left the world alone for a long time. Why did he feel the need to train a successor now?
The simple answer is this: because he knew he needed to train MK and teach him to control his powers, and DBK's return was the perfect way to do it.
So, the visions MK see's all through out s4 (4x03, 4x04, 4x05, 4x06) are of Wukong ripping through the scroll and going to the stone—David Breen confirmed that himself in the above tweets.
Here's a list of what we see:
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(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
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(4x04 Pig Napped)
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(4x05 Court of the Yellow Robbed Demon)
These are what I would say are the visions of Sun Wukong trying to find MK in the scroll. Yet, they are distinctly different from what Subodhi presses MK to remember ("Tell me of your childhood, your parents." "You do not remember?" "And what else?"):
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(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
Look at that difference!
Every vision MK has includes the same scenes, except this one. That's why I think it's a memory; that and the way it's framed, with MK closing his eyes in focus. The other visions from 4x03, 4x04, and 4x05 all are unprompted, being forced upon MK. Why make this last "vision" so different from the others? Why show our mystery lady making the stone monkey? That would be because it's a memory—be it MK's, something from the scroll, or a mix of both.
There's also the matter of like, why Wukong going to the stone would trigger any sort of vision in MK to begin with. Overall, it just seems like there something more to those visions.
This would be how I imagine the general timeline playing out:
MK is created (through help of Sun Wukong), a beautiful baby boy pops out of the stone, and Sun Wukong "loses" that beautiful boy (if Wukong knew he was born to begin with) with MK finding his way to Pigsy's.
Then it's later Sun Wukong finds MK again, coming up with a plan to make MK his "successor" (still leaving MK with Pigsy, which I think was the right call lol). As Wukong says in 4x01, "You make ONE mistake, and no one ever let's you live it down! Looks like the ghosts of my past have finally caught up with me." That's what I think this parallel in particular is really trying to show off—in some way, MK is part of his past mistakes, just like Macaque is.
Sun Wukong: "Heh, nothing gets under his skin more than a monkey. Leave Azure to MK and me."
(4x12 The Plan Man)
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Sun Wukong: "Kinda embarrassing for the Jade Emperor to have two little cheeky monkeys running circles around him the first day on the job." MK: "Well, one monkey and one unconfirmed, but *laughs* yeah! I'd be embarrassed for sure!"
(4x13 Rip and Tear)
Wukong sounds suspiciously confident that MK is a monkey.
Not even MK is sure what he is (which he's probably just in denial, but also "Until I know what I am, what my destiny is?" from 4x08 anyone?), but Sun Wukong is extremely certain about what MK is.
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Sun Wukong: "We got this bud. Would have liked to give you some new training with your monkey form, but-" MK: "Oh yeah yeah yeah- uh um- about that— um. I- I was thinking, I've never really needed a scary new monkey form before, so, I just thought maybe I'd use it next time." Sun Wukong: "Next time? Kid, there might not be a next time! This is the time."
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MK: "It's be fine! Mei and I have got this awesome new armor and everything! You know, when we look this good? Ain't nothing gonna beat us." Sun Wukong: "Kid. New armor isn't going to cut it! We have to hit Azure with everything we've got! You can't just ignore this whole part of your power because it scares you!"
(4x12 The Plan Man)
If the writers were trying to highlight the fact that Wukong didn't know, this scene would have gone very differently. Instead of "You can't just ignore this whole part of your power because it scares you!" I think it would have been more along the lines of "I know this is new for all of us, but you've got to accept this part of your power!".
Even this exchange at the end of the special raises some alarm bells for me:
Pigsy: "Heh, don't bother. I've been telling him that for years but he LITERALLY never listens." Sun Wukong: "Yep! That's how we roll."
(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
That's how "we" roll? As in him and MK, as two monkeys? Again, Wukong is surprisingly chill and okay with this new form for someone whose first interaction with it was supposedly this:
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MK, writhing on the ground in pain, completely destroying the world around him, and unable to control his powers.
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Sun Wukong: "Yeah! Go MK, go! Just try not to totally wreck up my stuff would ya-"
(4x13 Rip and Tear)
Overall, it gives me the impression that Wukong already knew what MK was before 4x07. This new form didn't scare him because he always knew that's what MK was. MK, to Wukong, is MK! And MK has always been a Monkey Demon. He has unshakeable faith in his protege, and even while MK is absolutely tearing up the world around flower fruit mountain he can't help but cheer for him.
After all, Wukong knows MK is the only one who could defeat Azure:
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MK: "Ne Zha's right—while Azure has the Jade Emperor's power and the scroll, there's NO way we could beat him head on!" Sun Wukong: "I mean, some of us could beat him! *ahem* One of us, specifically-" MK: "Nope! None of us at all."
(4x12 The Plan Man)
"But Imp!" I hear you say, "Wukong was talking about himself here!". To which I would reply, that's not true! This scene is right after Wukong has already said he only almost beat the Jade Emperor:
Sun Wukong: "But don't worry—I almost beat the Jade Emperor single handed once! Between both of us, Azure doesn't stand a chance." (4x12 The Plan Man)
Between this and Wukong's pre-fight convo with MK ("We have to hit Azure with everything we've got!"), he's clearly banking on MK using the full extent of his powers to win this fight. Wukong isn't banking on his own—if he were, he would never have left MK to go and collect the scroll pieces during their fight with Azure.
Sun Wukong knew MK was a monkey the whole time, lol—and fate has plans for MK. Great plans, or foul? Time will tell.
And Wukong has done his best to ensure that those plans are great.
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jesncin · 6 days
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can I get a YEEEHAAAW!!!
Haha they're already doing the "marginalized villain is too extreme in his methods for justice" nonsense but I'm honestly just so happy to see him that nothing is knocking me from this high rn
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mogai-sunflowers · 10 months
reign pretty pls can u tell me WHY I just saw some weirdo on tiktok posting about “can we pls reclaim “lesboy” just 2 lesbians who prefer to b called a boy but are not” :3 agshshsh
!!!!!! I hate oeople actuallf like fuck you /nau
proving that they know nothing abt the term itself bc it literally can mean that … !!!! let’s not … /neg
that person when they found out that a lot of people already identify as lesboy for that exact reason......................
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
I keep forgetting to tell you ashshshah, but your 'mikoto gets pushed off stairs' crackfic lives rent free in my head, and one time while writing an exam around last month i nearly burst out laughing in the middle of like 1000 students because i remembered that it's so funny i love it :3
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Aw thank you so much!!!!! That's both an incredible compliment and also I'm so sorry asddcvvg 😅😅😅
I wonder how in-depth the Milgram Voices are... can Mikoto hear us laughing at the mere thought of him tumbling down the stairs.....
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ghostboyjules · 2 years
weeeeellllll hey folks! Finally back again - after ages of promising this - with Hob's playlist. I'm definitely not gonna be as wordy this time, mostly because I am Tired™, but hopefully these songs and their lyrics speak for themselves better than I could anyway. I'd like to dedicate this beast to these particular wonderful humans; @wordsinhaled, @wizardofgoodfortune, ily'all 🥺 y'all keep me creative <3 and to @landwriter for the amazing title inspo and just being super dope and having excellent Hob Gadling character takes in general.
This playlist is a lil more structured than Dream's was, so I don't recommend listening on shuffle, at least for the first time through, lol. I also have marked in my notes which songs relate to which like. Span of years, but tbh that could be kinda flexible, so use your heart ig asjhfvafbab Without further ado, below the cut will be my lyric selections and small note thingies. If you've read even this far, I thank you *mwah* (yes there's 30 songs I'm SORRY I can't be stopped 😭)
1389 –
Avi Kaplan – I’m Only Getting Started
[Verse 1]
Eyes clouded, blood on my face
No mercy coming my way
Yeah, I'm only getting started
Cracked knuckles, fist shaking
These rivers run, but I'm staying
Yeah, I'm only getting started
OKAY... thought this was kind of a cool one to open up with, plus the interesting thing about making this playlist is that I feel like I have a very linear sort of character progression to work off of, which is fun.. so this song speaks to me of that rough and tumble merc/bandit Hob of 1389... been through some shit, lost family,
Alice In Chains – Rooster
[Verse 2]
Walkin' tall machine gun man
They spit on me in my homeland
Gloria sent me pictures of my boy, mm-mm
Got my pills 'gainst mosquito death
My buddy's breathin' his dyin' breath
Oh God, please, won't you help me make it through? Mm-mm
Here they come to snuff the Rooster, aw yeah
Yeah, here come the Rooster, yeah
You know he ain't gonna die
No, no, you know he ain't gonna die
this gives me very much merc or soldier Hob, kinda unhinged a lil bit cause he definitely should have died a few times there…but he didn’t.
The Mountain Goats – Up the Wolves
[Verse 1]
There's bound to be a ghost at the back of your closet
No matter where you live
There'll always be a few things, maybe several things
That you're going to find really difficult to forgive
There's gonna come a day when you feel better
You'll rise up free and easy on that day
And float from branch to branch
Lighter than the air
Just when that day is coming, who can say? Who can say?
makes me think about maybe after a long time at war or fighting as a merc or any plethora of things honestly, he’s like struggling with that.
Emigrate, Cardinal Copia – I’m Not Afraid
On the street that I remained
Some have made another hole
Could it be that I'm to blame?
When the ground has turned so cold
Can it be an audacing?
Can it be a guarded hole?
And what we say is just a game
The one we play 'til we get old
All, all the hands I have laid
All written along my face
I'm not afraid of anything
I just let it go
And now I take on everything
To get out from the hole
maybe avoiding thinking about things just so that he’s able to be the kind of man he wants to be rather than the kind the world is wanting to turn him into…but then he has to think abt them to come to terms with them (also no matter what I do,it will not recognize 'audacing' as a word but I googled it and everything so...lmao)
1489 -
Ryn Weaver – New Constellations
[Verse 2]
There's no walls and no ceilings as far as I know
Just the echoes of scars and the unbeaten road
Trip the gun on cautions that I've been sold
'Cause it's hard to believe that it's wrong to want more
Than the truest of blue and a love like a roar
I will run to wherever I want to go, oh
[Chorus 2]
Charting Neptune by the fire of the Sun
I'm looking for new constellations, new constellations
[Verse 3]
So keep callin' me crazy 'cause I never learned
You should stop loving fire because you got burned
Now it feels like I'm living some sick déjà vu
Like the answers were there when I stared into you
"What if there's more? What if there's more?" The more I look into this the more I want to cry about 1489 Hob and all the things he's seen.. I was on the Wiki page for ‘Spherical Earth’ and the years it was giving me... god he sure was just. there for that. the number of things we know to be just. absolute FACT, now that were kinda up in the air for the majority of his 600+ years??? are you kidding me? the maps the books the science the
Dawes – Living In The Future
[Verse 1]
I know all of my exits
I'm always planning my escape
It's the most aggressive symptom
Of this collective phantom pain
And the more that you ignore it
The more it makes you go insane
Just look around
We're living in the future, so shine a little light
It may not make it any better, I'm just hoping that it might
I'm not talking about forever, how about just getting through the night?
We're living in the future, so shine a little light
ANXIETY… doesn’t wanna be caught being immortal…but also amazed and trying to see the brighter side of things, wanting to learn
Good Tiger – Salt of the Earth (Acoustic)
I tightened my grip
Around my bow
I'll try to save you all
Knuckles turning white
Blood runs cold
There's a boy with no face
I don't feel there's much separation
I'm an animal
Hope leaves when the waves come crashing
I've never been a religious man
But I'm slipping under drowning
In your eyes
I've never been a religious man
But I'm slipping under drowning
In your
More themes of being animalistic.. kinda nightmare-ish huh … this makes me think of maybe him having nightmares trying to help him understand how he really felt about all the killing he’s had to do, while also hungering so so deeply for more. More life, more knowledge, more people, more experiences. An animal wanting ..
1589 –
Hozier – Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene
[Verse 2]
Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh, I
Lay my heart down with the rest at her feet
Fresh from the fields, all fetor and fertile
It's bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet
[Verse 3]
In leash-less confusion, I'll wander the concrete
Wonder if better now having survived
The jarring of judgement and reason's defeat the sweet
Heat of her breath in my mouth; I'm alive
I’m looking at this song as him falling in love with Eleanor, and I really like whenever they’re depicted as having this kind of.. definitely unconventional type of relationship for the time, and also maybe both being just a smidge unhinged, because Hob certainly is and I could absolutely see him being smitten with Eleanor because she’s maybe, kind of odd or something.. who’s to say..
Fair to Midland – A Seafarer’s Knot
[Verse 1]
Lucky are the leaves of the clover
She's digging for chemistry with the butcher's tools
Shifty are the eyes of the gambler
He's making his tricks his trade, and a job well done
Through the motions, waving wishes
To your confidence and eloquence
He's turning a-green from these envious glorious things
Applied ambitious faith that can keep us all safe
Invoking a blue that's meant for us too
What small amazing things we will turn to rain
Fair to Midland is one of my favorite bands of all time, so I was saving them for something special lol. A lot of the time Darrow’s lyrics don’t make.. a huuge amount of linear sense, but I feel like these are straightforward enough to take enough meaning. This, to me, feels like an examination of what Hob did to get to 1589, and perhaps some of the feelings behind that.
(bonus, made me think of the toast scene…ow)
Gather 'round, hold your glasses up high
Drink to love while we wait for high tide
Keep it short, keep it brief, you have my word
Gather 'round while we wait for high tide
Everything Everything – Blast Doors
Down in my beast heart, I build an empire
Whenever I'm blind, I open my wild eye
I hear the death rattle of a time wasted
Time wasted
You know that I believe in it
You know that I believe in it
But I'm wasted
Back again with ‘animal hunger’ Hob. With this one I was really thinking about how… he really wanted to impress his stranger… only to be barely spoken to and then walked away from with no explanation. Like yes that hurts initially, but I’m thinking about all of the things he had to do to get there, I’m sure he didn’t like a lot of it.. and then to find out he pretty much wasted a lot of his time for an idea that had turned out to be wrong? oof
Ray LaMontagne – Such a Simple Thing
[Verse 2]
Take it if you want it
I'm so tired I just don't care
Can't you see how much you hurt me?
It's like I wasn't there
Tell me what your heart wants
Such a simple thing
My heart is like paper
Yours is like a flame
I mean… -motions to lyrics- asfjvnfnb. Teehee abandonment issues lolololol
1689 –
40 Watt Sun – Stages
If I was only wise enough
To know everything sure and true about myself
You would not be here
What have I brought you to, my love, that you have followed me?
It is all my heart is worth
And more than I would ask of you
Y’all I’m so sorry that this is a 16 min song aldkfjgadj feel free to like, just look at the lyrics if you don’t have the brain space for the full thing, but I kind of forgot that it was so long until after I was so set on it 💀
Sleeping at Last – Jupiter
Wrote it down in the winter of 1610
Just a secret under lock and key until then
While collecting the stars, I connected the dots
I don't know who I am, but now I know who I'm not
This song always has and always will ruin me,, I just love the line “I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m not” honestly just everything about that song… make my messes matter, make this chaos count.. (also had to include because.. 1610 lol)
Gregory Alan Isakov – If I Go, I’m Goin
And I will go if you ask me to
I will stay if you dare
And if I go, I'm goin' shameless
Let my hunger take me there
This house, she's quite the talker
She creaks and moans, she keeps me up
And the photographs know I'm a liar
They just laugh as I burn her down
This song just has very Hob energy, like I feel like he would like it, as well, but also just OOOOOOFFFF this do be hurtin….
The Moody Blues – Melancholy Man
I'm a melancholy man, that's what I am
All the world surrounds me and my feet are on the ground
I'm a very lonely man, doing what I can
All the world astounds me and I think I understand
That we're going to keep growing, wait and see
Another case of -motions to lyrics- tbh
1789 –
Sleeping at Last – Pluto
Until one day I had enough
Of this exercise of trust
I leaned in and let it hurt
And let my body feel the dirt
When I break pattern, I break ground
I rebuild when I break down
I wake up more awake than I've ever been before
“I rebuild when I break down” this is put here specifically to signify his,, literal rebuilding of himself after the struggle of the previous century,..
The Deep Dark Woods – The Place I Left Behind
I'm a good ole ramblin' boy
Now that's just what I am
This fair land that you call yours
I do not give a damn
I've got the ramblin' fever down in my bones
And everywhere that I wanna go
The only place that I ever loved
Is a place I left behind
Discontent, I think, with where he’s at currently. Still missing and grieving his family, I imagine he probably spends these years pretty alone, and that could be why he seemingly turns his goddamn brain off -_-
Tunng – Fatally Human
Fatally human
We hover in the world
Fatal someone
We flounder in the dark
Take hold of another
Go mad in a moment
The soil and the wonder
Sway to the terror
There’s not really a lot I can say here, but. Yeah.
1889 –
The Oh Hellos – I Have Made Mistakes
I have made mistakes
I have made mistakes, I continue to make them
And the promises I've made
The promises I've made, I continue to break them
And all the doubts I've faced
All the doubts I've faced, I continue to face them
But nothing is a waste
Nothing is a waste, if you learn from it
This song sounds like how Hob looks when he makes that little jab at himself about making and learning from mistakes… couldn’t get that idea out of my head. Plus this song just really hits.
Greg Puciato – Through the Walls
Winter, I'm out of tune
Heating frozen stars
I'll keep spilling my guts out to you
Wherever you are
Dragging my anchor through you
I want you to know
Me before this night is through
Then you'll never go
Careful to not disappear
Offering dreams to the dawn
Nothing's impossible here
Still we can't go on
I didn’t want to make anything TOO outwardly Dreamling, but like… this song, omg…
Tubeway Army – Are ‘Friends’ Electric?
[Chorus 1]
So now I'm alone
Now I can think for myself
About little deals and S.U's
And things that I just don't understand
Like a white lie at night
Or a sly touch at times
I don't think it meant anything to you
[Verse 3]
So I open the door
It's the 'friend' that I'd left in the hallway
"Please sit down."
A candlelit shadow on a wall near the bed
Made that last comment and then there’s this song WHOOPS sdkfgadfbaasfjghfb
1989 –
Marina – To Be Human
All the people living in, living in the world today
We're united by our love, we're united by our pain (Ooh)
All the things that I've done and I've seen
Still, I don't know, don't know what it means
All of the little name drops and the meanings and.. it just gave me very much the century flying by so violently but also colorfully and SO much happening..
Orville Peck – Dead of Night
[Verse 3]
Six summers down, another dreamless night
You're not by my side
Scratch on the moon like a familiar smile
Stained on my mind
Some other town, someone else's life
Dead in the night
In the night
Ofc I had to add Orville… this song and it’s placement… I wanted it to feel purposeful, and I hope it does. Character and theme-wise, and also like irl things happening in those decades..
Danny Schmidt – This Too Shall Pass
[Verse 3]
We think too big, we think our self is one whole thing
And we claim that this collection has a name and is a being
But deep inside when every cell divides
Well, it sets upon the rule that states self-interest is divine
[Verse 4]
And cancer too lives by this golden rule:
That you must do unto the others as the others unto you
All for the best, because it's all that life accepts
And so we kill it like a buffalo: with awe and with respect
This song also gives me overall Hob vibes, musically and lyrically, but.. I just think about the kind of friends he made and the things he tried to do in this century. Helping the people he could and loving those he couldn’t help. The knowledge that yes, this too shall pass…
1990’s-ish – Went on a lil’bit of a bender
Alice in Chains – Would?
[Verse 2]
Drifting body, its sole desertion
Flying, not yet quite the notion
Into the flood again
Same old trip it was back then
So I made a big mistake
Try to see it once my way
I feel like after 1989.. and the overwhelming barrage of a century that was, I feel like he has some, emotions to sort through. N and I talked a lot about grunge phase 90’s Hob and like yes very much influential here, but I think I’d associate him with Alice in Chains, regardless. Stone Temple Pilots too, I think.. there’s more lmao
Def Leppard – Animal
[Verse 1]
A wild ride, over stony ground
Such a lust for life, the circus comes to town
We are the hungry ones, on a lightning raid
Just like a river runs, like a fire needs flame
Oh, I burn for you
I got to feel it in my blood, whoa, oh
I need your touch don't need your love, whoa, oh
And I want, and I need, and I lust, animal
And I want, and I need, and I lust, animal
This man fucks. Obvi
2022 –
The National – I Am Easy To Find
[Verse 1]
How long have we been here?
Am I ever coming down?
I need to find some lower thinking, if I'm going to stick around
I'm not going anywhere
Who do I think I'm kidding?
I'm still standing in the same place where you left me standing
I am easy to find
The National will always be my favorite sad Dad band, I cherish them. I feel like Hob would also like them, but this song of course had to be added because. “I am easy to find.” …. ach
The Narcissist Cookbook – Joy! Joy! JoooOOY!
[Verse 2]
Tonight let's turn the shower on
Full blast and hot
Lie down in the bath like it's a casket or a cot
We'll try to sleep
But we won't sleep
I thought writing it down might make me wanna stop
But I want more and more
And more of this
Til there's no room in me
There’s not a lot I can say about this one either, just.
Broken Bells – Perfect World
[Verse 1]
Oh, London moon, help me stumble home
Let me lose myself along the way
I've got nothing left, it's kind of wonderful
'Cause there's nothing they can take away... away
But it's another way to win a useless fight
You've been lying so long don't know when you're faking
See the water on the rise
Just another day into a useless night
I've been pushing so hard now my hands are shaking
See the water on the rise
This song is beautiful. I think I had a religious experience when I heard it for the first time a few years ago,,, it’s also just very much a Hob song to me. Not overly optimistic, but still down for life.. the struggles…
Avi Kaplan – Song For The Thankful
[Verse 3]
Goodbye evening, hello to the night
I'm not seein' the wrong from the right
Walkin' blindly on a path without an end
Then the morning comes and leads me out again
I thought this would be the perfect song to end on.. I hope I’m right.
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barrythequokka · 1 year
Awkward kindred spirits. One or the other has mentioned caves an hour ago and they're STILL going. Everyone else is wishing they'd stop, or at least switch topics to anything other than caves. 😂
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strandnreyes · 7 months
jen, so sorry to tell you but a witch has cursed mythical thing into a monstrous creature. Please describe its new plot
everything is the same except small mammals are endangered in this version of Maine so TK is constantly having to steal or drink human blood except when they go camping, TK forgets to pack blood because he's distracted by Carlos' devilishly good looks and he thinks he can just get a little snacky snack from Carlos while he sleeps, but he didn't know that Carlos had garlic knots for lunch from the diner earlier that day!!! and thus, TK is poisoned when he drinks the blood and then loses his ability to stop before he drinks too much from Carlos :(
this is so cursed asdfadsf
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lurkingteapot · 10 months
Last Twilight ภาพนายไม่เคยลืม Ep 2
I apologise in advance for inconsistent name romanisations, I TRY to remember what the official ones are for names I've seen but I also watched this without subs so all new names are a guessing game, and the EXISTING ones aren't consistent within the show, so. idk. I had a point. Reaction log!
is that his technical college/vocational school shirt?
"hunger is the best spice!" can I say Y I K E S
oh, she's a chef?
ooof the music when he asked about the dad
that's like. almost twice a foreign high-school teacher's salary.
asdfasdf Night
oh so Night is using Day's caretaker as his personal … idk, help? too? that'll be the source of zero conflict, I'm sure :grimacing:
(I'm going to have to comment of how much I love seeing Mark as a member of the main, not just recurring, cast for at least another two episodes. He'll get a lead role eventually.)
oh that looks like he's likely to run into it and make it spill though
>_> awww little prince + badminton? wonder who made that painting
I'd say don't stick your hand in there but that water looks like it BADLY needs changing/cleaning anyway
oof impressive
kinda weird to wander around the room while Day's asleep, think, but -- asdfadsfasd the PLANT
I really love how we get to see Jimmy just act here. NO speaking, we just get to see Mawk Mhok move in space. I love that
ow Mhok you don't just move people's stuff around without their consent
I love Phawjai (also fuck this she's Phawjai and he's Mawk, or she's Porjai and he's Mork, it's the same fucking vowel what in the romanisation hell)
asdfasdf he's such a LOSER I love him
omg Jimmy's skin ACTUALLY looking like a real person's right now? whoa
hey maybe you could ask Day to open the door for you
Onn … heh
adsfasdfasd they're so silly I love it
I like what they're doing with the eyework in the scenes with Onn and Day
YAY assistive technology
I love that that doesn't even seem to have occurred to Mhok here
and I think Mhok is just getting that Omm is not judging him on his looks
yep here we are
adsfasdf I love that Onn told Mhok
I'd just go, honestly, but I love that Mhok seems to think it's a challenge
oh, that's the little prince audiobook?
the music now that he's dropped the eye drops (hah) is like something out of a horror movie
he's gonna have to call for help
asdfasdfadsf oh Mhok that's gonna come to bite you in the ass, it's not your SHIRT that smells
dfasdfsdfsdfadsf oh dear
Mhok you can't just do that just 'cause he can't see
asdfadsf he Khun Nuu'd him
I TOLD YOU THAT TANK NEEDED CLEANING and also all that knocking must've been stressful af for the fish, just saying
oh that looks good
asdfdsfd the comic timing on "what are you afraid of" here was GOLDEN
horror movies, oh no
well shit
are you telling me they didn't even tell anyone he was in Thailand? what the actual fuck, Day's family
harsh, Day
look this kind of sitch is probably sorta not cool for Mhok
oh fuck poor Phawjai (also: called it)
oop this is gonna backfire so hard
oh shit there it is
oh, there's a part 5 for those horror movies?
BUT Day's down in the living room again, I notice
Phawjai, you absolute star
oh you'll leave the house with HER
Mhok trying to put himself in Day's shoes, huh. not sure if smart or offensive, but at least he's trying, I guess, which is more than we can say for most folks we've seen around Day so far?
Mhok's "fart proudly - stand behind me" shirt is taking me OUT
yeah, that makes sense
Day, wtf, that's so dangerous, I'm sure you've been on a scooter in Bangkok traffic when you could still see! you must know you can't tell for sure there'll be room for you to do that left and right of you!
a friend for the fish, huh, let's hope they don't kill each other
I hate to be this person but how often, exactly, are you supposed to use these eye drops, Day? I mean I guess his eyesight is going anyway, but …
I'm really enjoying the show so far. Solid. P'Aof material is being P'Aof material and I'm really enjoying that.
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depoteka · 2 years
my ranking and review of all eurovision 2023 songs
(don't expect any intellectual deep dives, i just tried articulating my feelings the best i could but it was hard bc i'm so lukewarm on so many songs. if the reviews don't make sense it's because i wrote them before i used the esc gerbear to sort the places hhh)
37. iceland: diljá - power
it definitely is a song that is competing in eurovision this year and i've listened to it. it doesn't make me feel anything so i don't know what to say. it's a fast pop song but i'm not even vibing to it :( i just don't like it
36. switzerland: remo forrer - watergun
oh switzerland, just because sad boy gjon worked in 2021 doesn't mean you need to keep sending sad boys now... a really boring attempt at an anti-war song
35. cyprus: andrew lambrou - break a broken heart
i don't think i'm really into men singing some heartbreak songs tbh i don't like those howls in the song and the rest sorta sounds imagine dragons-ish to me, the verses at least
34. greece: victor vernicos - what they say
it's cool that he's playing bass in the music video but the song isn't making me feel much. ain't gonna really talk shit about it bc the dude's just 16, i hope he has fun at eurovision
33. italy: marco mengoni - due vite
i like to think italy is my fave eurovision country and then they send a ballad….. i actually watched sanremo (tho i haven't seen any of the nights till the end bc i'm not that strong Yet) and marco wasn't my favourite at all, i was actually surprised how crazy the audience kept going whenever he was performing. of course i can see it getting some good result because it's a classic italian ballad. just not for me
32. ireland: wild youth - we are one
we've got u2 at home/the u2 at home:…. this song has the most generic love love peace peace lyrics ever and whatever unity they are singing about i don't want to be a part of it
31. poland: jann - gladiator blanka - solo
baybeh….it's kinda crazeh… allegedly it was a big radio hit before "winning" the preselections but imma be real with you, i'd never heard it before. it's a harmless pop song without any substance and if it was selected internally i'd be like meh but all the bullshit that went down at our national final makes me mad. i hope we flop hard
30. portugal: mimicat - ai coração
something about it to me feels like early 00s eurovision and i must admit, i don't really like it. though the performance in liverpool might be quite fun
29. romania: theodor andrei - d.g.t. (off and on)
the national final performance of this song is a state of mind. to be frank i feel like the esc fandom is overhating this song, it's not That bad. am i a fan of this song? no. would i like it to see it in the final with the same staging just for laughs? yes
28. israel: noa kirel - unicorn
israel i'm so sorry 0 points……. this song is a disjointed mess to my ears, i think it would've been better if they stuck to just one of the styles they used in this song. all the mentions of unicorns in this song make me cringe. not to mention the "you wanna see me dance?" bit which um, also makes me cringe. no problem with a dance break but why did she have to announce it like that out of nowhere. my favourite part of the song is probably the "u-ni-corn" chant at the very end but other than that eh. this song was written to make the staging crazy and exciting but as a song it doesn't work for me
27. azerbaijan: turalturanx - tell me more
brave of azerbaijan to send two dudes with their song that sound like it teleported itself from an early 00s shitty british movie. that rap part sounds like it's from a corporate song targeted at a young audience to idk make them stop smoking asdfadsf there's something endearing about this song tho
26. uk: mae muller - i wrote a song
i recognize that it's a step in the right direction for the uk and it's a rather fun song but tbh i just don't connect with it. i really liked sam last year and sadly in comparison mae's song seems quite weak to me. though i hope that the (de facto) host country curse doesn't work on the uk this year tho and they don't end up on the very end of the board
25. the netherlands: mia nicolai & dion cooper - burning daylight
ngl i forgot about this song after the first listen. i don't even know what to say about it really, it's just really underwhelming to me. i think i don't actively hate it but i also don't really like it
24. georgia: iru - echo
english grammar rules have left the chat. i'm baffled by the lyrics. but the song overall (along with the video) feels like something from outer space or the future. not in a crazy way tho. i think it has some potential
23. denmark: reiley - breaking my heart
bts are on hiatus so it's his time to shine. no but seriously, there's something so kpopy about this song? i defo like it more than the other "breaking heart" song this year but still. the dude gives me some uncanny valley feeling, especially considering he allegedly pretends to be 5 years younger than he actually is? i love eurovision drama
22. estonia: alika - bridges
we have very few true ballads this year but i think this one's ok!! not a ballad girl myself but i don't mind this one, i like her voice. gives me adele bond theme vibes. i've seen people say alika isn't really selling this song but i saw her national final performance and it seemed fine to me? not much you can really do when you're singing a ballad tbh
21. armenia: brunette - future lover
imma be real with you, i laughed out loud when i first listened to this song because of the lyrics. but i think the song is kinda nice anyway? not a fave but it's nice enough
20. malta: the busker - dance (our own party)
they got sax and in theory i should like it. but i'm not a fan. the whole "ooh i wanna stay at home in my sweater" shtick doesn't work for me. i can see why some people are vibing to this song but it's not doing it for me
19. sweden: loreen - tattoo
i'm a noted hater of sweden at eurovision so don't expect me to say anything nice hhhh the song is rather fine and loreen is fantastic but at the same time i feel like the entire song is just one idea repeated over and over without any sort of variation. her staging at melfest seems quite interesting but overall i don't think this has a potential to win? especially if the people watching in may remember euphoria. tattoo pales in comparison
18. san marino: piqued jacks - like an animal
hear me out………i don't hate this song. yes maybe it's cringe but somehow it keeps getting stuck in my head because it's catchy asdfasdfadsf i'm waiting for the studio version bc it's hard to properly judge it based on the shit sound mix at san marino nf
17. ukraine: tvorchi - heart of steel
was kinda surprised watching vidbir when this won! but then again ukraine keeps giving us different things constantly. i quite like this song but it's also too lowkey for me, nothing to go crazy about. still, it's a vibe
16. norway: alessandra - queen of the kings
ngl when i first heard the song i couldn't understand why people like it so much. now i enjoy it more but i wouldn't say it's a fave of mine? i can see it getting a good result though, there's something very eurovision about it
15. serbia: luke black - samo mi se spava
i feel like technically i should like this song but i….don't. i think the music itself is quite fun but…..the performance makes it seem like it was written for the netflix eurovision movie. something about this guy's voice bothers me. the nail to the coffin for me is the fact that the title of this song sounds close to "samo mi się spawa" in polish which means "it welds on its own for me" instead of "i just wanna sleep" which is what the title actually means 💀 i can't shake this association off and it doesn't help me like this song more
14. slovenia: joker out - carpe diem
at first i wasn't impressed but overall i think it's quite a fun indie/pop rock song!! and it's always nice to hear a native language instead of english
13. lithuania: monika lynkytė - stay
it's a pleasant song and the lithuanian bit is my fave part of the song. overall i don't mind it, but also i'm not crazy about it. sort of disappointed because i really loved sentimentai last year :(
12. belgium: gustaph - because of you
i haven't watched the belgian nf so i don't know what the other options were (that people are so mad about not winning) but i quite like this one!!! it's a bop, makes me wanna dance. i hope gustaph brings some voguing to liverpool
11. moldova: pasha parfeni - soarele şi luna
the only true folk influenced song we have this year, i like it!! it's a banger, it has some sort of flute going on, from what i've seen the lyrics refer to a folk legend? we love it
10. australia: voyager - promise
banger!! pleasantly surprised because i don't think i've ever really really liked any of australia's entries in the past. thought the random high note in the second verse is quite funny to me tbh asdasdfds
9. croatia: let 3 - mama ŠČ!
i think it's more of a whole package where the song doesn't really make full sense without the performance but in some strange way i enjoy the song anyway. the lyrics also are quite understandable in polish which probably also makes it easier for me (and i imagine other slavic people as well) to understand the message without feeling confused about what's going on
8. albania: albina & familja kelmendi - duje
the drama?? i love it. i saw somebody say it feels like a turkish telenovela and they've got a point. it makes me feel something (unlike some other entries) and i appreciate it. plus the instrumental absolutely fucks
7. spain: blanca paloma - eaea
when i first heard the song i didn't understand it at all. i feel like i still don't fully Get it but there's something so fascinating about it to me that i can't stop thinking about it. i'm so confused? but i think it means i enjoy it. definitely something i like more than slomo last year
6. germany: lord of the lost - blood & glitter
yell heah!! germany finally sending something worthwhile. i keep listening to this song on loop, i wanna twerk to it. love the combo of metal AND glitter <3
5. france: la zarra - évidemment
i already liked it at first listen and it keeps growing on me! not a big fan of chanson type of songs but this one is a banger + her look in the music video is gorgeous, i hope she keeps it for liverpool
4. czechia: vesna - my sister's crown
liked it before it was chosen at czechia's national final and was happy when they won but i kinda got bored of it after a month or so? i still think it's a good song (even tho i know people have some issues with it) and i love the mix of three different slavic languages. i think with the right staging they can win me back
3. latvia: sudden lights - aijā
OK OK… when i first heard it i was like ok. but then one evening i randomly found myself watching the moldovan nf and they were guests there and when they played their song in this shitty studio i was like omg it's actually really good?? obsessed with the lullaby bit at the end. i hope to god they qualify, they need to bring justice to latvia after citi zeni's nq last year
2. austria: teya & salena - who the hell is edgar?
what a surprise?? adored it at first listen. it both manages to be a bop while also trying to say something. i loved in corpore sano last year, i love who the hell is edgar this year
1. finland: käärijä - cha cha cha
what can i say......i usually don't really listen to any of the national final songs and just wait for the winner of each one but the thumbnail for cha cha cha music video on yt intrigued me so i watched it. and immediately i wanted käärijä to win eurovision weeks before he even won the finnish nf. the song is sooo addictive and his entire look/performance is hypnotizing. i know he's a favourite to win rn but if he somehow flops in may i'm gonna be really really sad. come on, it's crazy it's party. i think this finnish win would be a really fitting addition to lordi's win in 2006
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Ezran Appreciation Week: Silver
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inklessletter · 1 year
8 and 12 for the ask game!
adsfadsf that was fast!
8. Favorite Steddie Headcanon you've read or written?
Honestly? This one. I find it so goddam funny. Like, I was cackling while writing it and thinking "holy crap, they're going to kick me out of this fandom". But no, no. You didn't (thank you).
12. What is your headcanon of their sexuality? (Gay? Bi? Pan? Etc)
Hm, I think both like everything. I see Steve identifying as bi, but Eddie, I don't know. Pan, maybe? idk, he's got a thing for jocks asdfadsf
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
hey, i made you/a sim inspired by you!
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everydaywear, wanted something sunflower-y but still like, night-themed
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formalwear, this dress just fit so well
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athleticwear, same vibes as the first
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sleepwear, this gorgeous nightgown, very fem
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kept the purple theme with partywear
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swimwear is a combo of fem and butch
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hot weather is very butch
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and i just thought this for cold weather was cute
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look it’s you!
[Image ID: A string of 9 images. They are all screenshots with a blue/green gradient-style background. The first 8 show the same sim character, a white girl with short red/ginger hair, in different outfits.
In the first image, the sim is wearing a long golden skirt with a spaghetti-strap cropped tank top.
In the second image, the sim is wearing a long, short-sleeved black button-up dress with red fern leaves and red flowers on it.
In the third image, the sim is wearing a cropped, quarter-length sleeved, black drawstring shirt and yellow jogger pants.
In the fourth image, the sim is wearing a long, deep magenta robe tied with a waistband.
In the fifth image, the sim is wearing a long black skirt with a sleeveless purple blouse and a black bow around the collar.
In the sixth image, the sim is wearing a spaghetti-strap black swimsuit top with variously-colored, bright shapes, and a pair of black swim trunks with a white stripe on the outside.
In the seventh image, the sim is wearing black shorts and a short-sleeved, blue and red plaid unbottoned button-up casual shirt over a simple white undershirt.
In the eighth image, the sim is wearing a one-piece snowsuit with blue, purple, pink, and white abstract triangular designs, over black undergarments and snow boots.
The final image is just the blue background with a white banner at the top that has blue text which reads "REIGN SUNFLOWERS (SHE/HER)".
End ID.]
some details about the sim, she has nail polish in the lesbian colors and sunflower earrings
this is literally so fucking cool!!!!!!!! and you got my look down pretty well wow!!!!!!!! thank you so much for this, it's so cool that you made smth inspired by me ahhhhhhhh :333333
i've always tried to get into sims actually asdfadsf, it confuses me so much but i remember in my freshman orchestra class, some students were playing the sims life simulator game thingey in class and live-reporting on the wacky shit going on in the game and it was HILARIOUS, i'll have to look into it again sometime lol!
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jurisffiction · 1 year
lkdafjaklsdfjaisodfljaslkdf aSDFADSF???
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duckachu · 2 years
asdfadsf its insane how ominous they try to make mephisto at the start when they do the (explicit) reveal that he’s a demon king when all he actually wants to do is just chill and do his lil plots
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gluttonygirls · 8 months
I follow you cause I like interacting with you and your girls and you're just really good in general-
thank you so much it all goes right back to you what you do is so fantastic
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